Healthy Aging and Independent Living Lab

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The Mayo Clinic Healthy Aging and Independent Living (HAIL) Lab

The Mayo Clinic Healthy Aging and Independent Living (HAIL) Lab

Mayo’s Passion for Innovation Mayo’s commitment to innovation is not new. It began in the late 1800s when Drs. William and Charles Mayo founded their medical practice around an innovative concept — the integrated team practice. They knew then what we continue to acknowledge today: Innovation doesn’t happen by chance. Transforming an innovative

++ The HAIL Lab is 4,300

idea into a practical solution demands process,

square feet with room

discipline, and a place to work and focus.

for focus groups and observations, an assistive

Formally established as the Mayo Clinic

Located within Charter House, a continuing

technology lending

Center for Innovation in 2008, the 50+ member

care retirement community in Rochester, Minn.,

library, a mock-up

multidisciplinary team is now the largest among

with over 300 residents, the lab is physically

apartment for in-lab

a growing number of research and testing

connected to Mayo Clinic. It is a special space

studies, as well as rooms

centers for new health care delivery concepts at

created for research and inquiry as only Mayo

for other experiments.

U.S. academic and nonprofit medical centers.

Clinic can do.

Its mission is to transform the way health care is experienced and delivered and to make these discoveries and solutions available for all people,

The Mayo Clinic Healthy Aging and

not just Mayo Clinic patients.

Independent Living (HAIL) Lab In collaboration with the Robert and Arlene

Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation (CFI) has

Kogod Center on Aging and the Charter

recently established a new “living lab” focused

House, CFI has created the Healthy Aging &

on healthy aging and independent living.

Independent Living (HAIL) Lab to support “aging



The Mayo Clinic Healthy Aging and Independent Living (HAIL) Lab

in place” — helping seniors remain at home,

“ I believe innovation has become a discipline,”

healthy and independent. The HAIL Lab will be a

notes Dr. LaRusso. “Anyone who wants to

place for focus groups, as well as for designing,

innovate needs to educate themselves on this

prototyping and piloting new services and

discipline. It is no different than becoming a

technologies with voluntary participation from

physician-scientist. You have to train yourself.”

residents of Charter House, Mayo Clinic patients and other community agencies. With 4,300

The team members from the Center for Innovation

square feet of space, the lab has room for focus

have years of expertise in service design and

groups and observations, an assistive technology

research, combined with the ability to pull in

lending library, a mock-up apartment for in-lab

specialists and a variety of Mayo resources to

studies, as well as rooms for other experiments.

support the projects and provide medical and educational resources. Experts from the Mayo

“ The goal of the HAIL Lab is to apply the scientific

Clinic Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging

method in a patient-centered fashion, helping

as well as physicians from disciplines throughout

seniors live longer, more independent lives,”

Mayo Clinic can be consulted with at any time if the

according to Nicholas LaRusso, M.D., medical

project would benefit from it.

director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation.

A Consortium Model The HAIL Team at the Center for Innovation

The HAIL Lab will be supported by a consortium of

Pioneering what can only be called a Mayo Clinic

organizations that provide strategy, expertise and

style of health care innovations, the Center for

financial support. “We are hoping to collaborate

Innovation is staffed with design professionals

with organizations that share a vision with Mayo

as well as project managers and specialists from

Clinic to support this growing segment of our

a wide variety of disciplines whose aim is to help

population, helping seniors remain at home, in

innovative thinkers throughout the institution

a connected and safe manner,” says Barbara

bring their ideas to life and team with colleagues

Spurrier, administrative director of the Mayo Clinic

to keep the institution moving forward — testing

Center for Innovation. “We intend to pilot new

new concepts and bringing them quickly into

services, care models and technologies around

the practice. Team members are recruited with

such themes as connection and engagement,

expertise in health care, information technology,

health and wellness, and home safety.”

communication, human factors engineering, education, and other disciplines as needed on given projects.



The Mayo Clinic Healthy Aging and Independent Living (HAIL) Lab

The Benefits for Consortium Members • A bility to leverage one another’s internal capabilities, organizational competencies and assets to deliver new customer value • Access to Mayo Clinic’s experts in Aging, Service Design, Research, and Business Development • A bility to test and prototype new products and services through access to Mayo Clinic’s patient and caregiver populations • Access to research and organizational insights in the healthy aging and independent living space from our experts / projects • Opportunity to have an “employee in residence” • Consortium Week in which the Corporate Sponsors are invited to meet with our researchers and discuss findings and brainstorm solutions • Customized “company day” at the CFI with strategic brainstorming sessions • Invitation to CFI-wide lectures and special events

Corporations interested in joining or learning more about the consortium should contact Michael Matly, M.D., director of Business Development for the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation, via e-mail at or by calling 507-293-1656.


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