Catalogue 2012

Page 1

ន � ខ ់ �នាប

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ឆ �ី ៀវ� �



Fount of Wisdom Publishing House1

�តិ� ��ព�����ប់ខ�ន ចំណង�ើងថ�ីៗ 



ឈុត�ៀវ� សត�ដ៏អ���រ��

រ�ៀបប���តកូ ់ ន

សង�សំ��ច (�ៀវ����ៀន និង លំ�ត់)


ចំណង�ើង��លនឹង��ញក��ង��ល�ប់ៗ 



��ះជន�រស់�របស់�ះ�� � ីស�



ចំណង�ើង �ៀវ�សិក�� ចំណង�ើងទូ� ចំណង�ើងសំ�ប់កុ�រ ចំណង�ើង លក់�ច់�ង�����ំ��ំ ទីប���ល់ខ�ី 2


Wealth That Lasts

��លរ�ៀល���មន�រដូវ ��ស�តុ

On afternoons during the cool season, the

មិនសូវស��ះ���ប់ប៉ុ��ន��។ ��ង���យផ�ះ

weather is not so humid. Behind a large



��បបូ�ណ និង �នរបង�ើ�ពីឫស��ី ��ង� �ង���ក���ច បន�ិច





�ន�យុ����ល៦០���ំ��យ �ចម៍��


triple-roofed house with traditionally decorated gables and a trellis fence made from bamboo woven in octagonal style, if you look for a moment you will notice a bespectacled man a little over 40 years old with greying hair in a vest


and a silk sarong, sitting reading a book


beside a coconut tree on a Cambodian

�ៀវ��ើ���រ�បឫស��ី �ជិត�ើមដូង។ រ���ច�ះ �នកុ�រ��ក � � ់ យុ��� � ល៨���ំ ���ក�ខ�ី �ក់�វ��ខ�ី��ទ���រ�ូ រត់សំ� មករកបុរស�ះ�យនិ�យ� «�ក�!

flat bench also made from bamboo. Just then a child around 8 years of age in shorts and a checked t-shirt runs up to the man and asks, “Sir, sir, can you tell me how to become a wise man,

�ក�! ខ��ំឆ�ល់�ស់ ��ើ��៉ចឲ�����យ�

powerful and wealthy?” “You just need

អ�ក���ជ្� �នអំ�ច និង ��ព��សម��ត�ិ�ៀត

to remember four words – L-TAN”, the

�ះ?» បុរសចំ�ស់�ះ��ើយ� «�ន

old man says. “What does L-TAN mean?”,

�ក����បួន���ត់ប៉ុ��ះ ��ល����វចង�ំ គឺ សុ-ចិ-បុ-លិ»

�សួរបន�� «សុ-ចិ-បុ-លិ

�ះ�នន័យដូច���ច �ក�?» �ក� ��ើយ���ប់� «សុ ���� «���ប់» ចិ ���� «គិត» បុ ���� «សួរ» �ើយ លិ �ះ���

the child asks and the man replies, “L stands for listen, T stands for think, A stands for ask and N stands for note down. These four words will bring you wisdom and great wealth – the kind of wealth that stays with you.”

� «សរ��រ, កត់ ឬចម�ង»។ �ក���ំងបួន ��ះឯង��ល��ើឲ���ន����� និង �ន��ព��

Not only Cambodians, but people from

ដ៏�ប់���ើរ ���ព�����ប់ខ��ន �� »។

every nation highly prize scriptures,


មិន��ន � � ់ � � សង�ម��រ� �ើងប៉� ុ ះ� �� មនុស����ប់�តិ�សន៏


era of warrior monks they battled over

�ស់��ើគម�ីរ, ���� ឬ�ៀវ�។ អ�ក

martial arts scriptures: these were so

គុននិយមចិន ����យុទ����ដ��ើមគម�ីរក��ច់

important that people were willing to

គុន គឺ�យ���ះ�សំ�ន់ �ើប��មិន���យ

sacrifice their lives to gain or to protect

ជីវ�តរបស់�ក� � ង � �រដ��ម ើ យក ឬរក��ទុកនូវ គម�រី �ះ។ ចំ��ះដឹង គឺ�អំ�ច។ មនុស���ចបន� ចំ��ះដឹងរបស់ខ��ន ដល់មនុស�����យ�ៀត �មរយៈ�ៀវ�



Bluetooth ��។ បុព�បុរស���រ�ន���ះល��ី � អ�ក�ង����ទថ�ដ៏ល�វ�ចិ�� �លពីសម័យ អធិ�ជ��រ� ។ ដូន���រ� មិន��នល�ង់ មិនបន��ល់

them. Knowledge is power and we pass on that knowledge to others through books and scriptures, not through Bluetooth®. Our Khmer ancestors were famous for building great and wonderful temples during





forefathers were not foolish; they did

ទុកឯក�រស�ីពី�រ�យល��យ ���ច�ើ

not fail to look after the plans explaining

សំណង់អង�រ �ើយ���យមក���យ�ថ��ះ

how they would construct the Angkor


complex – plans that became a reality




in stone. But because all their records

ដល់�����ះ ���ននរ����ក់�ចដឹងពីរ�ៀប

were lost in the ashes and flames of war,

�ងសង់����ទ�ះ�ន�ើយ។ ���ន់��

today no one can know how the temples


were built, we just gaze together in awe


����ទនគរវត� ��ប៉ុ��ះ។ សរុប��ចក�ីមក ��ព�����ប់ខ��ន �ើយ �នត���ដ៏ម��ល�ះ


(�ៀវ�)។ ដូ��ះ សូម�កអ�កគិត�ើង វ�ញ មុននឹងស���ច��ើអំ�យដល់កូន� �កអ�កគួរគិតពីរបស់ ��ល�នត���សម ល�ម���ន���ជន៍ខ�ស់ ឯរបស់�នត��� ខ�ស់ ��រ��ន���ជន៍តិច�វ�ញ ដូច�

at the architecture of temples such as Wat Nokor. In summary, the wealth that lasts and enriches us greatly is the written word. So please think again about the gifts that you give your children: think about those things which are inexpensive but valuable, and those things which are

���ង � ��ឡច ិ ��ន � ច ិ ខ�ះ សុទ�� � �នត��ខ� � ស់។

expensive but of little ultimate value -

�ើ�កអ�ក��រមកគិតពី�ៀវ�វ�ញ �ះ

such as costly video games. If you take



time to consider the books that Fount of


Wisdom publish, you will see that they

�ន����� និង ចរ��ស��តបូត�ះ សូមទិញ

can be of great value to your children.



literature and books. In the Chinese

�ើយ �ន�ៀវ�ចុះ ពី���ះ�ៀវ��

If you want your child to become a

��ភព������ដល់មនុស����ប់����។ ��ះ

respected writer, a truly wise teacher,

អ���ស់ ��ង់�នបន��ល����ច�ឡ�ម៉ូន� «�យ���ះឯង�����ដូ��ះ


�ើយមិន�នសូមឲ���ន��ព��សម��ត�ិ ឬធន

a scholarly thinker, someone of noble character, then buy our books. Because books are a source of wisdom for each of us, and a balm to heal past hurts. The

�ន ឬកិត�ិយស ឬ�រ���រជីវ�ត��ពួកអ�ក

Lord said to King Solomon, “You have

��លស�ប់ឯង ក៏មិន�នសូម�យុឲ��យឺនយូរ

not asked for long life or wealth for

�ើយ គឺ�នសូមឲ���ន����� និង �បល់

yourself, nor have asked for the death

វ�ញ �ើម��ីនឹង��ប់��ង�ើ����អញ




អញឲ��ឯង�ន����� និង �បល់ �ើយ ��ម�ំងឲ���ន��ព��សម��ត�ិ

of your enemies but for wisdom and understanding to govern this kingdom with justice, so I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and

ធន�ន និង

discerning heart so that there will never

កិត�យស�ៀតផង ដល់��៉ះ�ន�មុនឯង មិន

have been anyone like you, nor will there





��រ» ។ �ើ�កអ�ក ចង់ឲ��កូន��កអ�ក�ន �����ដូច����ចអង���ះឬ��? សូមរួស�ន់ �ើង ��ភព����� �ចជួយ�កអ�ក�ន!

ever be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for - both riches and honor - so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings.” Do






grandchildren to be like this king? Act now - and Fount of Wisdom can help you!

និពន��យ�ក អ៊ួន សិ�

Mr. Oun Seyla


Fount of Wisdom Board Member


ចំណង�ើងថ�ី (New Titles)

ផ��វ��ន់ភំ� � ល់��រ� The Calvary Road និពន��យ�ក រ�យ ���ៀន

by Roy Hession

ត��� : ១២០០០៛ �ើជីវ�តរបស់�កអ�ក ��ញ�យ��ចក�ីលំ�កឬ��? �ើ�កអ�ក�ញ់�រថប់�រម� ភ័យ���ច ទុក����យ កំហឹង ឬ��? �ើ�កអ�កកំពុង���ងរកជីវ�តមួយ ��លបំ��ញចិត� និង ផ�ល់សន�ិ�ពឬ? �ក រ�យ ���ៀន �អ�កនិពន��ន�ន���សន៍� «�រ���ស់ប��រ �ប់��ើមពី�ងក��ង គឺពីក�ងចិត� របស់�ើង»។ ��ម «ផ��វ��ន់ភ�ំ�ល់��រ�» �ើងនឹងរក�ើញ��រ��ព និង វត��នរបស់��ះ��ស៊ូវ ��ល��ង់�ំយកជីវ�តដ៏��ញបរ�បូរ មកដល់អស់អ�ក���ល���ងរក��ង់។ �ៀវ���ះ�ន ១៥៤ ទំព័រ ��លខ��ំ�ឿ� នឹង�ន���ជន៍រហូត �ើ�ើង���ន់��ចំ�យ��ល �នពីរបី���ងប៉ុ��ះ







The Calvary Road Has life become an uphill struggle for survival? Are you weighed down by anxiety, fear, guilt, anger and other feelings? Are you searching for an inner peace and a fulfilling life? Changes begin “in the innermost parts of our lives”, Roy Hession writes. On The Calvary Road we will find liberty and the presence of Jesus, who brings abundant life to all who seek Him. This 154-page book “will take only a few hours to read, but can lead to a lifetime of victory, power and reality.” George Verwer, Founder and former International Director, OM


ចំណង�ើងថ�ី (New Titles)

អំណរក��ង��ះអ���ស់ From WHY to WORSHIP និពន��យ�ក យ៉ូ��ន �ំ

by Jonathan Lamb

ត��� : ១៤០០០៛ �រ������លរបស់ពិភព�កសព្������ះ ដូច�កំពុង�ំ�ើងចូល�ក��ងយុគសម័យមួយ ��ល�ក់ ដូច����នអ�ក��ប់�ង� � ះ... �ៀវ� «អំណរក��ង��ះអ���ស់» នឹងប���ញពីបទពិ�ធន៍របស់មនុស�����ក់ ��ល�នគំនិតដូច�ើង �ល់�����រ គឺ�ន�ន់��ឡំ��ង���ំង និង �នត����ងស�ិត���ញ�មួយ��ះ����ស់ ��ញពីសំណ�រ� ��តុអី? � ��តុអី? � ��តុអី? � មក��រ���យបង�ំ��ះ����ស់�យអំណរវ�ញ ពី��ះ�ត់ដឹង� �ះបី អ�ីៗ�ំងអស់រ�យ�ត់� �ះ�ើង��ល�ន��ះ��មួយ គឺ��ប់���ន់�ើយ។ �ៀវ���ល�ន១៣០ទំព័រ��ះ ��រសិក���មបទទំ�យរបស់����គុក ក៏�ន���ជន៍ ស���ប់�រអធិប��យ �រសិក�����ល់ខ��ន និង ��ុមតូច ��ម�ំង�នសំណ�រ ចំណ�ចពិ�ក�� គំនិតសំ�ប់ សកម��ព និង �រសិក�����ល�ងមុខ��រ។

From WHY To WORSHIP With all the uncertainties in the world today it would be easy to think that no-one is in control. In “From Why To Worship”, Jonathan Lamb draws from the experience of someone who was tempted to think the same way, who was desperately confused and persistently wrestled with God. But his questions “Why?” turned to joyful praise as he realised that, even if everything should pass away, we still have God and that is all we need. This 130-page study of the book of Habbakuk is useful for preaching, personal study and small groups as it includes questions, discussion points, plus ideas for action and further study.


ចំណង�ើងថ�ី (New Titles)



God’s Amazing Animals

Book Set

និពន��យ�ក��ី �ល់���� ���ក់បឺរនី

by Allegra McBirney

ឈុត�ៀវ���ះ នឹង��ើឲ���កអ�ក��ម �ង ំ កូនៗ�ន�រ��ក � � ់ ល ើ� ពី�ះ� �នឹងប��ញ � ពីលក�ណៈពិ��សដ៏អ���រ�� ��ល�កអ�កនឹក ���នមិនដល់។


បក��ី�ើរ�មុខ ��ន��? ��បក��ីដ៏អ���រ��មួយ ����ទ�ច�ើរ�មុខ



����ំ ��ើ ����ម ឬ�នឹងថ�ល់�ន។ ឯបក��ីមួយ����ទ�ៀត �ន���កមុត�ច�ើល �ើញច��ស់ �ើយ���ប��ន ក���ំង���ំង��ល

ត��� : ៥០០០៛/ ១ក��ល

�ច�ើរ�ន���ងខ�ស់ និង ���ង�ឿន។ �ន់ ��អ���រ���ង��ះ ក៏�នបក��ីមួយ����ទ�ៀត �ច�ើរសំ�ំង�ន�ងមួយ�ន់គីឡ��៉��� �យ���ន់ ��ទទះ ���បដ៏��ងរបស់� ��ពីរបី ដងប៉ុ��ះ។ �កអ�ក និង កូនៗ �ចនឹង���ងយល់ប���ម�ៀតពីលក�ណៈពិ��សៗ����ង�ៀតរបស់បក��ី�ង�ើ និង សត����ើន�ៀត �ក��ងឈុត�ៀវ� «សត�ដ៏អ���រ��» �ំង៤ក��ល��ះ ។

God’s Amazing Animals This collection will astonish you and your children as you read about strange and amazing characteristics that you could not have imagined. We all know that birds fly forward, don’t we? But there’s one amazing bird that can fly forward, backward, left, right, up, down and even hover in the same place. Then there’s a sharp-sighted bird that notices everything, as well as having wing muscles that propel it forward at tremendous speed. Still more amazing, there is a bird which can fly over a thousand kilometres with just a few flaps of its wings. You and your children can discover more strange and wonderful facts about these birds and many other creatures in the four-book series God’s Amazing Animals!


ចំណង�ើងថ�ី (New Titles)

រ�ៀបប���ត់កូន TRAIN UP A CHILD AND BE GLAD YOU DID ចូរអប់រ�កូន �ះអ�កនឹងរ�ក�យ��ល�ន��ើ�រ�ះ ត��� : ១៤០០០៛ និពន��យបណ�ិត �រ�ូលដ៍ ��. ��

by Harold J. Sala

�ើម��ីជួយ�កអ�ក ឲ���នរ�ៀប�ះ���យ�មួយកូនៗ ��លល� និង ��ឹម���វ �ប់�ំងពីកូន� តូច រហូតដល់��ញវ័យ�ះ ��ឹះ���នផលិត�ៀវ���ភព����� �ន��ើស��ស�ះពុម� និង ��ញផ��យ �ៀវ���ល�នចំណង�ើង� «រ�ៀបប���ត់កូន»។ �ៀវ���ល�នឧ�ហរណ៍�ក់��ង ���វនឹង សង�ម���របច��ប��ន� រួម�មួយនឹង�រ��ឹក���បល់��លអ�កគួរ��ើចំ�ះ���ន�ព�ំង�ះផង។

Train Up A Child To give you good, sensible solutions for all children from very young through to maturity, Fount of Wisdom Publishing House has just selected and released the Khmer version of “How To Train Up A Child And Be Glad You Did” containing many examples that relate well to current Cambodian society together with advice on how to approach each issue.


ចំណង�ើងថ�ី (New Titles) សង�សំ��ច Paid in Full

អ���ធិប��យ កណ� រ�ូម A Commentary on Romans និពន��យ�ក រ��ត រ�ុ�ើរ

by Richard Rogers

ត��� : ១២០០០៛ មនុស���គ��ើនគិត� �រ��ល��ខំ����ឹតល� � �ំឲ�������យ�មនុស��សុចរ�ត �ើយ�ចនឹងចូល� ក��ងនគរ���នសួគ៌�នផង ប៉ុ���មរយ:�ៀវ���ះ �កប៉ុល�នប���ញអ�ក�នឲ���ើញ� ���ច �ប់�សុចរ�ត�ន ���មរយ:��ចក�ីជំ�ឿដល់��ះ��ស៊ូវ��ីស���មួយប៉ុ��ះ។ �ៀវ� «សង�សំ��ច» ���ៀវ�អ���ធិប��យអំពីកណ�រ�ូម �ន២៥៩ទំព័រ ក៏�ន���ជន៍សំ�ប់ ���អធិប��យ និង អ�ក��លចង់���ងយល់ពីជំ���ដំណឹងល�របស់��ះ��ីស���ម�ៀត។

Paid in Full Most people think that doing good deeds will make them right with God and give them entry into heaven but in this book we see how Paul shows that we can only be made right with God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Paid In Full” is a 259-page commentary on Romans which is useful for preachers and all those who want to learn more about the full extent of the Good News of Jesus.


ចំណង�ើងថ�ី (New Titles)


What The Bible Is All About មគ���សក៍សិក����ះគម�ីរ Bible Handbook និពន��យ�ក��ីបណ�ិត ��នរ���� សុី �ៀរ��

by Dr. Henrietta C. Mears

ត��� : ៥១៨០០៛

ច��ប់ចម�ង���អង់��ស ចំនួន៤�នក��ល �នលក់�ច់អស់ �ើយ�ន��ើឲ���ៀវ���ះ�ប់ ចំ�ត់���ក់ក��ង�រលក់�ច់�ង��។ �យ��តុ��ះ �ន���ឹះ���នផលិត�ៀវ� «��ភព�����» រ�ក�យក��ង�រប���ល�ៀវ�




លំ�ប់����ឹះ���ន ស���ប់��ុមជំនុំ�����សកម���។ �ៀវ���ះ�នសរ��រ���ចក�ីស���ប���ង ច��ស់�ស់



��ម�ំង�ប់�ននូវ�ច់�ឿងចំបងៗ����ះបន��ល��ះ����ស់។ អ�កនិពន����ចង់ជួយឲ��អ�ក�ន �ើល �ើញរ�ៀប��ល��ះគម�ីរស����ស់ និង ស���ថ�ី

សំ��ងពី��ះ��ស៊ូវ �ើយសិក���មរយ:��នទី

��ន�រ�ន��ះគម�ីរ និង ជំនួយ�ង�រសិក������ងៗ�ៀត។

Bible Handbook A classic bestseller, with over 4 million English copies in print, Fount of Wisdom is pleased to add What the Bible is All About to their growing collection of resources for the Church in Cambodia. Written in clear and concise language, this book helps the reader gain an overview of the Scriptures, learn more about the lives of key biblical characters, and grasp the main themes of the Word of God. The author helps the reader to see how Jesus is revealed in both the Old and New Testaments, and assists learning through maps, reading plans and other study helps.


ចំណង�ើង��លនឹង��ញ (Upcoming Titles)

�រដឹក�ំ�ង��លឹងវ���ណ SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP និពន��យ�ក ��.អូសល � ��ន�ើរស៍

by J. Oswald Sanders

នឹង��ញ��ក់ក���ល��ធ� ���ំ២០១១ (Available mid-December 2011) «�រដឹក�ំ�ង��លឹងវ���ណ»


ល�បំផុតស���ប់អ�កដឹក�ំ��ីស�បរ�ស័ទ ពី���ះអ�ក ដឹក�ំ




អង��រ�� ��ើរ��ទូ�ំងពិភព�ក�ន�ន �ន �តសរ�ើរ ��ម�ំងទទួល���ល់� ពិត��ៀវ� ដ៏ល�ពិ��ស��ន។


មិន��ន��ើយុទ������� ប៉ុ�� �អត�ចរ�ត �ព

ត��� : ១៨០០០៛

��ះឆួល និង �ពដូច���ះ។ អ�កនិពន��នដក��ង់

បទពិ�ធន៍�ក់���ងរបស់អ�កដឹក�ំល��ីៗ�ើពិភព�ក �ំង�ង��លឹងវ���ណ �ំង�ង�កិយ និង អ�កដឹក�ំសម័យបុ�ណ�ល ��ល�នទទួល�គជ័យ និង ប�ជ័យ មក��ើ�រ��ៀប�ៀប និង �� លំអ��ញ��ៀវ�ដ៏ពិ��ស��ះ�ើង។

�ៀវ� «�រដឹក�ំ�ង��លឹងវ���ណ»

ខ��នរបស់អ�កគ���ល��ប់រូបក��ង�របំ����ះអង�ស���ះ។ អ�កនិពន��ៀវ���ះ គឺ�ក ��. អូស�ល ��ន�ើរស៍ អ�ក��ឹក�� និង �អ�កនិពន�ដ៏ល��ី។


(J. Oswald Sanders) �ក�អ�កដឹក�ំ �

Spiritual Leadership Christian leaders, authors, founders of churches and Christian organisations from across the world have read and praised this excellent book on the subject of Christian leadership and affirmed its importance.

It emphasises the areas of character,

spiritual passion and godliness over strategic methods. In this significant book, the author has taken valuable lessons from famous leaders internationally - religious and secular, ancient and modern, successful and unsuccessful - as an example and inspiration to us.

Many pastors have found Spiritual Leadership to be a much-

loved companion in their service of the Saviour. Its author, J Oswald Sanders, was a well-known Christian ambassador, leader and writer.


The Orange Tree Can Speak និពន��យ�ក��ី សុីមន ��

by Simorn Sophear

នឹង��ញ��ក់ក���ល��ធ� ���ំ២០១១ (Available mid-December 2011)

ត��� : ៨០០០៛

�ក��ី សុម ី ន-�� �អ�កនិពន���រ� រួម�មួយវ�ច� ិ ករ � គឺ�ក��គ�� � ល � �ឿន-ច័នសុ � � �ន ប���ញ������មរយ:�ឿងកុ�រ��ប�����ឌិតមួយ ��ល�នចំណង�ើង� «�ើម���ច��ះនិ�យ»។ �ើអ�ក���ប់ជួប �ើម���ច��ះនិ�យឬ��? �ើម���ច��ះ �ន�ំឲ��កុ�រ២�ក់��ះ��ើ�រ�ររួម ���



ចំណង�ើង��លនឹង��ញ (Upcoming Titles)



កុ�រ�ំងពីរ�នប���ញគំរូពី�រ�មគ�ី និង �រឧស��ហ៍ព���មក��ង�រ�រ រហូត�នសំ��ចបំណង �����របស់���ៀងខ��ន។ �ៀវ�កុ�រ��ះ �នសរ��រ�ពីរ�� គឺ�����រ និង អង់��ស ��លនឹងជួយ�ំអ�ក�ន �ំងអស់ឲ��ដឹង� «�រ��ល�នសំ��ច�មបំណងចិត� �ះ�នរស���មដល់��លឹង�ើយ» (សុ�សិត ១៣:១៩


The Orange Tree Can Speak Author Sophear Simorn and illustrator Chan Sokha Moeun display their skills in an imaginative children’s story entitled, “The Orange Tree Can Speak”. Have you ever come across an orange tree that could speak? This orange tree helps two children to learn to work together, share what they have and not cheat each other. More than this, these two children give an example of what it is to partner together with persistence until you achieve what you long for. This children’s story is in two languages, Khmer and English, and all who read it will recognise that, “A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul” Proverbs 13:19a.


ចំណង�ើង��លនឹង��ញ (Upcoming Titles)

��ះជន�រស់�របស់��ះ��ីស� Life of Christ និពន��យ�ក រ��ត រ�ុ�ើរ

by Richard Rogers

នឹង��ញ�ចុង��មក� ���ំ២០១២

(Available end January 2012)

ត��� : ១២០០០៛

�ៀវ� «��ះជន�រស់�របស់��ះ��ីស�» �ន�ៀប�ប់��ងលម�ិតពីព័ន�កិច�របស់��ះ��ស៊ូវ��ីស� �អ��ើៗ �ប់�ំងពី�រ�ប់��ើម កំឡ�ង��ល��ើព័ន�កិច� រយៈ��ល���ររងទុក� គឺ�ន���ប់� ��ង់ �ប់��ើមពីក���ង� �ក���ង� និង ពីរយៈ��ល���ររងទុក�របស់�ង់ � ��ល�ន�ៀប�ប់���ង ពិ��រផង��រ។ �ៀវ���ះ�ជំនួយឲ��យល់ពីអត�ន័យ��ព័ន�កិច� �រ�ប់��ើមព័ន�កិច� �ររងទុក�របស់��ះ��ស៊ូវ ��ីស� �ន់��លម�ិត��ម�ៀត។ សូមរក�ៀវ���ះ�ជំនួយចុះ �ះ�កអ�កនឹង�នយល់��ងច��ស់ ��ម�ំងដឹងពីដំ�ើរ��ល��ង់�ើ� ស���ប់អស់អ�ក��លនឹង��មទទួល��ចក�ីស���ះពី��ះវរបិ���ល �ត់��ះ�ជបុ����ង់ឲ��មកស���ះ�ះ។

Live of Christ The book “Life Of Christ” describes thoroughly the various stages in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ from its inception to the suffering of His last days, explaining what happened when and where during His travels and describing in detail His Passion. This book will help you understand the meaning behind Jesus’ ministry much more deeply, from its beginnings right through to the Cross. Buy this book to grasp all that God has done for those who have accepted the Father’s salvation, given through the coming of His Son.


ចំណង�ើង��លនឹង��ញ (Upcoming Titles)

���ៀន��ះគម�ីរ��ប�����ឌិត Creative Bible Lessons ���ំទី៣ ឆ�សទី១ និង ឆ�ស ទី២ Primary, Year 3 និពន��យ�ក��ី រូស ឡ��ើ� និង �នីឌីក

by Ruth Laufer, Anni Dyck

នឹង��ញ��ើម��មក� ���ំ២០១២

(Available early January 2012)

ត��� : ១៦០០០៛

��ះ��ៀវ�ចុង���យ��ឈុត «���ក់បឋមកំរ�ត១» ស���ប់សិស���យុពី៦-៨ ���ំ។


�ស���រ:សិក��ដ៏សំ�ន់ ស���ប់�ជំនួយដល់�ក��� អ�ក��� និង អ�ក��ល��ើ�រ�មួយកម�វ�ធីកុ�រ ក��ង �រ�ំ�ឿងពី��ះគម�ីរចូល�ក��ងជីវ�តកុ�រ។ �ៀវ���ះ�ន ៥២ ���ៀន ក��ង���ៀននីមួយៗ�នគំនិត�����ឌិត���ើន ��ល�ចជួយឲ��កុ�រ ជក់ចិត� �ប់យល់ �ប់�ំ���ៀន�នល�។ ���យពី�នប��ប់ «���ក់បឋមកំរ�ត១» ��ះ�ើយ �កអ�ក នឹង�ើញលទ�ផល� សិស����ល�កអ�កប��ៀន �ន�រយល់ដឹង�ច់�ឿងក��ង��ះគម�ីរ និង �នជំ�ឿ �ន់��រ�ង�ំ�ើង។

Creative Bible Lessons, Primary, Year 3 These are the last books in the Primary Series for years 6-8. They are vital resources to aid teachers and those running children’s clubs as they look to impact children’s lives through the Bible. These books contain 52 lessons, each with many creative suggestions to help children listen, understand and remember every message. Once you have taught through the Primary Series, you will notice how your children have grown in knowledge and in their personal faith.


ចំណង�ើង��លនឹង��ញ (Upcoming Titles)

អក��នុ��ម ��ភព����� Fount of Wisdom Glossary នឹង��ញ�ចុង��មក� ���ំ២០១២

(Available end January 2012) ត��� : ១៦០០០៛ ��ះឹ ��ន � ផលិត�ៀវ� «��ភព��� � » � រួម�មួយគ��ង � វច�នុ�ម�� � ះគម�រី �នផលិត�ៀវ� មួយ�ន���ះ� «អក��នុ��ម��ភព�����» ��ល�ប��ីអក�រ��ម�ម��អង់��ស និង �ក��បរ��ស ��ល�ន��ើ�ក��ង�ៀវ�សិក����ីស�បរ�ស័ទ �ំង�ក��ថ�ីៗ �ក��ពិ�កៗ ឬក៏�ក��ប���ក��ស��ល�� និយម��ើ�ក��ង�រសិក����ះគម�ីរ និង ��វ���� រួម�មួយនឹង�របក��� ឬ�រពន��ល់���មរ�� ទន�ឹមនឹង��ះ



�យ ��ល�នជួប��ទះដូច����ះទីក���ង មនុស���ក��ង��វត�ិ����ពួកជំនុំ ��វ���� ���ះឯក�រ បុ�ណ និង �ក���ត់��លជួប��ទះ�ញឹក�ប់ និង �ក��ក��ង��បរ��ស����ង�ៀត សរុប�ំងអស់ �នចំនួន����ល�ង ២៦០០ �ក��។ �ៀវ���ះ



�ៀវ���ីស�បរ�ស័ទ មិតអ� � ក�ន�ៀវ���ីស�បរ�ស័ទ���អង់��ស និង ��សកជន�ំង�យ��ល កំពុងសិក����មរ��ផង។

Fount of Wisdom Glossary Fount of Wisdom Publishing House in conjunction with the Bible Dictionary Project is producing the “Glossary of Christian Terms”. This is an alphabetical list of English and foreign terms used in Christian books, many of which are newly introduced, uncommon, or specialized, together with their Khmer translation or explanation. This glossary also includes concise explanations of many difficult concepts encountered, including: names of places and people in church history, theology, names of ancient documents, and commonly encountered abbreviations and foreign words; more than 2600 terms in all. This book will be a useful reference tool for translators of Christian books, Christian interpreters, Cambodians reading English Christian books, and missionaries


studying Christian Khmer language.

��ះត��ិះស���ចរបស់��ះ����ស់ God Willing �ៀវ�សិក�� ( (Academic Books)

ត��� :


ទំហំ :

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១០០ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ : FOW0047 Price: $ 2.20 Page no: 100 Pages Book size: 14.80 * 21 cm Book code: FOW0047


Historical Christian Evidences ត��� :


ទំហំ :

២១ x ២៩.៧០ ស.ម

ល.សំ�ល់ :


ត��� :


Price: Page no: Book size:

$ 1.80 70 Pages 21 * 29.70 cm

ល.សំ�ល់ :



$ 0.13

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

៧០ ទំព័រ

Book code: FOW0043


The Responsible Christian

១២ែខ �ន��ះគម�ីចប់

Read the Bible in 12 Months

Book code: FOWTBBKH0015

Know Who You Believe ត��� :



ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៥៨ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ :


ល.សំ�ល់ :


Price: Page no: Book size:

$ 3.00 232 Pages 21 * 29.70 cm


$ 2.10

ត��� :


ទំហំ :

២១ x ២៩.៧០ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

Book code: RSC0010

ទំហំ :

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម

Page no: 158 Pages Book size: 14.80 * 21 cm Book code: FOW0023



អ���ធិប��យអំពី កណ� ����សូរ

What the Bible is All About ត��� :

ចំនួនទំព័រ : ទំហំ :

ល.សំ�ល់ : Price: Page no: Book size:

Commentary on Ephesians

៥៣១០០៛ ៨៦០ទំព័រ

ត��� :


ទំហំ :

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៦ x ២៣ ស.ម FOW0051

១៥៣ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ :

$ 12.95 860 Pages 16 * 23 cm


Price: Page no: Book size:

Book code: FOW0051

$ 2.70 153 Pages 14.80 * 21 cm

Book code: FOW0032

�ៀវ�សិក�� (Academic Books)



Building on Firm Foundations

Christianity - Essential Doctrines

ត��� :


ត��� :


ទំហំ :

២១ x ២៩.៧០ ស.ម

ទំហំ :

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

ចំនួនទំព័រ :


ល.សំ�ល់ :


Price: Page no: Book size:

$ 4.95 436 Pages 21 * 29.70 cm

ល.សំ�ល់ : Price: Page no: Book size:

២០០ ទំព័រ

FOW0050 $ 3.00 200 Pages 14.80 * 21 cm

Book code: FOW0050

Book code: FOW0048 ��ះ��ស៊ូវ��ីស��នំបុ័ង��ជីវ�ត The Bread of Life

ជំ�ឿ��ីស�បរ�ស័ទ និង �ស�មរមន

ត��� :


Christianity & Mormonism

ទំហំ :

២៩.៧០ x ២១ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

៤២ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ :


Price: Page no: Book size:

$ 2.00 42 Pages 11 * 18 cm

ចំនួនទំព័រ : ល.សំ�ល់ : Price: Page no: Book size:

១៣៨ ទំព័រ

FOW0027 $ 3.00 138 Pages 29.70 * 21 cm

Book code: FOW0027

ត��� : ទំហំ :

Planting Churches through Chronological Storytelling ១២៣០០៛

ទំហំ :

២៩.៧០ x ២១ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៤៦ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ :


Price: Page no: Book size:

$ 3.00 42 Pages 29.70 * 21 cm

Book code: FOW0020


១១ x១៨ ស.ម

Book code: FOW0026

�រ�ំ��ុមជំនំុ�យ�រនិ�ន�ឿងពី�ះគម� � ីរ�មលំ�ប់�ៀង�ល ត��� :




Dig Deeper

God’s Big Picture

ត��� :


ត��� :


ទំហំ :

១២.៥០ x ១៩.៨០ ស.ម

ទំហំ :

១២.៥០ x ១៩.៨០ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

២១៧ ទំព័រ

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៩៤ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ : FOW0042 $ 2.40

ល.សំ�ល់ : Price:

Page no:

217 Pages

Page no:

194 Pages

Book size:

12.50 * 19.80 cm

Book size:

12.50 * 19.80 cm


Book code: FOW0042

FOW0040 $ 2.40

Book code: FOW0040

�ៀវ�សិក�� (Academic Books)


ត��� :


ចំនួនទំព័រ : ១០៤-២៨៤ ទំព័រ ទំហំ :

Bridge Bible Commentary - Eight Volumes


$ 2.90 each

Page no:

104-284 Pages

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម Book size: 14.80 * 21 cm


ផ��វ��ន់ភំ� � ល់��រ�

ចិតឳពុ � ក

The Calvary Road

The Father Heart of God

ត��� :


ត��� :


ទំហំ :

១១.៥០ x ១៨ ស.ម

ទំហ ំ:

១៤.៧០ x ២១ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៥៤ ទំព័រ

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

ល.សំ�ល់ :



$ 3.00

Page no:

154 Pages

Page no:

132 Pages

Book size:

11.50 * 18 cm

Book size:

14.70 * 21 cm

Book code: FOW0062

ល.សំ�ល់ :



$ 2.20

Book code: FOW0041

ចំណង�ើងទូ� (General Titles)


Train Up A Child ត��� :

១៤០០០ ៛


ទំហំ :

១២.៥០ x ១៩.៨០ ស.ម

ល.សំ�ល់ :

ត��� :


ចំនួនទំព័រ :


$ 3.50

Page no:

180 Pages

ល.សំ�ល់ :


Book size:

12.50 * 19.80 cm


$ 3.00

Page no:

421 Pages

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៨០ ទំព័រ

Book code: FOW0056

The New Life in Christ ១២៣០០៛

៤២១ ទំព័រ

Book code: FOWNILC0014


Being a Christian at Home ត��� : ចំនួនទំព័រ : ទំហំ : ល.សំ�ល់ :

ក��ង����ងកំ�ន� Easy Games ត���:



២១ x ២៩.៧០ស.ម




$ 3.00


១៣៣ ទំព័រ

Page no:

133 Pages

Book size:

21 * 29.70 cm

Book code: FOW0039


១៣២ ទំព័រ

Price: Page no: Book size: Book code:

១៦០០៛ ២០ ទំព័រ ១០.៣០ x ១៤.៨០ ស.ម FOWCAH0019 $ 0.40 20 Pages 21 * 29.70 cm FOWCAH0019


Money Management ត��� : ចំនួនទំព័រ : ទំហំ : ល.សំ�ល់ :

១៦០០៛ ២០ ទំព័រ ១០.៣០ x ១៤.៨០ ស.ម FOWHMM0018

Price: Page no: Book size: Book code:

$ 0.40 20 Pages 21 * 29.70 cm FOWHMM0018

���ៀន��ះគម�ីរ��ប�����ឌិត ���ក់បឋមកំរ�ត១ ���ំទី១, ២,និង ទី៣ -ឆ�សទី ១ និង ២ Creative Bible Lessons Primary

ចំណង�ើងសំ�ប់កុ�រ (Titles for Children)

Year 1, 2, and 3: January - June, July - December �ន :


ត��� :

១៦០០០៛ មួយ�គ

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

១៥៨ទំព័រ មួយ�គ

ទំហំ :

២១ x ២៩.៧០ស.ម

Volumes :



$ 4.00 each

Page no:

158 Pages each

Book size: 21 * 29.70 cm �ៀវ�មគ���សក៍

Teacher’s Handbook

ត��� :


ទំហំ :

២១ x ២៩.៧ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ : ១៤៤ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ : FOW0049


Manga Messiah ត��� :


ទំហំ :

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ : ល.សំ�ល់ : Price:

២៨៨ ទំព័រ

Price: $ 3.00 Page no: 144 Pages Book size: 21 * 29.7 cm Book code: FOW0049

FOW0033 $ 3.95

Page no:

288 Pages

Book size:

14.80 * 21 cm

Book code: FOW0033


សត�ដ៏អ���រ�� (�គទី ១ ទី២ ទី៣ និង ទី៤) God’s Amazing Animals (Book 1, 2, 3, and 4) Price:

$ 1.25 each

Page no:

44 - 68 Pages

ត��� :


ទំហ ំ:

១៥ x ១៥ ស.ម Book size: 15 * 15 cm

ល.សំ�ល់ :

FOW0057-60 Book code: FOW0057-60

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

៤៤ - ៦៨ ទំព័រ

កូន��មុំតុក� � របស់មិ� Miknia’s Doll ត���:


ទំហ ំ:

១៨ x ២៥ ស.ម

Price: Page no:

$ 1.50 34 Pages

ចំនួនទំព័រ: ល.សំ�ល់ :

៣៤ ទំព័រ


Book size: 18 * 25 cm Book code: FOWMD0017

អ�ក��មិតខ� � �ំ?

ចំណង�ើងសំ�ប់កុ�រ (Titles for Children)

Who is My Friend? ត���:


ទំហ ំ:

១៨ x ២៥ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ: ល.សំ�ល់ : Price: Page no:

១៦ ទំព័រ



FOW0038 $ 1.50 16 Pages


ទំហ ំ:

១៤.៨០ x ២១ ស.ម

ចំនួនទំព័រ :

Book size: 18 * 25 cm Book code: FOW0038

៤៨ ទំព័រ

ល.សំ�ល់ : FOW0046 Price: $ 1.20 Page no: 48 Pages

Book size: 14.80 * 21 cm Book code: FOW0046

កូន��ក កូនដំរ� កូនទន��យ កូន���

Little Birdy Little Elephant Little Rabbit Little Kitten ត���:

ចំនួនទំព័រ: ទំហ ំ:

ល.សំ�ល់ : Price: Page no:


ត��� :

៨២០០៛/ក��ល ៣០ ទំព័រ

២០.៣០ x ២០.៣០ ស.ម FOW0034-37 $ 2.20/each 30 Pages

Book size: 20.30 * 20.30 cm Book code: FOW0034-37

ទីប���ល់ពី�ៀវ� �ៀវ� «រ�ៀបប���ត់កូន»

Train Up A Child 

«�ៀវ���ះ �ល��ស់សំ�ប់ឪពុក���យ��ប់ៗរូប។ ខ��ំ�ន�នចប់ម�ង�ើយ ��ខ�ំចង់�នម�ង �ៀត ពី��ះ�គួរឲ���ប់�រម�ណ៍��ំង�ស់» (�ក នឹម វណ�ៈ) ។

“I can recommend this book to every parent. This book is so interesting that although I’ve read it once I still want to read it again” (Mr. Noeum Vannak).

� ក» �ៀវ� «ចិតឪពុ

The Father Heart of God 

«�ៀវ���ះ �នជួយខ��ំ���ើន���កដូច� �ើកទឹកចិត� និង ប��ៀនឲ��យល់ពីស���នមនុស�� ����ងៗ��� ��ចក�ី���ញ់ រ�ៀបព���លពីរបួសផ��វចិត� �រយកចិត�ទុក�ក់ និង �រ�រ�រ (ក��� និល ចរ��) ។

“This book has been a help to me in many ways: it has encouraged me and helped me to understand different types of people, to understand more about love and inner healing, to persevere and to protect myself from hurts”. (Miss Nil Chariya).

�ៀវ� «មំុាង��� ��ស�៊»

Manga Messiah 

«���ពី�រអប់រ� �ៀវ���ះ�នគំនូរ���តៗ ��ល��ើឲ��កុ�រក��ង��ុមជំនុំរបស់ខ�ំ �ប់�រម�ណ៍ ចូលចិត��ន���ង���ំង» (�ក���គ���ល���ក់មកពី��ត� ចូលរួមក��ងម�សន�ិ�ត��ិយសម�័ន�) ។

“Apart from its educational message, the books have beautiful artwork that attract the children in my church and make them really want to read the books”. A provincial pastor, Annual General Meeting of the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia.


ឈុត�ៀវ�កុ�រ «កូនដំរ�, កូន��ក, កូនទន��យ និង កូន��» � The Little Animals Collection : Little Elephant, Little Birdy, Little Rabbit and Little Kitten

ក��ងឱ�សលក់ Christmas Craft ���នរបស់អង��រ��ល��ើ�រ�មួយ���ី�នវ�បត�ិ �ននិ�យ ���ប់�ើង� «យប់មិញ

ខ��ំ�ន�ន�ៀវ��ំងបួនក��ល��ះ។ ខ��ំ�ន�រម�ណ៍ក��កក��ល����ំង

ពី��ះ�ឿង��ះ���ៀងនឹង�ឿងខ�ះរបស់��ី��លខ��ំ��ើ�រ�មួយ�នជួប��ទះ។ ���ឹក��ះ ខ��ំចង់ ទិញខ�ះប���ម�ៀត ស���ប់��កឲ��ពួក���ន �ើម��ី�ើកទឹកចិត�ពួក�� និង ឲ្��ពួក���នធូរ���ើយ ក��ង�រម�ណ៍ផង»។

“Last night I read all four of these books. I found them extremely moving because these stories were so similar to some of the problems that the women I work with have faced. I want to buy more to give out to them to encourage them and help bring them emotional healing”. Head of an organisation working with women at risk, at a Christmas Crafts event.

�នអ�ក�����ក់���ត��ៀម�ប �នចូលរួមក��ងវគ�សិ����ពិ��ះ និង ��ឹក���បល់ �មួយ កុ�រ��ល�ន�ៀបចំ�ើង�យអង��រមួយ។ អង��រ�ះ �នយក�ៀវ��ំងបួនក��ល��ះ� ��ើ។ �ត់�ន�ៀប�ប់��ប់�ើង� «ខ��ំចង់យក�ៀវ��ំង��ះ ���ក�យ�មួយកុ�រ�ឯ ��ត�របស់ខ�ំ



��ប់�ង� � រម�ណ៍ កំហឹង ��ះ���ងយល់ពីប��� និង វ�ធី��លជួយដល់មិត�� � លជួបប���ផង��រ»។

“I want to give these books to the children in my province because I can see that these books help children know how to master their anger, solve problems and help friends who are facing problems too”. A teacher in Siem Reap participating in a discussion and advice workshop for children sponsored by an agency that used this four-book series.





រ��កអស់ ��ល��ះខ��ំចង់ទិញមួយក��ល�ៀត �ើម��ី�ើកទឹកចិតឲ� � �កូនខំ�ន» (អ�ក�����ក់�ភ�ំ��ញ)។

“My children have so enjoyed reading and re-reading “Little Elephant” that the book has started to come apart. I want to buy another copy to encourage the


children to keep on reading”. Teacher, Phnom Penh.

គន�:ធិប��យ��ះគម�ីរ What the Bible is All About

«ខ��ំ�នជូន�ៀវ���ះមួយក��ល�ឪពុករបស់ខ�ំ។ ���យពី�ន�ន�ើយ �ត់�ន���ប់ខ��ំ � �ត់ចូលចិត��ន�ៀវ���ះ�ង��ះគម�ីរ

ពី��ះអ�កនិពន��នស���ប និង ពន��ល់ឲ��

�យយល់ �ើយ���ល�ត់�ន �ត់ជក់ចិត����ង���ំង» (�ក ជឹម ទិត��មក�)។

“I gave a copy of this book to my father and he told me that he even preferred reading it to the Bible because the author summarised and explained the biblical meaning so simply. He found it completely engrossing” (Mr. Chim Titmakara).

«មិតភក� � ិរបស់ខ�ំ����គ���ល ��ប់��សុទ����ន�ៀវ���ះ។

ពួក���ន���ប់ខ�ំ� �ៀវ�

��ះ�នជួយដល់�រប��ៀនពួក�� �ើយ��ក៏�ន���ំខ�ំ ឲ��មករក�ៀវ���ះ���ឹះ���ន ��ភព�����» (�ក លី សុផល)។

“My pastor friends all have this book and have told me that it has taught them a lot; they told me to get the book from Fount of Wisdom” (Mr. Ly Sophal)

�ក���គ���ល���ក់��លមកចូលរួមក��ងម�សន�ិ�ត��ិយសម�័ន� �ន���ប់�ើង� «ពីមុន ខ��ំ �នទិញ�ៀវ����នចម�ងអ���ធិប��យ��ះគម�ីរពី��ភព�����


�រយល់�ះគម� � ីរ និង �រ�ៀបចំ��ចក�ីប��ៀន���ង��ើន។ ���ល��ះ ��ភព����� �ន �ៀវ� «គន�ៈធិប��យ��ះគម�ីរ» ខ��ំ�ឿ� �ៀវ���ះនឹងជួយព��ីកចំ��ះដឹង��ះគម�ីរប���ម �ៀត»។

“I bought the Bridge Bible Commentary series from Fount of Wisdom a while back and it has really helped me to understand the Bible and to prepare lots of Bible messages.

Now that Fount of Wisdom has produced this Bible

Handbook, I am sure that it will increase my Bible knowledge even further”. A pastor who attended the Annual General Meeting of the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia.

«�ៀវ���ះ �នជួយខ��ំឲ��យល់��ះគម�ីរ�ន���ើរ�ើង �ើយឪពុកខ��ំ��ល�នយក�ៀវ� ��ះ��ន ក៏�នសរ�ើរ��រ� ��នជួយ�ត់ឲ��យល់�ះគម� � ីរ���ងច��ស់» (�ក នឹម វណ�ៈ)។

“This book has helped me to know the Bible better. I lent it to my father and he was also full of praise, saying that it made the Bible so understandable”. (Mr. Noeum Vannak)



What The Bible Is All About

ចំណង�ើងលក់�ច់�ង�����ំ��ំ (Bestseller ( s of the Year)



Bible Handbook ��ៀវ� ដ៏�ន�����ិយ�ពក��ងចំ�ម���គ���ល និង អ�កដឹក�ំ។ ���គ���ល និង អ�កដឹក�ំ���ើន�ក់�ន���ប់�

«�ៀវ���ះ�នជួយខ��ំក��ង�រប��ៀន និង យល់��ះគម�ីរ

�ន់��សុីជំ�» ។ គួរប���ក់��រ� �ៀវ���ះ�នទទួល�រ

ប���ទិញ និង បង់��ក់�មុនចំនួន ១២៣ក��ល �ំងពីមិន

�ន់��ើរួច�ល់មក���៉ះ។ រហូតមកដល់��ល��ះ �ើងលក់អស់ ចំនួន ៧១០ ��ក�ងរយៈ��ល៧��ប៉ុ��ះ។ �ើ�កអ�ក�ន �ៀវ�ល���ប��ះមួយក��លនឹង�� �ើយឬ�? This is a popular book with pastors and Christian leaders, who find it a valuable resource in their teaching and personal study, helping them to understand the Bible more deeply.

There were 123 fully-paid pre-orders for this

Handbook before it even went to print and it has gone on to sell 710 copies in just 7 months. Shouldn’t you also have this significant book on your shelves?


Building on Firm Foundations �ៀវ� «សង់�ើ��ឹះ�ំ» �នទទួល�រ�ំ�����ង���ំងអំពី ��លទទួល���ល់� �

�រគន�ឹះដ៏សំ�ន់មួយស���ប់មនុស���គ��ើន ��លមិន�ន់ យល់ដំណឹងល�ពី��ះ��ស៊ូវ��ីស� ពី��ះពួក��មិន�ន់���ល់ � ��ះ�អ�ក�? �ើ��ះ�ជបុ���អ�ក�? �ើ��ចក�ី ជំ�ឿ�អ�ី?


�ើយ��តុអី� � ន������វ

វ��ស? �ៀវ���ះ �ជំនួយដ៏លស�� � �ប់�រផ��យដំណឹងល� និង ស��ប � ព ់ ��ង ឹ ជំ�ឿ ដល់អស់អក � ��ល�នទទួល��ចក�ស�� ី ះ� រួច�ើយ��រ។ Many denominational leaders have endorsed “Building On Firm Foundations”, saying that it is a key means of reaching the many people who do not yet know the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do not even know: who is God; who is His Son; what is faith; what is grace; and why is it that they are perishing? This book is a great evangelistic tool as well as being a resource for strengthening the faith of those who have already been saved.

�ៀវ���ះ �ន�ើ�ឲ��ឪពុក���យ��ើរ���ំងអស់ �ប់ �រម�ណ៍����ំង


���យ��លល� និង ��ឹម���វ ស���ប់កូនរបស់�� �ើយ�� �ន��ទះ�ើញរ�ៀប�ំង�ះ


«រ�ៀបប���ត់កូន» ��ះ ��ល�នរ�ៀប�ះ���យ�ប់

ចំណង�ើងលក់�ច់�ង�����ំ��ំ (Bestsellers of the Year)


�ំងពីកូន�តូច រហូតដល់ធំ��ញវ័យ។ �ំងអស់��ះ

�មូល��ត�� ុ ល��ើឲ���ៀវ���ះ�ន

លក់អស់ចំនួន២០០០ក��ល ��ក��ងរយ:��ល១��ប៉ុ��ះ។ This book has appealed to parents everywhere: all parents are looking for the right ways to bring up their children well and they have found good methods in the book “Train Up A Child”, which has advice for raising children from very young all the way through to maturity. No wonder that this book sold out 2000 copies in its first two months.


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