Workshop segundo medio

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WORKSHOP 2DO MEDIO Color Key: Class title and main objectives

Hook and pre-teaching activities



Memorize/Grammar activities

Practice Activities

Reading activity

Formal Evaluation


Unit 1 ●

Objectives: ● Present simple: be, have. ● Questions in the present tense. ● Adjectives describing feelings. ● Personal possessions. ● (P) The alphabet.

Workshop 1. March Week 1 Workshop 1 Rules, Expectations, Rewards, Consequences, Procedures. Material: Refer Classroom Language and Sentence Stem activity in Student Book 1. Hook (in Spanish) (15 minutes) Do an activity which catches their attention. It should be something EXCITING that marks the difference between YOU and other teachers. It could be a: -Game with Movement -Short 15 minute constructing activity (making something) -A challenge or competition. It doesn’t need to have a direct tie with English, as song as you relate English in some small way.

1. Motivation (in Spanish) (5 minutes) Speak about why English is important. Give real life examples of how English is necessary in Chile for all professions. Tell them that because of that your goal as a teacher is to assure they leave this school being able to speak English. 1. Rules (in Spanish) (10 minutes) Explain your A. three rules B. why you chose them C. how the rules will help them learn. Other rule activities are fine as well. (Example: they make class rules, or they make rules for you and you make rules them). 1. Consequences and Rewards Explain your consequence and reward system. Consequence: warning system, staying after class Rewards: wow tickets, prizes for wow tickets etc. 1. Procedures (in Spanish) (10 minutes) A.Student Language: Review each one and have students repeat and model examples. (Material). B: Review Sentence Stems. (in Spanish) (15 minutes) B.1. What they are. (A base phrase they will use to help them speak during group activities) B.2. When they are used (During partner activities: both speaking and in the book) B.3. Why they are used (To help them take advantage of every second of class, speaking as much English as possible. Because the only way to learn to speak is by...SPEAKING!) B.4. Have partners model for the class with the questions in the book. (Material) C: Create internet groups. (10 minutes) C.1 Ask who has internet on their phones. C.2 Create groups of 4-5 people (include at least 2-3 people who have internet on their phones in each group). C.3 Tell them that throughout the year they will be doing activities on the internet, and during these activities (ONLY during these activities) they will be able to use their cell phones in their internet groups. D. Oral Evaluation Tell the students we will have oral evaluations. In the fifth lesson of taller. Students for this will have to ask and answer questions without looking at paper. The only way to prepare for this is by focusing on the speaking and memorization activities in both taller and catedra. 6. Closing activity

Workshop 2. March Week 2. Workshop Two: The Alphabet. Grammar: To be. Vocabulary: The alphabet. Material required: English Lab: PowerPoint. 1. Hook (5 minutes) A. Write the Spanish alphabet on the whiteboard. B. Ask how different Spanish is from English. C. As students make suggestions of the differences, make modifications until it is the same as the English alfabet. 2. The alphabet. (10 min) Review the alphabet on the board. A. Write the English alphabet on the board with the pronunciation under each letter as follows.

B. Choral repetition B1. Pronounce them carefully so that students hear every letter. Students just listen, do not repeat. Make emphasis on letters that can be difficult, like vowels and b, v, r, w, y, z. B2. Say the letters again, this time students repeat. C. Students copy the alphabet on their notebooks. Do not give more than 4 minutes to copy. 3. Practice Activity (62 minutes) A. Students go to the English Lab (10 minutes) B. Tell students that they will create a PowerPoint presentation with 26 slides, one for each letter. They will write the letter and a word that starts with that letter. They can look up the words on the internet. Write on the whiteboard the following example: “”A” is for apple”. Students have to do the same in their presentation. (52 minutes)


Here’s a sample of what they should do. Students can add images only if they have time.

D. Tell students that they have two minutes for each letter. Every two minutes tell students the letter where they should be at. E. Circulate to check that everyone is working. Only sign students’ notebooks when they complete everything. F. Tell students that they have to save the presentations on their pendrives or personal email. If the students do not have a personal email, save it to yours so you have it. 4. Conclusion (18 minutes). A. Go back to the classroom. (10 minutes). B. Ask students what their favorite part of the class was and two things they learnt today. C. Review the most difficult letters letters. D. Homework for an extra point (optional): Write three words with every letter.

Workshop 3. March Week 3. Workshop 3: Webquest. Grammar: Present Simple. Vocabulary: Daily Activities Materials required: English Lab for the first 45 minutes. *Graded Activity 1. Hook. (5 minutes) A. Ask students who their favorite celebrity is. Ask how much they know about them, e.g. their routines or favorite food and music. B. Review or elicit vocabulary for daily routines as needed. 2. Grammar. (5 minutes) A. Elicit vocabulary for routines and habits. B. Teach grammar (he/she/it add -s) 3. Practice Activities (30 minutes) A. Go to the English Lab, students must take their notebooks with them. (5 minutes) B. Students will do research about a celebrity. C. Students write down a list of 10 routines their celebrity has. D. Go back to the classroom. (5 minutes) 4. Oral Practice. (45 minutes) A. In partners students practice for 5 minutes the routines of their famous people (5 minutes). B. Students present. (40 minutes) C. During the presentations have students write down all the routines they hear their classmates present. D. Add a Twist: Have each student add two lies (routines which are not true) and then have the class guess which ones are lies. E. (Optional) To encourage students’ attention, tell students to have their sentences on the table. While a students is talking, everybody should be listening. If they don’t listen mark their notebooks with a red dot. Each dot will discount points from their grade. 5. Conclusion. (5 minutes) A. Review students’ favorite part of the class. B. Three things students learnt today. C: Remind students to bring a piece of cardboard next class. Workshop 4, March Week 4. Workshop 4: Create your own hero. Grammar: Can/ Be Vocabulary: Abilities/ Physical Features Materials required: Refer to Student’s Book, colour pencils, markers.

1. Hook. (10 minutes) A. Ask students what characteristics a hero has. Write a list of the characteristics they mention (3 minutes). 2. Vocabulary (10 minutes) A. Eliciting physical characteristics. (5 minutes) A1. Ask students what physical characteristics they remember. A2. Write a list of physical characteristics on the whiteboard. A3. Add any words they might have left out. B. Choral repetition. (5 minutes) B1. Pronounce every word carefully so that students hear them. Students just listen, do not repeat. Make emphasis on sounds that can be difficult, like vowels, and b, v, r, w, y, z. B2. Say the words again, this time students repeat. 3. Teach – Present Simple Can/ Closed Question (10 minutes) A. Write on the board in big letters What languages can you speak? Circle the word can and tell students it is a word used to express ability. For example: I can speak English. Tell them it can also be used for possibility. For example: I work full time from Monday to Friday, so on the weekend I can watch my favorite movies and listen to music. B. Write on the board, for example, Can you play computer games on the weekend? Ask students, they may answer yes or no. Explain that this type of question is a Closed Question because the only possible answers are yes or no. Use the same example to show them the short answers. Can you play computer games on the weekend? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. *Do not forget to tell students that can remains the same for all pronouns. C. Ask a few more questions to students. D. Make a list of weekend activities. E. In partners have students ask each other three closed questions each and answer. 4. Teach Present Simple Can / Open Questions (10 minutes) A. Ask students again What can you do on the weekend? Elicit answers from students and encourage them to use the Vocabulary taught previously. B. Circle the word What in the question. Tell students that the word What is a Wh-Question. Tell students that Wh-Questions (such as what, who, when, where, which, how*, why) are used for Open Question or Information Question. *Note: how doesn’t start with Wh, but it is considered a Wh question word. C. Have students provide examples of Open Questions with every Wh- Question using Can and the Vocabulary. If possible, have a volunteer student write some of the examples on the board. 5. Practice Activities (40 minutes) A. Have students turn to the page with the material (Material).

B. Tell students that they have to create their own superhero and draw it on the piece of cardboard or white paper. Explain students that they have to complete the sentences. (Material) C. Students work. (30 minutes)

6. Conclusion (10 minutes) A. Choose 1 or 2 students to present their superheroes. B. Remind students the uses of can and can’t. C. Congratulate students because they know an important part of the English language grammar.

Unit 2 ●

Objectives: ● Countable/uncountable. ● There is/are. ● How much/how many. ● Some/any. ● Plurals. ● Ordering food. ● Shopping.

Workshop 5. April Week 1. Unit 2 - Class 1: Country Interview Objective: Students will be able to use there is /are to describe a picture. Students will be able to ask for items. Materials: 1-Each student will need a piece of paper and pen. 2-Dictionaries. 1. Hook. (15 minutes) Ask students what would it be like to have their own country. What would they do? How would they run it? Would they have special rules? A. Go over the sentence stems. In my country I would + verb In my country my rules would be B. Go over the examples.

C. Brainstorm vocabulary students might use. D. For the rest of the vocabulary they can use dictionaries, or their phones. E. They have 10 minutes. 2. Teach/ Review. (10 minutes) Review There is/There are and How Many. A. Write “There is” and “There are” on the whiteboard. B. Teach There is, There are = Hay C. Refer to the examples in the student book. Ask what the difference is. (There is-Singular, There arePlural). D. Review formula. Singular: There is + a/an + noun Plural: There are + noun + s Uncountable: There is + noun. (If students have not learned countable v. uncountable then review the difference. E. Ask students to write four sentences with a real situation inside the classroom. Ex. There are twenty students in the classroom. There is one teacher inside the classroom. Teach/ Review How much, How many (10 minutes) A. Write How much, How many. B. Explain How much=uncountable, How many= countable. Review examples. *Have students notice that in the question is there is used. It is switched because it is a question. Again solicit countable and uncountable nouns. C. Write down nouns on the board and have students sit if How much is used, and stand if How many is used. D. Randomly call on students to say the corresponding question. (How many + noun is there?) 3. Practice Part I (15 minutes) A. Ask students what there is in a country. Students should tell you words such as: river, mountain, city, cars, etc. B. Make a list of at least 20 items on the board. C. Tell students that they are going to create their own country. They have to choose 8 items from the whiteboard and write a complete sentence using there is/are. Ex: There is a river. There are many cities. D. Then, students quickly draw their country in a piece of paper. Part II (25 minutes) A. Then, tell students that they have been banished from their country. B. They have to find another country to live in. C. They will interview their classmates to find the best country for them. D. Students should produce questions such as “Is there a river?” “How many cities do you have?” Have them circulate and ask their questions. E. Students share their experience with the class. Give positive reinforcement for those who are able to name three things that are in another person’s country. 4. Reading (10 minutes) A. Review the underlined vocabulary words. Have students copy. B. Tell students to read the questions. Have them tell you what they mean. C. Have them silently read and answer the questions (Independently). D. Review the answers. 1. The Blue House I live in a blue house. It is nice and clean. It is close to the lake. I live with my family. We like living in our house.

1) What adjectives are used 2) Who does the writer live

3) Does the author like his

to describe the house?


A. nice and green. B. clean and blue. C. dirty and nice.

A. his friends. B. his pet. C. his family.

house? A. yes. B. no. C. no information.

5. Conclusion (2 minutes) Ask students what they learnt today. Was the activity fun?

6. Exit ticket: (2 minutes) Before leaving the classroom, every student must give a sentence using “There is” or “There are.” Workshop 6. April Week 2. Unit 2 - Class 2: Secret Products. Objective: Students will be able to describe personal possessions and wants. Materials: Cards found on (Activity 3). You will have to cut and laminate this cards with adhesive tape if you want to use them in every class. 1. Hook. (10 mintues) A. Tell students to imagine that they are going to be alone on a desert island. Ask them what products they would NEED to take with them. Countable Singular: I would need a/an Countable Plural: I would need noun+s Uncountable: I would need my... B. Review the objective with them making emphasis on personal possessions. 2. Vocabulary. (15 minutes) A. Pass a card to every person. B. The student with the “start” card reads the question and the student who has the corresponding answer reads the answer. That student then reads the follow up question on the same card. This should be a chain, and done quickly. The points is to develop automaticity in comprehension as well as speaking. C. Continue until all students have read their card. D. You can continue shuffling and passing cards around if you consider it necessary. 3. Practice: Brainstorming. (10 minutes) A. Students will be divided into three groups. B. Each group will be assigned countable singular, countable plural, or uncountable. C. Each group will form a line in front of the board and write in turns a noun from the category that was assigned. D. Demand clear handwriting. When the teacher decides everybody stops writing and the group with the most nouns wins. 4. Practice: Secret Products (30 minutes) A. Have groups create names. Then tell each group will pick 3 nouns from each category on the board (countable singular, countable plural, uncountable) in secret. (9 nouns in total) B. They write them down and create a shop that sells those products (in secret). C. Then each group comes up in front of the class and acts out what each product is.

(Example: If they have a toothbrush they might act out brushing their teeth). D. The other two groups guess the products. E. Every time someone guesses the correct product their group gets a point. However they can only get a point if they: -Use is there/ are there correctly (review sentence stems) -Guessed by raising their hand, and waiting for the group (or you) to call on them.

The group with the most points wins. 5. Reading: 15 minutes A. Review the vocabulary. B. Have students do independently. C. Review Answers 2. The Soccer Game. I like playing soccer. Every Saturday, I play with my friends. We play for two hours. It is a lot of fun. I like scoring goals.

1) How many hours is the soccer game? A. 90 minutes. B. 2 hours. C. 1 hour.

2) Which day of the week does the author play? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Funday.

3) What does the writer enjoy? A. passing. B. scoring. C. shooting.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes) Congratulate the winner group and give prizes (if available). Ask the class what their favourite part of the class was. 7. Exit ticket: (5 minutes) Each student must say a sentence starting with “I have got…” before leaving.

Workshop 7. April Week 3. Unit 2 - Class 3: Tik Tak Toe Objective: Students will be able to create sentences with quantifiers. Materials: Student’s book. 1. Hook. (15 minutes) A. Students sit in a circle. If there isn’t enough space you may make a circle on the patio. B. Remind students to listen to each other very carefully. Tell them that no writing is allowed. C. Choose one student to go first and select a direction. D. The first student completes the sentence “I went to the supermarket and bought a...” with a noun like pear. E. Students continue the sentence adding more items: “I went to the supermarket and bought a pear and an orange”. F. If the students doesn’t remember the word or repeats a previous word s/he must sit outside the circle. G. The game continues until there is only one student left. 2. Vocabulary Practice. (15 minutes)

A. Go to practice activity in Students book. They divide nouns between countable and uncountable. B. Review the sentence stem. C. When they finish. Check as a class. 3. Practice: Tik Tak Toe. (40 minutes) A. Review the grammar, examples and sentence stems in Student’s Book. (20 minutes) B. In pairs, students play tik tak toe using the form in the Student’s book. (20 minutes) C. The model is as follows:



a little


a few


a lot of

a little


D. Students have 60 seconds to pick one block and write a sentence/question using the words in the space. If they succeed they put an X/O on box. (It is suggested they each rip out pieces of paper and create small game pieces with X and O so they can play repeated times.) Time them and yell SWITCH when time is up. E. If they do not make a sentence in the given time, they lose their turn. F. When a student has achieved three in a row they must yell FINISHED! However they can only get a point/prize if they recite their three sentences to the class, and they are correct. G. Keep playing. 4. Reading. (20 minutes) A .Review vocabulary B. Do independently C. Have them peer correct D. Review correct answers. 3. School I go to school every weekday. It is close to my house. I learn many interesting things. I can also see my friends. I like school.

1) Is my school close to the writer’s house? A. yes. B. no. C. no information.

2) What does the writer do at school? A. exercise. B. learn. C. teach.

3) On which of the following days is the writer at school? A. Saturday. B. Wednesday. C. Sunday.

Workshop 8. April Week 4. Unit 2 - Class 4: Plurals Objective: Students will be able to form plural forms. Materials: Student’s book.

1. Objective (5 minutes) Tell students that today they are going to review plurals. 2. Teaching. (15 minutes) Teach plurals. Follow this organization: -s Most plural English words are made adding an -s. Ex: house → houses; pencil → pencils. -es Words ending in -sh, -ch, -x, -s, -z, are made plurals adding -es. Ex: box → boxes; dish → dishes. -es Words ending in -o, also add -es. Ex: potato → potatoes. -ies Some words ending in -y; drop the -y and add -ies. Ex: baby → babies. *Remind them that only countable nouns can take a plural form. 3. Practice: Crossword (15 minutes) Tell students to go to student’s book and complete the crosswords. Tell students to write the plural form of the words and that there is a secret word that goes down. 4. Practice: Sorting words (15 minutes) Tell students to sort the words in the chart that is given. 5. Practice: Pictionary Pharmacy products. (20 minutes) A. Tell students to get into four groups. B. Give each group will be given 5 products. C. In turns, each team will go to the board and draw the product. D. The rest of the students will have to guess the product in English. They only get a point if they: -Raise their hand and wait to be called on. -Can say the singular and the plural form (if they are countable). 6. Reading (20 minutes) Tell them to translate all the words they know. A. Tell them to go word by word. B. Ask themselves “Do I know this?” C. Write the translation. D. Then tell them to answer the questions the best they can alone. E. Review. 4. My Favorite Food My favorite food is pasta. It is delicious. I like both red sauce and white sauce. My mom cooks good pasta. She makes it once a week.

1) Who cooks the pasta? A. mom. B. dad. C. Tayshawn.

2) Who likes pasta? A. mom. B. the author. C. Tayshawn.

3) What kinds of sauce do I like? A. red and blue. B. purple and green. C. white and red.

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