2020 Vibrato

Page 43

HEAVY SUMMER Merritt McCaleb

we tumble into heavy summer with lost knowledge and a hunger for orange midnights, windows down, midsummer tides, and pure rapture. mouths turn up at the thought of a lover, of obsession; but my summer love is a blank page and the lips with which I kiss, my pen. I hold stories within me just as firefly evenings conceal secrets – the freedom I feel when writing is not unlike flying with a light breeze in my hair. alone, at my desk, I wield the power to create small infinities. sentences flow from my mind as elegantly as you dive headfirst into swimmers’ paradise. commas litter my page as charred fireworks litter grass on the fifth of July. I choose words carefully, meticulously. the best ones sneak up behind you, like August does September. eagerly, excitedly, ecstatically. we tumble out of heavy summer holding hands with our lover – I’ll never stop slipping my thoughts into words, I’ve discovered.


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