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STUDENT’S BOOK Unit 1 Unit 1 - Class 1. Classroom Language: A. Copy this chart in your notebook. Translate the meaning of each sentence. English



Can you repeat




I have a question.




What does ____ mean?




How do you say______?




How do you pronounce _____?




Can you go back?




Can I have a paper?




Can you help me?




Can we work in pairs? I don’t understand.






B. Practice with sentence stems. Sentence stem: I think __________ goes with __________. I think the shape is ___________. I think circle means ___________.

Triangle - square - circle.


Unit 1 - Class 2. Objective By the end of this class you will have memorized: ● 7 Emotions. ● To be (ser/estar) in positive and negative for with I, you, he/she/it, we, they. If you do this you are on the road to knowing how to speak English.

Contract Nombre: _______________________________________________________. Nota: Estás en el nivel que elegiste si eres capaz de lograr las habilidades hablar y escribir en inglés, sin ayuda. Gramática: Mínimo (Nota: 4,0)

En nivel (Nota: 5,0)

- Has memorizado To Be positivo para todos los pronombres. - Eres capaz de hacer y responder preguntas cerradas con To Be.

To Be

-Has memorizado To Be positivo y negativo para todos los pronombres. -Eres capaz de hacer hacer y responder preguntas cerradas. -Has memorizado To Have Got en las formas positiva y negativa para todos los pronombres.

-Has memorizado To Have Got en las formas positiva y negativa para todos los pronombres.

To Have

-Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas con To Have Got.

-Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas con To Have Got.

Características Físicas: To Be – To Have (diferencia)

-Sabes el uso correcto de To Be y To Have Got para 1015 características físicas.

Excelente (Nota: 6,0 -7,0) -Has memorizado To Be positivo y negativo ´para todos los pronombres. -Eres capaz de hacer y responder preguntas cerradas. -Puedes crear más de 2 preguntas abiertas. -Has memorizado To Have Got en las formas positiva y negativa para todos los pronombres. -Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas con To Have Got.

-Tienes entre 2 y 5 preguntas abiertas memorizadas con To Have Got.

-Puedes crear más de 5 preguntas abiertas con To Have Got.

-Sabes el uso correcto de To Be y To Have Got para 1620 características físicas.

-Sabes el uso correcto de To Be y To Have Got para 2125 características físicas.

Vocabulario Ocupaciones

6 memorizadas

7 memorizadas

8-9 memorizadas

Posesiones personales

5 memorizadas

6-7 memorizadas

8-9 memorizadas

Características físicas

6-9 memorizadas

10-15 memorizadas

16-20 memorizadas

Actividades del fin de semana

4 memorizadas

5-7 memorizadas

8-10 memorizadas.

Speaking Ocupaciones

Características físicas


Puedes describir las ocupaciones de ti mismo y de tu familia.

Puedes hacer y responder preguntas cerradas sobre las ocupaciones de otras personas.

Puedes hacer 5 preguntas abiertas sobre ocupaciones de otras personas.

Puedes describir las características físicas de ti mismo/a y las de tu familia.

Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas sobre características físicas de otras personas.

Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas sobre características físicas de otras personas.

Puedes describir 6 posesiones en tu casa.

Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas sobre las posesiones de otras personas.

Puedes hacer 5 preguntas abiertas sobre las posesiones de otras personas.


PART I : Emotions Activity I: How many emotions can you think of? Sentence stem: I think this face is‌

Activity II: Match the word to the face. Sentence stem: I think ______ goes with this face‌ 1. Sleepy 2. Disappointed 3. Bored 4. Hungry, 5. Angry 6. Happy 7. Sad 8. Worried 9. Annoyed.

Activity IIB: Copy in notebooks words in English and Spanish. Activity III: Memorization A. Partner work. B. Student A gives emotion vocabulary word in Spanish. Student B gives the word in English. C. Switch. D. Repeat until you have 7 words memorized.

Part II: To Be To Be (ser/estar) Use: To describe people or things. It can be a place of origin, an age, an occupation, an emotion or an adjective. I am (+) We are (+) You are (+) You are (+) He/She/it is (+) They are (+) Examples: I am from Chile You are Chilean. He is a student.

We are 15 years old. They are tall.


Negative To be: I am not (-)

We are not (-) We aren’t You are not (-) You aren’t They are not (-)

You are not (-) You aren’t He/She/It is not (-) He/She/It isn’t Example:

We aren’t 70 years old.

I am not from China. You aren’t Chinese. She isn’t a teacher.

They aren’t short.

Activity I-Memorization A-Get into partners. B-Partner A give pronoun. C-Partner B (with book closed) give corresponding To Be. D-Switch.

Activity II: Speaking Activity: A. Brainstorm in your notebook words which describe you. Spanish

B. Tell your partner about yourself. Sentence stem: I am…..


C. Share with the class what your partner said. Sentence Stem:

He said he is… She said she is…

Partner A shares one example with Partner B Partner B shares one example with Partner A Repeat as teacher instructs.

Activity III: Final Writing activity: A. Write 4 things about yourself (2 positive and 2 negative). 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. 4. _____________________________________________________________________. B. Write 4 things about your best friend (2 positive and 2 negative). 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. 4. _____________________________________________________________________. C. Write 2 things about the teacher (1 positive and 1 negative). 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 4

Contract Check in A. Get in pairs. Emotions: B. Look at the contract. Student A asks emotions vocabulary. Student B gives English Word. To Be: C. Student A gives pronoun. Student B gives corresponding to be verb. Positive and negative. D. Write down mistakes. Study for next class. E. Switch.

Unit 1 - Class 3. Objective At the end of this class you must be able to: ● Ask open and closed questions using the verb to be. ● Have wh- words memorized. ● Have 7 occupations memorized. ● Add articles to any noun.

Contract check in A. Get in pairs. Emotions: B. Look at the contract. Student A asks emotions vocabulary. Student B gives English Word. To Be: C. Student A gives pronoun. Student B gives corresponding to be verb. Positive and negative. D. See if you fixed your mistakes from last class, write down new mistakes. E. Switch.

Warm Up Activity:

Tell your partner two things that describe you using To Be. Partner A- Partner B Partner B - Partner A Partner A - Partner B Partner B - Partner A

Part I: Professions Activity I. Match. Sentence stem: I think ____________ (English word) goes with picture __________ (Number) Vocabulary. 1. Cook.

2. Flight attendant

3. Engineer

4. Electrician

5. Tour guide

6. Architect

7. Stay at home mom/dad

8. Housekeeper

9. Business owner

1 (one)

2 (two)

3 (three)


4 (four)

7 (seven)

5 (five)

6 (six)

8 (eight)

9 (nine)

Activity II: Memorization A. Partner work. B. Student A gives occupation vocabulary word in Spanish. Student B gives the word in English. C. Switch. D. Repeat until you have 7 words memorized.

Activity IIB: Copy in notebooks English word with Spanish translation. Articles: A: Goes in front of all nouns which start with consonants. Example: A doctor, A lawyer, A tree, A chair.

An: Goes in front of most nouns which start with vowels. Example: An octopus, An elephant, An umbrella.

Question: What are the articles for the above occupations? Sentence stem: I think the correct article is… Activity III: Write a or an on the above professions

Part II: Questions To Be To be: closed questions Closed Questions: Used to ask something specific. Can only be answered with yes or no. Formula: S + To be + Describer Question


Am I a student?

Yes I am. No I am not.

Are you a student?

Yes I am. No I am not.

Is she/he a student?

Yes she/he is. No she/he isn’t.

Are we students?

Yes we are. No we aren’t.

Are they students?

Yes they are. No they aren’t.

Activity I: Game-Bingo A. Draw a 3 by 3 square box. Write in Closed To Be questions. Example: “Is your mother a/an”, “Are you a/an”, “Is your father a/an”. B. Ask other students the questions. They respond: C. “Yes + S + am/is/are” or “No + S + am not/ isn’t /aren’t”. D. If the students answers “Yes + S + am/is/are” then mark an x. First person to get all x’s wins. You can only mark 1 x per student.


To be: open questions. Open questions: used to ask for general information. Can have multiple answers. You have to use a Wh- question word. Formula: Wh + to be + subject + (complement)* What am I?

I am a student.

What are you?

You are a student.

What is he?

He is a student.

What is she?

She is a student.

What are we?

We are students.

What are they?

They are students.

Wh- question words. They are used to ask for general information. They are used for different things: What

To ask for a thing (many options).


To ask for a thing (few options).


To ask for time.


To ask for place.


To ask for reason.


To ask for manner.

Activity II. Grammar Practice: A. Write the answer for the following sentences. Remember: Yes/No + Subject + To Be Question 0. Am I a student?

Answer Yes, I am.

1. Are you a boy? 2. Is your father an electrician? 3. Is your mother an accountant? 4. Are we happy? 5. Are they angry? 6. Are you bored? 7. Is your classmate hungry? 8. Is it sunny? 9. Am I intelligent?


B. Complete with a Wh- question word or to be. Wh- question words What - Which - When - Where - Why - How - Who Instructions to find answer: 1. See if the question is closed (answer yes/no) or open. 2. If closed write correct To Be 3. If open write correct Wh word + To Be Question


0. Are you a student?

Yes, I am.

1. __________ you from?

I am from Chile.

2. __________ you?

I am fine.

3. __________ it raining?

No, it is sunny.

4. __________ you studying?

Because I want to learn.

5. __________ your best friend?

My best friend is Juanito.

6. __________ you happy?

Yes, I am very happy.

7. __________ the test?

The test is on Friday.

8. __________ Juan a good friend?

Yes, he is.

9. __________ do you live?

I live around the corner.

Contract check in Write down two Closed Question for the teacher. Give them to the teacher as you leave.

Unit 1 - Class 4. Objective By the end of this class you will be able to: ● Conjugate verb To Have in American and British English. ● Have 8 possessions memorized.

1. Hook. “Lito is a happy student. He lives in Santiago, he has got a dog but he hasn’t got a cat. He also has got an ipod with his favorite music. He loves hip hop and reggaeton. He likes to dance too. He also has got a girlfriend. She is tall and has got brown hair.” 8

Answer: Is Lito a boy? Is he a teacher? Is he happy? Is he short? What is his favorite music? What does he like?

Contract check in: A. Pair work. B. Write down two closed questions and one open question using to be (you can include emotions and occupations). C. Students ask each other. AB, BA, AB, AB, BA, BA. D. Share as a class.

Part I: To Have Grammar: To have is used to express possession: American


I have

I have got

You have

You have got

He has

He has got

She has

She has got

It has

It has got

We have

We have got

They have

They have got

Example: I have a good friend. She has a ball.

I have got a good friend. She has a ball.

Activity I: Memorization A. Get in pairs. B. Student A gives pronoun. Student B gives corresponding American to have verb. C. Write down mistakes. D. Switch. E. Repeat for British to have got.

Part II: Possession Vocabulary Activity I: Speaking


A. Describe the picture using the following sentence stem: Sentence stem: Lito has got a… Lito has got an… B. Copy Possession Vocabulary in Copy Books.

Activity II: Memorization A. Partner work. B. Student A gives possession vocabulary word in Spanish. Student B gives the word in English. C. Switch. D. Repeat until you have 8 words memorized.

Activity III: Writing A. Write 6 sentences about possessions. Write 3 sentences about something that you have got. 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. Write 3 sentences about something that your family or a friend has got. 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. Share your sentences with your partner.

Part III: Negative To Have To have got negative. To make a sentence with to have got negative you have to add not after have. There is an American and a British way to do it. American: I have an Ipod.

I do not have an x-box. I don’t have an x-box.

He / she has an Ipod.

He / she doesn’t have an Ipod.

British: I have got an Ipod.

I have not got an x-box. I haven’t got an x-box.

He / she has got an Ipod.

He / she hasn’t got an Ipod.

Activity I: Memorization A. Partner work. B. Student A gives pronoun. Student B gives corresponding British to have got (haven’t got - Hasn’t got). C. Switch.

Activity II: Writing Write 8 sentences of something that you don’t have, but you want. Write 4 sentences using American English. 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. 4. _____________________________________________________________________.


Write 4 sentences using British English. 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. 4. _____________________________________________________________________.

Activity III: Grammar A. Complete the sentences using the correct form of to have got. 0. I have got a new car.

3. She __________ a black cellphone.

1. You ___________ two pencils.

4. We __________ a clean classroom.

2. He __________ a good friend.

5. They __________ intelligent ideas.

Contract check in A. Pair work. B. Student A gives an example of have got + possession for each pronoun. Subject + have/has got + possession. C. Student B checks that: 1. The pronoun and have/has got matches. 2. That their partner knows 8 possessions. D. Student B writes down anything Partner A needs to study.

Unit 1 - Class 5. Objective By the end of this class you will be able to describe physical features using To Be and To Have. You will know: ● To Be/ To Have Conjugations. ● Features which go with To Be, Features which go with To Have. ● Have 10 physical features memorized.

Contract check in A. Pair work. B. Student A says pronoun. Student B gives corresponding to be (+), to be (-), to have got, to haven’t got. C. Switch.

Part I: Physical Features














Activity I: Sort Category

Physical Feature

Height Weight Skin Color Hair Style Hair Length Hair Color Facial Features Other Features

Word Bank: Short, Medium Height, Tall, Skinny, Slim, Thin, Average, Overweight, Fair, Tanned, Dark, Straight, Wavy, Curly, Short, Medium Length, Long, Blonde, Brown, Black, Beard, Mustache, Glasses, Young, Old, Pretty, Handsome, Unattractive. A. Sort the words in the correct categories. B. Copy down in your notebooks.

Activity II: Concept map A. Complete the following concept map. Do not look at your notebook. B. When you can’t continue, study your notebook for 30 seconds. Close your book again. C. Complete as much as you can again, until you can’t remember any more. Check your book. D. Repeat until you have every word.


Activity III: Memorization A. Work in pairs. B. Student A says word in Spanish. Student B says corresponding word in English. C. Do it for 10 words. D. Partner write down words that were wrong. E. Switch.

Part II: Physical Features To Have Got To have for descriptions. You can use to have to describe someone. Use to have with nouns. American: I have

We have

You have

You have

He/She/it has

They have

I have got

We have got

You have got

You have got

He/She/it has got

They have got


Examples: I have brown eyes.

I have got brown eyes.

She has black hair.

She has got black hair.

Activity I: Vocabulary A. Mark with a circle the words from the word bank that go with to have got.

Activity II: Speaking A. Pair work. B. Student A says all the physical features that go with to have got. C. Student B checks if they are correct. D. Correct.

Activity III: Writing:

A. Write sentences in your notebook about Lito’s pet and Lito’s family. Yo should have a minimum of 8 sentences. Include: ● 2 positive for American To Have. ● 2 Positive for British To Have. ● 2 Negative for American To Have. 2 Negative for British To Have. 13

Part III: Compare To Be and To Have Got in Physical Features Grammar A. Look at the picture. You can use to be and to have got to describe someone. There are six sentences that describe the girl in the picture.

To be (+ adjective)

To have got (+ noun)

1. She is beautiful.

a) She has got glasses.

2. She is blonde.

b) She has got blonde hair.

3. She is intelligent.

c) She has got green eyes.

Activity I: Vocabulary

Underline the words from the word bank that go with to be. Activity II: Speaking Get in groups of three. Describe your partners using the following sentence stem: Sentence stem: He/She is + characteristic (adjective). He/She is + characteristic (noun)

Activity III: Writing Cut a piece of paper. Write descriptions of one of your classmates. Use the following sentence stems: Sentence stem: My classmate is a girl/boy. My classmate is (height) and (weight). My classmate is (characteristic). My classmate has (length) + (style) + (color) + hair and (color) + eyes. My classmate has (facial features). A. Some students will present their sentences. B. Write a T chart for each student who presents. In the T chart write the descriptions according to to be and to have that the presenting student said. C. After each presentation discuss with your partner: Any mistakes you hear. Who you believe the person is. Sentence stem: I think the person is‌

Activity IIII: Grammar: A. Complete using am/is/are (+/-) or have got/has got (+/-). 0. The girl is pretty.

5. He __________ nice.

1. I __________ ready.

6. The cat __________ blue eyes.

2. The teacher __________ short hair.

7. We __________ happy.

3. The flowers __________ red.

8. She __________ my friend.

4. The woman __________ fair skin.

9. Students __________ straight hair.

Contract Check In: A. Pair work. B. Go back to contract. C. Student A says 10 possessions, 8 physical features, 7 occupations, 7 emotions in Spanish. D. Student B says those words in English. E. Student A writes down words that student B missed. F. Switch.


Unit 1 - Class 6. Objective By the end of this class you will be able to ask questions about someone’s possessions using To Have Got

Contract check in. A. Get in pairs. B. Partner A describes best friend using eight physical characteristics (four To Be and four To Have Got). C. Partner B writes down and makes sure they are correct. D. Switch.

Part I: To Have Got in Closed Questions Present Simple Have Got/ Closed Question Positive.

Closed question.

They have got CDs and magazines.

Have they got CDs and magazines?

Formula: Subject + have/has + got + object.

Formula: Have/has + subject+ got + object. Answer: Yes + S + have/has. Answer: No + S + haven’t/ hasn’t.

Remember: Have got goes with I, you, we, they. Has got goes with he, she, it.

Activity I: Writing A. Write 3 closed questions about what your partner has in his/her bag. Example: Have you got a magazine in your backpack? Your partner answers. 1. __________________________________________________________________________. 2. __________________________________________________________________________. 3. __________________________________________________________________________. B. Speaking

Ask and answer the previous three questions Partner A: Have you got a book in your bag? Partner B: Yes, I do/ No I don’t.

Activity II: Writing Exercise A. Write questions about your partner’s family and friends. Write 2 sentences about physical features and 2 about items. 1. _____________________________________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________________________. 4. _____________________________________________________________________. 15

B. Speaking

Ask and answer the previous three questions Partner A: Has your mother got red hair? Partner B: Yes, she does/ No she doesn’t.

Part II: Open Questions with To Have Got Grammar: Open questions request more information than yes or no. They are also called information questions. Closed question

Open question

Have you got a magazine in your bag? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

What have you got in your bag? I have books and money.

Activity I: Speaking Activity Partner A: What have you got in your bag? Partner B: I have got a/an *Share with the class “My partner has got a/an


Activity II: Writing Write 3 sentences for each picture. For example: He is tall. He has black hair. He is thin.

Activity III: Speaking Game A. Partner A picks a person silently. B. Partner B asks questions such as: Example: “Has your person got (Physical Features/Possession)?” “Is your person (adjective)?” “Is your person a/an (profession/ boy/girl)” C. Partner B asks at least 4 questions and then must guess which person. D. Switch.














Contract Check-In: A - Students go back to contract in the Student’s Book. B - Partner A says ten Possessions, eight Physical Features, seven Occupations, seven Emotions in Spanish. C - Partner B says word in English. D - Write down words Partner B missed. E - Switch.

Unit 1 - Class 7 Review Class Objective: By the end of this class you must have: ● 7 feelings memorized. ● 7 occupations memorized. ● 8 possessions memorized. ● 8 physical features memorized with their corresponding to be/ to have!

Vocabulary: SPR


Part I: Emotions Review Activity I: Speaking: Work in pairs saying these sentences out loud. Complete the sentences with an emotion or a feeling. Write two more complete sentences. 1. When it’s sunny, I am___________________________. 2. When it’s rainy, I am ____________________________. 3. When it’s lunchtime, I am________________________. 4. When it’s noisy, I am ___________________________. 5. When it’s stormy, I am __________________________. 6. When it’s bedtime, I am _________________________. 7. 8.

Part II: Describing People (Occupations/ Physical Features) Activity I: Vocabulary: A. Complete the sentences using the next sentence stem: Sentence stem: I think the occupation is… 0. Teaches at a school = ___________________. 1. Prepares food = ___________________. 2. Attends people on planes = _________________. 3. Sells things on a store = __________________. 4. A person specialized in wires and machines = ___________________. 5. Shows places to visitors = ____________________. 6. Draws blueprints and plans = ____________________. 7. Takes care of house chores = ____________________. 8. A professional who uses scientific knowledge to solve problems = __________________. 9. The person who takes care of children at home = ___________________.

Activity II: Silent Game Activity III: Speaking Guess Who. Get in pairs. Partner A choose a picture. Partner B try to guess which picture they choose. A. Partner B: Ask your partner the questions, filling in the word of your choice. B. Partner A: Answer. C. Switch. D. Do four photos each. Q: Is he/ she a/an ___________ (occupation). A: Q: Has he/ she got________ (physical feature) A: Q: Is he/she__________ (physical feature) A: Q: What does he/she do? A: Q: What does he/she look like? A: 18

Part III: Possessions Activity I: Speaking: A- Draw a bad/suitcase/purse in your notebook, including different elements in them. B-. Make questions about your classmate's drawing such as: ● Have you got money in your bag? ● Have you got books in your suitcase?

Contract check in A-Recall in your head the conjugation for I, you , he, she, we they. B-Check your notebook. C-Write down what you missed. D-See which phase of speaking you are in (Riesgo, Nivelado, Avanzado) according to the contract. *Do the same for have got, haven’t got, occupations, physical features etc.

Unit 1 - Class 8. Objective: By the end of this class you will be able to express ability with Can and only by memorizing the previous verbs and practicing, they will be able to speak English.


Part I: Can/ Can’t Can: positive To express ability to perform an action you can use can. Subject + can + verb + complement I + can + study + English Note: Do not add an “s” in present simple when you use can in a sentence. For example: He cans speak English. He can speaks English. He can speak English. ✔

Activity 1: Writing : A1. Get a dictionary. A2. Think of a occupation you are interested in. A3. Write down 3 abilities that a professional has. Use the verbs you already know. For example: Teacher: A teacher can correct tests. A teacher can talk to students. A teacher can explain difficult things. Share the sentences using the next sentence stem: Sentence stem: A __________ can __________. An __________ can __________.

Can: negative To express the inability to perform an activity you can use cannot or can’t. Subject + can’t + verb + object. I + can’t + speak + German. Note: Do not add an “s” to the verb in present simple when you use can’t in a sentence. For example: He can’ts speak German. He can’t speaks German. He can’t speak German. ✔

Activity II: Writing Adults








A1. In partners write two sentences for each pair of words. Write what one person can do that the other cannot. For example: Adults can’t go to school. Kids can’t work.

Can: questions To make a question about the ability to perform an action you invert a positive can sentence. She can cook rice. Can she cook rice? The structure is: Can + subject + verb + (complement)? Can + she + cook + rice? Possible answers are: (+) Yes, I can.

(-) No, I can’t.


Activity III: Speaking A. Get a piece of paper. B. Choose a classmate. C. Quickly create a question using the verb in that paper. D. Your classmate will answer the question. E. The words are: Play















Activity IIII: Speaking A. Get in pairs. B. Write 3 questions about abilities that you would like to ask your partner. C. Ask those questions to your classmate and write down the answers. D. Report to the class.

Unit 1 - Class 9. Objective By the end of this class you will be able to make suggestions regarding weekend and school activities.

Part I: Making Suggestions Activity I: Vocabulary

Watch Television

Go to the movies

Go out with friends

Go shopping

Go dancing

Chat with friends

Play computer / videogames

Listen to music

Play sports

Spend time with family

Study 21

Why don’t/why doesn’t You can use why don’t/why doesn’t for invitations or suggestions. Subject

Structure and example

I - you - we - they

Why don’t + Subject + Verb + (Complement) Why don’t we watch television?

he - she - it

Why doesn’t + Subject + Verb + (Complement) Why doesn’t he go to the movies?

Activity II: Grammar A. Complete the sentences using why don’t/why doesn’t and the appropriate verb. 0. Why don’t you chat with friends? 1. _______________ she ________________ television? 2. _______________ you ________________ rugby? 3. _______________ we _________________ to the movies? 4. _______________ he _________________ his friends? 5. _______________ you _______________ computer games? 6. _______________ they _______________ dancing?

Activity III: Speaking A. Give suggestions to the people on the pictures.

Sentence stem: Why don’t… Why doesn’t…

Activity IIII: Writing Activity A. Pretend you are the teacher of the class. B. Write suggestions to improve classroom environment or student performance using Why don’t/Why doesn’t. For example: Why don’t you finish your homework? Why doesn’t she sit? 22

Finalizing contract On a separate piece of paper you will write sentences about physical characteristics, occupations, and possessions. Answer in full sentences and you cannot use your notebook. You will get a grade for this activity. The questions are: 1. Name six people you know and their occupations. Use full sentences. 2. Name two people. Describe their physical characteristics. Describe four things they have/are four things they don’t have/aren’t. You must use eight different physical characteristics. Use full sentences. 3. Discuss three personal possessions you have and three personal possessions a friend has which are different. Use full sentences. You will be graded according to:



Grade: 1-3

Grade: 4-5

Grade: 6-7

Missing more than 9 vocabulary words.

5) Missing six vocabulary words in total.

7) Complete number of vocabulary words each question.

4) Missing nine vocabulary words in total.

6) Missing 3 vocabulary words in total.

5) 2-5 Mistakes. 4) 5-8 mistakes.

7) All To Be and Have are correctly conjugated.

More than 8 mistakes.

6) Less than 2 mistakes.

Use of Full Sentences

No full sentences.

Missing full sentences.

All full sentences.


WORKSHOP UNIT 1 Class 1 Classroom Language: A. Copy this chart in your notebook. Translate the meaning of each sentence. English



Can you repeat.




I have a question.




What does ____ mean?




How do you say______?




How do you pronounce _____?




Can you go back?




Can I have a paper?




Can you help me?




Can we work in pairs? I don’t understand.






B. Practice with sentence stems. Sentence stem: I think __________ goes with __________. I think the shape is ___________. I think circle means ___________.

Triangle - square - circle.


Class 4 Grammar - Can: Refer to Unit 1 - class 8. Grammar: Create your own superhero and draw it on a piece of cardboard or white paper. You have to complete the sentences according to your superhero.

Name: ____________________ He/She is _______________. He/She isn’t _______________. He/She is a _______________. He/She isn’t a _______________. He/She has got _______________. He/She hasn’t got _______________. He/She can _______________. He/She can’t _______________.

Class 5 List of famous people: Rihanna Benjamín Vicuña Beyonce Leonardo DiCaprio Justin Bieber Lady Gaga Madonna David Guetta

Alexis Sánchez Kike Morandé Selena Gomez Pope Benedict XVI Barack Obama Shakira Prince Royce Stefan Kramer

Jim Carrey Steven Spielberg Miley Cyrus Francisca Valenzuela Coco Legrand Américo Bill Gates Tom Cruise

Sponge Bob

Hello Kitty

Johnny Depp

Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Don Francisco Michelle Bachellet Katy Perry Pitbull Leonel Messi Cristiano Ronaldo Bart Simpson

David Beckham Usain Bolt Alvaro Salas Tomás González Sebastian Piñera Homer Simpson Harry Potter Mickey Mouse Lisa Simpson


Oral Evaluation Rúbrica de evaluación oral. 1-3





Usó menos de 3 palabras del vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Emociones, ocupaciones, posesiones, características físicas).

Usó entre 4 y 5 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Emociones, ocupaciones, posesiones, características físicas).

Usó entre 5 y 7 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Emociones, ocupaciones, posesiones, características físicas).

Usó 7 o más palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Emociones, ocupaciones, posesiones, características físicas).


El estudiante no fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con más de 10 errores.

El estudiante fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con entre 5 y 9 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

El estudiante fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con entre 2 y 5 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

El estudiante fue capaz de producir las preguntas con no más de 2 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.


El estudiante pausó más de 5 veces.

El estudiante pausó 4 veces.

El estudiante pausó 3 veces.

El estudiante habló fluidamente, pausando menos de 3 veces.


El estudiante usó ejemplos mínimos en sus respuestas, mostrando menos de 3 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 4 y 5 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 5 y 7 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó ejemplos positivos y negativos.

El estudiantes usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando 7 o más palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó ejemplos positivos y negativos.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parte 1: Preguntas para estudiar. Instrucciones: Para el examen, deberás escoger una pregunta abierta y una cerrada para hacerla a tu compañero. Tendrás que FORMULAR la pregunta, y entonces tu compañero la RESPONDE. Luego se intercambian los roles. Serás evaluado/a de acuerdo a la rúbrica. Preguntas abiertas: A. What does your family do? B. What does your family look like? C. What does your best friend have in his/her room? Preguntas cerradas: A. Is your mother a teacher? B. Is your father an accountant? C. Has your mother got green eyes? D. Has your grandmother got gray hair? E. Is your father tall? F. Has your best friend got an Ipod? G. Has your best friend got a television? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Guía de estudio Parte 1 1. Preguntas abiertas. A. What does your family do? Answer: My _____ (subject) is a/an __________ (profession). My ________ isn’t a/an__________. My _______are/aren’t _______________s. *Debe dar 7 ejemplos. B. What does your family look like? Answer: My _________ is/ isn’t + feature (adjective) My ___________ has got/ hasn’t got + feature (noun) *Debe dar 7 ejemplos. C. What does your best friend have in his/her room? Answer: My best friend has got a/an _____________. My best friend hasn’t got a/an____________. *Debe dar 7 ejemplos. 2. Preguntas cerradas. A. Is your mother a teacher? Answer: Yes she/he is. - No he/she isn’t. B. Is your father an accountant? Answer: Yes she/he is. - No he/she isn’t. C. Has your mother got green eyes? Answer: Yes he/she has. - No he/she hasn’t. D. Has your grandmother got gray hair? Answer: Yes he/she has. - No he/she hasn’t. E. Is your father tall? Answer: Yes she/he is. - No he/she isn’t. F. Has your best friend got an ipod? Answer: Yes he/she has. - No he/she hasn’t. G. Has your best friend got a television? Answer: Yes he/she has. - No he/she hasn’t. Parte 2: Aplicación de conceptos. Para esta parte escogerás al azar un concepto. El/La profesor/a te lo dará y tendrás que hablar sobre ese concepto dando al menos 7 ejemplos del vocabulario. La gramática y el vocabulario deben ser correctos. Debes usar oraciones completas. Usa tu libro para estudiar. Conceptos de aplicación para estudiar: 1. Describe your family. Use physical features and emotions. 2. Describe your friends. Use physical features and emotions. 3. Describe the professions of people you know. 4. Describe some personal items you have got, and some personal items you haven’t got. 5. Describe yourself: Use some positive and negative examples.


Unit 2 Unit 2 - Class 1. Objective: By the end of the class you will be able to: 1. Remember 5 countable nouns/ 5 uncountable nouns 2. Use I have got with Countable/ Uncountable 3. Ask how much/ how many 4. Ask questions about price using How much is for singular How much are for plural *Find these objectives in the contract

Contract Nombre: _______________________________________________________. Gramática:

Countable / non countable

Mínimo (Nota: 4,0)

En nivel (Nota: 5,0)

Excelente (Nota: 6,0 -7,0)

-Puedes nombrar 10 sustantivos countable/uncountable .

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Eres capaz de usar sustantivos countable y non countable en oraciones que empiezan con: -There is... -There are... -I have got… -I want

-Eres capaz de usar sustantivos contables y no contables en preguntas que empiezan con: -Is there... -Are there... -Have you got...

-Eres capaz de usar la gramática correspondiente dependiendo de si es: -Countable singular. -Countable plural. -Uncountable. How much / how many

There is / there are

-Conoces el uso de how much y how many.

-Eres capaz de crear oraciones usando there is y there are.

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Eres capaz de crear oraciones usando how much y how many con la gramática correcta dependiendo de si es countable o uncountable.

-Eres capaz de diferenciar how much y how many.

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Eres capaz de crear oraciones negativas usando there is y there are.

-Eres capaz de crear preguntas usando there is y there are.

-Eres capaz de responder preguntas que contienen how much/how many.

-Eres capaz de responder preguntas usando there is/there are. Some / any

-Eres capaz de crear oraciones usando some y any.

-Eres capaz de crear oraciones negativas usando some y any.

-Todos los anteriores y: -Eres capaz de crear preguntas y peticiones usando some y any. -Eres capaz de responder preguntas usando some/any.


Vocabulario Countable/ non countable

2 contables y 2 no contables.

5 contables y 5 no contables.

6 contables y 6 no contables.

Cuidado Personal

3-4 memorizadas

5-6 memorizadas

7-9 memorizadas


3-4 memorizadas

5-6 memorizadas

7-9 memorizadas


3-4 memorizadas

5-6 memorizadas

7-9 memorizadas

Tiendas y productos

3 memorizadas

4-5 memorizadas

6+ memorizadas

Speaking Shopping

-Puedes describir lo que hay en una tienda. -Puedes preguntar precios.

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Todos los anteriores y:

-Puedes preguntar lo que hay en una tienda.

-Puedes hacer y responder preguntas sobre cantidades.

-Puedes responder preguntas sobre precios. -Puedes describir cantidades de distintos items.

Part I: Countable/Uncountable Grammar Countable noun Countable nouns can be counted and have singular and plural forms. They exist as separate and individual units. Ex: A chair - Chairs. Uncountable noun Uncountable nouns cannot be counted nor used in the plural form. Ex: Air or water. Is chair countable or uncountable? _____________ Is furniture countable or uncountable? ___________ Strange Examples of Countable/ Uncountable: Uncountable Furniture Chocolate Fruit Bread Paper Money Time

Countable Piece(s) of furniture/ table/ chair Piece(s) of chocolate Piece(s) of fruit Piece of bread/ slice of bread Piece of Paper Dollars, coins, pesos Hours, minutes, seconds

Activity I: Grammar A. Divide the nouns into countable and uncountable. paper - pencil - house - time - furniture - cat - hair - money - bread - time - wine - wood - money - egg - milk - hours - tea - pen - dress - apple - fruit - piece of furniture Sentence stem: I think _______ is countable/uncountable. Countable



Grammar Countable/ Uncountable nouns Countable


Singular: is. a/an.

Example: I have got a chair. I want an egg. The chair pencil is blue.

No Singular No Plural No a/an No S No are

Plural: Are. “S” at end

Example: I have got two chairs. I want two eggs. The pencils are blue.

Only is

Example: I have water I want juice. The coffee is hot.

Activity II: Grammar Step 1: Underline UC if countable/ C if countable. Step 2: For only countable (C) nouns change: singular → plural / plural → singular. Sentence Stem: I think the correct sentence is…

Clues: Singular: a/ an OR is (if describing something) Plural: s OR are (if describing something) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I have two chairs. (C / UC) _________________________________________________. I want some water. (C / UC) ________________________________________________. The shirt is yellow. (C / UC) ________________________________________________. I have a piece of paper. (C / UC) ____________________________________________. I have 3 eggs. (C / UC) ____________________________________________________. The house is big. (C / UC) _________________________________________________. The shampoo is expensive. (C/UC) __________________________________________. I like coffee. (C / UC) _____________________________________________________.

Activity III: Speaking/Writing A. Write five personal possessions. B. On a separate piece of paper write five sentences Countable: Singular- I have got a/an Plural- I have got ________s Uncountable: I have got _______ C. Crumple up the paper and throw it. D. Find a new one. E. Walk around and try to find the owner of the new paper asking “Have you got a/an, Have got you ___s, Have you got”.

Part II: How much/ How many A. How many = Cuántos/cuántas B. How much = Cuánto/cuánta How much is used for uncountable How many is used for countable Countable: How many chairs are there? (How many + nouns + are there?) Uncountable: How much water is there? (How much + noun + is there?)


Activity I: Grammar Instructions: Fill in using: much/ many/ is/ are. Countable: many/are Uncountable: much/is Examples: How much water is there. How many apples are there. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How __________ soda is there? How __________ bottes are there? How __________ coffee __________ there? How __________ pencils __________ there? How __________ CD’s __________ there? How __________ shampoo __________ there?

B. How much For Shopping When shopping always ask “How much” when you want the price. ($) Never “how many” ● Example: How much is the shirt? OK ● Example: How many is the shirt? X

Grammar: Singular: How much is the shirt?

Plural: How much are the pants? Uncountable? How much is the water?

Activity II: Writing Instructions: What do you want for your birthday? Write down five questions about price ($) for five items you want. Example: How much is the polo shirt? (Countable singular) How much are the jeans? (Countable plural) How much is the perfume? (Uncountable) 1. ___________________________________________________________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________. Contract Check In: A. Partner A: Names 5 countable and 5 uncountable nouns. B. With the following nouns (apples, computer, pieces of paper, coffee, shirt, shampoo) say: 1. How much __________ is there? (UC) How many __________ are there? (C)

2. How much is __________? How much are __________?

C. Partner B writes down mistakes Partner A makes. D. Switch. E. Show mistakes and write one sentence in Spanish about: ● Which contract objectives you missed. ● What you need to study.


Unit 2 - Class 2. Objective: By the end of the day you must: ● Be able to correctly say There is/ There are (depending on the noun). Memorize 5 stores with 3 corresponding products in each. *Find these objectives in the contract

Part I: There is/ There are Grammar

There is / There are. They are used to express that something exists or that something is on a location. There is (Singular) → There is a man. There is an egg. There is 1 house.

There are (Plural) → There are three computers. There are people outside.

Grammar: There is + a/ an/ 1 + noun.

Grammar: There are + nouns

Activity I: Speaking (as a whole class) A. Repeat classroom vocabulary the teacher points to. B. Identify whether it is: -There is + a/an -There are + nouns

Grammar There is/ There are with Countable/ Uncountable. There is (Singular) → There is a man. There is an egg. There is 1 house.

There are (Plural) → There are three computers. There are people outside.

Grammar: There is + a/ an/ 1 + noun.

Grammar: There are + nouns

Uncountable → There is water Grammar: There is + noun (No a/an/-s only is)

Activity II: Grammar Fill in: ● ● ● ●

Singular Countable → There is a Singular Countable → There is an Plural Countable → There are Uncountable → There is

Lito’s mother bought a fardo. __________ thirty shirts and __________ twenty pants. She goes to the feria to sell them for three hours. At the feria ________ many stands. Next to Lito’s mother’s stand________ fish stand and ________ fruit stand. The fish stand smells really bad. So she takes a walk. She sees that ________ ice cream stand. At the ice cream stand ________ ice cream. ________ cones too. She buys an ice cream.


Part II: Shops Activity I: Vocabulary A. Write the definition of the following words:



1. Department Store 2. Supermarket / Grocery store 3. Pharmacy/Chemist 4. Bookshop 5. Newsstand / Newsagent 6. Electronic store

Activity II: Relay Race A. Make teams. B. Decide the shape that represents your teams (square, circle, triangle, star). C. Get in lines. D. 1 at a time: ● walk to the board. ● cross out a products . ● write it in the correct store. ● draw your team shape to get a point. E. Give the marker to the next person in line. F. If you run or pause for more than three seconds you lose a point. Department Store

Newsagent/ Newsstand

Pharmacy/ Chemist

Electronic Store


Supermarket/ Grocery Store

Conclusion: A. Copy all products down. B. Ensure you have three in each columns. C. Ensure you have 8 in pharmacy, 8 in the grocery store and 8 in department store. Contract Check In A. Independently fill in the chart without using notes or book. Stores






Product 1: Product 2: Product 3: B. Independently mark C (countable) or UC (uncountable) on the different products. C. Partner A says: “In a/an _________ there is a/an; there are _______.” (store) (product) Example: In a department store there are clothes.


● ● ● ●

Singular Countable → There is a Singular Countable → There is an Plural Countable → There are Uncountable → There is

D. Partner B gives points. ● 1 point if store matches products. ● 1 point if grammar correct. E. Switch. F. Students who get 10+ points get stamps. G. Write a small journal entree about. ● How many stores memorized. ● How many mistakes you made in there is/there are. ● What you need to study.

Unit 2 - Class 3. Objective: ● ●

By the end of this class you will be able to use there is/ there are in negative and questions. By the end of this class you will be able to name 8 clothes.

SPR: Emotions A. Draw a face. B. Pass to the person in front of you with your left hand, and receive from the back with your right hand. C. Show your partner the face and tell them the emotion. D. Keep passing.

Contract Check In: Countable v. Uncountable A. Partner A: Name different objects from last class. B. Partner B: Tell if object is countable/ uncountable. Say (1) There is a/an (2) There are ____s (3) There are ____ for each item Partner A names. C. Switch.

Conjugate the following items with There is/ There are. Countable Singular: apple/ table

Countable Plural: apples/tables

Uncountable: water

Part I: There Are Negatives Grammar There is / There are (-) To make a there is or there are sentence negative, you only need to add not after the verb To Be. There is one banana.

There is not one banana.

There are three students.

There are not three students.

Negative contractions In informal speech you can use contractions for the negative forms. You only need to add “n’t” to the end of the word. is not → isn’t . are not → aren’t. 34

Activity I: Your Dream Room A. What is there in your dream room? 1. _____________________. 2. _____________________. 3. _____________________.

What isn’t there in your dream room? 1. _____________________. 2. _____________________. 3. _____________________.

B. Label C (Countable), UC (Uncountable). C. Write in sentences with There is/isn’t - There are/aren’t. 1. _______________________________________________________________________. 2. _______________________________________________________________________. 3. _______________________________________________________________________. 4. _______________________________________________________________________. 5. _______________________________________________________________________. 6. _______________________________________________________________________.

Help: Countable Singular There is a/an + noun There isn’t a/an + noun

Countable Plural There are/aren’t + nouns

Uncountable There is/ There isn’t


Part II: Clothing Where do you buy clothes? _____________________________________________. Activity I: Matching Match the clothing item to the word. A. Use the Sentence Stem: I think number _______ goes with _______ (clothing).

Piece of clothing


T-shirt. One.

Tie. Two.

Skirt. Three.

Shoe. Four.

Jeans. Five.

Coat. Six.

Dress. Seven.

Socks. Eight.

B. Write down in your copybook. Activity II: Memorization A. B. C. D. E. F.

Partner A: Says word in Spanish (looking at book). Partner B: Says corresponding word in English (without looking at book). Write down how many correct. Switch. Partner B: Says word in Spanish (looking at book). Partner A: Says corresponding word in English (without looking at book). Do a second round and see if achieved more words.


Part III: Questions Is there/ Are there Grammar There is / There are (?) To make questions using There is and There are you only need to change the order of the words. There is a table → Is there a table? There are three students → Are there three students? There is / There are: Answers The answers to these questions are very simple: Is there a table? → Yes, there is / No, there isn’t. Are there three students? → Yes, there are / No, there aren’t.

Activity I: Draw your closet. A. Draw twelve items in your closet. Draw here

A. Partner A: Guess items in closet by asking: ●

Countable Singular: Is there a/an __________?

Countable Plural: Are there __________?

Uncountable: Is there __________?

B. Partner B: Answers: Yes there is/are. No there isn’t/ aren’t. C. Switch. Contract Check-In A. Partner A: Says clothing in Spanish. B. Partner B: Says corresponding word in English. C. Write down mistakes. D. Switch. E. Write a sentence about whether your completed the objective.


Unit 2 - Class 4. Objective: By the end of this class you will be able to: ● Use There is/ There are to say what products are in a store. ● Ask How much a product is (Singular/Plural). ● Name four stores and their products. SPR: Physical characteristics A. Write a physical characteristic on a piece of paper (blonde, brown eyes etc). B. Silently post it on the board in To Be or To Have. C. Describe a family member or friend with three To Be examples and three To Have examples.

Activity I: Countable/ Uncountable Nouns Sort the following words: Paper - Coin - Fruit - Piece of paper - Piece of Bread - Glass of Water - Dollar - Hour - Piece of fruit - cheese - Money - Time - Chocolate - Bread.



Activity II: Uncountable/ Countable Grammar Create sentences. Countable Singular I have + a/an… I want + a/an… There is/ isn’t/Is there…

Countable Plural I have __________s. I want __________s. There are/aren’t/Are there… Uncountable I have __________. I want __________. There is/Is there…

Countable - Singular Have / Eraser

Sentence I have an eraser

Want / Pencil There… (+) / Eraser There… (-) / Pencil There (?) / Eraser


Countable - Plural


Have / tomato Want / Egg There… (+) / Tomato There… (-) / Egg There (?) / Tomato



Have / Water Want / Juice There… (+) / Coffee There… (-) / Tea There (?) / Chocolate Speaking Activity III: Is there/ Are their -Products Store A. Partner A: Secretly write down the name of a store in Chile (also include the kind of store it is). Example: Falabella- Department Store. B. Partner B: Ask four questions about the products in that store ● ● ●

“Is there a/an __________” “Are there __________ s” “Is there __________“

C. Partner B: After 5 questions guess which store Partner A wrote. D. Partner A: Write down questions partner B asks, to be sure there are no grammar mistakes. E. Switch.

Grammar: How much/ How many How much - Countable

How many - Uncountable

How much coffee is there?

How many chairs are there?

How much for prices Countable/ Uncountable = How much.



How much is the chair?

How much are the chairs?


Activity IV: Writing. Write four How Much questions about prices of your favorite products from your favorite store. 1. __________________________________________________________________________. 2. __________________________________________________________________________. 3. __________________________________________________________________________. 4. __________________________________________________________________________. Activity V: Role play A. Get in groups of four. Two students will be clerks and two will be shoppers. B. You will be assigned one type of store. C. Draw an item on a piece of paper four items that are commonly sold in that store. D. Shoppers go around the shops asking for prices and quantities. Remember to use How much, Is there, Are there. E. Clerks will listen to the questions and answer shoppers’ questions, selling the product. F. If there is enough time, students can switch roles.

Shopper Questions

1. Is there ______________________.

Clerk Answers

There is ___________________________. There isn’t _________________________.

2. Are there _____________________.

There are __________________________. There aren’t ________________________.

3. How much is __________________.

4. How much are _________________.

It is _______________________________ (Answer to: How much Singular). They are __________________________ (Answer to: How much Plural).


Unit 2 - Class 5. Objective: By the end of this class you will be able to use some and any to talk about non-specific quantities in phrases and questions.

Contract Check In: Contract Check In Objectives: 1-Student will be able to name 5 countable objects and 5 uncountable objects. 2-Student will be able to say I have with the correct grammar. Countable Singular: I have a/an + object.

Countable Plural: I have +object + s.

Uncountable: I have + object.

3-Student will be able to say there is/are with the correct grammar. Countable Singular: There is a/an + object.

Countable Plural: There are + object + s.

Uncountable: There is + object.

4- Student will be able to name 4-5 stores. Instructions: Partner A tests partner B (partner A looks at book, partner B doesn’t). A. Objective 1: Partner B: names 5 countable and 5 uncountable objects without looking Partner A: writes down any mistakes.

B. Objective 2: Partner A: says apple, water, chair, furniture, money. Partner B: says I have + ___________ correctly (refer to chart). Partner A: writes down any mistakes.

C. Objective 3: Partner A: says computers, bread, juice, soda bottle, tables. Partner B: says There is/are + __________ correctly (refer to chart). Partner A: writes down any mistakes.

D. Objective 4: Partner B names 4 stores. Partner A checks.

E. Give mistakes. F. Switch.

Part I: Vocabulary Brainstorm Activity I: Personal Care Products Matching A. Where can you buy these products? __________________________.

B. Match. C. Use the sentence Stem. Option 1: “I think number___________is __________.” (picture number)

(English word)

Ex: “I think number 2 is a razor.”

Option 2: “I think__________means____________.” (Spanish word)

(English word)

Ex: “I think pasta de dientes is toothpaste.”


Vocabulary Razor - Perfume - Cream - Toothpaste - Shampoo - Deodorant - Make up Soap - Medicine - Band aid.




Three Two





Ten Activity II Partner Memorization Partner A: Says word Spanish Partner B: Says word English. Partner A: Writes down words partner B doesn’t remember. Switch. Repeat until all words memorized.

Part II: Some/ Any Grammar

Some It is used to express non-specific quantities and in positive/affirmative statements. Positive/Affirmative Statements (+)


Countable + Plural

There are some apples on the table.

Uncountable (Singular)

I’ve got some money in my bag. Request (?)


Can you give me some apples? Can you give me some money?


Any It is used to express non-specific quantities in: ● Negative Statements. ● Questions when you are not sure the if item is exists. (Examples: Have you got any _____, Is there any ______, Are there any _____) Negative Statements (-) Countable/Uncountable

They haven’t got any apples. They haven’t got any money.

Any Question (?) Countable/Uncountable

Are the any apples? Have you got any money?

Activity I: Writing and Sharing. Instructions: Create sentences and questions below using some and any. *Do not use the same noun more than one time Share with your partner. Write down any mistakes your partner makes, and tell them. A. Create three positive sentences which apply to you. Example: I want some pants. I want ________________________________________________________________________. I have ________________________________________________________________________. I would like ____________________________________________________________________.

B. Create three negative sentences which apply to you. Example: I wouldn’t like any pants. I don’t want ___________________________________________________________________. I don’t have ___________________________________________________________________. I wouldn’t like __________________________________________________________________.

C. Create three questions for your partner. Example: Do you have any pants? Do you want __________________________________________________________________. Do you have __________________________________________________________________. Would you like _________________________________________________________________.


Activity II: Grammar and writing

A.Complete the sentences using some and any. 0. We don't have any milk. 1. I bought __________ hamburgers for dinner. 2. They have __________ videos in that shop. 3. She doesn't want __________ water. 4. Have you got ________ crackers? 5. Can I have __________ apples, please. 6. I haven't got __________ money. 7. They're doing an exam. Don't make __________ noise. 8. Is there ________water? 9. She tried on __________ new shoes yesterday. Activity III: Speaking

A. Draw three personal care products in your shopping bag. B. Guess what is in your partner’s bag. Example: Partner A: Have you got any toothpaste?” Partner B: No, I haven’t Partner B: Have you got any shampoo? Partner A: Yes, I have got some.


Unit 2 - Class 6. Objectives: By the end of class today they will be able to -Name ten foods. -Say how much food they have with a little (uncountable), a few (countable), a lot (both) POP QUIZ Instructions: On a separate piece of paper do the following activities. 1. Sort the words between uncountable and countable. (10 points) Money, cheese, bottle of water, fruit, furniture, paper, dollar, piece of paper, time, table. 2. Write “I have + -----“ correctly for the following items. (3 points) A. Apple. B. Five tables. C. Coffee. 3. Write “There is/ There are correctly” for the following items. (3 points) A. Fruits. B. Soda. C. Three pants. 4. Write four stores. (4 points) 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. ________________ 4. _______________ 5. Write the vocabulary word for the following pictures. (10 points)

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________

6. ____________________

7. ____________________

8. ____________________

9. ____________________

10. ____________________ Total Correct: Score x 7 / 3 = Grade.


Part I: Food Vocabulary Activity 1: Brainstorm and Sort Food A. Brainstorm and food for the following categories Fruits





Junk Food

Where can you buy food? _________________________ Activity II: Memorize A. Partner A: close book and recite as many foods as you can. B. Partner B: Write down the food Partner A remembered. C. Partner B close book and recite as many foods as you can. D. Partner A: Write down what partner B remembered. E. Study the foods you missed, and repeat. F. Stop when you have memorized at least 10. Activity III: Countable or Uncountable A. On the board write C for countable foods and UC for uncountable foods. B. Copy in notebooks.

Part II: A little, A few, A lot of Grammar Quantifiers There are some words that can express quantities. A few for countable nouns.

● ●

She needs a few books for school. There are a few apples.

*You can only use There are since it is countable. A little for uncountable nouns.

● ●

We have got a little money for vacation. There is a little butter in the refrigerator.

*You can only use There is because it is uncountable. A lot of for countable and uncountable nouns.

● ● ●

I eat a lot of apples. There is a lot of shampoo at home. There are a lot of bananas.

*is → uncountable (There is a lot of juice). are → countable (There are a lot of cookies).

Activity I: Writing and Speaking What is in your kitchen? A. Write down 8 foods there are in your kitchen. _________________








B. Label C (countable) or UC (uncountable).


C. Create 8 sentences about what is/isn’t in your kitchen. Examples: There is a little water in my kitchen. There are a few apples in my kitchen. In my kitchen there are a lot of crackers. Sentence Stems:

There is a little… There isn’t a little There are few… There aren’t a few There is a lot of… There are a lot of………..

1. __________________________________________________________________________. 2. __________________________________________________________________________. 3. __________________________________________________________________________. 4. __________________________________________________________________________. 5. __________________________________________________________________________. 6. __________________________________________________________________________. 7. __________________________________________________________________________. 8. __________________________________________________________________________. Activity II: Grammar A. Complete the sentences using a little or a few. 0. She has got a little milk. 1. He drank __________ water. 2. Andy has __________ friends. 3. We saw __________ people at the restaurant. 4. There is __________ petrol in his car. 5. There are __________ bottles on the table. 6. There are __________ hotels in this town. 7. I want to eat ___________ bread. 8. Cindy has only __________ flowers. 9. There is only ___________ food in the refrigerator.

Activity III: Writing A. Work in pairs. B. Write in your notebook a shopping list of things you would want at a party. C. Use the following sentence stems. Use a little, a few, a lot of. ● We want… ● We would like… ● We need… D. Present it to the partners next to you. E. See what is similar and what is different.

Unit 2 - Class 7. Objective: Review ● ●

By the end of this lesson you will be able to express nonspecific quantities with a little, a few, a lot of. By the end of this lesson you will be able to ask shopping related questions.


Contract Check In: Food Vocabulary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Partner A: Says word in Spanish. Partner B: Says word in English without looking at book. Partner A: Writes a check when Partner B makes a correct match. Switch. Both partners study what they missed. Repeat until each have memorized 10 words.

Activity I: Writing A. Look at the pictures. Label all of the products you can recognize.

Activity II: Grammar A. Write down a noun on a piece of paper (food, clothes, personal hygiene products). B. Paste it on the board in Countable/ Uncountable. Activity III: Writing A.The class will be split into two halfs: customers and clerks. B. Create a 3 by 3 sheet.

C. Clerks write 9 things they have in their pretend store. D. Customers write 9 things they want for a pretend party.

Activity IV: Speaking A. Customers: Ask clerks about the products in their store: ● Is there any… ● Are there any… ● Do you have any….. B. Clerks: Respond Yes there is/No there isn’t or Yes there are/ No there aren’t. C. If you both have a match then mark an X. D. You can only ask one question per person. E. First person to finish wins.

Contract check in A. Look at the contract. B. Think of all the points that you have already achieved. C. Answer the teacher’s questions about topics that you should already know.

Unit 2 - Class 8. Objective: By the end of this class you will be able to order restaurant food in English. 48

Activity I: Vocabulary

A fish.

A pizza.




A steak.

An icecream.

A sandwich.


A cake.

A salad.

A soup.


Pictionary: One person has 60 seconds to draw a food item, while others guess without looking in their book.

Grammar Asking for food in a restaurant When you want to order food you can do it in several ways: Structure


I’d like + food

I’d like bistec a lo pobre.

I wouldn’t like + food

I wouldn’t like guatitas.

I want + food

I want rice and chicken.

I don’t want + (any) food

I don’t want (any) rice and chicken.

Is there + (any) food? (Uncountable)

Is there (any) pasta?

Are there + (any) food ? (Countable)

Are there (any) sandwiches?

Activity II: Grammar practice A. Complete the sentences using the new grammar forms. 0. I want some sushi. 1. ______there_____ apples? 2. He ____________________ any pie. 3. We ____________________ any milk. 4. _______there______coffee? 5. We ____________________ any soda. 6. She ____________________ some chicken. 7. We ____________________ some vegetables. 8. He ____________________ some water.

Activity III: Comprehension Put the following conversation in order. Write a number next to each statement. Would you like a salad? Are you ready to order? No, thank you. Yes, I am. Please bring me a sandwich and some coffee.

C. Complete the conversation using words from the box. am - bring - drink - some - order - would - yes - you - me Waiter: Are you ready to ___________ ? Customer: Yes, I _____ . Please bring _____ a sandwich. Waiter: ____________ you like a salad? Customer: No, thank _________ . Waiter: Anything to _______________ ? Customer: ________ . Please ________ me ________ milk. Waiter: Yes, of course.


Activity IV: Writing A. Work in pairs. B. With your partner, create a dialogue simulating a restaurant. C. Try to use the vocabulary that you have learnt during the unit.

Unit 2 - Class 9. Objective: By the end of this class you will be able to use the words somebody, anybody, nobody (someone, anyone, no one).

Part I: Indefinite Pronouns Grammar Indefinite pronouns They are used to refer to someone in a non-specific way. Positive/Affirmative Statements Indefinite Pronoun


Everyone / Everybody 100%

Everyone plays soccer in my class. 100%

Someone / Somebody

There is somebody in my house.

No one / Nobody

No one has got money for the movies.0%


Negative Statements Anyone / Anybody

There isn’t anyone on the street.

Activity I: Grammar Fill in with Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody. Example: Nobody here has three eyes. Everybody here goes to school. 1. _______________is over the age of 100. 2. _______________ here lives in Chile. 3. There isn’t _______________ who has _______________. 4. There is probably _______________ he likes basketball. 5. _______________ likes ice cream! It is the best! 6. I don’t know _______________ who likes spiders.

Activity II: True or False Instructions: Come up with eight statements you believe are 100% true. Use Everybody, Anybody, Somebody, Nobody. If you succeed in creating all true statements your team gets a prize! Examples: Everybody: Everybody has hair. Somebody: Somebody likes Colo-Colo. Nobody: Nobody is 100 years old. Anybody: There isn’t anyone who likes Classical music.


Sentence Stems: Everybody likes/has/is/loves/hates/can…. Somebody likes/has/is/loves/hates/can…. Nobody likes/has/is/loves/hates/can…. There isn’t anyone who likes/has/is/loves/hates/can... 1. ___________________________________________________________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________. 8. ___________________________________________________________________________.

Activity III: Survey Questions A. Come up with 8 questions to prove that your statements are 100% true. Examples: Everyone likes ice cream Nobody has a Mercedes Benz Everyone is Chilean Everyone can play soccer B. Question sentence stems. Do you like __________? Do you have __________?

→ Do you like ice cream? → Do you have a Mercedes Benz? → Are you Chilean? → Can you play soccer?

Can you + verb __________?

Do you hate __________?

Do you love __________?

Do you have a/an ______?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________. 8. ___________________________________________________________________________. C. Split questions up between partners. ● Partner 1: Question 1 and 2 ● Partner 2: Question 3 and 4 ● Partner 3: Question 5 and 6 ● Partner 4: Question 7 and 8. D. Ask 100% of the class your two questions. Write down results. E. Show teacher if 100% of your statements from Exercise II were true.


Unit 2 - Class 12. Finalizing contract On a separate piece of paper you will write sentences and questions about shopping. Answer in full sentences and you cannot use your notebook. You will get a grade for this activity. Remember to put your name. 1. Name four stores and two products in each store (there is/ there are). 2. Write four personal care you have got in full sentences. (Have got: Countable v. Uncountable). 3. Write four clothes that you want. (Want: Countable v. Uncountable) 4. Write three statements about your kitchen using some and any. 5. Write three statements about your kitchen with a few, a little, a lot of. 6. Write two questions asking how much a product costs. You will be graded according to:



Grade: 1-3

Grade: 4-5

Grade: 6-7

Missing more than 6 vocabulary words.

5) Missing 4 vocabulary words in total.

7) Complete number of vocabulary words each question.

4) Missing 5 vocabulary words in total.

6) Missing 3 vocabulary words in total.

5) 2-5 Mistakes. 4) 5-8 mistakes.

7) All grammar structures taught in unit are correctly conjugated.

More than 8 mistakes.

6) Less than 2 mistakes. Use of Full Sentences

No full sentences.

Missing full sentences.

All full sentences.


WORKSHOP UNIT 2 Unit 2 - Class 1. Activity I: Instructions: Write what you would do if you had your own country. Use the sentence stems. Two examples of each. You may use a dictionary or ask your teacher. You have ten minutes. Sentence Stem 1: In my country I would + verb

Sentence Stem 2: In my country, my rules would be + S

Example: In my country I would put televisions on every corner. Example: In my country I would make all food free.

Example: In my country, the rules would be (1) No school. (2) Everything free.

Grammar: There is, There are There is, There are = Hay. Look at the examples. What is the difference? When do we use is? When do we use are? There is __________ There are __________ There is a chairs. There is an apple. There are two chairs. There are two apples. Formula: Singular: There is + a/an + noun Plural: There are + noun + s Uncountable: There is + noun Activity II: Write four sentences with There is or There are inside the classroom. Example: There is one teacher inside the classroom. There are forty students inside the classroom. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________. Grammar: How Much, How Many How much: Used with uncountable nouns.

How many: Used with countable nouns.

Example: How much water is there? How much sugar is there? How much paper is there?

Example: How many chairs are there? How many students are there? How many pieces of paper are there?

Activity III: A. Look at the noun. B. Sit if How Much is used. (Uncountable) C. Stand if How Many is used. (Countable) Activity IV Part I: A. Choose ten items. Make eight sentences about what is in your country. 54

Example: In my country there is one river. There are three mountains. There are no schools. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ B. Draw a picture that matches your country.

Part II A. You have been banished from your country. Find a new one. Create questions to ask classmates to find a new country. Example: Are there schools? Is there a river? How many schools are there? How much food is there? Create six questions. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________. 5. ___________________________________________________________________________. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________. B. Go around and ask your classmates. Choose the best country. Choose carefully, because you must remember at least 3 things from the country you chose.

Reading: Mark the correct alternative according to the reading. 1. The Blue House I live in a blue house. It is nice and clean. It is close to the lake. I live with my family. We like living in our house. 1) What adjectives are used to describe the house? A. nice and green. B. clean and blue. C. dirty and nice.

2) Who does the writer live with? A. his friends. B. his pet. C. his family.

3) Does the author like his house? A. yes. B. no. C. no information.


Unit 2 - Class 2. Activity I Imagine you are going to be alone on a desert island. What would you need to take with you? Tell your partner four things. Sentence Stems: Countable Singular: I would need a/an Countable Plural: I would need noun+s Uncountable: I would need Activity II A. Student with “start� card reads question. B. Student with corresponding answer, reads their answer, and then the follow up question. C. Continue like a chain as fast as you can! Activity III: A. Make three lines Countable Singular, Countable Plural, Uncountable. B. Go up to the board and write a noun(s). C. The group with the most correct wins!!!!! Activity IV A. Create a name for your group. Then pick 3 nouns from each category on the board (countable singular, countable plural, uncountable). (9 nouns in total) B. Write them down and create a shop that sells those products (in secret). C. Each group individually comes up in front of the class and acts out what each product is. (Example: If you have a toothbrush you might act out brushing your teeth). D. The other two groups guess the products. E. Every time someone guesses the correct product their group gets a point. F. The group with the most points wins. DANGER you can only get a point if you: -Use is there/ are there correctly when asking the question. (Review sentence stems below) -Guess by raising your hand, and waiting for the group (or the teacher) to call on you. Sentence Stems: Countable Singular: Is there a/an + noun Countable Plural: Are there + noun + s Uncountable: Is there + noun

Reading: Mark the correct alternative according to the reading. 2. The Soccer Game. I like playing soccer. Every Saturday, I play with my friends. We play for two hours. It is a lot of fun. I like scoring goals. 1) How many hours is the soccer game? A. 90 minutes. B. 2 hours. C. 1 hour.

2) Which day of the week does the author play? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Funday.

3) What does the writer enjoy? A. passing. B. scoring. C. shooting.

Unit 2 - Class 3. Sort out the list into countable and uncountable nouns. Activity I 56

Sentence Stem: I think ______ is countable/ uncountable. *If you disagree say: “I disagree, I think ____ is______.” Balloons - orange juice - paper napkins - prizes - ice-cream - cheese - paper - paper clips - bread - salad - nuts - pasta - rolls - butter - fruit - a box of chocolates - a roll of tape - tomatoes - flowers - packets of crisps - mineral water - rice - soft drinks - cake Countable nouns Party hats

Uncountable nouns Spaghetti

Grammar Some/ Any Grammar: Some is for positive sentences and questions. Any is for negative sentences and questions with Is there, Are there, Do you have…. Examples: I have some candy. Can you pass me some candy? I don’t have any candy. Is there any candy? Many/Much Grammar: How much is for uncountable nouns How many is for countable nouns. Examples: How much water do you have? How much water is there? How many candies do you have? How many candies are there? A little /A few Grammar: A little is for uncountable nouns. A few is for countable nouns. Examples: I have a little water. I want a few candies. A lot of Grammar: A lot of is for countable and uncountable nouns. Examples: There is a lot of water. There are a lot of candies. Several Grammar: Several is for countable nouns. Example: I have several cups of rice.


Activity II A. In Partner’s play Tik, Tak, Toe. B. Partner A is X Partner B is O C. Each partner has 60 seconds to write down a sentence with the word they choose. D. If you succeed you can mark an X/O on that word. E. You loose your turn if you cannot create a sentence before the teacher yells SWITCH. F. First partner to get three in a row screams FINISHED. Then they have to recite their three sentences to the class. If all correct they get a prize! Sentence stems: I have, I want, I need, I would like, There is, There are Do you have, Do you want, Do you need, Would you like, Is there, Are there



a little


a few


a lot of

a little


Reading: Mark the correct alternative according to the reading. 3. School I go to school every weekday. It is close to my house. I learn many interesting things. I can also see my friends. I like school. 1) Is my school close to the writer’s house? A. yes. B. no. C. no information.

2) What does the writer do at school? A. exercise. B. learn. C. teach.

3) On which of the following days is the writer at school? A. Saturday. B. Wednesday. C. Sunday.

Unit 2 - Class 4. Writing: Write the plural form of the words. What is the secret word?


Writing: Sort the words according to their plural ending.

Reading: Mark the correct alternative according to the reading. 4. My Favorite Food My favorite food is pasta. It is delicious. I like both red sauce and white sauce. My mom cooks good pasta. She makes it once a week.

1) Who cooks the pasta?

2) Who likes pasta?

A. mom. B. dad. C. Tayshawn.

A. mom. B. the author. C. Tayshawn.

3) What kinds of sauce do I like? A. red and blue. B. purple and green. C. white and red.

Unit 2 - Class 5. Survey: Go around the class and do a survey to your classmates using the following questions. Mark how many people answer positively. Question







1. Do you like using shampoo everyday? 2. Do you like taking medicine? 3. Do you like wearing make up? 4. Do you like wearing band aids when you have an accident? 5. Do you like it when someone uses a lot of perfume? 6. Do you like wearing shoes on summer? 7. Do you like wearing dresses or skirts? 8. Do you like wearing socks with sandals? 9. Do you like wearing t-shirts or shirts? 10. Do you like jeans?


Unit 2 - Class 6. Oral evaluation: Rúbrica de evaluación oral.






Usó menos de 3 palabras del vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas y productos).

Usó entre 4 y 5 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas y productos).

Usó entre 5 y 7 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas y productos).

Usó 7 o más palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas y productos).


El estudiante no fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con más de 10 errores.

El estudiante fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con entre 5 y 9 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

El estudiante fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con entre 2 y 5 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

El estudiante fue capaz de producir las preguntas con no más de 2 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.


El estudiante pausó más de 5 veces.

El estudiante pausó 4 veces.

El estudiante pausó 3 veces.

El estudiante habló fluidamente, pausando menos de 3 veces.


El estudiante usó ejemplos mínimos en sus respuestas, mostrando menos de 3 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 4 y 5 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 5 y 7 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó ejemplos positivos y negativos.

El estudiantes usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando 7 o más palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó ejemplos positivos y negativos.



Parte 1: Preguntas para estudiar. Instrucciones: Para el examen, deberás escoger una pregunta abierta y una cerrada para hacerla a tu compañero. Tendrás que formular la pregunta, y entonces tu compañero la responde. Luego se intercambian los roles. Serás evaluado/a de acuerdo a la rúbrica.

Guía de estudio Parte 1: Preguntas. 1. Preguntas abiertas. A. What is there in your freezer? Answer: There is/are __________ (food). *Debe dar 7 ejemplos. B. What kind of clothes have you got? Answer: I have got a/an __________ (clothes). *Debe dar 7 ejemplos. C. What is there in a pharmacy? Answer: There is/are __________ (pharmacy product.). There isn’t/aren’t __________. *Debe dar 7 ejemplos. 2. Preguntas cerradas. A. Is there medicine in a pharmacy? Answer: Yes, there is. B. Can you give me some money? Answer: Yes, I can. - No, I can’t. C. Is there a supermarket near here? Answer: Yes, there is. - No, there isn’t. D. Are there clothes in an electronic store? Answer: No, there aren’t. E. Have you got any magazines? Answer: Yes, I have. - No, I haven’t. F. Are there cameras in a department store? Answer: Yes, there are.

Guía de estudio Parte 2: Aplicación de conceptos. Para esta parte escogerás al azar un concepto. El/La profesor/a te lo dará y tendrás que hablar sobre ese concepto dando al menos 7 ejemplos del vocabulario. La gramática y el vocabulario deben ser correctos. Debes usar oraciones completas. Usa tu libro para estudiar. Conceptos de aplicación para estudiar: 1. Name 4 objects you can find in a supermarket and 3 objects you can’t. 2. Name 4 countable and 3 uncountable items. 3. Create questions asking for prices. 4. Describe what there is in a pharmacy. Use positive and negative examples. 5. Describe your clothes. Use positive and negative examples.


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