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1.2 Problem Definition

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3.6 Key takeaways

3.6 Key takeaways

2.4 How are others do?

Many universities have sexual violence prevention and education centers in other countries, for instance, Canada, the United Kingdom, America. In conclusion, they introduce the following information.



General knowledge: • The introduction of the most common type of sexual violence during university life. (Sexual Violence Prevention and Education | Lincoln University, n.d.) • The data on sexual violence especially focus on university students. (Sexual Assault on College Campuses | Office on Women’s Health, n.d.) • The protection tips for individuals (Staying Safe on Campus | RAINN, n.d.) • Introduce the relevant school policy • Sexual violence prevention workshop for newcomers (exchange student or freshmen).

• For victims: • The resource: who can help and the contact ways. • The report method: how to report sexual violence case. • The disclosure method. (Responding to a Disclosure of Sexual Assault |

University of Alberta, n.d.) • The checking program: to test a user’s situation if they are unsure about it. (Sexual Violence Prevention and

Education | Lincoln University, n.d.) For supporters: • The support skills. (Responding to a

Disclosure of Sexual Assault | University of Alberta, n.d.) • Volunteer mechanism: increasing the changers • Roots Group Support Programme and First Responder Training

Special: • Relevant resource: the Anti-Racism helpline, relevant student associations (Sexual Violence Support for

Students, n.d.)

For an essential sexual violence center, general knowledge and resources for victims are mostly being provided. The advanced ones educate supporters and try to gain more significant influence in the university; they will provide the course for staff and encourage people to volunteer in changing programs. The McGill university notices the correlation between sexual violence and racism; they contain the anti-racist helpline. Nonetheless, none of them tune their support or education based on international students. Strategy

Atria (Violence Against Women; Facts and Figures | Violence against Women, 2017) suggests three things to improve the situation of violence against women: Preventive policies (alongside victim support policies) are essential to bringing about a medium to long term reduction in violence, Encourage awareness-raising and break taboos that prevent victims from reporting violence, and Decentralization policies, shifting increasing responsibilities in the area of health care and social support to municipalities. Dill et al. propose a strategy for the campus in preventing sexual violence (Dills et al., 2016) as figure 2.4. They recommend promoting awareness of social constructs like social justice, gender, race, economic status, sexual orientation, and women’s health. Therefore, there is a direction worth for TU Delft to reference.

Figure 2.4 The strategy by Dill et al. (2016) for the campus to prevent sexual violence

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