Center for innovation
Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
the Center for innovation Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
There’s only one Mayo Clinic — a place where breakthroughs happen regularly in science. A place where giving up is not an option. Where teams push forward and pull together for one reason — the needs of the patient. At Mayo, we know that today’s work will make a better tomorrow. We believe we can transform the way health care is experienced and delivered. And because there is only one Mayo Clinic, we are uniquely positioned to lead transformative change – not only for our own patients, but for people everywhere.
+ Housed on the 16th floor of the Gonda building, its
Mayo’s Passion for innovation
mission is to transform
Mayo’s commitment to innovation is not new. It
the way health care
began in the late 1800s when Drs. William and
is experienced and
Charles Mayo founded their medical practice
Formally established as the Mayo Clinic
delivered and to make
around an innovative concept — the integrated
Center for Innovation in 2008, the 50+ member
these discoveries and
team practice. They knew then what we continue
multidisciplinary team is now the largest among
solutions available
to acknowledge today — innovation doesn’t
a growing number of research and testing
for all people, not just
happen by chance. Transforming an innovative
centers for new health care delivery concepts at
Mayo Clinic patients.
idea into a practical solution demands process,
U.S. academic and non-profit medical centers.
discipline and focus.
Housed on the 16th floor of the Gonda building, its mission is to transform the way health care is experienced and delivered and to make these discoveries and solutions available for all people, not just Mayo Clinic patients.
Mayo CliniC Center for innovation
the Center for innovation Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
innovation is a Discipline Mayo Clinic has an exceptional history of innovation, including the creation of the world’s first integrated, coordinated medical group practice that relies on the combined expertise of teams of medical specialists to provide the best possible patient care. This
+ The Center for Innovation
model and many other innovations developed
is staffed with design
at Mayo have been utilized by health care
professionals, many of
organizations across the globe to improve
whom are top design
health care delivery. Mayo Clinic leadership,
school graduates, as well
recognizing the need to continue innovating
as project managers and
Pioneering what can
and transforming health care in the 21st
specialists from a wide
only be called a Mayo
century, launched the Center for Innovation in
variety of disciplines.
Clinic-style of health care innovations the
June 2008. Applying the successful principals of combined expertise, the center offers a
Center for Innovation is staffed with design
unique space within Mayo Clinic for nurturing
professionals, many of whom are top design
new ideas, enabling them to grow, mature and
school graduates, as well as project managers
evolve until they are ready for patients.
and specialists from a wide variety of disciplines whose aim is to help innovative thinkers
+ Applying the successful
throughout the institution bring their ideas to life
principals of combined
and team with colleagues to keep the institution
expertise, the center
moving forward – testing new concepts and
offers a unique space
bringing them quickly into the practice. Team
within Mayo Clinic
members are recruited with expertise in health
for nurturing new
care, information technology, anthropology,
ideas, enabling them
communication, human factors engineering,
to grow, mature and
education, and other disciplines as needed on
evolve until they are
given projects.
ready for patients.
Mayo CliniC Center for innovation
the Center for innovation Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
Center for innovation MetHoDoloGy We innovate by using design thinking, deep collaboration and rapid experimentation to co-create the unparalleled health care experience.
SCanninG anD
reSearCHinG anD
Combining insights
Making concepts
Piloting solutions
Understanding world
Investigating and
to select projects
tangible to evaluate,
to validate in a
trends and aligning
understanding the
with the greatest
evolve and test
real world context
with Mayo Clinic
opportunity spaces
and transitioning
strategies we frame
for new value
ownership to an
opportunity spaces.
operational home.
aPProaCH The CFI approaches its
tHinK BiG
Start SMall
work with a ‘think big, start small and move fast’ philosophy.
Bringing people
Understanding user
Facilitating and
together inside
needs and co-creating
accelerating the
and outside of
solutions to meet
pace of innovation
Mayo Clinic.
those needs.
across Mayo Clinic.
Mayo CliniC Center for innovation
Move faSt
the Center for innovation Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
PlatforMS Projects at the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation are organized around three areas of focus aligned to Mayo Clinic’s strategic priorities.
PraCtiCe reDeSiGn
CoMMUnity HealtH
Care at a DiStanCe
Reduce outpatient costs for
Develop three sustainable
Mayo Clinic by 30 percent
Accomplish a Triple Aim*
models that extend specialty
while improving the patient
model in the Mayo Clinic
care from traditional
experience and maintaining and
Health System (MCHS)
clinic/hospital settings.
enhancing quality outcomes.
Central Region and Employee Community
HoW are we doing this?
HoW are we doing this?
Health (ECH)(*Improve the
Pilots in three venues
Conducting radical experiments
health of the population;
by mid 2012 — an under
to develop new practice models
Enhance the patient
served area in the United
by the end of 2012 with a goal of
experience; and Reduce the
States, an external practice
implementing the new model(s)
per capita cost of care).
and a patient’s home.
in Mayo Clinic’s outpatient practice by the end of 2014.
HoW are we doing this? Creating “Triple Aim” prototypes by end of 2011 and implementing a pilot of the new model in the Mayo Clinic Health System’s Central Region and Employee Community Health practice by 2012.
Mayo CliniC Center for innovation
The Center for Innovation Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
Future Works The team at the Center for Innovation is always looking outside of Mayo Clinic, in health care and other industries, to learn and apply news ways of thinking to our work.
++ The HAIL lab is 4,300 square feet with one large
Goal: Continuously scan the horizon, explore and
common living area, a
test opportunities to radically transform health
nursing station and four
care delivery, and bring to market compelling
can – by collaborating with physician’s, care
individual apartments
services and products through a variety of
teams, and most importantly, patients. This
complete with individual
partnership models.
powerful combination of Mayo Clinic expertise
bedrooms, kitchens,
in health care, establishing an integrated team
dens and bathrooms.
How: Exploring new spaces that have the potential
of expertise and successfully adapting design
to radically alter the health care landscape and
thinking and innovation practices used by
translating these new and compelling innovations
leading U.S. corporations has created a fertile
to market through internally nurtured ventures and ground for health care experience and delivery unique external collaborations with cutting-edge
start-ups and incubators. The physical space of the Center is built for team The Center for Innovation is physically located
work and collaboration. The team is located in
in the center of the practice, positioning it
a large open space that facilitates collaboration
as a place to bring new patient services and
and spontaneity. The environment includes
processes to life in a way only Mayo Clinic
movable walls, places for quiet reflections and
Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
the Center for innovation Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care
study, as well as a place to build and prototype.
apartments, assisted living residences and a
This ability to rapidly prototype allows for speed
variety of health-related services. The HAIL Lab
and agility in testing and refinement.
is 4,300 square feet with one large common living area, a nursing station and four individual
The Center for Innovation also has labs to
apartments complete with individual bedrooms,
conduct its work.
kitchens, dens and bathrooms.
The Outpatient Lab, located in the clinical
practice in the Mayo building, enables providers
The Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation addresses
and teams to experiment with health care
complex issues in the health care industry and is
delivery methods directly with patients and
uniquely positioned to do so. “We approach our
providers to develop knowledge for new
work with a ‘think big, start small and move fast
innovative models of care. The Outpatient Lab is
attitude’,” says Barbara Spurrier, Administrative
built to be physically flexible to facilitate a wide
Director of the Center for Innovation. “The center
spectrum of needs. Walls may be expanded
brings together people, patients and global
or collapsed to meet the unique needs of
partners, including strategists, researchers,
various experiments. Cameras and glass walls
engineers and designers in health care and other
assist in observation and analysis with the
industries to accelerate innovation at Mayo.”
informed consent of participants while project management space includes video monitors
“Health care organizations operate in an
and debriefing areas to allow monitoring of
environment of uncertainty which prevents
experiments and real-time debriefing between
or discourages innovation, particularly
researchers and research participants. A video
transformative and disruptive innovation that
monitoring room, designed to ensure privacy,
is essential to advancing a new and better
allows live observation with video recording to
model of health care delivery,” says Nicholas
a secure video server with DVD backup, video
LaRusso, M.D., Medical Director of the Center
analysis software and audio-transcription tools.
for Innovation. “Academic medical centers such
The Outpatient Lab is available to all Mayo Clinic
as Mayo Clinic have an obligation to partner
departments and providers to help identify
with others inside and outside the health care
problems and create solutions.
industry to develop optimal models of health care centered around the needs
In collaboration internally with Mayo Clinic’s
of patients.”
Charter House and the Kogod Center for Aging, the Center for Innovation has established a
This kind of collaboration is not new
Healthy Aging and Independent Living (HAIL)
to Mayo, but is rooted in the history of
Lab. The HAIL Lab is a place where CFI team
Mayo Clinic. What is new is the effort
members can experiment with services designed
to strengthen and accelerate Mayo’s
to promote ‘aging in place,’ helping seniors stay
innovation capacity through the
at home, healthy and independent. The HAIL
business practice of design thinking,
Lab is located in the Charter House, a registered
new collaborations and partnerships
Continuing Care Retirement Community
and spaces to rapidly pilot and prototype
affiliated with Mayo Clinic with independent
with patients and providers. ● Mayo CliniC Center for innovation