Graphic Design Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO Francesca Villa

2021 – 2022

Graphic Design

Savannah College of Art and Design

Born in Lima, Peru Studies in Savannah College of Art and Design I am a graphic design student, with an minor in package design and advertising & branding at The Savannah College of Art and Design. My passion is understanding multicultural perspectives and finding a unique way to deliver a message through a visual narrative. My main goal is to find innovative solutions, ideas and designs that impact positively in other people’s lives. I believe that well being and mental health are the key to success. Therefore, I live my work-life-balance by practicing meditation, baking for my friends, and running with my favorite music. I am currently looking to take on new design challenges, reach out to to connect.

CONTENTS The Infusionist A simple pleasure of life


La Casona Boutique Hotel


Blank Slate The essence of creativity


The Science of Pasta Paper sample booklet


Deconstructing FOMO A real Struggle

The Virtuous Book Some virtues of Design



Zero Proof Interface Design


Lavinia Freshly baked with love


Museum of Ice Cream Promotional Campaign


Origen Bean to bar


THE INFUSIONIST Service: Package Design Category: Beverage

Inspired by the Prohibition Era, the hidden messages, the newspapers of the 1920s, and modern times. Our Infusionist Gin was design to get yourself in the mood and take your taste buds on a journey. Enjoy! The Prohibition Era was a period between 1920 and 1933 when the amendment constitution prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol in the United States. On the other hand, newspapers are meant to provide people with every detail no matter how small. Newspapers help people to become informed and make us aware of what is happening in daily surroundings. This project brings ideas with different purposes (The Prohibition secrets and hidden messages vs. the newspaper purpose to reveal all the truth) to make a dynamic and intriguing bottle design. This concept was designed to make the costumer investigate further and uncover the hidden message through a packaging experience, bringing back the time when prohibition tried to take from people a simple pleasure of life. The Infusionist Gin flavors – Sweet Spice, Fresh Fruit, and Light Citrus – reflects the historic events that occur during the prohibition period. Each bottle has two illustrative objects which are clues to reveal the hidden information: It reveals the flavoring agents and facts about the picture feature in each of the bottles. Newspaper inspired the typographic choices, layout, and the interactive process of revealing all the truth that can be found about each product.




46.7% ALC/VOL





LA CASONA Service: Branding, editorial & pacake design Category: Boutique hotel

Design of all the collective items that belong in the hotel. It offers guests information about useable items they will need during their stay. From the cliff tumbling towards the ocean to the historic center-colored facades, this Casona boutique hotel is a reminder of the city’s past. It was built up in the 19th century as a beach destination for Lima’s aristocracy. Putting together the galaxies of memories and botanicals, the goal was to capture the essence from the bohemian district’s past and the families that lived in it. The collage-style memories will help the costumer be part of La Casona’s past and will play an important role in creating new memories during his stay. I’m using picture frames, botanical design, and old characters to symbolize the elegance and youth from the La Casona and make the guest feel like home. The spreads of the look book are the first impresion of La Casona boutique Hotel. This feautures the house, the artistic vision, gastronomic discoveries, accomodation, special ocassions, amenities and even the bohemian distric information. From here, the brand identity is extended into a collection of in-room items that belong in the hotel. These items reflect the concept of memories thorugh a visual narrative in each of the following: door key, agenda, self care products, chocolate, matches, door sign and coasters. Then the desing of a calendar, file stationary and menu for restaurant and room service were added. As well as the design the webpage and social media where the information of the lookbook can be discover in a digital version.






La Casona Website



La Casona website is a source of information for both the guest and the hotel. It’s the first place where guests look for information about the hotel and the main platform for communication. It informs about it’s history, available attractions, event opportunities, gastronomic discoveries, and more. The design is based on the unique look of La Casona to allow the guest to familiarize with our style. Our minimal and clean design allows the guest to easily navigate the page.





Social Media The instagram profile will create a link between La Casona and its costumers. The purpose is to inspire and engage the followers to be guests in our boutique Hotel, La Casona.


Following extensive restoration works, our white stucco mansion recovered its former glory and started a new life as a luxury boutique hotel in May 2021.

THE HOUSE Built in the Belle Époque style, our historic mansion was built as a seaside retreat for the García Bedoya family during Augusto Leguía’s presidency in the 1920s. Designed by renowned French architect Claude Sahut, who was the visionary behind many of Lima’s main avenues, parks, theaters, and public buildings. The architectural features and unique style of La Casona reflect the festive spirit of the time. Construction was completed in 1914 and the mansion featured imported Italian marble and exotic woods, as well as an ornate façade, stratospherically high ceilings with “teatinas” (a unique style of skylight favored at the time), open balconies, and spacious terraces.


ARTISTIC VISION There is nothing more valuable than an artefact crafted by the hands of another being. A vital part of our culture, the work of local and Latin American artists illuminates the halls of our mansion. We have curated a collection of art works, crafts and souvenirs, so that you can take a little piece of Hotel B home. La Casona houses its own unique art collection with over 300 original works of art and installations spread across the premises. In-depth tours with the curator are available as part of our Experiences.








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+51 (01) 997 534 165


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Copyright © 2021 La Casona. All rights reserved.


BLANK SLATE Service: Package design Category: Toy Design

Design and production of a five part Kit for a toy. Each toy figure and outer package had to be different but maintain visual unity. Blank Slate Figures do not show or express anything. These figures are in an original state that has not yet been changed by people or experiences. The target audience of these art toys is young adults who are looking to leave a mark and create a unique character expressed through their personal art. It allows the costumer to become his own artist and set his limits just the way he likes. Designed to be the perfect resource to help ensure a positive experience during a time as an artist, because Blank Slate believes in delivering creative joy to all. Considering the historical value of the industrial era and the packing systems, the outer package’s overall look was based on the use of simple layouts and stickers to create a brand personality. This style does not define the products personality, does not talk about how the costumer should create his own art. Because each costumer will be creating, giving birth to his own art style. By using graphics to convey the idea of a delivery, this fivepackage line was inspired by the storks and the idea of the arrival of a new creation. Each package features a one-of-akind figure and its own house entrance design. The sides of the outer package have illustrations that line up to storks flying and each package comes with a certificate of authenticity that can be completed by the artist. In addition, the language of the product is based on the graffiti slang, creating a cooler narrative when giving instructions. Give it a shot! Fill it, scrub it, tag it up. Create things to add or leave it edit me. It’s easy!





THE SCIENCE OF PASTA Service: Editorial Design Category: Book Design

Design and Production for a bound 6-spread plus three folds conceptual paper sample booklet t promoting the Pop-tone paper line by the French Paper Co. Pasta is so versatile yet fascinating. It’s all about the shapes, geometries, textures, and pattern. It can be paired up with a variety of food combinations and it will still be good. On the other hand, science seems much more complicated than pasta. That’s why I combine this two galaxies to create a balance between the simplicity of the pasta and the informative complex annotations of a scientific journal. ​ This Guide will imitate a systematic study book of the structure of pasta. Therefore, it will include spread of history, experiment, and observation, adding the interactive elements to it. It will guide the client into a variety of choices of the Pop-Tone paper along different kinds of pastas topics. After exploring this guide, you will want in the future to try different pastas/papers. Dear reader, get ready to learn more about the science of pasta, even if theres not an Italian bone in your body!

Origins Although popular legend claims Marco Polo introduced pasta to Italy following his exploration of the Far East in the late 13th century, pasta can be traced back as far as the 4th century B.C., where an Etruscan tomb showed a group of natives making what appears to be pasta. The Chinese were making a noodle-like food as early as 3000 B.C. Greek Mythology Greek mythology suggests that the Greek god Vulcan invented a device that made strings of dough Ð the Þrst spaghetti! The New World Pasta made its way to the New World through the English, who discovered it while touring Italy. Colonists brought to America the English practice of cooking noodles at least one half hour, then smothering them with cream sauce and cheese.

of America, is credited with bringing the Þrst macaroni serving as ambassador to France. Industrial Production The Þrst industrial pasta factory in America was built in Brooklyn in 1848 by a Frenchman who spread his spaghetti strands on the roof to dry in the sunshine. Pasta production expanded in the 19th century and pasta makers popped up across the country. Today Today, pasta remains a family favorite and is produced in countless shapes and sizes, with wheat, veggie, and gluten-free options all available.



Take out the recipe from the pocket and bake the most delicious spaghetti and meatballs. Calculate the perfect portion with the pasta utensil.

Discover how the pasta machine! Scroll down the yellow handle and roll the pasta dough into thin and beautiful fettuccine.



Turn around the spaghetti and discover the 24 colors that the Pop- tone paper collection has to offer.


Hot Fudge

Black Licorice


Gumdrop Green

#22 SJellybean Green


Sour Apple



Blu Raspberry






Grape Jelly

Sno Cone






#12 Razzle Berry

Cotton Candy


Red Hot

Wild Cherry

Pink Lemonade










Sweet Tooth

Whip Cream

Banana Split

Lemon Drop

Orange Fizz

#6 Tangy Orange




DECONSTRUCTING FOMO Service: Editorial and Package Design Category: Social Issue Collaborate with : Janvi Shavi and Punasa Sihsobhon

“FOMO: A real struggle” is a social awareness campaign to visually and physically deconstruct the Fear of Missing Out symptoms. The goal is that college students have a better understanding on the topic and reduce unnecessary stress from it. Design by student for students with the purpose is to increase awareness of FOMO among college students and offer solutions to get rid of the fear. Most college students have likely experienced a sense of anxiety or envy when miss on an event. Whether it’s because they don’t have time to go, they need to study or they are not sure what decision to take. If that is the case, they had Fear of Missing Out. FOMO refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. The purpose of this brochure is to educate the user. To help college students understand, explore, and overcome FOMO in a dynamic way. The content has been created by bringing insights from the group personal research and featuring their personal experiences of this misunderstood social/mental Illness.



Card game The time for FOMO is over. This card game is a fun way to overcome the fear of missing out. The dark cards present scenarios and situations that can generate FOMO in college students. The white share excuses or positive realities. Pick the excuse that makes more sense for why you cant attend the scenario. Win the most card and win the game. It’s really that simple. 36

Deconstructing the game and FOMO: Turn all of the cards around and try to connect all of them to reveal the image on the outer package.

Interactive Paper Sculpture This Interactive paper sculpture goal is to literally deconstruct FOMO. The ball is made of twelve hexagons. On the outside, the dark hexagon presents a situation which generates FOMO in college student. By taking out that section, the inside of the ball will become visible. By deconstructing ball part by part, the user will encounter some green areas that states affirmations and solutions to overcome the negative thought that was caused but the main scenario.


THE VIRTUOUS BOOK Service: Editorial Design Category: Book Design

Tells two parallel stories in the same text. The first, an essay from Gui Bonsiepe on the Virtus of Design; the second, a text of your choice. Both should tell a story. Together, they should inform, inspire, and delight the reader. This book was designed by using Gui Bonsiepe ‘Some virtues of Design’ as the primary text, and Josef Müller-Brockmann ‘Reputations interview’ as secondary text. A combination of text in one book that explains Bonsiepe’s virtues for future generations and some comments and ideas from one of the most influential graphic designers in history. Everyone should be able to read some of his ideas along with the virtues of design. He has fascinating ways of explaining design principles which I think will keep transcending in time. And since Gui Bonsipe’s purpose was to translate virtues of designs that should be pass on into future generations, I felt it was perfect to pair them up with the essay and interview. This book is typeset in Upgrade Light, Medium, and regular for the body copy. Ambit Black, Black Italic, and Bold italic for the major & minor heads, quotes, and significant information. And finally, the numbers are set in Heiti TC light.





ZEROPROOF Service: Interface Design Category: Mocktails Collaborate with : Ashlyn Warner and Josh Stephens

ZeroProof app is one of the best drinks mixer apps in the world. ZeroProof maker app can help you make all kinds of non-alcoholic drinks. The ZeroProof app offers some of the best mocktail recipes in the world. Get drinks recipes and step by step videos along with drinks mixer tips in the mocktail recipes for iPhone app. You can also get mocktails recipes from real bartender with experience in mixology. ZeroProof user content includes both recipes from certified mocktologist and restaurant/bars recipes. Join our ZeroProof community and share your own recipes, pictures or the recipes you like the most with your friends. Start mixing drinks from our thousands of mocktail recipe guides and become a great mocktologist. Making mocktails now can be super easy. Filter the level of difficulty or watch step by step instruction videos to make the experience more enjoyable.



Welcome screen First screen the user will see once they open the app. They will have the option to Log In or Sign Up.




Account type Choose a User type to join the app. Each category, general user, restaurant user or mocktologist user have specific feautures to make their experience unique. 3

Set Profile Set profile requires all the information to join the app. Restaurant users and mocktologist user are required to upload a certificate. 46




Home Screen The home screen have th features to open the map and see bars near you, discover your suggestions and see the recently saved recipes. 5

Map Look for the nearest bars and discover delicious mocktails.




Explore The explore page allow the user to find mocktails recipes. 7

Recipe The user can review the recipe, they can read the reviews, save it for later or start creating the mocktail with the step by step guide.





Step by Step Follow the recipies step by step and add custum notes that can be saved for next time. 9

Reviews Read reviews made by other users and rate the recipe.




Social Feed Discover pictures, videos and recipes made by other users in the app. 11

Saved Access your saved recipes. Add filters to look by specific categories.






Make a new post Create a post to share your recipe or experience with the ZeroProof community.




General user Profile View your post and your recipes. 15

Mocktologist and Restaurant User Profile These users can see their post and their account insights to learn about their progress and growth in the app.


LAVINIA Service: Branding and Package Design Category: Granola

Logo and package design for small granola Business in Lima, Peru. Lavinia is natural, healthy, and organic. Package design for granola bags including three different variations: pecans, almonds, and chocolate. Each variation is related to a color and to a specific animal, making each package unique. The target audience is young adults or parents who are looking for a healthy snack to be consumed in a daily basis. The look is modern, playful and minimalistic.


Our Flavors Chocolate If you’ re a fan of cacao, you have to try our chocolate homemade granola! A bit of sweetness that combines perfectly with roasted oats and coconut oil. Pecans Pecan granola with a touch of maple and cinnamon! It is pleasantly crunchy and naturally sweetened. So good for a satisfying and healthy breakfast. Almonds Taste the sweet and salty almonds that go perfectly well in a batch of morning granola. Enjoy this granola as a snack or layer it with your morning yogurt.


MUSEUM OF ICE CREAM Service: Advertising and Editorial Design Category: Museum

Informative guide booklet design for the Museum of Ice cream. The purpose is to highlight the experience to inspire others to go to the Museum of Ice Cream and feel the human connection through the universal power of ice cream. Museum of Ice Cream brings people together with the power of ice cream. Designed to bring your sweetest dreams to life, the museum features thirdteen immersive exhibition spaces full of multisensory installations and imaginative concepts. The informative guide shares the highlights and general information of theMuseum of Ice Cream. It was designed taking in consideration their branding so it can look like a piece of their own.




The goal of these three posters is to reach our target audiences to make them interested in visiting the Museum of Ice Cream.

Promotional Sample to remind the consumers that ice cream have positive emotions, and so does the Museum of Ice cream. Side 1: Museum address Side 2: Fulfill your desire


ORIGEN Service: Branding and Package Design Category: Chocolate

Since ancient times, chocolate has been a revered as a food of ritual, pleasure and connection. Today Origen proudly continue our origins by crafting organic and pure chocolate. Origen Cacao is organically grown and cared b our local farmers who are passionate and committed to make the world a better place for all. Origen Chocolates are made with the finest selection of cacao bean from three different regions of Peru – Coast, Highlands, and the Rain forest. The unique flavors from Piura, Cusco and Amazonas offers a taste of experience dominated by extraordinary Peruvian aromas. The natural wealth of Peru is in its lands, trees, leaves, fruits and people. That is why each chocolate is inspired by a journal collage style including some of these elements to visualize the origin of the cacao and the unique taste experience of each flavor.





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