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Skills in past and modern workplaces Past workplace

Modern workplace

To be physically resistant

To speak foreign languages

To be patient for success

To use social networks

To be careful during the work

To have computer knowledge

To have good abilities for

To be able to work in a team

communication with others

To have an initiative mind and to be open

To respect the decision, rules

To be resourceful

To be organized

To be able to do repetitive tasks

To be creative

To have manual dexterity

To be reactive

To be punctual

To be communicative

To look at what is to be done in the job

To manage one’s time


Interview with old/ retired people Comparisons: past and present During the project students have to interview old/ retired people about their job. They had to put emphasis on the abilities/ competences required on labour market. The questions we asked: To our interview answered 26 people, 9 women and 17 men. A general overview would be: School/ studies attended: Only basis school (until age 14) was very popular in old times. Then some training courses if you wanted to get ahead. Working conditions: Extrawork without pay was pretty common. Work from Monday to Saturday. Hard work in difficult conditions. Positive aspects of the work: Good pay and fringe benefits in some of the countries; Great comradeship ‐ everyone relied on the others; Teamwork.

Negative aspects of work: Having to deal with the injuries and accidents of comrades; Great responsabilities. Advice to young people of today: Be patient and hard‐working, then you can achieve a lot. Everything is possible if you really want it, go for it, work for it! Learn!Learn! Learn!

What would be if we compare today competences with the ones in the past? See for yourself: Past


Being absolutely reliable;

Comunication in mother tongue

Being willing to improve/ train oneself – being

Communication in foreign languages

ambitious, but patient if success does not

Mathematical competences and basic in

come overnight;

science and technology

Being careful and observant;

Digital competences

Ready to work in a team;

Learning to learn

Good abilities for communications with others; Social and civic competences Being honest;

Sense of entrepreneurship and initiative

Great comradeship ‐ everyone relied on the

Cultural awareness and expresion

others; Being physically strong; To listen to the opinions of others To be a calm person To be punctual and very attentive Commitment Taking decisions responsibly.

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