Soft Skills Activities
Contents AVENUE OF THE GENERATION ....................................................................................................................... 5 COLLECTING BATERY WASTE ......................................................................................................................... 6 PROJECT BB, «– BE BETTER» .......................................................................................................................... 7 CHRISTMAS ECO WORKSHOP ........................................................................................................................ 8 COMMUNICANT AND COMMUNICATOR ‐ RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION NATIONAL LEVEL COMPETIOTIONS IN SECTORS OF COMMERCIALISM AND TRADE ............................................................... 10 DECIDING ON PRIORITIES ............................................................................................................................. 13 DECORATING EASTER EGGS USING WAX ..................................................................................................... 15 ENGLISH IN A BIT DIFFERENT WAY .............................................................................................................. 17 HAPPY HALLOWEEN ..................................................................................................................................... 19 IN CROATIAN IT SOUNDS LIKE... ................................................................................................................... 21 LET’S MAKE FRIENDS .................................................................................................................................... 23 MANAGING AND SOLVING CONFLICTS ........................................................................................................ 25 TETRAPAK –PLASTIC COATED HARD PAPER FOOD PACKAGING .................................................................. 27 RECYCLING AND CREATINHG ....................................................................................................................... 29 STARRY, STARRY NIGHT ............................................................................................................................... 30 TEACH ME HOW TO DANCE ......................................................................................................................... 32 PROJECT CROCUS ......................................................................................................................................... 34 THE NECKTIE DAY ......................................................................................................................................... 35 TRAINING FIRM FAIR .................................................................................................................................... 37 IMPROVE ENGLISH FOR FRENCH GROUP .................................................................................................... 39 THE BIG TOWER .......................................................................................................................................... 40 PICTURE OF THE PERFECT EMPLOYEE .......................................................................................................... 41 WHO AM I, WHAT AM I? .............................................................................................................................. 42 INTERVIEW TIPS ‐ PANTOMIME ................................................................................................................... 43 YOUNG EMPLOYEE OF SUCCESS .................................................................................................................. 44 BE QUICK AT FINDING A SEAT ...................................................................................................................... 46 TELLING TALES .............................................................................................................................................. 47 LE CREDIT – TYPES, FORMES, TAUX D’INTERET ........................................................................................... 48 LANDART‐ YOUNG EMPLOYEE OF SUCCESS ................................................................................................. 49 LIVING LIBRARY ............................................................................................................................................ 50 THE IDEAL EMPLOYEE .................................................................................................................................. 52 WORLD COFFEE ............................................................................................................................................ 55 CUP STACK‐ LEARNING TEAMWORK ........................................................................................................... 57 HUMAN KNOT ‐ LEARNING TEAMWORK ..................................................................................................... 58
AVENUE OF THE GENERATION Moderators: Brankica Radonićprof.biologije i kemije i Bernardica Šušak dipl.oec Number of 30 students Type of Outdoors activity Aim Celebrate Day of planet Earth by planting maple trees, raise awareness of importance of enlarging the park covered parts in our town Soft skills Communication, creativity, love for nature, ecological awareness, corporate social developed responsibility Time 2X45 min Methods group work, practical work, collaborative learning, demonstration Materials 6 maple plants , gardening tools for 6 working fields, plates with generation labels Descriptio The students of the final classes in Ekonomska škola braća Radić planted 6 maple trees supported by Univerzal d.o.o., the company which takes care of maintainance of n of the environment in the town, the place of the activity is near the town swimming pools. activity Representatives of each final class participated in the activity, planted their tree and put the plate lebeling 4E1,4E2,4Pt,4K1,4K2 i 3Pr. Th school. The activity is planned to becoma traditional and students who are going to be final classes next year are looking forward to do the same. they hope that in few years time they will succeed to build a new place where they and other citizens will be able to enjoy in the shades of these trees. During the activity the students were accompanied bythe principal S.Marić and younger students of 1E1, 1E2, 2Pt i 1Pt classes. Reflection How was to work in an international team? What soft skills did you use? and evaluation What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
COLLECTING BATERY WASTE Brankica Radonić – biology and chemistry teacher Number of 150 students Type of activity indoors and outdoors Raise awareness of environment protection and dangerous waste management Aim Soft skills communication, creativity, ecological responsibility, dangerous waste management, developed kinetic skills, empathy Time During academic year Methods team work,practical work Materials scale, protection gloves, containers for bateries, used bateries The project „Let's collect used bateries“ is realised by students of our school together with the Description of company Friš d.o.o. from Križevci. the activity The students collect used bateries all year round, store them in special containers, wigh the quantity and make posters and presentations to spread the knowledge about the harm and danger caused by careless and irresponsible behaviour towards dangerous waste. The project also helps to develop correct custom of separating waste. The bateries are handed in to the Friš d.o.o. licenced company for transporting and managing dangerous waste. The project is of competitive character involvng about 100 schools all over Croatia.
Reflection and evaluation
How was to work in an international team? What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear
PROJECT BB, «– BE BETTER» MODERATORS: Anamarija Gajger, dipl.oec, Marija Milanović, dipl.oec, Spomenka Crnoja, dipl.oec, Darinka Rechner, dipl.oec., Bernardica Šušak, univ.spec.oec. 80-100 Number of students outdoors Type of activity Encourage young people to learn and gain skills, develop creative abilities and Aim develop positive attitude towards entrepreneurship and inovation.. Educate students in accordance with general cultural and civilizanion values, human and children’s rights. Help young people to accept multiculturalism, tolerance, respect diversities and encourage umanitarian activities and active and responsible participation in democratic society. Communication skills, presentation skills, leadership, organizational skills, Soft skills creativity, time management. developed 35 X45 min during academic year Time individual writen works, research Methods overhead projectoe, portable PC, paper and pen Materials Description Organizing lectures, workshops, round tables with the support of the magazine “Entrepreneur” for students of three secondary schools in Djakovo and locals of the Organiziranje predavanja, radionica, okruglih stolova u suradnji sa časopisom. activity The activities may not have direct connection with encouraging entrepeneurship , but indirectly, they educate and prepare yung people for choosing carreer, continuing education,labour market and sef employment. How was to work in an international team? Reflection What soft skills did you use? and What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. evaluation Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?I jasna? Did thislecture encourage you to start thinking of self employment? Did the lecture influence on changing your opinion and attitude to entrepreneurship and how?
CHRISTMAS ECO WORKSHOP Mirela Lemo-Prevoznik, Darinka Rechner, Bernardica Šušak, Stana Pavić i Zlata Hrženjak - Number of 20 students Type of activity indoors and outdors Aim Raise awareness of the need to cooperate inorder to raise money for realization of the mobility of the project of student exchange, develop entrepreneurial spirit a and creativityin marketing Soft skills Communication skills, creativity, time management, presentation skills, developed entrepreneurial skills, ecological responsibility, recycling and managing waste, kinetic skills,empathy Time 3X45 min Methods conversation,team work, pairwork,practical work, demonstration Materials CDs,ribbons, cardboard paper, plaster, moulds,magnets, colours, cotton pads, straw wraths , pine cones, silicon glue, decorations, candles, corn husks The students participated in creative workshops on 18th December 2015. they were Description of makingmagnets intheformof angels and stage decorations from unusable CDs forrr the the activity purpose of forrrecominh Christmass celebration party. They were also making wraths for decoration of Christmas tables, and decorations for Christmas tree of ecological materials such as pinecones and corn husk. Some of these produuucttts were innntended to be sold next dayro raise money for realization of the mobility to Belgim which was planned as the part of the international exchange of students project. Parent were included in the activity of baking cakes, and the activity was of humanitarian character. Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
COMMUNICANT AND COMMUNICATOR ‐ RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION NATIONAL LEVEL COMPETIOTIONS IN SECTORS OF COMMERCIALISM AND TRADE MODERATOR:Darinka Rechner,graduate economist 47 (27 competitors from 15 schools, 20 guides from host school Number of students Outdoors Type of activity To organize National competitions in sectors of trade and commercialism, develop students Aim
Soft skills developed Time Method Material needed Description
awareness of the necessity of exchanging information, ideas and emotions through verbal and non‐verbal communication adapted to social environment, develop the competition spirit, make their explesions clear, concise and understandable, lerences between communicator and communicant.. Communication, creativity, time management, empathy, competitiveness,rsponsibility. Od 10. travnja 2017.(od 13 sati) do 12. travnja 2017. (do 14 sati) Groupwork, individual work, practical work, colaborative learning, mixed form of verbal communication, demonstration, conversation, explanation, dialogue, monologue materials for editing newsletter, pens and pencils, camera, PC, camcorder In April 2017 Ekonomska škola braća Radić was the host of the competitions in sectors of commercialism and trade on national level, and students from 15 Croatian schools took part. The students of the ost institution apart from participating in competitions, also were guides to their guests and showed that communication enables to develop hospitality, cooperation, understanding, quick flow of information and messages, giving instructions, explanations, dates and task complition. Then students had intrapersonal and interpersonal integrated and public communication, but also informal one related to informal background (lunch, breaks, sightseeing interesting places in Djakovo like museums, stud farm, cathedral) The positive non-formal communication is very desirable today in order to improve interpersonal relationships in schools, preventing bulling and mobbing, as well as in families to create favourable conditions for creativity and inovations, and finally makes managing companies and firma easier. the activities were aimed to stress the importance of good communication and responsibility in order to develop correct attitude for doing business. The students had to lead selling conversation taking care of passing through all its six phases, show the skills of packing goods and preparing PPT presentations. Apart from the tasks to be accomplished, the students had opportunity to talk about their private things, learn about each others culture and traditions, and build new frienships..
Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? How was to work in aninternational team? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear? Do you think that all elements of the communication process are equally important? Prepare a presentation about communicatio in the shop regarding the example above. 10
1Formal communication
2Entering communication
3Vertical form of communication
4Horizontaln/diagonal communication
5Journalists ‐ interviews
6Informal communication
7Journalists – public communication
DECIDING ON PRIORITIES Vesna Šimić – Business correspondence Number of 26 ‐ 28 students Type of Indoors activity Aim become aware of the necessity of deciding on priorities, about important and less important things in business and private lives Soft skills Creativity, time management, organizational skills, leadership, setting tasks to lower developed lewels Time 1 x 45 personal priorities, 1 x 45 min business priorities Methods Individual work, filling in table, presentation Materials Worksheet with table prepared in advance Description of The students are given the table to be filled with important and less important things, the activity something that should be urgently done and something which can be done some time later. They do it with things realted to their private life and business obligations as wel if they were managers of companies. After presentation of their tasks to the rest of the class, they became aware of the importance of making such devision of their aims in order to achieve better results. They also became aware of their weaknesses which can cause wasting of time. Reflection and Was it difficult to set important and less important goals? evaluation Do you make daily schedule of things you have to do? was it difficult to make decisions? Do you sometimess feel pressure because of deadlines? Why does it happen? Which skill are necessary for managing company and you became aware of that trough this activity? What are the reasons of wasting time? What would be the ideal part of the table regarding the determined priorities?
Not urgent
Less important
DECORATING EASTER EGGS USING WAX BRANKICA RADONIĆ ,BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY TEACHER Number of 10 students Type of activity indors Aim To keep tradition alive by presenting traditional way of decorating Easter eggs by means of wax and colour. The workhop was organizen on the occasion of stayin of Belgian students and teachers in Croatia. Soft skills Communication, creativity, kinetic skills time managements, tolerance, acceptance of developed diversities, English language usage. Time 2X45 min Methods demonstration, practical work Materials eggs, wax, colours, cooker This way of decorating eggs is stillm present in Slavonian villages. Since families Description of were large and there were lot of children, 80 – 100 eggs used to be decorated. the activity Children used to invent different plays and competitions with eggs. Boiled eggs should be cooled down. The wax should be melted and by using special devic, different decorations were drawn on the eggs. After that they were put in the colour for some time, and when the wax was remofed, the drawing remained white. The eggs were finally polished with bacon. Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
ENGLISH IN A BIT DIFFERENT WAY MODERATORS:Zlata Hrženjak, Mirela Lemo, Stana Pavić, Nataša Šantić, Dario Jagodić – interdisciplinary Number of 30 students Type of Indoor activity Aim To work in a team, develop communication in English, using music and dancing to express creativity Soft skills Communication, creativity, time management, kinetic skills, acting and singning developed Time 3X45 min Methods demonstration, role play,singning,group work, pair work Materials CD player, PC, musical instruments (guitar, drums), illustrations, script Description of The students in groups write script taking care of introducing several subjects taoght in the activity the school (English, ICT, PE, Religious education) in an interesting and unusual way. The working language is English and the workshop is intended to be presented to the potential future students of our school. The script is attached to thedescription of the activity. Reflection and What was it like to work in a team? evaluation Which social skills did you apply during the workshop? Which of these skills will you need in your future job as economist, commercialist, business administrator or shop assistant? Which of these skills you became aware of during activities? Do you think that workshop was interesting and clearly presented?
ENGLISH IN A BIT DIFFERENT WAY Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Iva: Boy: Iva: Girl: Iva:
Marija: Girl: Marija:
Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: Manuela: Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl:
Boy: Girl: Andrea: Boy: Boris: Girl: Luka: Girl: Boy:
Hello, what is going on here' We are having an English lesson. An English lesson?! Yes, why are you so surprised? Come in,you are not going to do a test… Well… maybe later, but first we'll have some fun. What do you mean by „having fun“? Come and see. Tell him, Iva what you need a guitar for. I am going to play it and sing a song. What? Is this a music lesson or what? No, but we can sing in English, cam't we Yes, she is talented for music and we are going to take a chance of it. What are you going to sing , Iva? ….. (Iva is singing a song, lyrics may be displayed on the screen , some of the words are missing, and the students may fill in the sheets) I would like to sing too, but I can't play the guitar and that can be the problem Don't worry we can use music from CD player as backgroung for your singing, what do you say? That's great, let's try. I would like to sing…. (Marija is singing, one of the students is in charge of playing CD. Some worksheets may be prepared for the task) And what is that girl doing overthere? Who? That girl by the picture Let's go and ask her: Manuela, what are you doing there? (starts her monologue from one of the Mr.Bean's programme, the students recognize the acting) Why are these two girls dressed like that? They are our dancers What the hell has it to do with English language? Do they dance in English? No, they would liketo teach us some coreograpgy. Are there volonteers who would like to try? (two girls play the role of rather clumsy volonteer, dancersteach them simple steps and movements, they give the instructions. One of the students is in charge of handling the CD player, stopthe music when neede, turning the volume down and up) Put your left arm in this position Turn around You should do it quicker Raise your left elbow Touch her shoulder Jump at this point Be careful , you can stumble Bent your knee And those three students in the back, what are they doing on the computer? Are they laying games? No, they are doing some serious job. Let's ask them. Hi, therre, what are you doing? We are writing a screeenplay for the documentary we have to make before going to Greece. A documentary? Yes, a short film about young and unemployed people in Croatia. Crises and things like that, you know. Andre, you mentioned going to Greece… We are going to spend a week in Athens doing some workshops, meet some new friends, and of course, practice our English. So, what do you say now, could't learning English be fun? Well I never! (Ring, ringthe sound of school bell from the CD, simulating the end of the class)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN MODERATORS: ZLATA HRŽENJAK and TAMARA JAKŠIĆ – English language Number of 26 ‐ 28 students Type of activity Indoors Use vocabulary, idioms and collocations related to the topic, learn about English Aim
speaking countries tradition, the origin of the custom hich becomes more and more present in Croatia as well.
Soft skills developed Time Methods Materials
Description of the activity
Reflection and evaluation
Communication, creativity, time management, presentation skills, colaborative learning, team work, team leadership, intercultural skills 3X45 min producing materials, demonstration, reading and comprehension, speaking, conversation, pair work, group work, listening and comprehension Pumpkin, candles, pastry for cakes, sausages and puffed pastry, cream pumpkin soup.glucose candies, paper for drawing posters, make up, illustrations and captions for decorating classroom and exhibition place. Students of two neighbouring schools work in mixed groupson tasks which will improve their English vocabulary related to Halloween. Making Jack‐of‐the‐lantern Students search the internet , choose captions and illustrations for decorating clUčeniassroom and exhibition place in school Drawing and writing their own expresions on posters. translating recepies for cookies Making cookies making mummies of sausages and puffy pastri Trick or treat activities – puzzles and questionaries related to Halloween . Spooky making up Evaluation sheets for participants in English language Evaluation sheets for other students and teachers in Croatian language
IN CROATIAN IT SOUNDS LIKE... MODERATOR: ŽELJKA GAL – workshop of the project of international exchange Number of 2X19 students Type of indoors activity Aim Communication in English language, learn about tradition and culture of other peoples and countries, present Croatian culture, tradition and customs, teach Belgians some basic Croatian vocabulary Soft skills Communication, creativity, tiemanagement, presentation skills, team work, developed collaborative learning Time 45 min Methods Demonstration, conversation, roleplay (mime) Materials CD player, PC, Illustrations, ribbon , word cards Description of Mixed group of Belgian and Croatian students answer to yes/no questions which the activity chosen individual puts to the group in order to find out what the word on the word card tied to his forehead means. The winner is the person who succeeds to find it out in shortest time. The words are connected with Croatian tradition and once he/she finds it out, they are introduced the Croatian translation , trying to pronounce and remember it. Reflection and What was it like to work in a team? evaluation Which social skills did you apply during the workshop? Which of these skills will you need in your future job as economist, commercialist, business administrator or shop assistant? Which of these skills you became aware of during activities? Do you think that workshop was interesting and clearly presented?
LET’S MAKE FRIENDS MODERATOR: ZLATA HRŽENJAK – project of international exchange of students Number of 2X19 students Type of activity outdoors Aim Improve communication skills, become more self confident, learn about and understand other people’s culture and tradition, present one’s own tradition, learn about everyday life and routine of Belgian families, learn about travelling behaviour, become more open minded and tollerant to diversities Soft skills Communication, creativity, interculturalism, selfconfidence, kinetic skills, team work, developed sport and outdoor activities, ecological awarenes, collaborative learning Time 2 X two weeks Methods demonstzracije, igranje uloga, gluma, pjevanje, rad u skupinama, rad u parovima, metoda praktičnih radova, ples, Materials CD player, musical instruments, recycling materials, boiled eggs, wax, neckties, bicycles, balls and other sport equipment, food, grill Description of Participants of the project spend a week in each country. Being accommodated in the activity families they have opportunities to learn about everyday routines and customs , food and cousine , folklore and heritage in each country respectively. They also visit partner schools and participate in different educative workshops . During their stay in Croatia, they were introduced the traditional way of decorating Easter eggs by wax, how to tie a necktie, the item of clothing which originates from Croatia, special golden thread embrodery, making decorations of recycable materials , but they also learned simple coreography of Croatian traditional folk dances. One day was spent doing sporta and having barbecue by the nearby lake. In Belgium the participants learned to make traditional Belgian wafels, the basic words in Flamish, experienced the process of cheese making ,visited one of the most important Belgian brewery and tried to dance rock and roll.They were also introduced very important part of the Flander’s history while visiting military graveyards and memorial of First World War soldiers in Iper . Working language was English. Reflection and What was it like to work in a team? evaluation Which social skills did you apply during the workshop? Which of these skills will you need in your future job as economist, commercialist, business administrator or shop assistant? Which of these skills you became aware of during activities? Do you think that workshop was interesting and clearly presented?
MANAGING AND SOLVING CONFLICTS Vesna Šimić – Business correspondence Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Methods Materials Description of the activity
Reflection and evaluation
26 ‐ 28 Indors Develop communication skills and learn about ddifferent types of communication, recognize the conflicts related to the process of doing tasks relationships in a team Team work, communication, creativity, time management, leadership 2x45 Pair work, group work (4 students) Handout with the story for each group, paper for making poster, different colours white board markers The students get handout with described problem ( gossip, lie, different view of some situation related to doing tasks, its process and the interrelationship). They take roles of different participants in the situation (observer, presenter, team lesder or some other person they like).They develop the conflict situation and together decide about the solution to apply. They prepare the poster for presentation of the solution to the rest of the class. They also explain why they chose that method of solving the conflict. They realize that conflict is something natural when working in a team and that it is necessary to learn how to handle it and solve. Whae any problem with communication? Did you have any problem with communication? Did those problems in communication caused conflicts between members of your group? Did you want to win in that conflict or did you want to find the compromise? What method of conflict solving did you use and why? Can disproportion between vererbal communication be the reason of conflict? Do you like emotionally asynchronous conversation and why?
TETRAPAK –PLASTIC COATED HARD PAPER FOOD PACKAGING Brankica Radonić – biology and chemistry teacher Number of 30 students Type of activity Indoors Adequate waste storage and using plastic coated paper packages for expressing students Aim creativity in educative workshops. develop awareness about increasing threats to life in lakes
Soft skills developed Time Methods Materials Description of the activity
Communication, creativity, environmental responsibility, recycling waste, kinetic skills, empathy. 8X45 min conversation, team work, practical work plastic coated paper packages of food and drinks
Reflection and evaluation
How was to work in an international team? What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
for the occaion of celebrating Day of the planet Earth, the students made a model of the lake with spieces of flora and foune habitants in natural size. They tried to make a heron, duck surrounded by sedge and water lilies. they wanted to decorate school yard and in that way draw attention of the citizens of the endangered biocenoses ofmlakes and prper waste management at the same time. The authors of this work were students of the 1. i 2. Pt classes
RECYCLING AND CREATINHG BRANKICA RADONIĆ I BERNARDA ŠUŠAK Number of 26 ‐ 28 students Type of indors activity Aim to raise ecological awarenes, the importance of recycling material Soft skills creativity, kinetic skills, handling different tools, communication, team work, ecological developed responsibility Time 3X45 min Methods Prctical work, demonstration Materials old stockings, wire, pliers, tape Description of During this creative workshop the students produce flowers of old stockings trying to the activity reduce waste which is difficult to decomposeand in that ways they become ecologically aware individuals Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
STARRY, STARRY NIGHT MODERATOR: ZLATA HRŽENJAK‐ English language Number of students 26 ‐ 28 Indoors Type of activity Improve written ans spoken coomunication in English language, learn about famous Aim Aim Soft skills developed Time Methods Materials Description of the activity
Reflection and evaluation
European painter, make correlation between two different types of art, introduce culture and tradition of other nations, develop awareness of one’s own heritage. Communication, time management, interculturalism, presentation skills, kinetic skills 45 min Reading and comprehension, speaking, conversation, puzzle method, work with text, listening and comprehension, Van Gogh’s pictures reproductions, magnets, text, cards with questions, soundtracks of Starry, starry night, CD player, lyrics. Group of students try to solve the puzzle which represent Van Gogh’s picture and put them on the magnet board. The task is a form of competition; the fastest group gets a symbolic reward. at the same time the students can hear the instrumental version of the song Starry, starry night to get acquaintes to its sound. After acc unaomplishing the task and having all pictures on the board, the students are given information that one of them is called starry night and they try to identify it. For the next task students are given 5 questions and part of the text about the famous painter where they can find the answer to only one question. They have to mingle and find answers from other groups. At the end of the task, each group has a summary of the complete text which draws their attention to the picture mentioned above which inspired another artist, a musician , to write a song about Vincent van Gogh. The students are given worksheet with filling in gap task and listen to song with lyrics. when the text is completed, the students identify the pictures mentioned in it which they also had opportunity to see as result of their puzzles. The students who can play musical instruments (guitar) are given the chords of the song and they try to reproduce it. For their homework all studnts have to explore the facts about the Dutch painter and write an essay in 200 words.
What was it like to work in a team? Which social skills did you apply during the workshop? Which of these skills will you need in your future job as economist, commercialist, business administrator or shop assistant? Which of these skills you became aware of during activities? Do you think that workshop was interesting and clearly presented?
Don McLean Lyrics "Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)" Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now For they could not love you But still your love was true And when no hope was left in sight On that starry, starry night
Shadows on the hills Sketch the trees and the daffodils Catch the breeze and the winter chills In colors on the snowy linen land
You took your life, as lovers often do But I could've told you Vincent This world was never meant for One as beautiful as you
Now I understand What you tried to say to me And how you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now Starry, starry night Flaming flowers that brightly blaze Swirling clouds in violet haze Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue Colors changing hue Morning fields of amber grain Weathered faces lined in pain Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand Now I understand What you tried to say to me And how you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free
Starry, starry night Portraits hung in empty halls Frame-less heads on nameless walls With eyes that watch the world and can't forget Like the strangers that you've met The ragged men in ragged clothes The silver thorn of bloody rose Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow Now I think I know What you tried to say to me And how you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never will
TEACH ME HOW TO DANCE NATAŠA ŠANTIĆ Number of 36 students Type of activity outdoors Aim Introduce part of the Croatian culture and tradition to belgian students and teacher through simple coreography of croatian folk dances in interesting and funny way. Soft skills Communication in English language, comprehension, European citizenship, tolerance, developed acceptance of diversities, the importance of culture and heritage, Time 3X45 min Methods demonstration, listening, kinetic skills, practical work Materials Cd player, CD,soundtracks, Description of During realization of the project of international exchane of students with the school the activity from Roeselare, Belgium, there were dofferent workshops organized for all participants in the project to participate in mixed groups in order to ude English language as much as possible. Workshops were designed iwith the aimto present Croatian culture and tradition to the Belgians. One of the workshops was supposed to introduce Croatian folk dances from Slavonia. The students spent 3 lessons having fun, and getting to know the elements of Croatian folklore. The result of the workshopwas the presentation of the outcomes in the school hall to all other students in the school during the brake. Many of students joined them and performed really spectacular scene. Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
PROJECT CROCUS MODERATORS:BRANKICA RADONIĆ , DARINKA RECHNER, DANICA CRNOV Number of 26 ‐ 28 students Type of outdoors activity Aim Introduce the notion of holocaust to young people and raise awareness about the danger of racism, discrimination and prejudic. Soft skills communication, creativity, time management, collaborative learning, research developed Time 3X45 min Methods Demonstration and practical work Materials crocus bubs, gardening tools , gloves Description of Ekonomska škola Braća Radić joined the international project Crocus with the mail aim to the activity introduce the notion of holocaust to young people and raise the awareness of danger of racism, discrimination and prejudices. On 11th November 2015, the students of 2K1, their classmaster Darinka Rechner and biology teacher Brankica Radonić planted crocus bulbs to commemorate the victims of holocaust. Since the project is whole year activity it will be also integrated in the history lessons, geography lessons and Croatian language in the workshops organized by the librarian Danica Crnov. Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
THE NECKTIE DAY Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Material needed Description Reflection and evaluation
300 outdoors Strenghtening positive values of identity in Croatian society and creating positive image of Croatia in the world Communication, creativity, presentation skills, self confidence 6X45 min comation, team work, demonstration necktie Students, teachers and other staff of Ekonomska škola Braća Radić Đakovo wore necktieson 18.10 celebrated the Necktie Day. They wanted to remind of the values which this clothing item represents; politenes, important moments in lives of individuals, business success and connection between all people in the world. It was also the occasion to introduce the fact that it originates from Croatia, its name “Cravate” is derived from the word Croat, and it is part of Croatian cultural heritage. Being Being swaying on one hand and having a knot on the other, it represents freedom and responsibility. The students and teachers traditionally take photos in their classes, but in the school hall as well. How was to work in an international team? What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
TRAINING FIRM FAIR MODERATORS:Spomenka Crnoja and jelica Paradžik ‐Lazarević Number of 100 – final classes of all courses students Type of activity Indors Aim To improve the quality of vocational education on national levelby introducing the programme of training firms. It encourages students to become more independent, selfconfident and develops their entrepreneurila skills while applying their theoretical knowlwdge in practice. To develop entrepreneurial ambitions, skills, abilities and attitudes, build friendship and cooperation among students and teachers. Soft skills Team work, communication, creativity, time management, presentation skills, developed leadership, Time 90 minutes Methods presentation, filling in forms, creating promotional materials. group work, individual work Materials Different coloured papers, paper for posters, carbon paper, colourful chalks, stickers, stamps, CDs, craayons of different colours, scothc tape Description of training firm trade has been orgaized in Ekonomska škola braća Radić for four years the activity for students of final classes in the economist and commercialist courses. On thata occasion the students present their training firms, fill in the business documentation and apply formerly gained knowledge. They present their firms in Croatian and in English or German to other students of the school, visitors from primary schools , citizens and representatives of local communiy and to local entrepreneurs and company owners who rank the firms according to certain common criteria. Each firm exhibits their promotional materials (leaflets, catalogues, brochures, calenders) which had to be designed in company colours and overall visual identity of the firm. Each firm produces its own video clip which will represent the company on the fair. the points gained for presentation, exhibition place decoration, business conversation and number of agreed cooperation are added and the the winner Koje društvene vještine ste koristili? Koji su vještine potrebne za tržište rada, a osvijestili ste ih kroz provedene aktivnosti? company is proclaimed. Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
IMPROVE ENGLISH FOR FRENCH GROUP Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method Material needed address
20 students indoor To know the vocabulary on soft skills a job offer, memorizing words Foreign language (English) 45 minutes Learn English vocabulary in a fun way Computer, Internet connection
Soft skills :
Job offers : Description You have few activities : use flashcards test associate words… Reflection and Able to understand and use this vocabulary evaluation How confident are you now regarding the use of vocabulary skills?
THE BIG TOWER Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Material needed Description
20 students ‐ indoor To work in team, to communicate, to make decision Teamwork, communication, creativity, time management, decision
8 minutes Only 16 papers A4 per group (no glue, no scissors…) In groups of 5‐6 people (different nationalities) you have to make the biggest tower with only 16 papers A4 and you have only 8 minutes ‐The pupils are entitled to error, they must listen and respect themselves. Reflection and This activity allows students to think about their place in a group, if they have evaluation implemented a good strategy, communicate and know how to manage their time. What skills required on the labour market did you become aware of?
PICTURE OF THE PERFECT EMPLOYEE Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time
20 students – in groups of 4 students indoor To work in team, to communicate, to be creative, to represent abstract skill through symbols, to know the needed skills Teamwork, communication, creativity, time management
10 minutes : discussing about softskills 30 minutes : creating poster 10 minutes : preparing oral presentation and presentation to the other groups Material Artistic material: painting, drawing, pasting, scissors, paper, magazins (for needed photomontage) Description What kind of impression would you like to give ? Groups of 4 students paint the picture oft the perfect employee with characteristics, symbols, attributes and background to represent the needed softskills. In aftermath, they present it and comment their choices and the symbols they chose to the other groups. Reflection and Counting, comparing and discussing the relevent skills choosen by each group evaluation Evaluating quality of symbolism and creativity in the work of each group
WHO AM I, WHAT AM I? Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time
any (sit in circles of approx.. 12‐ 15 students) indoor getting to know each other, practicing English vocabulary related to soft skills; memorizing words communication in English, becoming more confident in using technical vocabulary
approx. 15 minutes (can be variated with different vocabulary and repeated, or the people within the circles change) Method The youngest person in the circle starts, says his/her name and adds a soft skill he believes he possesses: “I am Peter, and I am motivated.” The next person (clockwise) repeats and adds information for himself: “This is Peter, he is motivated; and my name is Andrea, I am very organized.” The third person says: “This is Peter over there, who is motivated, next to him is Andrea, who is very organized, and I am Michelle, and I am good at languages.” At the end 2 pupils per circle can choose a team by e.g. saying: “For my company I need flexible people, so I want Jean” etc. Material chairs, the vocabulary booklet “skills for success” or the similar TwinSpace list ; needed vocabulary should have been learned before. Reflection and What skills required on the labour market did you become aware of? evalation How confident are you now with regard to using the skills vocabulary?
INTERVIEW TIPS ‐ PANTOMIME Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method
any (2 groups competing, mixed or single nationality) indoor
forming team spirit, practicing English vocabulary related to job interviews skills communication in English, becoming more confident in using job‐related vocabulary, supporting each other in finding a solution approx. 20minutes (can be varied with different vocabulary) The first of the two groups (members come from any country, ideally a mix of different ones) will pantomime behavior related to do’s and don’ts of job interviews. The members of the other group must say which situation they think is presented within 1 minute. The answer must be given in correct English. It must be cleared beforehand if they simply shout or raise their hands. If they fail to give the correct answer, their own group must pantomime one situation and the other group takes a guess. Those who guess correctly get points. Example: 2 students present a too strong handshake. The students who must guess shout e.g. “don’t give a bone‐crushing handshake”. The whole group must have learned about job interviews before and also studied the Preparation/ vocabulary in English! For this, refer to our TwinSpace files (interview tips from Material entrepreneurs etc.). needed A piece of paper to mark the points Reflection and Which important points to consider for job interviews have been brought to mind? evalation How well can you express the do’s and don’ts of interview traps in English? How confident are you now with regard to using the interview vocabulary?
YOUNG EMPLOYEE OF SUCCESS Mirea Mihaela- Florentina a XI-a F Number of 28/ groups of 7 students students Type of Indoor activity Aim Make participants aware of skills needed on labor market. Soft skills Teamwork, communication skills, creativity, time management. developed Time 50 minutes Method Debate Material Paper, pencils, stickers, crayons. needed Description I had divided the class in groups of 7 pupils. They had to represent the concept “Young employee of success”. I initiated a discussion about the skills needed on labor market. Each group had to represent on a poster its concept by drawing or writing their ideas. At the end of the class pupils found some important skills such as: respect, honesty, team spirit, creativity, good communication skills in your native language or in foreign languages, self‐confidence, energy, passion, ability to adapt to different communication situations, persevering, ambitious, sociable, spirit of observation, seriousness. Reflection and They presented the posters in front of the class. evaluation
BE QUICK AT FINDING A SEAT Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time
20 indoor Practising vocabulary communication in English, becoming more confident in using vocabulary
approx. 20 minutes (can be variated with different vocabulary and repeated, or the people within the circles change) Method 4 categories of vocabulary are written on the board. Each category has its own colour. The students are sitting in a circle. On the back of each chair the teacher has put the colour of the category. The teacher is standing in the middle of the circle. He is the first to say a word from one category. Only the students with this colour stand up and change places. Meanwhile the teacher sits on one of the chairs. One student is left without a chair. And they go on. Material chairs, the vocabulary booklet “skills for success” or the similar TwinSpace list ; needed vocabulary should have been learned before. Reflection and What skills required on the labour market did you become aware of? evaluation How confident are you now with regard to using the skills vocabulary?
TELLING TALES Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method
16 indoor Practising storytelling communication in English, becoming more confident in storytelling approx. 40 minutes The class is divided into 4 groups of 4. Each group has a table in the corner of the room. The teacher gives each group a short anecdote. The members of each group read together, discuss, explain words in order to make it easier to remember. 10 minutes are given to each group to prepare the text for retelling. Then one student from each group goes to the next. He retells the story in his own words while the other 3 students are trying to understand it, they ask questions. After that they tell him their story. Then the student goes to the third and fourth group. He retells his story and listens to the other groups‘ stories. In the end each student is familiar with and able to retell the four stories. It becomes easier in discussion and all the students are involved in the activity. A short anecdote per group
Material needed Reflection and Confidence in communication in English, good teamwork. evaluation
LE CREDIT – TYPES, FORMES, TAUX D’INTERET Number of students Type of activity Aims
26 students Leçon „portes‐ouvertes”
Décrire le mécanisme général du crédit, les sens, l’importance, les formes Connaître le mécanisme du taux d’intérêt Apprendre un lexique spécialisé Pouvoir communiquer au guichet de la banque Soft skills Travail individuel et en groupe, communication, créativité, présentation des developed connaissances théoriques en pratique Time 45‐60 minutes Méthode CLIL Matérial Dépliants de publicité bancaire nécessaire Dictionnaire des affaires Description La classe est divisée en quatre groups et les élèves cherchent les differents sens du mot “credit”, analysent les explications pour trouver un sens commun Le porte‐parole de chaque groupe écrit au tableau les significations trouvées Les élèves rédigent de petits dialogues sur le thème du « crédit » Les élèves étudient les avantages et les inconvénients d’un crédit On fait les mêmes activités pour le taux d’intérêt Reflection and Bien comprendre et expliquer la partie théorique, les definitions et les explications evaluation Utiliser correctement les termes Formuler des questions correctes sur les termes Bonne orientation dans un dictionnaire spécialisé Elaboration d’un panorama etc.
LANDART‐ YOUNG EMPLOYEE OF SUCCESS Teacher: Poștovei Cătălina Ileana Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method
Material needed Description
20‐30/ groups of 5/6 students Outdoor To make participants aware of skills needed on labour market. Teamwork, communication, creativity, time management, presentation skills 45‐60 minutes Landart is an art form that is created in nature, using natural materials such as soil, rock (bed rock, boulders, stones), organic media (logs, branches, leaves), and water. Sculptures are not placed in the landscape, rather, the landscape is the means of their creation. None
In groups of 5‐6 people( different nationalities) you have to represent the concept “Young employee of success”. Use whatever you can find around you/ without damaging the nature.Build a sculture in the nature/ with the nature. Find a title for your piece of art and a story. Present your to the other groups work. Take photos and make an exhibition with the photos and the stories. Reflection and How was to work in an international team? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your presentation was attractive and clear?
LIVING LIBRARY Teacher: Poștovei Cătălina Ileana Number of students Type of activity Aim
Soft skills developed Time Method Material needed Description
20‐30/ in pairs of 2 students Indoor To make participants aware of skills they have to access labour market and the condition of accesion. Communication, time management, presentation skills, analyze problem 50 minutes Students speak in pairs with a ”book”/ an employee from a dream job Tables, chairs
Choose the jobs you want to find out about more. Choose the ”book” that can present you this job. Discuss with the ”book” all your questions you have about your ”dream job” Reflection and How was todiscuss with a person that have the job you attend to have in the future? evaluation What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Are you satisfied with the informations? Do you still want to have that job in the future?
About "Living Library" "Living Library" is method of informal education, encouraging social awareness, tolerance and respect for human rights. "Living Library" consists of Living books, librarians and readers.
In our school we adapt the "Living Library" for our needs of professional orientation of students. Living Books are professionals from different business. Living books have a lot to say about their job, conditions to access, competences needed. Librarian meets a reader (a passerby, participant or targeted audience) that comes to the "Living Library". Librarian is a teacher responsible for preparing audience for reading process, explaining the rules and suggesting to pick a "book" from catalogue. Coming people often have questions: what will I ask the Living book? Process of reading involves sincere conversation between Living book and reader, asking concerning questions and getting straight answers. Reading process becomes comfortable and interactive. Librarians are observing conversation from aside and intervene if needed. The reading session is approximately 15 to 25 minutes. Usually result of reading is obvious: reader leaves thoughtful, positive and energised, quite often they exchange contacts. Process of reading help students to understand better labour market and competences they need to develop.
Huge effect of "Living Library" urges us to ensure succession of this method.
THE IDEAL EMPLOYEE Teacher: Poștovei Cătălina Ileana Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method Material needed Description
20‐30/ in pairs of 2 students Indoor To make participants aware of skills they have to access labour market. Communication, creativity, time management, presentation skills, analyze and solve a problem 40 minutes Using creativity and the analize of the skills needed on labour market to ”promote” your pair as an ideal employee. Paper, coloured pencils, markers
Make pairs. Read annexe and discuss with your collegue. Try to discover as many as possible the abilities that recommend your collegue on labour market. Make a poster to promote your collegue as ”The Ideal employee”. Present your poster to your collegues. Make an exhibition with your posters. Reflection and How was to work in pairs? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. Do you think your poster reflect the soft skills your collegue have?
ABILITIES REQUESTED BY COMPANIES Personal abilities Orientation towards results Flexibility, adaptability Proactivity Solving problems Efficiency Good management of time and priorities Capacity of analysis Creativity Autonomy Relativism Ability to take initiative Ability to cope with the stress Social abilities Sociability Practical spirit Persuasion Good will Positive attitude Team spirit Ability to motivate Ability to cope with feedback Diplomacy Tact Kindness Empathy Leadership skills Communicational skills
WORLD COFFEE Teacher: Poștovei Cătălina Ileana Number of students Type of activity Aim
20‐30 Indoor
To make participants communicate on one topic Soft skills Communication, creativity, time management, presentation skills, analyze and solve a developed problem Time 40 minutes Method Discussing in teams to discover important elements/ ideas on various topics E.g.: discover the projects related with soft skills and profesional orientation carried on through last years in Colegiul Economic Buzau Material Paper, coloured pencils, markers needed Photos, panels Description Each table / work point have designated a number of 2‐4 students and photos and materials related with the project they present. Teachers from partners countries have to reach all the 6 points of work one by one and to discuss with students about the project presented Final a general discussion takes place Reflection and How was to work in groups? evaluation What soft skills did you use? What are the skills needed on labour market that you become aware of. More ifos‐concepts‐resources/world‐cafe‐method/
WORLD COFFEE 07.06.2017 Programme TABLE 1‐ TRAINING COMPANY IN ROMANIA Students: Zahanagiu Robert, Ilie Costin, Pruteanu Răzvan TABLE 2‐ WORKING IN EUROPE Students: Bostan Cristina, Balaban Cristina, Petre Andrei, Coconel Larisa TABLE 3‐ IBRAVE Students: Tudor Ioana, Ștefan Dragoș, Toader Iulia, Vlad Nicoleta TABLE 4‐ JOB SHADOW DAY Students: Enică Teodor, Goidescu Robert, Alecu Adrian, Ciortan Sebastian TABLE 5‐ LIVING LIBRARY Students: Răileanu Eduard, Oncioiu Diana, Istrățoiu Tiberiu TABLE 6‐ TRAINING COMPANY IN INTERNATIONAL FAIRS Students: Mocanu Andrei, Neagu Denisa BOOTH‐ CASA BUZOIANA‐ A VIRTUAL COMPANY Students: Baraboi Adrian, Bădără Denisa, Niță Roxana Teachers: Ilie Cătălina, Poștovei Cătălina Ileana
CUP STACK‐ LEARNING TEAMWORK Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method
20‐30/ groups of 4 ‐6 students (5‐6 groups) Indoors To understand the difficulties and skills requiered to work in a group and coordinate. Teamwork, patience, communication skills, coordination.
25 minutes Cup stack is an activity to be performed indoors with the objective of helping our students to develop the skills and abilities needed to develop tasks that require cooperation and coordination from all the group members as well as a sound leadership. Material Paper or plastic cups, rubber bands and strings. needed Per group: ‐ 5 paper/plastic cups ‐ 1 rubber band ‐ 1 string (1‐0.75 meter long) per group member Description Working in groups of 4‐6 people, every group member will receive a string. Every string will be attached to the rubber band and equally spaced from the rest of strings. The challenge is for the group to build a pyramid out of the cups (3 on the bottom, 2 in the middle, 1 on the top). Group members cannot touch the cups with their hands or any other part of their bodies, even if a cup falls over or on the floor. Each person holds onto one of the strings that are attached to the rubber band and they use this device to pick up the cups and place them on top of each other (by pulling the rubber band apart and then bringing it back together over the cups). Reflection and Did you feel the pressure of working together? How did you deal with it? evaluation There was a clear leadership in the group? Why? How do you think the skills and abilities used in this game can help you in the work place? Source Ms. Sepp's Counselor Corner (
HUMAN KNOT ‐ LEARNING TEAMWORK Number of students Type of activity Aim Soft skills developed Time Method
Material needed Description
20‐30/ groups of 10 students (3‐3 groups) Indoors / Outdoors To understand the difficulties and skills requiered to work in a group, coordinate and problem solving Teamwork, communication skills, coordination. leadership. 15‐30 minutes A good icebreaker or teambuilding activity for new people to learn to work together – in close physical proximity! The goal is to figure out how to untangle the human knot without letting go of hands. None
Working in groups of aproximately 10 people, have each group standing, facing towards each other, in a circle. Each person should be standing shoulder to shoulder. First, instruct everyone to lift their left hand and reach across to take the hand of someone standing across the circle. Next, have everyone lift their right and reach across to take the hand of another person standing across the circle. Make sure that no one is holding hands with someone standing directly beside the person. To play, the groups must communicate and figure out how to untangle the knot (forming a circle of people) without ever letting go of any hands. If you wish, this icebreaker can be played competitively, in which the facilitator says “Ready.. Set.. Go!” and has all the groups race to become the first group to finish. If any group member lets go of a hand (breaks the chain), then the group must start from the beginning, or you could impose a penalty/punishment for that person (e.g. wear a blindfold). Reflection and How well did you group work together? evaluation What strategies did your group adopt? How did it feel to solve the game? Source Group games (‐‐breakers/human‐knot‐ icebreaker.html)
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