Undercover Colors Nora Harrison, Ellie Lang, Frances Pace, Amanda Ceide
Nora Harrison, Ellie Lang, Frances Pace, Amanda Ceide
Positioning Statement
For Millennial and Generation Z consumers, Undercover Colors is the only brand among all nail polishes that offers a high-tech wearable accessory that allows you to detect the presence of date rape drugs in a variety of different beverages, because it discreetly changes color when coming in contact with this common drugs.
Expected delivery 2017
Recent progress ●
Detects common date rape drugs and changes from clear to black ○
Rohypnol, Xanax, and GHB
Biggest risk This is a vastly new market where we’re attempting to change the way that women go out and add to their beauty routine.
The Problem Statistics 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. This unthinkable problem has reached epidemic levels on college campuses. Power must be handed back to women in what is a devastatingly powerless situation.
62% of rapes on college campuses are alcohol related.
44% of lesbians and 26% of gay men are affected by sexual assault
Progress Accomplishments: Can easily be added to anyone’s beauty regimen ●
Clear coat that can go over existing nail polishes or be worn on its own
It offers power at your fingertips
First of its kind in a brand new market
Much more discreet than existing drug detectors- making it easier to use
This gives women a sense of security
Attention Areas Risks: ●
Has not yet been approved by the FDA because it has to come into contact with your drink
Only detects from three common drugs (Rohypnol, Xanax, and GHB)
Offenders may adapt to these products by using different substances that can’t be detected by Undercover Colors
Backlash from women, accusing them of perpetrating rape culture
Decision Making Units Initiators- Steve and Tyler (invented the product), victims of date rape drugs Gatekeepers- Employees
in charge of their social media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) and returning
emails & calls
Deciders- Older siblings and parents Influencers- Friends and victims Purchasers- Users, parents and older siblings of users, survivors of sexual violence Users- Females and males ages 18-30
Company Undercover colors is one part of a larger effort to combat sexual violence. That effort includes outreach, prevention, victim services, and culture shifting. Seven full-time employees - mostly chemists - Operating independant laboratories at NC State’s Centennial Campus in Raleigh, North Carolina - Founded by Stephen Gray and Tyler Maloney in 2014
Social Value
This is the newest fashion accessory that may truly have the power to save lives. The only perfect solution to drug induced sexual assault is ending it all together, however the creators of Undercover Colors are working toward raising awareness to promote change while giving women wearable protection at their fingertips.
Context Political- Girls drinks being drugged is far too common on college campuses and at bars across the globe
Economic- The company itself has $5 million in funding, however women don’t want to spend much money on nail polish
Social- Undercover Colors is adding to a woman’s existing beauty regimen, changing the way a consumer gets ready to go out
Technology- The nail color changes when coming into contact with a common date rape drug in one's drink
Current Events- 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime- has reached epidemic levels on college campuses
Competitors Direct: ● Smart Straws ● Pd.id (personal drink ID) ● Drinksavvy cups Indirect: ● DrinkSafe coasters
Segmentation & Target Market Typical College Student ● Low Income ● Full-time student ● Goes out to house parties, tailgates and low end bars ● Free-spirited/naive ● Greatest user of social media ● Female-dominated
Segmentation & Target Market Urban Woman ● Average to middle income ● Full-time job ● Highly social person ● Mid-higher end bars/clubs ● Globally/socially aware ● Digitally savvy & user of social media
Segmentation & Target Market LGBTQ Community ● Average to middle income ● Full-time student or full-time job ● Confident and social ● Gay bars/clubs ● Predominantly in urban areas ● Incredibly socially aware and vocal ● User of social media
Segmentation Geographic- US and Europe, typically around college towns or densely populated cities
Psychographics- Aware of surroundings, and concerned for their safety and well-being, proactive, goes to bars, festivals and parties
Demographics- Ages 18-30, both women and men (typically college students)
Benefits Sought- Detecting date rape drugs and preventing sexual assaults
4 P’s Product- Currently only available in clear and
Place- Would first be sold on their own website
changes to black, packaged in a clear bottle with a black lid
and then expanded to stores with a wide range of beauty products like Ulta, Sephora or Amazon
Price- As of now there is no price, but based on the
Promotion- Promoted on various media
products ability we would price it between $15 and $20
platforms and news outlets, hoping to expand their social media presence
Sources https://www.hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbtcommunity
https://www.forbes.com/sites/davelavinsky/2013/09/30/ marketing-plan-template-exactly-what-toinclude/#50bbb5b35038 https://efficientgov.com/blog/2017/05/22/5-date-rapedrug-detectors/
http://www.newsweek.com/controversy-over-nail-varnishdate-rape-drug-detector-267126 https://www.thecut.com/2014/10/what-you-might-not-knowabout-getting-roofied.html
Thank you!