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Waste Management an Overview Prof (Dr) Francis Xavier Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University Mannuthy ,Thrissur,Kerala.India Mob 9447131598

Fragile eco system is a vital concern the world over and any subtle anthropomorphic intervention can initiate ripples of perishable change. Today our Government’s priority is to popularize on-site waste management, especially for the biodegradable wastes, so that the flow of waste to the common stream is reduced significantly and it can function with better efficiency. Any person or Institution who honour civil and social rights, naturally think about organic and inorganic waste management to be contained within the existing rules and regulations of the country. In India eight lakh deaths and morbidity costs of up to 3.6% of GDP as per latest research reports ,can be attributed to unclean air and water. The three pillars of sustainable development viz: social justice, environmental integrity and economic development, are entwined on these factors .In any country where there is lackadaisical attitude in waste handling depletion of natural resources, social discontent, and eventual economic breakdown, will happen. Kerala Scenario: Who wastes the most? The social waste concept of Kerala state differs with different districts. The fragmented land holding is the major factor ,More over the 43 rivers also play a role is washing away the pollutants. Social engineering and Technology application are to be considered under this scenario. The social engineering deals with the ethics and efficiency for maintaining environment. In the case of waste management, it is, broadly, the practice of reduce, reuse recover and refuse. The technology application deals with the improvement of assimilative capacity as well as supportive capacity of environment. The bioconversion process is applicable to the organic fraction of wastes, to form compost or to generate biogas such as methane (waste to energy) and residual sludge (manure). Various technologies are available for composting such as aerobic, anaerobic and vermicomposting.The thermal conversion technologies are incineration with or with out heat recovery, pyrolysis and gasification, plasma pyrolysis and pelletization or production of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Eight of the 14 districts in Kerala are disturbed and the daily waste generation with pertinent details are appended: 1. Kannur municipality generates 20 tonnes a day and dumps it at 8 hecters in Chelora village near the city for more than 30 years. 2 Kozhikode corporation generates 150 tonns a day which went to 6.5 hect land at Njeliyanparamb near the cityThe site was used to discard human excreta since it was established in 1930.The plant was built later. Last year, people protested for 65 days, demanding the plant’s upgradation, construction of a leachate collection unit and a landfill to dispose non-biodegradable waste. Municipal corporation now dumps 60-70 tonnes waste

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