Cities are increasingly becoming the primary vehicles of change worldwide. The global population are predominantly urbanites. Most economic trade emerges from cities. And cities sit fair and square in the heart of global emissions and energy consumption. Such stature places cities at the source of the need for change, and the very mechanism that must lead it.
SDGs are the vital basis to make a step-change to a sustainable future for all. In 2015, the United Nations launched the SDGs as successors to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The SDGs – unlike the MDGs which focused on raising up developing countries – set targets for both developing and developed societies. The world agreed to a new ambitious agenda to end poverty, reduce inequality, and provide access to safe nourishment everywhere by 2030. 17 goals, and 169 targets shape society's path toward sustainability. The agenda has been set for 2030. Are cities in track to achieve them?