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Kimura Foundry America Expands Capacity with fourth 3D Sand Printer

TF (toggle-free) range of high-pressure die-casting machines offer a smaller machine footprint, greater rigidity and fewer wear parts for improved reliability and performance. A combination which suits Jiangzhong’s needs perfectly and also delivers machines with lower environmental impacts in their production cycle (compared to toggle technology hpdc).

Mr Xu Yinglong, Chairman of Jiangzhong, commented: “We’ve been working with ItalPresseGauss for over 15 years now. Their HPDC machines have always delivered consistent performance and the high output levels so vital to our productivity. "These lean and highly efficient TF machines don’t simply deliver extra working capacity. They give us flexibility. With larger cast parts becoming an increasing focus of production, the two new machines - plus the TF5700 - mean we have an incredibly adaptable casting facility equipped with the range of clamping forces necessary to accommodate the needs of an evolving marketplace." Mr Xu Yinglong, Chairman of Jiangzhong Service support key to increased capacity


Taking the total number of die casting machines in operation at the Jiangsu facility to ten, Jiangzhong anticipates being able to cast approximately 1.2million sets of elevator parts per year. The increased capacity will also help Jianzhong further expand its research and development activity, and the production of super large parts for automotive. The new machines will be installed and serviced by ItalPresseGauss’ support team based in Changzhou China.

Mr Xu Yinglong, Chairman of Jiangzhong, added: “When selecting which equipment manufacturers to work with, we don’t just look at the technology. We look at the level and quality of service support at our disposal. With ItalPresseGauss, we know from experience that the right expert is always ready to help – for a business like ours looking to boost capacity and satisfy a rapidly growing order book, this is vital.”t. ■

更强的刚性和更少的易损件,以提高可靠性和性能。这一组 合完美地满足了江中的需求,同时在生产中对环境更为友好 (与传统带曲拐技术相比)。 如江中光电董事长许应龙先生所讲:“我们与意特佩 雷斯高斯的合作已经超过15年。意特的高压压铸设备始终 保持在非常高的水平上,提供一致的稳定性和先进性,这对 我们的生产至关重要。” 江中董事长许应龙先生表示:“精益和高效的TF系列 体现出了超强的生产能力。随着大型铸件成为压铸市场的焦 点,两台新的TF2800和TF5700组成了一个范围较广的 生产范围,满足了适应不断变化的市场对压铸机的锁模力要 求”


将南通的工厂运行压铸机总数增加到十台,江中光电 预计能够将年产能提升至120万级套梯级产品,在此基础 上进一步扩大超大型及大型汽车零部件的研发和生产。新 的两台TF高压压铸机将由意特佩雷斯高斯中国常州的生 产基地制造,同时也由国内团队提供技术支持与售后维护。 江中董事长许应龙先生特别谈到:“在选择与设备制 造商合作时,我们关注的不仅仅是技术,更重要的是我们 所能获得的技术支持及售后服务的水平和质量。通过与意 特佩雷斯高斯多年的合作,我们非常信任他们可以达到我 们的预期——对于我们这样希望在提高产能满足订单增长 任务的同时又能保证生产稳定性的企业来说,这是至关重 要的。”■

Kimura Foundry America Expands Capacity with fourth 3D Sand Printer 木村铸造(美国)公司安装第四台3D砂型打印设备

AFS Corporate Member Kimura Foundry America, Inc. (Shelbyville, Indiana) will install a new ExOne S-Max 3D sand printer to increase capacity and meet diverse market demands for high quality castings with quick turnaround times. It becomes the fourth sand mold and core printer for the foundry’s U.S. location; the company also operates six at its headquarters in Japan.

Locally, Kimura Foundry operates two ExOne S-Max printers and one S-Print for sand mold and core production.

美国铸造协会会员企业木村铸造(美国)公司(印 第安纳州Shelbyville)将安装一台新的ExOne S-Max 3D砂型打印设备,此举将有助于公司提高产能,满足 高质量铸件的市场需求,同时缩短生产周期。这是木村 铸造公司在美国公司安装的第四台砂型和芯子的打印设 备,此外,木村铸造公司还在其日本总部安装有6台 3D砂型打印设备。

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