2016 Annual Report

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• Kites Over Lake Michigan: A multi-year tradition and the largest kite festival in the tatement of Financial Condition A nniversaries BSranch Managers Midwest. This Labor Day weekend event is packed with activities for the whole family.

MORE THAN a financial institution...

Assets 2016 2015 4029,676,536 Years • Jane – Military Avenue In 2016, we created a$charitable foundation called $the Fox CashBalthazor & Cash Items 35,744,167 Bonnie Timm – VP Lakeshore Investments this, we are better toMarket Development • Tara Birling – Black Creek Cares Foundation. By establishing $able 95,555,644 $ •83,027,792 VehicleDietzen Loans – Wisconsinmanage 220,624,459 through contributions,$ to 192,207,373 make an 35 Years • Karen Avenuethe monies we $receive Real Estate & Home Equity even Loansbigger impact on local $ $ 506,302,836 572,381,317 nonprofits that hold a 501(c)3 status. • Char Besch – Consumer Loan Officer • Lisa Hanna – Kimberly Business Loans $ $ 222,361,411 273,212,886 The majority of our focus will be placed on well-established organizations that support •44,888,190 Deb Konitzer – AVP Member Payment Systems • John Hessenthaler All Other Loans – Neenah $ 38,810,793 homelessness, hunger and food insecurity, along $with cultivating the arts in children and Allowance for Loan Losses • Dawn Johnson – Manitowoc & Two Rivers $ $ 25(3,833,543) (4,588,669) Years adults. “On behalf of our members, our goal is to$improve the lives of our friends Fixed Assets $ and 17,789,783 17,675,772 • Ken Kerschke – Howard • Connie McMahon – Wisconsin Teller neighbors in need,”Assets states Bruce Kotarek, President Foundation’s Board of$ Directors. Receivables & Other $ of the 25,598,889 23,096,324 • Jennifer Leopold – New London • Kay Prucha – Mortgage Loan Officer We could not make these happen without you: $ 1,260,749,733 Total Assets $ 1,129,782,227 • Port Lor – De Pere & NWTC • Cal Radue – Records Manager • Instrument Drive: Fox has a goal to aid in providing music opportunities to children • Renee Minlschmidt – Calumet Street • Michele Stumpf – AVP Branch Operations Liabilities & Member in our area, whoEquity are unable to afford it on their own. We started collecting instruments • Nicole – Clintonville SavingsMuch & Club Accounts Barb Vandenberg – QC$Representative $ •291,343,338 251,437,550 andAccounts cash donations in 2016, during the events that we sponsor. Watch for your Checking $ $ 153,099,432 162,314,890 • Rachaele Petersen – Northland Avenue • Laurie Vincent – Ashland Branch Manager opportunity to help this great cause. Money Market/Investment Share Accounts $ $ 233,504,649 250,051,398 • Christina Poad – Winnebago 20 Years Certificates of Deposit 157,388,650 • Movie Night/Summer Reading Challenge at$ the Timber Rattlers Ballpark:$ 154,760,084 • Joni Trousil – Main Street • Debbie Individual Retirement Accounts $ $ 60,887,901 61,539,702 Young members were encouraged to read ten books or 500Driessen – Trainer • Kelly Vang – Eastman & Voyager Borrowings $ $ 136,241,467 180,942,526 • Cindy Mommaerts – Mortgage Loan Officer pages over a 12 week span in the summer. This year, we added to Payables & Other Liabilities $ $ • 18,795,413 13,185,778 • Laurie Vincent – Ashland Avenue Kellychallenge Steffen – QC Manager the event by showing the Minion movie to the Net Worth Reserves $ 126,665,366 $ reading 138,373,816 • Lawe Street attendees and invited the public. Free soda and10 popcorn was Years Total Liabilities & Member Equity $ 1,129,782,227 $ 1,260,749,733 provided. Ticket proceeds, of over $2,000, went to FeedingBuksyk – Consumer • Kerrie Loan Servicing America and local schools. • Linda Cochrane – Ashland Teller • Coats for Kids: We have been involved in this great effortDietzen for • Karen – Wisconsin Branch Manager Nominated by co-workers, these awards are Revenue over ten years. In 2016, we collected 2,334 coats. Together, we Amanda Joski – Military Teller 33,883,573 Interest on who Loanshave demonstrated leadership, $ •37,455,562 $ Vault given to staff are helping to keep kids warm. 1,699,737 Investments 1,792,208 $ Knorr – Clintonville Teller dedication, competence, exceptional performance, $ • Cheryl 11,434,383 Other Revenue $ $ •in12,863,169 •service Small Business Saturday: Fox instrumental organizing a shopping day for excellent and a commitment to was community. Patty Luedtke – Calumet MSR the Saturday afterRevenue Thanksgiving to support local businesses. had 96 participating 47,017,693 Total Gross $ Loan $ •52,110,939 DaleAppleton Milkie – Mortgage Officer businesses, Green Bay 50 and the Lakeshore 16. This was the third year for Appleton • Linda Pomeroy – ACH Receiving Julie Expenses andJon theBenson first for Green Bay and the Lakeshore. Owners saw an average increase in Sandra Reed – Calumet$ Teller Ujazdowski 15,576,427 $ •17,995,058 Salariessales & Benefits Consumer of 30%! Consumer 5,342,948 6,158,739 $ $ • Shandra Office Occupancy & Operations Loan Officer Stevenson – Investment Sales Assistant • Stock the Shelves: Fox, in partnership credit unions, has$supported Loan Officerwith $other local 1,805,514 2,092,031 Education & Promotion • Renee Thiel – QC Representative (116,191) thisfor drive over lastLosses eight years and helped$raise money and food donations our $ for(161,726) Provision Loan & the Lease Vang – Northland $Teller 6,430,599 7,289,060 $ • Cha Outside Services & Other Operating local food pantries. 2,829,217 3,084,067 $ $ Cost of Borrowing • Fox Silent Auction Holiday Party: This year $we raised over $25,000 at our$ employee Tony Runge Zachary 3,722,528 3,864,554 Dividends Paid to Members Senior Hartzheim holiday party. We can’t thank our local businesses, Board members and staff enough 35,545,507 40,367,318 $ $ Total Expenses Network Network for their support. All proceeds went to local charities that were chosen by our staff. 24 Years Administrator 11,472,186 11,743,621 $ $ $275,000 BALANCE TO RESERVES Over theAnnual last 15 years we haveTechnician generated over forVanAsten our communities! • Sharon - Mortgage Loan Officer 2016 Report

SStaff “LivingofIt”Operation Award tatement

R etirement

www.foxcu.org www.foxcu.org www.foxcu.org

2016 • Annual Report | 5 2016 • Annual Report | 7 2016 • Annual Report | 3

More than a financial institution... Fox Communities Credit Union’s mission statement was crafted to guide the credit union by outlining our purpose for you, our members. Included in this statement is a sentence that reads, “We shall remain strong in the communities through our support and involvement.” In early 2016, we concentrated on this commitment, uncovered opportunities and began to implement! Greg Hilbert, President of the credit union, states, “Our Board of Directors and staff have known that Fox has always been more than just a financial institution in a crowded market – we have been a partner in the communities we serve. As an organization, we made a clear and focused effort to support targeted family friendly events. We want to help create experiences and make lives better for everyone that lives or works in the areas we serve.” Continuing with this theme, Bill Panella, Board Chairman, adds, “The Board and staff work together to make sure the credit union’s mission is being fulfilled. I am confident in sharing, that the primary job of providing financial services to our membership is being met. It is a priority for us to listen to our members, then react gaining momentum and moving forward. With that said, when the Board was presented with the extended community outreach plan we enthusiastically supported it and approved the direction, never looking back. We believe the team is on the right path seeing it as a great way to give back to our communities, thus our members.” Make Summer Life Happen: • Brats, Beer and Beethoven: Free July 1st symphony concert, at the Timber Rattlers stadium, for all families to enjoy - complete with fireworks! The stadium was packed with families enjoying the sounds and the sights. • Bike to the Beat: For the first time ever, Fox organized a family fun bike ride during Mile of Music in August. It was complete with multiple routes; 10, 20, 36 or 48 miles with music and food stops along the way from Appleton to De Pere. Proceeds of $25,000 went to myTeam Triumph, an organization whose mission is to enrich the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities by fostering lasting, authentic relationships through the teamwork environment of endurance athletics. Thank you to the 1,464 registered riders in 2016 for making this happen. Visit www.foxbiketothebeat.com and learn how you can ride in 2017! • Lakeshore Balloon Glow: As summer winded down, eight hot air balloons lit up the night for the entire community to enjoy, which included Fox’s very own hot air balloon. www.foxcu.org

2016 • Annual

Report | 2

Kites Over Lake Michigan: A multi-year tradition and the largest kite festival in the A nniversaries BS•Midwest. ranch Managers tatement ofDayFinancial Condition This Labor weekend event is packed with activities for the whole family.

40 2016 Years •Assets Jane Balthazor – Military Avenue In 2016, we created a charitable foundation called the Fox2015 Cash & Cash Items $able 35,744,167 $ 29,676,536 • Bonnie – VP Lakeshore Cares Foundation. By establishing this,Timm we are better to Market Development • Tara Birling – Black Creek Investments $ $ 95,555,644 83,027,792 manage the monies we receive through contributions, to make an Years •Vehicle Karen Dietzen Loans – Wisconsin Avenue $ 192,207,373 $ 35 220,624,459 even bigger impact on local that –hold a 501(c)3 status. • Char Besch Consumer Officer Equity Loans •Real Lisa Estate Hanna&–Home Kimberly $ Loan $ nonprofits 506,302,836 572,381,317 The majority of our focus will be placed on well-established organizations that support Loans $ 222,361,411 $ 273,212,886 • Deb Konitzer – AVP Member Payment Systems •Business John Hessenthaler – Neenah homelessness, hunger and food insecurity, along with the arts in children and All Other Loans $ $ cultivating 38,810,793 44,888,190 • Dawn Johnson – Manitowoc & Two Rivers 25 Years Allowance for Loan Losses adults. “On behalf of our members, our goal is to improve the lives of our friends $ and $ (4,588,669) (3,833,543) •Fixed Ken Kerschke – Howard •17,675,772 Connie McMahon – Wisconsin Teller Assets 17,789,783 neighbors in need,” states Bruce Kotarek, President$of the Foundation’s Board of$ Directors. & Other Assets •Receivables Jennifer Leopold – New London $ $ •23,096,324 25,598,889 Kay Prucha – Mortgage Loan Officer We could not make these happen without you: • Port Lor – De Pere & NWTC Total Assets • Cal Radue – Records Manager $ 1,129,782,227 $ 1,260,749,733 • Instrument Drive: Fox has a goal to aid in providing music opportunities to children • Renee Minlschmidt – Calumet Street • Michele Stumpf – AVP Branch Operations in our area, who are unable to afford it on their own. We started collecting instruments & Member Equity •Liabilities Nicole Much – Clintonville •we Barb Vandenberg QCyour Representative and cash donations in 2016, during the events$that291,343,338 sponsor. Watch–for Savings & Club Accounts $ 251,437,550 •Checking Rachaele Petersen – Northland Avenue • Laurie Vincent – Ashland Manager opportunity to help this great cause. Accounts $ Branch $ 162,314,890 153,099,432 •Money Christina Poad – Winnebago Market/Investment Share Accounts 250,051,398 Years • Movie Night/Summer Reading Challenge at $the20 Timber Rattlers Ballpark:$ 233,504,649 of– Deposit $ 154,760,084 $ 157,388,650 •Certificates Joni Trousil Main Street • Debbie Young members were encouraged to read ten $ books or 500 Driessen – Trainer Individual Retirement Accounts $ 60,887,901 61,539,702 • Kelly Vang – Eastman & Voyager • Cindy Mommaerts – Mortgage Loan Officer pages over a 12 week span in the summer. This$ year, we added to Borrowings $ 136,241,467 180,942,526 •Payables Laurie Vincent – Ashland Avenue the event by showing the Minion movie to the reading challenge • Kelly Steffen – QC Manager & Other Liabilities $ $ 13,185,778 18,795,413 •Net Lawe StreetReserves attendees and invited the public. Free soda and was Worth $ $ popcorn 126,665,366 138,373,816 10 Years provided. Ticket proceeds, of over $2,000, went to •Feeding Total Liabilities & Member Equity $ 1,129,782,227 $ 1,260,749,733 Kerrie Buksyk – Consumer Loan Servicing America and local schools. • Linda Cochrane – Ashland Teller • Coats for Kids: We have been involved in this great effort Dietzen for • Karen – Wisconsin Branch Manager Nominated by co-workers, these awards2,334 are coats. Together, over ten years. In 2016, we collected we Revenue • Amanda Joski – Military Vault Teller givenare to staff whotohave demonstrated leadership, 33,883,573 Interesthelping on Loans keep kids warm. 37,455,562 $ $ • 1,792,208 Cheryl Knorr – Clintonville Teller dedication, competence, exceptional performance,$ 1,699,737 Investments $ • Small Business Saturday: Fox was instrumental in organizing a shopping day for the excellent service and a commitment to community.$ •12,863,169 Patty Luedtke – Calumet MSR 11,434,383 Other Revenue $ Saturday after Thanksgiving to support local businesses. Appleton had 96 participating •52,110,939 Dale Milkie – Mortgage Loan Officer 47,017,693 Total Gross Revenue $ This businesses, Green Bay 50 and the Lakeshore 16. was the third year for$Appleton • Linda – ACH Receiving and the Jon firstBenson for Green Bay and the Lakeshore. Owners sawPomeroy an average increase in Julie Expenses • Sandra Reed – Calumet Teller Ujazdowski sales of 30%! Consumer 15,576,427 17,995,058 $ $ Salaries & Benefits Consumer Loan Officer • Shandra Stevenson – Investment Sales Assistant • Stock the Shelves: Fox, in partnership with other local credit unions, has supported 5,342,948 6,158,739 $ $ Office Occupancy & Operations Loan Officer •money Reneeand Thiel – QC Representative 2,092,031 $ for1,805,514 $ Education & Promotion this drive over the last eight years and helped raise food donations our (161,726) (116,191) $ $ Provision for Loan & Lease Losses local food pantries. • Cha Vang – Northland Teller 6,430,599 7,289,060 $ $ Outside Services & Other Operating • of FoxBorrowing Silent Auction Holiday Party: This year we raised over $25,000 at our$ employee 2,829,217 3,084,067 $ Cost Tony Runge Zachary holiday Paid party. can’t thank ourHartzheim local businesses, Board members and staff 3,722,528 3,864,554 $ enough $ Dividends toWe Members Senior for their support. All proceeds went to local charities that were chosen by our staff. Network Network 35,545,507 40,367,318 $ $ 24 Total Expenses Years Over the last 15 years we have generated Administrator Technicianover $275,000 for our communities! 11,472,186 11,743,621 $ $ BALANCE TO RESERVES • Sharon VanAsten - Mortgage Loan Officer

SS taff “LivingofIt”Operation Award tatement

R etirement

www.foxcu.org www.foxcu.org www.foxcu.org

2016 • Annual 2016 •2016 • Annual Annual Report | 3 Report Report |5


Providing great member service, by offering up-to-date products and services, is what we strive to do every day. Our members are the owners of our credit union and we do not lose sight of that. In 2016, we expanded our mobile technology beyond Apple Pay to include Samsung Pay and Android Pay. We also introduced our Down Payment Plus Program, with up to $6,000 grant money, available to eligible homebuyers towards down payment and closing costs. Our First Time Homebuyer Program was improved by adding $500 off closing costs and introducing loan terms to fit the needs of these buyers. In the summer of 2016, Horizon Community Credit Union, of Green Bay, reached out to Fox about the possibility of a merger. Pat Josephson, former President of Horizon states, “The reason Horizon approached Fox Communities Credit Union was based on opportunities for both our members and the Horizon team, who have all remained with the credit union. The core values of both credit unions are very similar. Having additional offices, products and services for our membership is vital. It’s important to continue to grow and stay competitive with the ever-changing needs of our members.” The merger was complete in January of 2017 and we now have seven locations in Green Bay. All members can enjoy Fox’s 19 locations throughout Green Bay, the Fox Cities and surrounding areas! Fox continues to offer educational seminars to our members and the public: • Approximately 960 people attended one of our 24 educational opportunities. • Seminars on Wills and Trusts, Ten Signs of Alzheimer’s and Managing Finances in Preparation for Nursing Home Care, were especially popular, with some being “sold out” and requiring an encore presentation. • With student loan debt at an all-time high, we put an emphasis on educating our college-aged members on how to avoid or minimize debt and how to manage the student loan debt they might already have. We hosted six sessions on this topic. • Through our classroom efforts, we taught 82 classes with 1,965 students in attendance! In 2016, Fox had one of our best years ever in helping our members with their loan and deposit needs. We saw loan growth of 15.56%, as the economy continued to improve, consumer confidence returned and the need for home, car and business loans increased. Deposits were up by 8.08%, membership ended at 85,144 and assets were $1.26 billion.

Celebrating YEARS 1937 - 2017


All of us, at Fox Communities Credit Union, thank our members, staff and Board of Directors for the support you have given us over the years. 2017 will mark 80 years of service to you, our member-owners. Many things have changed over the years, but one thing has not and never will…our commitment to our members and the communities we serve. Here is to the next 80 years as we continue to hold up our mission to serve you! Let’s continue to “Make Life Happen”! 2016 • Annual

Report | 4

A nniversaries B Managers S ranch tatement of Financial Condition Assets • Jane Balthazor – Military Avenue Cash Cash Items • Tara&Birling – Black Creek Investments • Karen Loans Dietzen – Wisconsin Avenue Vehicle • LisaEstate Hanna – Kimberly Real & Home Equity Loans Business Loans • John Hessenthaler – Neenah All Other Loans • Dawn Johnson – Manitowoc & Two Rivers Allowance for Loan Losses • Ken Assets Kerschke – Howard Fixed • Jennifer Leopold – New Receivables & Other AssetsLondon • Port Lor – De Pere & NWTC Total Assets • Renee Minlschmidt – Calumet Street Liabilities & Member Equity • Nicole Much – Clintonville Savings & Club Accounts • RachaeleAccounts Petersen – Northland Avenue Checking • Christina Poad – Winnebago Money Market/Investment Share Accounts Certificates of –Deposit • Joni Trousil Main Street Individual Retirement • Kelly Vang – EastmanAccounts & Voyager Borrowings • Laurie Vincent Ashland Avenue Payables & Other–Liabilities • Lawe Street Net Worth Reserves Total Liabilities & Member Equity

402016 Years


$ $ 35,744,167 29,676,536 • Bonnie Timm – VP Lakeshore Market Development $ $ 95,555,644 83,027,792 Years $ 192,207,373 $ 35 220,624,459 • Char Besch – Consumer Loan Officer $ 506,302,836 $ 572,381,317 $ 273,212,886 222,361,411 • Deb Konitzer – AVP $Member Payment Systems $ $ 38,810,793 44,888,190 Years $ $ 25 (4,588,669) (3,833,543) • Connie Teller $ $ 17,789,783 17,675,772McMahon – Wisconsin $ Loan $ 25,598,889 • Kay Prucha – Mortgage Officer 23,096,324 • Cal Radue – Records Manager $ 1,129,782,227 $ 1,260,749,733 • Michele Stumpf – AVP Branch Operations • Barb Vandenberg – QC Representative $ 251,437,550 $ 291,343,338 • Laurie Vincent – Ashland Branch Manager $ 153,099,432 $ 162,314,890 $ 233,504,649 $ 20 250,051,398 Years $ 154,760,084 $ 157,388,650 • Debbie Driessen – Trainer $ $ 60,887,901 61,539,702 • Cindy Mommaerts – $Mortgage Loan Officer $ 180,942,526 136,241,467 • Kelly Steffen – QC Manager $ $ 13,185,778 18,795,413 $ $ 10 126,665,366 138,373,816 Years $ 1,129,782,227 $ 1,260,749,733 • Kerrie Buksyk – Consumer Loan Servicing • Linda Cochrane – Ashland Teller • Karen Dietzen – Wisconsin Branch Manager Nominated by co-workers, these awards are Revenue • Amanda Joski – Military Vault Teller given to staff who have demonstrated leadership, 33,883,573 Interest on Loans 37,455,562 $ $ • Cheryl Knorr – Clintonville1,699,737 Teller dedication, Investmentscompetence, exceptional performance, 1,792,208 $ $ excellent service and a commitment to community. • Patty Luedtke – Calumet 11,434,383 Other Revenue 12,863,169 $ MSR $ • Dale Milkie – Mortgage Loan Officer 47,017,693 Total Gross Revenue 52,110,939 $ $ • Linda Pomeroy – ACH Receiving Julie Jon Benson Expenses • Sandra Reed – Calumet Teller Ujazdowski Consumer 15,576,427 17,995,058 $ Salaries & Benefits Consumer $ Loan Officer • Shandra Stevenson – Investment Sales Assistant 5,342,948 6,158,739 $ Office Occupancy & Operations Loan Officer $ •2,092,031 Renee Thiel – QC Representative 1,805,514 $ $ Education & Promotion (116,191) $ $ Provision for Loan & Lease Losses • Cha Vang – Northland Teller(161,726) 6,430,599 7,289,060 $ $ Outside Services & Other Operating 2,829,217 3,084,067 $ $ Cost of Borrowing Tony Runge Zachary 3,722,528 3,864,554 $ Dividends PaidSenior to Members Hartzheim $ Network Network 35,545,507 40,367,318 $ $ Total Expenses 24 Years Administrator Technician 11,472,186 11,743,621 $ $ • Sharon VanAsten - Mortgage Loan Officer BALANCE TO RESERVES

S “Livingof It” Award S taff tatement Operation

R etirement

www.foxcu.org www.foxcu.org

Annual | Report |7 2016 •Report 2016 • Annual 5

B oard of Directors Fox Communities Credit Union is run by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the general oversight and final decision-making authority over the affairs, funds and records of the credit union; ensuring the credit union is operated in a sound and prudent manner and that all decisions are guided by the best interests of the members.

Bill Panella Chairman Rasmussen College

Paul Sippl Vice Chairman U.S. Venture, Inc.

Rich Scott Director Kerber Rose & Assoc.

Joanne Bogenschutz Secretary & Treasurer Retired: Albany International

Al Timmerman Director Jet Air Group

Martin Docter Director U.S. Venture, Inc.

Fred VanHandel Director CBC Coating

Brian Hasser Director Green Bay Packaging

Mary Zito Director HR Business Consultant

M anagement Team • Greg Hilbert – President/CEO • Christopher Allen – VP Business Services • Cathy Gustavson – VP Marketing • Patrick Josephson – VP Retail Lending Service & Sales • Kory Kitowski – Chief Information Officer • Bruce Kotarek – VP Finance • Nancy Krahn – VP Branches/Member Service • Dave Thone – VP Internal Operations • Bonnie Timm – VP Lakeshore Development • Jason Behling – AVP Retail Lending • Terri Green – AVP Human Resources • Donna Habert – AVP Compliance & Training www.foxcu.org

• Jackie Johnson – AVP Information Systems • Deb Konitzer – AVP Member Payment Systems • Amy Schindler – AVP Finance • Michele Stumpf – AVP Branch Operations • Lindsay Beyer – Online Project Manager • Terry Braeger – Loan Operations Manager • Rick Dennis – Consumer Lending Manager • Bob Hein – Member Solutions Manager • Jeff Rufe – Investment Manager • Kelly Steffen – Quality Control Manager • Becky Thorn – Director Branch Operations • Laura Waters – Call Center Manager 2016 • Annual Report | 6

B ranch Managers • Jane Balthazor – Military Avenue • Tara Birling – Black Creek • Karen Dietzen – Wisconsin Avenue • Lisa Hanna – Kimberly • John Hessenthaler – Neenah • Dawn Johnson – Manitowoc & Two Rivers • Ken Kerschke – Howard • Jennifer Leopold – New London • Port Lor – De Pere & NWTC • Renee Minlschmidt – Calumet Street • Nicole Much – Clintonville • Rachaele Petersen – Northland Avenue • Christina Poad – Winnebago • Joni Trousil – Main Street • Kelly Vang – Eastman & Voyager • Laurie Vincent – Ashland Avenue • Lawe Street

S taff “Living It” Award Nominated by co-workers, these awards are given to staff who have demonstrated leadership, dedication, competence, exceptional performance, excellent service and a commitment to community.


Jon Benson Consumer Loan Officer

Julie Ujazdowski Consumer Loan Officer

Tony Runge Senior Network Administrator

Zachary Hartzheim Network Technician

A nniversaries 40 Years

• Bonnie Timm – VP Lakeshore Market Development

35 Years

• Char Besch – Consumer Loan Officer • Deb Konitzer – AVP Member Payment Systems

25 Years

• Connie McMahon – Wisconsin Teller • Kay Prucha – Mortgage Loan Officer • Cal Radue – Records Manager • Michele Stumpf – AVP Branch Operations • Barb Vandenberg – QC Representative • Laurie Vincent – Ashland Branch Manager

20 Years

• Debbie Driessen – Trainer • Cindy Mommaerts – Mortgage Loan Officer • Kelly Steffen – QC Manager

10 Years

• Kerrie Buksyk – Consumer Loan Servicing • Linda Cochrane – Ashland Teller • Karen Dietzen – Wisconsin Branch Manager • Amanda Joski – Military Vault Teller • Cheryl Knorr – Clintonville Teller • Patty Luedtke – Calumet MSR • Dale Milkie – Mortgage Loan Officer • Linda Pomeroy – ACH Receiving • Sandra Reed – Calumet Teller • Shandra Stevenson – Investment Sales Assistant • Renee Thiel – QC Representative • Cha Vang – Northland Teller

R etirement 24 Years

• Sharon VanAsten - Mortgage Loan Officer 2016 • Annual Report | 7


OUR MISSION We at Fox Communities Credit Union have a commitment to enrich the quality of life for our members through personalized financial services. The Credit Union is dedicated to the protection of our members’ financial well-being and to operate in an economically sound manner. The Credit Union will provide an atmosphere of professionalism, friendliness, and mutual trust. We shall remain strong in the communities through our support and involvement.

APPLETON AREA 3401 E. Calumet Street 2531 Highway Drive (OO & A) 1724 S. Lawe Street 610 E. Wisconsin Avenue 528 S. Washington Street - Kimberly 1151 Westowne Drive - Neenah BLACK CREEK 502 S. Main Street CLINTONVILLE 3 N. Main Street GREEN BAY AREA 2170 S. Ashland Avenue 700 Eastman Avenue 1820 Main Street 411 S. Military Avenue 3139 Voyager Drive 515 Redbird Circle - De Pere 2525 Lineville Road - Howard MANITOWOC 62 Maritime Drive NEW LONDON 1302 N. Shawano Street TWO RIVERS 1515 17th Street WINNEBAGO/OSHKOSH Winnebago Mental Health Institute Grounds

Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity.


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