Francisco Perez Architecture Professional Portfolio

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Francisco Perez I was born in Bogota in 1980, the capital city of Colombia. I studied at a bilingual British school called The English School, for 14 years were I learned my second language as a native tongue. I went to Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, where I got my degree in architecture in the year 2005. I started working in architectural renderings and animations during the 5th semester of my studies, and I kept doing so until my graduation. The work I did with two close friends from my university, at this time led to the creation of 57uno estudio. This private practice, consist of three partners, and a team of three architects, that help us develop our projects. We started this studio immediately after turning in our graduation thesis, and we have been working together since that moment. The work at 57uno started with small interior designs, witch very soon turned into mid size buildings, and these soon led to housing projects and so on. Collaborative work has always been the philosophy in our practice, both in architecture or interdisciplinary. This has enriched our experience by giving us the opportunity to work with people like Carlos Mijares from Mexico and Octavio Moreno dean of architecture at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The role I’ve played in 57uno has been both creative and executive. My main activity consists on an initial design of the projects in witch I am the lead designer, and develop them with a team to the most precise detail. I have led the project of Pinar del Lago and Montelago with Carlos Mijares, experience that has been truly enlightening. I also review the projects that my partners lead, on a design board committee where recommendations, and opinions help decide different aspects of all our projects. I consider myself very fortunate, of having the possibility to shape my country from my profession in some small way. I see myself as a prepared professional for the changing times ahead of us, and as an educated person that can contribute. I wish to have the knowledge to better understand the territory that we dwell on and conceived more balanced spaces from the environmental, social, cultural and aesthetic

Interior design


57uno estudio - Zerofractal Design Board Committe Variable Procafecol U.S.A. Procafecol Concept Design 2008

Challenge To redesign the image of Juan Valdez coffee shops in the U.S based on a market study performed by McKinsey & Company. The study showed that changing the interior design might increase the acceptance of the brand. Proposal A design concept that embraced the proximity to the coffee grower and its community was developed. This was complimented with a modern look and feel of the concept, while maintaining a “fresh� approach. The basic material work was elaborating a manual that proposes the use of materials, textures and colors that evoke the rustic essence of the coffee zones in Colombia. This was expressed on a virtual model of a Juan Valdez in New York, were the manual was implemented to show what a final result could look like.


57uno estudio Interior design Design Board Committee 160 m2 Bogotá - Colombia María Fernanda Camargo Built 2006

Challenge In a reduced space, develop a program for an “open space dentistry clinic”, with a fresh and modern look and feel. The functional program was very demanding, and special care was to be taken with aseptic characteristics of the spaces. Proposal The space was organized around three glass volumes, which were the laboratory, the medicine deposits, and the sterilization room. This were the only spaces that needed to protected from the environment, the rest of the spaces were intended so that few dentist with a staff could attend 6 patients at a time. Reflections, purity, and translucency come alive with light and are the key elements that give the clinic its elegant look.


57uno estudio Interior Design Lead Designer and Construction Coordinator 330 m2 BogotĂĄ - Colombia Promover G.I. Built 2007

Challenge Design the new company Head Quarters, with its different departments and privacy levels. The new image promoted a contemporary and younger look of the company, while evoking the development and construction bussines. The space was an empty 330 m2 building floor. Proposal The design tries to show visitors that there are people working instead of hiding them, as an echo of the opened space that was before it. The back bone of the design is a curvaceous wooden plain, that serves as a roof, a wall of a small committee room, the it transforms into the floor of a V.I.P waiting room, an finally concludes as a wall of the management offices. The open space is conformed by transparent boundaries with graphic designs, that give a level of privacy, and evoke a modern look and feel. The space tries to make the visitor and the employees at home, with integration and friendly versatile spaces, that promote different activities.


57uno estudio Interior Design Design Board Committee 300 m2 Bogotá - Colombia Hernando Rodriguez and María Fernanda Bedoya Built 2008

Challenge Completely re design a 25 year old apartment, with personalized characteristics for each member of the household. Proposal The original apartment had many divisions that weren’t necessary, so our first approach was to open up the spaces in the right measure. The kitchen became the heart of the apartment, accommodating to the families enthusiasm with dinner parties, lunches or just good old family meals. The kitchen was opened and integrated with the dinning room and entrance hall, involving 50% of the apartment with what happens in there. The living room was integrated with a small study and the fireplace was transformed into two plane element that extents along the living room with light and warmth. Everything from silverware to family portraits was accounted for in the design, different colors and environments were created in the bathrooms while maintaining unity.



57uno estudio Co Lead Designer 6200 m2 BogotĂĄ- Colombia Inversiones Paralelo S.A.S Built 2008

Challenge Design a residential building, with 5 different types of apartments and two different Penthouses. The building site had rectangular proportions, and a large horizontal park stretched in front of it. Proposal The characteristics of the site led to a horizontal layout of the building. One of the main inspirations came from modern architecture buildings in Colombia (1960’s), which had well-defined middle facades, and an upper floor that gave the building a finishing stroke. This helped us explore with continuous plains that formed terraces for the apartments, while maintaining the concept and strengthening the relationship with the park. There are 36 residential units ranging from 56 m2, to 140 m2 on the typical floors and on the top floor 236 m2 and 450 m2 penthouses.


57uno estudio Co Lead Designer 4600 m2 Bogotรก - Colombia Signos Arquitectura Ltda. Built 2007-2008

Challenge The building site was almost of squared proportions, the orientation to the northeast has a view of the mountains, and a nearby small scale park. The parking demand was very high as it often is in Bogota. Proposal A modern concept that opened to the Mountain View, was the main intention for this project. For this we generated a glassy faรงade, with ventilation openings that divide the building into two office volumes and a circulation opening on the middle. The intention was to bring the light into the middle of the building for energy saving purposes. The circulation halls are framed by two vertical stone plains that have a diagonal direction, that visually connects the building with the park.


57uno estudio Design Board Committee 2800 m2 BogotĂĄ - Colombia Armotec S.A. y Urbaniscom Ltda. Design 2009

Challenge On a very narrow site, we had to organize a mixed-use program (commerce and offices), with a high demand of parking spaces. Proposal The project’s inspiration came from the need of turning the sites limitations into design advantages. A commercial space is designed in the second floor, to make room for the additional parking and the lobby. We generated three levels of parking starting from the ground down, which were equipped with automobile elevators, eliminating the need for ramps. The lobby is small but worthy of a top-notch office building. Two terraces were designed to as recreational areas, one on 4th level, and one on the rooftop. The buildings proportions, took us to seek vertical intentions with the composition, with stacked like floors, and a graphic elevator shaft volume, that underlines the concept.


57uno estudio Lead Designer 10900 m2 Bogotá - Colombia Promover G.I. Design 2009 - 2010

Challenge The client required a building with flexible office areas, as well as key differentiators from the similar types of buildings in its area. The client also required a commercial space that could give the building a mixed use. Proposal The building was projected with wide spans between structural columns, for different furnishing and internal design needs for each office. The building is composed of two large concrete plains, that frame a translucent prism witch is the main office volume. This façade was intended to capture more indirect light due to its north orientation, providing a more suitable working environment. This volume is intercepted by a “green parasite”, witch is constructed of prefabricated panels, covered with ivy. Inside there is a commercial space and an auditorium, witch gives the building an advantage from its competitors. On the inside the vertical circulation is the functional heart of the building. It articulates a main office hall with common use meeting rooms and waiting halls, on crystal pods in each floor. The office and commercial areas have different street entrances, for different types of users. To compliment the rooftop is designed to be a passive recreation space with plants, paths and groundcovers.



57uno estudio & Carlos Mijares Multi Residential hill housing Co Lead Designer 10,000 m2 La Calera - Colombia Promover G.I. Completely developed design - Sales and Promotion 2008 – 2010

Challenge The site is located 3000 meters above sea level on a hill side of accentuated topography, it has spectacular near and distant views of a valley and the monumental mountain. Additionally the site is blessed with all the natural components of the native forest of La Calera. The client came to us with his original vision of the project as a “ hill town”, this image grew strong within our creative process and led to interesting concepts. The design has been a collaborative work, with Proffesor Carlos Mijares, the experience of working with Carlos has been nothing short of a Postgraduate experience. His five decades of experience and expertise have orchestrated a unique design. Proposal The designs composition is based on three cloisters, that area articulated on a linear manner, this gave birth to the “hill town” look and feel. The houses are articulated vertically on mid levels, that generate the flexibility to adapt to the slopes ranging from 10% to 20%. It is on this scale that the project adapts to its most important challenge, the topography. The patio type houses, have a convenient relationship with the natural site by controlling the transition from the inside out. We also design a roof garden that allows a different kind of dwelling on this wonderful place. What Carlos Mijares intended ever since we began the project, was to design a true country house, rather than a house that seemed to go with the current fashion. On the smallest of scales his own personal design of masonry proposed an additional value for the future inhabitant.


57uno estudio Multi Residential housing Design Board Committee 28,000 m2 ChĂ­a - Colombia Casa ChĂ­a S.A. Construction - Sales and Promotion 2007 - 2010

Challenge The client required a multi residential development, which contemplated 5 types of houses, to cover different needs for potential costumers. The design needed a strong identity to overcome its commercial competitors, and evoke the natural characteristics of its surroundings. Proposal The project was conceived upon similar volumes that conformed the houses, the purpose of this was to generate a common language that maintained unity in the compositions. For this the selection of materials was crucial, brick volumes were the basis, rock planes and solid volumes were used to generate hierarchies in the composition. The main language that these materials evoke is the colors of the earth and soil of the site. The windows are deep within the possibilities, in order to give an appropriate dose of sunlight.


57uno estudio Multi Residential housing Design Board Committee Unknow proximately 400 houses MĂŠrida - Venezuela MyH Ingenieros Ltda. Construction - Sales and Promotion 2007 - 2010

Challenge Design low cost social housing, which was intended for government sponsoring and costumer income. The site is located on a very hot region of Venezuela. Proposal The main concept of the design was progressive construction. The costumers acquired their houses with a certain area, that had a designed expansion for a growing household. Two types of houses were designed, they functioned as a pair that revolved around inner patios, witch guaranteed an open space that would remain in time. This would help cope with the intense climate, and also would give the user a recreational or multifunctional space.

Especial projects


57uno estudio & Carlos Mijares Touristic Complex Co Lead Designer 29,000 m2 La Calera - Colombia Promover G.I. Design - Promotion 2007 – 2010

Challenge Design a touristic complex on a 150000m2 site, with aggressive topography in the vicinity of our housing project Pinar del Lago. The Architectural program includes: A 1500 seat convention center, a 90 suites hotel, a Spa, restaurant, complimentary services and all the necessary parking spaces. Proposal In order to start grasping the magnitude of the project the experience of Carlos Mijares was ideal. The inspiration for the composition and essence of the design came from the site itself, the designed was already proposed by the mountain and its topography. We decided to “amplify� and celebrate the sites characteristics, for this we to design different types of hill architecture: crest or summit architecture (convex), and creek or natural amphitheater architecture (concave). We designed the projects connectivity trough planes and terraces that underline the terrains contours, and placed the buildings accordingly. In order to embrace the sites spectacular visuals and surroundings, we designed the projects experience as an exploration that came to life with the circulations and the projects ascend. The project is link with a panoramic view of la Calera and Bogota, the marriage of the urban and the rural panoramics. The architecture of the project intends to be as close to the sites essence, materials and shapes as possible.

Mon t el ago Hot el an d Con v en t i on Cen t erV1 P os tMAi n Ar c h i t ec t u r al Des i gn

Mon t el agoHot el an d Con v en t i onCen t er DESI GN:

57unoes t udi o


LeadDes i gner




Hot el Des i gn 25000m2

LaCal er aCol ombi a( out s k i r t sofBogot a)


Pr omov erG. I .


201 1-pr es ent


Conc ept ual Des i gn

Si t e T h es i t eof f er sagr eatc h al l en gewi t hmu l t i pl er ewar ds .Mon t el agoi sl oc at ed7 Km f r om Bogot a, an dt h ec l i en twi s h est odev el opa5s t arh ot el an dac on v en t i onc en t ert h ats u mu p25000m2.T h et opogr aph yan dt h en at u r al s et t i n g oft h eh ot el pr es en tt h ef i r s tpar toft h ec h al l en ge, s i t t i n gat31 00m abov es ea l ev el , t h eaggr es s i v es l opesoft h emou n t ai nar et h ef i r s tc on c er nf ort h emas s oft h ebu i l di n gs .T h es ec on dc on s t r ai n ti st h epl ac emen toft h ebu i l di n g, aspr edes i gn at edar easar es t r i c t l ygov er n edbyt h el oc al au t h or i t i es , wer en at i v e v eget at i oni sex u ber an t .Apar tf r om t h egov er n i n gc on s t r ai n t s , t h es i t ei smagn i f i c en t , s i t t i n gonar i dgean dex pan di n gi n t oabas i nl i k ec on c av i t y , t h atof f er s t h ebes tv i ewsofn at u r ean dt h ec i t y . Response T h ear c h i t ec t u r al r es pon s ei n i t i al l ypu r s u edami x edt ac t i cappr oac h , wh i c hf oc u s edondev el opi n gmu l t i pl ei n i t i al i deast h att ac k l edt h ebr i ef , t h es i t ean d t h edeman di n gpr ogr am.Ar an geofdi f f er en tpr ogr ammat i cdi agr amst h at br ok et h eoc c u pat i onoft h ebu i l di n gsu s esi n t odi f f er en tl ev el s , wast h es t ar t i n gpoi n tt oi n i t i at edi s c u s s i on sf oc u s i n gons i mpl i f y i n gt h epr obl em f r om an an al y t i c al y eti n t u i t i v eappr oac h .Car ef u l l yh an ddr awnpl an san ddi agr ams gav ewayt oi n i t i al v ar i at i on st h atu l t i mat el yev ol v edi n t ot h ef i r s tv er s i onof t h epr oj ec t .T h i sv er s i ongav eu sen ou ght oc r i t i c al l yev al u at et h epos s i bi l i t i es oft h eemer gi n gc on c eptt h atwast h enf i r s tc apt u r edbyqu i c kbu twel l dr awn c on c epts k et c h esoft h epr oj ec t .I n i t i al l yan dass h owni nt h es i l h ou et t eoft h e pr ev i ou spage, t h edes i r edan al ogi c al c on c eptev ok edac av er norgr ot t o, a s pac ebet weenmas s i v emon ol i t h i cel emen t s , t h atgen er at edc ommonar eas , wi t ht h en ot i onofs ac r edpl ac es .T h ef ou n di n gpr i n c i pl eoft h epr oj ec twas f ou n dasi tembr ac edt h es i t ewi t hr i c hdi al ogu es i t t i n gatt h er i dgeofa mou n t ai n , wh i l egi v i n gwayt on u mer ou sar c h i t ec t u r al pos s i bi l i t i es .

Mon t el agoHot el an d Con v en t i onCen t er DESI GN:

57unoes t udi o


LeadDes i gner




Hot el Des i gn 25000m2

LaCal er aCol ombi a( out s k i r t sofBogot a)


Pr omov erG. I .


201 1-pr es ent


Conc ept ual Des i gn

Si t e T h es i t ei nf u r t h erdept h .Ex pl or i n gou remer gi n gi deast h r ou ghi n t u i t i onanf i r s t h asl edu st oanex i t i n gc on c ept , h owev ert h ec ompl ex i t yoft h et er r ai nan dt h e i n t an gi bl ec on s t r ai n t sc l ear l ys t ar tt oc l os edoor san dopenl at er al t h i n k i n g pat h st on ewi deasu n dert h es amegu i di n gpr i n c i pl e.Ou rmai nobj ec t i v ei st o gen er at ear c h i t ec t u r et h ates t abl i s h esadi al ogu ewi t ht h es i t e, pr omot i n gar es pon s i bl eappr opr i at i onofi tan dembody i n gan ewmat er i al pr es en c eons i t e. T h ec ompl ex i t yofs i t eh i desbeh i n dwh ats eemsl i k een dl es sc on t ou r s , wh i c hi s bot ht h emos tdau n t i n gan di n s pi r i n gt r en ds i mu l t an eou s l y .T ot amet h ebeas ta mor et h or ou ghu n der s t an di n gi sn eeded. Response Wi t ht h eh i ghc ompl ex i t yoft h et er r ai n , ot h erdet er mi n i n gf ac t or sf al l beh i n don t h el i n e, ast h i sdet er mi n est h eou t pu tt h atdwel l sonmor es oc i al r eal ms .T o c ompl et el ydi ges tt h i sc on s t r ai n t , wedev el opami xt ac t i cofpl andr awi n gan d model mak i n gt h emai ngoal wast opr epar eou r s el v est ou n der s t an dt h es i t e bywor k i n gh ar doni t s ph y s i c al r epr es en t at i on( model ) , an dmer gi n gi tby ph ot omon t ageswi t hpl an san ddr awi n gs .T h i smet h odofmak i n gph ot ogr aph i n gan dpr opos i n gal l owedu st oc ompl et el yi n t er i or i z et h es i t e, asi tn o l on gerf el tasu n c h ar t edt er r i t or ybyi n c u bat i n gont h ebac kofou rh eads . T h emet h odpr ov edef f ec t i v easi tgav ewayt omor ei n t u i t i v ean dar t i s t i cappr oac h est odes i gn , an dl eav i n gt h ean al y t i c al des i gn ert owor konamor e s u bc on s c i ou spl an e.T h i sex er c i s ewaspar tofdes i gnt h r ou ghmak i n gan d u n ear t h eds omei n t er es t i n goc c u pat i onpr i n c i pl es , wh i l ef eedi n gou rn ot i onof s i t e.I fwear ewel l i n f or medbyt h epl ac ewh er ewear es et t i n gou rpr oj ec t ont h epr oj ec ts t ar t st oemer ge, ev ol v i n gwi t hev er ys t epofwet ak e.

Mon t el agoHot el an d Con v en t i onCen t er DESI GN:

57unoes t udi o


LeadDes i gner




Hot el Des i gn 25000m2

LaCal er aCol ombi a( out s k i r t sofBogot a)


Pr omov erG. I .


201 1-pr es ent


Conc ept ual Des i gn

Si t e Asmen t i on edbef or ewi t habet t eru n der s t an di n goft h eph y s i c al i t yofs i t e, t h e t as kt oex pl or eot h erf eat u r esl i k eper c ept i onofmas s i n g, per c ept i onofs i t e, an dan al ogi c al appr oac h esbegi n .T h epl ac easmen t i on edbef or eh asdi f f er en t ph y s i c al c h ar ac t er i s t i c s , s u c hasr i dgean dc r eek l i k ear eas , wh er eou rpr oj ec t i ss etu pon .Bes i dest h i st an gi bl et r en ds , t h er ear eex per i en c est h atc anbe ph y s i c al l yper c ei v edbu tn ott ou c h ed, s u c hast h er el at i on s h i pbet weenn at u r e an dt h eu r banr eal m, ac t i v i t i est h atex i s ti nt h ear ea, an dt h es pl en di dpr es en c e oft h eev erc h an gi n gs k yofBogot aan dt h eAn des .I nt h i spl ac en at u r ec an c h an get h eper c ept i onoft h epl ac ewi t hr api dmov emen t sofc l ear , ov er c as t s k i es , t ot h i c kf og.T h i st r u l yf eel sl i k et h er oofoft h ewor l d. Response T h eph y s i c al as pec t sofs i t ec on t i n u et obedeal twi t hbymodel mak i n g, an d t es t i n gofi deas , t h atar edon ewi t hmas s i n gs c h emest h atar eu s edasbas es f ordr awi n gsan dar t i s t i cex pl or at i onoft h ebu i l di n gspr es en c ean dan at omy . T h eP h ot ogr aph sar eal s or ev i ewedan dmar k edu pt oc apt u r et h ei n t u i t i v e appr oac h esoft h emomen t . T h es k et c h esdr awnov ert h emodel ar eaqu i c kwayt oembodyani dea, a t ac t i ct h atc omesi nh an dyatanear l ys t age, al l owi n gt os eet h eear l ydes i r ed pat ht h att h epr oj ec tt ak es . As ec t i ont h atr ev eal st h epr oj ec tc av el i k ean at omyi sdr awnt oal s oev al u at est h edi al ogu et h ati ts t i r swi t hi t ss et t i n g, asar es pon s et ot h i smet eor ol ogi c al c h an gest h at , s u mmont h i s“r oofoft h ewor l d�s en s at i on . L as tbu tn otl eas t , dr awi n gsofl ei s u r eac t i v i t i est h atof t enoc c u rons i t ear e dr awnt oc apt u r eani deal i z edbu tc l os el yr el at edt or eal i t yf eel , t h att h es i t e of f er s .T h i si sobv i ou s l yc on n ec t edt ot h er ec r eat i on al n at u r eoft h ear c h i t ec t u r al pr ogr am.

Mon t el ago Hot el an d Con v en t i on Cen t erV2

Mon t el agoHot el an d Con v en t i onCen t er DESI GN:

57unoes t udi o


LeadDes i gner




Hot el Des i gn 25000m2

LaCal er aCol ombi a( out s k i r t sofBogot a)


Pr omov erG. I .


201 1-pr es ent


Conc ept ual Des i gn

Si t e T h epr epar at i onwor ks h ownont h epr ev i ou spages , u l t i mat el yl edt ot h e s ec on dv er s i onoft h epr oj ec t .Att h i ss t agemor et r adi t i on al t y peofwor k i n g t ak esov ert h edes i gn .T h er es pon s eons i t ei sas ol i dbas ean s wer i n gt ot h e deman dsoft h epr ogr am an dwor k i n gwi t h i nar eas on abl ef r ameofs i t eappr opr i at i onan dar c h i t ec t u r al i n t en t i on .Att h i spoi n tt h es i t ebec omesmu c hmor e t h ant h epr ev i ou s l ymen t i on edc on s t r ai n t sofi t , an dt h epr oj ec ti t s el fbec omes par tofs i t e.T h et as ki sn owt oj u dget h ei deasoff u n c t i on al i t y , pr operan dr es pon s i bl es i t eoc c u pat i onan dt h ei magean dex per i en c et h ati tpr ov i des . Response T h es ec on dv er s i onoft h epr oj ec ti sn otapoi n ti nt i me, asi ti sr epr es en t ed ont h es ef ou rpages .I ti st h epr odu c tofaj ou r n eyan dh ar dwor k , i n v ol v i n gi n t u i t i v e, an al y t i c al an dar t i s t i ct ac t i c s .T h atbei n gs ai dt h eou t pu t ss h owni n t h es epagesar eami xoft h ez on i n gwi t h i nt h ebu i l di n g( u s edbyt h eh ot el oper at ort oan al y z et h epr opos al ) , an dt h epr i n c i pl esoft h eph y s i c al r el at i on wi t ht h et opogr aph y( wh i c har eofgr eati n t er es tt ot h epr omot er san dc on s t r u c t or s ) . Sec on dl ybu tper h apsmos ti mpor t an t l yi st h ear c h i t ec t u r al r es u l t , s h ownon t h ec on c eptar tdr awi n gi nt h epr ev i ou spages .T h edr awi n gwasmadeu s i n g P h ot os h opan dP ai n t er( u s i n gaWac om Ci n t i qT abl et )ov erar ou ghbas eof 3dModel , t h i sal l owedamor ef r eeex pl or at i onoft h edes i r edl ookan df eel . T h eGu i di n gpr i n c i pl eofac av eorgr ot t o, t h atc omest ol i f ei nt h i smagn i f i c en t pl ac ewi t ht h edegr eesofl i gh tan ds h adowf r om t h es i t e, an di n t er i or -ex t er i or c on t r as t .T h epr oj ec tat t empt st oev ok eaf eel i n gofbei n gi nas pac egen er at edbyt h er es i du al ou t pu tofv ol u mest h atemer gef r om t h ec on t ou raspar t oft h emou n t ai n .

Mon t el ago Hot el an d Con v en t i on Cen t erV3

Convent i onCent er3r df l oorSket ch

Mon t el agoHot el an d Con v en t i onCen t er DESI GN:

57unoes t udi o


LeadDes i gner



Convent i onCent er2ndf l oorSket ch


Hot el Des i gn 25000m2

LaCal er aCol ombi a( out s k i r t sofBogot a)


Pr omov erG. I .


201 1-pr es ent


Conc ept ual Des i gn

Si t e/Chal l enge Wi t ht h er ev i ewoft h es ec on dv er s i onoft h epr oj ec t , oper at i on al obs er v at i on s wer emade( asex pec t ed) , wi t ht h i si nmi n dt h et h i r dv er s i onoft h epr oj ec t began , gi v i n gwayt oex c i t i n gc h an gesbu i l tu pont h egu i di n gpr i n c i pl esan dt h e c on c ept st h atwer epr ev i ou s l yes t abl i s h ed.T h eoper at i onoft h eh ot el as k ed f oramor eef f i c i en twayt ogr ou pt h eh ot el r oomsan dar t i c u l at et h em wi t ht h e c ommonan ds er v i c ear eas .T h ec on v en t i onc en t erwasal s or ev i s edan d modi f i edt os u i tt h en eedsofoper at i on al c on v en i en c e.

Convent i onCent er1stf l oorSket ch

Response Asar es u l toft h eobs er v at i onwemadeas er i esofmas s i n gs t u di est o modi f yt h epr opos al t owor kwi t hwi n gsofr oomsoft wol ev el seac h .T h i s madeeas i ert h es er v i c i n goft h er ooms , aswel l asgen er at i n gac l ear ermor e s t r ai gh t f or war dr es i du al s pac ef orou r“c av er n �.T h et as kf ort h eh ot el beganwi t hpl anadj u s t men tan dmas s i n gs k et c h est oc apt u r et h en ewf eel wi t h i nt h eex i s t i n gc on c ept .T h edr awi n gsmadeal s oex pl or edt h er el at i on s h i pwi t ht h ev eget at i onaswel l ast h ei n t er i orf eel oft h epr oj ec tan di t sr el at i on s h i pt ot h el an ds c ape. T h ec on v en t i onc en t erwasgi v enac l eans t ar t , an dt h emet h odofwor k i n g wasmadet h r ou gh3dmodel s , an dat ac t i ct h atc ombi n eddi gi t al h an ddr awn pl an sov erc adl ay ou t s , t oal l owt h epr opos al t of l owwi t hani n t u i t i v eappr oac ht ot h ec ommen t smade.

Mon t el agoHot el an d Con v en t i onCen t er DESI GN:

57unoes t udi o


LeadDes i gner




Hot el Des i gn 25000m2

LaCal er aCol ombi a( out s k i r t sofBogot a)


Pr omov erG. I .


201 1-pr es ent


Conc ept ual Des i gn

Si t e/Chal l enge T h ec h an gesmadet h r ou ght h edev el opmen toft h et h i r dv er s i onwer en u mer ou sh owev ert h ees s en c eofi tr emai n edt h es ame.Du r i n gt h i sev ol u t i oni twas n ec es s ar yt oboos tt h epr opos al t ot h en ex tl ev el ofdet ai l wi t h i nac on c ept u al s c h eme.T h epr oj ec tal s oc al l edf ormor edef i n i t i v el ookan df eel ofwh ati t c ou l dbe, asi n v es t or san dpar t n er sf ort h epr oj ec twer eapr i or i t yatt h i st i me. Response Wi t ht h es ei nmi n dt h epr oj ec twaspu s h edf or war dwi t hamu l t i pl epl an s dr awnt oh i gh erdet ai l wi t ht h epu r pos eofr ou n di n gu pt h eoper at i on al s c h emean dar easoft h epr oj ec t . T h ewor k i n gs ec t i ons h ownont h i spager ef l ec t st h ean at omyoft h epr oj ec t an ds h owst h ees s en c eoft h ei n t en t i onpu r s u edf r om t h ebegi n n i n g.T h i s t ac t i cofgen er at i n gl ar geax on omet r i cs ec t i oni sef f ec t i v el yawayt opu s h t h ebou n dar i esofapr oj ec tasi tt es tt h er es ol v eoft h ear c h i t ec t u r al r es pon s e. T h epr omot i on al c on c eptar tDr awi n gs h ownont h epr ev i ou spagean dt h e c omi n gt h r eepagesr ef l ec t samor emat u r edpr oj ec t .T h es ec on c ept u al i mageswer eas u c c es sasac ommu n i c at i ont ool f ort h ec l i en tasi tpor t r ay s t h epr oj ec ts u c c es s f u l l ybl en dedwi t hs i t e.T h es ei mageswer emadeI nP h ot os h opan dP ai n t er , wi t ht h eu s eofar ou gh3dmodel .

Mon t el ago Hot el an d Con v en t i on Cen t erV3

Mon t el ago Hot el an d Con v en t i on Cen t erV3

Mon t el ago Hot el an d Con v en t i on Cen t erV3

Di gi t al Con c ept Sk et c h i n g

57uno estudio • Cra 11 # 70 - 49 Bogotá, Colombia • Teléfono: (57) (1) 5452410 - (57) (1) 5408435 • Fotografos: Adrian Jursich - Joaquin Sarmiento - Juan Carlos Celis • Renders: 57uno estudio - Zerofractal • Diseño: aja publicidad

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