matika sarrbs;elaknaykRbtibtþi .................................................... Message from the Executive Director sarrbs;RbFanEpñkBinitüepÞógpÞat; ........................................ Message from the Editor esovePAfµI ........................................................................... New Books cMNgeCIgepSgeTotkñúgqñaM2008 .............................................
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Messages from the Reader
19 21
Message from the Executive Director elak sÞIvvin evesþeRkn Stephen Westergren kal“Bukx∆¨MenACayuvCn Kat'mannimit†cg'eF√I
bnÊab'BITTYlVnkalviPaKsikßa enAviT¥al&y Edlsalat®mËv[Kat'sikßaEp~keragBumı
EmneragCageQI. “Bukx∆¨MKat'VnB¥ayam ®Kb' meF¥aVyedIm∫Ib†ËrkalviPaKf~ak'eron
ectnaeron[F¬ak'enA qmasTI1. b"uEn†CItax∆Me¨ COfa kargarenAeragBumı
Ga®s&yehtuenH CItax∆¨Mk*Vnse®mccit†naM“Buk rbs'x∆¨M
eragBumvı j i ehIy®tËv®bwgE®bgtsUeronsU®t[ Cab'enA qmasTI2.
Cag60q~aeM ®kaymk x∆d M¨ c U CaGs'seM NIcbn†ic
enH|. PaBq¬at´vrbs'Ct I ax∆M¨ Kat'VnnaM“Bukx∆¨M[ dak'cit†dak'kay k~¨gkargard*lMVkEdlmanenA
k~¨g´d. xN:enaH kareVHBumk ı a¬ yCa\GayuCvI t i | rbs'“Bukx∆. M¨ Kat'VnTTYlk´®mBIkargareVHBumı enH
edIm∫I”btƒmk ∏ areronsU®tenAsklviT¥al&y
tamry:eF√IkarenAeragBumımYy. “Bukx∆¨MVnCMruj [mankareVHBum®ı BHKmırI CaPasaExµrdMbg U kMLg ¨ eBlKat'enACanisißtsala®BHKmıIr.
cMNayeBl esÊIrEtTaMgGs'´ntYnaTICaebsk Cnk~¨gkargareVHBumı nig pßB√pßayenAkmıC ¨ a nig hugkug.
Tsvtße®kay@mkeTot karTaMgenHVneF√I[
x∆d M¨ g w c∫as'fa x∆®M¨ tËvykKMrt U am“Bukx∆. M¨ e®kaymk x∆¨MVnmkbe®mIkarenA®sukExµr
´n ®KwHsƒanplitesovePA ®bPB®VC∆a.
As a teenager, my father dreamed of working with wood. However, when he received his high school class schedule, my father was bitterly disappointed to discover he had been placed in the printing shop…not the wood shop. He tried every way possible to have his class schedule changed, even deliberately failing the class during the first semester. But my grandfather…his father…believed there was wisdom in accepting the challenge of the print shop, so he sent his son back to work harder during the second semester Over 60 years later, I can chuckle at my father’s lack of wisdom at the time, and his own father’s mature wisdom as he guided his son to put his heart into the difficult task at hand. In time, printing became my father’s “life”. He earned his way through university by working in a print shop. He accepted the challenge to assist printing the first Cambodian language Bible while he was still a Bible School student. And he spent most of his missionary career in printing and publishing ministries in Cambodia and Hong Kong. And so, here I find myself, decades later, following in my father’s footsteps, serving as Director of Fount of Wisdom Publishing House in Cambodia. 1
ehtuG√ImaneQµaHfa \®bPB®VC∆a|? es†c saLËm"UnmanbnÊËlfa
dUec~HcUrxM[Vn®VC∆acuH eGI kMBugEdlxM[Vn rbs'epßg@ enaHcUrxM[Vneyabl'pg| (suPa sit 4:7). etIG~kNaCa®bPB´n ®VC∆aTaMgGs'? KW®BHCamças'enaH‰g. buKlik
®VC∆aTaMgGs' mannimit†naMyk≤TÏiBlCaviCÇman dl'sgmCatiExµr tamry:GtƒbTsresrk~¨gkar elIkkMBs'CvI t i GaBah_BB i ah_ [Vn®besIreLIg erobcMdwknaM®KÁsar[VnlÌ
karrIkce®mInEp~kcMeNHviCÇa nig karecHdwg ehIy nwgCYyyuvCn narI [Es√grk®BHhÚT&y®BHkan' Etc∫as'eLIg nig CYyBYkG~kdwknaM[dwknaM®bkb edayCMnajc∫as'las'. Bak¥eBcn_Edlniyay CaerOy@EtgEteP¬ceTAenAeBld*x¬I
eBcn_EdlVnkt'Tuk®twm®tËvenaH GacTukenAbn† eTAkUnecACMnan'e®kayrab'rynak'eTot eTaHCamin mancMnYnG~kGanrab'Ban'nak'k*eday. TaMgGs'enH
Why the name “Fount of Wisdom”? King Solomon said, “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7) And who is the source of all wisdom? God Himself. We, at Fount of Wisdom Publishing House, have the vision to positively impact Cambodian society through the written page. Marriages can be strengthened, families can be well directed, churches can grow in knowledge and understanding, youth can pursue the matters closest to God’s heart, and leaders can lead with skillfulness, by learning from the written page. A word simply spoken, is often times quickly forgotten. But a word recorded well,
impacting hundreds, if not thousands, of readers. And
´n®KwHsƒan®bPB®VC∆a beg˚ÈteLIgenAq~aM2004.
ministry of Fount of Wisdom Publishing
House was started in 2004. Today, six
full-time Cambodian employees are
plitsm∏ar:GkßrsaÂs†Exµr [manKuNPaBxıs'
busy producing high quality, relevant,
mankarTak'TgnwgsgmExµr CUndl'®kumCMnuM nig
and affordable literature for both the
Cambodian Church and the greater
®sYlGan …kUnesovePATak'TgnwgyuvCnExµr … ”bkrN_pßaydMNwglÌ
T®mg'esovePAkMsan†eBjniymk*eday k*®bPB ®VC∆a enAEtx~HEx~gykcit†Tukdak'CYy®bCaraÂs† Exµr \[TTYlVn®VC∆a| e®BaH \®VC∆asMxan' Nas'|≥ 2
Cambodian society. Whether through easy-to-use bible commentaries, or topical booklets for Cambodian youth, or evangelistic tools written in popular comic book form, Fount of Wisdom is eager to help Cambodians “get wisdom,” for “wisdom is supreme”.
sarrbs;RbFanEpñkBinitüepÞógpÞat; Message from the Editor
viFIsaRsþEdlKYr[cab;GarmµN_! Editing Matters!
enA´f©Edlx∆¨MecHGanesovePACaelIkdMbUg x∆¨M
When I first began reading books I
minEdlKitG√eI Tot e®kABIkarsresIrdl'Gk ~ niBnÏ
didn’t think any further than to simply
EdlmanGMeNayTany"agviessenaHeT EtenA
praise the author for his or her gift of
writing. After becoming an avid reader,
I learned all books are not equal. Some
esovePAnImy Y @mindUcK~aeT x¬HKYr[cg'Gan man
were enjoyable to read, and easy to un-
Gkßrc∫as'®sYlGan Etx¬HmanGkßrCab'K~ardwk
derstand. But others were not carefully
eTaHebIdUcenHk*eday k*xƬMmin
printed, so it was a chore to read them. Yet
EdldwgBIehtuy"agNaenaHeT e®BaHx∆¨MKitsµan
I didn’t understand the problem. I thought
fa karTaMgenaHsuTEÏ tmkBIGk ~ niBnÏTaMgGs' b"Eu n†
it was the author’s fault! It is more than
just the author’s words that make a book
®besIrmYyeTot EdlCYy bEnƒm[sMeNrrbs'
enjoyable to read. Well-edited books make
G~kniBnÏkan'EtmanPaBCk'cit† minmanGarmµN_
reading enjoyable and desirable. And of
rMxanNamYyekIteLIg enAeBlEP~kTak'nwgBak¥
course the opposite is true as well.
EdlxusGk≈raviruTÏ nig eF√I[sMeNrenaHk¬ayeTA CaesovePAmYy®ss'sÌat
At Fount of Wisdom Publishing House
ehIycg'Gan viFIsaÂs†EbbenaHeKehAfa \kar
we ensure that every book we publish for
pastors, leaders, local churches and indi-
vidual believers is easy to read, attractive,
®Kb'esovePA EdlecjBI ®KwHsƒanplitesovePA
and easy to understand. Our staff is com-
®bPB®VC∆a suTÏEtVnTTYlkarKaM®TBIsMNak'
mitted to this high standard of carefully
elak®KËKg√al G~kdwknaMBYkCMnuM nig ®biymit†G~k
editing all of our books!
GanTaMgGs'fa sÌatKYr[cab'GarmµN_
Gan nig gayyl'˘˘˘ TaMgGs'enHekIteLIgeday
We invite you to join with us at Fount
sarEtmankarTTYlxus®tËvxıs' enAk~g ¨ karBint i ¥
of Wisdom Publishing House so we can help
epÊøgpÊat'! sUmGeBaÇIjmkTak'Tg nig shkarCa
you excel in your ministry of literature!
´dKUeF√k I arCamYyK~a
edIm∫I[B&nk Ï c i rç bs'Gk ~ xag
esovePAfµI@˘˘˘ / New books
GñkNaCamitþ´? G~kniBnΩExµr KWkBaÔa yWn-can’nI nig
G~kKUrrUbExµrKWelak pag-xan’eFOm Vn rYmK~a mYy
xage®kArbs’st√KIgk’ EdlminTak’cit∂.
b"uEn†enATIbMput kUnk©an kN†Ëb nig Cen¬n VneXIjBITwkcit†xagk~¨g rbs’st√KIgk’ Edlman®beyaCn_bMput CagG√IEdlBYkeK GaceXIjedayEP~k.
VnsresrCaBIrPasaKWGg’eK¬s nig Exµr
EdlnwgCYynaMeyIgTSgGs’K~a [dwgfa mit†Bit®Vkd manGtƒn&yy"agdUcem∂c. - TMhM 18 x 25 sg'TIEm"®t (18 x 25 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 20 TMB&r (20 pages)
Who is My Friend?
- t´m¬esovePA 6200› (USD 1.50)
Cambodian author Yoeun Channy and Cambodian illustrator Pang Kanthoeum join hands to tell the story of an ugly frog and his desire to make friends with the other animals. At first the others can only see the unattractive outside of Frog. But eventually Gosling, Grasshopper, and Worm discover the heart within Frog is far more important than what they can see with their eyes. Written in both English and Khmer, this children’s book teaches all of us what it means to be a true friend. 4
dkRsg;ecjBIesovePAEdll/I ehIylk;dac;CageKbMputenAelIelak... CaerOgGs©arübMput EdleKEtgniTan... GMBIbursmak;EdlmanerOgcMrUgcMrasbMput ehIyKat;enArs;enAeLIy... KMnUrEdleKKUr CaKMnUrEdlmanRbCaRbiybMputelIelak
maMugháa EmsÍ etIkUnmnusßenH ehtuG√IGsçar¥em¬"H? etI GMNac®Tg'
Ca mnusßs¬ab'[rs'eLIgvij
x¥l'Qb' e®Vsmnusßx√ak'[P¬W mkBINa?˘˘˘
l∫Il∫aj. muaMgh˚aEmsÈ Vnk¬ayeTACa ”bkrN_mYy
EdlminGackat'´f¬Vn yuvnarI
enHCaesovePAmYyEdlG~k «KYrEtTij xanminVn»
EdlG~ksal' ehIyenHCaGMeNayd* BiessmYyEdlG~k[dl'BYkeK!
- TMhM 14 x 21 sg'TIEm"®t (14 x 21 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 288 TMB&r (288 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 16000› (USD 3.90)
Manga Messiah Who is this strange God Man? Where do His powers come from to raise men from the dead… to command the wind to stop, to make a blind man see? Written in the highly popular anime cartoon art form, Manga Messiah has proven to be an invaluable tool to sharing the Messiah with the youth of Asia. This is a “must buy” for young people in your life… perhaps one of the best gifts you could ever offer! 5
˘˘˘ @ I µ f A P e v o es etIGñkNaGacyl;citþkUndMrItUcenH? enHCaerOgrbs’kUndMrI
´f©mYy ®Ban´®BVnVj’“Bukrbs’
vas¬ab’ eBlenaHEsmlIhak’dUcCa Kµank∂IsgÙwmk~¨gCIvit
rbs’x¬ÁnesaH. etICIvitEsmlI nig ®KYsar Gacnwg®tLb’mkdUcFmµta vijEdr…eT?
esovePAkumarEdlsresr CaBIr
PasaenH VnniBnΩ nig KUrrUbeday ExµrCae®cInrUb
kumar EdlmankarVt’bg’®sedog K~aenH
- TMhM 20˘4 x 20˘4 sg'TIEm"®t (22.4 x 20.4 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 34 TMB&r (34 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 8200› (USD 2.00)
Who Can Understand Little Elephant? This is the story of Samly, a little elephant in the jungle. One day his father is shot dead by hunters, and it seems all of life unravels before Samly’s eyes. Will life ever return to normal for Samly and his family? This bilingual children’s story, written and illustrated by Cambodians, helps children to process similar losses in their own life.
s / New b o o k
etIGñkNaGacyl;citþkUndMrItUcenH? eBlx¬H kumarVnedIrecjq©ayBIpÊH
bN∂al[BYkeK mankarVt’bg’®KYsar
…mit†Pk∂is~iTΩs~al. erOgkumarEdlVn sresrCaBIrPasaenH CaerOgBit®Vkd
VnekIteLIgcMeBaHkUnesk edaysar kUneskcg’sakl∫gehIr
eTIbkUneskdwgx¬Ánfa VnCab’k~¨g®Tug enApÊHmnusßcEm¬km~ak’. esovePAkumar
BiesaFn_®sedogK~aenH ekµgxçIrbs’BYkeK.
- TMhM 20˘4 x 20˘4 sg'TIEm"®t (22.4 x 20.4 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 32 TMB&r (32 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 8200› (USD 2.00)
Who Can Help Little Birdy? Sometimes a child wandering a bit too far from home results in losing family and all that is familiar in an instant! In this bilingual children’s story, that is exactly what has happened to Birdy. Wanting to give flying a try, Birdy now finds himself trapped in a cage at a stranger’s home. This beautifully illustrated children’s book can be read to children who may have had similar experiences in their young lives.
˘˘˘ @ I µ f A P e v o es kUnqµaeGIy! manerOgGI)nCaeFVI[Égxwg? kumarCae®cIn enAk~¨g®beTskmı¨Ca
mankarQWcab’ xagp¬Ëvcit∂y"agx¬Sg edaysarkarVt’bg'“Bukm†ay G~kEfrkßaCaTI®sLaj’.
kumarBIrPasaenH Vnerobrab’®Vb’BI
erOgrbs’Pb’PI CakUnqµatUcmYyEdl eTIbEtVt’bg’“Buk
qab'. esovePAEdlmanBN·P¬W gay ®sYlGanenH GacCap¬ËvmYy[kumar ‰eTot@
pÊal’xn Á¬ rbs’Bk Y eK CamYynwgmnusß cas’ EdleKeCOTukcit∂.
- TMhM 18 x 25 sg'TIEm"®t (25 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 40 TMB&r (40 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 6200› (USD 1.50)
Why Are You Angry, Little Kitten? Many children in Cambodia have been deeply wounded by loss of a parent or another beloved caregiver. This bilingual children’s book tells the story of Popi, a little kitten, who has lost his father suddenly. This colorful, easy-to-read book can be an avenue for other children to share their personal losses with a trusted adult.
s k o o b w e N /
kUnTnSayeGIy! manerOgGIhñwg? esovePAenHVnniBnÏ
edayExµrCae®cInrUb. CaesovePAsMrab’ kumarEdlsresrCaBIrPasa niyay BIerOgkUnTnßay nig BIsµartIrbs’va EdlmanPaBGaf·kMVMg nigeJreBj edaykarQWcab’y"agx¬aMg´®kElg BI
®Bwt∂ikarN_mYy EdlVnekIteLIgenA k~¨gsYnc∫arxage®kaypÊHrbs’va. esovePAEdlmanBN·P¬WenH
Ca”bkrN_CYydl’kumar [bg˙ajBI karcgcSEdlBYkeKGacman ®bhak’
®bEhlnwgkUnTnßay …®Kan’EtCYy kumar[yl’fa
cab’rbs’BYkeKCamYymnusßcas’ CaG~k «EdlmansuvtƒiPaB».
KW - TMhM 18 x 25 sg'TIEm"®t (25 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 32 TMB&r (32pages)
What Happened, Little Rabbit?
- t´m¬esovePA 6200› (USD 1.50)
Written and illustrated by Cambodians, this bi-lingual children’s book tells the story of Pea a little rabbit, and his mysterious, but deeply painful, memory of an event that took place in the garden behind his house. This colorful book can be a tool for helping children express similar memories they may have, or simply help children to understand that sharing their pain with an adult can be a “safe place”.
cMNgeCIgepßgeTotk~¨gq~aM 2008 eRbobeFobsasnaelIelak
CMenORKIsÞbris½T nig sasnamrmn
niBnÏedayelak eCm xtfl
KN:nikay®KIsÊbris&TTaMgGs'mindUcK~aeT ehIy
enHCakarsMxan'Nas' EdlKN:nikaymYy®tUvsal' BIeKalCMenOrbs'KN:nikayepßgeTot.
esovePAenH erobcMeLIgCaPasaExµr nig Gg'eK¬s
EdlBn¥l'BIkare®bobeFob rvagCMenO®KIsÊbris&T nig
sasnamrmn (enHCaPaKTI1 ´nesovePAe®bobeFob
xusEb¬kK~ax¬H@ EdlGaceF√I[gayyl’®cLM nig x¬H eTot®sYlyl’c∫as’
®KIsÊbris&T tambTKmıIrpgEdr.
Christianity and Mormonism
by James Cottle
All forms of “Christianity” are not equal, and it is essential to one’s faith to know the differences. This bilingual comparison of Christianity and Mormonism (the first in a series of world religions) empowers believers to know the subtle and not-sosubtle differences, as well as defend the Christian faith with biblical support. - TMhM 11 x 17˘90 sg'TIEm"®t (11 x 17.90 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 42 TMB&r (42 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 8200› (USD 2.00)
k‰éöWÚ‰C°k‘Wd~kıT V~E n÷AΩLgºHÆSz ‰Z‡ºck˙©jHz‰Z‡nE√kºÂE√z‡ 10
More Great Titles in 2008. RBHeys‘UvRKIsÞCanMbu½génCIvit niBnÏedayelak edvIt EpnFW man 3 PaK
Es†gecjBIsmiTÏplkargarrbs'elak edvI t EpnFW . esovePA ®BHeysUv®KIsÊCanMbu&g´nCIvit (PaK
CMBUk 1-6. esovePAenH sresreLIgCaBIrPasa Exµr nig Gg'eK¬s. QutesovePAenHCa”bkrN_d*®besIr s®mab'sisßanusisß elak®KUG~k®KU nig G~kGFib∫ay®BHbnÊ˨l ehIyk*man®beyaCn_pgEdr s®mab' ®kumtUc edIm∫IeF√ICamK¨eTsk_naMBYkeK[yl'®BHbnÊËl®BHkan'Etx¬aMgeLIg.
The Bread of Life
by David Painter 3 volumes
The first volume of David Painter’s work, The Bread of Life, examines Jesus’ teachings in The Gospel of John, chapters 1-6. Bilingual (English/Khmer), this series is a useful tool for students, teachers and preachers, as well as small groups, looking for a guide to take them deeper into God’s Word. - TMhM 29˘7 x 21 sg'TIEm"®t (29.7 x 21 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 138TMB&r (138 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 12300› (USD 3.00)
sÁal;GñkNaEdlGñkeCOtam niBnÏedayelak b"Ul GÈ lItfl CaG~kniBnÏesovePA «dwgBIehtuEdlG~keCOtam» nigesovePA «dwgBIG√IEdlG~keCOtam» CaesovePAl∫I ehIylk'dac'CageKbMput.
CYnkal CMenOrbs'eyIgemIleTAdUcCakarFmµta nig hak'bIdUcCa
KµanTMnak'TMngnwgG√IesaH. esovePA «sal'G~kNaEdlG~keCOtam»
nwgCYyG~k[yl'kan'Etc∫as'eLIg BIkarTMnak'TMngd*Cits~iTÏCamYy
®BHCamças' EdlnaM[mankars˚b's˚l' nig man CMenOkan'Etx¬aMgeLIg enAk~¨gcit†rbs'eyIg.
- TMhM 14 x 21 sg'TIEm"®t (14 x 21 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 158TMB&r (158 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 8600› (USD 2.10)
Know Who You Believe
by Paul E. Little
Sometimes our faith seems more like a chore than a relationship at all. Know Who You Believe will help you to clearly understand the intimate relationship with God that leads to satisfaction and renewal deep within our hearts.
niBnÏedayG~k®sI sµit sUsin
rab'Ban'q~aM mun®BHeysUv®bsUtelIEpndI ®BHCamças'
VnebIksEm†g[mnusßsal'BIesck†I®sLaj'' nig Epn karerobcMkarseÂgaHrbs'®Tg'. ®KIsÊbris&TsB√´f©enH Gac ®bEm®bmUlcMeNHdwgCae®cInBIkicçkar®BHCamças'
CMnan'edIm edaykare®bIesovePAENnaM dUcCaBIrebobeF√IBiFI
GbGrsaTr´nBiFIbuN¥rMlg enAk~¨g®kumtUc nig enAk~¨gkar CYbCMu®kumCMnuMFM.
The Passover Celebration
by Susan Smith
Thousands of years before the Coming of Christ, God began opening the way for Man to understand His loving and redemptive plan. Today’s Christians can glean a deeper knowledge of God’s work through the ages by using this how-to guidebook to celebrate the Israelites’ Passover in small groups and larger church gatherings. English version available also. 12
- TMhM 21x 29˘50 sg'TIEm"®t (21 x 29.50 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 254 TMB&r (254 pages)
- t´m¬esovePACaPasaExµr 16400› (USD 4.00) - English version USD 6.00
kardaMRkumCMnMuedaykarniTanerOgBIRBHKmI<rtamlMdab;erogkal niBnÏedayelak®sI CIn cnsin nig elak®sI dayGan exmEbl
®sbtamkargardksÊËg karduHlUtlas’ nig
BIrebob´nkarbeg˚ItplEp¬sMrab’kardaM®kumCMnuM enA k~¨gbribT´ntMbn’GasuIGaeK~y_.
t´m¬sMrab’G~kdaM®kumCMnuMEdlmkBIe®kA®suk nigenA
k~¨g®sukExµr edaysaresovePAenHe®bIrebob´nkar niTanerOg
- cMnYnTMB&r 146TMB&r (146 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 12300› (USD 3.00)
Planting Churches through Chronological Story telling
by Jean Johnson and Diane Campbell
Following the rice planting, growing, and harvesting seasons, this book will help you consider a fruit-bearing method to church planting in the S. E. Asian context. Invaluable for both cross cultural workers and Cambodian church planters, the storytelling method is used to reach a storytelling culture.
kUnRkmMutukátarbs;mina niBnÏedaykBaÔa V"v lINa
niBnÏ nig KUrrUb edayG~kniBnÏExµr EdlenAv&yekµg. esovePAkumar
EdleF√I[Tak’TajGarmµN_enH CYybe®gondl’kumara kumarI k~¨gv&y sikßa
manmeF¥aVyEtmYyKt' EdlnagGacTTYlrbs’enaHVn KWeday esck∂IesµaH®tg’.
Miknia's Doll
- cMnYnTMB&r 32TMB&r (32 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 6200› (USD 1.50)
by Poav Lina
Written and illustrated by a young Cambodian author, this attractive children’s book teaches school-aged children the importance of always living honestly. Miknia desperately wants to purchase a beautiful little doll, but she learns along the way that gaining things honestly is the only way to go! 13
niBnÏedayelak®sI DInI va"n ®buyhin elak®sIbNÎit DInI v"an ®buyhin VncMNayeBlCae®cInq~aM´nCIvitrbs’elak®sI edIm∫I CYyG~kCMgeW Gds_enAk~g ¨ ®beTskmıC ¨ a. k~g ¨ namCasƒabnik´nGgkarsıan (Bridge) enA®beTs kmı¨Ca enHKWCaerOgrbs'elak®sI EdlnwgbN∂al[G~kGanrbs’elak®sInwkeXIjBIG~k Edlmant®mUvkar ehIyVneP¬cVt’eTA. erOgenHmanEtCaPasaGg’eK¬sbu"eNˆaH.
Flowers on the Cactus
by Diny Van Bruggen
- cMnYnTMB&r 160TMB&r (160 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 16400› (USD 4.00)
Dr. Diny Van Bruggen gave many years of her life to ministry to AIDS patients in Cambodia. As the founder of the Spien (Bridge) organization in Cambodian, this is Diny’s story that will inspire her readers to remember the needy and forgotten. Available only in English.
niBnÏedayelak bÍ®tam lIm sMrab’G~kNaEdlF¬ab’sgß&yfa ®KIsÊanKYr®b®Bwt† nig KitdUcem∂c enAxage®kAkEn¬gf√aybgM! kUnesovePAseg≈btUcenH GacCYy Y BYkeK[cab’ep∂m I yl’dg w x¬H@. eTÍebIesovPAenHt®mg’Ts i edA [yuvCnGank*eday k*vaCMruj[mnusß cas’ nig ekµg@ «edIrtamCMenO» enAk~¨gpÊHBYkeKVn.
Being a Christian at Home
by Bertram Lim
- cMnYnTMB&r 20TMB&r (20 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 1600› (USD 0.40)
For anyone who has ever wondered how Christians should act and think outside the walls of the worship place, this brief little tool can set them on their way. While youth are the target audience, adults and younger children can be challenged also to “walk the talk” in their home setting.
luy! etIeyIgKYrRKb;RKgy:agdUcemþc? niBnÏedayelak bÍ®tam lIm
Caesck∂Iseg≈bx¬I EtmanGtƒn&y®Cale®CA EdlniyayBIPaBCaG~k®Kb’®Kgluykak’ ehIyk* manlk’Cae®cInenAk~¨g®beTskmı¨Ca. kUnesovePAenH sMrab’G~kCa®KIsÊanpg nig G~kminEmnCa ®KIsÊanpg GacEs√grkviFIedIm∫IEfrkßaFnFanrbs’x¬Án[VnlÌ®besIr.
Money : How Should We Manage It?
by Bertram Lim - cMnYnTMB&r 20TMB&r (20 pages)
- t´m¬esovePA 1600› (USD 0.40)
In booklet form, this brief yet concise look at stewardship, has proven to beIn booklet form, this brief yet concise look at stewardship, has proven to be a big-seller in Cambodia. Both Christians and non-Christians are looking for a way to manage their resources well.
Al P e ov
t sel le s e B ! ˘ / ˘ ' c a d ' k
niBnÏedayelak Cc bÈ GIuhW naMelakG~k[sal' BIsar:sMxan'´nesck†IBit
sar:sMxan'dl'karbeg˚ItplEp¬ nig PaBeCaKC&y s®mab'CvI t i enAk~g ¨ ®BH®KIs. Ê
Pasa Exµr nig Gg'eK¬s s®mab'be®gonm~ak'Tl'm~ak' eronCa®kumtUc … GanedIm∫IB®gwgesck†ICMenO. eTaHebIG~kCa®KIsÊbris&TyUrq~aMmkehIyk†I
esovePACIvt i fµk I g ¨~ ®BH®KIsÊ
enAEtGacCYyeq¬y I [
- TMhM 14˘80 x 20˘80 sg'TIEm"®t (14.80 x 20.80 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 421 TMB&r (421 pages) - manBIrPasa (Bilingual)
- t´m¬esovePA 12300› (USD 3.00)
The New Life in Christ
by George B. Eager
Knowing the essential truths of the Christian faith is necessary for a fruitful and victorious life in Christ. This book is an excellent bilingual tool for one-on-one discipleship, a small group setting, or devotional reading. Even for the older Christian, The New Life in Christ can help clear up questions that were never answered clearly before.
s<ancmøgGtßaFib/ayRBHKm<Ir (PaKTI 1-8) niBnÏedayelak dn h√IelmIg
etIG~kVnTij - esovePAsıancm¬gGtƒaFib∫ay®BHKmıIrmYyQut s®mab’x¬ÁnG~kehIy…enA?
- etIVnTijesovePAenHmYyQut sMrab’mit∂Pk∂iCaExµr…shkarIenAk~¨gB&nÏkicçG~kehIy…enA?
®KwHsƒanplitesovePA«®bPB®VC∆a» VneVHBumıesovePAGtƒaFib∫ayd*eBjniymTSg8k∫alenH CafµIm∂geTot. ®bsinebI
elakG~kminTan’manmYYyk∫alenAeLIy sUmsresreQµaHesovePAenHenAxagelIbBaÇI «sm∏arÓB&nÏkicç GaTiPaB» rbs’elakG~k. esovePAsıancm¬gGtƒaFib∫ayenHlÌ ®sYlGan nig gayyl’®BHbnÊËl®BH EdlminEmnmkBITsßnÓrbs’elakxaglicenaHeT k*manlMGedayrUbPaB KMnUstag nig EpnTI EdleF√I[mankarTak’ TajGarmµN_ nig CaFnFanman®beyaCn_mYy.
esovePAsıancm¬gGtƒaFib∫aymant´m¬Nas’ k~¨gkarTijCUndl’®KUKg√al G~kdwknS sisßeron®BHbnÊËl yuvCn yuvnarI nig
G~keF√IkarCamYykumar. CamYYyG~kd´T.
esovePAenHnwgCYynSG~k[yl’kan’Ete®CA nig mansmtƒPaBxıs’k~¨g karEckcayesck∂IBitrbs’®BH esovePAenHk*Ca”bkrN_dac’edayELkmYys®mab’
be®gon®BHbnÊËl®BH k*dUcCaemIl®BHbnÊËledaypÊal’ EdlminmanT®mg’mkBIelakxaglicenaH.
- TMhM 14˘80 x 20˘80 sg'TIEm"®t (14.80 x 20.80 cm)
The Bridge Bible Commentary (8 volumes)
- cMnYnTMB&r 104-283 TMB&r (104-283 pages)
- t´m¬esovePAmYyk∫al 11900› (USD 2.90)
by Don Fleming
- Have you purchased a set of the Bridge Commentary for yourself?
- Have you purchased a set for a Cambodian friend/colleague in ministry?
Fount of Wisdom has re-printed this popular 8 volume commentary series. If you don’t have a copy already, put this at the top of your “priority ministry tools” list. This easy-to-read, and easy-tounderstand commentary series takes a good look at God’s Word from a non-Western perspective. Illustrations, charts and pictures make this an attractive and useful resource. The Bridge Commentary is an essential purchase for any Cambodian pastor, lay leader, student of God’s Word, or youth and children’s worker. It will lead you into deeper understanding and greater ability to share God’s Truth with others. But think further…this too is an invaluable tool for the expatriate who wants to develop more accurate language skills when teaching God’s Word, as well as take a fresh look at Scripture from a non-Western frame of reference.
esovePAd*eBjniym3k∫al Edllk'Gs'kg ¨~ eBld*xI¬ VneVHBumC ı aelIkTI2˘˘˘
2nd Editions. Available Now!
ecjlk'ehIy !
RKIsþbris TEdlecHTTYlxusRtUv
niBnÏedayelak hUes G sIulva" EdlhadU CaesovePAsi k ßaGM B I P aBCaG~ k kan' k ab' ® TB¥sm∫t† i E bb®KI s † b ri s & T .
dUcem†c? GMBIGMeNayTan nig eTBekasl¥Edl®Tg'Vn®bTan[eyIg y"agdUcem†c? GMBImnusß nig eBlevla Edl®Tg'Vn®bKl'mkeyIgy"ag
dUcem†c? esovePAsikßaenHVnCYydl'®KIs†bris&TExµrCae®cInrYcmkehIy [rkeXIjnUvG√IEdl®BHmanbnÊËlGMBIbBa˙aTaMgenH nig BIkareq¬Iytbd*®twm ®tUvrbs'eyIgEdlCaG~kbe®mIKYreF√I.
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- t´m¬esovePA 12300› (USD 3.00)
The Responsible Christian
by Jose R. Silva Delgado
The Responsible Christian is a study in Christian stewardship. What does God say about our financial resources? The gifts and talents he has given to us? What about the people and the opportunities with which He has entrusted us? This study has been used already to help many Cambodian Christians discover what God has to say about all these matters and what our appropriate response as good stewards should be.
niBnÏedayelak®KUKg√al Eb"n taraÚTÏi enHCaesovePAdMbUgbMput
«®bPB®VC∆a» niBnÏedayG~kniBnÏExµr KWelak®KUKg√al Eb"n taraÚTΩi.
esovePA «GtƒaFib∫ayGMBIkNÎeGePsUr» CaesovePAlÌbMput s®mab’ sikßaBIkNÎeGePsUr. ≤LËvenH VnerobcMCafµIs®mab’elakG~keTot
ehIy! GtƒbTmankarseg≈bgayyl’Cagmun manbEnƒmrUbPaB nig karBN·nabTKmıIrExµr
kan’EtlÌ®besIreLIg EdlenHCaehtupleF√[ I kareVHBumeı lIkTI2enH ®besIrCagmun!
- TMhM 18 x 20˘80 sg'TIEm"®t (18 x 20.80 cm) - cMnYnTMB&r 153 TMB&r (153 pages)
Commentary on Ephesians
- t´m¬esovePA 11000› (USD 2.70)
by Pen Dararith
Fount of Wisdom’s very first publication was Cambodian author Pen Dara rith’s fine work on the study of Ephesians. It has now been freshly packaged for you. A more concise text, additional pictures, and greater detail given to side-by-side English and Khmer scripture verses make this second edition an even better value than the first!
niBnÏedayelak Cc bÈ GIuhW
enA®KwHsƒanplitesovePA«®bPB®VC∆a» eyIgesÊIrEtminGaceq¬IytbVntam
t®mUvkarrbs'bgbÌËnCae®cIncMeBaH «esovePACIvitfµIk~¨g®BH®KIsÊ» EdlmanBIrPasa KWExµr nig Gg’eK¬s CaesovePA®KwH´nPaBCasisßrbs’®BHeysUv®KIsÊ.
Cae®cInVndwgfa esovePAenHmansar®beyaCn_Nas'k~¨gkarsikßa ehIyk*man mnusßCae®cIneTotVne®bI edIm∫IB®gIk nig B®gwgviJÔaNrbs’BYkeK.
Edlcg’rIkcMerInCMnajEp~kPasaGg’eK¬s k*GacykesovePAenHeF√ICaTunVnEdr.
The New Life in Christ
by George B.Eager - cMnYnTMB&r 421 TMB&r (421 pages) - manBIrPasa (Bilingual)
- t´m¬esovePA 12300› (USD 3.00)
At Fount of Wisdom we can scarcely keep up with the demand for New Life in Christ, a bi-lingual foundational discipleship book. Many have found this to be a useful study guide, while others have used it in devotional reading. Those developing English language skills have also found this to be a great resource.
sarBImit†G~kGan/ Messages from the Reader ®bsasn_ ® KU K g√ a lk¨ ~ g {kassn~ i V T EFC Word from one pastor during EFC Conference
«®bPB®VC∆a» BIe®BaHgayyl'. x∆¨MmincaMVc'GanCaPasaExµr ehIybkE®b … B¥ayamrknwkBn¥l'x¬Án‰gCaPasaExµreToteLIy.
I like reading books from Fount of Wisdom because they are easy to understand, it is not necessary to translate the Khmer or try to find the explanation of the Khmer for myself.
G~ k ®KU m ~ a k' e nAP~ M e Bj Vnman®bsasn_ f a˘˘˘ One pastor's wife in Phnom Penh said... x∆¨MVnTijesovePA sıancm¬gGtƒaFib∫ay®BHKmıIrmYyQut [CaGMeNaydl'bgbÌËn®sI†enAext†Vt'dMbg. ®VMmYyExe®kaymk x∆¨MVnæfa man®sI†m~ak'enAk~¨g cMeNam®sI†Edlx∆¨MVn[esovePAenH ®sab'EtecH ®BHbnÊËle®cIn Gacbe®gonVn. karenH eF√I[®KUKg√al nig bgbÌËnk~¨g®kumCMnMucEm¬kcit†Cax¬aMg. ®sI†enaHVneF√ITIbnÊal'®Vb'fa KW esovePAsıancm¬gGtƒaFib∫ay®BHKmıIr VnCYyKat'[yl'®BHbnÊËlrbs'®BH.
I bought the entire bible commentary set as a gift for the women in Battambang. Six months later I heard that one of the women I gave the gift of books to had learned a lot from the bible, enough so that she can teach. This caused the pastor and brothers & sisthers in the church to be very surprised. She gave a testimony saying the bible commentaries had helped her understand the word of God. 19
®bsasn_ G ~ k ®KU m ~ a k' ˘ ˘˘ Praise from a teacher e®kayBIVnGancb' x∆¨MVnTijesovePAenHCae®cIn Eck[sisß e®BaHx∆¨MeCOfa e®kayGancb'vanwgCYy[sisßx∆¨M
…G~kGanrwtEtmanTMnak'TMnglÌCamYy®BH ehIyenAEtrkßaTMnak'TMng
After I finished reading this book, I bought many more for my students.
I did this because I believe that after my students or any reader will have a better relationship with God and will want to continue that good relationship with God.
BI y u v Cnm~ a k' e nAP~ M e Bj From a Young Person in Phnom Penh esovePA CIvitfµIk~¨g®BH®KIsÊ CaesovePAlÌEmnETn e®BaHmanPasaExµr nig Gg'eK¬s EdlGac[x∆¨MeronTaMgPasa Gg'eK¬s TaMg®BHbnÊËlpg. cMENkkarbkE®b enaHk*lÌ cM@ nig gayyl'.
The new life in Chist book is very good. It is written in Khmer and English which will allow me to study both the English language and the Word of God . As for as the translation, it is good, accurate and easy to understand.
®bsasn_ e lak®KU b e®gon FI GI u GI u Word from a teacher of TEE 12Ex Gancb'®BHKmıIrTaMgmUl˘˘˘ enHlÌEmnETn s®mab'CYydl'®kumCMnMu [Gan®BHKmıIrral'´f© va manGkßrBN·exovlay®khmc∫as'lÌ nig manragtUcsÌat gay®sYldak'xÊas'k~¨g®BHKmıIrrbs'BYkeK
Read the Whole Bible in 12 months is very good because it has helped a majority of my church to read the bible everyday. The blue and red letters are clear and the small size is easy to attach to their Bibles. 20