Graphic Profile - Oscar Södergren

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DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Oscar Södergren’s yacht designs are contemporary and functional – so is his brand profile. The philosophy of the brand identity is to create a playful, yet sophisticated image. To have an identity that is interesting to the point of daring, that brings joy, as well as maintaining a professional impression. The neon colors make it playful, put in contrast towards simple and sophisticated colors such as black and white and combined with elegant, modern fonts of the 21st century. It is important for the brand identity to communicate a balance between playfulness and professionalism.



The logotype comes standard in white, black and together with the turquoise color. However, the logotype can be modified with any brand color applied to any part of the logo for specific project or purposes without breaking brand guidelines. If the color of the logo is modified, it is suggested it fulfills a purpose for the occasion. Maybe it is in place to modify it for a specific product design, a special event, or a new era for the brand. The purpose is to keep the brand identity professionally playful. The logo comes aligned in a centered version as standard and a right aligned version to use when the centered version doesn’t fit.

The icon is developed to symbolize the shape of both a sail and a mountain. It can be used and modified with any brand color for design features, as well as specific projects or purposes. The icon plays a major role in the brand identity and be used often in branding. It can be tilted to new angles and put in 3D, but the aspects need to maintain the same. It shall not be stretched in any direction. It is allowed to be flipped horizontally, not vertically, for specific purposes. However, the icon shall mainly be used pointing to the left.


Oscar Södergrens’s profile consists of six colors. Black is the dominant base color, accompanied by white. The strong neon colors may be used as backgrounds for selected parts and can be used as headers, but not as body text color. The neon colors are playful and they bring a daring vibe to the brand. The turquoise is the main accent color, the orange second and the lime third. They need to be used thoughtfully to maintain a professional look. They are allowed to take over and be mixed for specific design elements as long as it is in line with the design philosophy. They are allowed in darker shades.

#063038 Pantone Black

TURQUOISE #3EB3C4 Pantone 631 C/U

RGB 0 0 0

RGB 62 179 196

CMYK (%) 100 100 100 100

CMYK (%) 68 8 22 0





Pantone 1645 C/U

Pantone White

Pantone 422 C/U

RGB 255 106 69

RGB 255 255 255

RGB 158 162 163

CMYK (%) 0 0 0 0

CMYK (%) 41 31 32 0


CMYK (%) 0 73 76 0


#CCFF99 Pantone 372 C/U RGB 204 255 153 CMYK (%) 21 0 53 0


LOGOTYPE Condor Extended Bold

To match the playful profile colors and make a professional profile, only two contemporary fonts are used in Oscar Södergren’s communication, in addition to the font of the logo.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö 123456789 0

For headings, Montserrat Regular is used. Both uppercase and lowercase letters are allowed. This font, elegant and slightly inspired by Art Deco, communicates well with a modern feel together with all the colors of the profile. By applying the colors to selected headings, the colors are reinforced in a modest and natural way for the profile.

HEADERS Montserrat - Regular

(kerning <0.05em)

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö 1234567890

The font Proxima Nova Regular is used for body texts. A modern hybrid font designed in 2005 that works well with Montserrat. It is easy to read even for larger paragraphs and long running text. Proxima Nova Bold and Italic are approved for the graphic profile, however, should be used carefully and for a specific purpose.

Paragraphs Proxima Nova Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö 1234567890

Graphic Profile by Foursixteence Design

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