SEGUNDO MEDIO TEXTBOOK Color Key Class title and main objectives
Hook and pre-teaching activities
Memorize/Grammar activities
Practice Activities
Formal Evaluation
Conclusion In nearly every lesson, there should be at least be one of each of these different categories. A well-planned and effective lesson requires different types of activities and methods of approach.
UNIT 1 8 Lessons
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Class 1 March Week 1 Class 1 Rules, Expectations, Rewards, Consequences, Procedures. Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 1. Enganche (in Spanish) (15 minutes)
A - Do an activity which catches their attention. It should be something exciting that marks the difference between you and other teachers. It could be a: -Game with movement (red rover, rely race) -Short 15-minute constructing activity (making something) -A challenge or competition. It doesn’t need to have a direct tie with English, as song as you relate English in some small way.
Motivation (in Spanish) (5 minutes)
A - Speak about why English is important. Give real life examples of how English is necessary in Chile for all professions. Tell them that because of that your goal as a teacher is to assure they leave this school being able to speak English. 3.
Chart (30 minutes total)
A - Make a chart outlining Teacher Responsibilities and Student Responsibilities (20 minutes): This should be done with the class, and should be copied on posterboard which we will provide, and students should copy it in their notebooks as well. This puts in perspective exactly what is expected of them, and what they need to do to be able to learn. Steps: 1- Start eliciting the responsibilities that you as a teacher have for them. What are the things you must do to create a class where they learn. 2- When you are finished ask students what their responsibilities are, specifically what they need to do to learn. Overall, it should look like this: Teacher Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Provide necessary supplies Structure physical environment to increase participation and learning. Teach material clearly in a way students understand. Provide activities which are on the students’ levels. Provide multiple and varied opportunities to practice. Make a fun class. Have a clear, loud, and engaging voice. Time management. Check for understanding. Reteach concepts which are not understood. Evaluate learning, and change contents accordingly. Provide clear instructions.
Come to class with a notebook and a pencil. Be clear on what you need to learn by the end of the day. Listen to the information taught. Practice as much as possible during class time. Ask questions when you don’t understand. Evaluate whether you met the objective or not.
B - Write/ present your rules (in Spanish) (10 minutes) From this chart present: 1. your three rules 2. why you chose them 2
3. how the rules will help them learn.
Consequences and Rewards (optional) (in Spanish) (10 minutes)
A - Explain your consequence and reward system. 5.
Procedures (in Spanish) (25 minutes total)
Material: Exercise A A - Have students copy classroom language from materials in the book (10 minutes). A.1 - Review each one and have students repeat and model examples. Material: Exercise B B - Review Sentence Stems (in Spanish) (15 minutes). B.1 - What they are (A base phrase they will use to help them speak during group activities). B.2 - When they are used (During partner activities: both speaking and in the book). B.3 - Why they are used (To help them take advantage of every second of class, speaking as much English as possible, because the only way to learn to speak is by...SPEAKING!). B.4 - Have partners model for the class with the questions in the book B.5 - Sentence Stems are only to be said, not to be copied in books. Teacher Procedures: ● Sentence Stems: A base phrase to help students speak during group activities. ● SPR (Skills, Practice and Review): An oral activity intended to review previously learned content in a fast and dynamic way so as to create automaticity in students. ● AB - BA: A way to organize pair work. Student A and Student B have different tasks during pair work. They can switch their tasks the moment you tell them to. ● Contract Check-In: An instance to check what students remember and write down what they need to study to fulfill the objectives of the contract. It could be performed at the beginning or end of the class. ● Partner Memorization Activities: Partners check each other on specific content. Partner A tests Partner B, and then they switch. 6. Closing (5 minutes) A - Have students review orally the points established today (expectations, rules, classroom language, consequences, sentence stems).
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Class 2 March Week 1 Class 2 Grammar: Present Simple To Be Positive/Negative Vocabulary: Emotions, Feelings Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 2
1. Hook (10 minutes) Through the book, the hooks will consist of stories about a character and will build on one another. This consistency will help keep students interested and activate background knowledge subconsciously. A - Draw a person with a large face. Tell them that his name is Lito and he will be helping them learn English during the year. Elicit emotion words that describe Lito’s face. B - Change face. Elicit more words. Introduce Contract Material: Contract A - Tell them that the purpose of English class is to be able to speak English. That is why you are presenting them with a document that tells them exactly what they must be able to do if they want to speak English. -Column one is at risk. If they can achieve can column one they are on the road to having a minimum level of English. -Column two is on level. If they can achive column two they are on the road to being able to speak English. -Column three is exceptional. If they can achieve column three they are on the road to being fluent. After every lesson they will have time to reflect on their English level. 3
Note: Remind them that this document refers to oral production, which means they must focus on memorization, and being able to orally produce. Objective (Spanish) By the end of the class you will have memorized: ● Seven emotions. ● To Be (ser/estar) in positive and negative for with I, you, he/she/it, we, they. If you do this you are on the road to knowing how to speak English. 2.
Elicit background knowledge (What do the students already know?) (5 minutes)
A - Erase board. B - Students turn to p. 3 Activity 1. Material: Activity 1 C - Have students in partners orally guess emotions using the Sentence Stem. Sentence Stem: I think this face is…. (Before they do the sentence, explain in Spanish that the Sentence Stem must always be used. It is used because you want them to leave this school and be able to speak English so they have more job possibilities. The only way to learn to speak, is by speaking. So every second they waste speaking in Spanish is one less second of practice they will have, and therefore the probability goes up that they will not be able to speak when they graduate, and their job opportunities will be less.) D- Remind them that the only words you should hear spoken in the classroom are I think this face is + emotion. 3. Vocabulary Activity (15 minutes) Material: Activity 2 A - Students look at p. 3. A.1 - Students match. Sentence Stem: I think ________ (word) goes with this face. A.2 - Review answers. B - Choral Repetition: Have them choraly repeat each word for both pronunciation and memorization. This is your opportunity to play. Have them do it loud, quiet, with an accent, half the room, boys, girls, sitting, standing. B.1 - Check for comprehension meaning in Spanish. B.2 - Say Spanish word and have them give you English one. C - Partner Memorization Activity: Material Activity 2B C.1 - In partners, have Partner A give emotion vocabulary word in Spanish and Partner B give English word. C.2 - Switch. C.3 - Repeat as needed until each has at least seven words memorized. D - Have them copy both English and Spanish down in notebooks. 4. Teach Pronouns (10 minutes) I You He/She/ it
We You(pl.) They
A - Choral Repetition: A.1 - Have all students repeat the pronouns after you do. A.2 - Then point at different students randomly and have each one of them say a pronoun in the same order. A.3 - Remember positive reinforcement. 5. Solicit To Be (5 minutes) I am You are He/She/it is
We are You(pl.) are They are
A - Choral Repetition: A.1 - Have students repeat the conjugation of To Be after you mention the pronoun (Teacher says: I Students say: am). A.2 - Remember positive reinforcement. B - Have students copy down in notebooks.
6. Memorize (5 minutes) A - Point to a pronoun and have students say the corresponding To Be conjugation . B - Erase am/is/are (to be) C - Say pronoun and have them remember the corresponding To Be conjugation. D - Partners Memorization: D.1 - Have students test each other without looking at their notebooks. Partner A gives pronouns and partner B gives corresponding To Be. D.2 - Switch. 7. Explain Use of To Be (5 minutes) A - Explain that To Be is used to describe people or things. It can be a place of origin (I am from Chile) an age (I am 28), an occupation (I am a teacher) an emotion (I am happy) or describing how you look (I am tall). 8. Activity (10 minutes) Material: Activity 3A A - As a class brainstorm words that describe them (Chilean, tall, short, a student, 15, happy, sad, smart, incredible, bad, cool) (5 minutes). A.1 - Have them write down in their notebooks words in English that describe them (specifically). When they have no more ideas, they can write down words in Spanish. A.2 - Students share the words in English and you copy on the board. A.3 - Students share the words in Spanish. You copy both the Spanish corresponding English word on the board. Have students write in notebook new vocabulary. B - Controlled Partner Work AB - BA: Students now tell partners everything about themselves. (5 minutes)Material: Activity 3B and 3C B.1 - Tell that students on the left are A and on the right are B. B.2 - Model for them how they are going to share “I am + adjective” B.3 - Tell them that B says one thing to A. A says one thing to B. Switch it up, getting faster each time. BA, AB, AB, BA etc. B.4 - Once partners have shared with each other, have three students share as a class examples from their partner Example: She/he is…..(Offer 3 wow tickets). (2 minutes optional) 9. Teach To Be Negative (10 minutes) A - Solicit pronouns: I, You, He/she/it, we, they. B - Solicit positive: I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are. C - Add negative: I am not, you are not (aren’t), he/she/it is not (isn’t), we are not (aren’t), they are not (aren’t). D - Choral Repetition: Negative form. E - Have them copy in notebooks. 10. Activity (10 minutes) Material: Activity 4A A - Have students write down independently: ● 4 things about themselves, (two positive to be, two negative to be). ● 4 things about their best friend (or pololo/a) (two positive, two negative to be). ● 2 things about you (the teacher) (one positive to be, one negative to be). As they write, you should circulate. 11. Closing (5 minutes) A - Have students reiterate what they learned (To Be, the use, the grammar). B - Contract Check-In: B.1 - Have students look at contract. B.2 - Partner A tests partner B in: ● Emotions (Partner A saying the Spanish Word and Partner B says the corresponding English word). ● To Be (Partner A says pronouns and Partner B says corresponding To Be (+) To Be (-)) B.3 - Switch. C - Congratulate them because now they know To Be, and will know it for the rest of their lives!
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Class 3 March Week 2 Class 1 Grammar: Present Simple To Be Questions (Open and Closed) Vocabulary: Articles, Occupations Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 3 5
1. Hook (5 minutes) A - Remind students about their friend Lito and draw him on the board again. B - Describe Lito using To Be. Tell them “This is Lito. He is a boy. He is from Chile. He is 15 years old. He is tall. He is a student. He is a happy person.” After, ask them Is Lito small? Is Lito an engineer? Is Lito from the United Kingdom? C - Explain to the students that today’s goal is to learn how to ask questions using To Be in English. Objective: Tell them that by the end of they day they must be able to: ● Ask open and closed questions using the verb To Be. ● Have Wh-Words memorized. ● Have seven occupations memorized. ● Add articles to any noun. 2. Elicit Background Knowledge (10 minutes) A - Remind students that To Be is for describing people or things. It can be: ● A place of origin (I am from Chile). ● An age (I am 28), an occupation (I am a teacher). ● An emotion (I am happy). ● A describing how you look (I am tall). B - Have three students give one example of a sentence that describes themselves. C.1 - AB - BA: Have partners tell each other two things that describe themselves. Example: I am 18. I am from Chile. C.2 - Assign them Partner A and Partner B. C.3 - B to A share. C.4 - A to B share. C.5 - Repeat switching fast. D - Review To Be grammar: For each pronoun (I,you,he/she/it, we, they) elicit To Be in positive and negative form. E - Contract Check-In: Instructions: Contract Check In E.1 - Have students look at contract. E.2 - Partner A tests Partner B in: ● Emotions (Partner A saying the Spanish Word and Partner B says the corresponding English word). ● To Be (Partner A says pronouns and Partner B says corresponding To Be (+) To Be (-)). E.3 - Switch. E.4 - For the things they have not memorized have them make a note in their notebooks with a star. 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) Material: Activity 2A A - Say I am a teacher. Ask, What are you? If they don’t know, respond that they are students. B - Give out a matching sheet. Tell students to match orally speaking only in English. Sentence Stem: I think ________ (English word) goes with picture ___ (picture number) (Circulate and give out positive reinforcement/wow tickets). Example: I think profesor means teacher. C - Review answers on board. D - Choral Repetition: Students repeat the answers written on the board after you say them. E - Partner Memorization Activity: Material E.1 - Test each other on how many vocabulary items were memorized. Partner A gives occupations vocabulary in Spanish and Partner B gives corresponding words in English. E.2 - Switch. E.3 - Repeat as they need until each has at least seven words memorized. F - Have them copy in notebook occupations in English and Spanish. 4. Articles (5 minutes) Material: Activity 2B A - Write a teacher/an teacher. Ask Which is correct? B - Write a engineer/ an engineer. Ask Which is correct? C - Explain rule. D - Have them put A or An in the same notebook with all the different careers. 5. Closed Questions To Be (10 minutes) A - Ask Are you a teacher? (Students answer: No) Are you a cat? (Students answer: No) Are you a student? (Students answer: Yes). 6
B - Correct student: Yes I am. C - Explain: There are two types of questions. Open and Closed. Ask if the question Are you a student? is open or closed. Explain that a Closed Question has the answer yes or no. D - Show grammar formula: To Be + Subject + Describing Word (age/place of origin/ occupation/ adjective, name etc). Note to students that questions and phrases are opposite. In phrases it’s: Subject + To Be. And in questions it’s: To Be + Subject.
E - Show Full Grammar: P. 6 Grammar Explanation I am a student. → Am I a student? Yes I am. / No I am not. You are a student. →Are you a student? Yes I am. / No I am not. She/He is a student. → Is she/he a student? Yes she/he is. / No she/ he isn’t. We are students. → Are we students? Yes we are. / No we aren’t. They are students. → Are they students? Yes they are / No they aren’t. F - Have students copy in notebooks. 6. Activity - Bingo (15 minutes) Material: Activity 3 A - Have students rip out a piece of paper and draw a 3 by 3 square like the one below.
B - Have students write questions in each box about occupations with To Be. It must be about people’s families, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends. Give them examples: Is your mom a/an ____? Is your brother a/an ____? Is your dad a/an ____? Is your grandmother a/an ____? Is your sister a/an ____? Is your uncle a/an ____? C - Model the question and answer process. Question: Is your mom a doctor? Answer: No, she isn’t. Question: Is, your father a lawyer? Answer: Yes, he is. (Here, you put an x). Have students circulate and ask their classmates the questions. First person to get all filled in wins! 7. Open questions To Be (10 minutes) A - Ask Where are you from? (They answer: Chile). B - Explain that that is an Open Question because it has an answer. C - Show grammar: Wh-Word + To Be + S + Describer. D - Students copy in their notebooks. E - Teach: Question Words song. 8. Grammar Application (15 minutes) Material: Activity 4A, Activity 4B A - Have them do the sheet independently, writing only the answer in their notebooks. B - Tell them in Activity A they have to fill in the answer with the correct To Be (Remember if it is a Closed Question, the answer is yes or no.) C - In Activity B they have to fill in the right To Be or Wh-Word. D - Review answers. 9. Closing (5 minutes)
A - Contract Check-In: A.1 - Have students go to the Grammar Section. Have them look at To Be. A.2 - Have them rip out a paper, and write down two Closed Questions for you as the teacher. A.3 - Have them give the paper to you as they leave.
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Class 4 March Week 2 Class 2 Grammar: Have - British and American English Vocabulary: Physical Features, Personal Possessions. Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 4
*SPR (5 minutes) A - Write down the pronouns on the board (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). A.1 - Point at each and ask student to conjugate verb To Be in Present Simple with each of the pronouns. A.2 - Do negative form. B - This should be a fast activity so as to create automaticity in students. 1. Hook (5 minutes) Material: Activity 1 A - Show a picture of Lito. Read the story about Lito from the materials out loud. “Lito is a happy student. He lives in Santiago, he has got a dog but he hasn’t got a cat. He also has got an iPod with his favorite music. He loves hip hop and reggaeton. He likes to dance too. He also has got a girlfriend. She is tall and has got brown hair.” B – Ask students questions using To Be to refresh the contents from last class, such as Is Lito a boy? Is he a teacher? Is he happy? 2. Elicit Background Knowledge (5 minutes) A – Ask students what they remember about Present To Be and how to use it. B - Optional: Internet groups (5 minutes): Ask them to look up: (1) How do you conjugate verbs in British English and American English? (2) What is the difference? Translate as needed. B.1 - Have them share the information they found on the board. Objective: (Translate as needed) By the end of this lesson you will: ● ● ●
Memorize Have conjugations in British and American English. Memorize eight Physical Features. Memorize eight Personal Possessions.
3. Vocabulary (5 minutes) (Chart Outline must be written on the board before this activity) A – Show students pictures of different people. Point at their Physical Features and elicit vocabulary (they can use the word bank). Material: Activity 3 B - If they do not know the name of the things you point write new vocabulary on the board outside the chart. Material: Activity 3 C – Organize vocabulary in a chart. Establish categories. Have volunteer students come to the board and fill in the chart. Note: This should be fast, three or so at a time. Category
Physical Feature
Short – Medium height – Tall
Skinny – Thin – Average – Overweight
Skin Color
Fair – Tanned – Dark
Hair Style
Straight – Wavy – Curly
Hair Length
Short – Medium length – Long
Hair Color
Blonde – Brown - Black
Facial Features
Beard – Moustache –Glasses
Other features
Young – Old – Pretty – Handsome – Unattractive
E – Have students copy the vocabulary in their notebooks. If necessary, add the Spanish translation for each of the words. Note: The chart they copy should include all these vocabulary words. F - Choral Repetition: Have students repeat these words. For each category, have a different row of the class repeat it, then switch so that all students get the chance to learn the pronunciation of all words. 4. Teach Grammar/ Vocabulary Connection – Present Simple Positive To Be with Physical Features (10 minutes) A - Tell students they will learn how to describe a person. Write, in big letters What do you look like? Explain to students that this question asks for Physical Appearance. B - Explain to students that one way to describe Physical Appearance is by using Present To Be. Once again, elicit how to conjugate To Be in Present Simple Tense. C - Explain that To Be goes with Adjectives. D - Provide examples: I am slim, She is tall, They are pretty. Ask students to provide more examples. E - Have students write To Be under the Adjectives which go with To Be in their chart in their notebooks. (Or they can make a mark) Material: Activity 4 F - Partner Memorization Activity: Have students tell their partner five things that describe them, using To Be. Tell them to try to do it without their notebook, and then use it if they can’t.Their partners should ensure that they used the vocabulary properly. 5. Teach/Review Grammar – Present Simple Negative To Be + Questions (10 minutes) A - Ask your students how they can transform a positive To Be sentence into a negative one. B - Students are supposed to know this information, but quickly remind them that they need to add not after To Be. C - Transform the previous examples into negative ones: I am not slim, She is not tall, They are not pretty. Encourage students to use contractions whenever possible: I’m not slim, She isn’t tall, They aren’t pretty. D - Challenge your students and immediately ask them how to transform the original sentences. Students are supposed to know this information, but quickly remind them that they only need to change the order of the verb To Be and the subject: Am I slim?, Is she tall?, Are they pretty? 6. Writing Activity (5 minutes) Material: Activity 5 A - Tell students to write three sentences in their notebooks using To Be to describe people and the vocabulary. B - Tell them to think of their families for the activity. C - Explain the students that sentence 1 should be positive, sentence 2 should be negative, and sentence 3 should be a question. Note: Each sentence must have a different adjective. D - Check some of their answers on the board. E - For those students that finish early urge them to write more to keep developing their skills. 7. Teach Grammar – Present Simple Positive Have/Have Got (5 minutes) A - Explain students that one can also describe Physical Appearance by using Have and Have Got. B - Explain that Have and Have Got go with nouns. C -Teach students the verb To Have in Present Simple: I have
They have 9
You have
We have
He/She/it has C.1 - Teach students the British Version: I have got
They have got
You have got
We have got
He/She/it has got D - Choral Repetition and Memorization: D.1 - Choral repetition of the conjugation. D.2 - Erase all but the pronouns and ensure they have memorized. D.3 - Have partners test each other. E - Give students a few examples of describing people: I have got black hair, He has got freckles, We have got dark skin. F - Ask students for more examples, referring to the chart they wrote in their book. Make them make a rectangular mark in notebooks for those adjectives which go with Have. 8. Teach Grammar – Present Simple Negative Have Got + Questions (10 minutes) A - Ask your students how they can transform a positive Have Got sentence into a negative one. B - Tell students that they need to add not after Have. C - Transform the previous examples into negative ones: I have not got black hair, He has not got freckles, We have not got dark skin. Encourage the use of contractions: I haven’t got black hair, He hasn’t got freckles, We haven’t got dark skin. C.1 - Choral Repetition. D - Challenge your students and immediately ask them how to transform the original sentences to make questions. Tell them that they only need to change the order of the verb Have and the Subject: Have I got black hair?, Has he got freckles?, Have we got dark skin?
9. Writing Activity (5 minutes) Material: Activity 6 A - Tell students to write three sentences in their notebooks using Have Got to describe people and the vocabulary. B - Tell them to think of their friends for the activity. C - Explain the students that sentence 1 should be positive, sentence 2 should be negative, and sentence 3 should be a question. D - Check some of their answers on the board. 10. Teach Grammar – To Be vs. Have Got (5 minutes) A - Show students the picture of a person. B - Provide some examples of a description of the person to exemplify the difference between To Be and Have Got: He is tall.
He has got long hair.
He is young.
He has got brown eyes.
He is slim.
He has got a big smile.
11. Speaking Activity (5 minutes) Materials: Activity 7 A - Have students work in pairs, Student A and Student B, and give each team 2 pictures. B - Student A should ask What does she/he look like? and Student B should describe the person using To 10
Be and Have Got. C - The same procedure should be done starting with Student B this time. (Control it by saying A-B, A-B, BA, B-A) Note: Make sure they are open to the chart they copied in their notebook, so they have support. D - Have students share to the class what their partner said. 12. Teach – Express Possessions (5 minutes) Materials: Activity 8 A - Tell students that verb Have Got can also be used to express possessions, for example, I’ve got books in my house. B - Ask students look at the picture of Lito’s room and elicit vocabulary. Students should come up with words like: books, CDs, video games, computer games, DVDs, money, clothes, magazines, make-up. C - When students share ensure they respond Lito has got a/an... 13. Grammar Activity (5 minutes) Material: Activity 9 A - Have students independently fill in the grammar exercise with : ● Am/Is/Are (+/-). ● Have Got/ Has Got (+/-). 14. Closing (5 minutes) A - Contract Check-In: A.1 - Have students check grammar section of contract. A.2 - Partners test each other if they memorized the conjugations of Have Got giving pronoun and seeing if their partner knows the conjugation. A.3 - Partner test each other if they memorized 10 Physical Features, giving the word in Spanish and partner gives word in English or describing someone important to them. A.4 - Switch.
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Class 5 March Week 3 Class 1 Grammar: Present Simple Questions (Open and Closed with- Have Got) Suggestions: Why + Don’t/Doesn’t + S + Verb Vocabulary: Weekend Activities Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 5
*SPR - Movement Game (5 minutes) A - Students should stand up if they have/are X. Example: Stand if you have short hair. Sit down. Example: Stand if you are tall. Sit down. Example: Stand if you are blond. Sit down. Example: Stand if you have an XBox. Sit down. B - Throughout the game (in Spanish) check comprehension. Remind them that some features are for To Be. Some are for Have. Have can also be for possessions. 1. Hook – What has Lito got in his room? (5 minutes) Material: Activity 1 A - Show students a picture of Lito’s room. Students should recognize some of the objects in Lito’s room since they learned some related vocabulary in the previous class. B - Write the name of the objects on the board. 2. Elicit Background Knowledge (5 minutes) A - Ask students how they can express possession. B - Once they answer, tell them today they will learn to make questions related to possession. Objective: By the end of this class you will be able to: 11
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Ask questions with Have Got, Has Got. Make suggestions with Why don’t, Why doesn’t.
C - Contract Check-In: C.1 - Have them check in partners how many emotions they have memorized. C.2 - How many occupations they have memorized. C.3 - Whether they have memorized the conjugations for To Be (+) (-). C.4 - Whether they have memorized the conjugations for Have Got (+) (-). C.5 - Whether or not they can describe someone with eight Physical Features. 3. Teach – Present Simple Have Got/ Closed Question (15 minutes) A - Ask students to provide one sentence that exemplifies possession. B - Use the same example and teach students how to transform it into a Closed Question (If required, remind students what a Closed Question is). Tell them all they have to do is change the order of the words and split Have Got and put the subject in the middle: Positive Statement: They have got CDs and magazines in their room. Closed Question: Have they got CDs and magazines in their room? Positive Statement: She has got make-up in her bag. Closed Question: Has she got make-up in her bag? Note: Have goes with I, you, we, they / Has goes with he, she, it C - Tell students they should answer in short form: Yes, they have/No, they haven’t. – Yes, she has/No, she hasn’t. D - AB - BA: Everyone writes three Closed Questions about what their partner has in their bag (independently): Example: Have you got X in your bag? Partner answer: Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. D.1 - Follow an A-B, A-B, A-B procedure. D.2 - Switch. 4. Teach – Present Simple Have Got/ Open Question (15 minutes) A - Ask students how they can ask about someone’s possession in a more general way. B - After some brainstorming, tell them Open Questions (also called Information Questions) request more information than just yes or no. C - Write the following on the board so they can visually notice the difference between a Closed and Open Question: Have you got a magazine in your bag? What have you got in your bag? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. I have books and money. D - AB - BA: D.1 - Partner A says What have you got in your bag. Partner B says I have got a/ an ... (2 answers). D.2 - Have students follow an AB - BA procedure. D.3 - Switch. 5. Vocabulary (5 minutes) Material: Activity 2 A - Show students picture in the book with different activities (pictures + the name of the activities). Tell students these are common weekend activities: Watch television/ Watch a movie Go to the movies Go out with friends Go shopping Go dancing Chat with friends 12
Play computer/video games Listen to music Play sports Spend time with family Study B - Choral Repetition: Have students repeat the weekend activities you presented. Have them repeat all together after you, then have the girls and boys go one by one alternately, and finally point at students and make them repeat. C - Ask students to copy down in book. D - Tell student they will be using this new vocabulary for this class and have them copy it on their notebooks. 6. Teach – Why don’t/Why doesn’t…? (10 minutes) A - Teach students Why don’t ….? for invitations or suggestions. B - Teach the pattern: Why + don’t + we/you/they + Verb + Complement? Why don’t we watch television? Why don’t you meet your friends? Why don’t they go shopping? B.1 -Teach the pattern: Why + doesn’t + she/he + Verb + Complement? Why doesn’t she listen to music? Why doesn’t he go to the movies? C - Pictionary Game: Have students work in partners. Material: Activity 3 C.1 - Have partners draw a weekend activity that they learned. C.2 - Their partner has to guess what they are drawing without looking at the book. C.3 - They must guess saying Why don’t we ________________. Challenge: If partners want to, they can challenge their partner by drawing a separate man or woman in which case their partner would have to guess Why doesn’t he/she. 7. Teach – Positive Statements Present Simple (15 minutes) A - Teach students the use of Present Simple. Tell students Present Simple is used for permanent actions and states in the present time. B - Teach students the pattern for positive Present Simple sentences: Subject + Verb + Complement S + V + C C - Provide examples for the students following the pattern (not necessarily Weekend Activities): I study at RAMS. I walk to school. I live in the center. I have a brother. I like ice cream. I listen to rock music. I hate insects. C.1 - Material: Activity 4 Have students write down six examples about: where they live, their brothers and sisters, a food they like, music they listen to, something they hate, an activity they like to do. D - Teach 3rd person singular -s rule. I – study We - walk You – study You - walk S/He/It - studies They - walk E - Have students share with each other, what they wrote down above: Partner A reads all, Partner B reads all examples. E.1 - Immediately have students copy what they remember from what their partner said in 3rd person E.2 - Model a third person sentence on the board. 13
E.2 - Have them independently write down what they remember from what their partner said (quickly as if in a race). E.3 - Have them share with the class what their partner said.
8. Grammar Activity (10 minutes) Material: Activity 5 A - Have students do 3 grammar activities. A.1 - Fill in Have Got/ Has Got according to the subject. A.2 - Answer the questions with either yes, he has / no, he hasn’t or an Open Answer according to the type of question and the picture of Lito’s backpack. A.3 - Conjugate why don’t/ doesn’t according to the subject. 9. Closing (5 minutes) A - Have students summarize what they have learned today.
● ● ●
Class 6: KET Integrated Class, Unit 1.1 March Week 3 Class 2 Grammar: Verb To Be, To Have (+ Got) Vocabulary: Previously learned Vocabulary Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 6
1. Hook - Lito’s Friends (10 minutes) A - Draw a picture of Lito and some of his friends. Ask the students to describe the friends. Then, ask the students if they have any friends. Then ask the students to talk about their own friends. Sentence Stem: My friend is... / My friend has ... B - Look at page 8 of the KET student book. Ask the students why friends are important and ask them to write down three reasons. Sentence Stem: My friends are important because.. 2. Eliciting Background Knowledge - Review (5 minutes) A - Ask the students what they remember from the first few classes on To Be and if they know how to use To Have. B - Have the students fill in some sentences. Objective: Tell students that for today’s class they need to be able to use To Be and To Have in speaking, writing, as well as listening. 3. Teach - To Be and To Have (+ Got) (20 minutes) A - Explain To Be again. A.1 - Ask the students what they remember. Explain that To Be is used to describe people or things. It can be a place of origin (I am from Chile) and age (I am 28), an occupation (I am a teacher) an emotion (I am happy) or describing how you look (I am tall). B - Teach To Have. B.1 - Explain that To Have refers to possession (I have a dog, I have a Playstation). In American English (+) Subject + Have/ Has + Object
(-) Subject + Don’t/ Doesn’t + Have + Object
In British English (+) Subject + Have/ Has Got + Object
(-) Subject + Haven’t Got/ Hasn’t Got + Object
4. Grammar Review (15 minutes) A - Have students fill in the graph on page 9 in the KET student book entitled “Grammar Extra”. A.1 - Have students write both positive and negative forms of the verbs for each person, including contractions. A.2 - After students fill out the chart, ask some of them to come to the board and write their responses. 5. Activity - Listening (35 minutes)
A - Have students do listening activities 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the KET student book. B- In activity 3, have the students listen and write down the letters they hear to spell the names. Repeat and check for comprehension. C - In activity 4, have the students listen and fill in the information left blank in the book. Check for comprehension. D - In activity 5, have the students listen and write down the short answers so that they can discuss the answers with their classmates in activity 6. Check for comprehension. E - Put the students into pairs. Do activity 6; have them discuss the answers to activity 5. After discussing, have students answer the same questions about their best friend. 6. Closing Activity (5 minutes) A - Ask the students what they have learned today. Ask them to tell you at least three things.
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Class 7: KET Integrated Class, Unit 1.2 March Week 4 Class 1 Grammar: Asking Questions Vocabulary: Feelings Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 7
1. Hook (5 minutes) A - Show a picture of Lito and his friend. Tell a story: Lito and his friend Pablo are talking about their favorite bands, Red Hot Chile Peppers and Chico Trujillo. Pablo has the newest CD and Lito wants to listen to it. Lito asks Pablo if he can borrow it. Pablo says that Lito can borrow it, but he needs to give it back in a few days. B - At the end of the story, ask the students what they think: Do you think that Lito will return the CDs?, Do you have CDs?, Would you let your friends borrow your CDs?, Do they return them? Try to elicit participation. 2. Activity - Reading and Discussion (10 minutes) A - Have the students look at page 10 in the Student Book. A.1 - Discuss activity 1, what sort of things do you let your friends borrow? Help with vocabulary as needed. A.2 - Look at the picture dialogue. Give the students 2 minutes to read over it silently. Then, have students read it out loud as a class. 3. Teach - Asking Questions (20 minutes) A - Read over the story again, looking for: ● six Yes/No Questions ● three Wh-Questions ● two suggestions B - Have the students copy these answers in their notebooks. Make sure that each type of questions is distinguished in their notes. C - Review verb movement in question formation (There is a car.- Is there a car?). D - Discuss using Wh-Words at the beginning of questions. E - Review the difference between Open and Closed Questions. F - Review Why don’t/doesn’t is used to make suggestions. 4. Practice (20 minutes) A - Complete Activity 3 on page 11. Using similar forms found in the picture dialogue as reference, fill in the grammar rules. A. 1 - Have the students copy the questions from the activity in their notebooks and make them fill in the answers there. B - After discussing the answers, have the students work in pairs to complete Activity 4. In this activity, the students must take several sentences that have errors in them and correct them. 5. Vocabulary Review (10 minutes) A - Ask the students to look at the dialogue on page 10. B- Tell them to focus on the expressions of the boy and girl and not on the words. C- Ask the children what they think the boy and girl feel: Do they look happy, sad, pleased, etc.? D- Have the students work on vocabulary Activity 6, filling in the blanks. 6. Practice Activity (20 minutes) 15
A - Use the extra activity on page 128 for lesson 1.2. The questionnaire contains 6 questions. They are: ● Name ● Age ● Address ● Favourite Music ● Favourite place(s) ● What makes you laugh? B- Have the students ask the questions to their classmates. C- At the end of the activity, have the students tell about the person they interviewed. Note: Remind the students that they will need to use 3rd person conjugations. Sentence Stems: His name is…. He is…. He lives at…. His favorite music is… _________ makes him laugh. Note: For a greater challenge, do no conjugate the verb To Be. 7. Closing (5 minutes) A - Have students summarize what they learned today.
Class 8: KET Listening and Test Practice March Week 4 Class 2 Material Needed: Student Book Unit 1: Class 8
1. Hook (5 minutes) A - Ask students about their favorite songs, TV shows, and movies in English. B - Ask them why they like these things and if they understand them. C - Explain the importance of listening in language learning and tell them that they will be learning some new techniques for listening comprehension. 2. Teach - Listening Techniques (10 minutes) A -Tell students they are supposed to be aware of 2 things: A.1 - Tell students to listen to the main concepts/ideas by focusing on the who, what, when, where, and why of the selections. A.2 - Tell students to focus on details (mostly grammatical items). Note: Encourage your students to keep working on these skills individually, so that at one point they can mix A.1 and A.2 to construct the full meaning of the selection. 3. Activity - Listening Practice (20 minutes) A - Have students turn to page 12 of the KET Student Book. Read the first paragraph together and talk about listening structure of the KET. B - Tell students to look at the pictures halfway down the page. C - Ask them what they think is happening in each one (This encourages the students to form general ideas about the activity before even hearing anything). D - Have the students close their books and listen to you read the dialogue. E - Ask the students to summarize the selection. After reading and discussing it, read the passage again while they follow along in the book, this time checking for understanding after each line. 4. Review - Listening Strategies (15 minutes) A - Review with the students the different strategies for listening comprehension (focus on main ideas and focus on details). B - Read Exam Advice at the bottom of the page. Explain any possible doubts and have students explain the pieces of advice themselves. 5. Activity - Listening Practice (20 minutes) A - Continue on page 13 of the KET Student Book. B - Have the students practice their newly-learned pre-listening skills. C - Before each question, ask the students to look over the picture answers and ask them to describe them 16
to you: What is different in each picture? Is there an important word in each picture? What is the picture about? Note: Students should think about each of these before answering a question. When they hear a question, they will already have a basic idea of what it is about, spending less time on analyzing the language. 6. Closing (20 minutes) A - Contract Check-In: A.1 - Have partners test each other on all grammar: ● To Be conjugations (+) (-). ● To Have conjugations (+) (-). B - Have partners check each other on all vocabulary: Emotions, Occupations, Personal Possessions, Physical Features, Weekend Activities. C - Have partners check each other on speaking skills: C.1 - Describe occupations in your family. Ask 1 question to your partner. C.2 - Describe how a person in your family looks. Ask 1 question to your partner. C.3 - Describe your possessions. Ask 1 question to your partner. D - Have them check off where they are at. Circulate to see where students checked. Demand evidence.
Unit 2 Class 1 April Week 1 Class 1 Grammar: (1) Countable/Uncountable nouns (2) Plurals (3) How much/ How many. Materials: Student Book Unit 2 Class 1. SPR: Why don’t/doesn’t for suggestions. *SPR (5 minutes) A. Remind students the use of Why don’t/Why doesn’t. B. Tell students you need ideas to have fun during the week, ask them to give you suggestions. Introduce Contract: (15 minutes) Tell students that we will learn the vocabulary to go shopping. Have them look over the different grammar and vocabulary components. Ask them (in Spanish): ● If there is any vocabulary, or grammar they already recognize. ● If they know any more words for shopping. ● Briefly review different grammar structures, vocabulary, and speaking capacities they will be working on, and what they need to be able to do by the end of the unit. 1. Hook (5 minutes) - change from how many to relevant grammar A. Tell the students you are going to tell a story in English. Have them try to understand as much as they can. Lito’s mom went to Iquique. She came back with a big bag (un fardo) of clothes (Ropa Americana). She wanted to sell the whole bag in the feria before lunch time, but she wasn’t sure sure about the quantity. B. Ask them How many shirts are there in a normal fardo? 2.
Elicit Background Knowledge (5 minutes)
A. Tell the students we will be talking about Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Ask them: 17
● ● ● ●
What do you think an example of a countable noun is? What do you think an example of a uncountable noun is? Are shirts countable or uncountable? Water. Chair. Which one is countable?
B. Ask them for examples. Objectives: (5 minutes) Review Objectives. Have students touch the objectives in the contract. Tell students that by the end of this class they will be able to: 1. Remember at least 5 countable nouns and 5 uncountable nouns. 2. Use have Have Got with countable and uncountable. 3. Use how much/ how many for countable and uncountable. 4. Ask about price with how much.
Part I: Countable/ Uncountable 3.
Teach the Difference- Countable/Uncountable Nouns (5 minutes)
A. Take the ideas given by students in the previous section and blend them into your explanation. B. Explain what Countable Nouns are. Emphasize the fact that they can be counted and referred to in the plural. They exist as separate and individual units. For example: A chair - chairs. C. Explain what Uncountable Nouns are. Emphasize the fact that they cannot be counted nor used in plural form. For example: air or water. D. Write the nouns Finger, Bottle, Chair, Desk, Boy, Girl, Word, Water, Coffee, Weather, Furniture, Money. E. Refer to the question: Is chair countable or uncountable? (countable) F. Refer to the question: Is furniture (mueble) countable or uncountable? (uncountable) G.Teach strange exceptions Material in Student Book 4. Practice (5 minutes) A. Whole Class: Ask the students to help you divide the words in (D) into Countable and Uncountable nouns in a T Chart. B. Partner: Have them do a similar activity in the book, with the sentence stem. “I think _______ is countable/uncountable”. Material In Student Book Part I Activity I: Grammar 5. Teach Grammar Countable/Uncountable (10 minutes) Grammar Explanation Part I A.Explain (in Spanish) that grammatically they are different. Countable can be singular or plural, whereas uncountable can’t be either. Refer to the rules: Countable Singular: is. a/an.
Example: I have a chair. I want an egg. The chair pencil is blue.
Plural: Are. “S” at end
Example: I have two chairs. I want to eggs. The pencils are blue.
Uncountable No Singular No Plural No a/an No S No are (only is)
Example: I have water I want juice. The coffee is hot.
6. Grammar Exercise: (10 minutes) Material: Part I Activity II Activity Instructions: Step 1. If countable underline C if uncountable circle UC (Have them do this independently) Step 2. Change only COUNTABLES from singular to plural or plural to singular. Leave uncountables 18
alone (Have them do this in partners). Step 3. Go over correct answers. 7. Writing/Speaking Practice (10 minutes) Instructions Part I Activity III A.Tell students to write down five of their own personal possessions. B.Tell them on a separate piece of paper to write down five sentences with Have Got Countable: Singular- I have got a/an Plural- I have got ________s Uncountable- I have got _______. C.Snowball fight. C.1 Have them crumple up the paper. C.2 Throw it. C.3 Find a new paper. C.4 Try to find the owner of the paper by asking, “Have you got a/an, Have you got ______s, Have you got” Ways to enforce: *Give first five people to find the owner of the paper wow tickets or stamps, but make them ask questions in front of class. *Give wow tickets or stamps to those who ask questions. Those who cheat get wow tickets/stamps taken away
Part II: How much/ How many 8. Teach – How much/ How many (10 minutes) A. Have them remind you of rules for countable/uncountable. B. Tell them that how much/ how many both mean “cuanto” but how much is for countable and how many for uncountable. C. For example: To ask “Cuanto Hay” Grammar Explanation in Student Book Countable: How many chairs are there? (How many + nouns + are there?) Uncountable: How much water is there? (How much + noun + is there?) D. Grammar Exercise: Material: Part II Exercise I Depending on the noun, have them fill in the grammar sheet with 1. How much/ How many 2. is/ are E. Review Work. 9. How much for purchasing items (5 minutes) Tell them (in Spanish), that because money is uncountable, when you ask “Cuanto dinero cuesta” you always say how much, no matter if it is countable or uncountable. It is always how much when you want to know the price. *The only thing that changes is is/are depending on the noun. Grammar Explanation Student Book. Singular: How much is the shirt?
Plural: How much are the pants? Uncountable? How much is the water?
Writing Activity (5 minutes) Instructions: Part II Activity II
A. Have them think of five things they want for their birthday. B. Have them write five questions pretending to ask how much something costs. Think about whether: 19
● Is it countable or uncountable? ● If countable, is it singular or plural? C.Share with a partner. Have partner see if all were correct. 11. Closing (5 minutes) Contract Check in: A. Partner A names 5 countable and 5 uncountable. B. Partner A says sentences correctly with nouns (refer to student book) C. Partner B writes down mistakes. D. Switch. E. Show mistakes. F. Each person writes an entry in Spanish about what objectives they met and what they need to study.
Class 2 April Week 1 Class 2 Grammar: There is/There are; Countable/Uncountable Review. Vocabulary: Memorize 5 Stores. Material: Student Book Unit 2 Class 2. Contract Check In (10 minutes) A. Have partners do contract check in from last class to see if same mistakes were made. 1. Hook: (3 minutes) Remind the story of Lito’s mother. Write down “How many shirts are there in a fardo?” 2. Try to scaffold them to say the correct answer. 2. Elicit Background Knowledge (3 minutes) A. Ask students to explain to you the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. B. Have them give examples. Push them to give strange examples. Tell them that today they will be learning how to express “hay/ cuanto” with countable and uncountable nouns. They will also learn clothing vocabulary. Objective: (2 minutes) Review objective. Have them touch the objective in the contract. By the end of the day you must: ● Be able to correctly say There is/ There are (depending on the noun). ● Memorize 5 stores with 3 corresponding products.
Part I: There is/ There are 3. Teach - There is/There are (5 minutes) Material: Part I A. Refer Grammar Explanation 1: There is/ There are
There is / There are. They are used to express that something exists or that something is on a location. There is (Singular) → There is a man. There is an egg. There is 1 house.
There are (Plural) → There are three computers. There are people outside.
Grammar: There is + a/ an/ 1 + noun.
Grammar: There are + nouns
B. Point at different objects in the classroom and have students say the objects in complete form, for example S: There is a white board. There is an eraser. P: There are desks. *If students do not know the vocabulary for classroom items, write it on one side of the board. Choral Repetition: (5 minutes) Instructions: Part I Activity I A.Choral Repetition with class vocabulary alone. B.Have them identify (choraly) if there is/ there are goes with the word on the board. Refer to Grammar Explanation 2: There is/ There are with Countable/ Uncountable (5 minutes) Tell them that there is/ there are changes with singular and plural. But this is only for Countable.
There is (Singular) → There is a man. There is an egg. There is 1 house.
There are (Plural) → There are three computers. There are people outside.
Grammar: There is + a/ an/ 1 + noun.
Grammar: There are + nouns
Uncountable → There is water Grammar: There is + noun (No a/an/-s only is) 5. Activity - Fill in the blank paragraph (10 minutes) Material: Part I Activity II A. Tell students that they are going to work with a paragraph with blanks. B. Students must follow the story and fill in the blank with the correct form of There is/There are. Options: ● Singular Countable → There is a ● Singular Countable → There is an ● Plural Countable → There are ● Uncountable → There is *To make it easier have them do it in steps. A. Underline the nouns. B. Identify Countable Singular (write CS), Countable P (CP), Uncountable (UC). C. Have them independently fill in. D. Review as a class.
Part II: Shops Note to Teacher: The purpose of this exercise is to memorize the names stores. The memorization of 3 products for each store is so they can better understand what the store is. It is also an introduction to other vocabulary learned later. They do not need to memorize all their clothing, food, and personal care to do this lesson. 6. Vocabulary - Shops and Shopping (10 minutes) A. Ask the students to give you examples of the personal possessions that they learned in the last unit. B. Write them on the board. C. Solicit other nouns in their house, like food, electronics, clothes, and personal care products. (Make a long list for the game in part C). D. Have students refer to the list of places to shop. Material: Part II Activity I ● Department Store ● Supermarket or Grocery Store ● Pharmacy ● Bookstore ● Newsstand ● Electronic Store E. Ask for definition. Have them write. F. Relay Race: (10 minutes) Material/Instructions: Part II Activity II F1. On the board write the six different stores horizontally in columns F2. Make two-four teams. F3. Give each team a shape (star, triangle, circle etc) F4. Have the first person of each team walk quickly to the board, cross out a word from the list in part C, and write it in the corresponding store. F5. When they write their word have them put the team shape next to it. F6. Pass the marker on and go to the back of the line. F7. WARNING: ● If they pause for more than three seconds they lose their turn. ● If a team member gives them a clue they lose a point. ● Team with the most words gets extra stamps/ wow tickets. G. Conclusion (5 minutes) G1. To finish the activity have them copy down the list of vocabulary. For columns without products (bookstore/ newsstand) brainstorm product (at least 3 in each column). G2. Make sure they have at least 8 personal care products and 8 articles of clothing written so they can meet contract requirements. 21
G3. Students will refer back to, and add to this list in future lessons. 8. Closing (15 minutes) Contract Check In Instructions Student Book A. Independently students fill in the chart without referring to notes or book. B. Independently students mark C or UC on the different products. C. Partner A says for all products There Is or There Are Example: In a department store there are clothes. ● ● ● ●
Singular Countable → There is a Singular Countable → There is an Plural Countable → There are Uncountable → There is
D.Partner B gives points. E.Students with 10+ points get positive reinforcement (wow tickets/stamps) F.Students write a small journal entry about what objectives they met, and what they need to study.
Class 3 April Week 2 Class 1 Grammar: There is/There are negatives and questions. Vocabulary: Clothes. Materials: Products for hook, Student Book Unit 2 Class 3. SPR: Emotions. 1. SPR: Emotions (3 minutes) A. Solicit different emotions with word in Spanish (for review). B. Have each student rip out a piece of paper and draw a different face with a different emotion (just the face/ do not write the emotion). C. Each person passes their paper to the person in front of them (model passing with left hand to the front and receiving with right hand to the back). D. Students then show their partner the face, and say the emotion they think corresponds. E. Have them keep passing, and showing, passing, and showing at your command. 2. Hook (5 minutes) Bring in some products you bought from a store (food, medicine, clothes, CD’s). Tell them it was your last shopping trip. Tell them about the trip. Have them guess where you bought each product. Reward English vocabulary. 3. Contract Check In: Countable v. Uncountable (7 minutes) Partner A: Names different objects from last class. Partner B: Tells if object is countable/ uncountable. Says (1) There is a/an (2) There are ____s (3) There are ____ for each item Partner A names. Switch. 4. Elicit Background Knowledge (3 minutes) A. Write There is/ There are B.Solicit definition and use (singular/ plural). C.Have student fill in chart with countable/uncountable use of There Is/ There Are Material Student Book D.Review Rules Countable Singular: There is a/an + noun
Countable Plural: There are + noun +s Uncountable: There is + noun
5. Objective: (2 minutes) -By the end of this class you will be able to use there is/ there are in negative and questions -By the end of this class you will be able to name 8 clothing items. 22
Part I: There are Negative 6.
Teach: There is/There are Negatives (5 minutes)
A. Write There Is. B. Ask how to make it negative. C. Teach: There is, There is not/ There isn’t. D. Write There Are. Solicit how to make it negative. E. Tell the students that in informal speech, you use a contraction. 7.
Writing/Speaking Activity: (15 minutes) Material Part I Activity I
A.Have students write down 3 things they LOVE for their dream room, and 3 things they HATE for their dream room. B.Have students write under the object C for countable/ UC for uncountable. C.Have students make positive and negative sentences with There Is/ There Isn’t D.Ensure correct sentences. Countable Singular There is a/an + noun There isn’t a/an + noun Countable Plural There are/aren’t + nouns Uncountable There is/ There isn’t. E. Have them share with a partner.
Part II: Clothes Note to Teacher: Today they should learn 5-9 vocabulary words for clothes. They do not need to learn more. We will revisit clothes in other units. 8. Vocabulary (10 minutes) Material Part II Activity I A. Show students a picture of clothing items. Ask them to recall where you can buy clothes (department store) B. Tell them they are going to do a matching activity C. Have them match using the Sentence Stem “I think number __________ is __________ (English word). D. Review and have them copy in their copybook. E. Brainstorm more clothes to add to the list. Write on the board, and have student write them in English and Spanish. Make sure student have a vocabulary list of 10-12 words. Choral Repetition: Point at vocabulary words written on the board. Point at them and have students say those words. Give it a twist, and have girls say the girls clothing items, and have the boys say the boys clothing items. F. Game: The wind blows: (10 minutes) Say: “The wind blows for anyone who is wearing… ” and name an article of clothing. If a student is wearing that item they must change seats. Do this repeated. After a few times, have last student standing come to the front. G. Call a student to the front of the class with you (you can use part H). Have the class name all the of the items that they are wearing. H.Partner memorization (10 minutes) Instructions: Part II Activity II Partner A: Says word in Spanish (looking at book). Partner B: Says corresponding word in English (without looking at book). Counts correct answers. Switch. Partner B: Says word in Spanish (looking at book). Partner A: Says corresponding word in English (without looking at book). Do a second round and see if they achieve more words. 23
Part III: Is there/ Are there 9.
Teach: Questions using Is there/ Are there (5 minutes)
A. Explain to the students that to ask questions using There is/are, you just have to change the order of the words. There is a table. → Is there a table? There are three students. → Are there three students? B. Explain that the answer to these questions is also very simple: Is there a table? → Yes, there is/No, there isn’t. Are there three students? → Yes, there are/No, there aren’t. C. Check understanding and ask a few questions related with the classroom: is there a TV in the classroom?, are there curtains in the classroom?, etc. B. Get the students to give you three statements using the There is/there are format. Then ask them to help you change them into the question format. 10.
Activity - What’s in your closet? (10 minutes)
A.Have students draw a closet with 12 items. B.Have partner guess what there are in each other’s closet. ● Countable Singular: Is there a/an __________? ● Countable Plural: Are there __________? ● Uncountable: Is there __________? C. Circulate giving positive reinforcement. 9. Contract Check In: Clothes (5 minutes) Partner A: Says clothing in Spanish. Partner B: Says corresponding word in English. Writes down mistakes. Writes a sentence about whether your completed the objective.
Class 4 April Week 2 Class 2 Grammar: Some/Any Vocabulary: Personal Care Materials: Different colored whiteboard markers Student Book Unit 2 Class 5
1. Contract Check In (15 minutes): A. Review Objectives: Review the objectives from the lesson 5 contract check in in student book. B. Review Grammar: Review the grammar in contract check in in student book. C. Model Instructions: Read instructions in the contract check in and model with a student. Then have two students model for the class. D. Have them test each other. *Hold them accountable by telling them those who report mistakes will be rewarded. E. Circulate to ensure working. F. Have them report mistakes their partner made. Student A Test Student B:Material Contract Check In Objective 1: Student B names 5 countable and 5 uncountable objects. Objective 2: Student A reads objects indicated in the teachers’s book. Student B says I have + object using the correct grammar. 24
Objective 3: Student A reads objects indicated in the teachers’s book. Student B says There is/ There are + object using the correct grammar. Objective 4: Student B names 4-5 stores. -Student A makes sure all are correct, writes down any mistakes. -Switch. 2. SPR- Have/ Has got: (2 minutes) A. Write Have Got. B.Write the pronouns (I, you, he/she/it, we, they). C.Chorally have students tell you whether have/ has goes with those pronouns. D.Point to individual students, and point to a pronoun. E.Repeat with negative and questions. *This should be quick! 3. Hook (5 minutes) A. Write on the board: I’ve got some books in my bag, but I haven’t got any money. B. Ask students, so how many books have I got? and how much money have I got? Make students realize that no quantity is implied when using some and any. 4. Objective: (3 minutes) Tell students that after this class they will be able to use some and any correctly to express non-specific quantities in phrases and questions. Have them touch the objective in the contract.
Part I: Vocabulary Brainstorm Note to teacher, they only need to memorize 5-9 vocabulary words for personal care. Remember, the purpose is that they know a few products they can buy from the pharmacy or chemist. 5. Vocabulary: Matching (10 minutes) Material Part I Activity I A. Ask students where can you buy shampoo? Medicine? Make sure they say Pharmacy. Remind them that in British English it is also called a Chemist. B. Have students work in pairs. C. Have them match the word to the number using the sentence stem. D. Model the sentence stem. Option 1: “I think number__________is __________.” (picture number)
Option 2: “I think__________means____________.” (Spanish word) (English word)
(English word)
Ex: “I think pasta de dientes is toothpaste.”
Ex: “I think number 2 is a razor.”
D.Partner Memorization: (10 minutes) Material Part I Activity II Partner A: Says word Spanish Partner B: Says word English. Partner A: Writes down words partner B doesn’t remember. Switch. Repeat until all words are memorized. Have individual students show you they memorized.
Part II: Some/ Any 6.
Teach - Some (5 minutes) Grammar in Student Book
A. Tell students that some is used to express non-specific quantities and in positive/affirmative statements. 25
Positive/Affirmative Statements (+)
Countable + Plural
There are some apples on the table.
Uncountable (Singular)
I’ve got some money in my bag. Request (?)
Can you give me some apples? Can you give me some money?
B. Solicit examples using the vocabulary learned in previous classes. 6.
Teach - Any (5 minutes) Grammar in Student Book
A. Tell students that any is used to express express non-specific quantities in -Negative Statements -Questions where you are not sure the item is exists (Examples: Have you got any _____, Is there any _____, Are there any ______) Negative Statements (-) Countable/Uncountable
They haven’t got any apples. They haven’t got any money.
Any Question (?) Countable/Uncountable
Are the any apples? Have you got any money?
B. Solicit examples using the vocabulary learned in previous classes. 7. Activity: Writing Instructions: Part II Activity I (10 minutes) A. Have students create sentences and questions using the sentence stems. *Tell them they cannot use the same noun twice! B.Have them share with each other. C.As one partner shares, have the listener write down the mistakes their partner makes. D.Partner shows mistakes. E.Switch. 8. Activity - Grammar (10 minutes) Material: Part II Activity II A. Have students refer to the handout that contains exercises on some and any. B. Have them exchange with a partner to check each other’s answers. C. After they are done, check all together and orally. 9. Questions: Some, Any (10 minutes) Material/ Instructions Part II Activity III A.Tell students to draw three personal care products in their shopping bag. B.Students guess what is in the other’s bag. Example: Partner A: Have you got any toothpaste?” Partner B: No I haven’t Partner B: Have you got any shampoo? Partner A: Yes I have got some. C.Circulate, giving stamps. 10.
Closing (5 minutes)
A.Have students write a sentence about the grammar and vocabulary they learned that day. B.Tell them to write one question they have, or one thing they did not understand. C.Tell students to study the mistakes they made in the contract check in- as they will have a mini surprise the next class.
Class 5 April Week 3 Class 1 Grammar:A few (Countable), A little (Uncountable), A lot of Vocabulary: Food Material: Student Book Unit 2 Class 6 1. POP QUIZ Material Student Book. (25 minutes 15 to do, 10 to correct) A. Have them do all activities on a separate piece of paper. Tell them it will be for a grade and that they only have 15 minutes, and then they cannot continue. B. After collect the quizzes and re-hand them out to randmon people. C. Go over the answers and have the students correct their classmate’s quizzes. D. Have them write on each paper the score out of 30. E. Have them multiply that by 7 and divide by 3 to get the grade. 2. Objective: Introduce objective and have them touch the objective in the contract. Tell student that by the end of class today they will be able to: ● Name 10 different kinds of food. ● Say how much food they have.
Part I: Food Vocabulary 3. Vocabulary (10 minutes) Material: Part I Activity I A. Write on the board the following categories and explain meaning. Fruits Vegetables Meats Grains Dairy Junk food *Have students copy. B. Have each student who can think of an item, write it in the correct category. Reward them. When there are no more volunteers, start to solicit more food in Spanish and write the English word. The following should be on the list: tomato, potato, carrot, fish, apples, cheese, chocolate, sweets. C. Choral Repetition D. Have students copy in notebooks. E. Ask Students where you buy food products. They should say supermarket or grocery store. F. Partner Memorization (5 minutes) Have Partners close notebooks and attempt to name 10 foods. Material Part I Activity II. ● Partner A: closes book and recite as many foods as they can. ● Partner B: writes down which food Partner A remembered. ● Switch. ● Students study what they didn’t remember. ● Students repeat until they have memorized at least 10. 3B. Teach- Food Countable/ Uncountable (10 minutes) Material Part I Activity III A. Remind students that food can be Countable or Uncountable. B. On the chart on the board have them write a C for what is Countable and UC for Uncountable. C. Correct wrong answers: (Example: Chicken is uncountable, a piece of chicken is countable. D. Recall the tricky ones. ● Bread v. pieces of bread. ● Chocolate v. Pieces of chocolate. ● Rice v. Bowls of rice. E. Have them copy UC and C in their books.
Part II: A little, A few, A lot of 4. Teach - Quantifiers (15 minutes) Refer to Grammar Chart Student Book. A. Explain to students that there are some words that can express quantities. A.1. A few for countable nouns. → She needs a few books for school. A.2. A little for uncountable nouns. → We have got a little money for vacations. A.3. A lot of for countable and uncountable nouns. 27
→ I eat a lot of apples. → There is a lot of shampoo at home. (Countable) → There are a lot of crackers. (Uncountable) A.4. Remind students that since A Little is for Uncountable you can only use There is. A.5. Remind students that since A Few is for Countable (plural) you can only use There Are. B. Provide some more examples to show students the difference between them. Countable I have a few oranges. There are a few bananas. There are a lot of pieces of bread.
Uncountable There is a lot of tea. I have a little coffee. There is a lot of cheese.
C. Have students come up with other examples using the food chart. 5.
Writing and Speaking (15 minutes) Material Part II Activity I
A. Have students write down 8 things there are in their kitchen. B. Have them label C or UC. C. Have them create 8 sentences using the sentence stems. D. Share 6.
Grammar (10 minutes) Material Part II Activity II
A. Have students complete handout regarding the use of a few, a little. B. Check their responses orally. 7.
Closing- Shopping List (10 minutes) Material Part II Activity III
A. Have students in pairs create a shopping list of things they would want in a party for the class. Have them use the sentence Stems. B.When they are finished have them present to the person next to them. C.Have them see what they have that is similar, and what they have that is different.
Class 6: Unit 2 KET Integrated 1 April Week 3 Class 2 Grammar: How much/How many Vocabulary: Shopping/Things in stores Material Needed: KET Book 1. Hook (5 minutes) A. Tell the students that Lito needs to go buy some things. He needs to buy medicine, cheese, a magazine, and a camera. Ask the students to help you figure out where Lito needs to go to buy the things. 2. Elicit Background Knowledge (10 minutes) A. Ask students to give you more vocabulary and grammatical feaures that they have already seen in the past units. What other type of things can they remember? B. Tell them that they will be going over the KET book and reviewing How much/many. Objective: Tell students that by the end of this class they will be able to use countable and noncountable nouns, as well as ask and answer questions with how much/many. 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) A. Have students look at page 14 of the KET book, point number 2: What other things can they get at the stores? Have them list at least six more items and then share as a class. B. Write the ideas shared on the board and have students copy the vocabulary in their notebooks.
C. Have students look at point number 3: How much shopping do you do? Have them answer the questions individually. 4. Review- Countable / Uncountable Nouns (15 minutes) A. Ask students to explain the difference between count and noncount nouns. B. Tell students to look at the Grammar Extra square on page 14: Grammar - How much/many. Remind students: Much is used when referring to uncountable nouns: things that cannot be counted. Many is used when referring to countable nouns: things that can be counted. D. Review how to ask a question with how much/how many: Ask them about their family. How many brothers do you have? Then ask them: How much money do you have? 5. Activity - How much/How many (10 minutes) A. Have students complete activity number 4 inside Grammar Extra: have students write 5 questions individually and practice asking them with a partner. 6. Activity - Reading (20 minutes) A. Have students look at reading activity 5 on page 15. A.1. Tell them to look at the different signs. A.2. Tell them to write down where they can see each sign/notice. B. Have students do activity 6 on page 15. B.1. The students must fill in the letters that they think are missing in the pictures. B.2. Share answers orally with the whole class. C. Have students look to activity 7. C.1. Ask them to read the questions carefully and decide which sign corresponds with each sentence. C.2. Tell them that many of the tests they will be taking will have similar questions. 7. Activity - Pronunciation (10 minutes) A. Have students go to activity 8. A.1. Have everybody pay attention and listen to the track. A.2. Go through each sound and emphasize its pronunciation. Have the students repeat the sound and the word after you do. 8. Closing (5 minutes) A. Ask three students to tell you what they learned today.
Class 7: Unit 2 KET Integrated 2 April Week 4 Class 1 Grammar: Some / Any. Ways of Shopping. Vocabulary: Count / Noncount Material Needed: KET Book 1 . Hook (5 minutes) A. Ask students how do they usually shop. Elicit some ideas. Tell them you shop online and the reasons why you do it. 2. Elicit Background Information (5 minutes) A. Ask students what they remember from previous classes. 29
Objective: Tell students that by the end of this class they will be able to use plural forms correctly, as well as, to talk about different ways of shopping. 3. Vocabulary - Ways of Shopping (10 minutes) A. Ask students to go to page number 16 in the KET book. B. Tell them to look at the different pieces of ads and in point 1, ask them what are these ways of shopping? Do you do any shopping like this? Is it better than going into shops? Why/Why not? C. If students do not know the vocabulary for these ways of shopping, let them know: catalog shopping and online shopping. 4. Activity - Listening I (15 minutes) A. Ask students to go to the second part of page 16, the Listening Section. B. Read each intervention and have students repeat after you. C. Go through the conversation again, but this time focus on keywords so that students can understand what the conversation is about. D. Ask the students what is the conversation about? Have a little discussion and let the students share ideas. 5. Activity - Listening II (20 minutes) A. Have students go to point 3 on page 13, to continue with the Listening activity. B. Have students listen to the conversation. B.1. As they listen, have them complete the missing words in the conversation. B.2. Have the students listen again to check their responses. B.3. Have each student read one intervention in the conversation to check their responses, as well as understanding and pronunciation. 5. Teach - Some/Any (15 minutes) A. Teach/review the use of some and any. A.1. Remind students that some is used for an indefinite amount of items in positive statements. Remind students that any is used for an indefinite amount of items in negative statements and questions. B. Have students go to page number 17, Grammar activity number 4. B.1. Have students read carefully sentences 1 to 5. B.2. Have students complete the statements below exercises 1 to 5 with some or any in the corresponding rule. C. Have students go to exercise number 5 on page number 17, and ask them to complete the exercises (1 to 10) using some or any.
Teach - Plurals (15 minutes)
A. Have students go to the Spelling Spot on page number 17. A.1. Review plurals by going through each point. Solicit examples from students for each one of the cases. A.2. Have students go to the Picture Puzzle Activity on page number 17. Have students look at the images and write on the lines the singular and plural form of the words under each picture. A.3. Finally, have students complete the blank squares by writing the last letter of each singular form. Ask students what the word is. 7. Closing (5 minutes) A. Have students summarize what they learned today.
Class 8 April Week 4 Class 2 KET Reading Comprehension and Test Practice Material Needed: KET Book, KET CD, CD player 1. Hook (5 minutes) A. Ask students to think about different types of notices/ads. B. Ask them what type of information can be found in them and how they know that. 2. Teach Reading and Writing Techniques (25 minutes) Objective: Tell students that by the end of this class they will know how to approach Reading activities by applying some techniques. A. Explain students that in order to understand Reading activities they need: ● to understand the question/ what is requested. ● to be able to recognize familiar vocabulary items.
If students struggle with finding these items, tell them that they need to find any elements that give them clues of what the intention of the message is. They must look carefully for all words they already know (word by word they should ask themselves- do I know this?) A. Have students turn to page 18 of the KET student book. B. Read exercise 1. B.1. Have students complete exercise 1 individually and then check all together. C. Take some time to review grammatical features they do not remember well or they are unfamiliar with, such as modal verbs, comparisons, imperatives, prepositions of time and place. 3. Reading Practice (35 minutes) A. Tell students to go to exercise 2. B. Have students apply the approach and contents used in exercise 1 to work with notices on page 19 (KET exercise sample). B.1. Read the instructions carefully along with the students. B.2. Have students work in pairs and go through exercises 1 to 5, analyzing very carefully notices A to H. C. Once students are finished, check all together and orally. C.1. Take the time to analyze each notice, taking into consideration each of the language areas considered in exercise 1. Write each notice on the board and analyze each of them thoroughly. Have different volunteer students come to the board and help you: ● first, draw a square around the question. ● underline familiar vocabulary items. ● circle language areas (grammatical areas) and identify what they are. ● establish relationships between vocabulary items and grammatical areas. 4. Final Contract Check-In (25 minutes) Have them individually answer questions on a separate piece of paper. This is a graded activity. Use the rubric in the student book to help you. In the following class give them their grade and congratulate them on their level.