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FRANCISCA AROSO selected work

contact: spain 0034638320661 portugal 00351965391529 franciscaaroso@gmail.com selected work.francisca aroso


CLASSES: _digital fabrication ( the ripple, the matrix) _internet zero (the chip) _research studio (the parametric house, the dome) _advanced materials _scripting

RESEARCH WORK: _the lamp


WORKSHOPS: _the venice biennale _the water webs _the wind


TEACHING WORKS: _the pipe lamp _the 3d printed textiles _the tile

selected work.francisca aroso

CLASSES: _digital fabrication ( the ripple, the matrix) _internet zero (the chip) _ research studio (the parametric house, the dome) _scripting _advanced materials

selected work.francisca aroso

the RIPPLE digital fabrication class

The objective of this work was the introduction of the subtractive 3D numeric fabrication processes, using a 3-axis CNC MILLING machine. Each group of 2 students had the chance to work directly with the machine, use the software Rhino Cam to write the machine’s instructions, and oversee his/her job. The intention of the assignment was to critically evaluate the possibility to alter the fabrication parameters of the CNC machine, to produce a specific material effect in a given material (medium-density polyurethane foam). Students understood consider the implications of milling with different tools and/or diverse tooling trajectories. One important detail was the fact that we were calculating the time spent at the mill, in order to evaluate how we manage to produce great material effects, while realistically considering the economical factors that would affect a real architectural application.


the Ripple Maite Bravo and Francisca Aroso PatternDesign, modelling, template and fabrication Complete selected work.francisca aroso

the MATRIX digital fabrication class The objective of assignment was to introduce students to the RAPID PROTOTYPING numeric fabrication processes, focusing on the technique of printing with a 3D PRINTER machine. We had the chance to work directly with the machine, use the specific software to write the machine’s instructions, oversee his/her job, remove the printed models from the printer, clean and finish them with a hardening solution. In terms of design, the intention of the assignment is to produce a series of 3D printed models that can be set next to each other in multiple ways, constructing an unexpected ensemble (a MATRIX) for the whole class. For that matter, students were be provided with a simple template, to be used as a common departure point for all their individual models. The template, inscribed within a 6 x 6 x 6 cms cube, contains the basic reference geometry that must be respected by all, in order to assure the future connection between all parts (cells).


the Matrix Francisca Aroso Pattern Design, modelling, documentation, template and fabrication Complete selected work.francisca aroso

the Chip internet 0 class

Networked objects, distributed computing, intelligent spaces and adaptive behaviors.

This project introduced theoretical and practical principles for embedding computation into physical space. We looked at how information and communication technologies are disappearing into our surrounding spaces, how architecture might be considered an operating system, and how micro controllers are becoming part of everyday objects. While the practical exercises deal with domestic spaces, at the end of the seminar we comprehended networks as integral elements, and not as additions, of spaces, buildings, cities and territories.

We started with a wide look at networks, examining not only their technologies and topologies, but also their social, cultural and political implications when implemented at different scales. Then focus on the physicality of these networks, and how they can be used to configure a new kind of space. After we imagined, designed, visualized and practically demonstrate a network that seamlessly integrates into physical space.


the Chip Joe Suntinanond, Ramon Velazquez, Uday Goswam, Gabriele Pieri, Akriti Sood, Hemant Purohit, Andrea Katsavra, Marcelo Riva and Francisca Aroso, Milling the board, assembling and programing the chip, defining out put and in put, production of the final model Complete selec sel selected eect ctted edd w work.francisca oorrk.ffraancis issccaa aro aroso roso ro so

the DOME

design studio in digital tectonics 2

During this team work, we were looking at the alternative possibilities for ar chitectural production drawn by parametric and associative environments, yet focusing on emphasizing their integrative use from conception to construction. With that objective, the class will look into integrated design and fabrication processes to investigate their conceptual and material impact in the discipline. A traditional architectural problem - the DOME- was used as a starting point to research geometric differentiation in a component-based design approach. The regularity of this form will serve as a stable background to set-up the emergence of variation in defining building assemblies that have the potential to accomplish specific spatial, constructive and performative goals, while considering their effects as aesthetic and ornamental strategies. We developed a ‘parametric dome’, questioning its geometric attributes while discussing/judging the performative potential behind their design and fabrication solutions. selected l t d work.francisca kf i aroso

the DOME

design studio in digital tectonics 2

INFO PROGRAM : Dome PROJECT TEAM: Students from the Design Studio in Digital Tectonics 2 MY ROLE: Fabrication Team: (material tests, structure and joint design, full scale prototypes, digital design consul tion, 2-d cutting files, final fabrication using cnc laser cutter, final assembly and construction). STATUS: Demolished selected work.francisca aroso

the PARAMETRIC HOUSE design studio in digital tectonics 1 selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

the PARAMETRIC HOUSE design studio in digital tectonics 1 The house has been a continuous challenge throughout the history of architecture. In that sense, it has necessarily reflected the cultural framework and technological possibilities of each period. Given that digital production technologies have dramatically expanded today’s design and building possibilities, the subject of the house is a territory of critical experimentation. Departing from this assumption, the studio made students re-think the design and construction of a single habitat, considering the new cultural and industrial paradigm of customization. From a methodological point of view, the studio investigated the impact of digital technologies for the production of architecture, with a particular focus on the integrated use of parametric design tools and digital fabrication equipment. For that matter, participating students were required to enroll in the ‘Parametric Design’ seminar, which provided the conceptual background and necessary skills for developing the project. The studio worked as a research unit, where all the students contributed to a broad research agenda (in small groups, in this case the team was: Luis Odiaga, Javier Raya and Francisca Aroso), investigating specific themes around the house and critically identifying opportunities for new developments (i.e. programmatic, geometric, constructive or environmental). Throughout the term, the work was developed and evaluated with the construction of parametric digital models and physical experiments at 1:1 scale (including models and material prototypes).

selected work.francisca aroso

the PARAMETRIC HOUSE design studio in digital tectonics 1 5.final product





INFO PROGRAM : House PROJECT TEAM: Javiel Olmeda Raya, Luis Fernando Odiga and Francisca Aroso MY ROLE: Concept, design , modelling, production of documentation, material tests, digital design consul tion, 2-d cutting files, stereolithography files, final assembly and construction, (using cnc laser cutter and 3d printing) STATUS: Prototype selected work.francisca aroso

the SCRIPTED LAMP scripting seminar

INFO PROGRAM : Scripted Lamp TEAM PROJECT: Renu, Hermant and Francisca Aroso MY ROLE Script, files preparation, test materials , cut files and final assembly STATUS: Complete selected work.francisca aroso

the BI.O.BRICK |advanced BIOTILE materials The production of this material has been developed during January 08 at IaaC, Barcelona, as i described above is the result of mixing old knowledge with up-to-daye applications. Most conspicuously, I have mixed the materials according to their characteristics and properties: 1.potato and banana (fruit) has gluing and plascity effects; banana skin is known to have fibbers that are reistance and flexibility (this knowledge was acquired through studying Palm tree); 2.newspaper resistance and body (specially after dry); Cork allows the material to be water-resistant and isolated; 3.garlic glue is a sub.product made from the process of putting garlic on water for three-days period and it’s function is complement the effect of the potato skin; glair has the “glue” function like the garlic and the potato with banana; 4.beetroot juice is necessary only to give color and finally water is basically incorporated through wetting the newspaper for molding it.


Creat a new material for a brick and a tile Francisca Aroso Concept, test and mix mareials, production of documentation and prototype production Prototype selected work.francisca aroso

RESEARCH WORK: _the lamp

selected work.francisca aroso

the research LAMP work











the LAMP - prototype for Santa & Cole Marta Malé-Alemany and Francisca Aroso Design, comcept,template -laser cut file, documentation, production of the final model Prototype selected work.francisca aroso


selected work.francisca aroso

the BIO FAB thesis project

INFO PROGRAM : BIO FAB PROJECT TEAM: Thesis project by Francisca Aroso oriented by Olaf Gipser MY ROLE: Research, Concept, design , modelling, production of documentation, material tests, stereolithography files and construction (using 3d printing) STATUS: Prototypes

selected work.francisca aroso

the BIOthesisFAB project

the skin

protection, elastecity, curvatute

performance +adaptability

performance variations

surface coverage (capacity)

the collector

selected work.francisca aroso

the BIOthesisFAB project

patern adaptability (pattch


water contain sherter Funtions: shadow devi water container shelter heater and c shadow device heater and cooler system envelop envelop water cleaner | filter system water cleane space divider space divide ....

selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

the BIO FAB thesis project 1. nature observation


2. patterns analyses

6. fabrication options

4. design rules

3. design analyses

5. variations

selected work.francisca aroso

TEACHING WORKS: _the pipe lamp _the 3d printed textiles _the tile selected work.francisca aroso


teaching work.digital fabrication seminar

INFO PROGRAM : PIPE LAMP PROJECT TEAM: Seminar taugh by Marta MalĂŠ-Alemany, assisted by Shane Salisbury and Francisca Aroso, work done by the 60 students (with no prior education in the field) of the Digital Fabrication Seminar. MY ROLE: teach how to model it in Rhino, how to prepear the cut files, teach how to use the laser cut machine STATUS: Complete selected work.francisca aroso


teaching work.digital fabrication seminar

The objective of this project is to introduce students to the SUBTRACTIVE 2D numeric fabrication processes, focusing on the technique of cutting through the use of a Laser Cut machine. Each student had the chance to work directly with the machine (supervised by a Fab-Lab instructor), use the specific CAM software to write the machine’s instructions, place the material, and oversee his/her own job. In terms of design, the intention of the class is to produce a large scale installation, where each student contributed by fabricating one of its parts. The challenge of the project was to produce a portion of a three-dimensional PIPE, constructed with planar sections and assembled in a way like a cage with planar ribs, using an egg-crate technique. In order to be able to assemble all projects together, where all the parts produce a single pipe system, the installation was understood as a sort of ‘exquisite corps’. In other words, students will be given standard part typologies and geometric constraints for the end sections of their individual part (such to standardize the ends of all pipe segments) and thus facilitate the overall assembly and allow for possibilities of variation in the final arrangement.

selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

the 3D PRINTING TEXTILES teaching work. digital fabrication seminar 2

selected work.francisca aroso

the 3D PRINTING TEXTILES teaching work. digital fabrication seminar 2 concept

2d pattern .dwg | .dxf

design|3d model visualization

rhino .dxf

z corp (digital file) .stl

selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

the 3D PRINTING TEXTILES tteaching work. digital fabrication seminar

The objective of this project is to introduce students to the ADDITIVE 3D numeric fabrication processes (RAPID PROTOTYPING), focusing on the technique of 3D Printing. Students had the chance to work directly with the machine (supervised by a Fab-Lab instructor), use the specific CAM software to write the machine’s instructions, oversee their printing job, remove the printed parts from the machine, and finish by cleaning and binding their own fabricated parts. In terms of design, the intention of the class was to produce a series of articulated samples of textile patterns, which explore the potential of fabricating parts without geometric limitations. The modeling of these samples will entail controling the curvature threads, imagining their spatial interweaving and exploring different levels of intricacy across the textile sample. To produce this project, students started from a 2D pattern of their choice (weaving, knitting, graphic, microscopic or other). The challenge of the project was to produce a three-dimensional textile sample from the original pattern, though the generation of 3D threads that move in and out of eachother. These threads should have a minimum of 3mm thickness (diameter). The final textile sample must be inscribed withing a bounding box of 11 x 22 x 2 cms.

INFO PROGRAM : 3D Printed Textiles PROJECT TEAM: Seminar taugh by Marta MalĂŠ-Alemany and assisted by and Francisca Aroso, work done by the 22 students from UIC (with no prior education in the field) of the Digital Fabrication Seminar. MY ROLE: Teach how to model it in Rhino, how to prepear the templates, teach how to use the 3d printer machine STATUS: Complete selected work.francisca aroso

the TILE teaching work

The objective of project is to introduce students to the SUBTRACTIVE 3D numeric fabrication processes (CNC MILLING). Students had the chance to work directly with the 3-axis Milling machine (supervised by a Fab-Labinstructor), use the specific CAM software to write the machine’s instructions, prepare their material and position it onto the machine, oversee the milling job and remove the final milled parts. In terms of design, the intention of the class was to explore Milling processes as a way of producing unique molds, and explore the potentials of creating differentiated tile assemblies (the elements of which will be casted in these molds). The modeling of these tiles will consider issues like surface curvature and relief, in order to investigate the possibilities of CNC Milling. To produce this project , students will get a standard piece of foam (33 x 33cms) in which they will mill their part, freed from any given restrictions in trems of boundary and outline (apart from the material itself ). The challenge of the project is to produce a single tile considering how it may assemble creating differentiated patterns, or a group of 2-4 smaller tiles that equally assemble in multiple configurations. In both situations the material assigned to each grup is limited to a single piece of foam. The final project will include the milled mold and the final tile assembly (minimum 6 tiles). PLEASE NOTE: In this project, special consideration was given to the student’s sense of ‘economy’, considering the milling time in comparison to the final surface effects of their tiles.

INFO PROGRAM : The Tile PROJECT TEAM: Seminar taugh by Marta Malé-Alemany and assisted by and Francisca Aroso, work done by the 60 students (with no prior education in the field) of the Digital Fabrication Seminar. MY ROLE: Teach how to model it in Rhino and Rhino CAM, how to prepear the templates, teach how to use the miiling machine. STATUS: Complete selected work.francisca aroso


selected work.francisca aroso

the jewellery M|USE work


Jewellery The founder of M|USE, a pratice specialized in the design and production of jewellery; design production and comercialization. Complete

selected work.francisca aroso

the jewellery M|USE work

selected work.francisca aroso

WORKSHOPS: _the venice biennale _the water webs _the wind

selected work.francisca aroso


INFO PROGRAM : Hyperhabitat - reprograming the world_ Venice Architecture Biennale Instalation PROJECT TEAM: Guallart Architects :Vicente Guallart, María Díaz; IaaC: Daniel Ibañez,Rodrigo Rubio,Marta Male-Alemany, Areti Markopoulou, Laia Pifarré, Victor Viña and Tomas Diez; MIT: Neil Gershenfeld, Kenny Cheung, Luis Lafuente Molinero; Bestiario:Andrés Ortiz,Santiago Ortiz, José Aguirre, Daniel Aguilar, Architects col laborating in the installation:Vagia Pantou,Christian Zorzen, Alessio Carta, Francisca Aroso, Luis Fernando Odiaga, Maria Papaloizou,Stefania Sini,Daniel Bas,Melissa Mazik, Georgia Voudouri,Hemant Purohit, Renu Gupta,Luciano Bertoldi,Peerapong Suntinanond,Ifigenia Arvaniti,Georgios Machairas,Ismini Koronidi, Javier Olmeda Raya,Anastasia Fragoudi,Alexandra Theodorou,Higinio Llames. MY ROLE: Design it in Rhino, prepear the cut files, produce it using the laser cut machine and final production (insta lation), milling boards and assembling. STATUS: Complete selected work.francisca aroso


selected work.francisca aroso

the VENICE ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE workshop Venice Biennale workshop started on July the 7th and its aim was to produce the installation that will be representing Vicente Guallart (IaaC Director) work at the 11th Edition of the Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition titled: Architecture beyond buildings. Researchers and collaborators from MIT - The Center for Bits and Atoms, IaaC, Bestiario and others are part of the production process of a 1:1 scale reconfigurable and shared living space representing the multi-scalar systems that constructs the world. The project engages with the theme of the Biennale by positing the need to reprogramme the structures with which we inhabit the world through the introduction of distributed intelligence in the nodes, networks and environments with which we construct buildings, cities and territories. The idea is to demonstrate that in order to make a more self sufficient world with decentralized networks, the functional relationships between the different elements of the habitability networks need to be redesigned.

selected work.francisca aroso

the WATER WEBS workshop

INFO PROGRAM : Water webs PROJECT TEAM: Maite Bravo, Stefania Sini, Vikrant, Juergen and Francisca Aroso MY ROLE: Design it in Rhino, prepear the cut files, produce it using the laser cut machine and final production (insta lation), milling boards and assembling. STATUS: Complete selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

the WATER WEBS workshop

MAA Workshops are part of the academic structure of the master program. This one week-condensed workshop was leaded by Sabine M端ller and Andreas Quednau (SMAQ) and gathered all the MAA of us back to work together after being dealing with different scales developed in the three research lines offered by IaaC. The subject of the seminar was WATER , from there we did our proposals. Creating new systems and studing the water flow,

selected selectedwork.francisca work.franciscaaroso aroso

the Wind

Lanzarote workshop

INFO PROGRAM : ECOLANDSCAPES PROJECT TEAM: Stefania Sini, Patricia Acosta, Juergen Weiss, Maria Eftychi, Enrique Mora, Luis Odiaga, Verena Volgler, Georgia Voudouri and Francisca Aroso. FACULTY: Marta malĂŠ-Alemany and Luis Fraguada. MY ROLE: Design it in Rhino, renderings, concept and documentation. STATUS: selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

the Wind

Lanzarote workshop

selected work.francisca aroso

the Wind

Lanzarote workshop

selected selected work.francisca work.francisca aroso aroso

selected work.francisca aroso

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