Forest Products Society’s 64th International Convention June 20-22, 2010

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International Convention Forest Products Society J u n e 2 0 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Learn. Connect. Exchange. Program & Schedule

Convention Highlights Register for the Forest Products Society’s 64th

There are 33 Technical Sessions spanning a

International Convention to be held June

range of topics related to advances in wood-based

20-22, 2010 at the Monona Terrace Community

materials, products and processes, furthering the

& Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

understanding of wood properties, and helping

The Convention is the premier event for

industry meet 21st century challenges.

professionals in the forest products field where you will learn, connect and exchange with other professionals in the field.

outstanding technical event, with more than 170

partnering organization meetings.

looking for?

posters planned.

Discover Madison Schedule at a Glance Headliners

2 3


General and Technical Sessions Poster Presentations



connect with colleagues from around the world through the many special events, tours, and

formal presentations and 120 scientific


Convention is an outstanding opportunity to

This year’s Convention is shaping up to be an

What are you

Convention Highlights

In addition to the technical information, the

This year’s Convention is being held in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the founding

During a General Session industry, university,

of the USDA Forest Service, Forest

trade association, and government leaders will discuss

Products Laboratory, and its grand dedication

the future direction of forest products research and

and opening of the new Centennial Research



Discover Madison The Convention will highlight some of the creative

The Madison area offers a wide range of

contributions that have been made by the forest

opportunities sure to satisfy anyone’s interests

products research and development community and

— from the Farmer’s Market on the State Capitol

lay out plans for new and emerging technological

grounds to historic and cultural sites and landmarks.

advances. Recognized by the 2007 Place Rated Almanac as Technical session themes include: »»


Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply,

the United States,“ Madison offers incredible

Conversion to Energy, and Environmental

natural beauty, stimulating cultural opportunities,


stunning architecture, and a plethora of restaurants,

Bio-Based Materials - Characterization, Processing, and Product Development;


“One of the Ten Most Livable Cities in

Building on a Century of Forest Products

shops and attractions.

Location & Accommodation

Research; »»

Treated Wood Products for the 21st Century’s ‘Green’ Customers;





Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center One John Nolen Drive

Improving the Softwood Lumber Industry in

Madison, WI 53703

a Troubling Market;

Phone: 608-261-4000

Manufacturing and Business Process

The host hotel for the convention is the Hilton


Madison Monona Terrace with specially discounted

Extension and Technology Transfer in a

rooms. Visit for more

Changing Industry;


Growing Wood and Biomass for Industry - Property Requirements and Material Procurement;


Design of Wood Buildings Using Current Codes and Practices; and more

Turn to

11 64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Schedule at a Glance

Saturday, June 19 Sunday, June 20

Pre-Convention Tour – Taliesin in Spring Green, Wisconsin

10:00 am

Registration (10:00 am-6:00 pm)

12:00 noon

Student Appreciation Luncheon (12:00-1:30 pm)


Moderator Meeting (for Sunday and Monday am Sessions) (1:30-1:45 pm)


Concurrent Sessions

SESSION I (2:00-4:30 pm)

SESSION 2 (2:00-4:50 pm)

Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply,

Bio-Based Materials - Characterization,

Conversion to Energy, and Environmental

Processing, and Product Development

Impacts 4:30

IAWPS Business Meeting (4:30-6:00 pm)


Division Coordinators & TIG Officers Meeting (5:00-6:00 pm)


Host Reception and Poster Session on the History of Forest Products

Monday, June 21


Research, Development, and Technology Transfer (6:00-7:30 pm)

7:00 am

Registration (7:00 am-5:00 pm)


Poster Presentations (8:00 am-2:30 pm; authors available 1:30-2:30 pm)


GENERAL SESSION: Building on a Century of Forest Products Research (8:00-10:00 am)


Concurrent Sessions 11

SESSION 3 (10:00-11:50 am)

SESSION 6 (10:00-11:50 am)

Fungal Degradation Mechanisms

Research and Technology in Support of

SESSION 4 (10:00-11:50 am)

Legal Timber Harvesting

Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply,

SESSION 7 (10:00-11:50 am)

Conversion to Energy, and Environmental

Treated Wood Products for

Impacts (continued)

the 21st Century’s ‘Green’

SESSION 5 (10:00-11:50 am)


Bio-Based Materials - Characterization,

SESSION 8 (10:00-11:50 am)

Processing, and Product Development

General Topics in Wood Engineering

(continued) 12:00 noon

Official Luncheon (12:00-1:20 pm)


Poster Session (1:30-2:30 pm)


Moderator Meeting (for Monday pm and Tuesday Sessions) (2:00-2:15 pm)


Concurrent Sessions SESSION 9 (2:30-5:00 pm)

SESSION 10 (2:30-5:20 pm)

Woody Biomass: Economics,

Bio-Based Materials -

Supply, Conversion to Energy,

Characterization, Processing, and

and Environmental Impacts

Product Development



64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


SESSION 11 (2:30-5:00 pm)

SESSION 14 (2:30-5:00 pm)

Treated Wood Products for the 21st

Extension and Technology Transfer in a

Century’s ‘Green’ Customers (continued)

Changing Industry

SESSION 12 (2:30-5:00 pm)

SESSION 15 (2:30-5:00 pm)

General Topics in Wood Engineering

Manufacturing and Business

(continued) and Design of Wood Buildings

Process Management

Using Current Codes and Practices SESSION 13 (2:30-5:00 pm) Wood Products Research: Anatomical, Structural, and/or Biological

Tuesday, June 22



Technical Interest Group Business Meetings (5:00-6:00 pm)


Incoming President’s Welcoming Reception (Co-sponsored by the

UMaine School of Forest Resources at The Great Dane, downtown Madison)

7:00 am

Registration (7:00 am-5:00 pm)


Section & Chapter Officers Meeting and Breakfast (7:15-8:00 am)


Poster Presentations (8:00 am-2:30 pm; authors available 1:30-2:30 pm)


Concurrent Sessions

SESSION 16 (8:00-9:30 am)

SESSION 17 (8:00-9:30 am)

Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conver-

Bio-Based Materials - Characterization,

sion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts

Processing, and Product Development



SESSION 18 (8:00-9:30 am)

SESSION 20 (8:00-9:30 am)

Wood Products Research: Anatomical,

International Collaboration of Forest

Structural, and/or Biological (continued)

Products Research

SESSION 19 (8:00-9:30 am)

SESSION 21 (8:00-9:30 am)

Improving the Softwood Lumber Industry

Design of Wood Buildings Using

in a Troubling Market

Current Codes and Practices (continued)



Break (9:30-10:00 am) Concurrent Sessions SESSION 22 (10:00-11:50 am)

SESSION 25 (10:00-11:50 am)

Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply,

International Collaboration of Forest

Conversion to Energy, and Environmental

Products Research (continued)

Impacts (continued) SESSION 23 (10:00-11:50 am) Bio-Based Materials - Characterization, Processing, and Product Development (continued) SESSION 24 (10:00-11:50 am)

SESSION 26 (10:00-11:50 am) General Topics in Marketing SESSION 27 (10:00-11:50 am) Growing Wood and Biomass for Industry - Property Requirements and Material Procurement

Wood Products Research: Anatomical, Structural, and/or Biological (continued) 12:00 noon

Lunch Break (on your own) and “Take a Student to Lunch” (12:00-1:30 pm)


Poster Session (1:30-2:30 pm)

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



Past President’s Meeting (1:45-2:30 pm)


Concurrent Sessions

SESSION 28 (2:30-5:00 pm)

SESSION 31 (2:30-5:00 pm)

Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply,

Wood-Based Carbon Materials for

Conversion to Energy, and Environmental

Advanced Applications

Impacts (continued)

SESSION 32 (2:30-5:00 pm)

SESSION 29 (2:30-5:00 pm)

Forest Products Research from Around the

Bio-Based Materials - Characterization,


Processing, and Product Development (continued) SESSION 30 (2:30-5:00 pm)

SESSION 33 (2:30-5:00 pm) Marketing & Utilization of Temperate & Tropical Species

General Topics in Marketing (continued) 6:00

Wednesday, June 23


Paul Bunyan Party (6:00-9:00 pm)

8:00 am

Celebration and Tour – 100th Anniversary of the USDA Forest Service,

Forest Products Laboratory and tour of it’s new research facility (8:00 am-12:00 noon)

12:00 noon

Post-Convention Tour – The Leopold Legacy Center in Baraboo, Wisconsin

(12:00 noon – 6:00 pm)

Convention Headliners

Richard E.

Schebler graduated from Iowa State University in

Schebler is a Process Engineer with the Corporate

2002 with a B.S. in forestry, specializing in wood

Manufacturing Engineering Team. Material supply

science and technology. He has worked for Pella

and evaluation, wood utilization, wood finish

Corporation since 2002. Pella Corporation

coatings, and wood preservatives have been his

manufactures innovative, energy efficient, high-

general areas of focus. He is also Chairman of the

quality window and door systems. Currently,

Forest Products Society Midwest Section.

Schebler Lumber Analyst, Pella Corp., Pella, IA

DeLong is Administrator of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Forestry and Wisconsin’s Chief State Forester. Paul is one of 470 permanent and many seasonal forestry employees who work in concert without countless internal and external partners to protect

five years as Deputy Chief State Forester. Prior to the Wisconsin DNR, DeLong worked as a mediator for the RESOLVE Center for Environmental Dispute Resolution, and subsequently as a senior program officer for World Wildlife Fund, both in Washington, D.C.

Paul J. DeLong

DeLong received a bachelor’s degree in forestry

State Forester,

DeLong’s career began in 1992 as the State Lands

from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and

Wisconsin Dept. of

Specialist for Forestry. He later served as Chief of

a master’s degree in natural resource policy from

Natural Resources,

the Forestry Program Support Section and then for

the University of Michigan.

Division of Forestry,

and sustainably manage Wisconsin’s forests.

Madison, WI

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Since being named Director of the USDA Forest

laboratories and research centers, when they

Service’s Forest Products Laboratory (FPL)

named him Laboratory Director of the Year.

in September, 2001, Risbrudt has focused the laboratory’s attention on forest health and the wise use of wood and wood products.

Risbrudt brought to the task a background in planning and management both in the Forest Service headquarters in Washington, D.C., and

Christopher D. Risbrudt

In 2004, Risbrudt’s efforts and achievement were

in the field. He also was familiar with FPL, having

Director, USDA Forest Service,

recognized by the Federal Laboratory Consortium

begun his Forest Service career as a research

Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI

for Technology Transfer (FLC), representing federal

forester there in 1978.

Brashaw is the Director of the Wood Materials &

with wood product manufacturers ranging in size

Manufacturing Program at the Natural Resources

from entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies.

Research Institute, University of Minnesota

He is currently serving as Project Director for the

Duluth. Brashaw manages a broad-based research

University of Minnesota Duluth Wood Utilization

program focused on wood products manufacturing,

Research (WUR) Center. He has also served on

resource utilization, and nondestructive evaluation

the Organizing Committee of the International

Brian K.

Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation of Wood


He has broad knowledge of the wood products

Symposium Series. He received a B.S. from the

Program Director,

industry in Minnesota, the Lake States, and the

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and M.S.

Natural Resources

world. He has developed strategic relationships

from Washington State University.


Research Inst., Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, MN


Risbrut graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1972 and earned a master’s degree in forest administration and a Ph.D. degree in forest economics from Michigan State University.

Bergmann currently serves as Executive Vice

He also has work experience in forestry extension

President of the Forest Products Society. Bergmann

and outreach at the University of Wisconsin-

has eight years of non-profit association experience

Madison. Bergmann joined the Forest Products

related to forestry and forest product issues at

Society in 2009, after serving as Executive Director

the national level, as well as in the northeast and

of the Great Lakes Forest Alliance, an international

Stefan A.

midwest regions. In Washington, D.C., he worked

organization that facilitates cooperative efforts to


on policy issues for the National Association of

enhance management and sustainable use of forest

Executive Vice

State Foresters. Following that, he served as the

lands in the three Lake States and the Canadian

President, Forest

first staff for the Northeastern Area Association of

province of Ontario. He holds an M.S. in forest

State Foresters.

resources from Oregon State University.

Products Society, Madison, WI

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



General and Technical Sessions SESSION 1: Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conversion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts – Biomass

Sponsors: FPS Energy & Environmental Issues

Team, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest

School of Renewable Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter,

Group, Timber Production & Harvesting Group, and

Research Station, Portland, OR; Philip H. Steele, Prof.,

Baton Rouge, LA

Economics & Financial Management Group (Joint)

Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ.,

Session Chairs: Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist,

Starkville, MS

2:00-2:05 pm Opening Comments 4:05-4:25 pm Questions & Answers

Ecologically Sustainable Production of Forest Resources

Session Moderator: Niels de Hoop, Associate Prof.,

4:25-4:30 pm Closing Comments

2:05-2:25 pm

2:45-3:05 pm

3:25-3:45 pm

Reconciling Field Estimates of Residual Biomass

Costs and Considerations for Biomass from

Wisconsin’s Forestland Woody Biomass

with Modeling Results of Biomass Available from

Wood Chips, Micro-Chips, and Torrefied Wood

Harvesting Guidelines

Wildfire Fisk Reduction Treatments

Dana Mitchell, Research Engineer, USDA Forest

Eunice A. Padley, Forest Research Ecologist, Wisconsin

Elaine Oneil, Executive Dir., CORRIM, and James B.

Service, Southern Research Station, Auburn, AL

DNR, Madison, WI; Jim Hoppe, Council Member,

McCarter, Sr. Research Scientist, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA

3:05-3:25 pm

Wisconsin Council on Forestry, Tomahawk, WI; Sarah Herrick, Conservation Biologist, Wisconsin DNR, Madison,

Size, Moisture Content, and Btu Value of 2:25-2:45 pm

WI; Joe Kovach, Forest Ecologist and Silviculturist,

Processed In-Woods Residues

Wisconsin DNR, Tomahawk, WI; Carmen Wagner, Forest

Forest Biomass Resource by Tree Component for

David W. Patterson, Research Prof., School of Forest

Hydrologist, and Darrell Zastrow, Deputy Division

Resources, Univ. of Arkansas, Monticello, AR; Jonathan I.

Administrator, Division of Forestry, Wisconsin DNR,

Patrick D. Miles, Research Forester, Forest Inventory

Hartley, Program Technician, Arkansas Forest Resource

Madison, WI

& Analysis Program, USDA Forest Service, Northern

Center, Monticello, AR; Matthew H. Pelkki, Prof., School

Research Station, St. Paul, MN; W. Brad Smith, Associate

of Forest Resources, Univ. of Arkansas, Monticello, AR

the Coterminous United States

National Program Leader, Forest Inventory & Analysis Program, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC

3:45-4:05 pm Economic Feasibility of Woody Biomass Harvesting in Southeastern Missouri Francisco X Aguilar, Prof., John Dwyer and Hank Stelzer, Associate Profs., and Adam Saunders, Grad. Assistant, Dept. of Forestry, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO




SESSION 2: Bio-Based Materials: Characterization, Processing, and Product Development

Sponsors: FPS Particleboard, Fiberboard & Molded Products Group, Adhesives Group, and Structural Panel Group (Joint)

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI Session Moderator: Srikanth Pilla, Post-Doctoral

2:00-2:05 pm Opening Comments 4:45-4:50 pm Closing Comments

Scholar, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

Session Chair: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA

Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA

2:05-2:25 pm

Donna C. Hurley, Physicist, MSEL Materials Reliability

3:45-4:05 pm

Composites from Plastics and Wood-Derived

Division, National Inst. of Standards & Technology,

Adhesive Application of Liquefied Mountain-Pine

Materials: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re

Boulder, CO

Beetle Infected Lodgepole Pine Barks


3:05-3:25 pm

Yong Zhao, Ph.D. Student, and Ning Yan, Associate

Craig M. Clemons, Materials Research Engineer, USDA

Evaluation on Nitrogen Chemistry on Modified

Prof., Faculty of Forestry, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON,

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI


Canada; Martin W. Feng, Sr. Research Scientist and

2:25-2:45 pm

Xin Gu, Research Assistant, and Nicole R. Brown,

Influences on the Wettability of Hydrothermally

Associate Prof. of Wood Chemistry, School of Forest

Treated Southern Hardwood Species

Resources, and Fred Cannon, Prof. of Environmental

4:05-4:25 pm

Engineering, Dept. of Civil & Environmental

Corrugated Wood Composite Panels from

Engineering, Penn State, University Park, PA

Discarded Veneer-Mill Residues for Structural

Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

3:25-3:45 pm


2:45-3:05 pm

FE Model of a Wood-Based Composite Based on

Julio F. Davalos, Benedum Distinguished Teaching Prof.,

X-Ray Measurement Data

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Elemer M.

Eric McConnell, Grad. Research Assistant, and Sheldon Q. Shi, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forest Products,

Nanoscale Characterization of Interphase and their Impact on the Performance of Natural Fiber

Vaclav Sebera, Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Wood Science,

Reinforced Polymer Composites

Mendel Univ. of Agriculture & Forestry, Brno, Czech

Sandeep Sudhakaran Nair, Grad. Research Assistant, and Siqun Wang, Associate Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN;

Republic; Lech Muszyński, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

Project Leader, FPInnovations – Forintek Division, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Lang, Associate Prof., and Levente Denes, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Division of Forestry & Natural Resources, and Bradley McGraw, Grad. Research Assistant, and An Chen, Research Assistant Prof., Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


4:25-4:45 pm

(Technology Inst. of Costa Rica), Escuela de Ingeniería

Manufacture and Properties of Fiberboard Panels

Forestal (School of Forest Engineering), Cartago, Costa

with Oil Palm and Pineapple Leaf with Several

Rica; Roy Soto, Esceula de Quimica, Universidad

Sawdust from Tropical Species

Nacional de Costa Rica; Julio Mata, Facultad de


Róger Moya Roque, Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, and Diego Camacho, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

Quimica, Universidad de Costa Rica; Silvia Soto, Esceula de Ingenieria Ambiental, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

GENERAL SESSION: Building on a Century of Forest Products Research

In this session, we will hear from university, industry,

Session Chairs: Xiping Wang, Research Forest

R&D, Office of Bioenergy Programs, Univ. of Tennessee,

government, and technical association leaders as

Products Technologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest

Knoxville, TN

they highlight important technical advances that

Products Lab., Madison, WI; Richard E. Schebler, Lumber

have been made and share their vision for the

Analyst, Pella Corp., Pella, IA

future of forest products research and development efforts.

9:50-10:00 am Questions & Answers

Session Moderator: Timothy G. Rials, Prof. and Dir. of

8:00-8:10 am

8:35-9:00 am

9:25-9:50 am


Residential Windows and Doors: History of

Positioning the Forest Products Society for a

Paul J. DeLong, State Forester, Wisconsin Dept. of

Design and Material Changes

Sustainable Future

Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Madison, WI

Richard E. Schebler, Lumber Analyst, Pella Corp., Pella,

Stefan A. Bergmann, Executive Vice President, Forest


Products Society, Madison, WI

8:10-8:35 am Building on a Century of Innovative and Successful

9:00-9:25 am

University Research

Forest Products Laboratory – Building on a

Brian K. Brashaw, Program Dir., Natural Resources

Century of Research

Research Inst., Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, MN

Christopher D. Risbrudt, Dir., USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI




SESSION 3: Fungal Degradation Mechanisms

Sponsors: FPS Biology Group, Treated Wood

Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Jonathan S. Schilling,

Session Moderators: Valdeir Arantes and Jonathan S.

Products Group, and Adhesives Group (Joint)

Assistant Prof., Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems


Session Chairs: Valdeir Arantes, Post-Doctoral

Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Research Fellow, Dept. of Wood Science, Univ. of British

10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

10:45-11:05 am

11:25-11:45 am

Cellulolytic Enzyme Ratios During Fungal

Serpula lacrymans as a Model for Brown Rot

A New Solution-State NMR Approach to

Degradation of Lignocellulose

Fungal Mechanisms

Elucidate Fungal and Enzyme / Mediator

Shona Duncan, Post-Doctoral Associate, Jonathan

Jonathan S. Schilling, Assistant Prof., Shona Duncan,

Delignification Pathways

S. Schilling, Assistant Prof., and Brook Jacobson,

Post-Doctoral Associate, and Brook Jacobson, Research

Daniel J. Yelle, Ph.D. Candidate and Physical Science

Research Assistant, Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems

Assistant, Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems

Technician, and Kenneth E. Hammel, Research

Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Microbiologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; John Ralph, Prof., Dept.

10:25-10:45 am

11:05-11:25 am

of Biochemistry, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI;

Semi-Quantitative Micron Scale Maps of Reactive

Lignocellulosic Polysaccharides and Lignin

Dongsheng Wei and Alexander N. Kapich, Visiting

Degradation via Nonenzymatic Fenton-Based

Scientists, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab.,

Reactions Mediated by Fungal Fe3+-Reductants

Madison, WI

Oxygen Species to Illuminate Mechanisms of Incipient Fungal Decay Christopher G. Hunt, Research Chemist, USDA Forest

Valdeir Arantes, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Faculty

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Kenneth E.

of Forestry, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,

Hammel, Research Microbiologist, USDA Forest Service,

Canada; Adriane M. F. Milagres, Univ. of S達o Paulo,

Forest Products Lab. and Associate Prof. of Bacteriology,

Brazil; Barry S. Goodell, Prof. of Wood Science &

Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Don Carl Jones,

Technology, School of Forest Resources, Univ. of Maine,

Technician, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab.,

Orono, ME

Madison, WI

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



SESSION 4: Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conversion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts – Bio-Oils (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Energy & Environmental Issues

Session Chairs: Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist,

Session Moderator: Kenneth Skog, Project Leader,

Group, Timber Production & Harvesting Group, and

Ecologically Sustainable Production of Forest Resources

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Economics & Financial Management Group (Joint)

Team, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR; Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

10:45-11:05 am

11:05-11:25 am

Current Research in Converting Woody Biomass

Production of Jet Fuel from Wood-Based Pyrolysis

Upgrading Bio-Oils by Esterification for Potential

to Energy


Boiler Fuels

Leslie H. Groom, Project Leader, USDA Forest Service,

Phillip H. Steele, Prof., and Sanjeev Kumar Gajjela, Grad.

Phillip H. Steele, Prof., Jingming Tao and Qi Li, Grad.

Southern Research Station, Pineville, LA

Research Assistant, Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi

Research Assistants, Dept. of Forest Products, and Fei

State Univ., Starkville, MS

Yu, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Agricultural & Biological

10:25-10:45 am

Engineering; Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Production and Characterization of Fast Pyrolysis 11:25-11:45 am

Bio-Oil From Giant Miscanthus Feedstock


Speaker to be announced

Phillip H. Steele, Prof., El Barbary Hassan, Assistant Prof., Brian Mitchell, Research Associate II, and Qi Li, Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

SESSION 5: Bio-Based Materials: Characterization, Processing, and Product Development (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Particleboard, Fiberboard & Molded Products Group, Adhesives Group, and Structural Panel Group (Joint)

Session Chair: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA


Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

tist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Session Moderator: Xianjun Li, Associate Prof., School of

10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments

Material Science & Engineering, Central South Univ. of For-

11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

estry & Technology, Changsha, P.R. China and Visiting Scien-

10:05-10:25 am

10:45-11:05 am

11:25-11:45 am

Application of Ultrasonic Spraying in Preparation

Recent Advances in the use of Wood Residues

The Effect of Tyrosine-Rich Peptides when

of p-cymene by Industrial Dipentene

and Non-Wood Forest Products for Producing

Introduced into the Cell Wall Lignin Network


Low-Cost Building Materials in Nigeria

Brett G. Diehl, Forest Products Grad. Fellow, Nicole R.

Qiu-ge Zhang, Liang-wu Bi, Prof., and Zhen-dong Zhao,

Abel Olajide Olorunnisola, Prof., Dept. of Agricultural

Brown, Associate Prof. of Wood Chemistry, and Ming

Inst. of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese

& Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Ibadan, Ibadan,

Tien, Prof. of Biochemistry, School of Forest Resources,

Academy of Forestry, Nanjing, P.R. China; Yuan-ping

Oyo State, Nigeria

Penn State, University Park, PA

Chen, Hangzhou Success Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd., Fuyang, P.R. China; Dong-mei Li, Yan Gu, Jing Wang,

11:05-11:25 am

Cai-ying Bo, and Xian-zhang Liu, Inst. of Chemical

Study on Preparation, Properties, and Structures

Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of

of Cellulose Internal Plasticization

Forestry, Nanjing, P.R. China

Yuzhi Xu, Assistant Prof., Inst. of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Nanjing,

10:25-10:45 am Determination of Selected Properties and Optimization of Wood-Filled Silicone-Elastomer Composites with Chemical Modified Wood Particles

Forestry, Beijing, China; Chunpeng Wang and Liwei Jin, Associate Profs., Inst. of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Nanjing, P.R.

Timo Grueneberg, Ph.D. Student, Andreas Krause


P.R. China; Fuxiang Chu, Prof., Chinese Academy of


and Carsten Mai, Profs., and Holger Militz, Prof. and Dir., Dept. of Wood Biology & Wood Products, GeorgAugust-Univ., Gรถttingen, Germany SESSION 6: Research and Technology in Support of Legal Timber Harvesting

Sponsor: FPS Timber Production & Harvesting

Morgantown, WV; Alex C. Wiedenhoeft, Botanist, USDA

10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments


Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

Session Chairs: Jingxin Wang, Associate Prof., Division

Session Moderators: Jingxin Wang and Alex C.

of Forestry & Natural Resources, West Virginia Univ.,


64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


10:05-10:25 am

Hyginus Ful, Consultant, Hydra Project International,

11:05-11:25 am

A Study on the Damage Rate of Residual Trees

Bamenda, Cameroon; Ngwain Colbert, Consultant,

Multiple Criteria Evaluation Modeling for Tract

Caused by Chainsaw Felling in the Selective

Sustainable Resource Development Forum, Yaounde,

Level Log Landing Site Selection

Cutting Operations During Winter in a Conifer-


Broadleaved Forest

10:45-11:05 am

Wang, Associate Prof., and Michael Strager, Assistant

Lihai Wang, Prof. and Dean, Xiangfei You, Post-Grad.

A Computer-Aided Optimal Bucking System for

Prof., Division of Forestry & Natural Resources, West

Student, and Chun Meng, Prof., College of Engineering

the Northeastern Species of China

Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV

& Technology, Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R.

Jidong Ma, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Jinzhuo


11:25-11:45 am

Wu, Grad. Research Assistant, and Jingxin Wang,


Associate Prof., Division of Forestry & Natural

10:25-10:45 am

Community Forest Management in Cameroon

Benktesh D. Sharma, Grad. Research Assistant, Jingxin

Speaker to be announced

Resources, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV

Lamfu Eric Samba, Project Assistant, and Yongabi SESSION 7: Treated Wood Products for the 21st Century’s ‘Green’ Customers

Sponsors: FPS Treated Wood Products Group

Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville,TN

Session Chair: Adam M.Taylor, Assistant Prof., Dept. of

Session Moderator: Adam M. Taylor

10:05-10:25 am

10:25-10:45 am

10:45-11:05 am

Looking Backward, Looking Forward: A Historical

Wood Protection in the 21st Century

New Wood Modification Technology on its Way to

View of Wood Preservation in the U.S.

Carol A. Clausen, Supervisory Research Microbiologist,

Practical Application

H. Michael Barnes, Thompson Prof. of Wood Science &

and Frederick Green III, Research Microbiologist, USDA

Holger Militz, Prof. and Dir., Dept. of Wood Biology

Technology, Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

& Wood Products, Georg-August-Univ., Göttingen,

Univ., Starkville, MN


10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments


11:05-11:25 am

11:25-11:45 am

Life-Cycle Assessment of Treated Wood

A Hypothesis on Termite-Resistant Heartwood:

Adam M. Taylor, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forestry,

Effect of Antioxidants on Termites


Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN;

Tor P. Schultz, Prof. (also Silvaware, Inc.), Nathan S.

Maureen E. Puettman, LCA Consultant, Environmental

Little, Grad. Research Assistant, and Darrel D. Nicholas,

Product Analysis, Woodlife, Corvallis, OR

Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ.,

Sponsors: FPS Wood Engineering Division

Starkville, MS SESSION 8: General Topics in Wood Engineering Session Chair: Robert N. Emerson, Associate Prof., School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK

Session Moderator: Robert N. Emerson 10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

10:25-10:45 am

10:45-11:05 am

Conception of Sustainable Wood-Welded Panels

Performance of Prefabricated Composite I-Joist /

Effect of Seasonal Temperature Changes on

Benoit Belleville, Ph.D. Candidate, and Tatjana

OSB Panels for Roof Construction

Acoustic Evaluation of Trees and Logs

Stevanovic, Prof., Centre de recherche sur le bois,

William G. Davids, John C. Bridge Prof. of Civil &

Shan Gao, Ph.D. Candidate, and Xiping Wang,

Université Laval, Québec City, QC, Canada; Anthony

Environmental Engineering, Derek Rancourt, M.Sc.

Research Forest Products Technologist, USDA Forest

Pizzi, Prof. of Industrial Chemistry, ENSTIB-LERMAB,

Student, and Habib J. Dagher, Prof. and Dir. of AEWC,

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; R. Bruce

Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1, Épinal, France;

Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME

Allison, Registered Consulting Arborist, Allison Tree

Alain Cloutier, Prof., Centre de recherche sur le bois,

Care Inc. and Adjunct Prof., Dept. of Forest & Wildlife

Université Laval, Québec City, QC, Canada

Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Lihai Wang, Prof. and Dean, College of Engineering & Technology, Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


11:05-11:25 am

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison,

11:25-11:45 am

Field Study of Raised Floor Moisture Performance

WI; Jay P. Curole and Matthew D. Voitier, Research

Speaker to be announced

with Different Floor Insulation Systems in

Associates, Kevin W. Ragon, Post-Doctoral Research


Scientist, Todd F. Shupe, Prof., and Qinglin Wu, Roy

Southern Louisiana

Samuel V. Glass, Research Physical Scientist, and Charles G. Carll, Research Forest Products Technologist,

O. Martin Sr. Prof., School of Renewable Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA

SESSION 9: Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conversion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts – Bio-Energy (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Energy & Environmental Issues

Session Chairs: Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist,

Group, Timber Production & Harvesting Group, and

Ecologically Sustainable Production of Forest Resources

Economics & Financial Management Group (Joint)

Team, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR; Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of

Session Moderator: Philip H. Steele 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

2:35-2:55 pm

Prof., Dept. of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering,

3:35-3:55 pm

Pilot Plant Gasification of Woody Biomass

Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI

Wood Pellets in the Southeastern United States –

Thomas Elder, Research Forest Products Technologist,

3:15-3:35 pm

Challenges and Opportunities

and Leslie H. Groom, Project Leader, USDA Forest

Economic Viability and Landbase Impacts of

Todd G. Bush, Research Assistant, Green Circle Bio

Service, Southern Research Station, Pineville, LA

Bioenergy Production from Short Rotation

Energy and Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Marian

Hybrid Poplar in British Columbia

Marinescu, Assistant Prof., West Florida Research &

Catalin Ristea, Ph.D. Candidate, and Thomas C.

Education Center, Univ. of Florida, Milton, FL

Maness, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Forest Engineering &

3:55-4:15 pm

2:55-3:15 pm Species and Criteria Specific Woody Biomass Supply Logistics Dalia Abbas, Visiting Assistant Prof., Ajit Srivastava, Prof. and Dept. Head, and Chris Saffron, Assistant


Resources Management, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

Co-Firing with Bio-Coal Briquettes Ravi Malhotra, CEO and Founder, Clean Coal Briquette,


4:15-4:35 pm

Research Scientist II, Colorado State Forest Service,


Woody Biomass Production and Use in Colorado

and Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forest, Rangeland &

Kurt H. Mackes, Research Scientist II, Colorado State

After the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

Watershed Stewardship, Colorado State Univ., Fort

Forest Service, and Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forest,

Collins, CO

Rangeland & Watershed Stewardship, Colorado

Rangeland & Watershed Stewardship, Courtney

4:35-4:55 pm

State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; Dan Bihn, Principal, Bihn

Peterson, Research Assistant, Dept. of Human

Installation of a Cord Wood Boiler at the

Dimensions of Natural Resources, and Kurt H. Mackes,

Salvation Army Camp Located Near Estes Park,


Mike Eckhoff, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Forest,

Systems, LLC, Fort Collins, CO

SESSION 10: Bio-Based Materials: Characterization, Processing, and Product Development (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Particleboard, Fiberboard & Molded

Session Chair: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA

Products Group, Adhesives Group, and Structural

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Panel Group (Joint)

of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments

Session Moderator: Keyang Lu,Assistant Prof., Research Inst.

5:15-5:20 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

Division, Paralam Global Private Ltd., Arvi, Nagpur,

OSB Flakes

Bonding Performance of Wood / Bamboo Treated

Maharastra, India

Neil Kohan, Student, Brian K. Via, Assistant Prof.,

by Cold Plasma

3:15-3:35 pm

Honorio F. Carino, Prof., and Steven E. Taylor, Associate

Guanben (Ben) Du, Prof., Hongyan Wang and Hui

Effect of Bolaform on Rheological Properties of

Wang, Master’s Candidates, Hong Lei, Assistant Prof.,

Microcrystalline Cellulose-Filled Polypropylene

and Linkun Xie, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Wood

Composite Melts

3:55-4:15 pm

Jae-Woo Kim and Rhea J. Sammons, Post-Doctoral

Morphological and Mechanical Characterization

Research Associates, Joseph J. Bozell, Prof., and David

for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) and MFC-

2:55-3:15 pm

P. Harper, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife &

poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites

CNSL-Based ‘BioResin’ for BioComposites

Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Jie Ding, Student, Lech Muszyński, Assistant Prof., and

Manojit G. Das, Mgr., R&D, Samling Global Ltd., Bintulu,

3:35-3:55 pm

John Simonsen, Associate Prof., Dept. of Wood Science

Sarawak, Malaysia; Shovanjit Das, Mgr., Wood Panel

NIR as a Tool to Predict Mechanical Properties of

Science & Technology, Southwest Forestry Univ., Kunming, P.R.China

Prof., School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL

& Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


4:15-4:35 pm

4:35-4:55 pm

4:55-5:15 pm

Flexural Creep of Sandwich Panels Consisted

Micro-Mechanical Characterization of Isolated

An Experimental Method for Measurement of

of Kraft Paper Honeycomb Core and Wood

Wood Flour Particles for WPCs

Strain Distribution and Load Transfer Between

Composite Skins

Farzana Hussain, Research Assistant, Dept. of

Wood Flour Particles and Polymer Matrix on

Zheng Chen, Research Assistant Fellow, and Ning Yan,

Materials Science & Engineering, and Lech Muszyński,

Micro-Mechanical Level

Associate Prof., Faculty of Forestry, Univ. of Toronto,

Assistant Prof., and John A. Nairn, Prof., Dept. of Wood

Farzana Hussain, Research Assistant, Dept. of

Toronto, ON, Canada

Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis,

Materials Science & Engineering, and Lech Muszyński,


Assistant Prof., and John A. Nairn, Prof., Dept. of Wood


Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

SESSION 11: Treated Wood Products for the 21st Century’s ‘Green’ Customers (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Treated Wood Products Group

Session Chair: Adam M. Taylor, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Session Moderator: Adam M. Taylor 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

2:55-3:15 pm

3:15-3:35 pm

Termites as Invasive Species in Wisconsin

Affect of Steam Treatment on Set Recovery and

Physical-Mechanical Properties of Hard- and

Frederick Green III, Research Microbiologist, Rachel A.

Mechanical Properties of Densified Wood

Softwood Industrial Heat Treated with Different

Arango, Entomologist, and Glenn Esenther, Emeritus

Andreja Kutnar, Research Associate, Dept. of Wood


Entomologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products

Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis,

Peter Niemz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., Inst. for Building

Lab., Madison, WI

OR, and Inst. for Natural Sciences & Technology, Univ.

Materials, Wood Physics, Swiss Federal Inst. of

of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia; Frederick A. Kamke,

Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland; Thams

JELD-WEN Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering,

Hofmann, Dr., Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of West

Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

Hungary, Sopron, Hungary; Melanie Wetzig, Dipl.-Ing., Inst. for Building Materials, Wood Physics, Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland



3:35-3:55 pm

3:55-4:15 pm

4:15-4:35 pm

UV Protective Coatings for Heat-Treated Wood

Study on the Discoloration Mechanism of Heat-

Speaker to be announced

Sudeshna Saha, Ph.D. Student, and Duygu Kocaefe,

Treated Wood by Weathering

Prof., Dept. of Applied Sciences, Université du Québec

Xianai Huang, Ph.D. Student, and Duygu Kocaefe,

a Chicoutimi, QC, Canada; Yaman Boluk, Program

Prof., Dept. of Applied Sciences, Université du Québec

Leader of Bioproducts, Alberta Research Council,

a Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC, Canada; Yaman Boluk,

Edmonton, AB, Canada; Andre Pichette, Prof., Dept. of

Program Leader of Bioproducts, Alberta Research

Applied Sciences, Université du Québec a Chicoutimi,

Council, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Yasar Kocaefe,

QC, Canada

Visiting Prof., and Andre Pichette, Prof., Dept. of


4:35-4:55 pm Speaker to be announced

Applied Sciences, Université du Québec a Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC, Canada

SESSION 12: General Topics in Wood Engineering (continued) and Design of Wood Buildings Using Current Codes and Practices

Sponsors: FPS Wood Engineering Division

State Univ., Stillwater, OK; John H. (Buddy) Showalter,

Session Chairs: Robert N. Emerson, Associate Prof.,

Dir., Technical Media, American Forest & Paper Assn.,

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma

Washington, DC

2:35-2:55 pm

Prof. and Dean, College of Engineering & Technology,

3:15-3:35 pm

Computed Tomography Image Analysis for Decay

Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China

Performance of Metal-Plate Connected Joints of

Detection in Hardwood Logs

2:55-3:15 pm

Chinese Larch Dimension Lumber

Li Li, Ph.D. Student, College of Engineering & Technology,

Strain Rate Effects on Flexural Properties of

Benhua Fei, Dir., and Wei Guo, Ph.D. Student, Beijing

Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China; Xiping

Wood-. Plastic Composite Sheet Pile

Forest Machinery Inst., Beijing, P.R. China; Sheldon Q.

Wang, Research Forest Products Technologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; R. Bruce Allison, Registered Consulting Arborist, Allison Tree Care Inc. and Adjunct Prof., Dept. of Forest & Wildlife

Session Moderator: Robert N. Emerson 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

Roberto A. Lopez-Anido, Prof., and Sandeep Tamrakar, Grad. Student, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME

Shi, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS; Rongjun Zhao and Haiqing Ren, Sr. Scientists, Beijing Wood Research Institute, Beijing, P.R. China

Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Lihai Wang, 64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


3:35-3:55 pm

Patterson, Research Prof., School of Forest Resources,

Products Technologist, and Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader,

Cutting a New Deal for Lumber Drying

Univ. of Arkansas, Monticello, AR

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Robert Erickson, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Bioproducts

4:15-4:35 pm

4:35-4:55 pm

& Biosystems Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul,

Structural Condition Assessment of Timber

Speaker to be announced



3:55-4:15 pm

Robert J. Ross, Project Leader, USDA Forest Service,

Effects of Thermal (High Temperature) Treatment

Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Brian K. Brashaw,

on the Mechanical Properties of Wood

Program Dir., Natural Resources Research Inst., Univ. of


Julius Adewopo, Grad. Research Assistant, and David W.

Minnesota, Duluth, MN; Xiping Wang, Research Forest

SESSION 13: Wood Products Research: Anatomical, Structural, and/or Biological

Sponsors: FPS Biology Group

Session Chairs: Mark D. Gibson, Prof. and Dir., School

Wiedenhoeft, Botanist, USDA Forest Service, Forest

2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments

Products Lab., Madison, WI

4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

of Forestry, Louisiana Tech Univ., Ruston, LA; Alex C.

Session Moderator: Mark D. Gibson

2:35-2:55 pm

3:15-3:35 pm

Valenzuela, Associate Prof., Facultad de Ciencias

Raman Applications in the Field of Wood Science

Measuring Wood Specific Gravity in Standing Trees

Forestales, Universidad de Concepci贸n, Concepci贸n,

Umesh P. Agarwal, Research Chemist, USDA Forest

Michael C. Wiemann, Botanist, USDA Forest Service,

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; G. Bruce Williamson,

3:55-4:15 pm

Prof. of Ecology, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Louisiana

Mapping Wood Characteristics of Tamarack

State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA

(Eastern Larch) Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Kock


3:35-3:55 pm

Scott T. Miller, M.Sc. Student and Research Assistant,

Shakti Singh Chauhan, Sr. Research Fellow, School

Small Specimen Stiffness and Density of Radiata

Mathew Leitch, Associate Prof., Chander Shahi,

of Forestry, Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch, New

Pine Grown in a Chilean Plantation

Assistant Prof., and Reino Pulkki, Prof., Faculty of


J茅r么me Alteyrac, Post-Doctoral Fellow, and Luis

2:55-3:15 pm Early Assessment for Wood Quality in Eucalyptus



Forestry & the Forest Environment, Lakehead Univ.,


4:15-4:35 pm

4:35-4:55 pm

Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Concepción,

Structure-Property Relationships in Cell Walls of

Determination of Structural Wood Quality on

Concepción, Chile; Eric Baradit, Prof., Universidad


Standing Trees of Pinus radiata (D. Don) by Using

BioBio, Concepción, Chile

Joseph E. Jakes, Student Training General Engineer,

Stress Waves

Daniel Y. Yelle, Ph.D. Candidate and Physical Science

Guillermo Soto, Ph.D. Student, Luis Soto, Natalia Pérez,

Technician, James F. Beecher, Group Leader, and

and Luis Sandoval, M.Sc. Students, and Jérôme Alteyrac,

Charles R. Frihart, Head of Wood Adhesives, USDA

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales,

Forest Servcie, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI;

Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile; Jean

Donald S. Stone, Prof., Dept. of Materials Science &

Pierre Lasserre, Mgr., Forestal Mininco, Concepción,

Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Chile; Luis Valenzuela, Associate Prof., Facultad de


SESSION 14: Extrension and Technology Transfer in a Changing Industry

Sponsors: FPS Extension & Technology Transfer

Extension Specialist, Louisiana Forest Products

2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments


Development Center, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA

4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

Session Chair: Charles E. Clément, Instructor and

Session Moderator: Charles E. Clément

2:35-2:55 pm

Sánchez, Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Wood

3:35-3:55 pm

Forest Products Society Evolution: Adapting to

Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

BioSUCCEED: An Academic Program in Biomass

New Customer Base

3:15-3:35 pm

Lucian A. Lucia, Associate Prof., Dept. of Wood & Paper

Stefan A. Bergmann, Executive Vice President, Forest

Making Forest Products Curriculums More

Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC; Keith

Products Society, Madison, WI

Sustainable: Putting the “Green” into our Courses

Schimmel, Prof., Dept. of Energy & Environmental

2:55-3:15 pm

A.L. (Tom) Hammett, Prof., and Dan Hindman,

Measuring Innovation in the Wood Products

Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Forest

Industry: A Case Study in Virginia

Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Henry Quesada, Assistant Prof., and Johanna Madrigal-

Studies, North Carolina A&T State Univ., Greensboro, NC; Timothy G. Rials, Prof. and Dir. of R&D, Office of Bioenergy Programs, and Adam M. Taylor, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


3:55-4:15 pm

Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA

Teaching Wood Using Industries About Wood

4:15-4:35 pm

4:35-4:55 pm

P. David Jones, Assistant Extension Prof., H. Michael

Extension – Expanding to New Markets

Speaker to be announced


Barnes, Thompson Prof. of Wood Science & Technology, and Rubin Shmulsky, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Forest

Charles E. Clément, Instructor and Extension Specialist, Louisiana Forest Products Development Center, LSU SESSION 15: Manufacturing and Business Process Management

Sponsors: FPS Quality Control, Process Control &

Session Chair: Henry Quesada, Assistant Prof., Dept.

Production Management Group

of Wood Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Session Moderator: Henry Quesada 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

2:55-3:15 pm

3:35-3:55 pm

Numerical Approach to Support Phytosanitary

Effects of Small Hardwood Sawmill Sawing

Innovation Framework for the Wood Products

Standards of Solid Wood Packaging Material in

Practices on Lumber Recovery in West Virginia


Drying Kiln

Wenshu Lin, Grad. Research Assistant, Jingxin Wang,

Johanna Madrigal-Sánchez, Grad. Research Assistant,

Klaus Richter, Head, Wood Lab., Empa – Swiss Federal

Associate Prof., and Tony Goff, Research Technician,

and Henry Quesada, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood

Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research,

Division of Forestry & Natural Resources, West Virginia

Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA;

Dübendorf, Switzerland; Florian Schlegel, Diplom-

Univ., Morgantown, WV

Isaac Slaven, Sustainable Energy Program Chair, IVY

Forstwirt (former Student), Oberkirch, Germany; Dominique Derome, Prof. and Group Leader, Wood

3:15-3:35 pm

Lab., Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials

Analysis of Moisture Transfer and Drying Strain in

Testing and Research, Dübendorf, Switzerland

Wood During Drying Chang-Deuk Eom, Jun-Ho Park, and Yoon-Seong Chang, Grad. Research Assistants, and Hwanmyeong Yeo, Associate Prof., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea


Tech Community Tech, Lafayette, IN


3:55-4:15 pm

Dept. of Wood Science & Forests Products, Virginia

4:35-4:55 pm

A Survey of Educational Needs and Online

Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Speaker to be announced

Training Perceptions in the Wood Products

4:15-4:35 pm


Speaker to be announced


Henry Quesada, Assistant Prof., Sam Conn, Dir. of IDDL, and Leslie Scarlett Sanchez, Grad. Research Assistant,

SESSION 16: Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conversion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts – Carbon and Life-Cycle Assessment (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Energy & Environmental Issues

Ecologically Sustainable Production of Forest Resources

Forest Products Technologist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific

Group, Timber Production & Harvesting Group,

Team, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research

Northwest Research Station, Sitka, AK

and Economics & Financial Management Group

Station, Portland, OR; Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of


Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Session Chairs: Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist,

Session Moderator: David L. Nicholls, Research

8:05-8:25 am

8:25-8:45 am

Mason Earles, Grad. Research Assistant, and Anthony

Impact of the Harvested Wood Products in the

The Carbon Footprint of Wood Chips for Energy

Halog, Assistant Prof., Forest Bioproducts Research Inst.,

French Carbon Pool


Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME

Etienne Mathias, Scientist, CITEPA, Paris, France;

Bernhard Zimmer, Sr. Researcher, Salzburg Univ. of

9:05-9:25 am

Antoine Colin, Scientist, Inventaire Forestier National,

Applied Sciences, Kuchl / Salzburg, Germany; Alexander

Examining Woody Biomass Energy Consumption

Nogent sur Vernisson, France; Agneta Forslund, Scientist,

Eberhardinger, Jr. Researcher, Technical Univ. of Munich,

on Environmental Performance of Wood Flooring

INRA, Nantes, France; Jean-Michel Leban, Directeur de

Munich, Germany

Products During Manufacturing

8:45-9:05 am

Richard D. Bergman, Grad. Research Assistant, and

Life-Cycle Assessment of Wood Panels Produced

Scott A. Bowe, Associate Prof., Dept. of Forest & Wildlife

at an Oriented Strand Board Biorefinery

Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Recherche, INRA, Champenoux, France

8:00-8:05 am Opening Comments 9:25-9:30 am Closing Comments

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010





SESSION 17: Bio-Based Materials: Characterization, Processing, and Product Development (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Particleboard, Fiberboard & Molded Products Group, Adhesives Group, and Structural Panel Group (Joint)

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI Session Moderator: Yan Yu, Associate Prof.,

8:00-8:05 am Opening Comments 9:25-9:30 am Closing Comments

International Center for Bamboo & Rattan, Beijing, P.R.

Session Chair: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA


8:05-8:25 am

Wood: A Potential in situ Board Resin

Academy of Forestry, Nanjing, P.R. China

Microfibrillated Cellulose Production by the

James D. McSweeny and Mandla A. Tshabalala,

Combined Method of Hot-Compressed Water

9:05-9:25 am

Research Chemists, USDA Forest Service, Forest

Treatment and Mechanical Grinding

Products Lab., Madison, WI

Seung-Hwan Lee, Sr. Research Scientist, and Fuxiang

8:45-9:05 am

Mohd Khairun Anwar Uyup, H. Hamdan, and M. Abd.

Study on Chromaticity Variation Relationships

Latif, Research Officers, Forest Research Inst. Malaysia

of Chinese Gum Rosin Under High Temperature

(FRIM), Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia;


M.T. Paridah, Lecturer, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

Yan Gu, Research Assistant, Yu-xiang Chen and Zhen-

Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia; M. Siti

8:25-8:45 am

dong Zhao, Profs., Chang-tai Guo, Associate Prof.,

Rafidah, Assistant Research Officer, Forest Research

Production of Furfural and Hydroxymethylfurfural

Dong-mei Li, Engineer, and Liang-wu Bi, Prof., Inst.

Inst. Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

by Autohydrolysis and Catalyzed Hydrolysis of

of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese


Chang and Takashi Endo, Research Scientists, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology, Biomass Technology Research Center, Kure, Hiroshima, Japan


Manufacturing Process of PT-Plybamboo and its Properties



SESSION 18: Wood Products Research: Anatomical, Structural, and/or Biological (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Biology Group

Session Chairs: Mark D. Gibson, Prof. and Dir., School

Wiedenhoeft, Botanist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

of Forestry, Louisiana Tech Univ., Ruston, LA; Alex C.

Session Moderator: Alex C. Wiedenhoeft 8:00-8:05 am Opening Comments 9:25-9:30 am Closing Comments

8:05-8:25 am

Relations in Loblolly Pine

Dept. of Wood Science & Technology, Luleå Univ. of

Monitoring the Moisture Content of Wet Stored

Michael J. Lambrecht, Engineering Aid, Samuel L.

Technology, Skellefteå, Sweden; Anthony Pizzi, Prof.

Pine Logs Using Time Domain Reflectometry

Zelinka, Materials Engineer, Samuel V. Glass, Research

of Industrial Chemistry, ENSTIB-LERMAB, Université

Heath Raybon, M.Sc. Student, Laurence R. Schimleck,

Physical Scientist, Alex C. Wiedenhoeft, Botanist, and

Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1, Épinal, France

Associate Prof., Kim Love-Myers, Post-Doctoral

Daniel J. Yelle, Ph.D. Candidate and Physical Science

9:05-9:25 am

Research Associate, Joe Sanders, Research Coordinator,

Technician, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab.,

and Richard Daniels, Prof., Warnell School of Forestry

Madison, WI

& Natural Resources, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA;

8:45-9:05 am

Sunil Ramachandra, Principal Scientist, and Steven W.

Influence of Machine Setting and Wood

Bukowski, Wood Scientist, Armstrong World Industries,

Parameters on Crack Appearance in Scot Pine

Lancaster, PA

Edward Andrews, Forester, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Athens, GA

Alternative Measures of Hardwood Flooring Hardness

8:25-8:45 am

Joints Induced by Linear Welding

Multi-Scalar Thermodynamics of Wood-Moisture

Mojgan Vaziri, Ph.D. Student, and Owe Lindgren, Prof.,

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



SESSION 19: Improving the Softwood Lumber Industry in a Troubling Market

Sponsors: FPS Softwood Lumber Group

Starkville, MS

Session Chair: P. David Jones, Assistant Extension

Session Moderator: P. David Jones

8:00-8:05 am Opening Comments 9:25-9:30 am Closing Comments

Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ.,

8:05-8:25 am

8:25-8:45 am

9:05-9:25 am

Growth,Yield, and Commercial Value

Volatile and Hazardous Emissions Released

Speaker to be announced

Comparisons of Red Pine, White Spruce, and

During the Kiln Drying of Southern Pine Lumber

Black Spruce Plantations in Northwestern

Intended for Interior Applications


Joseph M. Dahlen, Grad. Research Assistant, P. David

Chander Shahi, Assistant Prof., Willard H. Carmean,

Jones, Assistant Extension Prof., Lynn Prewitt, Assistant

Prof. Emeritus, Krish Homagain, MSc.F. Student, and

Research Prof., and Rubin Shmulsky, Prof. and Head,

Mathew Leitch, Associate Prof., Faculty of Forestry

Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ.,

& the Forest Environment, Lakehead Univ., Thunder

Starkville, MS

Bay, ON, Canada; Colin Bowling, Forester, Ministry of Natural Resources, Technology Development Unit, Kenora, ON, Canada

8:45-9:05 am Density Measurements in Norway Spruce Sawlogs Combining X-Ray and 3D Scanning Johan Skog, M.Sc., Lic. Eng., and Johan Oja, Prof., SP Technical Research Inst. of Sweden, Skellefte책, Sweden




SESSION 20: International Collaboration of Forest Products Research

Sponsors: USDA Forest Service, Forest Product

Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China; Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader,

Laboratory and Chinese Research Institute of

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Wood Industry

Session Moderators: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA

Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 8:00-8:05 am Opening Comments 9:25-9:30 am Closing Comments

Session Chairs: Kelin Ye, Research Prof. and Dir.,

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; William

Research Inst. of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of

T.Y.Tze, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems

8:05-8:25 am

8:45-9:05 am

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison,

Prefabricated Bamboo Panel House for Disaster

Analysis of Bond Line Density Profile in Plywood

WI; Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, and Jerrold E. Winandy,


by X-Ray Densitometry

Retired Research Wood Scientist, USDA Forest Service,

Zehui Jiang, Yongde Yue, Xuhe Chen, and Yan Yu, Profs.,

Mingjie Guan, Associate Prof., Bamboo Engineering

International Center for Bamboo & Rattan, Beijing,

& Research Center, Nanjing Forestry Univ., Nanjing,

P.R. China; Zheng Wang, Prof., Research Inst. of Wood

P.R. China; Christopher G. Hunt, Research Chemist,

Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, P.R.

and Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA Forest Service,


Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

8:25-8:45 am

9:05-9:25 am

Market Opportunities for U.S. Forest Products in

Development of High-Performance Hammer

Central America

Milled Rice Straw Panel

Henry Quesada, Assistant Prof., and Scott W. Lyon,

Xianjun Li, Associate Prof., School of Material Science

Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Wood Science &

& Engineering, Central South Univ. of Forestry &

Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Technology, Changsha, P.R. China and Visiting Scientist,

Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Altaf H. Basta, Research Prof., Dept. of Cellulose & Paper, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


21 22

SESSION 21: Design of Wood Buildings Using Current Codes and Practices (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Wood Engineering Division

Media, American Forest & Paper Assn., Washington, DC

Session Chair: John H. (Buddy) Showalter, Dir., Technical

Session Moderator: John H. (Buddy) Showalter

8:05-8:25 am

Corrosion Rates of Metals in Contact with Wood

8:45-9:05 am

Wood as a Construction Material: Mechanisms

Samuel L. Zelinka, Materials Engineer, and Douglas

Wood Deck Guide Updated to 2009 IRC®

Influencing Specifiers Choice of Building Materials

R. Rammer, Research General Engineer, USDA Forest

John H. (Buddy) Showalter, Dir., Technical Media,

Kristian Bysheim, Researcher, and Anders Q. Nyrud, Sr.

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Donald S.

American Forest & Paper Assn., Washington, DC

Researcher, Norsk Treteknisk Institutt, Oslo, Norway

Stone, Prof., Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

8:25-8:45 am

8:00-8:05 am Opening Comments 9:25-9:30 am Closing Comments

9:05-9:25 am Speaker to be announced

An Electrochemical Method for Predicting

SESSION 22: Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conversion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts – Biomass Policy and Economics (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Energy & Environmental Issues

Ecologically Sustainable Production of Forest Resources

Group, Timber Production & Harvesting Group, and

Team, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research

Economics & Financial Management Group (Joint)

Station, Portland, OR; Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of

Session Chairs: Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist,

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Session Moderator: Eini C. Lowell 10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

10:25-10:45 am

10:45-11:05 am

Biomass Value Policy Traps

Building Woody Biomass Feedstock Prices – The

Developing Biomass Markets and Supporting

Bruce Lippke, Pres. Emeritus, CORRIM, and Prof.

Foundation for Market Success

Biomass Communities Using an Online Materials

Emeritus, School of Forest Resources, College of the

Stephen J. Dinehart III, Pres., Heartland Business

Exchange Model

Environment, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA

Consultants Inc., Middleton, WI; Ed Corrigan, Dir.

Norm Ruttan, Pres., iWasteNot Systems, Mallorytown,

of Finance & Operations, Cleantech Partners, Inc.,

ON, Canada

Middleton, WI 31


11:05-11:25 am

Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Gregory S. Latta, Sr.

11:25-11:45 am

The Potential Impact of Increasing Wood

Faculty Research Associate, Dept. of Forest Engineering,

Western Forests: Critical Issues for the Next

Bioenergy use on Forest Products Industries

Resources & Management, Oregon State Univ.,


Kenneth Skog, Project Leader, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; V. Alric Sample, Pres., Pinchot Inst. for Conservation, Washington, DC;


Ralph Alig, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR;

Corvallis, OR; Andrew D. Kramp, Research Associate, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Eric M. White, Research Economist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR

Marcia Patton-Mallory, Bioenergy & Climate Change Specialist, Western Forestry Leadership Coalition, USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, CO; Dana Coelho, Program Mgr., Western Forestry Leadership Coalition, USDA Forest Service, Lakewood, CO

Peter J. Ince, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, SESSION 23: Bio-Based Materials: Characterization, Processing, and Product Development (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Particleboard, Fiberboard & Molded

Session Chair: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA

Products Group, Adhesives Group, and Structural

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Panel Group (Joint)

Session Moderator: Qingzheng Cheng, Post-Doctoral

Resources, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV 10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

Research Associate, Division of Forestry & Natural

10:05-10:25 am

10:25-10:45 am

Low Formaldehyde Emission

Study on Thermal Isomerization of Isopimaric

Cellulosic Nanocomposites from Hardwood

Byung-Dae Park, Associate Prof., and Ho-Won Jeong,


Residues and Hybrid Poplar

Grad. Student, Dept. of Wood Science & Technology,

Yu-xiang Chen, Prof., Inst. of Chemical Industry of

Qingzheng Cheng, Post-Doctoral Research Associate,

Kyungpook National Univ., Daegu, South Korea; Sang-

Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Nanjing,

Jingxin Wang, Associate Prof., and Joseph F. McNeel,

Min Lee, Research Scientist, Division of Environmental

P.R. China and Jiangsu Qianglin Biomass Energy Co.

Prof. and Dir., Division of Forestry & Natural Resources,

Wooden Materials Engineering, Korea Forest Research

Ltd., Liyang, P.R. China; Zhen-dong Zaho, Yan Gu, Yu-

West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV

Inst., Seoul, South Korea

10:45-11:05 am

11:05-11:25 am

Modification of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin

Processing and Characterization of Microcellular

ming Wang, Chang-tai Guo, and Liang-wu Bi, Prof., Inst. of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Nanjing, P.R. China

Adhesive by Acrylamide Copolymerization for

PHBV / PBAT / Recycled Wood Fiber / Nanoclay

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Composites Alireza Javadi, Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Materials, Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Yottha Srithep and Jungjoo Lee,


Research Assistants, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Srikanth Pilla, Post-Doctoral Scholar, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA; Craig M. Clemons, Materials

(Tom) Turng, Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of

Research Engineer, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products

Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Lab., Madison, WI; Shaoqin (Sarah) Gong, Prof., Dept. of Materials and Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI and Dept. of Biomedical

11:25-11:45 am Speaker to be announced

Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Lih-Sheng

SESSION 24: Wood Products Research: Anatomical, Structural, and/or Biological (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Biology Group

Session Chairs: Mark D. Gibson, Prof. and Dir., School of Forestry, Louisiana Tech Univ., Ruston, LA; Alex C. Wiedenhoeft, Botanist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Session Moderator: Alex C. Wiedenhoeft 10:00-10:05 am Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

Daniel Corbett, Forest Productivity Specialist, Northwest

11:05-11:25 am

Stem Sinuosity in Loblolly Pine – Should we be

Science & Information, Ontario Ministry of Natural

New Report on Fiber Dimorphism in Secondary


Resources, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada; Marek Holpit,

Xylem of Family Lauraceae from India

P. David Jones, Assistant Extension Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS; Thomas R. Fox, Prof. of Forest Soil & Silviculture and Co-

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Forestry & the Forest Environment, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Director, Forest Nutrition Cooperative, Dept. of Forest

10:45-11:05 am

Resources & Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech,

Inter-Family Variations in Fiber Dimensions of Six

Blacksburg, VA

Tropical Hardwoods

10:25-10:45 am

Charles Antwi-Boasiako, Lecturer, and A. Ayimasu,

Stand Structure, Growth Form, and Internal

Researcher, Dept. of Wood Science & Technology,

Structure of Natural Eastern White Cedar (Thuja

Kwame Nkrumah Univ. of Science & Technology,

occidentalis L.) in Northern Ontario, Canada

Kumasi, Ghana


Sangeeta Gupta, Scientist-in-Charge, and Dheerendra Kumar, Scientist, Wood Anatomy Discipline, Forest Research Inst., Dehradun, India 11:25-11:45 am Effects of Thinning and Fertilization on Anatomical Structure of Loblolly Pine Gi Young Jeong, Post-Doctoral Associate, Sustainable Engineered Material Inst., and Audrey Zink-Sharp, Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA



SESSION 25: International Collaboration of Forest Products Research (continued)

Sponsors: USDA Forest Service, Forest Product

of Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China; John F. Hunt, Research

Laboratory and Chinese Research Institute of

Mechanical Engineer, USDA Forest Service, Forest

Wood Industry

Products Lab., Madison, WI

Session Moderator: John F. Hunt 10:00-10:05 Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

Session Chairs: Kelin Ye, Research Prof. and Dir., Research Inst. of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy

10:05-10:25 am

G. Hunt, Research Chemist, Zhiyong Cai, Project

Research Inst. of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of

Cantilever Beam Static Bending and Vibration Test

Leader, and James F. Beecher, Group Leader, USDA

Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China; Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader,

Apparatus for Thin Composite Products

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

John F. Hunt, Research Mechanical Engineer, USDA

10:45-11:05 am

11:25-11:45 am

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI;

Effect of Moisture Content on the

An X-Ray Scanning Method for Measuring the

Houjiang Zhang, Prof., and Zhiren Guo, Grad. Student,

Nanomechanical Properties of Wood Cell Wall via

Moisture Content of Wood During Hot Air

Beijing Forestry Univ., Beijing, P.R. China



10:25-10:45 am

Yujie Meng, Grad. Research Assistant, and Siqun Wang,

Xianjun Li, Associate Prof., School of Material Science

Nanoindentation and Microscopic

Associate Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries,

& Engineering, Central South Univ. of Forestry &

Characterization of PF / Bamboo Adhesive

Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville,TN; Zhiyong Cai, Project

Technology, Changsha, P.R. China and Visiting Scientist,


Leader, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab.,

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison,

Madison, WI

WI; Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA Forest Service,

Yan Yu, Associate Prof., International Center for Bamboo

Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Feng Fu, Researcher,

& Rattan, Beijing, P.R. China; Charles R. Frihart, Head of

11:05-11:25 am

Wood Adhesives, USDA Forest Servcie, Forest Products

Study to Electromagnetic Shielding Plywood

Lab., Madison, WI; Zehui Jiang, Prof., International

Laminated with Metal Sheets

Center for Bamboo & Rattan, Beijing, P.R. China; Joseph E. Jakes, Student Training General Engineer, Christopher

Research Inst. of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China

Keyang Lu, Assistant Prof., and Feng Fu, Researcher,

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


26 Sponsors: FPS Marketing Group

SESSION 26: General Topics in Marketing Session Chairs: Francisco X. Aguilar, Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO; Sudipta Dasmohapatra, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood & Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC

Session Moderator: Sudipta Dasmohapatra 10:00-10:05 Opening Comments 11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

10:45-11:05 am

11:25-11:45 am

Forest Products Emerging from the Recession

Evolvement of Wood Culture in the United States:

Increasing the Market Share for Softwood Glued-

Henry Spelter, Economist, Peter J. Ince, Research

A Good Marketing Tool

Laminated Lumber by Matching the Performance

Forester, and Kenneth Skog, Project Leader, USDA

Howard N. Rosen, Staff Specialist, USDA Forest Service,

and Convenience of LVL

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Resource Use Research, Washington, DC

Russell Gentry, Associate Prof., Georgia Inst. of

10:25-10:45 am

11:05-11:25 am

Do Consumers Perceive Wood as a Natural

Assessing Consumer Demand for Wood

Building Material?

Household Furniture

Anders Q. Nyrud, Sr. Researcher, and Julie H. Arnseth

Nathan E. Irby, Research Assistant, Sudipta

and Kristian Bysheim, Researchers, Norsk Treteknisk

Dasmohapatra, Assistant Prof., and Philip H. Mitchell,

Institutt, Oslo, Norway

Extension Wood Products Specialist, Dept. of Wood & Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC


Technology, Atlanta, GA



SESSION 27: Growing Wood and Biomass for Industry – Property Requirements and Material Procurement

Sponsors: FPS Pulp & Paper Group and Biology

Prof., and Mark D. Gibson, Prof. and Dir., School of

Group (Joint)

Forestry, Louisiana Tech Univ., Ruston, LA

Session Chairs: George A. Grozdits, Research Assistant

Session Moderators: George A. Grozdits and Mark D.

11:45-11:50 am Closing Comments

10:05-10:25 am

10:25-10:45 am

11:05-11:25 am

Correlating Mechanical Properties of Loblolly Pine

Oil Palm Bio Waste: A Sustainable Source of Raw

Optimizing Resource Selection for Wood-Based

Strands under Different Forest Management with

Material for Biocomposites – Waste to Wealth


Wood Structure


Rupert Wimmer, Prof., Wood Technology & Wood-

Gi Young Jeong, Post-Doctoral Associate, Sustainable

Manojit G. Das, Mgr., R&D, Samling Global Ltd., Bintulu,

Based Composites Unit, Georg-August-Univ., Göttingen,

Engineered Material Inst., and Audrey Zink-Sharp, Prof.,

Sarawak, Malaysia; Shovanjit Das, Mgr., Wood Panel

Germany; Martin Weigl, Researcher, Wood Kplus –

Dept. of Wood Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech,

Division, Paralam Global Private Ltd., Arvi, Nagpur,

Competence Center for Wood Composites & Wood

Blacksburg, VA

Maharastra, India

Chemistry, Linz, Austria; Stefan Schöneberg, Student,

Gibson 10:00-10:05 Opening Comments

Wood Technology & Wood-Based Composites Unit,

10:45-11:05 am

Georg-August-Univ., Göttingen, Germany

Genetic Fingerprints and Wood Chemistry of Superior Eucalyptus Clones for Energy Production

11:25-11:45 am

in Florida

Speaker to be announced

D.L. Rockwood, Prof. Emeritus, and Matias Kirst, Assistant Prof., School of Forest Resources & Conservation, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



SESSION 28: Woody Biomass: Economics, Supply, Conversion to Energy, and Environmental Impacts – Pretreatment Technology (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Energy & Environmental Issues

Session Chairs: Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist,

Session Moderator: Leslie H. Groom, Project Leader,

Group, Timber Production & Harvesting Group, and

Ecologically Sustainable Production of Forest Resources

USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,

Economics & Financial Management Group (Joint)

Team, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest

Pineville, LA

2:35-2:55 pm

Mechanistic Understanding of Enhanced Enzymatic Saccharification of Pine Flour Pretreated by NMMO Ye Liu, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, and Qixin Zhong, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Food Science & Technology, and Siqun Wang, Associate Prof., Dept.

Research Station, Portland, OR; Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

3:55-4:15 pm

3:15-3:35 pm

Greenhouse Heating with Esterified Bio-oil

Beta-Xylosidase Patent for Conversion of

Jingming Tao, Grad. Research Assistant, Don Parish,

Cellulosic Plant Cell Walls to Fermentable Sugars

Research Associate, and Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of

Robert Hennkens, Dir. and Vice Pres. of Development,

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Clearstream Technologies, LLC, Tucson, AZ; Douglas B. Jordan, Molecular Biologist, USDA, ARS, MWA,

Knoxville, TN; Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA Forest

Fermentation Biology Lab., Peoria, IL 3:35-3:55 pm

2:55-3:15 pm

Enzymatic Saccharification of Woody Biomass

Properties and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of

Enhanced by NMMO Pretreatment

Pretreated Hybrid Poplar Wood for Sugar

Ye Liu, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, and Qixin


Zhong, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Food Science &

Adebola Adebayo, Grad. Research Assistant, Qingzheng

Technology, and Siqun Wang, Associate Prof., Dept.

Cheng, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Jingxin Wang,

of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee,

Associate Prof., and Joseph F. McNeel, Prof. and Dir.,

Knoxville, TN; Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA Forest

Division of Forestry & Natural Resources, West Virginia

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI


4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

Univ., Morgantown, WV

of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments

4:15-4:35 pm The Effect of Dilute Acid Pretreatment on Anhydrosugars Yield During Fast Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass Qi Li, Grad. Research Assistant, and Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS 4:35-4:55 pm Speaker to be announced



SESSION 29: Bio-Based Materials: Characterization, Processing, and Product Development (continued)

Sponsors: FPS Particleboard, Fiberboard & Molded

Session Chair: Zhiyong Cai, Project Leader, USDA

Products Group, Adhesives Group, and Structural

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Panel Group (Joint)

Session Moderator: Mingjie Guan, Associate Prof.,

Univ., Nanjing, P.R. China 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

Bamboo Engineering & Research Center, Nanjing Forestry

2:35-2:55 pm

Low Heat Temperature Treatment to Produce

Michael Karas, USDA NNF Fellow and Master’s

In-Service Testing of PHBV-Oak Wood Flour

Carbonized-Wood Template for Composite

Candidate, and Lech Muszyński, Assistant Prof., Dept.

Biocomposites for the Construction Industry


of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ.,

Srikanth Pilla, Post-Doctoral Scholar, Dept. of Civil

Bernard Randrianarisoa, Grad. Student, Dept. of

Corvallis, OR

& Environmental Engineering, Zach Wright, Grad.

Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse Univ.,

4:15-4:35 pm

Student, and Curtis W. Frank, Prof., Dept. of Chemical

Syracuse, NY

Engineering, and Sarah Billington, Associate Prof., Dept.

3:35-3:55 pm

Highways: Effect of Low-Grade Woody Biomass

Challenges in Understanding Soy Adhesive

Content on Composite Properties


Michael Karas, USDA NNF Fellow and Master’s

2:55-3:15 pm

Charles R. Frihart, Head of Wood Adhesives, and Holly

Candidate, and Lech Muszyński, Assistant Prof., Dept.

Kenaf Bast Fiber Sheet Molding Compound (SMC)

A. Satori, Physical Science Technician, USDA Forest

of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ.,

Composites from Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Rongxian

Corvallis, OR


Zhu, Associate Prof., Research Inst. of Wood Industry,

4:35-4:55 pm

Kaiwen Liang, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, and

Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China

Sheldon Q. Shi, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forest Products,

3:55-4:15 pm


Sustainable Bio-Composites of West Coast

William T.Y. Tze, Assistant Prof., and Lili Zhou, Grad.

3:15-3:35 pm

Highways: Outline of a Viability Assessment

Research Assistant, Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems

Carbonization of Large Wood Samples at


Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA

Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Sustainable Bio-Composites of West Coast

Cellulose Self-Reinforced Composites from Partial

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


30 Sponsors: FPS Marketing Group

SESSION 30: General Topics in Marketing Session Chairs: Francisco X. Aguilar, Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO; Sudipta Dasmohapatra, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood & Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC

Session Moderator: Francisco X. Aguilar 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

3:15-3:35 pm

Iris Montague, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service,

Best Practices in Quality Management for

Relationship Value in the Hardwood Lumber

Northeastern Research Station, Princeton, WV

Achieving Innovation Performance


4:15-4:35 pm

Scott Leavengood, Associate Prof. and Dir., Oregon

Sudipta Dasmohapatra, Assistant Prof., and Ronalds

Research on Foreign Trade Policies of China’s

Wood Innovation Center, Dept of Wood Science &

Gonzalez, Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Wood &

Forest Products Based on the Shortage of Timber

Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; Timothy

Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC


3:35-3:55 pm

Hongqiang Yang, Vice-Dir., Ying Nie, Dir., and Chunyi

Environmental Properties of Construction

Ji, Fellow, Research Center for Economics & Trade in


Forest Products of the State Forestry Administration,

R. Anderson, Associate Prof., Dept. of Engineering & Technology Management, Portland State Univ., Portland, OR 2:55-3:15 pm A Study of Innovation and Change Management in Ghana’s Forest Products Industry A.L. (Tom) Hammett, Prof., and Richard Bonsi, Grad.

Kristian Bysheim, Researcher, and Anders Q. Nyrud, Sr. Researcher, Norsk Treteknisk Institutt, Oslo, Norway 3:55-4:15 pm

Research Assistant, Dept. of Wood Science & Forest

Trade Associations and Group Certification

Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Programs: How can They Impact the Certification Movement?


China, College of Economics & Management, Nanjing Forestry Univ., Nanjing, P.R. China 4:35-4:55 pm Speaker to be announced



SESSION 31: Wood-Based Carbon Materials for Advanced Applications

Sponsors: FPS Physics Group, Adhesives Group, and

Session Chairs: Xinfeng Xie, Research Scientist, and

Biology Group (Joint)

Barry S. Goodell, Prof. of Wood Science & Technology, School of Forest Resources, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME

Session Moderators: Xinfeng Xie and Barry S. Goodell 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

3:15-3:35 pm

3:55-4:15 pm

Engineered Materials from Biological Structures:

Rheology of Organosolv Lignin Blends

Graphitization of Natural Cellulose into Carbon

Challenges and Developments

Rhea J. Sammons, Post-Doctoral Research Engineer,


Chris Byrne, Prof. of Mechanical Engineering, Western

Archer Daniels Midland, Decatur, IL; David P. Harper,

Sheldon Q. Shi, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forest Products,

Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green, KY

Assistant Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries,

Dongmao Zhang, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Chemistry,

Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Alicia Compere,

and Dongping Jiang, Research Associate, and Wen

2:55-3:15 pm

Staff Scientist, Oak Ridge National Lab., Oak Ridge,

Che and Jinshu Shi, Grad. Research Assistants, Dept. of

Development of Carbon-Based Adsorbents as

TN; Timothy G. Rials, Prof. and Dir. of R&D, Office of

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Value-Added Products from the Carbonaceous

Bioenergy Programs, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Ash Obtained as By-Product of Wood Gasification

4:15-4:35 pm

3:35-3:55 pm

Effect of Heating Rate on Selected Physical

Transition Characteristics of the Wood Cell Walls

Properties of Carbonized Wood

LA; Sandeep Agnihotri, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Civil &

and Their Properties During Carbonization

Xinfeng Xie, Research Scientist, and Barry S. Goodell,

Environmental Engineering, and Nicole LabbĂŠ, Assistant

Sung-Min Kwon, Ph.D. Student, and Nam-Hun Kim,

Prof. of Wood Science & Technology, School of Forest

Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of

Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering, Kangwon

Resources, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME

Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Madhavi Martin, Research

National Univ., Chuncheon, South Korea

Thomas L. Eberhardt, Research Scientist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Pineville,

Scientist, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Lab., Oak Ridge, TN; Pyoungchun Kim, Grad.

4:35-4:55 pm Speaker to be announced

Student, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



SESSION 32: Forest Products Research from Around the World

Sponsor: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products

Session Chair: Christopher D. Risbrudt, Dir., USDA

2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments


Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

4:35-4:55 pm Questions & Answers

Session Moderator: Christopher D. Risbrudt

4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

3:15-3:35 pm

3:55-4:15 pm

New Zealand Wood Processing Research: Past

Utilization Research at the Chinese Academy of

The Changing Forest Sector Innovation System in

Accomplishments and Future Opportunities



Tom Richardson, CEO, Scion, Rotorua, New Zealand

Kelin Ye, Research Prof. and Dir. of CRIWI, Research

Pierre Lapointe, President and CEO, FPInnovations –

Inst. of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry,

Forintek Division, Vancouver, BC, Canada

2:55-3:15 pm

Beijing, P.R. China

Shaping the Profile for Future Demands – Wood

4:15-4:35 pm

Research at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for

3:35-3:55 pm

Forest-Based Biorefinery Programs in Finland

Material Testing and Research (Empa)

Activities of the International Association of

Ali Harlin, Prof. and Industrial Biomaterials Programme

Klaus Richter, Head, Wood Lab., Empa – Swiss Federal

Wood Products Societies

Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research,

Nobuaki Hattori, Prof., Graduate School of Agriculture,

Dübendorf, Switzerland

Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Technology and Pres., Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, Japan


Manager, VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland



SESSION 33: Marketing and Utilization of Temperate and Tropical Species

Sponsor: FPS Temperate & Tropical Hardwood

Session Chair: David L. Nicholls, Research Forest

Lumber Group

Products Technologist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Sitka, AK

Session Moderator: David L. Nicholls 2:30-2:35 pm Opening Comments 4:55-5:00 pm Closing Comments

2:35-2:55 pm

Woodbridge, Database Administrator, Camcore and

Joseph Appiah, Grad. Student, College of Technology

A Contrast of Eastern United States and Foreign

Dept. of Forestry & Environmental Resources, North

Education, Univ. of Education Winneba, Kumasi,

Hardwoods – Is There a Consumer Preference

Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC

Ashanti, Ghana

for U.S. Hardwoods?

3:35-3:55 pm

4:15-4:35 pm

Delton R. Alderman, Research Scientist, USDA Forest

Consumer and Manufacturer Perceptions of EdgeGlued Panels Made from Alaskan Hardwoods

Conjoint Study of the Reaction to Wood Product

Service, Northeastern Research Station, Princeton, WV 2:55-3:15 pm

David L. Nicholls, Research Forest Products Technologist,

Origin Information Between U.S. and U.K.

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research


Station, Sitka, AK; Matthew S. Bumgardner, Research

Zhen Cai, Research Assistant, and Francisco X. Aguilar,

Forest Products Technologist, USDA Forest Service,

Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Introducing E Nitens from Chile to U.S. Markets – A Model for Similar Species Introductions Leonard M. Guss, Pres., LGA Inc., Woodinville, WA 3:15-3:35 pm Global Calibrations for Estimating the Wood

Labels Including Certification, Price, and Forest

Northern Research Station, Delaware, OH; Valerie A. Barber, Research Asstistant Prof., Forest Products

4:35-4:55 pm

Program, Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks, Palmer, AK

Speaker to be announced

Properties of Pine Species

3:55-4:15 pm

Laurence R. Schimleck, Associate Prof., Warnell School

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Branch,

of Forestry & Natural Resources, Univ. of Georgia,

Stem, and Root Wood of Iroko and Emire

Athens, GA; Gary R. Hodge, Prof., and William

Martin Amoah, Lecturer, Reynolds Okai, Prof., and

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Poster Presentations MONDAY, JUNE 21, 8:00-2:30 pm (authors available at posters from 1:30-2:30 pm) ADVANCES IN WOOD-BASED MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, AND PROCESSES

Effects of Drawdown on Surface Quality, Mechanical Properties, and Morphology of Extruded Cellular Wood Fiber / High-Density Polyethylene Composites Kamal Babu Adhikary, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Mohammad R. Islam, Grad. Student, and Ghaus M. Rizvi, Prof., Faculty of

Zaretzki, Quintek Measurement Systems, Knoxville, TN Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystals-Reinforced Resin Matrix Emmanuel Atta-Obeng, Grad. Research Assistant, Brian K. Via, Maria L. Auad, and Moabing Tu, Assistant Profs., and Oladiran Fasina, Associate Prof., School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL

Engineering & Applied Science, Univ. of Ontario Inst. of

Effect of Sanding on Surface Characteristics

Technology, Oshawa, ON, Canada; Chul B. Park, Prof.,

of Medium Density Fiberboard Made from

Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Univ. of

Rhododendron Wood

Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Nadir Ayrilmis, Research Wood Scientist, Zeki Candan,

Effects of Impregnation Chemical on Red and Yellow Color Tone of Wood Musa Atar, Associate Prof., Dept. of Furniture & Decoration, and Hakan Keskin, Associate Prof., Dept. of Industrial Technology, Gazi Univ., Ankara, Turkey; Zeki Candan, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Forest Products Engineering, Istanbul Univ., Istanbul, Turkey Improvement of Dimensional Stability in Structural Wood Composites by Nanomaterial Reinforcement Zeki Candan, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Forest Products Engineering, Istanbul Univ., Istanbul, Turkey

Luffa Cylinderical-Based Inorganic Bonded

Ph.D. Candidate, and Turgay Akbulut, Prof., Dept. of

Particleboards: Its Reactions to Bending Force and

Forest Products Engineering, Istanbul Univ., Istanbul,

Characterization of PF / PVAc Hybrid Adhesive-

Moisture Movement

Turkey; Ozgur Deniz Balkiz, Dept. of Forest Products,

Wood Interaction

Babatunde Ajayi, Prof., Dept. of Forestry & Wood

Central Anatolia Forestry Research Inst., Ankara, Turkey

Yang Cao, Grad. Student, and Vikram Yadama, Assistant

Technology, Federal Univ. of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

Bending Properties of Plywood Panels Made from Thermally Compressed Veneers

Prof. and Extension Specialist, Composite Materials & Engineering Center, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA

Real-Time Prediction of Mechanical Properties of

Zeki Candan, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Forest Products

Wood Composites Panels

Engineering, Istanbul Univ., Istanbul, Turkey; Armando

Initial Bonding Development of Cold-Pressed

Nicolas Andre, Research Scientist, and Timothy M.

G. McDonald, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Univ. of

Wood Strand Mat using PF / PVAc Hybrid

Young, Associate Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife &

Idaho, Moscow, ID; Turgay Akbulut, Prof., Dept. of Forest


Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Philip

Products Engineering, Istanbul Univ., Istanbul, Turkey

Yi Wang, Ph.D. Student, and Vikram Yadama, Assistant


Prof. and Extension Specialist, Composite Material &

Using Optical Scanning as Means to Predict LVL

Highways: Utilization of Low-Grade Woody

Engineering Center, Washington State Univ., Pullman,

Tensile Strength

Biomass in Highway Products

WA; Debes Bhattacharyya, Prof., Centre for Advanced

David B. DeVallance, Assistant Prof., Division of Forestry

Michael Karas, USDA NNF Fellow and Master’s

Composites Materials, Univ. of Auckland, Auckland,

& Natural Resources, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown,

Candidate, and Lech Muszyński, Assistant Prof., Dept.

New Zealand

WV; James W. Funck, Courtesy Prof., Dept. of Wood

of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ.,

Coupled Weathering Effects on Strength, Stiffness,

Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis,

Corvallis, OR

and Creep Behavior of Wood-Plastic Composites

OR and Unit Manager, Nondestructive Evaluation,

Tony Cameron, Grad. Student, Vikram Yadama, Assistant Prof. and Extension Specialist, and Karl Englund, Research Assistant Prof., Composite Materials &

Weyerhaeuser NR Co., Federal Way, WA; James E. Reeb, Associate Prof. and Manufacturing Extension Specialist, Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

Engineering Center, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA; Valerie A. Barber, Research Asstistant Prof., Forest Products Program, Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks, Palmer, AK Bamboo-Based Structural Board from Laminated Circumferential Sections

Utilization of Post-Consumer Textile Waste Fibers to Manufacture Sustainable Composite Materials David B. DeVallance, Assistant Prof., Division of Forestry & Natural Resources, Holly Lentz, Assistant Prof. and Program Chair, and Kathryn Eason, Visiting Assistant

Preliminary Characterization of Tar Compounds Present in the Carbonaceous Ash Resulting from Wood Gasification Thomas L. Eberhardt, Research Scientist, and Jolie Mahfouz and Karen G. Reed, Physical Science Technicians, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Pineville, LA Performance of Wood-Cement Boards in Tropical Environment

Wanli Cheng, Prof., and Baiping Liu, M.Sc. Student,

Prof., Division of Design & Merchandising, and Jody

Joseph Adeola Fuwape and Amos Oluyege, Profs.,

College of Material Science & Engineering, Northeast

Gray, Wood Products Specialist, Division of Forestry &

Dept. of Forestry & Wood Technology, Federal Univ. of

Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China; Jianbo Zhou, Ph.D.

Natural Resources, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown,

Technology, Akure, Nigeria

Student, and Wansi Fu, Vice Dir., Beijing Forestry


Machinery Research Inst., Beijing, P.R. China

Morphological and Mechanical Characterization

with Chemically Modified Wood Particles –

Fatty Acid Formulations for Wood Protection

for Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) and MFC-

Adaptation and Modification of Test Designs

poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites

Timo Grueneberg, Ph.D. Student, Andreas Krause

Jie Ding, Student, Lech Muszyński, Assistant Prof., and

and Carsten Mai, Profs., and Holger Militz, Prof. and

John Simonsen, Associate Prof., Dept. of Wood Science

Dir., Dept. of Wood Biology & Wood Products, Georg-

& Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

August-Univ., Göttingen, Germany

Sustainable Bio-Composites for West Coast

Long-Term Creep of Wood-Plastic Composites

Carol A. Clausen, Supervisory Research Microbiologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; Robert D. Coleman, Pres., Summerdale, Inc., Verona, WI; Vina W. Yang, Microbiologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Fungal Degradation of Wood Polymer Composites

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Subjected to Bending

Division, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand;

3D Engineered Fiberboard Panels – Design and

Scott Hamel, Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil &

Songklod Jarusombuti, Associate Prof. and Head, Dept.

Panel Properties

Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison,

of Forest Products, Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok, Thailand;

WI; John C. Hermanson, Research General Engineer,

Worakit Soontonbura, Forest Products Division, Royal

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison,

Forest Dept., Bangkok, Thailand

WI; Steven M. Cramer, Prof. and Associate Dean for

Properties of Sandwich-Type Panels Made from

Academic Affairs, Dept. of Civil & Environmental

Bamboo and Rice Straw

Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Opportunity and Market of Oriented Structural Straw Board in China

Songklod Jarusombuti, Associate Prof. and Head, Dept. of Forest Products, Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok, Thailand; Salim S. Hiziroglu, Prof., Dept. of Natural Resource

Guangping Han, Prof., College of Material Science

Ecology & Management, Oklahoma State Univ.,

& Engineering, Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R.

Stillwater, OK; Piyawade Bauchongkol and Vallayuth

China; Krijn D.K. Leendertse, Pres., Panel Board Holding

Fueangvivat, Wood Technologists, Forest Products

BV, The Hague, Netherlands; Wayne Wasylciw, Technical

Division, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand

Dir., Forest Products Testing Lab., Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Whole Tree Mapping of Mechanical and Physical Properties of White Cedar (Thuja Occidentalis) in

John F. Hunt, Research Mechanical Engineer, Hongmei Gu, Research Associate, and Robert H. Falk, Research Engineer, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI Moisture Effect on Water Permeability in Wood Su Kyoung Chun, Prof., Sheikh Ali Ahmed, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, and Ae Ju Kim, Ph.D. Research Associate, Dept. of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, Kangwon National Univ., Chunchon, South Korea; Song Ho Chong, Sr. Researcher, Dept. of Forest Resources Utilization, Korea Forest Research Inst., Seoul, South Korea Variation of Liquid Penetration in Ray Cells of

Strandboard Panels Manufactured from Eastern

North Western Ontario

three Different Wood Species


Marek Holpit, Post-Doctoral Fellow, and Mathew

Su Kyoung Chun, Prof., Sheikh Ali Ahmed, Post-Doctoral

Salim S. Hiziroglu, Prof., Dept. of Natural Resource

Leitch, Associate Prof., Faculty of Forestry & the Forest

Research Fellow, and Ae Ju Kim, Ph.D. Research

Ecology & Management, Oklahoma State Univ.,

Environment, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ON,

Associate, Dept. of Forest Biomaterials Engineering,

Stillwater, OK


Kangwon National Univ., Chunchon, South Korea; Song

Bamboo (Denrocalamus asper) as Raw Material for

Mechanical Properties of Thermo Forest Products

Composite Panel Manufacture in Thailand

Treated Materials

Salim S. Hiziroglu, Prof., Dept. of Natural Resource

Jim Riffel, M.Sc. Student, Mathew Leitch, Associate

Ecology & Management, Oklahoma State Univ.,

Prof., Chander Shahi, Assistant Prof., and Reino Pulkki,

Stillwater, OK; Vallayuth Fueangvivat and Piyawade

Prof., Faculty of Forestry & the Forest Environment,

Bauchongkol, Wood Technologists, Forest Products

Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ON, Canada


Ho Chong, Sr. Researcher, Dept. of Forest Resources Utilization, Korea Forest Research Inst., Seoul, South Korea Chemically Separated Sugars from Rapeseed Cake with Various Hydrolysis Conditions Han-Seob Jeong and Hye-Yun Kim, M.Sc.Students, and

Ho-Yong Kim, Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Forest Sciences,

Strengthening America’s Past-Time

University, Starkville, MS

Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea; Sye Hee

David E. Kretschmann, Research General Engineer,

Influence of Degree of Beetle-Killed Spruce

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI;

Deterioration on Wood-Plastic Composite

Scott Drake, Vice Pres. of Operations, TECO, Sun Prairie,


Ahn, Prof., Division of Life & Environmental Resources, Daegu Univ., Seoul, South Korea; In Yang, Assistant Prof., Research Inst. of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea; In-Gyu Choi, Prof., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea Whitening Effect and Cosmeceutical Activities of Cryptomeria japonica Extracts Seon-Hong Kim and Su-Yeon Lee, M.Sc. Students, KiSeob Gwak, Ph.D. Student, and Jun-Jae Lee and In-Gyu Choi, Profs., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea Microbial Biotransformation of Monoterpene by Basidiomycetes Su-Yeon Lee, M.Sc. Student, Ki-Seob Gwak, Ph.D.

WI; James A. Sherwood, Prof., Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA; Carl N. Morris, Prof. of Statistics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA

OR; Vikram Yadama, Assistant Prof. and Extension Specialist, Composite Materials & Engineering Center,

Charcoal Board and Overlaid Charcoal Board

Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA; Nels R. Peterson,

Seog Goo Kang, Adjunct Assistant Prof., In Su Seo, Grad. Student, and Hwa Hyoung Lee, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Chungnam National Univ., Daejeon, South Korea Production of Anhydrosugars for Fermentation into Ethanol by Fast Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass

Student, Seon-Hong Kim, M.Sc. Student, and Jun-Jae Lee and In-Gyu Choi, Profs., Dept. of Forest Sciences,

Products, Fei Yu, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Agricultural &

Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea

Biological Engineering, and Philip H. Steele, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

Energy Consumption Estimation during Kiln

Jun-Ho Park, Chang-Deuk Eom, Yoon-Seong Chang, and

Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland,

Long-Time Cyclic Gas Adsorption Properties of

Qi Li, Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Forest

Drying of Yellow Poplar

Eini C. Lowell, Research Scientist, USDA Forest

Design Engineer, PCS Structural Solutions, Tacoma, WA; David L. Nicholls, Research Forest Products Technologist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Sitka, AK Demand Drivers and Price Supports for Bioethanol Use as Fuel in the United States – A Brief Review Ning Lu, Grad. Research Assistant, and Robert W. Rice, Prof., School of Forest Resources, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME Investigation on Mechanical Properties of PVC – Abies Wood Flour Composites

Upgrading Pyrolytic Oils from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Esterification

Mostafa Madanipour, Assistant Prof., Islamic Azad Univ., Astara Branch, Iran

Kiyoung Son, Grad. Research Assistants, and In-Gyu

Jingming Tao and Qi Li, Grad. Research Assistants,

Choi, Jun-Jae Lee, and Hwanmyeong Yeo, Profs., Dept.

Dept. of Forest Products, Fei Yu, Assistant Prof., Dept.

Influence of Species and Treatment on Termite

of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South

of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, and Philip H.

Feeding Deterrence of Chemically Treated Wood


Steele, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State

Eric McConnell and Nathan Little, Grad. Research

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Assistants, Sheldon Q. Shi, Assistant Prof., and Tor P.

Technology, Chonbuk National Univ., Jeonju, South

Schultz, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi State


Univ., Starkville, MS A Comparative Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Laminated Veneers and Plywood Panels Manufactured with Wood from Trees Growing in Fast Condition in Tropical Area Carolina Tenorio Monge, Ingeniera Forestal, Róger Moya Roque, Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, and Diego

Nanostructure in Wood-Based Panels During

Degree of Polymerization from Hot Water


Extract of Pinus radiata Bark

Sang-Bum Park, Jong-In Kim, Sang-Min Lee, and Jong-

Sung Phil Mun, Prof., Dept. of Wood Science &

Young Park, Research Scientists, and Seon Hwa Lee, Jr.

Technology, and Bo Hee Kim, Dept. of Food Science

Research Scientist, Dept. of Wood Resources Utilization,

& Technology, Chonbuk National Univ., Jeonju, South

Korea Forest Research Inst., Seoul, South Korea; Jae-


Hyeok Jang, Grad. Student, and Nam Hun Kim, Prof.,

Microwave-Assistant Wood Liquefaction and

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (Technology Inst. of

its Application on Rigid Polyurethane Foam

Costa Rica), Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal (School of


Forest Engineering), Cartago, Costa Rica

Hui Pan, Assistant Prof., Calhoun Research Station, LSU

of Teak (Tectona grandis) from Fast-Growing Plantations in Small and Medium Industry in Costa Rica

AgCenter, Calhoun, LA; Zhifeng Zheng, Associate Prof.,

National Univ. Chuncheon, South Korea Manufacture of Carbonized Boards using WoodBased Panels and Their Application to CalligraphyCarving Products Sang-Bum Park, Jong-In Kim, Sang-Min Lee, and Jong-

Yun Hse, Principal Wood Scientist, USDA Forest Service,

Young Park, Research Scientists, and Seon Hwa Lee, Jr.

Southern Research Station, Pineville, LA

Research Scientist, Dept. of Wood Resources Utilization,

Development of Superhydrophobic Wood by

Moya Roque, Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, Instituto

Chemical Bath Deposition

Tecnológico de Costa Rica (Technology Inst. of Costa

Cheng Piao, Assistant Prof., Calhoun Research Station,

Rica), Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal (School of Forest

LSU AgCenter, Calhoun, LA; Chengyu Wang, (former

Engineering), Cartago, Costa Rica

Visiting Scientist), Associate Prof., Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China

Extract from Pinus radiata Bark using DIAION

Laminated Structural Beams Fabricated from


Small-Diameter Timber: Preliminary Results

Sung Phil Mun, Prof., Dept. of Wood Science &

Cheng Piao, Assistant Prof., Calhoun Research Station,


Dept. of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, Kangwon

Southwest Forestry Univ., Kunming, P.R. China; Chung-

Cynthia Salas G., Ingeniera Forestal, and Róger

Purification of Proanthocyanidin in the Hot Water

Formation of Needle-Shaped Carbon

Fractionation of Proanthocyanidins with Different

Camacho and Freddy Muñoz, Ingeniera Forestals,

Use of Solar Dryers for Drying Sawn Timber

LSU AgCenter, Calhoun, LA

Korea Forest Research Inst., Seoul, South Korea; Nam Hun Kim, Prof., Dept. of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, Kangwon National Univ. Chuncheon, South Korea Effects of Local Non-Uniformity on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media Shri Ramaswamy, Prof. and Dept. Head, Huigang Zuo, Amod Modak, and Matthew Ryan, former Grad. Students, and Sho S. Takagaki, Post-Doctoral Associate, Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering, Univ.

Effect of Moisture Treatments on the Screw

of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL

Predicting Mechanical Properties of Fibrous

The Effect of Sampling Height on the Variation

Materials using Three-Dimensional Structures

of Gross Calorific Value in Longleaf Pine in

Shri Ramaswamy, Prof. and Dept. Head, Sho S.

Relationship to Extractives and Lignin Content

Takagaki, Post-Doctoral Associate, and Yves Defrenne,

Chi-Leung So, Assistant Prof., School of Renewable

former Grad. Student, Dept. of Bioproducts &

Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA

Biosystems Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul,

and USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,


Pineville, LA; Thomas L. Eberhardt, Research Scientist,

Determination of the Effectiveness of Pyrolysis

USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,

Characterization of Bio-Based Nanomaterial

Oil as a Moisture Resistant Treatment for Wood

Pineville, LA

Reinforcement of Polymer: Isolating Effects of

Thomas J. Robinson, Ph.D. Candidate, and Brian K.

Effects of Four Catalysts on Melamine-Urea-

Via and M. Tu, Assistant Profs., School of Forestry &

Formaldehyde Resin Structure and Performance

Wildlife Sciences, and S. Adhikari, Assistant Prof., and O.

of Particleboard

Fasina, Associate Prof., Dept. of Biosystems Engineering, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL; E. Carter, Research Soil

Qi-Ning Sun, Grad. Student, School of Renewable

Withdrawal Resistance of Roof Sheathings for Photovoltaic Module Shigehiko Suzuki, Prof., and Yoichi Kojima, Assistant Prof., Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka Univ., Shizuokashi, Japan; Ichiro Yamasaki, Sr. Researcher, Photovoltaic Power Generation Technology Research Assn., Tokyo, Japan

Adhesion from Dispersion William T.Y. Tze, Assistant Prof., and Jesse Lund, Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA

Using Design for Manufacturability (DFM) for

and USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,

Custom Furniture Engineering Design

Pineville, LA; Chung-Yun Hse, Principal Wood Scientist,

Henry Quesada, Assistant Prof., and Chao Wang, Grad.

A Comparison in using FTIR to NIR Spectra

USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,

Research Assistant, Dept. of Wood Science & Forest

When Predicting Strand Density Prior to

Pineville, LA; Todd F. Shupe, Prof., School of Renewable

Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Composite Manufacture

Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA

Scientist, USDA Forest Service, G.W. Andrews Forestry Sciences Lab., Auburn, AL

Brian K. Via, Assistant Prof., School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL

Potential of Rapeseed Flour Remained from the

Liquefaction of Bagasse for Polyol Production

Production of Bio-Diesel as Wood Ahesives

Xianglin Zhai, Grad. Student, and Todd F. Shupe, Prof.,

In Yang, Sr. Researcher, Gyu-Seong Han, Prof., Jae-Hoon

Multivariate Modeling of Composite Strand

School of Renewable Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter,

Jeong and Myung-Jin Jun, Undergraduate Research

Density from FTIR Spectra

Baton Rouge, LA; Chung-Yun Hse, Principal Wood

Assistants, Dept. of Wood & Paper Science, Chungbuk

Brian K. Via, Assistant Prof., and Thomas J. Robinson,

Scientist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research

National Univ., Cheongju, Chungbuk, South Korea; Sei

Ph.D. Candidate, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences,

Station, Pineville, LA

Chang Oh, Prof., Dept. of Forest Resources, Daegu

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Univ., Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, South Korea; In-Gyu Choi,

School of Renewable Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter,

Associate Prof., Dept. of Wood & Paper Science, North

Prof., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ.,

Baton Rouge, LA

Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC; Glenn P. Catts,

Seoul, South Korea

Nano-Cellulose / PLA Adhesion: Evaluation using a

Hofmann Forest Liaison, Forestry & Environmental Resources Academic Research, Raleigh, NC; Joseph

Rapid Detection of Knot Defect in Masson Pine

Micro-Raman Tensile Technique

Veneer by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled

Jin Yao, Grad. Research Assistant, and William T.Y. Tze,

& Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh,

Assistant Prof., Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems


with Multivariate Data Analysis Zhong Yang, Associate Prof., Research Inst. of Wood

Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN; Melissa

Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, P.R.

Taylor, Grad. Research Assistant, and John Simonsen,

China and Post-Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Forestry,

Associate Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering,

Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; L.V. Bin, Prof.,

Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR

Hai-qing Ren, Prof., and Ling Chen, Dr., Research Inst. of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, P.R. China

Technical and Economical Feasibility Study of a Wood Pellet Mill Utilizing Mixed Biomass from the Hofmann Forest

Denig, Professor and Extension Leader, Dept. of Wood

Influence of Fiber / Matrix Nano-Interphase on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Sandeep Sudhakaran Nair, Grad. Research Assistant, and Siqun Wang, Associate Prof., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Donna C. Hurley, Physicist, MSEL Materials Reliability

Coextruded PE-Based Wood-Plastic Composites

Javon Marcell Carter, Grad. Student, Sudipta

Division, National Inst. of Standards & Technology,

Fei Yao, Post-Doctoral Researcher, and Qinglin Wu, Prof.,

Dasmohapatra, Assistant Prof., and Lucian Lucia,

Boulder, CO

TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 8:00-2:30 pm (authors available at posters from 1:30-2:30 pm) HELPING INDUSTRY MEET 21ST CENTURY CUSTOMER NEEDS

Is There A Consumer Preference for Select

Assessing the Impacts of Mechanized Harvesting

Research Forest Products Technologist, USDA Forest

Hardwood Species?

on Sawlog and Small-Diameter Utilization in

Service, Northern Research Station, Delaware, OH;

Delton R. Alderman, Research Scientist, and Iris


Janice K. Wiedenbeck, Research Forest Products

Montague, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service,

Scott A. Bowe, Associate Prof. and Wood Products

Technologist, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern

Northeastern Research Station, Princeton, WV

Specialist, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, Univ.

Research Station, Princeton, WV

of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Matthew S. Bumgardner,


Understanding and Overcoming the Barriers

Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Forest

A Real-Time, Web-Based Optimal Biomass Site

to Continuous Process Improvement Adoption

Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Assessment Tool: BioSAT

Formaldehyde Testing Capabilities for the 21st

Timothy M. Young, Associate Prof., Dept. of Forestry,


Wildlife & Fisheries, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN;

among Hardwood Sawmills in Wisconsin Steven S. Hubbard, Grad. Research Assistant, and Scott A. Bowe, Associate Prof. and Wood Products Specialist, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Thermal Environments Evaluation of a Wooden

David M. Harmon, North American Technical Mgr., Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc., Springfield, OR Insulation Properties of Green Timber Wall Panels

House using Infra-Red Thermal Image and

Sang Sik Jang, Prof., and Yuni Kim, Grad. Student, Dept.

Temperature Difference Ratio (TDR)

of Forest Products, Chungnam National Univ., Daejeon,

Yoon-Seong Chang, Jun-Ho Park, Chang-Deuk Eom, and Se-Jong Kim, Grad. Research Assistants, Dept.

South Korea; Soon Kwan Kwon, Pres., Daelim E&C Co. Ltd.

of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South

Evaluation Results of a New Interior-Grade

Korea; Joo-Saeng Park, Research Scientist, and Moon-

Wood Composite Binder Resin Having Low

Jae Park, Dir., Dept. of Forest Resources Utilization,

Formaldehyde Emission

Korea Forest Research Inst., Seoul, South Korea; JunJae Lee and Hwanmyeong Yeo, Profs., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul South Korea

Moon G. Kim, Prof., Sang Y. Lee, Research Associate,

Andy Hartsell, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory & Analysis, Knoxville, TN; Donald G. Hodges, Prof. and Dir., Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, and Timothy G. Rials, Prof. and Dir. of R&D, Office of Bioenergy Programs, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Potential of Bamboo as Bio-Based Constructional Products Y.C. Tripathi, Scientist-E and Head, Advanced Research Centre for Bamboo & Rattan, Aizawl, Mizoram, India

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS; Hui Wan, Research Scientist, FPInnovations – Forintek

Ghana’s Forest Products Industry

Division, Québec City, QC, Canada

A.L. (Tom) Hammett, Prof., and Richard Bonsi, Grad.

Social Perceptions of the Biofuel Industry in the

Research Assistant, Dept. of Wood Science & Forest

Southeastern U.S. Steven Tyler Pires, Grad. Research Assistant, and

Making Forest Products Curriculums More

Sudipta Dasmohapatra, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood

Sustainable: Putting the “Green” into our Courses

& Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh,

A.L. (Tom) Hammett, Prof., and Dan Hindman,

Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Knoxville, TN;

and Badamkhand Sukbaatar, Grad. Student, Dept. of

A Study of Innovation and Change Management in

Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

James H. Perdue, Biomass & Bioenergy Liaison, USDA


64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010



Hardwood: Its Swelling and Shrinkage during

Paloma de Palacios, Lecturer, Luis G. Esteban, Sr.

Acoustic Evaluation of Wood Quality in Standing

Drying Process

Lecturer, Francisco García Fernández, Lecturer, and

Trees – Technical Considerations

Agron Bajraktari, Prof. and Dean, Bujar Pira and

Antonio Guindeo, Prof., Escuela Técnica Superior de

Shan Gao, Ph.D. Candidate, Xiping Wang, Research

Ibrahim Cunaku, Assistant Profs., and Muhamet Ymeri

Ingenieros de Montes - Cátedra de Tecnología de la

Forest Products Technologist, and Robert J. Ross, Project

and Sejdi Hoxha, Assistants, Dept. of Wood Technology,

Madera, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid,

Leader, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab.,

Faculty of Technical Applied Sciences, Univ. of Prishtina,

Spain; Marta González, Engineer, Asociación de

Madison, WI; R. Bruce Allison, Registered Consulting

Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Investigación Técnica de las Industrias de la Madera y

Arborist, Allison Tree Care Inc. and Adjunct Prof.,

el Corcho (AITM), Madrid, Spain; Ruth Moreno, Student, Changes on the Surface Color in Wood during

Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin,

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes

Drying Process

Madison, WI; Lihai Wang, Prof. and Dean, College of

- Cátedra de Tecnología de la Madera, Universidad

Engineering & Technology, Northeast Forestry Univ.,

Agron Bajraktari, Prof. and Dean, Dept. of Wood

Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Harbin, P.R. China

A Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic

Modeling the Effect of Altered Chemical

Testing on Residential Wood Roof Sheathing

Composition on Hygroelastic Properties in


Transgenic Aspen Wood

Technology, Faculty of Technical Applied Sciences, Univ.

Craig Dixon, Research Assistant, David O. Prevatt,

Laszlo Horvath, Ph.D. Student, and Ilona Peszlen

of Prishtina, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo; Oner Unsal,

Assistant Prof., Kenton McBride, Research Assistant,

and Perry Peralta, Associate Profs., Dept. of Wood &

Prof., Dept. of Forest Products Engineering, Istanbul

and Carl Harrigan, Undergrad. Research Assistant,

Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC;

Univ., Istanbul, Turkey; Bashkim Thaqi, Assistant, Dept. of

Dept. of Civil & Coastal Engineering, Univ. of Florida,

Bohumil Kasal, Prof., Dept. of Civil & Environmental

Wood Technology, Faculty of Technical Applied Sciences,

Gainesville, FL

Engineering, Penn State, University Park, PA

Univ. of Prishtina, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Characterization of Pyrolytic Bio-Oil from

Relationship between Incipient White-Rot Decay,

In-Tree Longitudinal and Radial Variation of

Selected Tropical Sawmill Wood Residues

Weight Loss, Compression Strength, and Chemical

Bending and Compression Strength in the Wood

Joseph Adeola Fuwape, Prof., Dept. of Forestry & Wood

Composition of Transgenic Aspen

of Pinus uncinata Mill. ex Mirb.

Technology, Federal Univ. of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

Zhouyang Xiang, Research Assistant, and Ilona Peszlen

Technology, Faculty of Technical Applied Sciences, Univ. of Prishtina, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo; Süleyman Korkut, Prof., Faculty of Forestry, Düzce Univ., Düzce, Turkey; Bujar Pira, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood


and Perry Peralta, Associate Profs., Dept. of Wood &

Sung-Min Kwon, Ph.D. Student, and Nam-Hun Kim,

Mapping the Wood Characteristics of Black Ash

Paper Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC

Prof., Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering, Kangwon

(Fraxinus nigra)

National Univ., Chuncheon, South Korea

Scott T. Miller, M.Sc. Student and Research Assistant,

Moisture Sorption Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Wood and Wood-Based Composites

Determining Basidiomycete Species Richness on

Rebecca E. Ibach, Research Chemist, USDA Forest

Different Preservative-Treated Wood in Contact

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; B. Kristoffer

with Soil

Segerholm, Researcher, KTH Royal Inst. of Technology and SP Technical Research Inst. of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden; Samuel V. Glass, Research Physical Scientist, Christopher G. Hunt, Research Chemist, Michael J.

Mathew Leitch, Associate Prof., and Marek Holpit, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Forestry & the Forest Environment, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Katie Jenkins, Grad. Student, Dept. of Forest Products,

Wood Density Modeling in Black and White

Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS and Research


Microbiologist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products

Wei Xiang, Ph.D. Candidate, and Mathew Leitch,

Lab., Madison, WI; Lee Mangum and Leslie Parker,

Associate Prof., Faculty of Forestry & the Forest

Research Chemist, Alex C. Wiedenhoeft, Botanist,

Grad. Research Assistants, and Tor P. Schultz and Susan

Environment, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ON,

Daniel J. Yelle, Ph.D. Candidate and Physical Science

V. Diehl, Profs., Dept. of Forest Products, Mississippi


Technician, and Samuel L. Zelinka, Materials Engineer,

State Univ., Starkville, MS

Lambrecht, Engineering Aid, Mandla A. Tshabalala,

USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Tracking Fungal Competition during the Initial

Characterization of Biodeterioration Genes and

Decomposition of Wood

Appearance of the Biseriate and Multiseriate Ray

Proteins Expressed During Decay of Different

Zewei Song, Ph.D. Student, Jonathan S. Schilling,

in Chestnut Woods

Wood Types in Forest Soil

Assistant Prof., Shona Duncan, Post-Doctoral Associate,

Jae-Hyuk Jang, Grad. Student, Dept. of Wood Science

Young-Min Kang, Grad. Research Assistant, Lynn

& Engineering, Kangwon National Univ., Chuncheon,

Prewitt, Assistant Research Prof., and Susan V. Diehl

South Korea; Seon-Hwa Lee, Assistant Researcher,

and Darrel D. Nicholas, Profs., Dept. of Forest Products,

Korea Forest Research Inst., Seoul, South Korea; SungMin Kwon, Ph.D. Student, Gu-Joong Kwon, Researcher,

Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS

and Nam-Hun Kim, Prof., Dept. of Wood Science &

Environmental Concentrations of Chromium,

Engineering, Kangwon National Univ., Chuncheon,

Copper, and Arsenic near a Wetland Boardwalk

South Korea

Mike Sadowsky, Prof., and Andrew Vail, M.Sc. Student, Dept. of Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN Investigation of Moisture Content Distribution in Wood and Wood-Based Materials Placed Between Different Moisture Environments Takashi Tanaka, Grad. Student, Graduate School of

Stan Lebow, Research Wood Scientist, and Daniel

Agricultural & Life Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan;

Annual Ring Formation of Commercial Wood

Foster, Chemist, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products

Stavros Avramidis, Prof., Dept. of Wood Science, Univ. of

Species Grown in Chuncheon, South Korea

Lab., Madison, WI

British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Satoshi Shida,

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Associate Prof., Graduate School of Agricultural & Life

Metal and Fastener Corrosion in Treated Wood

Effects of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical

Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

from an Electrochemical-Thermodynamic

Properties of Selected Wood Species


Julius Adewopo, Grad. Research Assistant, School of

Mike H. Freeman, Independent Wood Scientist,

Forest Resources, Univ. of Arkansas, Monticello, AR

Memphis, TN; Paul Kovacs, Corrosion Consultant, SynergEthics, Germantown, TN


Rapid Nondestructive Assessment of Decayed

Impacts of Herbicide Application on Timber

Understanding External Firm Factors Impacting

Southern Yellow Pine by Diffuse Reflectance near

Quality and Value: A Case Study in Northern

Innovation in the Hardwood Veneer Industry

Infrared Spectroscopy


Amy D. Jahnke, Grad. Student, Dept. of Wood Science

Benny L. Green, Grad. Student, P. David Jones, Assistant

Krish Homagain, M.Sc.F Student, Chander Shahi,

& Forest Products, and Robert L. Smith, Prof. and

Extension Prof., and Darrel D. Nicholas, Prof., Dept. of

Assistant Prof., and Mathew Leitch and Nancy Luckai,

Associate Dean, College of Natural Resources, Virginia

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS;

Associate Profs., Faculty of Forestry & the Forest

Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Laurence R. Schimleck, Associate Prof., Warnell School

Environment, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ON,

of Forestry & Natural Resources, Univ. of Georgia,

Canada; Wayne Bell, Forest Ecology Research Scientist,

Athens, GA; Rubin Shmulsky, Prof. and Head, Dept. of

Ontario Forest Research Inst., Sault Ste. Marie, ON,

Forest Products, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS


Reusing Reclaimed Framing Lumber and Flooring

Selection of White Rot Fungi for Biodegradation

in Construction: Measuring Environmental Impact

of Aroclor 1254 and 1260 and Analysis of the

using Life-Cycle Inventory

Degradation Rate

Richard D. Bergman, Research Forest Products

Chang-Young Hong, M.Sc. Student, Ki-Seob Gwak, Ph.D.

Technologist, Hongmei Gu, Research Associate, and

Student, Seon-Hong Kim, M.Sc. Student, and In-Gyu

Robert H. Falk, Research Engineer, USDA Forest

Choi, Prof., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National

with Polyethylene Glycol in Different Conditions

Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI

Univ., Seoul, South Korea

Gu-Joong Kwon, Researcher, and Nam-Hun Kim


Detoxification and Fermentation of Hydrolysates of Oxalic Acid-Pretreated Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) using with Pichia Stipitis Hye-Yun Kim and Nahyun Park, M.Sc.Students, HoYong Kim, Ph.D. Student, and Hwanmyeong Yeo and In-Gyu Choi, Profs., Dept. of Forest Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea Dimensional Stability of Juvenile Woods Treated

and Kun-Woo Chun, Profs., Dept. of Wood Science

Biocomposites & Biomaterials Processing, and Robert

& Engineering, Kangwon National Univ., Chuncheon,

Jeng, Research Associate, Faculty of Forestry, Univ. of

South Korea

Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Computed Tomography Image Analysis for Decay

Resilient Home Education and Outreach:

Detection in Trees

Assessing the Effectiveness of Different Media

Li Li, Ph.D. Student, College of Engineering & Technology,


Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China; Xiping

Tyler Strayhorn, Grad. Research Assistant, Dave Tilotta,

Wang, Research Forest Products Technologist, USDA

Associate Prof., Philip H. Mitchell, Extension Wood

Forest Service, Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI; R.

Products Specialist, and Sudipta Dasmohapatra,

Bruce Allison, Registered Consulting Arborist, Allison Tree

Assistant Prof., Dept. of Wood & Paper Science, North

Care Inc. and Adjunct Prof., Dept. of Forest & Wildlife

Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC

Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Lihai Wang, Prof. and Dean, College of Engineering & Technology, Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, P.R. China Work Motivation of Employees in the Chinese Furniture Industry: An Exploratory Study Na Yu, Ph.D. Candidate, Inst. of Forest Utilization & Work Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Univ., Freiburg, Germany and Lecturer, Faculty of Furniture & Industry Product

RDECOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ Assessing Roundwood Connections Thomas M. Gorman, Prof., Dept. of Forest Products, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID; David E. Kretschmann, Research General Engineer, and Marshal Begel, Structural Engineer, USDA Forest Service, Forest

Quick Moisture Content Measurement with Time Domain NMR

Products Lab., Madison, WI Discounted Cash Flow Valuation of Urban Trees and Forests Thomas J. Straka, Prof., and Kristin L. Heffelfinger, Grad. Research Assistant, Dept. of Forestry & Natural Resources, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC

Minghui Zhang, Prof., Inner Mongolia Agricultural Univ., Hohhot, P.R. China; Rado Gazo, Prof., Dept. of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Sitka, Alaska Carbon Footprint – Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potential Through 2020

Design, Nanjing Forestry Univ., Nanjing, P.R. China; S.

David L. Nicholls, Research Forest Products Technologist,

Lewark, Prof., Inst. of Forest Utilization & Work Science,

and Trista Patterson, Research Economist, USDA Forest

Albert-Ludwigs-Univ., Freiburg, Germany

Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Sitka, AK

Chemical and Functional Properties of Fungal

Characterization of Gum Arabic Binders for

Derived Bio-Plastics: Potential Industrial

7.62mm Ammunition


Charles R. Frihart, Head of Wood Adhesives, and James

Arturo Rodriguez Uribe, Ph.D. Candidate and Research

F. Beecher, Group Leader, USDA Forest Servcie, Forest

Assistant, Mohini Sain, Prof. and Dir., Centre for

Products Lab., Madison, WI; Gary Chen, U.S. Army

64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - June 20-22, 2010


Founded in 1947, the Society’s mission is to foster innovation and research in the environmentally sound processing and use of wood and fiber resources by disseminating and providing forums for networking and the exchange of knowledge. The Society convenes technical workshops and conferences, produces several journals, including the peer-reviewed Forest Products Journal, and publishes technical books on subjects related to the forest products industry. Learn more about the Society and benefits of membership at

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