Collecting Carlton Ware 2014 Edition

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Collecting Carlton Ware David Serpell


60s Francis Joseph

Acknowledgements Particular thanks and acknowledgements are extended to: Kathy Nibiett and Miranda Goodby, Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent Ruth Dennison, Celia and David, Coalport China Museum, Ironbridge Gorge, Telford. Hamish Wood, Gladstone Working Pottery Museum, Hanley. Roger and Rosemary Biggs, Hemel Hempstead. Beverley, 30, Church Street, London. 0171 262 1576 Beth Adams, Alfie's Antique Centre, Church Street, London 0467 783956 Eddie Page, of Goss Cottage, Sheringham. 01263 824094 Dennis Harwood, Much Ado About Deco, Stratford-on-Avon 01789 204180

Š Francis Joseph Publications 1999 ISBN 1 870703 43 X Second edition Published in the UK by Francis Joseph Publications 5 Southbrook Mews, London SE12 8LG Tel: 0181 318 9580 e-mail: Typeset by E J Folkard Print Services 199 Station Road, Crayford, Kent DA1 3QF Printed by Greenwich Press Standard House, Eastmoor Sreet, London SE7 Carlton Ware is a trade mark of Francis Joseph Salmon. Use of this trade mark without prior agreement will lead to prosecution All the information and valuations have been compiled from reliable sources and every effort has been made to eliminate errors and questionable data. Nevertheless the possibility of error always exists. The publisher will not be held responsible for losses which may occur in the purchase, sale or othertransaction of items because of information contained herein. Readers who feel they have discovered errors are invited to write and inform us so that these may be corrected in subsequent editions.

Contents Foreword




The quality of Carlton Ware


1890 to 1998 - The Carlton Ware story


Infinite variety - Carlton's diversity


Building a collection - concepts and costs


Know what you are looking at


Dating your Carlton Ware


Colour section and price guide


The making of a vase


Carlton China, and W & R's Crested Ware


Fruit and Floral Embossed Wares


Records and Insurance


A Carlton Ware pattern list


Selected Bibliography


The Author David Serpell lives and writes in Suffolk, though his interests take him all over the British Isles. In addition to being keen collectors of Carlton Ware and early plastics, he and his wife share a fascination with the style and artefacts of the 1930's, and a keen interest in mediaeval and twentieth century history. An enthusiastic walker and birdwatcher, David is also a well known writer on touring caravans. Authors Note My thanks are due to many, many people who have helped me in small or great measure with the preparation of this book. Dealers and collectors, friends and family have all given their time and endured my questions, each answer contributing a further piece to the varied tapestry of the Carlton story. This book does not pretend to be exhaustive - indeed, if it were it would have to be many times the size, and would no longer be a Handbook. By the same token, while I have endeavoured to learn my lessons well, there may well be errors contained within. For any such errors I make full apology here, and accept the blame - to all those who have helped so much can only go my warmest thanks. My gratitude is offered particularly to a small group of people, listed on page 2, who have helped me by making available specific material for certain chapters, or who have allowed their prized possessions to be photographed. Above all I am indebted to my wife Sharon, without whose sharp eyes I would have missed some fascinating items, and who is both my greatest supporter and my sternest critic; and to our good friends Beverley and Beth Adams for their great fund of experience and knowledge, and their good humoured help and encouragement. Key to back cover From back left: pattern 4018 Secretary Bird beneath tree with exotic foliage on dark red ground, large vase (£2588); pattern 3405 the Floral Comets pattern on a large wall plaque (£3176); pattern 3814 the Wagon Wheels design on mottled dark red large vase (£3293); pattern 3361 Jazz pattern against a dark blue on a large bulbous vase lustre ground (£4705); pattern 3015 the famous Chinaland pattern on a mottled red ground, on a medium ginger jar (£2000); pattern 3352 on a medium bulbous vase showing Jazz on dark red (£2235); pattern 3387 Floral Comets on an olive green background, small to medium ginger jar (£329); pattern 3651 a pedestal powder bowl in Scimitar design, small to medium powder bowl (£882); pattern 3767, sought after Mephistopheles figure dressed in red on a pale blue ground medium jug (£2000); and pattern 3721 superb geometric design known as Rainbow Fan, medium vase (£2352). Courtesy Christies Prices realised in August 1998.

Foreword Francis J Salmon

As a publisher of books on TwentiethCentury English Ceramics, it will come as no surprise to you that Carlton Ware has long been regarded as an important subject for me. I published the first edition in 1994 in order to meet the inherent demand for information regarding this subject. Hitherto, there had been nothing for collectors but empty promises that someone, somewhere was going to come up with something. Consequently, I did what I could, enlisting the help of friends, in particular Pat and Howard Watson, Beverley and Beth, and Dennis Harwood. Howard Watson was particularly nostalgic for the then redundant Carlton Ware name, and I wondered, just wondered, whether it was purchasable. I could not buy it at the time, but in 1997 I called John McCluskey of Grosvenor Ceramics, the owner of the trade name and other assets, and secured a purchase. I inherited an Aladdin's Cave of moulds dating back to goodness knows when, along with the trade name and goodwill of the company, but I did not even suspect, at that time, how exiting things were to become. My experience as co-owner of Kevin Francis, still making collectable toby jugs and other figures, had taught me a great deal about the pottery industry. As the recession bit hard in the early nineties, I sold my interest in the company, and four years later I was ready to enter the world of ceramic production once more. The support of so many friends and contacts within the business was a real boon to me. Among them, Roger Bairstow at the Bairstow Manor Pottery in Stoke-on-Trent was especially helpful and he is now producing all the Carlton Ware for us. He and his wife, Brenda have worked extremely hard to uncover the many moulds that were delivered upon purchase, and they also managed to rescue some moulds from potters who had acquired them from the 1989 sale of assets. Among them was a delightful series of Carlton Children dressed as adults - a wartime series that had never been put into production and dubbed by Roger the Carlton Kids. The excitement of checking the mould numbers against the records we had was immense they could easily have been lost for all time. Also among these moulds were a series of small figures (a Negro Band and a set of Pixies come immediately to mind) and even today we have not been through all the moulds we inherited. It is always delightful to see the latest slip cast assembly of moulds form a new figure or ornament. Our policy from the very beginning has been to introduce new items relating to the 1990s, and not to reproduce or imitate the wares of the 1930s. Where there is a useable mould, like the classic teapot design of the Red Baron, we are producing it with new colours, in varying guises and with clear labels and boxes that indicate the modernity of the items. Our backstamp includes the TM mark that is commonplace nowadays and should indicate to anyone uncertain that the piece they have is post 1997.

The inspiration for the figurines we have introduced is the clear association between Carlton Ware and flowers - so many designs are based on flowers, whether lithograph or relief moulded that we decided upon a series of Carlton Girls that embody the spirit of Carlton Ware. The first to take my eye was the lithographed and enamelled 'Hollyhocks' pattern, and Douglas VTootle did an excellent three dimensional interpretation of a nude figure nestled in the flowers. The result was lovely, and the new series was born. Another inspiration was the figure of Mephistopheles - or The Red Devil. He appears in rare examples of superb lustre wares - often with Tiger's Eye trees in the background. A bowl with the Red Devil in place appeared at Christies in 1997 and fetched an enormous ÂŁ4700! He is therefore the inspiration for the first in a Character Series of where each piece is limited to just 500. Following on from him are other characters from the 1930s the Jester, Masquerade, Harlequin and so on. There are other plans in the pipeline too numerous to mention. Suffice to say that Carlton Ware is very much back in production. Quality and Good Humour seem to me to be the bywords for this fabulous company - and I promise to uphold them. Finally I would like to thank David Serpell for his wonderful efforts in researching this book. This second edition is the kind of book that collectors of Carlton Ware have been wanting - f u l l of information and photographs of over a century of Carlton Ware. He has done a fantastic job with real dedication, helped, no doubt, by his wife, Sharon. Without them this book would not have been possible and without the inspiration of Pat and Howard Watson, the great name of Carlton Ware would only be of historical importance today.

Introduction Something for everyone Varied, valuable, decorative and fun - Carlton Ware is all of these; but most of all it is true to say that today Carlton Ware of every era, and in every one of its many styles is collectable. Collectability is rather a hard condition to define. To become collectable items must have appeal to a wide range of people - and this appeal will be made up of a combination of properties. Quality in manufacture, investment value, eye appeal, curiosity, diversity and affordability — all of these play their part in deciding which items arrive on the scene, last a few years and are then forgotten; and which have that lasting appeal which makes them sought after 'objects of desire' for succeeding generations. Of course in pottery, as in most walks of life, 'one man's meat is another man's poison'. So it is even within Carlton - but the output of the factory at Copeland Street, Stoke-onTrent for almost a century displayed such range, such consistent high quality, and such imagination that Carlton Ware holds a unique place in many collectors' hearts and minds. Whether individual fancy takes you into Victoriana or table ware, exotic lustre items or Heraldic china, witty novelties or dainty patterns of fruits and berries, such is the breadth of their range that collecting Carlton truly offers something for everyone, whether on a budget, or as serious investor. From the simple to the luxurious, from plain styles to the highly decorated, Carlton Ware has already celebrated over a hundred years of existence. There were fears that there would be no more Carlton in the early 1990s after the closure of the original factory but such thoughts were premature. A new owner acquired the famous marque in 1997, and entirely new Carlton Ware figures, with all the hallmarks of quality, individuality and style, and bearing the famous scriptmark are beginning to appear. Some of these are entirely new designs, while a small number are original 1940s designs, now in production for the first time. There can be little doubt that these will quickly become as sought after and valued as all the previous century of Carlton Ware richness and variety.

The quality of Carlton Ware The uninitiated sometimes ask collectors: "Why Carlton Ware - what's so special about it?", and, of course, there is no single answer which defines all of Carlton's appeal. As we will see later in this book, the Copeland Street works produced a simply staggering variety of wares over some 99 years, but throughout most of this period one word provides a key to Carlton's continuing success over such a long period - and to its enduring popularity with collectors from many walks of life today. That word is Quality. Even in their earliest years when the young company's Blush Ware had to gain acceptance against established names like Crown Devon, they succeeded by placing an emphasis on the highest standards, both in manufacture and in decoration. Clear, fine mouldings (although better were to come) and delicate handpainted floral decorations were the order of the day. When Wiltshaw and Robinson began to introduce product ideas of their own in the period leading up to the First World War, quality was again a hallmark. Production included many matt black items, with both transfer and enamel designs, among them the interesting 'cloisonne' ware, imitating cloisonne jewellery. During this period they also introduced hand enamelled parian Crested china and Commemorative Ware for a completely different market, very successfully penetrating a market established over twenty years by W. H. Goss. Once more the fineness of their castings and the superb detail of their hand enamelled crests offered quality to a ready public. "Technique which is exceptional" However it was between the wars that the range and diversity of Carlton Ware reached its peak. Their mouldings of this period are so often just a bit finer in the hand, more elegant to the eye than any other British factory of the day, even before we consider the range of luxurious lustre finishes, the sumptuous designs and dazzling colours, both under and over glaze. Carlton without doubt developed some of the most sophisticated techniques for lithographic transfer printing of any factory, and these alone give great colour and interest to many designs. On top of these were applied a range of complex lustre finishes, often incorporating oxides and salts of precious metals, and these succeeded in imparting a clarity and three dimensional depth to their pieces that very few could match. The final jewel in their crown was a superb team of paintresses, whose deft precision in applying the over glaze enamels in an amazing array of colours provided the finishing touches to make Carlton Ware designs so eye catching and desirable. From among the British factories only Crown Devon could be said to come close, and this was achieved to some extent by sharing the workforce of paintresses. However, by this time the Fieldings factory had lost its pre-eminence in creating fine and distinctive pottery shapes. It is often possible to tell Crown Devon of this period from Carlton Ware as you pick it up by the somewhat heavier, coarser feel, regardless of decoration. These lustre pieces coexisted with the delightful floral embossed ranges, such as Rock Garden and Buttercup, Blackberry and Wild Rose. Other factories produced moulded

items, but once again the fine detail in the moulding of their leaves, berries and flowers, along with careful hand painting made Carlton Ware items big sellers then - and highly desirable now. The same care was applied even in the production of items of lesser value such as cruets, napkin rings, figurines and advertising figures, with the result that all of these are today rightly considered attractive and highly collectable. In reflecting on the insistence on quality which was so characteristic of Carlton at this time the unique, frosted glaze achieved on the beautiful Glacielle animal figures cannot be overlooked. In October 1938 The Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review described this range as embodying 'technique, from the modelling down to the last finishing touch' which is 'exceptional'. Such praise can, perhaps, be reiterated about much of Carlton's output during the 1920s and 1930s. Clean curves and simple colours When styles and popular tastes changed after the Second World War Carlton Ware's new designs showed clean, sweeping curves and simple colours. Despite the changes in style, the quality of their moulding remained excellent, and both the embossed patterns like Poppy, Grape, Convolvulus and Magnolia, and the post-war lustre wares are rightly enjoyed by collectors today. Both before and after the War the factory made many novelty items, including an extraordinary range of cruets. These too are to a standard that makes them sought after, both by contemporary Carlton collectors, and by those with a special interest in cruets. The quality of Carlton's novelty wares was sustained during the 1970s making them fun rather than clumsy, with the Walking Ware range enjoying a great vogue (and indeed it is still in limited production by the Price Kensington factory who bought the moulds in 1992). The 1990s - Grosvenor Ceramics and Francis Joseph Between 1989 and 1992 the new owner of the Carlton Ware name, Grosvenor Ceramics, produced limited quantities of Carlton Ware, using familiar moulds from both novelty and lustre ranges. These items are of interest in their own right, though it has to be said that neither the quantity nor the quality of hand painting is on par with earlier years. They are, of course, normally in pristine condition, and while the decoration is limited they offer a route to ownership of lustreware at much lower prices than the earlier production. In 1997, however, the highest standards were re-established when new series of figures started to appear after the acquisition of the Carlton Ware name by Francis Joseph. These are of delightful freshness and quality, and already bid for the enthusiasm of collectors in the twenty-first century.

1890 to 1998 - the Carlton Ware story Early Days When J. F. Wiltshaw formed a partnership with the brothers J. A. and W. H. Robinson in 1890 he cannot have foreseen that the company they founded would last, with changes, for more than a hundred years. That company, Wiltshaw and Robinson, was entering an already crowded market place. Towards the end of the Victorian era there were a number of well established pottery manufacturers, with several producing the Vellum or Blush Ware which was popular at the time in many reasonably well-to-do households. In particular one, Fielding's Crown Devon, held a pre-eminent position in the market place, with a wide range of jugs and bowls, comports and plates made to a high standard, and beautifully decorated. It is a tribute both to the energy of James Frederick Wiltshaw and his partners, and to their emphasis on high standards in manufacture right from the start that they were able to establish the young company's product. The Edwardian period - souvenirs and sobriety While they could not expect immediately to overtake the market leader, they clearly made high quality a watchword in the new company - and so it was to stay. At the turn of the century they branched out into Commemorative, or Crested Ware made in parian, a variety of china, again against established competition like Goss, Shelley and Arcadia, and within a very few years had achieved a wide customer base for a quality article. During the same period Blush Ware was progressively replaced with matt black wares, initially with floral decoration in peonies and prunus blossom; and the interesting 'cloisonne ware' where enamel pictures of flowers and birds were outlined in bold bands of giltto resemble the cloisonne type of jewellery. 1911 - a parting of the ways However there were disagreements between the directors, and these came to a head amongst ill feeling in 1911, when J. F. Wiltshaw parted company from the Robinson brothers, and the direction of the firm passed entirely to the Wiltshaw family. James Frederick was joined just before the war by his son, F. C. (Cuthbert) Wiltshaw, who almost immediately joined up and went away to become a fighter ace in the conflict - and survived. In 1918 he returned, only to lose his father in a tragic accident when he slipped trying to board a moving train. For the next 48 years Cuthbert was to lead the company through some of its greatest days. Between the wars - the Deco Age It is arguably the period between the two World Wars that saw Wiltshaw and Robinson at its peak. Like his father Cuthbert was clearly a man of immense drive and imagination, for under him Carlton Ware achieved new heights. Matt black finishes were teamed with completely new decorations reflecting public interest in the 'mysterious orient', and gained attractive green, ivory or terracotta friezes. The factory became expert in production of up to a dozen superb lustre finishes for their finer wares. Following the Paris Exhibition of Decorative Arts in 1925, Wiltshaw and Robinson welcomed the dawn of the Art Deco period with bold and colourful stylised designs which dazzled the eye in


a wide range of colours and shapes. The combination of craftsmanship, technique and artistry which gave rise to such stunning designs as Egyptian Fan, Bell and Babylon have never been equalled, and the succession of fabulous birds, including Paradise Bird and Tree, Crested Bird and Water Lily and the stunning Secretary Bird are also among some of the most striking patterns ever devised. Production blossomed at the Copeland Street Works during the 1920s and 1930s to include more mundane items beside the up-market lustre pieces. 1929 - Handcraft and Oven-to-Table Wares In the late 1920s Carlton's range had expanded to include table ware, such as the pretty, pearlised Orange Ware; and in 1929 Carlton were the very first to market Oven-to-Table Ware. In that same year the first of the Handcraft designs appeared, with matt glazes, and softer, more folksy designs, often of stylised flowers or landscapes. These struck a quieter note, and also were considerably cheaper than the highly decorated lustre items, some of which required eight or nine separate operations to complete them. With all this going on in 1928 the company acquired the firm of Birks, Rawlins & Co, both to assist with expansion into bone china, and to use as a decorating factory. Unfortunately this was not a success as Birks, Rawlins carried high costs, and the extra factory was closed in 1933. Around this time, in 1932/3 the first of the acclaimed floral embossed ranges made their appearance, and these quickly multiplied in number and popularity, lasting up to and after the Second World War. Post-War technical innovations Clearly Cuthbert Wiltshaw and his staff had been planning future developments with care during the war years when austerity had kept investment severely restricted. In 1946, however, the company installed an entirely new electric Glost (or glaze firing) oven, and this was followed a couple of years later by a new electric Biscuit (or first firing) oven. These represented a massive step forward in production technology, as they were tunnel ovens which offered the potential for continuous production. Trolleys loaded with product ran on rails through the ovens, being warmed progressively up to firing temperatures, and then slowly cooled down again before emerging for the next stage. The old system where everything had to be packed by size into Saggars and loaded in huge batches into bottle kilns was virtually swept away, replaced by cheaper, faster production where small groups of various items intended for a particular market or customer could be kept together through several stages of the process. With the new methods came new designs, introduced alongside the post-war versions of established favourites. In the 1940s the latest lustre wares were produced in the Royale range of colours, Rouge, Bleu, Noire and Vert (Red, Blue, Black and Green). Apart from Black, these were distinguished from the earlier hues of the 1930s by their homogeneity and uniformity, where the earlier colours tended to be mottled, or have a certain amount of visual texture. Vert Royale was a sharper, slightly more acidic shade than earlier greens, while two blues appeared - Bleu Royale, a quite pale blue, often shaded to black at the edges, and a new navy blue, darker and smoother than the earlier powder coat blues. Hand painted designs including Spider's Web, Bullrushes and New Stork were very popular, alongside the latest incarnation of the evergreen chinoiserie patterns like New Mikado.


Fruit and floral embossed designs continued, with some new, bolder and somewhat less dainty designs appearing, including Poppy, Daisy, Hydrangea, Vine and Grape. 1950s - In tune with post-war styles When rationing and restrictions came to an end in the early 1950s, and production of decorative wares was permitted again, the Copeland Street Works quickly entered another new phase. The company emphasised that it was back in the business of producing decorative pottery by incorporating the word 'Handpainted' into its backstamp for almost all items (whether they were or not!), and entered into the post-war era with enthusiasm. Fine lustre wares, notably the Royale ranges continued the tradition at the top of the market, while new asymmetric designs with swept curves and clean lines such as the Windswept, Leaf and Pinstripe ranges which were in keeping with the tastes of the day progressively replaced the earlier fruits and berries. Quality, however continued to be high, and today the twin coloured leaves, Pinstripe designs and late 1950s embossed designs like Convolvulus and Magnolia are popular all over again. In 1958, perhaps a little overdue, the company changed its name to Carlton Ware Ltd., just as the new Windswept, Magnolia and Pinstripe ranges were being launched. The late 1960s - recession hits the industry The 1960s saw recession bite, and Cuthbert Wiltshaw, now an old man, passed away in 1966. He left a widow and four daughters but no sons to take over the business. In 1967 Carlton Ware Ltd. as it was now called, was sold to Arthur Wood and Son (Longport) pic. Anthony Wood, the son of Arthur, became Managing Director of Carlton Ware Ltd. at the beginning of what was to be a troubled period. Manufacturing and distributive costs were affected by conflict with the Arab oil producers during the 1970s, and the whole of the UK economy was suffering from the after effects of the 'Flower Power' days of the late 1960s when too many people convinced themselves that the world owed them a living without much work. This coincided with an excess of Trade Union influence along similar lines, and so severe recession along with devaluation resulted. 1970s - Walking Ware to the rescue In this difficult atmosphere there was still room for individual brilliance to shine. At the beginning of the 1970s a married couple, Roger Michell and Danka Napiorkowska, were recruited to Carlton Ware Ltd. to develop their own designs, particularly the famous Walking Ware. Roger and Danka had a small studio pottery 'Lustre Pottery', where they had developed the initial Walking Ware designs to be featured in an exhibition in London. The range made a big public impact, with the public and the press being full of praise for this novel idea with its cuteness and originality. The couple were inundated with potential orders, but their Lustre Pottery was quite unable to cope with the required volume of production. After negotiation agreement was reached with Anthony Wood, and the early success of Walking Ware led to a contract in 1973 for Roger and Danka to design exclusively for Carlton. This arrangement was to last for about eight years. The success of Walking Ware may well have saved the company during the 1970s. The idea gave birth to numerous variations, such as the Caribbean range, the Running, Jumping and Standing Still range, and the Circus range; as well as individual novelty items including a Silver Jubilee mug, a Santa Claus mug and St. Valentines Day items. Although Arthur Wood produced other items from the Carlton Ware repertoire, and


indeed tried reintroducing some earlier successes such as Apple Blossom in the late 1970s, nothing else took off in the same way as the Michell/Napiorkowska designs. 1989 - the end of Copeland Street Works Despite the success of the designs of Roger and Danka, Carlton Ware Ltd. was in real trouble as the severe recession of the early 1980s took hold. Production declined, and eventually in 1987 the company was sold by the Wood Group to County Potteries pic, a holding company which had already purchased James Kent Ltd at Fenton, and had the stated intention of acquiring other potteries with the object of rejuvenating the ailing industry around Stoke-on-Trent. Whether this stated intention was genuine or not it was never to see fruition. In 1988 County Potteries announced the closure of the Copeland Street Works, and a merger with James Kent. There was a short production run under the name of Carlton Ware from Fenton in 1988, during which the Hovis range first produced in the 1970s was revived, but despite the announcement of the merger in February 1989 this never became an active reality. With mounting debts the Receivers were called in early in 1989, and the famous Copeland Street factory was sold to a firm of developers as an empty shell in April of the same year. Grosvenor Ceramics - 1989 to 1997 In May 1989 John McCluskey, owner of Grosvenor Ceramics, a company specialising in the manufacture of ceramic door knobs, purchased the name, pattern and shape books, goodwill and some moulds from the receivers. After transfer to his factory at Stone, south of Stoke, he produced a centenary vase in 1990, accompanied by the re-issue of a number of familiar Carlton shapes in two lustre ranges. Top of the range featured repeats of earlier Chinoiserie and bird designs, though with greatly reduced amounts of handpainted pattern. A second range, called Moonlight featured underglaze transfer printed Irises. In addition he produced a large range of novelty teapots. Like the lustre items, these can normally be easily distinguished from earlier Copeland Street items. Francis Joseph - Carlton Ware 1997 to . . . Production at Grosvenor did not take off as hoped, and ceased in 1992. For five years the Carlton name lay dormant, until purchased by Francis Joseph in early 1997. In amongst the collection of moulds and half made pieces which Francis Joseph acquired from Grosvenor Ceramics were discovered a small group of original Plaster of Paris moulds for a group of previously unknown, nursery style figures, some in Forces uniforms. Careful research revealed that these little figures were modelled around 1940, as part of a set of figures, some adult in style, and some modelled as kids, which included a Barrage Balloon and a Warship, as well as a Nurse, a Bridal Pair, a Sailor and an Airman. This set probably never went into production because of wartime restrictions on handpainted articles. Of a total of thirteen figures originally designed only a handful of the 1940 moulds have survived; but these pieces are now being produced, and form the basis for a whole new series. Many new designs are now being put into production and with the launch of the new Carlton Ware Collectors Club there is an air of excitement among collectors once more.


Infinite variety - Carlton's diversity Buy Carlton - first with the latest and best went the slogan used for many years in Wiltshaw and Robinson's advertising. With hindsight perhaps their claim was not too far from the truth. Carlton Ware products have always moved with the times, reflecting closely the public taste in each period - and in a century which has seen the upheavals of the great depression and two World Wars, as well as so much technological advance, tastes have had many different environments in which to flourish. While many will instantly associate the name of Carlton Ware with their celebrated lustre wares of between the two wars, or perhaps with their wide range of floral and fruit embossed wares, the actual scope is far wider than these alone. 'Delicacy and simple charm' Look out for the now rare examples of the earliest work. There are the day-to-day Blush, or Vellum Wares, with their delicate patterns and period charm, many of them purchased for actual usage. In addition, at the top of the market some extraordinarily elegant vases, bowls and tea sets were specially made where the blush was shaded into gleaming dark cobalt blue, and flower patterns, rims and feet were lavishly gilded. At the same time the factory branched out into Sprigged Ware, reminiscent of Wedgwood with pale green classical figures and ornaments applied in relief onto dark green vases and teapots. You can examine the delicacy and simple charm of W & R Crested, or Heraldic Ware, started soon after 1900, and reflecting both the growth of the seaside holiday and the conflict and changes wrought by the First World War. These items all had their shields and heraldic devices enamelled by hand, and are miniature masterpieces of precision painting. From the same period look out for the more ponderous, dignified appeal of the matt black wares, lightened by delicately wrought transfer pictures of storks and blossoms. Some of these may feature hexagonal shapes, and silver, or silver plated mounts reflecting the tastes of the Edwardian period, while some show the bold gilt outlining of Wiltshaw and Robinson's cloisonne ware. 'A fantasy world of dragons and birds' Once past 1920 and the wonders and diversity know no bounds. Lustre wares were produced in a dozen or so colours, and with patterns which initially varied from life-like flowers and butterflies, as in the delicate pre-First World War 'Armand' lustre designs, to an exotic world of Oriental mystique, which pandered to popular fascination with topics like pagodas and temples peopled with oriental figures. This interest in remote places and cultures reached a crescendo with the discovery in 1922 of the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt. A new set of designs bearing ancient Egyptian motifs and heiroglyphs appeared in 1923/24 to satisfy this demand. The lustre ranges continued to expand, journeying through a fantasy world of dragons and birds of paradise, and embracing the stunning stylised and abstract designs of the high Art Deco and the Jazz Age.


In the late 1920s, following the surge of more daring expression after the 1925 Paris Exhibition, W & R's craftsmen developed some of the best examples of fantasy designs utilising multi-layering. In patterns such as Paradise Bird and Tree, brilliant use was made of underglaze enamels and lithographic transfers. In the finest examples these possess tremendous depth shining up through successive layers which added lustrous glazes and gilt outlines, with highlights in bright top enamels providing the finishing touch. As the 1920s gave way to the 1930s, Carlton's designers revelled in a series of abstract designs, where the asymmetric blended with the geometric, still utilising recognisable elements from the real world. Fantastically stylised and painted geometric flowerheads cartwheel across space in the fabulous pattern known as Bell. A more tranquil mood is expressed in Flower and Falling Leaf, while jagged lightning and spiky, jostling leaves grab attention on Jazz and Scimitar. Echos of the Egyptian discoveries achieve new expression in the elaborately hand enamelled pattern called Egyptian Fan, and one of the most striking of the mythical bird designs, again brilliantly combining underglaze and overglaze colouring features fantastically contrived foliage and bird standing beneath with outstretched wings. This rare deco pattern is sometimes popularly called Road Runner, or Secretary Bird. As the decade progressed, so designs diversified still further to include on the one extreme, natural subjects, beautifully presented such as Nightingale and River Fish, and on the other patterns which were purely abstract, with the squares, bands and chevrons of Mondrian and Jazz Stitch. From Salad Ware to Handcraft In the mid-1920s moulded lettuce leaves decorated with bright red lobsters and crabs first made their appearance. With many variations these 'Salad Ware' items were to continue in production right up to 1976, when Public Health regulations banned the red paint used for the lobsters because it contained lead. From 1929 the high glaze wares were augmented by the gentler, more folky look of the matt finished Handcraft pieces, often in softer browns and blues; and the first ever range of 'Oven-to-Table' ware was introduced by Carlton-still effective today if in good enough condition. Pretty, pearlised table china came in, and simple banded wares intended for daily use, as well as the prolific sets of fruit and floral embossed designs; Oak and Buttercup, Wild Rose and Blackberry- and many more. During the 1930s many luxury items made their appearance, with boxed coffee sets and figurines vying with wall plaques and cruets, all highly attractive in their own way. Among Carlton's better known output the range of some twenty or more bone china figurines seem almost out of place " and strongly reminiscent of similar figures from Royal Doulton. In fact they were bought in from Coalport in biscuit form, and glazed and decorated at Copeland Street! In 1937 the factory produced the unique Glacielle range, attracting even royal patronage. This featured mainly animal studies, and had a specially developed, frosted, matt glaze which was said to 'resemble melting snow.' 'Acclaimed Royales and post-war novelties' After the war lustre wares were still produced - many acclaim the Royale ranges where even a plain lustred and gilded dish is a worthwhile acquisition. Royales may be Vert,


Bleu, Noire, (green, blue and black) and of course the famous deep red Rouge Royale. Decorative patterns included reissued versions of the famous Chinoiserie designs of the 1920s, with their pagodas, temples and islands; and new and attractive designs like Spider's Web and Sultan, as well as the beautifully enamelled Mallards and Iris flowers to be seen on the pattern known simply as Duck. These designs, which moved the Carlton output away from the far-out and stylised designs of the Art Deco period to more naturalistic representation of their subject matter, included many by Rene Pemberton, who joined Wiltshaw and Robinson before the Second World War, and who is still taking an active interest in the enthusiasm for Carlton Ware today. 1950s and 1960s lines like the twin-tone leaves, the Windswept range of table ware, and the rarer Pinstripe were accompanied by new embossed ranges such as Grape and Poppy, Magnolia and Convolvulus. In 1955 the first of the Guinness advertising wares made their appearance, and soon the range was increased to include the 'Zoo' and variants on the Toucan theme. These were succeeded in turn by the designs of Roger Michell and Danka Napiorkowska starting with the amusing Walking Ware ranges in the 1970s, and many other novelty items reflecting in pottery popular consumer products of the day, such as the Hovis range, Fluck and Law designs (of Spitting Image fame), and pop art ice creams and sundaes. 1990s Carlton Ware Not quite last in this review of just some of the diverse aspects of Carlton production are the items produced by Grosvenor Ceramics in 1990/92. There are late versions of several of the lustre items ranging from slender bud vases to ginger jars, mainly in dark red. These seem to possess too perfect a glaze, and a more sparse decoration, though the pattern is recognisable.The Moonlight range was also produced in a lustrous dark aubergine tint, but with underglaze decoration of Irises. There were also lots of novelty teapots repeated from earlier incarnations. Francis Joseph - and a new dawn Finally, just when many thought that the Carlton saga was at an end, the famous marque, found a new and dynamic home. Purchased in 1997 by Francis Joseph, the Carlton Ware name lives on, and two new series of figurines are the first productions proudly bearing the celebrated backstamp. The first of these new series, to be known as the Carlton Kids are nursery style figures, some in military dress, made from original 1940s plaster moulds. The second series of Francis Joseph figures are entirely new, and in many cases are planned to echo famous Carlton themes of the past, with Hollyhocks and Mephistopheles already available. These new pieces are produced to all of Carlton Ware's historical standards of style and quality, but are nonetheless a completely fresh chapter in the story. They too are assured of a valued future with collectors delighted to see that the story goes on.


Building a collection - concepts and costs Most people find that they have started a collection by accident. They may have been left a few pieces that they like, or received a novel gift and wanted to find out more - or frequently they have acquired a mixed bag of odd items which somehow took their fancy at one time or another, and which cry out to be put into order. However it may come about, whether by accident or design, most collections are fairly random affairs at the start. Sooner or later, however, you will feel the beginnings of fascination with a pattern, or a particular colour, or a range of designs, and will want to develop a real, more specialised collection. The problem with Carlton Ware is not what to collect, but what to leave out! Since you have got as far as this book you will already have realised that the potential range is so great that it is beyond the means, and the limits of physical space for most people to collect everything. With this in mind, it may be useful to look at a few guide lines before getting in too deep. First of all, cost. . One of the joys of collecting Carlton Ware is that it is still possible to build a collection which will give you real pleasure from items costing only a few pounds. Indeed, any collection will flag, or seem like a millstone round your neck if individual pieces represent too much of an outlay. Carlton Ware can be found ranging from a couple of pounds for a simple crested item, up to a few thousand for a Mephistopheles bowl. Most items fall comfortably within these extremes. And where will you put it . . The second consideration is space (and the bodies within it). Bigger items not only require more space, but are more difficult to display, and more difficult to protect. If your household contains pets and active children then valuable, larger items will need to be confined to certain areas (like higher levels) or specific rooms where the children do not go. Collections have a habit of spreading, so it may make sense to consider what space you can allocate to the collection, and whether you will need to acquire display cabinets, or even to put up special shelves which are out of harm's way. We have encountered collectors who have allowed their prize possessions to occupy part of the treads of their staircase - but few would wish to take such a risk. Do not be too random . . Carlton offers a hugely varied choice - but you will find that a group of items of one pattern and colour together looks far more attractive and impressive than a lot of single, disparate items. This applies strongly to some unexpected ranges. Many people collect the well known floral embossed sets, and they display to advantage whether on a sideboard or dresser, or in a cabinet. However try to see a group of early matt black items, with their patterns of peonies or prunus, peach blossom or storks. Singly they are insignificant, but together they are a delight to the eye, relaxing and dignified. Similarly some of the later designs manufactured in the 1950s and 1960s are capable of making a really attractive display when grouped together after a series of visits to local Fairs.


Follow your own tastes, not other peoples. Above all buy pieces that you like, for in this way you will get together a collection which you will continue to enjoy as it grows, and which has a united feel about it. If you try to follow the ideas of others you may end up confused, and your collecting will be full of uncertainty instead of confidence and fun. Collect to a theme . . . How will you set about building an interesting collection? One way is to go for a theme. Carlton made an amazing variety of cruets, for example, and some collectors specialise in these to good effect. Novelty teapots, lustre jugs, chinoiserie plates, toast racks and of course Walking Ware all make excellent and absorbing themed collections at different levels of expenditure. And did you know, for example, that Carlton made a set of mugs with the faces of Coronation Street characters in the 1980s? or collect by colour . . . Understandably popular among collectors of lustre items is the idea of grouping things with a common background colour. The Royale finishes, introduced at the beginning of the last war, and developed with great success in the 1950s lend themselves particularly well to this treatment. The deep red Rouge Royale is perhaps the best known as the factory made more of this colourway than any other - but a group of Bleu, Vert or Noire Royale items look spectacular together, and have the added benefit that they will take you longer to assemble, with more visits to Fairs! Here are a few more ideas for collectable Carlton Ware, arranged to give some idea of the range of prices you can anticipate. Crested Ware Many items are still to be found costing as little as £5/$8, though rarer and more complex pieces will cost £40-£50/$65-$80 each, with a very small number going over £100/$160. Crested Ware can be acquired, either to a theme such as Animal studies, or Great War memorabilia; or one involving a particular area. If you live in Sussex, for example, you might seek out only items originating in Brighton, Eastbourne, Arundel and other Sussex towns. However it is as well to put in a word of advice. You will see the same item with many different crests on it - and values vary considerably according to the crest displayed. As a broad rule, crests from small towns and villages fetch a higher price than those from the big Victorian resorts such as Yarmouth and Blackpool, where early volumes sold were great. In addition, a piece may be found with a poem or quotation on it, or without - again values will vary. All of these details make collecting Carlton Crested Ware a thoroughly absorbing hobby! Post-War Ranges Just becoming more sought after, the Carlton output of the late 1950s and 1960s such as Pinstripe, Hazelnut, Magnolia and Convolvulus, and even the Table ware sets like the Windswept range are collectable today, and likely to become more so as time goes by. Again, a group of matching pieces together will surprise you with how attractive they look. Prices start at about £10/$16, with many pieces valued between £15£30/$24-$48. They are sure to improve with time. Walking Ware items start from a few pounds, and vary considerably as collectors are willing to pay £70-£80/$110-$130fora rare individual piece. Be careful with Walking Ware


though, there are at least four differently decorated sets, (including Original, Caribbean, Running Jumping and Standing Still and Big Feet) as well as Circus and countless individual novelty items - you may end up with a lot of little walking feet! Additionally the moulds are still in use by the Price Kensington factory who bought them in 1992. Always check the backstamp to be sure of genuine 1970s Carlton items. The 1970s items normally bear a backstamp which includes the words 'Lustre Pottery' and the actual year of manufacture. Lustre Pottery was the trade name of the company started by Roger Michell and his wife Danka Napiorkowska, the inventors of the Walking Ware designs. These designs, and their originators were taken up by Carlton Ware Ltd. in the early 1970s, and more information can be found in the Chapter titled 'The Story of Carlton Ware'. Walking Ware items are still very reasonably priced, and still retain the humorous touch which made them so appealing when they were first introduced. Cruets were manufactured from the 1930s right through to the 1990s, and make a fascinating collection. There are fruit and vegetables, birds, dogs and musicians, footballers and golfers. Additionally, cruet sets were produced as part of many of the tableware ranges, such as Apple Blossom and Foxglove from before the Second World War; Windswept, Leaf, Hazel Nut and Convolvulus from the late 1950s and 1960s. Prices start at about £15/$24 for a 1960s twintone leaf set, and range through about £80/$130 for a 1930s Crinoline Lady set up to £180/$290 for the Footballer set in mint condition. Floral and Fruit embossed patterns were numerous, and are deservedly popular for their detailed, life-like mouldings and their pretty, handpainted decoration. First produced in about 1930, patterns include Rock Garden, Fruit Basket, Apple Blossom, Foxglove, Red and Black Currants, Raspberry and Blackberry, Hydrangea, Buttercup and Water Lily as well as others. When you consider that several of these were made in more than one colour, the potential for collectors is vast indeed. Prices vary in accordance with the rarity of the particular range. Pink Buttercup, for instance was not made in great volume, and so is rarer, and dearer, than the more common Yellow variety. Prices are 30 to 50 per cent higher for Pink items. Similarly Foxglove was made in a wide choice of shapes with both yellow and green backgrounds, and prices range from about £15/$24 for a small dish up to £115/$185 for a cocoa mug with lid, and £150/$240 for a big jug. Now and again you may come across the Foxglove pattern with a pink background, and blue foxgloves. Be ready to pay a bit more for this unusual item! Victorian and Edwardian Ranges These include Blush Ware and the matt black wares which progressively replaced them. As these are some of the oldest of Wiltshaw and Robinson's output it pays to be particularly careful about condition. In their early days many of these items were in daily use, and so chips and cracks were bound to appear. For the sake of making an interesting and varied collection it may be as well not to exclude some small damage (a little rubbing of gilt edges, for example, or a small chip which does not show) but make sure condition is reflected in the price. Small vases and plates will cost from about £30-£60/$48-$96, while a tall temple jar or grand comport may well be worth £150-£250/$240-$400. If you are lucky enough to discover any of the rare blush and cobalt blue glazed bestwares of this period, enjoy the elegance and delicacy of these designs - but be prepared to pay £300-£400/$480-$640 for a nice example! Chinoiserie This is the name given to the wide range of luxury items with mock Chinese


motifs which were first made by the Copeland Street factory in about 1916. Public response was such that the designs proliferated during the 1920s, appearing on a wide range of items, and were revived in the post-war years, even surviving in simplified form at Grosvenor Ceramics in 1990/91. Initially the Chinese designs were featured on handsome matt black pieces with elaborate gilded outlining, and decorated friezes in ivory, terra cotta or emerald green. The designs depict a series of imaginary oriental scenes with pagodas, bridges and temples, as well as 'chinese' figures. The pieces are commonly finished with detailed hand painting on top of the gilt transfer. This was executed to a very high standard in a range of bright colours, and makes the pieces very ornamental indeed. After a few years the matt black pieces were supplemented by producing the chinoiserie patterns on Carlton's superb lustre and high glaze backgrounds in powder or electric blue, deep red and green, and in the post-war period they can be found on pale yellow and green as well as the 'Royale' lustre finishes. The principle chinoiserie designs were originally the work of Horace Wain who joined the firm as senior designer three years before the First World War, and whose influence was to be considerable over the next fourteen years. A design featuring pagodas, one of which has a post and rail fence, and showing fern-like foliage bore a special backstamp replicating original Chinese markings was called Kang Hsi, and appeared around 1916. This may be the earliest in the series, but was soon followed by Mikado, one of the best known of all the chinoiserie designs, appearing on an enormous variety of pieces in a wide range of sizes and colourways, and characteristically featuring a pair of 'kissing' lovebirds in flight. This was soon joined in the early 1920s by Temple, where the chief building shows a view of the interior through a big, circular portal, and Barge, where a long, punt-like vessel lies in the foreground, and a few years later by the hugely popular New Mikado. Like the others, this design features a number of different elements, including two distinct pagodas on large islands with overhanging trees, flying storks, and an ornamental bridge arching between tiny islets. These various elements lent themselves to being 'borrowed' for use as separate pictures on many of the smaller items from Wiltshaw and Robinson's repertoire. This habit of utilising small ingredients, or sprigs, from a bigger picture was extended to all the chinoiserie designs to some extent, and has caused many collectors problems with identifying chinoiserie pieces. However, study of the whole designs on larger pieces will reward the patient collector, who will quickly become adept at spotting the smaller element which seems to be a different pattern, but which is, in fact, 'part of New Mikado', or 'part of Temple'. Chinoiserie pieces from both early and late periods go well together, and may be collected by pattern, such as Mikado, or Temple, by background colour, or by shape. Plates in chinoiserie patterns make a fine display, and can be stood on shelves or wall hung. They will cost from £40/$65 to £140/$225, while vases range from about £50/$80upto£350/$560, a good charger may be £300/$480, and a large ginger jar can make £400/$640 plus. In addition there are many smaller items such as ashtrays costing as little as £30/$48. Handcraft First produced in 1929, and then throughout the 1930s, these matt glazed, hand painted pieces include many different shapes and designs. The Carlton Ware script mark on Handcraft pieces is normally blue, contrasting with the black form on lustrewares,


though whether this was deliberate, or the result of a reaction with the type of glaze employed to give the matt finish is open to discussion. Most Handcraft pieces are painted in soft colours, greens and blues, yellows and browns, and depict stylised flowers or completely abstract designs. A few, however, are bolder and much more striking, and these usually command the highest prices. Now highly collectable, individual Handcraft prices start at around £50/$80 for a small vase, rising to £400-£600/$640-$960 for major pieces. Such a wide range of prices is in part accounted for simply by limited overall supply, as none of the Handcraft production in the 1930s was of great volume. However, some designs, notably those using blue and yellow on a white ground, such as Shamrock, Floribunda, and Flowering Papyrus are fairly common, and therefore reasonably priced. Other, more elaborate designs were produced in very small quantities - sometimes only one or two at a time, as in the case of some of the high fashion Art Deco coffee sets. These more colourful and scarce items are understandably rare and sought after, and prices reflect this. Fantasy Designs From the late 1920s the boughs of blossom and naturalistic parrots and magpies were progressively replaced by a fascinating series of brightly coloured, fantasy scenes, where exotic birds of paradise flew among strange stylised trees of weird shapes, and with multicoloured foliage. Chinese Bird, Forest Tree, New Chinese Bird and Cloud, Paradise Bird and Tree and Dragon and Cloud all belong to this phase. Backgrounds vary from pale beige, through yellows and greens to powder blue and deep lustre red. A particular feature of this group of designs is the superb use of underglaze enamels of very rich colours. These are given depth bythesuperimposition of gilt outlining, and by the use of overglaze enamels to create highlights. Prices for good pieces reflect their quality and the work which went into creating them, and vary from £250/$400 upwards. Art Deco and the Jazz Age In the early 1930s Carlton Ware entered its most splendid age. With the exciting Art Deco images from the 1925 Paris Exhibition of Decorative Arts as a driving force, designers in many fields experienced a liberation of ideas, and used previously unheard of boldness in their designs. This explosion of expression occurred nowhere more strongly than in decorative ceramics, with names like Clarice Cliff, Carlton Ware, Shelley and Susie Cooper in the front rank. It would be impractical to describe individual pieces here - many are illustrated elsewhere in this book, and some of the different facets of the range produced are explored in the chapter on The Diversity of Carlton Ware'. However during this period were produced a blizzard of abstract and stylised designs, often against Carlton's stunning lustre finishes, and with bright enamelling executed to the very highest standard. Mandarins Chatting, Sketching Bird and Spangled Tree, Egyptian Fan and Flower and Falling Leaf, exciting Jazz and superlative designs like Bell, Babylon and Secretary Bird -these evocative names are just a sample of the profusion of Art Deco delights which appeared during the 1930s. A few small items, such as ashtrays or single coffee cans can be found for less than £100/$160 these days - and the largest pieces and rarest patterns may well exceed £1000/$1600. The record to date is believed to be held by a 26cm bowl with the figure of Mephistopheles in red upon a turquoise ground sold in August 1997 for £4700/$7520!


Know what you are looking at Regardless of what pieces you prefer, whether you collect by period, by pattern or by colour it is important to feel that your money is being well spent. Experience will come with time - but right from the start it is extremely annoying to purchase a piece described as '1930s Carlton Ware' only to discover later that (a) it has been restored, (b) it was made in the 1960s, not thel 930s, and (c) your friend has found a hairline crack on the rim which, in your enthusiasm, you missed. With the right technique you can avoid the embarrassment and annoyance of such revelations. D o defects m a t t e r ? Carlton Ware pieces vary from almost new to over one hundred years of age. Many were originally sold for daily use, not as decorative items, and so naturally some wear and tear has taken place. Does this matter? The important thing is to get such wear and tear into perspective. An otherwise perfect jar, with its pattern intact, but with a little rubbing of the gilt on the rim is still highly desirable, and well worth buying. Point out the rubbing, get a few pounds off the asking price, take it home and be pleased. After all they are not making them any more, are they? And you might wait a long time to find another. On the other hand if major sections of the gilt transfer defining the pattern have disappeared then it may be time to think again. If the paintwork is in good order, and the lustre glaze is undamaged then you may feel that it is worth acquiring for its eye appeal - but be sure that such damage is properly reflected in the price. As you visit the various Fairs, Auctions and Centres it is quite common to come across pieces in otherwise good condition, but with a hairline crack, often to the rim. Reputable dealers will be quick to draw your attention to this - but there are those who will only notice it when you point it out - so you must make sure that you do! Handle the piece, lookcloselyall round, inside and out. Is thatbit of darkened crazing at the topjust crazing? - or does it show on the outside as well?. If so it is not crazing at all, but a crack. At this point you have a decision to make. The piece is otherwise perfect - and of a pattern you would really like to own. This is where knowing your values comes in. Such a piece will still look great in your collection, and it still has a value - particularly if it is one of the sought after designs of the 1930s. As a guide you should expect to buy it for about half ofthe price of an unmarked example. If you do, you have got something that will enhance your collection, and which will still be wanted by other people if, in time, you want to resell.

Spotting Restoration Before embarking on a career as a 'restoration spotter' it is as well to have at least an outline knowledge of how the restorer sets about his or her craft. Assuming all the bits are there, then first they must be checked as being clean. This sometimes entails removal of 'Do-It-Yourself glue, and regluing with adhesives known to be chemically compatible with the paints which come later. After this the restorer will fill the minute remaining cracks with a white filler, and heat the item only to a moderate temperature to harden this. Paint must then be applied, taking the trouble to see that it ends up a perfect match after


reheating. Finally, and if needed to achieve a match, gilding and/or a coat of lacquer may be required. The whole process is a long and painstaking one, and if done properly is very difficult to detect. So what do you look for? First gilding. Original gilt outlines, whether applied by direct transfer or by dusting prepared oil patterning, were achieved using 22 carat gold dust, which was then heat finished and burnished. To date no one seems to have been able to replicate the shiny gold finish thus achieved. Retouched and restored gilt areas are almost always noticeably dull compared to original gilt work. Look for this around rims, and on projections which get rubbed and broken like feet and handles. Second restored cracks. If these have merely been glued you can normally spot them, especially in lighter coloured pieces. If professional restoration has been carried out spotting is more difficult. There are pretty fool-proof tests such as X-Ray, though this requires access to specialised equipment which is costly, to put it mildly. There is the 'Paint Stripper Test' which works - but you need to be protected by written permission, or a 'Guarantee of Non-restoration' from the owner or vendor before you put Paint Stripper onto an expensive piece of Carlton Ware to see if some ofthe enamel will bubble and peel off! If it does not, by the way, then your suspicions were groundless, and the piece is OK. Eyes, fingers and the 'Ping' test For most purposes use your eyes and fingers, and employ the 'Ping' test. Sight along edges and round curves to make sure they are smooth and regular. Look for changes in background colour or texture, or small bumps which might be concealing a mend. If you see an area completely free from crazing in an otherwise well crazed article, then get suspicious. Hold the piece carefully and flick the side with a fingernail. It should 'Ping' clearly. If the result is a clonk or a dull thud, then again investigate further - or simply walk away. Lastly you can obtain an ultraviolet torch. Similar to the lights in discos, and to the devices used for examination of bank notes, these emit UV, or 'black' light which will cause any white filler to show up with a fluorescent glow, even from behind paint. These are not terribly expensive - and could save you from a costly error. Should you buy it? Now that you have gone to all this trouble, and you find that a piece you really like has been restored - should you buy it? This decision is completely yours. As time goes by it may become impossible to find a particular piece in original, mint condition. If a piece has been obviously and poorly restored then leave it alone unless you are offered it 'for a song'. However, if the restoration has been professionally done, and is of high quality workmanship - and you are satisfied with it - then there is no reason not to buy. Be prepared to pay a bit less than for a perfect piece - but do not necessarily expect a huge reduction. Professional restoration is a skilled and expensive operation, and can easily cost a three figure sum for a repair of any size.


Re-issues, Reproductions and Counterfeits Because of the popularity of many Carlton Ware items from time to time there have been re-issues by the factory, and attempts at fraud by people with no authority whatever to produce Carlton Ware. It may be as well to define the various possibilities. Re-issues Re-issues by Carlton Ware's owners some years after the original production runs took place on a number of occasions. Some moulds and patterns used to make lustre designs in the 1920s and 1930s (notably some o f t h e popular Chinoiserie patterns like Mikado and New Mikado, also Paradise Bird and Tree) were reused in the 1950s by Wiltshaw and Robinson/Carlton Ware Ltd., and again in the early 1990s by Grosvenor Ceramics, though with reduced pattern. Similarly cruet designs first produced in the 1930s were made again during the Arthur Wood era ofthe 1970s, and again in 1990/91 by Grosvenor. Somefloral embossed patterns, notably Apple Blossom, first made in 1938, were recreated under Arthur Wood in the late 1970s, often with the introduction of some new shapes. Novelty teapots also had two periods in production, in the 1970s and the early 1990s. None ofthe above instances are either fakes or reproductions. All ofthe items produced by re-issue as above are genuine Carlton Ware, as all were made by the official owners of the name, patterns and moulds at the time. While all o f t h e Carlton items legally produced under the various phases of ownership are both genuine and collectable, it is important to be able to distinguish between them as values will differ considerably. In many instances it will be possible to see the decisive differences once you know what to look for. Post-War lustre wares, for example, are of slightly different colouring. The later blue and green grounds are somewhat darker than those of the 1930s, and are smoother and more uniform - the earlier versions having a slight grain in them, perhaps due to different aerographing techniques, or to coating the pots with powder to generate the colours. Earlier deep reds, too, are often mottled with black, a technique carefully developed with the Aerograph compressed air spraying equipment. The later red typified by Rouge Royale is more uniform in appearance, and shaded to black at the edges. With novelty wares, such as cruets and teapots, later versions are generally less sharply defined, due to the repeated re-use of moulds, and, particularly in the case of the Grosvenor output, are much less well painted, with less colours being used, and more careless paintwork being apparent. Read the Backstamp While the above are subjective differences which you will learn to recognize with experience, there are some concrete points to look for. Always examine the backstamp on any Carlton Ware article. While mistakes were made on the factory floor, the following rules of thumb will help you a great deal: • Backstamps with the words 'Registered Australian Design' and 'Registered Australian Design Applied For' were used from about 1935 to about 1961 on certain ranges. (See the Chapter on Embossed wares)


• The 'Royale' ranges of lustre wares, Rouge, Vert, Bleu and Noire were only devised in about 1940, and only went into volume production after the Second World War. Any item identified as 'Royale' is not 1930s Carlton! • The word 'Handpainted' only appeared in backstamps from about 1952 until the early 1960s. Items marked 'Handpainted' are all post-war. • Up to the early 1970s virtually all Backstamps were applied under the glaze. As a result the base is smooth to the touch. Guinness advertising items can be an exception, some having a red mark on top of the glaze. • Soon after the Arthur Wood buyout they began using a 'Carlton Ware' mark in simple upper and lower case lettering. This was replaced later in the 1970s with a new, small version ofthe famous scriptmark. • From the early 1970s onward, and including the output of Grosvenor Ceramics and all known fakes and reproductions, Backstamps were applied as lithographs on top ofthe glaze, excepting only rubber stamps used by Arthur Wood whose quality (or lack of it) gives them away. You can feel, as well as see, that the stamp is raised above the level ofthe surrounding glaze. Reproductions To qualify as a reproduction an item should : (a) have been made with the permission of the original manufacturer, or his successors, and (b) be clearly marked so that the prospective purchaser cannot readily confuse the replica with the original. To date there is no known bona fide instance of a licensed Carlton Ware reproduction. You may come across items of Guinness advertising ware (Toucans and so on) bearing what looks like a normal Carlton scriptmark with the addition ofthe word 'Reproduction'. Instances of novelty teapots and the Babycham figure with this mark have also been reported. These are counterfeit items, not genuine Carlton Ware. Counterfeits In the past five or six years the rising popularity of Carlton Ware has resulted in some unscrupulous individuals using old moulds of Carlton Ware and then reproducing these items for sale with a fraudulent backstamp. These include a large number ofthe celebrated Guinness advertising pieces o f t h e 1950s, with the 'Zoo', and both wall mounted and table top Toucans being targetted; some cruets, among them the Crinoline Lady set; a number of the more collectable novelty items, including the JCB Teapot and the Mephistopheles or Red Devil tankard. All of these are counterfeit, or forgeries, being manufactured with intent to deceive, and to obtain money fraudulently. In general terms all of the counterfeit items suffer from some loss of definition in their moulding, and paintwork is of a poorer standard. In the case of the Red Devil mug the counterfeits show the devil in black trousers-a big mistake as he was originally all dressed in red! However, the intent to deceive is clear from the carefully reproduced W& R Crown backstamp on the base - except for the fact that this mark had been superseded by the


time the Devil mug came out - and it should not be on top of the glaze! Among the Guinness Ware look out for the following: Flying Toucans without any feet, and with banded yellow and orange breasts instead ofthe original careful shading; all the Toucans should show graduated shades of orange on beaks and breasts, not yellow and orange bands; beware also of Zoo animals holding pints of Guinness without proper, deep heads on them, and with other details as painted blobs rather than nicely picked out details and sharp mouldings. The Zoo Keeper should have a moulded baby kangaroo poking out of his apron pocket, and an all green uniform; and the adult Kangaroo a bottle of Guinness in its pouch. The Sea Lion should be black, not grey, and the Ostrich should have clearly shaded feathers and a white neck. The sought after Drayman and wagon should have a creamy white base, not green, and again quality of painting will help you decide.The forged Crinoline Lady cruet is also less well moulded, and is glazed in just one colour, touched in with gilt. There is no gilt on an original, but several colours are employed for face, hands, dress and so on to make this a very attractive set. Unfortunately the normal rules about backstamps do not help with all the Guinness items. Genuine flying Toucans normally do have underglaze stamps, but many pieces, notably the small Zoo figures can have a red scriptmark backstamp applied as a lithograph on top o f t h e glaze. Early in 1997, after an undercover operation spread over several months, Trading Standards Officers and Police raided a factory in Longton. Bob Snow was arrested, charged and convicted of deceptively producing Carlton Ware and other valued collectable pottery. Among them were Babycham, Martell and Guinness figures and also Crinoline Lady and Tortoise cruets. There is a strong suspicion that this counterfeiting is still going on, so please be careful.


Dating your Carlton Ware Sadly, it is all too common to come across wrongly dated Carlton Ware, both in Antique Centres, and at Fairs. To be fair to dealers, they probably handle antique goods and collectables from fifty different makers, and spread over a couple of centuries - so it is not reasonable to expect the generalist dealer to have top expertise in everything. It is also true that dealers know very well that an item from the magic 1930s will sell more easily than one from the 1970s! Bearing this in mind you should have a good knowledge of how to date your Carlton Ware - at least within the categories that you collect. In the Chapters on The History, and The Diversity of Carlton Ware which appear earlier in this book you will glean some general information about what ranges and types of item were produced during the main phases ofthe factory's life. In the following sections you will find more detailed information about dates and production runs. With Carlton Ware you should always turn the piece over and look at the base. There you may find several different kinds of mark perhaps including the following: Backstamps Backstamps were, and are important to manufacturers of china and pottery to establish their brand name, and the authenticity ofthe article so marked. To the collector they can also provide useful information about the period in which the article was produced. A number of important facts relating to Carlton's Backstamps are set out in the Chapter headed 'Know What you are Looking at', but a simple chronology may be relevant here.






Variation on left

Used around 1900asW&R's export markets were established








1952-d 962

Carl t o n W a r e ENGLAND



<ttn^y d968-1978

Used on the Walking Ware designs


Marks occasionally found on Heraldic china made to be sold in Scotland or Wales


A number of other, special backstamps were also used on specific ranges or designs, and these include marks specific to cloisonne wares, A r m a n d Lustre Wares, Kang Hsi, Kien Lung and Persian designs. & *

KANG.HSI 1662 —172Z

•* R £'«V


Paintresses' and Gilders' Marks These take t h e f o r m of single initials, and sometimes symbols rather than letters of t h e alphabet, and you will often find t w o or three of t h e m . The gilder's mark is easy to spot, because gilt is normally used; and there may be a mark identifying t h e underglaze painter, and another for the person who applied the t o p enamels. While these are intriguing as you can spot pieces enamelled by the same hand, they are of no real help in d a t i n g as no records are known to have survived to show w h o used what mark, or w h e n . O r d e r numbers . . . On most of Carlton's production between the t w o W o r l d Wars, and some of t h e pieces made earlier than this you will see either one or t w o numbers written on in black ink under the glaze coat. These take two forms. If a n u m b e r is p r e c e d e d by t h e letter ' O ' and a slash, or indeed a letter and number f o l l o w e d by a slash thus:- ' 0 / 6 5 7 1 ' or 'F12/5545', then these are believed to be Order or Batch Numbers, a p p l i e d to facilitate tracking the progress of individual orders t h r o u g h the factory. It is w o r t h r e m e m b e r i n g that t h e decorative 'Bestwares' of Carlton were p r o d u c e d in a h u g e range of patterns and colourways, and were t i m e consuming and expensive to manufacture. As a result small numbers only were made as samples, and almost all of these pieces were m a d e , or at least d e c o r a t e d to order for each retail outlet. Sadly, again no records have survived f r o m which it is possible to interpret these Order Numbers. . . . and Pattern Numbers The second type of number, shown as three or four digits thus: '3889', is t h e all i m p o r t a n t Pattern Number, and signifies b o t h the pattern design and the colour ofthe background. Thus 3889 is t h e Pattern N u m b e r for the striking and elegant Sketching Bird e n a m e l l e d on a m o t t l e d red g r o u n d . This pattern can also be seen with a b e i g e g r o u n d , Pattern N u m b e r 3890; a cream g r o u n d shading into dark blue, Pattern N u m b e r 3891; and a pale blue g r o u n d , Pattern N u m b e r 3907 as well as others. As can be seen it is i m p o r t a n t to note b o t h colourway and design when trying to establish t h e identity of a piece - and as some combinations of pattern and colour are rarer than others, this has q u i t e a b e a r i n g on possible value.


Among the production of the early years these numbers can be seen as three, (or even presumably two digits), before Pattern Numbers reached 1000. However before the First World War the practice of putting the Pattern Number on the base was only erratically applied and some pieces in the early matt black and many in the blushware eras were never marked in this way at all, although numbers for each design did exist. Similarly factory practice was altered soon after the Second World War, and marking individual pieces with their Pattern Number was discontinued, probably being considered unnecessary as the variety of colours and number of patterns in use in the 1950s was dramatically reduced, and production methods were streamlined. At this time keeping track of small orders was greatly facilitated by the new'through-flow' electric kilns, where goods were loaded onto small trolleys for firing, rather than disappearing into hundreds of Saggars in a huge bottle kiln. Dating with Pattern Numbers So how can we use Pattern Numbers for dating? On their own they are of limited value, but the intelligent collector will learn to use them in conjunction with other factors such as the shape, style and decoration of the piece; and the Shape, or Impressed Mark as described in the following section. What we do know is that Pattern Numbers were allocated in sequence, and, therefore we have a potential range of numbers from 1 to about 4500 covering a period from 1890 to about 1940. Within this period the rate at which new patterns were introduced varied greatly. An approximation would be as follows: Dates 1890 to 1916 1916 to 1923

Pattern Numbers ? up to 2000 2001 to 2700

Dates 1923 to 1936 1936 to 1940

Pattern Numbers 2701 to 4000 4001 to 4500

As can be seen, for much of this period pattern numbers were introduced at a rate of about a hundred per year, although it should be emphasised that this is only the average. It does, however provide a rough guide which can be used to extrapolate the approximate year when a pattern number was first made. During the late Victorian and Edwardian periods many patterns that found favour with the public remained in production for several years. People were using many of the blush items and matt black wares in their daily lives, and so liked to build up sets - and needed to buy replacements for breakages. With the introduction just before the Great War of Armand lustre items and the early chinoiserie pieces Carlton moved into wares intended primarily for decoration, and for much o f t h e next twenty-five years the firm made sure of retaining the public's interest by constantly introducing new ideas and new patterns. As a result, throughout much ofthe inter-war era patterns were only made for relatively short periods, varying from a few months to two or three years. There were exceptions, of course, and some patterns were re-issued due to popular demand - w i t h the Chinoiserie patterns such as Mikado and New Mikado being the most obvious examples. These had not just one life, but three or four. However differences in detail and in the background colours employed normally make it possible to discern to which period a piece belongs. The Impressed mark (or Shape mark) This takes the form of numbers indented into the base of the item, and was made by


setting these numbers into the actual mould. Impressed Marks identify the individual shape, and do not refer in any way to the colour and decoration which may be applied later. As some shapes were made in several sizes, their marks show this by adding a diagonal stroke and an extra single letter or number after the basic Shape Number: thus 1286/2, and 1286/3 referring to a series of finned, diamond shaped dishes; or456/D and 456/H, which are just two sizes from a popular, ovoid vase shape. Impressed marks were taken in numerical sequence by the factory, and so if you know when certain shapes were first introduced it is possible to extrapolate to others from the number sequence. However, because many shapes had long working lives, being used again and again with various forms of decoration, it is only possible from an Impressed Number to deduce a date when it was used first. To take an example: You find a nice conserve pot in the Pinstripe design, complete with its saucer. It bears the Impressed mark 2452 (on all parts, by the way, as they were designed to be sold together). How can you date it? As a collector of post-war Carlton you already possess some of the Windswept design, and this is known to have been launched at the Trade Fair in Blackpool in early 1958, and an advertisement appeared in the Trade Press {Potteries Review and Glass Trades Gazette for example) in 1959 promoting the new range. Your two plates from the Windswept range bear the Impressed Numbers 2404 and 2426. You can now complete the jigsaw for your new Pinstripe piece, as shape 2452 would also have been introduced in 1958, just after the Windswept items, and would then have continued in production for the next few years. To lessen the detective work here is an approximate chronology of when a good cross section of Carlton Impressed Numbers were introduced: Shape Number

Date (approx)

1000 1009-1126 1014-1174 1100s 1237-1353 1284 1367 1395-1661 1416-1461 147214771540+88 1551 1552 1603 1614-1799 164016561718-1820

1926/32 1932+ 1934 1934 1934 1934/5 1934/5 1934/5 1935/6 1936/8 1936/7 1936/7 1936/7 1937/8 1937/8 1937/8 1937/8 1938/40 1938/9 1938/9 1939/40

First 'Crab and Lobster' salad range Pearlised tablewares 'Clam', 'Orange' Fruit Basket Gum Nut Anemone Oak Rock Garden Hangman Mug Lettuce (second range of Salad Ware) Buttercup Tulip Daisy Blackberry/Raspberry Water Lily Wild Rose Crocus Red Currant Apple Blossom 1 Flowers & Basket Red Currant Water Lily (+1952)


1747-1832 1751 1754 17641768 1771 1812-33 18701907-44 1946195319751991-2158 1995 20002008 2010 2030+47 204320512086-2264 2195-2254 2268-2304 2300s 2316 2359-90 2394-2438 24192470 24802515-2626 25332637 2645-53 2694 2705-74 2710-49 2824-61 2800s 2850s 2991-2900s 3002-14 30213143 3175-3192 3194-3281 32623273-3521 3332 33733489-3502 3500s

1939/40 1939 1939 19391939 1939 1939/40 1940/ 1940/2 1942\5 1942/5 1943/5 1940/5 1944/5 1945 1945 1947/8 1947/8 1948/9 1948/9 1950/54 1953/4 1954/5 1955/6 1955 1957/8 1958 1958/9 1958/9 1958/9 1959/61 1960 1965 1965/6 1967 1968 1968 1968/9 1969 1969 1969/70 1970 1971 1972/3 1975/6 1975/6 19781978/86 1981 1981/2 1985+ 1986

Crocus Pyrethrum Clover/Shamrock Narcissus Begonia Campion Wartime figures (?not produced) Foxglove Basket Chestnut Clematis Primula Cherry Wallflower Delphinium Apple Blossom Lamp Poppy Late Buttercup New Daisy Poppy and Daisy Hydrangea Vine Grape Guinness figures Hazel Nut Leaf salad range Windswept range Pinstripe range Langouste (Crayfish) Convolvulus Magnolia Orchid Guinness Penguin Lamp Carlton Village Arthur Woods takeover Guinness items Tapestry range Military figures Persian Tea/Coffee Skye Tea/Coffee Canterbury Tea/Coffee Owl, Bird etc Cruets Late Buttercup 1st Walking Ware Set Apple Blossom 2 Walking Ware Dovecote range Hovis Range Charles & Di Cup W.Ware Big Feet range Robertson Golly set Coronation Street characters


Colour section and price guide On the pages that follow are photographs of a wide selection of Carlton Ware pieces spanning over a hundred years of production. These pictures are arranged in two sections, the first including many of Carlton's bestware designs and the second showing items from the novelty and embossed ranges. In each section items are shown in approximately chronological order, with the earliest wares such as Blushware first, and items produced since the Second World War towards the end. Many o f t h e pieces shown are identified by their Pattern Numbers which were painted on the bases of most of Carlton's bestwares from the Edwardian period right up to the 1940s. Pattern Numbers were issued in numerical sequence, and therefore provide a good indication of when a design was first introduced. As the public were continually looking for new ideas and patterns, many Pattern numbers were only used for a season or two, and were then replaced. However, some patterns proved of such lasting appeal that they were produced in phases over a long period of time - with the best known examples of this being the chinoiserie designs like Mikado and New Mikado. Accordingly the pattern number must not be taken as a reliable indicator ofthe actual date of manufacture. Where possible each piece has been captioned to show: (a) The Pattern Number (if known) (b) Either the factory name of the pattern (in bold type), or a name in common usage (shown in italics) (c) An indication ofthe size ofthe example shown (d) A guide to the value ofthe piece in good to perfect condition Sizes: Pieces have been placed in estimated size ranges as follows: Small Small/Medium Medium Large

up to 10cm in height 10 to 15cm in height 15 to 20cm in height over 20cm in height


up to 15cm in width 15 to 20cm in width 20 to 30cm in width over 30cm in width

Guide prices are provided to assist collectors, and have been arrived at in consultation with a number of experienced dealers and collectors. However they should be treated with a degree of flexibility. It is important to note that actual prices will vary according to condition of the piece, and to market trends in an area. It should also be noted that the guide price for a particular pattern in one colourway often does not hold true for the same pattern in another. In the case of Heraldic items prices vary considerably according to the crest displayed, as crests from small, less known villages and towns are more highly prized than the most common ones from the large Victorian resorts.


Blushware biscuit barrel, and two Dressing Table pieces. Medium biscuit barrel (£160-£190/$300-$400), small powder bowl (£40-£50/$75-$90), small lidded pot (£40£50/$75-$90). Courtesy Beverley

Blushware biscuitbarrel with silver plated mount. Medium biscuit barrel (£150-£180/$275-$375). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 614 Wiltshaw & Robinson experimented with many styles, here imitating the sprigged ware made famous by Josiah Wedgwood. Medium biscuit barrel (£110-£140/$200-$260). Courtesy Christies

Bird on a Bough Cloisonne ware. Medium ginger jar (£350-£400/$675-$800). Courtesy Beverley


English roses on a lovely Blushware barrel, trimmed with gilt and cobalt blue. Medium lidded storage barrel (£180£210/$350-$400). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 624, Imitation Swansea China produced at the turn ofthe century. Medium carafe vase (£450-£510/$875$1000). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 595. Late Victorian grandeur in a large lidded jar with Peony pattern (£280-£330/$550-$650).

Special backstamp used on the Imitation Swansea China, Courtesy L Adams



Special backstamp used on designs replicating 17th century Chinese styles.

L esq say

\s£r Pattern 722. A further example of Stork pattern on matt green. Small/medium footed vase (£150-£180/$275-$350).

Pattern 723 Cloisonne ware from early in the century showing Stork pattern. Medium urn vase (£240-£290/$450-$575), medium teapot (£240-£290/$450-$575), medium water jug (£240-£290/$450-$575).


Carlton Cloisonne Ware backstamp from the late Victorian era.

Early version of the W&R Crown Mark used from c1894 until 1925/27.

New technology was often featured in crested wares, sewing machine (£30-£36/$50-$70), $110), motor scooter (1920s!) (£60-£70/$110-$130), charabanc (£52-£58/$100-$105).

gramophone (£50-£60/$90-

i>: . v : . * I.">*..jr'«.-."'. ! " •"-•:/•'.'" -• "';-,•.,' • H E & H H I B H M H I ^ E i Heraldic china featured beautifully enamelled coats of arms - and often homely sentiments. Shamrock dish (£4-£6/$7$10), sundial (£20-£24/£35-$45), lucky white heather (£5-£7/$8-$12), "Good Luck" armchair (£36-£42/$70-:


Pattern 1655 lavish gilding highlights the red poppies and flowers in cobalt blue on this medium jardiniere made in 1912, (£350-£4507$650-$850). Courtesy Christies

Pattern 2134 Flies, an early lustre item from the Armand range. Medium necked vase (£300-£360/$575-$700). Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern 2134. The Flies pattern on a pale blue "Armand' lustre ground. Medium vase (£325-£360/$625-$700). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 2151 a fine medium sized footed bowl from 191718, Basket of Flowers (£350-£380/$675-$350).

The early backstamp.


'Armand' Courtesy

lustre wares Beverley




Pattern 2420. Armand Lustreware vase with Flies pattern. Medium vase (£210-£250/$200-$475).

Pattern 2250 large baluster jar and cover, with Lion finial, showing the Cockerels pattern in enamels and gilt (£275-£325/$525-$625). Courtesy Christies

Blushware at its finest in this elegant slender necked vase decorated with carnations. Large blushware vase (£180-£230/$350-$450). Courtesy Christies

Pattern 2420 on a small powder bowl with Flies (£280-£320/$545-$625).

Pattern 2437. Small/medium hexagonal lidded jar showing Seaweed design (£170-£190/$325-$350).





lady's pattern

Pattern 2437, Fish and Seaweed, from around 1920. Medium vase (£410-£450/$800-$875). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 2519- the handsome Barge design is less common than some chinoiserie patterns Left: large twin-handled footed bowl with blue ground (£300-£360/$575-$700); right large rectangular pedestal bowl (£380-£450/ $750-$875). Courtesy Christies

Pattern 2728, a post war example of the popular New Mikado pattern. Later blue glaze is darker and less grainy. Medium ginger jar (£240£290/$450-$575) Courtesy Beverley

Left: The series of pieces given the name Tutankhamen were produced in very limited numbers to celebrate the discovery by Howard Carter of the pharaoh's tomb in 1922. Top: pattern 2706, large shallow bowl with inverted rim (£250-£3007 $475-$575); middle: pattern 2710 large rectangular pedestal bowl with Egyptian motifs in coloured enamels and gilt, (£1300-£1500/ $2500-$3000); bottom: pattern 2710 in gilt only. Large vase (£350£450/$675-$875). Courtesy Christies


Pattern no 2880, a double handed bowl in Temple, medium (£115-£1407$200-$250).

Pattern 2818 Dragon and Cloud pattern on a large floor vase with its original stand (£870-£920/$1720-$1800).

Pattern no. 2884 Persian and2950Chinaland, underglaze designs on electric blue lustre. Large Persian vase (£550£620/$1000-$1200), small/medium lidded vase (£280£350/$550-$675).

Pattern 2922, one of several coffee set designs from the 1920s. Small cup/saucer (£55-£65/$100-$120). Courtesy Beverley


No pattern number, this vase with its exotic scene has a matt glaze, and may be unique. It is christened Rainforest.


Pattern 2944 Moonlight Cameo on a fine

Left: pattern 2932A. Mid 1920s Stork and Bamboo with beautiful electric blue glaze. Medium to large footed bowl with pedestal (£500-£560/$975-$1100). Note the word 'sample' on the base ofthe bowl - perhaps an item provided for a salesman. Courtesy L. Adams


1920s gondola.


Medium/large gondola (£650-£720/$1250-$1400).

Left: Pattern 2949 Chinaland pattern. Very large vase (£750-£8507$1450-$1650). Right: Pattern 3197 Chinese Bird on blue, medium vase (£290-£330/$550-$650).

A few lustre designs featured elaborate underglaze colouring to create complete landscapes. Left: 2949, large Chinaland vase (£750-£850/$1475-$1650); right: 2884 Persian vase (£390-£450/$750-$875).

Pattern 3026B, Paradise Bird and Tree can be seen on many different coloured backgrounds. Medium tray (£290-£325/$550-$625).



Pattern 3074, a composite design combining swallows and stylised clouds - ingredients of two other patterns. Tree and Swallow and Paradise Bird and Tree with Clouds. Small/medium lidded jar (£390-£4307$750-$830).



Pattern No 3144. Paradise Bird and Tree showing both under and overglaze enamels on this fine gondola. Large gondola (£540-£600-$1025-$1150) and below its backstamp from the late 1920s.


Pattern 3142 Landscape Tree pattern on a coffee cup and saucer. Note orange cup lining. Small cup/saucer (£110£1207$200-$225). Courtesy L Adams




Pattern 3145. Terracotta ground with complex design on this late 1920s pattern. Small cup/saucer (£115£140/$200-$250). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 3158. A late 1920s variant ofthe Mikado pattern. Coffee set (6) (£500-£600/$975-$1200), coffee pot (£150£180/$275-$350).

Pattern 3154, one ofthe most vivid examples of Paradise Bird and Tree. M e d i u m lidded jar (£550-£6507$1050$1250)


Pattern 3199. Trinket or stud box featuring Chinese figures and characters. Chinese Figures small trinket box (£65£75/$1204140).

Right and centre: two early examples ofW&R lustres from the Armand range, both showing the Flies pattern 2112 and 2134. Left: An unusual ginger jar from the late 1920s, Chinese Bird pattern 3196 (£750-£8507$1450-$1650), small/medium vase (£220-£250/$425-$475), medium lidded vase (£430-£5007$850-$875).

Pattern 3251 Dragon and Cloud, large ginger jar (£480£520/$950-$1000).

Pattern 3236 a medium sized plate showing the Floribunda pattern to advantage (£130-£160/$2404300). Courtesy Christies

Handcraft preserve pot erroneously £95/$160-$190). Courtesy Beverley

marked 3236


Left: Pattern 3244 Forest Tree on a medium bowl (£190£220/$350-$420); Right: Pattern number indistinct, Paradise Bird and Tree large vase (£470-£550/$925$1050). 44



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Two very similar patterns, 3244 Forest Tree and 3285 Tree and Swallow. Medium tapering vase (£300-£350/$575$675), small squat vase (£275-£320/$5254625). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 3281, the Tree and Swallow design is very similar to Forest Tree. Both occur in various colourways. Small/medium vase (£280-£325/$550$625).

Matt glazed Handcraft items can be bold and colourful like this Cherry pattern 3271. Large lidded jar (£750£850/$145041650).

One of the many colourways for theTree and Swallow pattern 3281. Medium lidded jar (£380-£450/$7254875).


Pattern 3279 a delightfully colourful version ofTree and Swallow pattern on a coffee set. Complete set for six £900£1100/$1750-$2150; single cup/saucer £130-£150/$250-$275. Courtesy Christies


Pattern 3334 two pieces displaying the Geometric Sunflower design. Large vase (£620-£680/$120041350) and large ginger jar (£720-£780/$1400-$1550).

Pattern 3305. A Handcraft pattern sometimes called Carnival. Small vase (£220-£260/$425-$550). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 3354. Feather Tailed Bird and Flower design on a blue coffee set. Coffee set (6) (£900-£1200/$ 175042350), cup/saucer (£120-£150/$220-$275). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern number3353. The famous Jazz pattern on orange lustre. Medium lidded jar (£1500-£1800/$2900-$3500). Courtesy L Adams


Pattern 3361, Jazz bulbous vase with a blue lustre ground. Medium/large bulbous vase (£720-£800/$140041600). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 3388 Fantasia shown on a medium to large matt blue vase (£650-£720/$1275-$1400). Courtesy L. Adams

Left: Pattern 3387, the very decorative Floral Comets design. Cup/saucer (£140-£180/$2504350).

Pattern 3394 a lady's lidded powder box decorated with the naturalistic Bird on a Bough design. Small/medium powder box (£190-£2307$3504450). Courtesy Christies

Pattern 3389. Bulbous vase in the Fantasia pattern on unusual lilac ground. Medium vase (£450-£495/$850$975). Courtesy L Adams


Pattern 3401 Floral Comets, large wall plaque (£850-£10507$1650$2050).

Left: pattern 3449 the pattern known as Prickly Pansy on a deep, flaring bowl with three ball feet. Medium footed bowl (£300-£400/$550-$750). Right: pattern 3655. The factory named this design Jazz Stitch. Large ovoid vase (£500-£600/$950-$1150).

Pattern 3406. Three examples of Fantasia on dark blue. Small/medium vase (£345-£390/$675-$750), small/ medium biscuit barrel (£345-£390/$675-$750), Bulbous vase (£850-£920/$165041800).


Pattern 3450, Art Deco miniature masterpiece on a ring box, sometimes called Awakening. £320/$5504600). Inset: Original factory label on base.

Pattern 3451. An unusual vase showing a Victorian Lady. Medium vase (£380-£420/$750-$800). Courtesy L Adams

Small ring box (£280-

Pattern 3478. Garden is the name of this pattern - here on a Rivo shaped bowl (£85-£105/$1604200).


No pattern number on this unusual charger. It was part o f a series, this piece showing a faun among trees (£420£460/$8204900).

Advertising distributors,

ashtray produced for one small (£80-£1007$0004000).


Pattern 3507. Vivid Iceland Poppy on a matt green background. Medium pot vase (£450-£520/$850-$1000). Courtesy Beverley


An unusual backstamp making clear that Wiltshaw and Robinson were the makers of 'Carlton Ware'.

Pattern 3523. Although Handcraft, this Parkland vase is largely underglaze litho and has gilding to finish it. Medium vase (£470-£530/$900410250). Courtesy L.Adams


Pattern 3525(7) Chinese Bird pattern on a medium sized ginger jar (£650-£700/$125041350).

Pattern 3525(7). The exotic Chinese Bird on a medium sized coffee pot (£480-£5307$925-$1020). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 3525 Clematis on a bold Handcraft jug. Medium/large jug vase (£365-£395/$7004775). Courtesy Beverley

Large pot vase in the Handcraft Orchard pattern (£400£440/$7754850). Courtesy Beverley


Pattern 3526, New Delphinium shown on a dark blue, matt glaze medium sized bowl (£225-£255/$425-'.

Pattern 3530. Striking coffee set in Crested Bird and Water Lily. Coffee set (6) (£740-£800/$145041600), cup/saucer (£100-£1207$180-$225).

Pattern 3530. Striking underglaze colours feature in the Crested Bird and Water Lily design. Medium bowl (£380£430/$7304825).

Pattern 3529, the magnificent Crested Bird and Water Lily on black ground, large ginger jar (£1000-£1200/$1850$2350).

Pattern 3530 a superb example of Crested Bird and Water Lily. Medium vase (£540-£580/$106041130). Courtesy L. Adams


Outer pair: Pattern 3557 Fan on dark blue ground, medium pair of vases (£1000-£1150/$187542250); Inner pair: Pattern 3696, Egyptian Fan on dark blue, medium pair of vases (£1200-£1400/$2350-$2750); Centre: Pattern 3695 Egyptian Fan on dark red, medium vase (£600-£670/$117541300); Front: Pattern 3695 Egyptian Fan on dark red, medium bowl (£380-£420/$7304810).

Pattern 3695, a magnificent example of Egyptian Fan pattern, front and rear view. Medium jug vase (£1200-£1500/$2300$2950).

Pattern 3547 Diamond, small cup/saucer (£80-£90/$150$175). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 3562, coffee cup and saucer in the stunning Nightingale pattern. Small cup/saucer (£175-£200/$325$375). Courtesy L Adams


Pattern 3552. Unique Art Deco design known as Deco Fan. Coffee (6) (£1500-£1800/$295043590).


Left: Pattern 3562 Nightingale, medium bowl (£390£440/$/'504850); Right: Pattern 4019 Squirrel (one of a series), small dish (£190-£220/$350-$420).

Pattern 3562 Nightingale. Large vase (£900-£1000/$1750£1950). Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern 3566 the 'Modern Art' style of decoration merges with Art Deco on this large, twin handled pedestal bowl known as Geometrica (£260-£3107$500-$600). Courtesy Christies

Pattern 3564. A caddy depicting the rare Fairy pattern. Small/medium tea caddy £580-£680/$112541350). Courtesy L. Adams


Right: the Carlton Ware Script mark in use from around 1925 until around 1968, and reintroduced in a smaller variant thereafter.



Pattern 3576. The Fairy pattern on a mottled orange lustre ground, medium vase (£870-£1000/$170042000).

Detail ofthe Fairy pattern,

Pattern 3597 shows the colourful Chinese Dragon on a dark blue ground. Medium footed vase £400-£480/$775$940; Medium slender vase £200-£250/$375-$475.

No pattern number, and may be a one-off handcraft piece with the title ofOverthe Rainbow. Large wall plaque (£500£600/$975-$1200).


Pattern 3601, large trumpet shaped vase (£680£750/$134041475). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 3606, vase showing the Dahlia and Butterfly pattern. Large vase (£810-£900/$159041775). Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern 3651. A magnificent Scimitar footed tray or comport. Large footed tray (£1000-£1200/$197542400). Courtesy L Adams


Pattern 3654. Superb enamelling is the hallmark of the finest Carlton pieces like this double sided vase in Mandarins Chatting pattern. Medium bulbous vase (£750£900/$1475-$1775).

Pattern 3658. A Carre vase. Medium vase (£400-£4507 $7754875). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 3654. Highly decorated and highly sought after. The Mandarins Chatting design on black and green. Small cigarette box (£320-£360/$600-$700).

Pattern 3684, another ofthe seldom seem Bathing Belle coffee sets, this one on ivory (£1300-£1600/$255043000).


Pattern 3690 Intersection, a rare design from the 1930s. Small cup/saucer (£140£170/$2504325), small ashtray (£140£170/$250-$325), small/medium (£520-£600-$100041175).

Pattern 3695. Art Deco vase showing the intricate Egyptian Fan design. Small/ medium vase (£550-£600/$1075-$1175).

Pattern 3694, A n e m o n e shown on two striking pieces, with orange lustre ground. Large charger (£850-£9207$1675-$1800), medium bowl (£450-£520/$875-$1000).


This group shows some of the diversity of handcraft designs. From back pattern 3693 a large wall plaque in Daisy £500-£600/$975-$1175; pattern 3667, rarely seen pattern of exotic lilies, large wall plaque £600-£700/$1195-$1375; pattern 3945Tubelined Flowers executed in the style of Charlotte Rhead, medium bulbous jug £180-£220/$350-$225; pattern 3458 the Disneyesque Witch's Castle, large vase £250-£300/$4754575; pattern 3563, bowl with painting of a cottage, somewhat in the style of Clarice Cliff. Medium bowl £500-£600/$100041175. Courtesy Christies


Pattern 3965 Heron and Magical Tree on a medium size interesting tapered vase (£480-£530/$930-$1025). Left: Pattern 3719 Mandarin Tree, large vase (£680-£7507 $132541475). Right: Pattern No. 4125 Babylon medium ginger jar (£600-£680/$127541350).

Left: Pattern 3699, Rainbow Fan shown on an orange, footed gondola. Large (£680-£750/$1350-$1475). Right: Pattern 3697, the highly enamelled Egyptian Fan on a lilac powder bowl, small (£480-£5307$950-$1025).

Pattern 3765 bright enamelling on a Devils Copse bowl. Medium conical bowl (£690-£740/$135041450). Courtesy

Pattern 3719, the beautifully hand enamelled Mandarin Tree. Small/medium ovoid vase (£420-£460/$825-$900).

L. Adams


Pattern 3767 Mephistopheles Courtesy L Adams





Pattern 3769. The celebrated and rare Mephistopheles figure on a pale yellow ground. Courtesy L Adams

Pattern no. 3786. Deco brilliance with superb enamelling. Two Bell pieces on matt green. The larger jar has been converted into a lamp. Large jar (lamp) (£800-£1000/ $1575-51975), small potpourri holder (£335-£375/$650$725).

Pattern 3787, the exotic garden sometimes called Devils' Copse. Large vase (£680-£750/$132541475).


Pattern 3788. The essence of Art Deco. A Bell pattern vase with superb enamelling. Medium vase (£740£820/$145041625).

Pattern 3787, Devil's Copse shown on two pieces against a dark blue ground. Both large, vase (£680-£750/$132541475), bowl (£390-£450/$750-$875).

Pattern 3788, a striking vase in the sought after Bell pattern on dark red. Medium vase (£740-£820/$1450$1625).

Pattern 3796. A Bathing Belle coffee set - rare and risque. Coffee set (6) (£1300-£1600/$2550-$3100). Courtesy L Adams


Pattern 3801 spirals of flowers were a popular design feature. Medium conical footed bowl (£390-£440/$750Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern 3803. Handcraft items sometimes featured bright colours too. Small/medium bowl (£300-£345/$5754675). Courtesy Beverley

Outer: Pattern 3820, a brilliant pair of large vases in Hollyhocks pattern on gleaming black (£1400-£16007$2700-$3100); Centre: Pattern 3818 Hollyhocks again, this time against a green and cream ground on a small to medium biscuit barrel (£450-£480/$8754950).


Pattern 3813. An unusual goblet in the oddly named W a g o n Wheels pattern. Small/medium goblet (£800-£900/$155041750). Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern 3815, teacup, saucer and side plate showing the Needlepoint design. Trio (£190-£225/$3504425). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 3820, bowl in Hollyhocks pattern on black ground. Medium/ large footed bowl (£480-£530/$950$1000). Courtesy L Adams Pattern 3843. Deco shape for this sharp green and gilt dish (£30-£35/$50460).

Pattern 3857, a fine vase in Leaf pattern. Large vase as shown (£380-£420/$740$815).

Pattern 3827. Small/medium vase (£280-£320/$540-$620). Courtesy Beverley


Pattern 3860 New Mikado on a dark red ground. Medium/large footed bowl (£130-£160/$240-$300).

Pattern 3863, a miniature masterpiece in the Handcraft pattern Garden Gate. Small cigarette holder (£45-


Pattern 3889, the oddly named Sketching Bird on a rouge jug. Medium jug (£395-£425/$7754825). Courtesy Beverley




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Pattern 3891, the popular Sketching Bird pattern on a cream base. Medium pedestal vase (£400-£450/$775$875).Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern 3891. The factory named this pattern Sketching Bird medium vase (£400-£450/$775-$875).

Pattern 3894, delicate and scarce Persian Garden. Small preserve pot complete with lid and saucer (£265£300/$5104590).

Patterns 3897 and 3896. Decorative posy bowl (£140£170/$2504325), small cardholder (£65-£80/$120-$150).

Pattern 3913. A coffee cup and saucer in the Moderne shape with Floral Mist pattern. Small cup/saucer (£45£55/$80-$100). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 3923 W i l d Duck, a mid 1930s design, some five years earlier than the popular Duck. Medium bulbous onion vase (£280-£3207$550-$620). 68

Pattern 3939. Simple slip decoration to a 1930s small/ medium posy bowl (£45-£50/$80-$95).

Pattern 3926. Superb detail in the enamelling on two Summer Flowers pieces, medium posy bowl (£250£290/$4754550), small squat jug (£320-£380/$6104750).

Pattern 3944. Gum Tree in blue/green. Part of the Handcraft range. Small/medium £85-£95/£150-$175).

Pattern 3948, a large charger in Flower and Falling Leaf design on turquoise, with a matt glaze (£550-£650/$1050$1275).

Pattern 3952 Sketching Bird pattern on a powder blue Aztec shaped dish (£150-£170/$2754320).

Pattern 3965, one of the fantasy designs Heron and Magical Tree. Medium/large tray (£360-£400/$700-$780) Courtesy Beverley


Pattern 3965. Art Deco style platter showing Heron and Magical Tree (£360-£420/$7004825).

Pattern 3965. Heron and Magical Tree on a Rouge Royale vase, medium (£425-£475/$825-$925).

Pattern 3967 bulbous vase showing Lace Cap Hydrangea design. Medium vase (£480-£530/$950-$1025). Courtesy L. Adams

Pattern number 3949. Two views of the detailed hand enamelling on a vase showing the Flower and Falling Leaf pattern. Medium/large vase (£1200-£1400/$2300-$2750). Courtesy L Adams


Even a plain green dish with gilt detail has style. Medium dish (£28-£35/$50465).

Pattern 3972, this witty Art Deco vase with Hollyhocks was made to seem as if it was the wrong way up! Small/ medium vase (£250-£3007$4754575).

Above: pattern 4017. Two vases showing one of the ultimate deco designs ofthe 1930s on the rare orange ground Secretary Bird. Small/medium ovoid vase (£650£750/$127541475), small/medium waisted vase (£650£750/$127541475). Below on a medium vase (£650-£750/ $127541475).

Pattern 4018. The height of 1930s decoration, Secretary Bird. Small/medium pot vase (£460-£500/$9004975). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 4076. Striking Tyrolean Bands pattern on a small to medium sized teacup and saucer (£150-£170/$275$320). Courtesy Beverley


Pattern 4103 Spider's Web on a pale green ground. Small/medium bowl and cover (£230-£260/$4504500). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 4120, sometimes known as Primula and Leaf, this design often also includes Bluebells! Medium dish (£80£907$ 1504170).

Pattern 4125. The rare and fabulous Babylon pattern, with festoons of tropical foliage. Medium dish (£380-£4307 $7304850).

Pattern 4138. Tubelined Tree and Fields imitates the technique of Charlotte Rhead. Medium Bowl (£365£410/$7004800). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 4159, Heron and Magical Tree. Red ground hardly shows behind green tree foliage. Small cup/saucer (£120£150/$225-$275). Courtesy L Adams

Pattern 4160, two examples of a most decorative variant of Heron and Magical Tree. Very large Temple jar (£1300£1500/$250043000) and medium dish (£330-£370/$650-



Pattern 4194 (?) Iceland Poppy was used on both tea and coffee sets. Medium teapot (£480-£530/$950-$1025). Courtesy L Ward

Pattern 4215 one ofthe 1930s geometric designs known as Starflower. Large vase (£690-£780/$135041550).

Pattern 4219 New Anemone, $102541175). Courtesy L Adams

large vase (£540-£600/

Pattern 4219, New Anemone dish in the Aztec shape, medium dish (£70-£907$125-$160).


Pattern 4225. Coffee cup and saucer in the Rita shape polka dots on a rouge ground. Small cup/saucer (£60£65/$110-$120.). Courtesy Beverley

More polka dots on a cream ground on this small cup/saucer (£60-£65/$1104120). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 4244. A smart Spiders Web coffee set on deep blue. Coffee set (6) (£550-£600/$107541175), Cup/Saucer (£60£70/$1104130).


Pattern 4242, a fine large Spider's W e b vase (£510£560/$100041100). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern no. 4244 Spiders W e b , medium vase (£350£400/$675-$775). Courtesy Beverley

Left: Pattern 4244, a small to medium tobacco jar in dark blue showing the popular Spider's W e b (£260-£290/$5004575); Right: Pattern 4243, a grand Temple jar in the same design on grey/blue (£490-£530/$96041050).

Left: Pattern 4247 Rabbits at Dusk, large vase (£575-£650); Centre: Pattern 2946 Moonlight Cameo small to medium lidded jar (£280-£320/$5504625), and right: Pattern No 2944, Moonlight Cameo large vase (£300-£350/$575-$675).


A trio of jugs all in the Moderne shape. 4247 Rabbits at Dusk medium jug (£380-£420/$7 454825), 4163 Spangled Tree medium jug (£250-£280/$4754550), 3975 Persian Rose medium jug (£350-£3907$690-$760).

Pattern 4247. Glowing lustre in the Rabbits at Dusk pattern. Largewall plaque (£350-£400/$675$775).

Pattern 4247. Great depth is created by the lustre glaze on this Rabbits at Dusk vase. Medium vase (£480-£540/$950-$1050).


Pattern 4283, New Stork pattern in a very unusual variant, with a pink ground. Large wall plaque (£570-£630/$112541240).

Left: Pattern 3966 Lace Cap Hydrangea medium footed bowl (£450-£520/$77541010). Right: Pattern 4313, Heron and Magical Tree, medium vase (£360-£390/$700-$775).

Another New Stork piece. This pattern was very popular in the 1950s. Medium bowl (£140-£160/$2504300).

Left: pattern 4340. The N e w Stork pattern also on Rouge Royale. Medium bowl (£95-£115/$1754205).

Patterns 4328 and 4433. Ever popular chinoiserie items. Large dish, New Mikado on cream (£120-£150/$225-$275), footed dish in Mikado on Rouge Royale (£75-£85/$1304150), small ashtray (£55-£707$100-$125).


Plain Rouge Royale items are attractive and collectable. (£45-£50/$80490); small lobed dish (£30-£40/$50475).


oval bowl (£45-£50/$80490); small/medium


Pattern 4433. Two small, later examples of Mikado pattern on Rouge Royale. Small pot vase (£55-£657$100-$120)small ashtray (£50-£60/$90-$110).


Pattern 4488 a post-war coffee set on Noire Royale showing Lily of the Valley. Coffee set for six £800-£900/ $155041775; single cup/saucer £90-£110/$1654200. Courtesy Christies

Spiders Web medium size Beverley

shown vase

to advantage on a full bodied (£380-£420/$7004825). Courtesy

Pattern 4499, Duck on Rouge Royale. Medium dish (£160£185/$3004350).

Duck on Rouge Royale. Medium vase (£350-£400/$675$775). Courtesy Beverley

Pattern 4499. 1940s Duck design with bright enamelling and vivid colours. Medium jug (£230-£270/$450-$525).


Duck in miniature on a coffee cup and saucer, small (£55£65/$100-$120).






^^SiSIl w ^ Pattern 4499. The popular Duck pattern. Temple jar (£750-£820/$1475-$1625).

Very large

Pattern 4499, Duck shown to advantage on this large handsome charger (£380-£430/$7504850).

A post-war handled vase in Bleu Royale showing simple, mainly gilt design. Small vase (£50-£657$90-$120), and inset the backstamp. Note also the word 'Handpainted'. In use from about 1952-1962.

New Mikado (late version) on a Rouge Royale medium bowl (£120-£140/$2254250).


Small cup/saucer in Spider's Web (£75-£85/$130-$150). Courtesy L Adams

Coffee cup/saucer in cream with New Stork pattern. Small cup/saucer (£75-£85/$130-$160. Courtesy L Adams

Pale blue lustre showing New Mikado. Small cup/saucer (£65-£75/$1204130). Courtesy L Adams

Cup and saucer in Bleu Royale colourway (£60-£65/$110$120). Courtesy Beverley

Vert Royale favours the Vine and Grape pattern. Small footed dish (£45-£55/$804100).

Kingfisher on a $190).



Rouge dish


Sultan and Slave shown on Rouge Royale. Medium bowl (£250-£280/$4754550), medium vase (£340-£390/$625$750).

Some designs of the 1950s beautifully combine under and overglaze colours, like this Bullrushes ginger jar. Small/medium jar (without lid £140-£190/$2504360; with lid £295-£325/$5754625).

Bullrushes pattern on Rouge Royale, medium vase (£230£260/$450-$500).

Spiders W e b shown on two similar Rouge Royale dishes of different sizes, small (£80-£100/$150-$190), small/ medium (£120-£160/$2254300).

Attractive effect from later Rouge Royale items. Small leaf (£18-£20/$30-$40), medium leaf (£22-£28/$40-$55), medium/long leaf (£18-£20/$30-$40),'small cruet (£65£75/$120-$140).

The late Kingfisher design on two Rouge pieces. Medium plate (£100-£120/$1904225), small/medium ginger jar (£250-£280/$47 54550).



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The Rouge Royale stamp on a 1950s trinket box.

No pattern number (post-war design), two pieces of Sultan and Slave pattern on black. Medium size vase (£450-£550/$875-$1075) and medium dish (£250£290/$4754575).

New Stork pattern, popular in the 1950s, on a black background. Small vase £150-£180/$2754350).

Two examples of the very popular New Mikado pattern on the Rouge Royale background, left: large oval pedestal dish showing part of the pattern £180-£230/$3504450; right: large wall plaque showing the whole pattern £225£275/$4254525. Courtesy Christies


A deep Vert Royale bowl with Spider's W e b pattern (£180£220/$350-$420).

A much later Rouge Royale piece slender vase (£30-£40/$50-$75).

Bleu Royale items from the 1950s, from left, small ashtray/coasters (£30-£40/$50475) each; medium bowl (£80-£90/$1504175).

More late Rouge items from the 1970s. Small/medium spiral vase (£40-£50/$75495), small candlestick (£30£35/$50-$60), small footed dish (£30-£35/$50-$60).




Fruit Basket Biscuit barrel (£120-£145/$220-$275); Sugar shaker (£90-£115/$1704200). Courtesy Beverley

The Anemone range of 1934 was vivid, with a high glaze and strong colours. Medium/large (£75-£95/$130-$175), preserve pot (£85-£90/$1504175).


Has anybody got one of these? This drawing from the shape book depicts shape number 1083 from about 1934 and shows a stylish hand mirror.

Rock Garden was matt glazed, in beige or pale blue, moulded with brickwork and a scattering ofcottage flowers. Large jug (£120-£150/$220$275), small vase (£40-£60/$70-$110), jug vase (£70-£80/$130-$150), sauce boat (£65-£75/$1204140).

By contrast with the matt finish of Oak, the Fruit Basket range had a high glaze finish. Cream jug (£50-£60/$95-$110), toast rack (£45-£507$80-$90), milk jug (£85-£95/$1504175).















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Ear/y embossed wares included the Oak pattern, with strong bold shapes and made in two colourways, beige for day and blue grey for night. Tripartite dish (£60-£70/$1104130), charger (£150-£170/$280-$325), nut dish (£15-£20/$25$35), small toast rack (£40-£50/$75495), vase (£60-£70/$1104130). Also available is an unusual candlestick (£80£90/$1504175).

Wild Rose Beverley

Yellow Buttercup side dish (£45-£50/$80-$95).




Embossed jam/butter dishes come in many different patterns, from left: Raspberry (£30-£40/$50-$75); Blackberry (£25£35/$40-$60); Yellow Buttercup (£25-£35/$40-$60); Pink Buttercup (£35-£45/$60-$85).


From Top left: Unusual box and cover in the form of a lady in 18th century dress £180-£2207$350-$425; 'Joan', one of the figures modelled by Coalport, painted by Carlton £200-£2607$37 54500; Clown with moving head modelled by John Hassall £220-£260/$4254500; Series of novelty napkin rings: Clown £55-£757$100-$140; Guardsman £55-£75/$100$140; Farmer's Wife £55-£75/$100-$140; Sailor £55-£75/$1004140; Pierrot £55-£757$100-$140; Crinoline lady £55£75/$100-$140; Performing Dog £55-£75/$$1004140.Courtesy Christies

Groups of embossed wares always look well as with the Blackberry items: teapot £275-£300/$525-$675; biscuit barrel £145-£175/$275-$340; sucrier £45-£55/$85-$100; cup/saucer £40-£45/$75480; cream jug £65-£85/$1204150. Courtesy Christies

Primula small preserve pot (£60-£80/ $1104150). Courtesy Beverley

These hard to find figurines were cast at Coalport China and decorated by Carlton! (£200-£300/$3754575 each). Courtesy Beverley


Pink Waterlily. Small/medium grapefruit £95/$1504175). Courtesy Beverley

The rare Pink Buttercup shown on a cheese dish. Medium cheese dish/cover (£300-£350/$575-$675). Courtesy Beverley

Above: Raspberry. (£70-£85/$130-$160), £75/$1104140). Courtesy Beverley



Cream Jug Bowl (£60-

Pink Buttercup, from left: medium tripartite dish (£150£200/$2754375); small/medium cream jug (£140-£190/$250$370); small sugar shaker (£200£250/$375-$475); small cruet (£150-£200/$2754375). Courtesy Beverley


Foxglove was produced in three colours. Here in pale green, medium dish (£30-£35/$50-$60), toast rack (£70£80/$130-$150). Courtesy Beverley

Tripartite dish with Waterlily Courtesy Beverley

Waterlily on a two lobed dish (£40-£50/$70-$90) Courtesy Beverley




An earlier Salad Ware dish from the Lettuce range. Medium long dish (£18-£25/$30-$40). Courtesy Beverley.

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Part of two pages from the original Carlton Ware Shape Book, showing items from the popular Apple Blossom range.


Wild Rose items in green and in cream. Side plate (£25-£30/$40-$50), plate (£28-£32/$50-$60), preserve pot (£45£60/$080-$110), cream jug (£40-£45/$75-$80), cup/saucer (£40-£45/$75-$80), jam dish (£15-£18/$25430). Courtesy Beverley

A p p l e Blossom, lidded cocoa mug (£110-£125/$205-$240), cream jug (£40-£45/$70485), cruet ovoid egg cups (£115£130/$2004250), preserve pot (£45-£60/$80-$110). Courtesy Beverley


Begonia j a m dish (£30-£45/$50-$80).

Primula, Beverley


Undecorated Buttercup. Some wartime production was undecorated, and this economy ware was also exported as it avoided certain duty fees. Small jam dish (£20£25/$35-$40).

butter dish


Waterlily, medium salad strainer (£95-£115/$1804200); (£150-£170/$275-$325). Courtesy Beverley



small jam







fruit basket

Foxglove items in pale yellow. Sandwich plate (£30£35/$50-$60), side plate (£22-£28/$40-$55), gravy boat (£45-£55/$80-$100), sugar bowl (£25-£30/$45-$55), cocoa mug (£85-£95/$160-$180). Courtesy Beverley

Apple Blossom, triangular dish (large) (£35-£38/$65-$70), cocoa mug (£85-£95/$160-$180), small cruet (£70-£857 $1304160), preserve pot (£45-£60/$80-$110). Courtesy Beverley

Waterlily as a Tea for Two set (£360-£410/$7004800). Courtesy Beverley


Blackberry. Teapot (£275-£300/$5254575); Cream Jug (£65-£85/$125-$150), Sucrier (£45-£55/$85-$100). Courtesy Beverley

Bowl and salad server from the Lettuce salad range. Medium bowl/server (£60-£70/$1104130). Courtesy Beverley

Embossed wares were popular over four decades. Here a 1970s addition to the Buttercup range (£90-£957$1754190) is shown with 1930s Water Lily (£240-£280/$4504550).


Novelty Crinoline Lady napkin rings, small (£60-£80/$110$150).

1930s novelty napkin rings Guardsman (£55-£75/$105$140), cat (£60-£80/$110-$150). Courtesy Beverley

A Saladware cruet, Courtesy Beverley




This original Hangman Mug first produced in the 1930s. Fakes have the wrong backstamp and the devil in black trousers. Red devil/hangman mug £125-£160/$225-$300. Courtesy Christies

Introduced about 1959, Magnolia was produced in several colourways, and featured contrasting lids. Oval dish (£18£25/$35445), teapot (£35-£45/$65-$90), small dish (£10-£14/£15-$25), coffee pot (£35-£45/$60-<.


Fruit dish introduced around 1959 showing three sections as apples and pears. Medium tripartite dish (£70-£80/ $1304150).

Pinstripe ranges appeared in 1959 in pale green, rust and beige. Medium tripartite dish (£20-£30/$35455).

Hazelnut appeared in the mid 1950s and became very popular. Front dish is in Convolvulus. Medium dish (£15£18/$25-$30), teapot (£35-£45/$65-$85), small/medium dish (£15-£18/$25-$30).

One of the last of the Langouste salad items. Note the bronze colour of the lobster as now pigments had replaced earlier lead based red paints. Medium oval dish (£18-£24/$35-$45). Courtesy Beverley

Late 1950s Pinstripe in rust colouring makes an attractive group. Two part dish (£20-£25/$35445), nut bowl (£12£15/$20425), preserve pot (£33-£40/$60475), sandwich plate/cup (£28-£32/$50460), butter dish (£35-£40/$65-$75), jam dish (£8-£12/$15420). Pinstripe pieces are not numerous, and should gain in value with time.


A p p l e tea service from the Fruit range. Teapot (£50-£60/ $904110), preserve pot (£25-£30/$45455); cream jug (£25-£30/$45-$55), cup/saucer (£28-£35/$50-$65). Courtesy Beverley

A wide range of Fruit wares were produced in the early 1960s. Toast rack (£70-£90/$135-$175); jam dish and spoon (£18-£25/$30-$45); coffee pot (£60-£80/$1104150). Courtesy Beverley

Convolvulus pattern from the late 1950s in the less known lime green. Hors d'ceuvre dish (£30-£35/$55-$65), toast rack (£25-£30/$45-$55), vinegar (£30-£35/$55-$65), preserve/spoon (£20-£25/$35-$45), sugar (£22-£28/$40-$50), mustard jar (£20-£25/$35-$45). Convolvulus and magnolia items are still very reasonably priced - and are sure to appreciate with time.


7950s Guinness Novelty figures, small Toucan with pintglass (£110-£140/$210$260), Kangaroo (£120£150/$2304290), Zoo Keeper (£100-£125/$190$245), small Sea Lion with pint (£120-£140/$230$260), Ostrich (£110-£140/ $2204260), Tortoise (£120£140/$2304260). Courtesy Beverley


Hydrangea, seen here in two different colourways, is popular with collectors. Oval dish (£60-£70/$1104130), round platter (£90-£100/$160-$190).

Guinness advertising wares have acquired cult status among collectors - but it is important to avoid counterfeit items. From back left: Toucan table lamp £350-£450/$690$875; Penguin table lamp £700-£900/$135041750; Large Toucan with pint £550-£700/$1075-$1490; Sealion with globe £450-£550/$870-$1100 Zookeeper £100-£125/ $1854230; Tortoise £100-£125/$1854230; Ostrich £110£140/$200-$260.Courtesy Christies

An oyster dish from the Langouste range. This third series of Salad Wares was produced in the late 1950s. Large oyster dish (£70-£90/$130-$170). Courtesy Beverley


Walking Ware was a huge success throughout the 1970s and is still made today by the Price Kensington factory. Teapot (£80-£100/$1504195), cups (£25-£28/$45-$55), egg cup (£12-£16/$20-£30), sugar (£30-£35/$50-$60), milk (£25-£30/$45-$55).

Two Walking Ware pieces, hot water jug (£80-£100/$150$195), teapot (£80-£100/$1504195). Courtesy Beverley

A pair of Walking Ware medium plates $135 each). Courtesy Beverley

A medium sized Walking Ware teapot from the (£150-£180/$2754350). Courtesy Beverley



Walking Ware egg cup with cosy (£55-£60/$lOO-$110) with Red Baron teapot (£150-£200/$280-$375).

Conserve pot from the 1960s Village range (£75-£85/$140$160). Courtesy Beverley

1970s toastracks, including one from the Hovis range. (£15-£l8/$25435 each). Courtesy Beverley



folkci it i

Collect-It Airman teapot limited edition 100. The first in a series of 10 unusual colourways produced especially for UK shows and exhibitions (£80-£100).

My Garden - the inspiration below (£300-£400).

for the

Hollyhocks figure Classic Airman teapot - Blue Camouflage. Edition 150

Carlton Girl Hollyhocks limited edition 1250 (RRP £165).

Jester. Second in the Character Series limited edition 500 (RRP £165).


The old. . . .original Carlton Kids from left: Groom and Bride; Airman; Sailor; Nurse (RRP £35 each). Pidgeon £59.99)


character jug


The new . . . Spicegirl, Schoolboy, Policeman and Footballer (RRP £35)

Santa Carlton Kid. First in a series of ten to be released each year with a change of toys in the sack. Limited to 200 in the first year.

Negro Band moulds





Red Devil, issued to all inaugural members of the Francis Joseph Carltonware Collectors Club. This cannot be purchased by any other means. To join, see advert at back of this book.

Mephistopheles. First in the Character Series limited to 500 (RRP ÂŁ165). Inset: Colourway of Mephistopheles. Only a few were produced within the edition of 500

Carlton Girl with Bird of Paradise. Prototype.



..SE3I0US RESULTS .»>• i.*™ » . ,\m m^ . CUTS AND SCRATCHES. *-. IK FECTION ip^ootaei mn afei in jw 1 HRpUGHjJJEGLECT h &< . . .


Another pattern, probably Birks, Rawlins & Co. This transitional style between. Art Nouveau and Art Deco.




L''fjl»5 <t»f*nv TREATED A f | " HSEFTIC DRESSJNGtf

Lead, mercury and other chemicals made pottery manufacture hazardous to health earlier this century. Courtesy Coalport China Museum

Sadly the Carlton Pattern books have been lost-this illustration shows the great detail in which patterns were recorded. It is probably of a Birks, Rawlins china set. B, R & Co were bought out by Carlton in 1928.

These plates show the range of colours used at Gladstone China. Each factory guarded the secret formula for each of its colour shades jealousy. Courtesy Gladstone Working Pottery Museum.


The problems of success Guinnessware toucan with forged Carltonware backstamp (below). Note inferior decoration.

The making of a vase To achieve the soft, mellow tones of Handcraft, or the jewel-like brilliance of Carlton's decorated lustre pieces took a long and complex series of operations involving many varied skills. In this chapter we will trace the processes by which one imaginary Carlton Ware vase was produced in the 1930s from raw clay to finished article. The home of Carlton was, of course, Stoke-on-Trent, one of the famous 'six towns' which were, and still are the heart ofthe British pottery and china industry. The six towns, Tunstall, Burslem, Hanley, Stoke, Fenton and Longton nestle together in north Staffordshire. It is interesting to reflect, however, that their success was based not on local clays, but on the proximity of large deposits of coal, a necessity for firing the kilns; and ofthe inland water way system, important both for its water supply and as a means of transportation. Raw Materials were far from local The raw material required to make our vase comes from far away in the south-west peninsula. When pottery manufacture developed in the 18th century it initially utilised local clays, but these are quite coarse, and fire to a red colour which is difficult to decorate. By the mid 19th century these red clays did not find favour compared to the white wares which were being imported from China and the Far East. To rectify this the potteries brought in China Clay and China Stone from south Cornwall, and a better, finer clay known as 'Ball Clay' which is only found in north and south Devon, and Dorset. By far the greatest proportion of Carlton's output has always been Earthenware, although we will look separately at Crested or Commemorative ware in another chapter. Earthenware is typically made from a clay mixture, or 'body' consisting of a combination of ingredients, and our vase needs a mix, or 'body' containing approximately: 25 percent Ball Clay 25 percent China Clay

15 percent China Stone 35 percent Flint.

Ball Clay as already mentioned comes from Devon and Dorset, and is so called because it is cut out of the ground, sometimes from underground workings, in large lumps, or 'balls'. It is greyish brown when dug, but it fires to a much paler colour. China Clay, or Kaolin, is mined in the Truro area by high pressure jets of water which wash the fine white clay out of the ground. Impurities are removed by filters and magnets, and then the excess water is spun out using centrifuges before transportation. China Stone is also found in Cornwall, near to St. Austell, and is a variety of granite. Before use it has to be crushed to a powder, and defluorinated with water. Flint is used as an additive in the mix because it both whitens and strengthens the finished product. It too has to be brought in from away - in this case from the south east and East Anglia where it is found as layers in deposits of chalk. Before it can be used in pottery


making it is burnt in upright, gas-fired chambers, and t h e n crushed b e t w e e n m o v i n g steel plates. Finally it is g r o u n d to a fine p o w d e r in a ball mill - a rotating horizontal cylinder lined with hard stone, and filled with unburnt flint pebbles and water. This g r i n d i n g process takes up to a day to c o m p l e t e . W h e n t h e four basic ingredients have been assembled they are each r e d u c e d to a liquid f o r m in a 'blunger' or mixing chamber where rotating paddles break d o w n t h e clays, and mix t h e m with water to produce 'slip', a creamy liquid. These four slips are t h e n mixed t o g e t h e r in a further chamber before passing to a storage and s e t t l e m e n t vessel. After settlement t h e raw slip is de-watered by squeezing out t h e water under pressure to leave t h e ' b o d y ' or final earthenware mix in slabs. It is f r o m these slabs that clay can be taken direct for t h r o w i n g or m o d e l l i n g - or in the case of our vase, to be remixed with water to make a final 'slip' for casting. The Modeller - important and well paid A l t h o u g h bowls, cups and saucers w o u l d be made by partly a u t o m a t e d m e t h o d s direct from the clay ' b o d y ' , the majority of Carlton Ware pieces were m a d e by t h e process of 'Slip-Casting' using moulds. Before this could happen several stages had to be c o m p l e t e d . Each one of t h e well known Carlton shapes had first to be created by one of t h e most important and best paid p e o p l e in the works - the Modeller. He (or she) had to carve t h e original shape f r o m solid clay using t h e drawings p r o v i d e d by t h e factory designer. W h e n t h e design had been created in three dimensional f o r m it was f i r e d , and t h e n used to create a Master Block - the first m o u l d in Plaster of Paris, p r o b a b l y in t w o , t h r e e or four parts. As shapes often stayed in use for many years, a plaster m o u l d w o u l d be used over and over again, and because plaster is quite soft, gradual wear w o u l d result, with consequent loss of detail and sharpness of the e n d product. To avoid this t h e Master Block was only used to create a Master Case, or pristine clay e x a m p l e of t h e shape concerned. W o r k i n g moulds in plaster w o u l d then be made f r o m t h e Master Case, and these could be used 30 or 40 times before replacement. Slip Casting O n c e moulds were available production c o u l d start. O u r vase uses a t h r e e part m o u l d involving t w o halves and a base. This is strapped together, and liquid slip is p o u r e d in to fill t h e m o u l d . As Plaster of Paris is very porous water is a b s o r b e d f r o m the slip, and a layer of clay is d e p o s i t e d on the inside of the m o u l d . If necessary the slip is t o p p e d up during this process, b u t after about an hour it is safe to pour the excess slip away, and carefully remove t h e ' g r e e n ' vase from the m o u l d . At this stage t h e vase is still soft, and can be easily d a m a g e d . It is placed on a shelf to dry for a day or so, and then it goes off for its biscuit firing. The first, or 'Biscuit' firing is to remove all

B o w , s CU S

moisture f r o m t h e clay, and t o heat It t o a temperature of some 1150째C, at which

bal/ofc/ay being flattened into a disc for the next saucer (in the foreground). Courtesy Coalport China Museum




i .


. .. .


P and saucers were not slip cast, but profiled

on a turntable using a 'Jiqqer' as shown here. Note the


The process of slip casting


7. The mould is typically in three pieces. 2. The mould is strapped together and slip (liquid clay) is poured in, and left to stand. 3. After an hour the excess liquid is poured away, and the mould can be opened to show the soft cast vase inside. 4. (left) Casting, still soft, straight from the mould; (middle) casting left overnight to dry and harden - note rough edges where there were joints in the mould (right) vase after Biscuit firing to harden and fettling to remove the rough edges. It is now ready for glazing and decoration. Photo's courtesy Coalport China Museum

temperature chemical changes take place, and the clay's ingredients fuse t o g e t h e r to b e c o m e the hard, t h o u g h porous substance known as 'biscuit'. For t h e first half of this century firing was carried out in the famous bottle kilns. As it was only e c o n o m i c to fire large numbers of items at once, t h e kilns were quite large; and t h e wares had to be p r o t e c t e d from direct contact with t h e smoke and ash of t h e fires, as well as stacked to use all the available space. The 'Saggar Maker's Bottom Knocker' This was d o n e using Saggars. These were round, lidless containers m a d e f r o m fireclay, and used to h o l d t h e green wares during t h e first, or biscuit firing. Each p o t t e r y e m p l o y e d their own Saggar making teams as several different sizes and shapes w o u l d be required, and a large Bottle kiln could hold as many as 3500 Saggars at once. Since each Saggar w o u l d only last for five or six firings replacements were constantly required. T h e g a n g consisted of a Filler, w h o b a t t e d out slabs of clay into a rectangular frame, and t h e n sliced this into strips to f o r m t h e sides of the Saggar. Next to him w o u l d be the interestingly named 'Saggar Maker's B o t t o m Knocker', often only a lad a g e d 11 or 12, responsible for


The Saggar Makers Workshop, note the 'Batter' or flat headed beater used to flatten out the clay. On the left is a turntable with a wooden mould, and the iron hoop used to frame the base or 'Bottom'. Courtesy Coalport China Museum

b a t t i n g out a clay slab to an even thickness inside an iron h o o p of slightly larger size than t h e base o f t h e Saggar. Finally t h e Saggar Maker himself was t h e skilled man, responsible for f o r m i n g t h e sides around a w o o d e n d r u m , and t h e n making a safe j o i n b e t w e e n t h e base and the sides o f t h e Saggar, which he d i d on a t u r n t a b l e . As Saggars c o u l d be stacked on t o p of one another 20 or 30 high in t h e kiln, faulty w o r k by t h e Saggar Maker could be very costly i n d e e d ! A single firing w o u l d use 10 to 15 tons of coal Green wares were placed in t h e Saggars, with flat wares b e i n g b e d d e d in layers of silver sand, and hollow wares such as our vase being located upside d o w n in g r o o v e d plaster rings to minimise distortion during firing. Once put into t h e Saggars these w o u l d be loaded into t h e kiln by Placers, carrying the stacked Saggers on their heads. Rolled-up stockings made into a d o u g h n u t shape were put inside their caps to p r o v i d e a flat base on which several Saggars could be balanced - and to reduce bruising! O n c e t h e kiln was full, perhaps with up to 40,000 individual pieces, the entrance door, or Clammins, w o u l d be bricked up except for a small inspection hole, and t h e furnaces spaced a r o u n d t h e kiln at g r o u n d level w o u l d be lit. The Biscuit firing w o u l d take temperatures inside the kiln to a b o u t 1150°C, and w o u l d take 50 to 60 hours to c o m p l e t e . During this t i m e a single kiln w o u l d use between 10 and 15 tons of coal! As there were over 2000 Bottle Kilns in t h e Stoke area up to t h e Second W o r l d War t h e consumption of coal was vast - and the resultant smoke, dust and s m o g in t h e atmosphere were a real hazard to health. It was calculated that average life expectancy of a male pottery worker early in this century was just 46 years! A l t h o u g h in this chapter we are looking at production of one of t h e famous 1930s pieces, we should not f o r g e t that production of superb bestwares as well as all of the rest of Carlton's range c o n t i n u e d after the Second W o r l d War. Recognising the hazards to health as well as the high cost of f u e l l i n g t h e o l d , dirty Bottle Kilns, C u t h b e r t Wiltshaw

'Placing' or loading the full Saggers

and his fellow directors installed a m o d e r n electric Glost


an skHL A


, . , . i *CSAJ irn II-i i -I-,• k\ln held up to 3500Saggers. Courtesy kiln in a b o u t 1 V46, and f o l l o w e d this With an electric BlSCUlt Gladstone Working Pottery Museum


tunnel oven t w o years later. The wares were now placed on trolleys which passed t h r o u g h the new oven on rails, reaching their firing t e m p e r a t u r e in t h e m i d d l e , and being gradually c o o l e d before e m e r g i n g at the far e n d . This 'through flow' system d i d away with the need for large batches to be accumulated, and with the o l d Saggar system, and gave dramatically increased flexibility particularly valuable when we consider that the more expensive and elaborate items such as our vase were only made to order! After the first firing our vase has b e c o m e 'biscuit ware', and is removed along with t h e rest of the kiln's contents by the 'Drawers', and u n l o a d e d f r o m the Saggars. It now passes t h r o u g h t h e Fettling Shop, where operators of b o t h sexes will 'Fettle', or remove the rough edges left by t h e joints in t h e m o u l d . The Biscuit Ware vase is now ready for n\^-,\nr, ,nrl rlomrotlnn qiazina ana aecoration. -1 •-'




loaded kiln. Stacks of

Saggars are seen through the vLlammins i _i ^Courtesy or doorway. Gladstone Working Pottery Museum

Background Colour is applied by Aerography As our hypothetical vase is to b e c o m e one of the prized lustre 'bestware' items it will now receive a g r o u n d colour. While these were originally a p p l i e d by hand painting or d i p p i n g , by t h e 1920s and 1930s, when our vase is b e i n g m a d e , t h e g r o u n d colour is applied by Aerography. Compressed air is used to power a hand-held spray g u n ; and each factory prizes special nozzles and techniques, which in the hands of a skilled operator can achieve beautiful shaded, grained and m o t t l e d effects. After application t h e pieces are lightly fired to fuse t h e colour to the biscuit base. The vase, however, still has a matt finish, and is very porous and absorbent. Since our example is to be a m o n g t h e most complex designs it will now have some underglaze decoration a p p l i e d . In t h e early years of this century this w o u l d be achieved by applying an outline transferred first f r o m ink on a c o p p e r plate to a special tissue paper, and t h e n this w o u l d be pressed o n t o the vase. Colours w o u l d have been a d d e d by skillful hand painting in special underglaze enamels before glazing. The range of such underglaze colours was rather limited at that t i m e , t h o u g h , because only certain colours w o u l d stand t h e high temperatures involved in t h e Glost firing without running or distortion. The lithograph - multiple colours in a single process Our 1930s t o p of the range example is to have a lithographic transfer p r i n t e d o n t o it. This will apply a multi-coloured design in a single process. First t h e surface o f t h e vase is coated with a weak varnish, or 'size', which is allowed to b e c o m e tacky. The pattern on the transfer is n o w m o i s t e n e d , and placed face d o w n o n t o t h e sized area. The design is transferred by r u b b i n g with a hard s p o n g e , and then t h e piece is again fired lightly in the Muffle Kiln. This is smaller than the b i g Bottle Kilns used for biscuit ware, and, a l t h o u g h outwardly similar, has an inner brick lining which prevents t h e wares from c o m i n g into direct contact with t h e heat f r o m the fires. Firing temperatures of 750°C to 850°C will be used.


The Glost Firing It is now time to dip the vase to coat it in liquid glaze. Some o f t h e water content o f t h e glaze is absorbed by the biscuit ware, leaving an even coat of glaze on the surface. The glaze contains a form of liquid clay, and glass making ingredients such a silica, alumina, oxides for pigmentation; and flux. For many years oxides of lead were used as a flux as these were the first compounds found which would fire to a clear, hard finish. The highly toxic nature of lead caused serious ailments among the workforce, known in the potteries as 'Potter's Rot'. In recent years satisfactory substitutes for lead have been found. After our vase has been dipped any finger marks will be carefully painted out using a fine camel hair brush. When dry the pieces are set between fireclay separators, and placed once again in Saggars which are then stacked in the Glost, or glazing kiln. The Glost firing to temperatures of 1050째C to 1150째C gives our vase a hard, waterproof coat which strengthens the pot and leaves it ready for the next process - the lustring. A stunning range of lustres Not all of Carlton's bestwares wore a lustre coat, and many fine patterns were produced without this. However the success of the Copeland Street works was assured after the First World War by their development of a stunning range of up to a dozen lustre finishes which were employed on many of the most admired designs. Our special vase is first painted internally with a 'Mother of Pearl' lustre, and is then fired in the Muffle kiln. On its return it receives a coat ofthe external lustre mix. In this oxides of gold, copper and/or platinum are mixed with clay or ochre (a form of earth!) and water before painting the mix onto the vase. It is fired once more in the muffle kiln, and on its return the surface ochre can be brushed away to reveal the glowing depth the lustre coat has added. Our vase now passes into the gilding shop. 22 carat - when only the best will do . . . The more elaborate Carlton Ware pieces could require up to three gilding operations. First the delicate and complex borders and friezes would be applied as a transfer from printed sheets, rather as our lithograph was transferred at an earlier stage. As our pattern, which started with the underglaze transfer, is incomplete, it now requires outlining in gilt. This is accomplished using a version o f t h e design engraved in fine lines into a copper plate. The gilder mixes a paste of oils and resins, and works it into the plate, scraping off all surplus. Next tissue paper is rolled onto the plate to pick up the outline in paste. The part of the paper carrying the outline is cut out, and then pressed face down onto our vase. Small holes are made to allow accurate registration with the underglaze pattern already present. When the paper is peeled off it leaves the outline on the vase in oil, and then 22 carat gold dust is spread over the surface with cotton wool, adhering only to the oiled pattern. After removing any excess the vase is again fired in a muffle kiln to burn away the oils, and leave the gold outline firmly attached. The last stage in the gilding process is the handpainting of the rim, and foot of our vase with liquid gold paint, where gold is mixed with mercury, and the vase goes once again for the gilt to be fired on, and the mercury to be burnt off. When it has cooled down the gilt shows only as a dull brown colour, and needs scouring, or burnishing. In the burnishing room operatives with a sure but gentle touch polish up the delicate gilding using finest silver sand - and the gilt acquires the bright gleam o f t h e gold that it contains.


The final stage One of the hallmarks of Carlton's finest wares was, and is, the superlative effect achieved when top enamels are employed to give detail in colour over the glowing background of an underglaze foundation. The highly skilled team of paintresses used enamels made up from powdered metal oxides in very precise proportions. These were mixed into a soft paste, sometimes known as 'Egyptian Paste' with turpentine and fat oil on a glass palette. Exact recipes were required to ensure colour consistency, and these were jealously guarded by individual factories, but main ingredients included: Iron Copper Cobalt Tin Uranium Antimony Manganese

Gold Chromium

Reds, Rust, Browns Green (in an oxidising atmosphere) Red (in a reducing atmosphere) Blues White, Bluish white Very bright Yellow Yellow Browns, Purples Purple of Cassis Yellow plus Cobalt - Blue Green, Grey Green plus Tin - Pink, Crimson

The paintresses use a range of camel hair brushes of different profiles to add final touches of colour to the pattern, adding brightness to foliage, embroidery to the friezes and colourful depth to the featured design. After a final trip to the enamel oven our vase is

The finished article. A stunning pair of vases in the Bell pattern show off all the techniques and artistry ofthe Copeland Street works in the 1930s.


Up to 1945 there were over 2000 bottle kilns in the Stoke area. This group with their associated buildings are all that survive. They are at the Gladstone Working Pottery Museum. Courtesy Gladstone Working Pottery Museum

ready for inspection, its long and complex path through the processes at Copeland Street are over. With such diverse and varied skills contributing to its finished form it is perhaps small wonder that today we eagerly seek out, collect and cherish the truly beautiful works of art that are Carlton Ware.


Carlton China - and W & R's Crested Ware Wiltshaw and Robinson entered the crested china market around 1901 or 1902, when t h e company was only some twelve years o l d . They had clearly been successful in their early years, and were eager not to be left out of an established and fast g r o w i n g sector of the market. A l t h o u g h c o m p e t i n g head on with Shelley, Arcadian and market leader Goss, once again quality served t h e company well, and the W & R crown mark was to appear on crested china for some twenty-five years. The Manufacture of Heraldic China Heraldic or Crested Wares are often described as 'Bone China', b u t this is usually inaccurate terminology. Most of such wares were made from parian, a variety of soft paste porcelain whose ingredients were Kaolin, or China Clay, China Stone (a variety of granite) and Felspar, naturally occurring rock containing Aluminium Silicates. Parian t o o k m o u l d e d detail well, and had the virtue of b o n d i n g closely with its glaze, so that crazing and cracking o f t h e glaze is rare in parian wares. In addition parian was considerably cheaper to make than b o n e china, lacking the expense of i m p o r t e d b o n e . Like b o n e china it can be cast to give thin walled items which show off the translucent quality of t h e material, but unlike b o n e china it is of a slightly greyish t i n g e after firing, contrasting with t h e delicate pure white hue b o n e china possesses. To give t h e Souvenir pieces their identity, the crest, or coat of arms of t h e t o w n had to be a p p l i e d , and this was a t w o stage process. The black outline was a p p l i e d to t h e plain body o f t h e piece as a lithographic transfer, either before or more c o m m o n l y after glazing. The details were then hand p a i n t e d using the finest camel hair brushes, and e m p l o y i n g both o p a q u e and transparent enamels. The latter were used over particularly fine detail in the outline transfer, such as small foliage, so that this detail was not lost. W h e r e possible, however, thicker, o p a q u e paints in bright colours picked out t h e quarters o f t h e coats of arms and other features of each crest. The close study of t h e finest of these heraldic pieces reveals miniature masterpieces of precision painting. If t h e pattern called for it, gilding for e d g i n g and other parts w o u l d also be hand a p p l i e d . W h e n enamelling was c o m p l e t e t h e pieces were fired at a low temperature to b o n d t h e decoration to t h e porcelain, thus ensuring the survival of these tiny crests and m o t t o s in g o o d order right up to the present day. A l t h o u g h our interest in this b o o k is centred on the o u t p u t of t h e Copeland Street works of Wiltshaw and Robinson, we cannot review the history and features of Heraldic, or crested china without setting Wiltshaw & Robinson's p r o d u c t i o n in its ,-^n+ovt context.

That I nat

t o v t ran ho c o n t e x t can U K

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Heraldic pieces with specific connections. Anvil from Gretna Green (£U-£18/$25430); Bandstand from Southend-on-Sea (£40-£48/$70-

COnsidered under tWO headings: $90); Bishop's Mitre from York (£16-£20/$30435).


the social environment ofthe times, and the pioneering work in this specialised field of William Henry Goss. W.H.Goss and Heraldic China Although Wiltshaw and Robinson, under the trade mark of 'Carlton China' made crested china of delicate and collectable quality for over twenty years, they were not the first to do so; and many o f t h e ground rules for both design and distribution had already been drawn up by the Goss company by the time that Carlton China appeared. W.H. Goss had worked as a designer for Copeland during the 1850s, until leaving in 1858 to set up in his own right with a gentleman called Peake. They produced pottery in local clays, or terra cotta, but became known over the next ten years principally as 'parian china manufacturers'. In 1868 the partnership split up, and Goss formed his own company producing a range of quality wares in porcelain and terra cotta as well as parian. Goss had experimented with small quantities of Heraldic items in his earlier years, producing these for university colleges and public schools, and in the early 1880s he conceived the idea 'of producing the arms of every town, etc., in Great Britain, and publishing the same on some antique model from an original in that town'. It was his strict idea that these items would only be available from one agent per town, and would only be offered for sale in the town whose coat of arms they bore. These very strict limitations were relaxed in due course as popular demand for the affordable presents and souvenirs increased; thus any given shape might be produced with several different crests, though stockists were only permitted to sell items bearing their own town's coat of arms. So great was the public enthusiasm that in 1900 the first Goss Record was published by J. J. Jarvis of Enfield, listing all o f t h e 500 or so stockists, and all ofthe coats of arms that they sold. The heraldic china also appealed to collectors of limited means, and in 1904 the 'League of Goss Collectors'was founded to encourage interest in heraldry, and provide a forum for competitions and exchange of pieces among collectors. The League lasted into the early 1920s, becoming the 'International League of Goss Collectors' in 1918. The social environment As can be seen, by the turn of the century, when Wiltshaw and Robinson decided to join in the production of Heraldic china, a great deal o f t h e initial work had been done. The market identified by Goss was growing rapidly, and no doubt a significant influence on popular demand was the growth in rail travel for the masses. The expansion o f t h e rail network; coupled with the rising affluence of ordinary working people as a result of the industrial revolution, brought about the 'day trip', and the seaside holiday on an unprecedented scale. Then, as now, there was a natural interest in bringing home a souvenir ofthe trip, and items of Heraldic China were tailor made as suitable souvenirs, being small, affordable, and identified with the place visited by means ofthe coat of arms they bore. Carlton China joins in Against this background, the Carlton works launched its own range of Souvenir China around 1902. There is no record available ofthe full range of items produced, or of any Club for W & R collectors, if one ever existed. Indeed, although the early Carlton China pieces followed the established Goss practice of being modelled upon historic artefacts,


Earliest items were reproductions of historical artefacts, (from left) Old Swedish Kettle (£7-£9/$12415); York Roman Ewer (£7-£9/$12-$15; Roman Pot from Merthyr Tydfil (£7-£9/$12-$15), Portland Vase (£7-£9/$12415); Hastings Kettle (£7-£9/$12-£15).

from the outset the pieces seem to have been marked with a variety of crests to suit the towns from which orders were received. Hence it is possible to find identical pieces in Carlton China bearing several different town coats of arms. The earliest designs As already described, Wiltshaw & Robinson followed the established practice of producing miniature reproductions of genuine historical artefacts. These are dignified by having a legend printed on the base stating upon what the piece is modelled, thus: 'Roman Ewer from original Inhospitium found at York' (No. 178) and 'Model of Ancient Kettle dredged up near Hastings. In Hastings Museum' (No. 166). That W & R did not restrict the use of such reproductions to the locality in which the original discovery was made is evinced by the crests borne by these two pieces in our collection. These are St. Pancras and Spalding respectively! Soon, however, Carlton China began to diversify, and as the prosperous Edwardians went on their day trips, and enjoyed some ofthe new technical innovations such as the motor car and the gramophone, more complex crested items were introduced featuring both these advances, and the general feeling of light heartedness and good fortune which

Souvenirs reflected technical scooter (£60-£70/£$0004000);

advances, sewing machine (£30-£36/$50-$65); charabanc (£52-£58/$954115).





prevailed. The very early charabanc shown in the accompanying photograph has the legend 'Over the Hills and Far Away' cheerfully emblazoned across the back. Souvenirs of wartime . . . The mood was to change to a more sombre one, however, with the onset o f t h e First World War. This had two consequences on the ranges of crested china produced by the various manufacturers, as the Tommies were keen to have items available with regimental crests, and even with the crests of French towns on them, while the general public bought items with military connotations, Battleships and Tanks, Ambulances and Shells. In addition the rather poignant message on the cooking range in the photograph is clearly of wartime origin: 'Keep the Home Fires burning till the Boys come Home'.

Many items were made reflecting the Great War. Coal scuttle (in shape of German helmet (£6-£8/$00400); ambulance (£35-£45/ $60480); Range (Keep the Home Fires Burning) (£22-£28/$40-$50); field gun (£21-£27/$40-$50); battleship (£90-£110/$l70$200).

Nurse Edith Cave//, shot by the Germans in 1915. Statue (£28-£35/$50-$65).

. . . and of the peace that followed As the country breathed sighs of relief after the war the preferred pieces in souvenir ware changed yet again. Domestic items, farm animals, romantic and Good Luck charms became the order ofthe day. The use of metallicsaltsto create lustre glazes had been discovered, and some of Carlton's items were given a mother of pearl lustrous finish. The traditional hand enamelled coats of arms were supplemented by the use of pictorial transfers depicting particular views of some resorts, and of course 'Lucky White Heather' was a continuing favourite. Whether these later Reminders of holidays by the sea. Whelk shells (£7-£9/$l2-$15), Valise (£12-£18/$20430), Lighthouse (£16-£22/$30-$40), Life boat developments represent a decline in (£15-£20/$25-$35). quality, as some may think, or


whether tastes were simply changing, it is a fact that demand for Heraldic china declined during the 1920s. The Goss factory was finally sold on the verge of bankruptcy in 1928, while Wiltshaw and Robinson, who were not so dependant on the souvenir market, had been busy developing innovative table wares and the sumptuous lustre finishes which were to play such a part in the next chapter in their history. Novelty items included farm animals, hen sitting (£12-£16/$20430). cat (£12£16/$20-$30); chick hatching (£11-£15/ $20430); Pig (£18-£22/$30440).

Homely sentiments often appeared on souvenirs. These items all have a 'Good Luck' element. Note that the Swastika was a good luck sign early this century! Shamrock dish (£4-£6/$6-$10); Sundial (£25-£28/$45-$50); Lucky White Heather (£5-£7/$8-$12); Good Luck Armchair (£36-£42/$65-$80).


Fruit and Floral Embossed Wares Desirable for over 60 years Of all the many and varied ceramic forms which were produced at the Copeland Street Works, it is probable that the embossed patterns featuring a long sequence of fruit and floral designs are the most widely collected in Britain, and across the world. The reasons are not hard to find: from their earliest days the buying public liked the combination of reasonable price and attractive, clear detail in the modelling. The appeal to today's collectors is still the same, but with the added delight of knowing that the variety to be sought, both in shape and in the many diverse patterns, is almost limitless. A group of these embossed wares in almost any pattern always looks charming, and prices for most pieces are still well within the pockets of many collectors, as they cover a range from £15 for a small dish to £150 for a tall jug, or a large handled basket. Prices have changed, however. Trade advertisements from the late 1930s offer a choice of boxed sets containing a small jam dish plus spoon or knife of such patterns as Tulip, Blackberry, Daisy and Buttercup for eleven shillings and ninepence per dozen! In present day money this equates to just under five pence per boxed set, whereas most collectors today would be pleased to pay £30 to £40 for the same item! Decorative - or for daily use? Of course, today we would only purchase these pieces for display, and there is some disagreement about whether the floral embossed wares were originally made to be merely decorative, or to be used on a daily basis. Perhaps practical considerations provide the best answers to this debate. There is no doubt that a jug in Foxglove or Apple Blossom can be used for pouring water, milk or lemonade, or that a bon bon dish can be placed upon the sideboard full of sweets to tempt the passer by. But consider the practicality of cutting your toast into soldiers on a Foxglove plate. The very detail in the moulding, the clear, serrated edges to the leaves which makes the plate so attractive render it anything but practical in everyday use. The glaze on all the raised pieces o f t h e pattern would quickly be ruined, and if many of these pieces had been used in daily life we would surely be presented with a stream of scratched and chipped items today. As a second consideration, Carlton produced more than thirty embossed patterns between 1930 and 1960, and while a number of these, such as Apple Blossom, Foxglove and the later Convolvulus were made in a full range of pieces for the table, many were not. Indeed some of the patterns were only ever made in one or two shapes - surely intended as an attractive display on the dresser, rather than to be bought for everyday use. Origins and early patterns As discussed above, the embossed wares became primarily decorative in their appeal, but developed from some ideas explored by the factory during the 1920s. In about 1925 the first of the 'Salad Wares' appeared, with strongly modelled, red painted crabs and lobsters supporting dishes in the shape of lettuce leaves. The first series was titled Crab


and Lobster by the factory. This specialised range was followed during the next couple of years by some pretty tableware ranges which were finished with a mother of pearl lustre, and which bore shallow, embossed oranges and peaches. These were genuine table items, and sadly not many have survived. A set together would still make a fetching display. Another of these pearlised ranges showed a perimeter of moulded clam shells set on- a 'coral' base. In the early 1930s multicoloured patterns such as Fruit Basket (1932) and Rock Garden (1934/5), (commonly referred to as Garden Wall), made their bow, and during the same period the bigger, bolder designs of Oak and Anemone appeared. A second Salad series christened 'Lettuce' was introduced in about 1935, about a year ahead ofthe first ofthe really popular floral ranges, Buttercup, followed by Tulip (made for the table), Daisy and Blackberry. A much fuller list of these patterns can be found in the chapter on Dating, but it would be remiss not to mention here three of the all-time best sellers, all of them made in a wide variety of shapes: Wild Rose which started to appear in 1937, Apple Blossom (1938-40), and Foxglove (1940 onwards). No other ranges approached these for popularity, as is evidenced by the quantities of these patterns still available at Fairs today. Indeed, such was the appeal of Apple Blossom that it was reissued in a revised form, as part of the Arthur Woods attempt to revive Carlton Ware in the mid 1970s. However, from the success of Foxglove in the 1940s, it was to be almost twenty years before the new Magnolia and Convolvulus ranges of 1958 to 1960 were produced in similar volume and scope. The Australian dimension Collectors are often puzzled, and, sad to say, are often misled by dealers about the significance ofthe common Carlton Ware Backstamps which read : Carlton Ware MADE IN ENGLAND 'TRADE MARK' REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN DESIGN Sometimes the words, 'REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR' also appear. We have heard it said that these words signify that the pattern was designed for the Australian market - we have even been told, as a great secret, that all the plants on designs so marked are Australian plants, (Apple Blossom? Tulip?). In fact, these words relate to efforts made by Wiltshaw and Robinson to prevent their designs being copied by the Japanese. A great deal of Carlton Ware as well as pottery from other British factories was being exported to Australia before the Second World War, and in the 1930s the Japanese became adept at making accurate copies for sale at very low prices. Placards reading 'COPIES OF FAMOUS DESIGNS- 1ST QUALITY C H I N A - 18 PIECES 5/11' (29.5p) could be seen in shop windows, and these copies obviously hurt trade for legitimate importers as well as for the British manufacturers. While Britain had no direct means of redress for this, Australia did have a treaty with the Japanese through the South East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO), which prohibited copying of any design actually registered in Australia, and marked as such. In negotiations, the Australian Association of British Manufacturers persuaded the Registration Authorities to re-examine the procedure and costs for getting a design registered. In consequence the requirement for a design to obtain registration


was altered from twelve photographs to two, and the fee was reduced from one pound to five shillings. As a result, Carlton, amongst other manufacturers, were able to keep their antipodean markets by registering many of their popular designs. This brought into use the two variants of the Backstamp referred to above, which went on all production of certain ranges from 1935 right through to about 1961. By this time the 'Registered Australian Design' mark was being applied to designs such as Pinstripe and Windswept which were . only invented in 1958, long after the Japanese had ceased, at least for a time, to be any kind of threat. The effect of the war Once war had been declared in 1939, restrictions on the production of luxury goods were progressively introduced in the UK. Costly materials such as gold were severely rationed, and skilled craftsmen and women were needed for producing Spitfires and armaments rather than for handpainted vases. Factories could only obtain very limited permits for such goods for valued export orders. Whether for this reason or not, we can say for certain that several ofthe new Floral Embossed patterns devised around 1939 to 1940 were only ever produced as a single shape, or possibly two or three, and much if not all of the production was sent abroad. Thus items like Campion (1771), Begonia (1768) and Pyrethrum (1751) are to be found in New Zealand and Australia, but scarcely appear in the UK except after making the round trip! The wartime restrictions had a major impact on production of the embossed wares, but some production, even for the home market, did continue. However, with expensive glazes and handpainting both restricted, items for the home market had to be turned out in utility form, and so the keen eyed collector of today will, from time to time, spot pieces of familiar patterns-but with no decoration, and glazed in pale yellow or a rather washed out green. All the details ofthe mould are there, but none o f t h e colour. These utility ranges also found an export market, as they were not only cheaper to buy, but avoided duty in some markets. It is, perhaps, of interest to keep one or two of these wartime pieces in a collection, as they are very much part of our history, as well as part of the story of Carlton Ware. Fifties boldness After the war, some o f t h e established and successful designs continued in production, and were gradually replaced by a new set of floral embossed designs. Where the best designs of the 1930s had created whole plates and bowls in the form of overlapping leaves, with clusters of fruit and flowers to give colour, the 1950s patterns tended to feature boldly moulded fruit and flowers around the borders of smooth glazed bowls and dishes. Patterns included Poppy, new Daisy, Hydrangea, Vine and Grape, and these pieces were capable of practical use in the home. Platters, Hors d'oeuvres dishes and fruit bowls survive in reasonable numbers, and are rightly prized today. Manufacture of the embossed wares always entailed extra expense, and by the early 1960s recessionary pressures were biting everywhere. For Carlton Ware Ltd. the golden era was over, and the twin embossed ranges of Magnolia and Convolvulus were the final entrants in a procession which had lasted over thirty-five years.


Records and Insurance The importance of good records Although they may not immediately be obvious there are a number of cogent reasons why you should keep quite detailed records about your acquisitions. Right from the start it is sensible to organise a book into columns into which you can enter details of each individual piece. Suggested headings would include: Date of Purchase Description of Piece (include colour, pattern and condition) Measurements (Height and/or diameter) Identification Marks (Impressed or Shape Number, Pattern Number etc) Where bought and from whom Asking Price Actual Price Paid Date Sold To whom sold Price realised Photographs will be invaluable . . By keeping these details carefully you will be able to see at a glance how many pieces you own - and just how much you have invested! These records will also be important if you ever have to justify a claim for damage or theft to your insurance company - but do not rely on written records alone if your collection is of any significant value. Take clear colour photographs of all new pieces, and keep them safe. If disaster strikes they will be invaluable. It may seem strange to include columns for possible disposal, but most collectors find that, sooner or later, they want to sell off some earlier purchases. It may be that the initial collection proved to be a bit too diverse - after all very few people can contemplate collecting every type and range ever produced by Carlton Ware. As the collection develops you may wish to concentrate on certain periods, or particular colours - and let go of items which no longer fit in. It may be that, as is the case for most of us, you have budgetary constraints - in other words there are limits to what you can afford. In these circumstances you may wish to sell a few less important pieces to finance future purchases in your favourite range. It may be that you are simply running out of space! For whatever reason it is important to keep track of what you sell, both so that you can compare selling prices with your original purchase price, and so that your record clearly shows what pieces you still possess, and what pieces you do not. We all think we have good memories - but pause for a minute, shut your eyes, and try to list all of your 45 pieces - or all 80 - or all 200! You will see the importance of a written record! Insuring your collection The steps you take to insure your collection are, of course, personal, but Carlton Ware


is steadily increasing in value - partly because no more is being made, partly because it is increasingly appreciated by greater numbers of collectors, and partly because a quantity is inevitably lost every year through breakages. Whether you are able to insure your collection satisfactorily within your existing household Contents policy, or whether it seems best to arrange a separate policy, Insurance is essential to protect your interests - and must include cover both for Accidental Damage and Theft. Review on a regular basis Even quite small collections can have a value of a few hundreds of pounds, and it takes surprisingly few of the more highly decorated items to amount to a few thousand. So adequate insurance is vital, and you should make it a priority, not only to insure at the beginning, but to use your records to review your insured value on a regular basis - say every six months. As a first step talk to your Household Contents insurer. Companies vary greatly in their attitudes to ceramic collections. Some will simply refuse to insure your contents if a collection is included, and you then have a choice of adding a separate policy or changing insurers. Other companies will insist that your contents value is suitably increased to cover the required amount, and will not require any other details unless any single piece exceeds a particular limit - usually ÂŁ1000. Ceramics are not usually described as valuables in the way that jewelry and paintings are - but you should not take this for granted. Some insurers will accept your collection as a separate item, but only up to a certain value always check if this is the case. Many insurance companies take a helpful line over ceramics so that you can achieve cover within your household policy - and if your present company is not among these it may be worth thinking about a change to avoid excessive expense. In the event of a claim . . If you are unfortunate enough to have to claim as a result of breakages: 1. Take photographs of the broken pieces - and do not throw the bits away. There are dodgy people about who will try things on, even among collectors, and your insurer is entitled to see the evidence. 2. In addition to your purchase records ask a reputable dealer to give you a written valuation for the damaged pieces. This will support your claim, especially if some time has elapsed since you bought the pieces, and they have increased in value. 3. Do not forget that the value of what was a complete coffee or tea set may well be reduced by breakage of one or more items, and this reduction should form part of your claim as well as the value ofthe broken pieces. For two last thoughts on this subject; firstly do make sure you have Accidental Damage cover at least on your Contents insurance; and finally - do not drop your precious Carlton Ware. Have an accident with a pushchair, vacuum cleaner or dog, but do not simply drop it. Such an act is regarded as negligence, not an accident, and you will not be covered!


The Carlton Ware Pattern List One of the most tantalising aspects of Carlton Ware is that, with some five different owners from 1967 to the present, and at least two periods when it was believed that production had ceased for ever, vital historical information has been lost, thrown away or possibly misappropriated. Today the whereabouts of only two of the original Shape Books is known - these, along with two Pattern Books which probably originate from Birks and Rawlins, are currently being cared for on loan at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent. One of the vital Carlton Ware Pattern books, thought to contain many of the original illustrations ofthe designs ofthe 1930s, was also in the Museum at Stoke until 1989, when it was taken away by Mr. McCluskey of Grosvenor Ceramics, the then owner of Carlton Ware. Sadly he did not return it, and the current whereabouts of this priceless piece of history is not known. It seems unlikely that such a large and distinctive item was merely mislaid - and in all probability it now resides with someone with a commercial interest in keeping it to themselves. Wheresoever this book may be, no complete catalogue of Carlton Ware production is available, and the would be collector must play detective to identify patterns and dates to the best of his, or her ability. The Pattern List below will help with this task. It has been compiled over time from many sources, from friends on scraps of paper, by word of mouth and by telephone, by reading, by attendance at auctions and most of all by the kind cooperation of many, many dealers and collectors in allowing me to upturn their prized possessions to read their numbers, and record their appearance. The list is not complete - and probably never will be; it almost certainly contains some errors. Some Pattern numbers are difficult to read - and sometimes contradictions occur because a busy painter on a production line simply applied the wrong number. In the early years of Blush Ware production many items were not numbered, and after the Second World War the practice of numbering individual pieces was virtually abandoned. In addition it seems certain that many Patterns were drawn up (and numbered) which never saw final production. Therefore the list below cannot be perfect. I offer my thanks to all those who have assisted in its compilation, and my apologies for any errors which may be found. Many frequently seen patterns from the post-war period have no known pattern number, and some of these occur in many different colourways. It would be pointless to list endless un-numbered designs, but some of the colourways relating to later production of the New Mikado pattern are listed as an example. When it comes to names, there are quite a number of the well known Carlton designs which have an original Factory name, and these are shown in bold type. Over the years many other patterns have been called by various names which dealers and collectors have felt suited them, and which made referring to the various patterns a lot easier than


trying to remember numbers. Many such names in popular usage have been recorded in italic type in the list below. In order to further our collective knowledge, work on this list continues - and information which corrects or adds to it will be welcomed by the author and the publisher for inclusion in future editions of this book. Pattern Number 523 524 528 595

Description and Name Long Tailed Bird Matt black g r o u n d with exotic bird on b o u g h of flowering tree, all pattern in white outlined in gilt. Matt black ground with natural looking sprays of red roses and leaves. Red Rose Matt black ground with bird on a b o u g h of a flowering tree - leaves in green, peony4ike blossoms in pink, all outlined in gilt. 603 Pale green ground with white perimeter band 604 Pale green ground with dark friezes 'Sprigged-Ware', with white classical figures in raised relief 614 Dark green ground in matt glaze with frieze of white foliage and pattern of white dancing figures in classical style, b o t h applied as sprigs forming raised relief in the manner of W e d g w o o d . 624 Complex design where matt black ground is overlaid with skeletal plant figures in d e e p blue, the whole separated into zones by dividing bands in white with an overlay of leaves. Main zones contain large cartouches of white ground with colourful posies of flowers. Reproduction Swansea China 722 Matt green ground with inset flowers and leaves in underglaze enamels, with gilt e d g i n g . White stork in enamel. 'Cloisonne Ware' 723 Matt black ground with inset flowers and leaves in underglaze enamels with gilt e d g i n g . W h i t e Stork in enamel. 'Cloissonne Ware' 1089 Blushware. White ground, shading to light caramel, with pattern of life-like Chrysanthemums in b e i g e and orange with green leaves. Chrysanthemum 1162 Blushware. Vellum ground, shading to warm brown, border in high glaze d e e p cobalt blue, with centre pattern showing handpainted flowers in red, pink and yellow. Cornucopia 1230 Blushware. White ground with brown and grey figures. 1304 Green/red. Flower B1509 Blushware pattern with pale beige ground blushing to butterscotch brown, with gilt rim and feet, and naturalistic spray of flowers (poppies or Chrysanthemums) in shades of brown. 1655 White g r o u n d , with pattern of flowers in dark cobalt blue outlined in gilt, and further bright red enamelled poppy-like flowers, lavishly surrounded in gilt. 1732 Floral sprays printed in colours 1883(?) Mikado (see 2364) 1981 Blue g r o u n d , with decorations in enamels and raised gilt of sprays of Carnations. 1987 White ground with copious pattern of cobalt blue flowers underglaze, with profuse g i l d i n g providing a surround as well as outlining the flowers. Petunia 2006 Black g r o u n d with coloured and gilt dragons 2021 Blue g r o u n d with pagodas and foliage, some fern-like, one p a g o d a with ornamental wall, another with post/rail fence. Frieze with oriental motifs and rectangular lines. Kang Hsi 2030 Matt black g r o u n d with pink and green blossom sprays. Peach Blossom 2031 Pink g r o u n d , birds on prunus blossom, chrysanthemums and g o o d luck symbols. Kien Lung 2041 (?) As 2071 below. 2053 Terra cotta/Black. Kien Lung 2071 Royal blue g r o u n d with sprays of ornate flowers growing into the air from rockery on which Pheasant is standing. Colours and gilt. Pheasant and Rockery 2088 White g r o u n d . Child's Flowers 2091 Matt black g r o u n d with trailing stems of Wisteria in shades of pink and green. O l d Wisteria 2095 Pinky red ' A r m a n d ' lustre g r o u n d , with life-like pictures of moths and butterflies in underglaze enamels with gilt outlines. Flies 2097A(?) Royal blue ground, otherwise as 2907/8, Magpies 2099 Pinky red ' A r m a n d ' lustre ground, as 2095 above. Flies 2112 Dark green ' A R M A N D ' lustre ground with pattern of lifelike butterflies. Flies 2115 Matt black ground, with cartouches of birds of paradise a m o n g foliage radiating t h r o u g h yellow segments from a central medallion of flowers. Colours and gilt. 2126 White ground with a bird a m o n g flowers and foliage in oriental style, the rim with cartouches of flowers, the whole printed and painted in colours and gilt — Blue glazed ground, with pair of 'Fabulous Birds', white birds with l o n g tails perching in peony trees 2128 Powder blue ground with oriental scenes


2131 2134 2144 2151 2175 2178 2184 2189 2195 2196 2199 2215 2216 2221 2238 2250 2270 2281 2355 2359 2364 2389 2399 2405 2412 2420 2428 2431 2432 2437 2440 2441 2463 2466 2470 2481 2482 2519 2530 2644 2706 2708 2709(?) 2710 2711

M o t t l e d orange/yellow lustre ground, otherwise as 2134. Flies Pale blue ' A R M A N D ' lustre ground with pattern of lifelike butterflies. Flies Matt blue ground with irregular self coloured spots, with birch-like trees with black and white trunks, and exotic pendant foliage in colours and gilt. Forest Tree Blue background with ornate but formal basket of flowers in red, pink, yellow and blue enamels and gilt. Basket of Flowers Matt black g r o u n d with large terra cotta panels containing inner, black cartouches with crested birds a m o n g foliage, enamelled in mauve, orange, blue and white. Worcester Birds Dancing figures Matt black g r o u n d otherwise as 2151. (also found in blue). Basket of Flowers As 2151. Basket of Flowers Matt black g r o u n d covered in gilt tracery, with large blue panels containing inner, black cartouches with crested birds a m o n g foliage, enamelled in mauve, orange, blue and white. Worcester Birds Worcester Birds. See also 2175 Mikado (see 2364) Blush ware. Wild Rose Blue g r o u n d with oriental scene of figures in temple, (see 2481, ?Temple) Matt black ground with yellow d i a m o n d shaped cartouches containing pictures of birds. IBird and Chequered Border Black ground, divided into vertical panels by white, decorated stripes, pendant sprays of wisteria blossom. Old Wisteria Blue g r o u n d with cockerell and flowers. Cockerells Matt black ground, oriental couple a m o n g pagodas and terraces, painted with full colours to landscape and garments in the style of 'Chinaland', with 'Kissing Birds' in flight. Mikado Matt black g r o u n d with cockerell and flowers. Cockerells Pearly, light blue m o t t l e d ground with Chinoiserie design of pagodas and bridges, with pair of 'kissing birds' in flight above, colours and gilt all underglaze. Mikado Powder blue ground, Chinoiserie pagodas and bridges with oriental ladies. Matt finish. Powder blue g r o u n d , oriental ladies a m o n g pagodas, and bridges with pair of 'kissing' birds in flight above, the pattern is outlined in gilt and painted in bright coloured, overglaze enamels. M i k a d o Butterfly Blue lustre g r o u n d with pagodas and bridges in gilt only. Mikado Cock and Peony Spray Pale yellow g r o u n d with illustration of bird perching on spray of prunus blossom. ?Prunus and Bird Blue A r m a n d lustre ground with pattern of butterflies in underglaze colours. Flies Deep blue lustre g r o u n d , Chinoiserie figures, pagodas, bridges. Bright yellow g r o u n d with illustration of bird perching on a spray of prunus blossom. ?Prunus and Bird Royal blue lustre g r o u n d , with two cranes in p o o l , one drinking, beside t w o stems of b a m b o o . Stork and Bamboo Powder blue g r o u n d , (also f o u n d in dark blue), naturalistic fish in underglaze enamels, with on-glaze gilt outlines and strands of seaweed. Fish and Seaweed Lemon yellow g r o u n d . Fish and Seaweed Rich Pink g r o u n d with pair of fish (like catfish) in blue/purple swimming together a m o n g gilt seaweed. Fish and Seaweed Yellow ground with sprays of Prunus blossom both open and in b u d in shades of white and pink. New Prunus Spray White ground with blue border, with illustration of tree with dark blue trunk, birds and red flowers. 8/rd and Tree Peony Matt black ground, Chinoiserie figures, pagodas and bridges. Blue high glaze ground, with oriental scenes depicting a pagoda with a large circular doorway, figures and hillocks in colours and gilt. Temple Deep blue lustre ground, Chinoiserie as 2481, but in gilt only. Temple Blue g r o u n d , Chinoiserie in gilt and colours depicting pagodas, causeway, bridges and figure on punt-like boat. Barge Pearly lustre on white ground with realistic Kingfisher sitting on branch over a river. Other branches above. Kingfisher Colours with geometric motif, for coffee set Pearl white g r o u n d with Egyptian motifs and cartouches in underglaze colours and gilt. Often with black frieze. Tutankhamun Matt black g r o u n d with Egyptian motifs in gilt only. Tutankhamun Matt black g r o u n d with Egyptian motifs in colours and gilt. Tutankhamun Powder blue g r o u n d with Egyptian motifs in colours and gilt. Tutankhamun Royal blue g r o u n d with Egyptian motifs in colours and gilt. Tutankhamun


2721 2722 2728 2729 2755(?) 2757 2779 2810 2814 2818 2822 2825 — 2831 2854 2857 2863 2867 2869 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2903 2905 2907 2907A 2908 2909 2910 2911 2913 2914 2917 2922 2928 2929 2932 2933 2936 2940 2941 2944

Yellow lustre g r o u n d with black e d g i n g and no gilding, featuring sprays comprising black twigs and white orange blossom, with one small bird in mainly orange enamel. O r a n g e lustre exterior (with pearl lustre white interior), decorated with sprays comprising black twigs and white orange blossom Deep blue g r o u n d , Chinoiserie pagodas and bridges and trees in colours and gilt. Probably the most c o m m o n Chinoiserie pattern, also on rouge. N e w Mikado Blue g r o u n d , pattern as 2728 above, but often in gilt only. N e w Mikado As 2355. Mikado Speckled pink ground White ground with yellow border and black painted edges. Pattern of spray of h a n d p a i n t e d flowers within black transfer printed outlines. Matt black ground, with emerald green frieze containing oriental motifs, main g r o u n d d e c o r a t e d with Chinoiserie pattern in colours and gilt. Royal blue lustre ground, with pagodas and bridges in gilt and under-glaze colours of red and green, as well as overglaze enamels. N e w Mikado Deep red ground, with ferocious dragon in black and gilt, a m o n g black and gilt clouds. D r a g o n and Cloud Deep blue g r o u n d , storks in a garden scene. Stork and Bamboo Red lustre g r o u n d with oriental ladies, pagodas and bridges in gilt only, (see 2728). N e w M i k a d o Blue lustre ground with naturalistic sprays of twigs with Prunus blossom and foliage, and perching bird Prunus and Bird. White ground with multicoloured border/frieze, naturalistic sprays of twigs with Prunus blossom and foliage, and perching bird in blue and yellow. Prunus and Bird Powder blue g r o u n d , with Chinoiserie scene, pagodas, t w o figures on a b r i d g e , pair of love birds in flight, all in black and gilt, for tea service. Blue lustre ground, with birds and prunus blossom in colours and gilt in chinoiserie style. Prunus and Bird Cameo Cameo Orange ground. Cameo Terra cotta ground with black lower band, Chinoiserie pattern as 2481, and with medallions of oriental scenes on black lower border. Temple Matt black g r o u n d , terra cotta frieze with Chinoiserie pagodas and bridges, with pair of 'kissing birds' in flight. Mikado Blue g r o u n d . Persian Blue g r o u n d . Persian Royal blue ground, Persian design of figures in a temple, with prayermat in front, surrounded by palm trees and desert landscape. Persian Royal blue lustre ground, Persian design in colours and gilt. Persian Blue g r o u n d with mixed sprays of Oranges, Cherries and other fruits in orange, red and white. Orchard Blue g r o u n d , with black and g o l d oriental dragon a m o n g stylised small clouds. Dragon and C l o u d White g r o u n d with lower half painted in red, t o p half with figures of nymphs dancing round. ?Dancing Figures Tomato red ground with black and white friezes, magpies perching on branches, and flying. M a g p i e s As 2907 above, but with blue ground. Magpies As 2907 above, but with yellow ground. Magpies Dark Blue ground with pendulous round peach-like fruit hanging on branch with slender leaves, all outlined in gilt with subtle underglaze colours. Fruit Bough Matt black ground with Chinoiserie pattern of pagodas and bridges in green and gilt. M i k a d o As 2908 above, t o m a t o red ground. Magpies Matt black ground with pale yellow t o p frieze ornamented with Chinoiserie pictures. Main decoration is gnarled oriental tree trunk with perched game bird with small red crest. Cretonne Black ground with jade green banding, heavily decorated with gilt oriental scenes Matt black exterior, vivid orange lustre interior, for coffee and tea sets. Matt black and orange lustre exterior with gilt and enamel frieze (coffee set) Yellow ground, with chinoiserie pattern as 2481 in gilt and enamels of black, green, red and blue. Border with b a n d of cartouches of oriental scenes. Temple Powder blue ground, matt finish, Chinoiserie pagodas and bridges in pattern as 2481 above. Temple Royal blue lustre ground, with two white cranes, one drinking from a p o o l , the other standing on one f o o t . (See 2432). Stork and Bamboo Orange ground. Stork and Bamboo Blue ground, with figures in pagoda grounds. Chinese Tea Garden White ground with orange lustre upper frieze, and pearl lustre interior. Green ground with black lower band. Chinoiserie pattern as 2481. Temple Matt black ground with orange lustre frieze with gilt and colour decoration. Central orange medallion showing two silhouetted figures playing with bubbles. Moonlight Cameo


2946 2948 2949(?) 2950 2971 2971(?) 2972 2979(A) 2975 3013 3015 3016 3017 3023 3025 — — 3026 3026b 3027 3037 3041 3042 3046 3047 3048 3050 3052 3053 3064 3071 3073 3074 3075 3093 3130

3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3147 3151 3154 3155 3158

Orange ground with white central medallion showing two silhouetted children playing with bubbles.Moonlight Cameo Orange ground. Complex Chinoiserie design with pagodas, bridges, boats and figures against landscape in natural underglaze colours. Chinaland M o t t l e d green ground, Chinaland pattern as above. Chinaland Royal blue lustre ground, Chinese landscape, figures and p a g o d a all in underglaze colours. Chinaland Emerald green ground with black friezes. Main design is Chinoiserie pattern as 2481. Friezes contain cartouches with oriental scenes. Temple Fish Deep blue ground, Chinoiserie pagodas and bridges with six figures. Orange lustre ground with gilt interior, and frieze band of gilt tracery on black. (For coffee set) Matt peach lustre ground, tube - lined flowers and foliage in orange, green, blue and yellow. Orange lustre ground with wide white frieze decorated with brown 'crazing'. Matt black inside(?) M o t t l e d red ground, mountains, trees, terraces and pagoda in natural underglaze colours. Chinaland Parrots. Matt black ground with coloured friezes, ground decorated with parrot in red, yellow, blue and green. Parrots Royal blue lustre ground with butterflies and spider's webs in delicate gilt with underglaze colouring. N e w Flies Blue lustre ground, butterflies and spider's webs in delicate gilt with rich underglaze colouring. N e w Flies Orange lustre ground as 3023/5 above Pink lustre ground as 3023/5 above As 2481 with white/cream g r o u n d . Temple Vellum ground with bird of paradise with long plumed tail flying a m o n g oriental trees with fruit and foliage (See 3155) Paradise Bird and Tree As 2941 with cream ground and black friezes. Temple Orange lustre ground with Parrots in shades of green, blue and yellow perched on foliage. Parrots Dark blue lustre ground, with realistic apples and blossom. Dark blue lustre g r o u n d with embossed decoration of oranges and leaves. O r a n g e Embossed M o t t l e d blue ground with illustration of bird with a pine cone in colours and gilt. Bird and Pine Cone Ivory ground with pattern of pagodas and oriental motifs, frieze in terracotta. As 2941 with cream ground and blue friezes. Temple Royal blue ground, Persian style flowers and foliage. Turkish Dimpled pearl lustre ground with embossed decoration of oranges and leaves O r a n g e Embossed Rust high glaze, with royal blue frieze overlaid with gilt tracery to show blue t h r o u g h in rounds. (For Coffee set). Orange ground with fruit clusters and blossom. Orchard Blue ground with stylised flowers, and border and frieze. Turkish Deep blue ground, pattern as 3074 below. Paradise Bird and Tree Red m o t t l e d ground with bird of paradise flying past stylised cloud and tree with foliage. N.B. C l o u d not always present. Paradise Bird and Tree Matt m o t t l e d orange ground with bird of paradise flying past stylised cloud and foliage. Paradise Bird and Tree Temple Flowers Green ground with black g r o u n d e d friezes. Printed and painted in colours and gilt, main p a g o d a with large circular o p e n i n g , bridge and trees, t w o figures in a boat, friezes with cartouches containing oriental scenes. Temple Cream ground with stylised 'umbrella' shaped trees in blue and green. Landscape Tree Pearl ground with stylised, 'umbrella' shaped trees in orange and green. Landscape Tree M o t t l e d black and red, bird of paradise flying across cloud, above exotic oriental tree with pendant foliage. Paradise Bird and Tree (sometimes with Cloud) M o t t l e d light blue ground with long tailed bird of paradise flying past stylised cloud and tree with foliage. Underglaze colours and gilt. Paradise Bird and Tree Terracotta ground with characters of oriental writing, gilt fishes and other items in green and blue on black medallions, gilt and coloured frieze at base. Matt black g r o u n d with bird of paradise in red, green and brown underglaze enamels. Paradise Bird and Tree Mustard yellow g r o u n d with bird of paradise in red, green and brown underglaze enamels. Paradise Bird and Tree M o t t l e d orange ground, bird of paradise flying past stylised foliage. Paradise Bird and Tree Dark blue ground with butterflies and bird of paradise flying past stylised oriental tree, colours and gilt (see also 3026b) Paradise Bird and Tree Matt black ground with white friezes containing cartouches with oriental scenes. Main pattern is Mikado (see 2881)


3159 3178 3179 3188 3190 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3199 3234 3235 3236 3237 3239 3241 3242 3243 3244 3251 3253 3255 3265 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3278 3279 3280 3281 3283 3285 3297 3305 3320 3321 3322 3324

Blue g r o u n d with Bird(s) of Paradise flying from left to right a m o n g butterflies and exotic trees with hanging foliage in colours of red, orange, yellow and blue. Paradise Bird and Tree Terracotta g r o u n d with matt black panel and underglaze enamels showing t w o Chinese figures with pagodas. Broad frieze with plant leaves and round cartouches containing varied colourful pictures Rust coloured g r o u n d , oriental figures and pagoda on a black panel, Elaborate gilt and coloured frieze. M o t t l e d red g r o u n d , stylised flowers and foliage. Red g r o u n d with cross shaped medallion of stylised flowers and berries, t w o butterflies n black and white. Cubist Butterfly Pale blue g r o u n d with sprays of prunus blossom Blue g r o u n d with outlined stems of bush t o p p e d by b o l d , stylised flowerheads, (with butterfly ?) Cubist Butterfly Orange lustre g r o u n d , with black, rugged stems extending in a cross f r o m central medallion to stylised flowers and butterflies. Cubist Butterfly Dark blue g r o u n d , with bird of paradise and cloud motifs in colours and gilt. Chinese Bird Dark blue g r o u n d , exotic birds and curly flowers and foliage in near 'paisley pear' style in b o t h under and overglaze colours and gilt. Chinese Bird Blue g r o u n d , figures before pagodas, enamelled and g i l d e d , with frieze of oriental writing characters in gilt. Chinese Figures Handcraft. Cream ground with pattern of overlapping scales outlined in brown, each scale having a g r o u p of five coloured 'petals'. Handcraft. White ground with blue borders, and large three-lobed flowers in blue, outlined in orange. Shamrock Handcraft. Bluebells, three and four-lobed flowers on a blue g r o u n d in shades of rust, blue, green and lavender. Floribunda Deep blue g r o u n d with dominant dragon in colours/gilt. Dragon and C l o u d Pale m o t t l e d g r o u n d with stylised slender tree rising to wide pendulous canopy of foliage, with bird flying past. Tree and Swallow Bird of Paradise in flight against a mottled red ground. Paradise Bird and Tree Handcraft. Matt glaze, blue yellow & lavender stylised cornflowers. Base of vases b a n d e d in stripes of navy and lavender, plaque with stripes as a cross from central medallion. Flowering Papyrus. See also 3648 Matt blue g r o u n d , stylised Swallows flying before clouds. Paradise Bird and Tree? Matt glaze, blue ground, exotic trees with birch-like white/black trunks and p e n d a n t foliage in lavender, orange and gilt. Forest Tree Blue g r o u n d with oriental g i l d e d dragon. Dragon and Cloud Blue g r o u n d . Forest Tree Handcraft. Central floral medallion with star containing Irises, fan shapes and floral motifs in mauve blue, green, yellow and black. Cream/mauve. Forest Tree (?). See also 3244 Diaper Handcraft. Cream ground with mauve, blue and yellow flowers outlined in blue. Blue g r o u n d with pattern of crude stems and sprays of leaves behind yellow and red cherries. Cherry Handcraft. White g r o u n d with friezes of turquoise and aquamarine, spikes of simplified Delphiniums rising from lower frieze. Delphinium Matt blue g r o u n d with 'tiled' or 'scaled' finish, pattern as 3275 below. Chinese Bird and C l o u d Matt orange/yellow ground, Bird of Paradise flying past stylised clouds, near gnarled tree with foliage in black, blue and green. Colourful underglaze enameis. Chinese Bird and C l o u d Royal blue ground with stylised Honesty branches and 'discs' outlined in black, coloured in pale lemon and blue. Honesty Pale blue g r o u n d with birds flying past slender tree with wide canopy of pendulous foliage. Tree and Swallow Pale blue g r o u n d , pattern as 3239 above. Tree and Swallow Speckled cream g r o u n d with pair of birds flying past slender tree with purple and orange foliage and shrubs below. Tree and Swallow Blue g r o u n d , pattern as 3244 above. Forest Tree (?) M a t t blue g r o u n d with Swallows flying before stylised tree with p e n d a n t foliage. Tree a n d Swallow Handcraft. Pink ground, diagonal panels of flowers and chevrons, patterned borders. Farrago Handcraft. Pale matt ground with b o l d , simplified leaves, bubbles and butterfly. Carnival N e w Chinese Bird and Cloud Golden buff g r o u n d with oriental bird and flowers, bird turning his neck to look backwards at his feet. (Angry Bird!) N e w Chinese Bird and Cloud Dark g r o u n d with highly ornamental bird of paradise in green, yellow, purple and blue flying before red, stylised cloud, and turning his head to look back at his feet. N e w Chinese Bird and C l o u d Fruit


3325 3326 3331 3332 3334 3341 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3360 3361 3385 3387 3388 3389 3394 3396 3400 3401 3405 3406 3412 3413 3417 3419 3420 3421 3424 3428 3438 3439 3440 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453

Handcraft. Rust ground with b o l d decoration in yellow-beige stripes and panels around very stylised t r i partite deco flower. Orchid Stellata Matt green ground, Chinese style dragon in gilt and colours. Dragon and Cloud Electric blue g r o u n d with Chinese style dragon in gilt and colours. Dragon and C l o u d Orange lustre ground with sprays of stylised geometric foliage including sickle shaped leaves, and incorporating stylised sunflowers rising from base. Geometric Sunflower Daisy and Stripe Matt ground in m o t t l e d m e d i u m / l i g h t blue, with bird of paradise and stylised oriental tree in black, orange and gilt, with some t o p enamelling. Paradise Bird and Tree Red ground with oriental dragon a m o n g small stylised clouds. Dragon and Cloud M o t t l e d dark red ground with lightning flashes and bubbles in blue, green, g o l d and black. Jazz M o t t l e d orange g r o u n d with lightning flashes and bubbles in shades of green, blue, g o l d and black. Jazz Matt blue m o t t l e d glaze, Bird of paradise on stylised blossom b o u g h . Feathertailed Bird and Flower Green ground, pattern as 3354 above. Feathertailed Bird and Flower Lightning motif in light and dark blue, bronze copper lustre and gilt - for coffee set. Zig Zag Matt tan brown ground, with black pattern with silver zig-zags rising from base towards t o p e d g e d in orange, brown and silver.Zig Zag Handcraft. Grey-green g r o u n d nearly covered by large blue flowers with yellow centres with black, w o r m like stamens. Fish and Seaweed (See also 2440) Dark blue ground, pattern as 3352 above. Jazz Matt pale green ground with pattern as 3387 below. Floral Comets Matt green ground with three posies of stylised flowerheads each at the e n d of a triple b a n d e d 'comet's tail' or multiple coloured 'medal ribbon'. Floral Comets Matt pale blue g r o u n d , stylised, long-tailed swallows flying a m o n g exotic bushes and trees in cypress shapes. Fantasia Matt lilac ground, pattern as 3388 above. Fantasia Pale ground with naturalistic bird with plumed tail, sitting on branch with foliage. Bird on a Bough Sharp green lustre ground with spires of daisy-like flowers painted in many colours. Garden Fantasia (see 3421) Pale blue g r o u n d with stylised posies of flowers and leaves at the end of b o l d , curving, cross-banded 'ribands'. Floral Comets. (See also 3405 and 3387) Pale blue ground with stylised posies of flowers and leaves at the end of 'ribands'. See 3387 Floral Comets Dark blue ground, green long-tailed swallows above exotic plants, see also 3421 Fantasia Matt blue ground with lifelike Kingfisher in flight. Handcraft. M o t t l e d blue ground with stylised flowers and foliage in shades of blue, yellow, mauve, red and orange. Garden Yellow ground with black e d g i n g , with pattern of pale green and lilac leaves, blue twigs and spray of red cherries. Cherry Handcraft, blue g r o u n d , almost obscured by b o l d , bulbous, cloud-like shapes in red, green and yellow, all outlined in gilt Aurora (?) Stylised city skyline in blue against dramatic banded sky in shades of yellow and mauve. Metropolis Powder blue ground with long-tailed birds hovering above exotic plants in 'cypress tree' shapes, and flowers all in reds, blues and gilt. Fantasia Pinky b e i g e g r o u n d , with stylised, umbrella shaped tree, and flower of abstract design, slightly resembling a pansy, with stiff, spikey leaves. Prickly Pansy Dark blue ground with stylised posies of flowers and leaves at the end of b o l d , curving, cross-banded 'ribands'. Floral Comets. (See also 3405 and 3387) Handcraft. Stylised foliage in mauve, blue, yellow and black, with navy horizontal lines. Red and black m o t t l e d ground, with stylised, angular flowers some almost naive in angular simplicity, colours are underglaze Camouflage Handcraft. Matt pink ground with large flowerheads in yellow, red and blue. Pale blue ground with single dramatic flower with j a g g e d outline and corona g r o w i n g from low, j a g g e d foliage. Explosion Pale blue ground with large orange/tan flowerheads, with turquoise and orange centres. Peach Melba M o t t l e d red ground with geometric band of foliage & flowers. Prickly Pansy Matt m o t t l e d light brown g r o u n d with pale brown clouds with j a g g e d blue centres, stylised and ornate 'sun' in colours and gilt rising from behind colourful, ornamented hills. Awakening Handcraft. Crinoline lady with parasol strolling on garden terrace, with rose bush to left of figure. Shades of blue, orange, yellow and cream. Victorian Lady Dark blue g r o u n d , butterflies & star-shaped floral clusters Matt blue g r o u n d , otherwise as 3450. Awakening


3454 3456 3457 3458 3465 3471 3476 3478 3489 3491 3496 3497 3498 3500 3501 73501 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3517 3519 3522 3523 3524 3525(?) 3525 3526 3529 3530 3535 3536 3544 3546 3547 3551 3552

3553 3554 3557

Explosion, See 3447 above. M o t t l e d rouge ground, otherwise as 3450. Awakening M o t t l e d g r o u n d with group of overlapping stylised flowerheads and projecting j a g g e d foliage. Jagged Bouquet Beige g r o u n d , with Disney-like tall castle in black or dark brown silhouette in b a c k g r o u n d , rocks and trees in t h e foreground. Witch's Castle Mauve and lilac m o t t l e d ground, ' b a n d e d ' construction with primula-like flowers in pink and yellow. Brown background with spires of multi-coloured daisy-like flowers. Garden M o t t l e d yellow and green ground with stylised tree casting a shadow. M o t t l e d orange g r o u n d with spires of colourful daisy-like flowers. Garden Jagged Bouquet, See 3457 Picture of 'Victorian' female figure wearing a crinoline skirt, standing in a garden terrace with spires of coloured flowers. Victorian Lady Pale green ground, otherwise as 3450. Awakening Awakening as 3450 but with different ground Handcraft. M o t t l e d blue and white ground with stylised Irises in pink and blue g r o w i n g from short foliage. Iris Cream ground with simple pattern of slim 'deco' type trees of poplar shape in solid red, black and blue. Sylvan Glade M o t t l e d brown ground with spires of coloured, stylised flowers. Garden Pale blue ground shading to white, with gilt reeds and grasses below wild ducks b o t h in colours and in shadow only flying left to right. Wild Duck Handcraft. Streaked yellow ground, with pendant sprays of flowers and foliage in shades of blue and pink. Jazz Poppies Rose Marie Matt orange ground with black and white stemmed trees by a lily p o n d in purple, blue, orange, black, white and gilt. Geometric Tree Dark blue ground with enamels outlining a lady dancing in 'gypsy' style with swirling skirts. Matt green g r o u n d with design of grasses, ornamental p o p p y flowers and leaves. Iceland Poppy Handcraft. Cream ground with 'brush-marks' in yellow, pink and blue, with flowers in red/yellow and t w o t o n e blue surrounded by green and blue borders. Wind & Flower Leaf green ground with completely underglaze pattern comprising a sinuous tree with foliage in dark blue and green. Tableware pattern of stylised trees in orange, green, yellow and black on a pale yellow g r o u n d , with fern fronds at base. A u t u m n Trees and Fern Pale g r o u n d with entirely handpainted pattern comprising a multi-coloured diagonal swirl, with large b o l d stylised flowerheads below and half showing above. Freehand Red Sunflower Handcraft. Ice blue ground with black and grey boughs and pink flowers. Apple Blossom Handcraft. Matt pale blue ground with b o l d , simple trees with yellow, brown and red foliage. Parkland Matt green ground with pale green tree trunk and branches over dense foliage in autumn colours. Parkland M o t t l e d yellow ground with large Bird of Paradise of many colours with wings spread, and head t u r n e d up a m o n g exotic flowers. Chinese Bird Handcraft. Large Clematis flowers in blue and magenta with black and green leaves almost covering m o t t l e d beige g r o u n d . Clematis Handcraft. Dark blue g r o u n d with spires of delphiniums and other stylised flowers in blue, pink, green and black. New Delphinium Black high glaze ground with exotic oriental bird perched on a waterlily. Crested Bird and Waterlily M o t t l e d red ground with exotic oriental crested bird perched on a waterlily. Crested Bird and Waterlily M o t t l e d red ground with ornamental flowers and bird. Crested Bird and Waterlily M o t t l e d orange ground, birds of paradise and stylised flowerheads. Ivory and pale blue coffee set, pattern as 3547 below. Diamond Green ground with black lower (or central) portion, g i l d e d round edge,and to divide portions. G i l d e d D i a m o n d at divide.Coffee set. Diamond Black ground, mostly obscured by design of red circular medallion (if plate) with fringes of yellow and then purple. If cup, red is lower portion. Eclipse Russet red ground with pink lower band (cup), decorated with a deco fan pattern inclined to one side with panels in black, yellow, green, blue and mauve, the whole outlined in gilt, white and blue. Matt black interior. Deco Fan Matt black ground, with diagonal, wavy stripes in gilt, beige, green and white. Strata Matt black ground, with pattern of vertical columns of varying lengths descending from t h e t o p rim in a group, with gilt columns alternating with blue, green, yellow, cream and orange. Coffee set. Deep blue ground, exotic circular flowerheads in front of a fan of coloured panels, yellow, green, o r a n g e and blue, with gilding. Fan


3558 3562 3563 3564 3566 3567

3569 3570 3571 3576

3587 3588 3589 3593 3594 3595 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3601A 3606 3615 3645 3646 3648 3650 3651 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3663 3667

M o t t l e d red ground, exotic circular flowerheads in front of a fan of coloured panels, yellow, green, orange and blue, with clouds of dots and gilding. Fan Black and aquamarine ground with stylised flowers in red, yellow and blue, bird in song. Nightingale Handcraft. Blue ground with stylised black and white slender trees with green foliage in front of a cottage with a red roof - all rather in the style of Clarice Cliff. Royal blue lustre ground with motif of fairy, and vertically curving bands of brightly coloured flowers against a curving line. Designs are in gilt with underglaze enamels. Fairy Dark blue ground with t o p enamelled right-angle shapes and tile-like squares in yellow and red overlapping. ' M o d e r n Art' style. Top rim has semi-circular florets. Geometrica Ground shaded in bands from palest blue to mid purply-blue, with stylised sun shown in concentric bands from purple centre centre to yellow then orange outer, shining on large stylised blue and purple flowerheads and leaves. Border is b a n d e d in beige, brown and orange, and has continuous geometric pattern like large purple saw teeth. Russian Green high glaze g r o u n d with pattern showing a tree in black/navy silhouette. Matt turquoise glaze with rectangles and chevrons in black, red, yeliow, mauve and green. Bauhaus in style. Mondrian Apples and Grapes Deep orange lustre ground with diagonal panels of flowers in blue, yellow and purple, e d g e d on one side by gilt wavy line. Picture of a hovering w i n g e d fairy, with enlarged black silhouette. Colours are all underglaze. Fairy Medley (See 3593) Slightly r i b b e d appearance, finished in parallel bands of green, blue, turquoise and orange with upper section finished as simplistic flowers in green and orange. Medley Bold, stylised flowerheads f o r m e d of concentric circles in yellow and orange, outlined in blue, with single feathers projecting from behind. Hiawatha Slightly ribbed appearance, finished in parallel bands in various shades of green, blue, turquoise and orange. Medley Red ground, with dragon confronting traveller, coloured in sepia, black and gilt. Chinese Dragon Turquoise ground, with dragon confronting a traveller, coloured in sepia black and gilt. Chinese Dragon As 3594 above, but with blue ground. Chinese Dragon Dark blue lustre ground with underglaze enamels portraying a Nightingale in full song, sitting on a bush. Nightingale Medley (See 3593) Medley (See 3593) Blue ground with complex single flowerheads in enamels, mainly pink mauve, orange and yellow, above underglaze single leaves. M o t t l e d pink g r o u n d with blue flowers, otherwise similar to 3601 above Green (or other) ground overlaid in bright yellows with flowers and butterflies. Dahlia and Butterfly Blue ground with stylised circular flowerheads and angular panels in brown, orange black, fawn and gilt. Scimitar M o t t l e d red ground with ladies before pagodas and bridges, highlighted in gilt. Pattern as 3507 above. Iceland Poppy Handcraft. White g r o u n d with sprays of stylised cornflowers and vertical stripes in shades of blue, yellow and lavender. See also 3242 Flowering Papyrus Handcraft, handpainted pattern in blue, then green brushstrokes radiating out from the centre. Similar to 3773 Ground of blue, green and purple teardrops with stylised circular flowerheads and angular panels in black, yellow, orange, fawn and gilt. Scimitar See 3654 below. Mandarins Chatting Black g r o u n d with vibrant green friezes and two Chinese figures in bright enamels in conversation beneath a stylised tree. Mandarins Chatting Geometric pattern in orange, brown, yellow and black in chevrons, circles and grids in graph-like formation. Jazz Stitch See 3660 below. Chinese Dragon Geometric design, shades of black and green with gilt. Chevrons Abstract pattern of solid squares and rectangles in black with silver outlining, on a pale green ground. Carre See 3658 above. Carre Yellow ground with Chinese figure confronting a dragon in gilt, green and black. Chinese Dragon Handcraft. Black reserve with vivid multi-coloured flowers some with spiky outlines with stems and leaves. Summer Medley Handcraft. White central ground with pattern of big, b o l d stylised flowers similar to harebells or tulips in colours of pink, yellow and red. Frieze is blue with yellow, t o o t h e d pattern like the rays of the sun. Tiger Lily


3675 3678 3681 3684 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703

3713 3714 3716 3718 3719 3721 3745 3746 3750 3765 3765a 3766 3767 3769 3771 3773 3774 3785 3786 3787

Cream ground with dark red friezes, and two oriental figures under frieze of flowers and foliage in colours & gilt. Mandarins Chatting Diamond Dark blue ground with handles (to coffee cups, or lids) formed as arched near nude female figures. Bathing Belle White, Gold and Black, with 'Bathing Belle' figures. For Coffee Set. Bathing Belle Cream ground with gold lined black border and pattern in bold stripes in red, black and gold intersecting at angles, (for coffee set) Intersections Shaded light green ground with aster-like flowers in yellow, pink and orange, with dark green leaves. Daisy Tangerine ground slashed with black white and gilt lightning flashes. Lightning Handcraft. Dark blue reserve with daisy like flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink and white, with stems and light green leaves. Daisy Handcraft. Mottled orange reserve with multi-coloured spiky-edged flowers in mauve, yellows and pinks, with leaves in shades of yellow, green and bottle green. Anemone Mottled red ground, with elaborate geometric flowerhead in fan shape, resembling Egyptian papyrus, also tapering spears of multi-coloured flowers. Egyptian Fan Dark blue ground with elaborate geometric flowerhead in fan shape resembling Egyptian papyrus, also tapering spears of multi-coloured flowers. Egyptian Fan Pale blue ground with elaborate geometric flowerhead in fan shape, resembling Egyptian papyrus, also tapering spears of multicoloured flowers. Egyptian Fan Pale blue ground with elaborate geometric flowerhead in fan shape, resembling Egyptian papyrus, also tapering spires of multicoloured flowers. Egyptian Fan Orange ground, exotic flowers held by fan shaped motifs and curved lines. Rainbow Fan Mottled turquoise ground with sweeping curved lines and fan shapes in shades of pale blue, black, primrose and rust. Rainbow Fan Black ground with red friezes, and leaves in gilt, red and yellow. See 3703 below. Mandarin Tree Cream ground with mottled red borders overlaid with coloured flowerheads in enamels and gilt. Main body has piles of rocks from which grow stunted oriental trees, and shrubs with black spiky leaves and flowerheads in pink, orange and blue Mandarin Tree Blue ground, pattern as 3700. Rainbow Fan (Handcraft) Matt green ground with design of flowers. Daisy Lightning (See also 3692) Handcraft. Ground yellow at the top, shaded through to brown, the whole showing a pattern of vertical 'brushstrokes'. Cream ground with mottled green borders overlaid with coloured flowerheads in enamels and gilt. Main body has piles of rocks from which grow stunted oriental trees, and shrubs with black spiky leaves and flowerheads in pink, orange and blue. Mandarin Tree Pale blue ground, pattern as 3700. Rainbow Fan Handcraft. Mottled pale pink and blue ground, with simplistic blue, pink and yellow flowers. Primula Beige ground. Primula Matt ground in vivid purple shading to turquoise blue, with abstract patterns in straight lines, chevrons and panels in black also rectangular panels in red, purple and green. Mondrian Turquoise ground, otherwise as 3769. Mephistopheles Turquoise ground with exotic flowers in colours and gilt beneath a tree laden with eye motifs as blossoms. Devil's Copse Matt, warm beige ground, with handpainted, naturalistic twig bearing leaves in autumn colours. Autumn Leaf Pale blue ground, Mephistopheles figure dressed in bright red in a tropical landscape with exotic flowers and bushes, and a black and white banded tree with eye-like blossom among pendulous foliage, and swags of berries in orange, red, green and white. Mephistopheles Yellow ground, Mephistopheles figure dressed in bright red in a tropical landscape with exotic flowers and bushes, and a black and white banded tree with eye-like blossom among pendulous foliage, and swags of berries in orange, red, green and white. Mephistopheles Ribbed appearance, with matt slip glazes in varied colours. A 'Stoneware' pattern. Handpainted yellow background with jagged, painted pattern in green and blue radiating out from centre Cream ground with multi-coloured stylised flowers held by curving lines. Bell Matt pale blue ground with harebells and flowerheads in colours and gilt. Bell Mottled green ground with triangular panels of lilac and pale blue made up of many flowerheads, and between these panels large, single, stylised flowerheads of many colours, each trailing a kite-like tail of bluebells. Bell Blue ground, mottled exotic tree with pendant foliage, and blossoms like eye motifs, bushes and plants below with bold paddle and arrow shaped leaves, enamelled in many bright colours. Devil's Copse



3789 3790 3794 3796 3801 3802 3803 3803(?)

3804 3813 3814 3815

3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3827 3829 3837 3842 3843 3845 3846 3848 3849 3857 3858

M o t t l e d red ground, with triangular panels of blue and pale green made up of many flowerheads, and between these panels large, single stylised flowerheads of many colours, each trailing a kite-like tail of bluebells. Bell Powder blue ground, otherwise as 3790. Gum Flower M o t t l e d green and yellow ground, decorated with sprays of t r u m p e t shaped pink flowers and seed pods. Gum Flower Matt sage green ground with highly stylised flowers and leaves. M i d blue g r o u n d with green handles and b o r d e r s - h a n d l e s as arched female figures in gilt bathing costume. Bathing Belle Black ground (with grey border to lid), enamelled flowers including foxglove, p o p p y and delphinium in yellow, blue and orange. Yellow g r o u n d decorated with brown brush strokes and large, Daisy-like flower with petals of various colours, other flowers and foliage. A u t u m n Daisy Pale green g r o u n d with paintbrush strokes in mauve. Black borders, with linked, curved sections in pink, blue, yellow and orange, and spray of slender, pointed, multi-coloured flowers radiating from centre. 'Liberty' style bands rising from base in colours of black, white, g o l d , mauve, green, orange and yellow. Above these a white ground covered with paint daubs in pale green and grey, with partial flowers painted in. Upper frieze is a series of black rectangles alternating above and below a horizontal line. Possibly a 'Stoneware' pattern M o t t l e d pink ground with slender deco black stems t o p p e d by exotic circular flowerheads with radial panels, heavily decorated in colours and gilt. Wagon Wheels M o t t l e d red g r o u n d with stylised circular flowerheads with radial petals and foliage in colours and gilt. Wagon Wheels Powder blue ground, with pattern of two large flowers in orange, mauve and gilt. Border features a series of s t e p p e d , angled panels imitating embroidery in gilt, with crescents and chevrons in orange, green and yellow enamels. Needlepoint M o t t l e d red ground with flowers in colours and gilt. Wagon Wheels M o t t l e d pale turquoise g r o u n d , with very stylised, multi-coloured flowers and leaves beneath pendant tree foliage with eye-like fruit. Colours and gilt, Devil's Copse M o t t l e d greeny yellow g r o u n d with Hollyhocks in shades of pink and red, with circular pale green leaves. Hollyhocks M o t t l e d blue g r o u n d with stylised hollyhock flowers rising in a spike, with foliage in colours and gilt. Hollyhocks As 3819, with black ground. Hollyhocks Green ground with foxgloves and other flowers growing up in spires, enamels and gilt Possibly a 'Stoneware' Pattern Handcraft. Cream g r o u n d with pink edges, brown herbiage with spikes of blue, pink and brown flowers. Possibly Stoneware, uniform, plain, muddy green colour. Plain sharp green g r o u n d with gilt border and handles - for deco style dish, shape no. 1341 -2 Ribbed appearance, painted in horizontal bands of pink, green, blue and brown. Medley Plain black lustre ground, with wide band of gilding to borders. Pale green g r o u n d with sprays of flowers in yellow, orange, green, purple and blue. Black g r o u n d with perimeter decorated with pattern of flowers in colours and gilt. Blue ground with a pattern of fronds of trailing leaves in green and gilt, with pendant, orange drop-shaped berries. Leaf Black, high glaze ground with pattern of simple stylised flowers in rather '1960s' style, in underglaze white

and gilt 3860 3863 3865 3866 3867 3868 3873 3874 3875 3886a 3887a 3888a

Dark red ground, Chinoiserie pattern, (see 2728). New Mikado Pale green ground with stylised deco tree, bushes and flowers in foreground, path leading to garden gate in background with bushes. Garden Gate Handcraft. Grey ground with blue round base, and pattern showing a tree with flowers in many colours. Pinky purple ground with festoons of pendant blue flowers. Wisteria Turquoise green g r o u n d , shading darker at edges, with sprays of yellow flowers. N e w Laburnham Pale matt green ground, with simplistic primula-like flowers in yellow and orange with stylised leaves b e h i n d . Vogue Leaf (see 3857) M o t t l e d grey g r o u n d with naturalistic Bluebells and Primulas growing a m o n g foliage and grasses round a p o n d or cave. Bluebells (but see 4120) Naturalistic Bluebells and Primulas growing among foliage and grasses round a cave or p o n d . Bluebells (See 4120) Two tone turquoise green g r o u n d for Moderne coffee set. Matt grey g r o u n d with blue bases and handles - for Moderne 'Tea for Two'. Two tone blue g r o u n d for Moderne coffee set.


3889 3890 3891

M o t t l e d red and black ground, with flame shaped flowers, and ragged foliage hanging f r o m above, exotic bird in colours and gilt flying from right to left. Sketching Bird Pale mauve ground, flame shaped, pastel coloured plants below, ragged foliage hanging from above, with exotic bird flying past.Sketching Bird Cream g r o u n d shading down to grey, exotic tree with pendant foliage, exotic bird flying past. Sketching

Bird 3892

Dark blue high glazed ground with sprays of delicate, exotic flowers and foliage in t o p enamelled colours and gilt (see 3894). Persian Garden 3893 Black high glaze ground, pattern as 3892. Persian Garden 3894 Matt pale turquoise ground shading at borders to navy, with sprays of exotic flowers and foliage in colours and gilt. Persian Garden 3896(?) Pale grey ground with eggshell finish glaze, and motif of a slender, black d e c o tree bearing varied enamelled flowers in orange, blues, pink, mauve and brown 3897 Pale peach g r o u n d with eggshell finish glaze, and motif of a slender, black d e c o tree with varied enamelled flowers on it in orange, blues, pink, mauve and brown. 3901 Beige g r o u n d , shading to blue at extremes, with pattern of simplistic flowers in orange and yellow with green leaves. Enamels of the pattern are thick, raising the pattern above the dark outlines. Incised D i a m o n d 3907 Pale blue lustre ground, exotic bird in flight. Sketching Bird 3912 Beige ground with large blue/green spots. 'Spots' 3913 Handcraft. Pale beige ground with abstract flower in blue, yellow and brown. Floral Mist 3917 Pattern like paint running in shades of lemon, pale blue and turquoise on cream. 3919 Pale ground, design of natural leaf and catkin. Used for j u g Leaf and Catkin 3922 Red g r o u n d with wild grasses and shrubs below, ducks in detail and in shadow shape only flying left to right, colours and gilt. W i l d Duck 3923 Yellow g r o u n d , otherwise as 3922 above. Wild Duck 3924 Blue g r o u n d , otherwise as 3922 above. Wild Duck 3926 Pale yellow high glaze ground with green lustre borders, with sharply d e p i c t e d p o p p i e s and m e a d o w flowers in bright colours and gilt. Summer Flowers 3927 Cream g r o u n d , with groups of richly enamelled, stylised flowers in orange, mauve, yellow, black and blue. Summer Flowers 3939 Cream g r o u n d with hand applied slip to give loose bands of green, brown, mauve and blue. 3943(?) Pale blue g r o u n d , with pattern of realistic leaves, and florets of Hydrangea in g i l t and coloured enamels. Lace Cap Hydrangea 3943 Tubelined Tree 3944 Handcraft Matt blue-green ground with g u m tree design 3945 (Handcraft) Matt cream ground with design of voluminous leaves, plus one flower like a blue and turquoise tree w i t h stamens, one like a yellow papyrus blossom - all t u b e l i n e d Tubelined Flower 3946 Handcraft. Matt cream ground with design of hazel nuts and leaves in a mixture of very soft pinks and blues. 3948 As 3950 below, but with pale turquoise ground. Flower and Falling Leaf 3949 As 3950 below, but with dark red lustre ground.Flower and Falling Leaf 3950 Shaded cream g r o u n d with exotic, complex, geometric flowerheads, some 'full-face', some 'in profile' in colours and gilt, also t r i m m i n g of a few natural leaves. Sketching Bird 3952 Blue g r o u n d with ornamental bird flying past sinuous tree with branches full of fan-shaped, coloured blossom. Flower and Falling Leaf 3957 Cream g r o u n d with illustration of galleon at sea, painted in shades of blue and pink. 3965 (?) Turquoise g r o u n d with scarlet figure of Mephistopheles standing near tree with black and white spiral trunk, and coloured fruits like eyes. In foreground are exotic plants with paddle shaped blossoms and arrow like leaves, all painted with many brightly coloured enamels. Mephistopheles 3965 Deep red g r o u n d with ornamental heron flying past sinuous tree with branches full of fan-shaped, coloured blossom. Heron and Magical Tree, see 4160 — Also f o u n d with acid green ground. Heron and Magical Tree 3966 Pale green g r o u n d , tree in shades of green with Hydrangea leaves and blossom in colours and gilt. Lace Cap Hydrangea 3967 Dark red ground, with coloured Hydrangea florets backed by life-like leaves. Lace Cap Hydrangea — Pink ground, Hydrangea pattern as 3967 (see above) 3968 Blue g r o u n d with white flowers like small wild Roses, green leaves. 3971 Primrose ground shading to blue upper and lower borders, with ornamental fish bearing large f l o w i n g fins, coloured in t o p enamels in green, yellow, mauve and orange a m o n g flowing seabed plants. River Fish (Shabunkin) 3972 Orange lustre ground with spires of Hollyhock plants bearing blue, pink, mauve, yellow and green flowers. Hollyhocks 3973 Green ground with stylised flowers and foliage in colours. Hollyhocks 3974 Exotic, highly decorated fish in delicate, flowing seabed scene. River Fish (Shabunkin) (See 3971)



3976 3986 3989 3990 3993 3994 3997 4009 4012 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4060 4076 4079 4083 4084 4092 4103 4108(?) 4108 4118 4120 4123 4125(?) 4125

4126 4136 4137

4138 4140 4146 4153 4154 4159

4160 4162 4163 4178 4185 4186

Warm beige g r o u n d with matt glaze, and pattern of stylised bluebells and large flowerhead in orange, cream, blue and green, the whole tubelined in the Charlotte Rhead style. Copies Charlotte Rhead's Persian Rose Pale beige g r o u n d , with numerous bands of straight and wavy lines in colours of pink and mauve. Cream ground with stylised flowers and foliage in colours and gilt. Blue ground, m o t t l e d exotic tree with pendant foliage, and blossoms like eye motifs, bushes and plants below. Devil's Copse Lemon g r o u n d , with seedheads and stylised flowers in colours and gilt. Yellow Buttercup (for floral embossed range) Pink Buttercup (for floral embossed range) Dark g r o u n d with brown tree trunk and branches almost obscured by hanging willow-like leaves in shades of pale and m e d i u m blue. Forest Night Plain lustred Rouge Royale with gilt edging M o t t l e d cream g r o u n d with dark leaves and b o l d single coloured flowers in Lautrec poster style, with raised tubular e d g i n g . Flowers in shades of red and orange. Tubelined Marigold Harebells Pale ground with wide o p e n Harebells growing on stems. Harebells Orange g r o u n d , otherwise as 4018. Secretary Bird Red g r o u n d with highly decorated tree and exotic bird with long legs and outstretched wings standing nearby. Design combines under and overglaze enamels and gilt. Secretary Bird Grey/green ground with naturalistic Squirrel. Squirrel For coffee set, pink glazed ground highlighted with gilt and black bands. For 'Tea for Two' set in Moderne design, lime green interior with rings in gilt, red, green, yellow, mauve, blue and white. Tyrolean Bands Green g r o u n d , with black and gilt banding, for coffee set Cream ground with Art Deco design in russet and brown stripe for coffee set. As 4083 above Heatwave Pale green ground, with gilt cobweb, fruiting branch above, harebells below, dragonfly in flight. Spider's Web Pale green g r o u n d with bird flying past a willow tree in gilt and colours. Sketching Bird Pale green g r o u n d , with chinoiserie pattern, (see 2728). New Mikado Pale blue ground with gilt tree, and Bird of Paradise in front. Pale yellow ground with pendant leaves and stylised Primulas in pink and yellow underglaze colours round a p o n d or cave. Primula and Leaf Vivid green lustre g r o u n d , with grasses and seedheads Pale blue g r o u n d with pendant leaves and stylised Primulas in pink and yellow underglaze colours round a p o n d or cave. Primula and Leaf Shaded green ground.varying to yellowish green, with p e n d a n t branches of willow bearing almost silhouetted brown leaves and white enamelled star-flowers, also one large flowerhead with star-like points, painted as dots in orange, lilac and green Bluebells grow up from the g r o u n d . Baby/on Babylon (see 4125 above) Pale green g r o u n d with transfers of simple flowers in blue and brown. Harebells Graduated orange/brown ground with single large star-shaped flower in colours and gilt, with festoons of foliage and flowers hanging down each side, blue bell-like flowers on left, yellow and white blossoms on right. Babylon Semi-matt g r o u n d in shaded b e i g e / b r o w n , with stylised, curving and 'bulbous' representation of fields, trees and hills. Also seen as high glaze version in bright colours. Tubelined Tree and Fields Pale green g r o u n d with stylised Azalea flowers in pink growing on a t w i g , with leaves in green and yellow. Azalea Spangled Tree Pale yellow g r o u n d . Heron and Magical Tree Orange lustre g r o u n d with transfers of simple flowers in pink and blue. Harebells Dark red lustre g r o u n d , with heron flying past sinuous tree with branches bearing small, coloured fanshaped flowers on t h e m . Background foliage of tree hanging in shadow is in turquoise under glaze, heron and flowers are gilt & overglaze enamels. Heron and Magical Tree Green g r o u n d below, vivid blue above, with exotic bird flying past a twisted exotic tree with fans of blossom, g i l d e d „ a n d black shadows. Heron and Magical Tree Green g r o u n d with stylised tulips and leaves in colours, and outlined with raised edges. Tubelined Tulips Shaded yellow ground, broad brown tree trunk with pendant green foliage and red blossoms to front, rearward foliage in d e e p , black shade. Spangled Tree Grey ground with gilt highlighting, for coffee set Pale green g r o u n d with slender tree having orange flowers. Pastoral Light blue ground with cockerells displaying near a b o u q u e t of flowers, colours and gilt. Fighting Cocks


Pale green ground, with pink flowers and yellow and green foliage Pale lemon g r o u n d , design of grasses and ornamental p o p p y flowers and leaves. Iceland Poppy Dark red g r o u n d with Chinoiserie design in colours and gilt as 2481. Temple Fighting Cocks Red ground with highly stylised 'deco' flowers, some as star-like flowerheads, some as l o b e d arcs or segments. Starflower 4217 Dark red lustre ground, with stylised tree with large, gnarled trunk and profuse p e n d a n t foliage - design in gilt alone. (See also 4241) Tree and Clouds 4218 Coral pink ground with dots, and posies of leaves in maroon, white and gilt scattered at intervals. ?LeafandDot 4219 Very pale green ground, sprays of realistically d e p i c t e d Anemones, with foliage in colours. N e w Anemone 4221 Pale ground with design of grasses and ornamental p o p p y flowers and leaves. Iceland Poppy 4225 Deep red ground with gilt rim and white enamel polka dots 4228 Pale green ground, with poppies in colours and gilt 4241 Deep red ground, with foliage rising from base with unusual striated colours, main feature is a b o l d tree with pendant green foliage and a black trunk patterned with bright green lobes and swirls. Top enamel flowers in red, lilac and yellow decorate the tree's foliage, and a butterfly is nearby. Tree and Clouds 4242 Pale blue pearly lustre ground with the Spider's Web pattern. 4243 Blue/grey g r o u n d , embossed flowers and spider's web. Spider's W e b 4244 Powder blue lustre ground with decoration in colours and gilt showing bluebells and grasses overhung by bramble leaves with spider in a web. Spider's Web 4245 M o t t l e d pink ground shading to blue, with pink and blue flowers. New Anemone Handcraft. M a t t white g r o u n d with blue flowers with yellow centres, t h e whole surrounded by a yellow and 4246 blue frieze 4247 Orange ground with black silhouetted trees and grass.with light green foliage, rabbits shown in silhouette. Rabbits at Dusk (Shadow Bunny) 4249(?) Lustre blue ground with butterflies flying among flower-laden p e n d a n t branches in colours. 4270 Peggy 4277 Yellow ground with slender, serrated green foliage hanging d o w n , and yellow, m u l t i - l o b e d flowers with orange stamens, the whole with black shading behind 4278 Palm Blossom 4282 Beige g r o u n d with natural, slightly spiky e d g e d leaves in black, green and brown with Beech nuts o p e n i n g to reveal the kernels. Beech Nut 4283 Pink ground with two storks wading under trees. Enamels and gilt. New Stork 4284 Black ground, otherwise as 3965. Heron and Magical Tree 4297 Anthemis 4298 Red ground with large, stylised flowers b l o o m i n g at the t o p of a single curving stem like the trunk of a palm tree. Palm Blossom 4313 Heron and Magical Tree 4328(?) Cream g r o u n d with chinoiserie pattern, (see 2728). New Mikado 4340 Rouge Royale. Deep red ground, Exotic wading birds grazing in water under trees, colours and gilt. New Stork Green lustre ground with two exotic wading birds grazing in water under trees, colours and gilt. New Stork Black ground, pattern as 4340 above. New Stork Rouge Royale. Deep red ground, with bluebells and other flowers growing a m o n g grasses below, dragonflies and butterflies in flight, and a spider in a c o b w e b suspended from foliage with flowers above, colours and gilt. Spider's W e b Pink g r o u n d , pattern as above. Spider's Web 4347 Black ground, pattern as Rouge Royale version above 4385 Rouge Royale g r o u n d with pattern of vine and leaves in gilt, and grapes in colours and gilt. Vine and Grape 4433 Rouge Royale ground, with chinoiserie pattern, (see 2364). Mikado 4434 Blue lustre g r o u n d , with chinoiserie pattern, (see 2364). Mikado 4455 Duck 4488 Black (Noire Royale) ground with realistic flowers and leaves of Lily of the Valley. Lily of the Valley 4490 Black g r o u n d with realistic Mallard type ducks flying off to left above irises and w i l d grasses. Duck 4499 Red g r o u n d , otherwise as 4490 above. Duck 4519 Black ground with oriental couple under trees, colours and gilt. 4693 White glazed g r o u n d with groups of small coloured flowers. Sunshine 4753(?) Blue ground with groups of yellow flowers and green and yellow butterflies. Coffee set has metal rims and handles 4754 Pale ground, with garden flowers and bluebirds. Springtime 4795 M o t t l e d blue ground with t w i g of buds and blossom, bird of paradise and butterflies at periphery. 4809 Powder blue ground with thistleheads in enamels and gilt 4906 Primrose shading to cream ground, with floral decoration in colours and gilt. 4190 4194 4208 4212 4215


4909 4927 5705 5719

5859 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Blue background with litho medallion featuring bird with basket of fruit on a white g r o u n d . White ground with design of individual Chess pieces on a section of black and white chessboard. Handcraft. Pale blue g r o u n d with lightning like Zig-Zags in gilt and dark blue Yellow g r o u n d with broad frieze of various flowerheads and foliage on green background, main g r o u n d decorated with stylised flowering shrubs before stylised tree showing whole of trunk and branches in front of gilded foliage canopy. M o t t l e d pink ground, shades of green and black forming silhouette scene of rabbits playing under tree. Rabbits at Dusk See also 4247 As 2728 above, but with Vert Royale ground. New Mikado (late version) As 2728 above, but with pale green ground. N e w Mikado (late version) As 2728 above, but with Bleu Royale ground. New Mikado (late version) As 2728 above, but with Rouge Royale ground. N e w Mikado (late version) As 2728 above, but with cream ground. New Mikado (late version) As 2728 above, but with dark blue ground. N e w Mikado (late version) Rouge Royale g r o u n d with design in b o t h underglaze and overglaze colours depicting a turbanned Sultan regarding a small dark coloured picaninny, often with a palace in the background. Sultan and Slave Noir Royale ground, with design as above. Sultan and Slave Rouge Royale ground with design in b o t h underglaze and overglaze colours depicting water lilies and bullrushes, with dragonflies in flight. Bu//rushes Vert Royale ground with design as above. Bullrushes Rouge Royale g r o u n d with design showing a Kingfisher poised to dive from a vine stem into a p o n d beneath symbolised by ripples and lily leaves. Late Kingfisher Rainbow with Garden and Bridge Rouge Royale g r o u n d with fruiting vine design in gilt, with fruit in enamels. Vine and Grape Dark blue ground with fruiting vine design in gilt, with fruit in blue enamel. Vine and Grape Green ground with fruiting vine design in gilt, with fruit in orange, pink and green. Vine a n d Grape


Selected Bibliography The Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review (Various) English Earthenware Figures, 1740 -1940 P. A.Halfpenny William Henry Goss and Goss Heraldic China Norman Emery (Journal of Ceramic History, No.4) Price Guide to Heraldic China Nicolas Pine. Collecting Carlton Ware published by Francis Joseph Publications.


Carlton Ware Price Guide. The advent of eBay has created a wholesale market for Carlton Ware and amny other collectables. This is good for buyers, but can be upsetting for those who invested in the pre-eBay era. However, the values in the book still hold good for insruance purposes. This is because items sold on eBay cannot properly be vrified or assessed. The market is open to fakes and misrepresentation. For this reason, anyone looking to replace an item should allow twice the recorded vaue on eBay, or even three times eBay price. In particular, Gunness items have been faked from old moulds over the years. Unusually low prices for Carlton Guinness ware indicate that the item is a fake. Fakes are worthless as they cannot be passed off as genuine. Australian Design` Mugcup £14.00 (ins value value x2)

Art W&R Ice Blue Lustre Flies Coffee Pot ( Pattern 3025) By Boulton Featuring Butterflies & Spiders Web C1926/27 £46.00 (ins value value x2) 050600204 - Marmalade Pot (Complete With Saucer) Pottery £20.00 (ins value value x2) 10” Vase Flowering Papyrus Handcraft 20s 30s Vgc £43.00 (ins value value x2) 10” Pitcher Flowers & Leaves Australian Pattern £193.00 (ins value value x2) 11” Long Lobster Serving Plate - Lettuce Leaf Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) 12th Royal Lancers 1898 11 Statue 2830 {Af} £14.00 (ins value value x2) 14” Long Ship £11.00 (ins value value x2) 1885 Victorian Stoke On Trent Floral Biscuit Barrel £46.00 (ins value value x2) 1890s Blush Chrysanthemum Lidded Bowl £29.00 (ins value value x2) 1910 (Reg.No.006829) Chinawarefloralsugar Siftershaker £11.00 (ins value value x2) 1920-39 Yellow Water Lily Grapefruit Dish Australian £18.00 (ins value value x2) 192030s Wall Pocket Fancy Flower Pattern £10.00 (ins value value x2) 192030s Wall Pocket Fancy Flower Pattern £18.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Blue Mikado Chinese Scene Vase Vgc 6¼ £33.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Bowl £18.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Kingfisher Pearl Lustre Ware Bowl. £46.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Mother Of Pearl Lustre Mikado Vase £57.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Pair Of Tomato Salad Dish Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Pair Of Tomato Salad Dish Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Tobacco Jar St Johns College Cambridge Crest £19.00

(ins value value x2) 1920s W & R Mikado Blue Lustre & Gold Vase £92.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s W&R Mikado Vase £39.00 (ins value value x2) 1920s Wiltshaw & Robinson Lobster Bowl & Servers Rd 715641 £25.00 (ins value value x2) 1924 British Empire Exhibition Crested Charabanc. . £35.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Art Deco Lobster Plate 1 £15.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Art Deco Lobster Plate 2 £15.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Australian Green Apple Blossom Milk Jug £10.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Australian Green Apple Blossom Sugar Bowl £11.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Australian Green Apple Blossom Tea Cup And Saucer £10.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Australian Green Apple Blossom Tea Cup And Saucer £16.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Coffee Set 15pcs £9.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Cup And Saucer C W Diamond £62.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Face Two Handled Lemon Squeezer Juicer £25.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Fruit Basket Cream Jug. £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Fruit Basket Cream Jug. £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Hand Painted Lady With Flowers Napkin Ring Vgc £12.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Large Pitcher Jug Spring Time Crocus Model 1765 £99.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Leaf Dishes - Carltonware, Crown Devon & Melba Ware £9.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Lemon Squeezer £45.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Napkin Holder - Crinoline Lady £18.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Oak Tree Biscuit Barrel With Acorn Finials £100.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Oak Tree Charger Wall Plaque 32cm Diameter £85.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Oak Tree Cream Jug £12.00 (ins value value x2)

1930s Oak Tree Pedestal Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Oak Tree Pedestal Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Pair Of Fruit Cups And Under Plates In Anenome Pattern £56.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Rouge Royale Shaped Circular Dish £14.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Shelley Blue & White Trio - Cup Saucer Plate £19.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Sketching Bird Charger Plate Yellow Ground £129.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Spiders Web Pattern Dish In Noire Royale. Vgc 30cm Long. £125.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Toast Rack £39.00 (ins value value x2) 1930s Unusual Spring Time Crocus Chocolate Mug Cup & Lid £39.00 (ins value value x2) 1940s Lady Napkin Ring Holder In Crinoline Dress £11.00 (ins value value x2) 1940s Miniature Rouge Royale Mikado Pattern Ginger Jar £19.00 (ins value value x2) 1950 Small Serving Dish (2) + Matching Utensils £17.00 (ins value value x2) 195060s Martell Brandy Pub Bar Advertising Ceramic By £34.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s 1960s Guinness Promotional Ashtray Retro 9 Diameter £10.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Apple Salt & Pepper Cruet Set & Preserve Pot £12.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Fruit Cruet Set Lemon Pear Banana £9.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Guinness Kangaroo £75.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Guinness Sea Lion Lamp £34.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Lidded Boxbutter Dish Cool Modernist Design. Red. Funky. £12.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Morning Glory Sauce Boat And Saucer And Spoon £16.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Owl & Pussycat Salt N Pepper Shakers £12.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Pea Carrot Onion Cruet Salt Pepper Set £16.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s Vegetable Cruet Set Pea Carrot Onion Celery £19.00 (ins value value x2) 1950s60s Handpainted Lidded Apple Sauce Pot & Metal Spoon £19.00 (ins value value x2) 1957 Guinness Sealion Ga2197c Magnificent £56.00 (ins value value x2) 196070s Teapot With Primrose Moulding £25.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s China Flowers Bitter Promo Ash Tray £13.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s Clown Money Box - Vivienne Brennan £50.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s Horse Money Box Orange And Brown £37.00 (ins

value value x2) 1960s Money Box Train £11.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s Retro Money Box Lady Original £32.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s Village Series The Church £29.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s-70s Owls Cruet 4 14 £14.00 (ins value value x2) 1960s-70s Sleepy Robins Cruet 4 14 £14.00 (ins value value x2) 1970`S Carton Ware Walking Teapot £26.00 (ins value value x2) 1970-80s White Hippo & Bird Teapot - B18 £9.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Beefeater Cruet Set Salt & Pepper Pots Vgc £18.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Haig Scotch Whisky Advertising Water Jug £12.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Moneybox £20.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Retro Money Box Piggy Bank Hippy Eames Panton Era. £26.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Rising Hawk (Pre Ware) Walking Long John Silver Cup + Cup £44.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Rising Hawk (Pre Ware) Walking Long John Silver Egg Cup £26.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Square Candle Holder, Brown & Orange Moorish £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Square Candle Holder, Brown & Orange Moorish £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Walking Ware Salt And Pepper Cruet Lustre £14.00 (ins value value x2) 1970s Walking Ware Salt And Pepper Pots. £28.00 (ins value value x2) 1980 Lustre Pottery Walking Yellow Shoe Brown Stripe Socks Egg Cup £17.00 (ins value value x2) 1980 Walking Ware Lustre Running Egg Cup Maroon Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1980 Walking Ware Lustre Running Egg Cup Maroon Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) 1980s Prince Charles Fluck & Law Egg Cupcheapest On . £10.00 (ins value value x2) 1st World War Crested Ware Searchlight Manchester £9.00 (ins value value x2) 1st. World War Item £12.00 (ins value value x2) 1st. World War Item £29.00 (ins value value x2) 1st. World War Item £9.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Banana Dishes £9.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Embossed Pieces: Foxglove Bowl And Mini Pink Buttercup Dish £16.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Florence Upton Golly Egg Cups £10.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Guinness Flying Toucans £29.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Medium Sized Dishes In Apple Blossom Pattern £12.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Pieces Of Blue A Dish And Tray £9.00 (ins value value x2)

2 Pieces Of Blue A Dish And Tray £9.00 (ins value value x2) 2 Salt And Pepper Cruets,Oriental,Bluewhite £12.00 (ins value value x2) 2 X Crested Ware China,Wwi Ambulance & Nurse,Ware,Birmingham & Blackburn £63.00 (ins value value x2) 2 X Lustre Walking Cups £8.00 (ins value value x2) 2 X Lustre Walking Cups £8.00 (ins value value x2) 2 X Rouge Royale Items £9.00 (ins value value x2) 2 X Wiltshaw & Robinson Blush Ware Vases Or Urns £36.00 (ins value value x2) 2-Handled Comport Fruit & Flowers £60.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Guinness Toucan Plaques In Original Packaging By Unused £350.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Guinness Toucons £225.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Item Collection Of Rouge Royale Ware. £17.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Jugs Carltons Fantasia Ware Burslam £29.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Leg Running Mugs £9.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Pce Set Australia Hollyhock Flower On Lemon Yellow Pin Dishes Bowl £28.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Pieces Of Brown Hovis Breakfast £12.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Section Serving Dish £20.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Walking Ware Cups £34.00 (ins value value x2) 3 Walking Wear Lustre Egg Cups £16.00 (ins value value x2) 3 X Crested China, Arcadian Vase, British Made Pot, W & R Triple Entente £14.00 (ins value value x2) 34 Piece Rouge Royale Coffee Set £60.00 (ins value value x2) 4 Fantasia,Swallow&Cloud,Spiders Web &Stork Pattern £207.00 (ins value value x2) 4 Fruit Bowls £29.00 (ins value value x2) 4 Green Leaf Egg Cups £27.00 (ins value value x2) 4 Lustre Walking Ware Mugs Cups £40.00 (ins value value x2) 4 Mimosa Soup Bowls Cups With Saucers Yellow Flowers Free Del. £19.00 (ins value value x2) 4 Pce.Dressing Table Set. £16.00 (ins value value x2) 4 X 1970 China Banana Split Fruit Dishes, Vgc Conditi £19.00 (ins value value x2) 4 X 1970 China Banana Split Fruit Ice Cream Bolo Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) 4 X 1970 China Banana Split Fruit Ice Cream Bolo Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) 5 Pc. Assorted Lot £12.00 (ins value value x2) 5 Tobacco Jar Blue Crackle Glaze C1920 - C1926 , Pipes £11.00 (ins value value x2) 60s 70s Fish Cruet Set Salt & Pepper Not Money Box £11.00 (ins value value x2) 777 Shape 8 Inch Vase In The Mandarin Tree Pattern. £199.00 (ins value value x2)

8 High The Jester Limited Edition 146500 - 1998 Vgc £34.00 (ins value value x2) 8 High The Jester Limited Edition Vgc £55.00 (ins value value x2) 8 Large Jug Spring Time Crocus Model 1765 £59.00 (ins value value x2) 8 X Items Crested Ware(ArcadianEtc(Margatebeaumarisyarmouthdublin ++ £8.00 (ins value value x2) 8 X Items Crested Ware(ArcadianEtc(Margatebeaumarisyarmouthdublin ++ £8.00 (ins value value x2) A [ W&R ] Teapot Rose Garland Pattern Circa 1910. £29.00 (ins value value x2) A 1930s Pastoral Pattern Vase £52.00 (ins value value x2) A 1930s Preserve Pot In Form Of Orange Leaf & Blossom £9.00 (ins value value x2) A Anemone Preserve Pot With Lid And Base £64.00 (ins value value x2) A Anenome Dish Item Look £10.00 (ins value value x2) A Blue And White Sugar Bowl And Milk Jug £44.00 (ins value value x2) A Boxed Primula Pattern Jam Spoon And Dish Item £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Boxed Primula Pattern Jam Spoon And Dish Item £8.00 (ins value value x2) A China Searchlight Rhyl Crest £15.00 (ins value value x2) A Dragon Temple Jar With Lid £11.00 (ins value value x2) A Fine Pagoda Pottery Vase 1920s £69.00 (ins value value x2) A Fine Rouge Royale Oval Dish, With A Circular Pin Dish C1930 £9.00 (ins value value x2) A Fine Rouge Royale Pottery Spiders Web Box & Cover £33.00 (ins value value x2) A Fine Rouge Royale Preserve Pot & Lid, With Richly Gilded Details £29.00 (ins value value x2) A Fine Royal Blue Dish £11.00 (ins value value x2) A Fruit Basket Bowl In Yellow , C1930s. £29.00 (ins value value x2) A Fruit Cruet Set On Tray £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Fruit Cruet Set On Tray £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Good Basket Of Flowers & Butterflies Vase - C.0094 - 1927 £75.00 (ins value value x2) A Good Yellow Buttercup Teapot - Vgc £50.00 (ins value value x2) A Handpainted Guinness Toucan Cruet Set & Mustard Pot With Lid £34.00 (ins value value x2) A Large Classic Guinness Toucan Lidded Pot £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Large Classic Guinness Toucan Lidded Pot £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Large Rouge Royal Ginger Jar In Mikado £27.00 (ins value

value x2) A Limited Edition Haig Whiskey Ashtray £15.00 (ins value value x2) A Mini Car Teapot - Flower Power £15.00 (ins value value x2) A Mini Car Teapot - Union Jack On Roof £15.00 (ins value value x2) A Murrays Ales Ashtray By £14.00 (ins value value x2) A Old Model Wolseley Car Teapot - Flower Power £34.00 (ins value value x2) A Pair Of 1920s Vases £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Pair Of 1920s Vases £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Piece Of Ware, Hand Painted Rouge Royal 12 Long £9.00 (ins value value x2) A Pottery Margaret Thatcher Luck & Flaw Spitting Image Mug Jug £33.00 (ins value value x2) A Preserve Pot In Form Of Apple Has Spoon On Leaf Tray £9.00 (ins value value x2) A Preserve Pot With Lid And Base, Magnolia, Pattern No. 2515 £12.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royal Cruet Set £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royal Cruet Set £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royal Mikado Pattern Pottery Bowl £61.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Bowl Decorated With A Golden Pheasant V Fine £26.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Card Holder Or Small Vase. £17.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Fruit Dish, With Richly Gilded Decorations £41.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Jug Mikado Pattern Fine £47.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Kingfisher Vase £17.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Plate, Dish. Nr £34.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Vase C1920s £9.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Vase Decorated A Dragon Fly And Water Lilies -V Fine £53.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Vase Mikado Pattern Fine £17.00 (ins value value x2) A Rouge Royale Vase Spiders Web Pattern Fine £48.00 (ins value value x2) A Salad Ware Trefoil Dish - Apple Blossom On Yellow £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Salad Ware Trefoil Dish - Apple Blossom On Yellow £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Selection Of £25.00 (ins value value x2) A Small Rouge Royale Lidded Bowl Blue Bird Of Paradise V Fine £25.00 (ins value value x2) A Small Rouge Royale Two Handled Bowl Well Decorated £59.00 (ins value value x2) A Small Rouge Royale Two Handled Small Bowl Mikado Pattern £17.00 (ins value value x2) A Spiders Web Footed Miniature Bowl On Yellow Item £20.00

(ins value value x2) A Tobbaco Jar 17 Cms Across Widest Part £19.00 (ins value value x2) A Vase Dragon And Clouds Pattern. £113.00 (ins value value x2) A Victorian Blush Ivory Hand Painted Pottery Biscuit Barrel £64.00 (ins value value x2) A Vw Beetle Car Teapot - Flower Power £15.00 (ins value value x2) A Walking Cruets Salt And Pepper Pot Set £14.00 (ins value value x2) A Walking Ware Big Foot Cup £9.00 (ins value value x2) A Walking Ware Kneeling Mug - Queen Elizabeth Ii Silver Jubilee £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Walking Ware Kneeling Mug - Queen Elizabeth Ii Silver Jubilee £8.00 (ins value value x2) A Yellow Buttercup Sugar Sifter £29.00 (ins value value x2) Accordion Musician - Large Golly – Accordian Band Member £35.00 (ins value value x2) Acorn Nut Tree Biscuit Barrel Cookie Jar £49.00 (ins value value x2) Advertising For Flowers Beer £12.00 (ins value value x2) Advertising Guinness Toucan Jug £47.00 (ins value value x2) Aeroplane Teapot - Cheetah Spots Markings £10.00 (ins value value x2) Aeroplane Teapot - Lucy May £10.00 (ins value value x2) Aeroplane Teapot - Modelled On £19.00 (ins value value x2) Aeroplane Teapot - Pigs Might Fly £28.00 (ins value value x2) Aeroplane Teapot - Piloted By Winston Churchill £13.00 (ins value value x2) Aeroplane Teapot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Aligator Teapot £14.00 (ins value value x2) All Legs Toast Rack - £13.00 (ins value value x2) All Legs Toast Rack - £20.00 (ins value value x2) Alladins Lamp Lighter £19.00 (ins value value x2) Alligator Green Novelty Tea Pot 3593 Xmas Present £13.00 (ins value value x2) Amusing Kaiser Wilhelm Pig Pepper Pot - Circa 1914 £90.00 (ins value value x2) An Unusual Crown Devon Rouge Royale Pedestal Vase Comport £32.00 (ins value value x2) And - Fruit Cruet Set, £19.00 (ins value value x2) And Guinness Toucan Wall Plaques £195.00 (ins value value x2) And Hard To Find Ovenware Casserole Dish And Cover £19.00 (ins value value x2) And Unusual Australia Footed Comport 1940s £14.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Bowl £70.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Comport £95.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Cruet Salt Pepper Mustard Vgc £145.00 (ins value value x2)

Anemone Floral Dish - Moulded - Handpainted - C1938 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Jug In Vgc With Original Label £65.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Pattern Small Bowl Pin Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Preserve & Base Plate £33.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Sauce Jug Australian £19.00 (ins value value x2) Anemone Small Jug £25.00 (ins value value x2) Anita Harris Large Trumpet Vase The Forth Road Bridge Trial Piece £175.00 (ins value value x2) Anzac Hat Anzacs Forever China £28.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom - Cruet Set - Art Deco £31.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Butter Dish & Knife Green Boxed £10.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Cheese Dish In Green Colourway. £55.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Chocolate Mug- & Vgc & £32.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Embossed Chocolate Mug Flowers Vgc £26.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Green Pitcher Jug Circa 1937 £40.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Green Sauce Boat And Under Tray Circa 1969 £43.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Green Toast Rack Circa 1969 £46.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom In Leaf Shape Deep Dish 1563 3 Australian £16.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Large 1 12 Pint Jug Yellow 1938 £52.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl- & & £29.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Mug 1930s Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Pitcher Jug Small £135.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Preserve Dish + Spoon - C1938 £11.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Preserve Jam Marmalade Pot 3183 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Preserve Pot No 1618 Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Salad Servers Yellow 1938 £52.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Small Yellow Jambutter Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Small Yellow Jambutter Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Tea For Two- & & £97.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Tea Pot- £57.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Toast Rack £10.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Blossom Vase £75.00 (ins value value x2)

Apple Blossom Yellow Colourway Small Teapot £56.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Butter Plate With Knife £10.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Cruet Salt Pepper Fruit £11.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Cruet Salt Pepper Fruit Retro £11.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Cup And Saucer £15.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Milk Jug £16.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Preserve Pot & Spoon £10.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Saucepreserve Dish With Matching Spoon, Complete With Label. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Shaped Condiment Salt & Pepper Shaker Set £14.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Shaped Condiment Set £30.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Shaped Salt & Pepper Set £16.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Shaped Set Of Salt And Pepper Pots (Good ) £15.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Shaped Set Of Salt And Pepper Pots (Vgc) £14.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Shaped Teapot £24.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Sugar Bowl £16.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Tea Pot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Tea Pot, Good . £20.00 (ins value value x2) Apple Tea Pot. £12.00 (ins value value x2) Arcadian China Bill Sykes Dog Crested Gorleston On Sea £10.00 (ins value value x2) Arcadian Crested Fully Coloured Welsh Lady Seated On Bench Gift From Gisburn £11.00 (ins value value x2) Arcadian Hat Woodstock , Pig Margate , Cyclone H.A.A.&S Cheshire Cat . £10.00 (ins value value x2) Arcadian Ww1 Armoured Car & Tyg Colchester £26.00 (ins value value x2) Ark Money Box £19.00 (ins value value x2) Armand Lustre Vase Butterflys Moths & Flys Absolute Vgc Cond. £275.00 (ins value value x2) Armorial Crested Match Holder + Striker - C1890 - Edinburgh £9.00 (ins value value x2) Armorial Crested Match Holder + Striker - C1890 - Edinburgh £9.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco Green Foxglove Sugar Basin £11.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco Green Foxglove Sugar Basin £9.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco, Coffee Cup& Saucer, Pattern 3145,Circa 1927. £216.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco, Sml Coffee Cup& Saucer, Pattern -3145-Circa 1927. £213.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco, Sml Cup& Saucer, Pattern 3145, Circa 1927. £182.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco, Ware, Primula, Bowl, Australian £11.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco,Black And Gold,Card Holder,A1 £16.00 (ins value

value x2) Art Deco,Coffee Cup & Saucer, Pattern No- 3145, Circa 1927. £113.00 (ins value value x2) Art Deco. Breakfast Set. Green Apple Blossom. Tea For One 1930`S £99.00 (ins value value x2) Art Pottery Beefeater Cruet Salt & Pepper Shakers Retro 60s £14.00 (ins value value x2) Art-Deco Lustre Ware Bowl £213.00 (ins value value x2) Artware Collectables Large Vase - Rms Titanic &The Rainman £125.00 (ins value value x2) Artware Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Kneeling Cup - The Titanic - Low Price £50.00 (ins value value x2) Attractive Biscuit Barrel £119.00 (ins value value x2) Attractive Pottery Yellow Apple Blossom Pattern Cream Jug £14.00 (ins value value x2) Attractive Wilton Ware Fairyland Lustre Vase, 1930s £46.00 (ins value value x2) Austin A30 Teapot £12.00 (ins value value x2) Australia Double Ended Long Dish 10.00 (ins value value x2) Australia Mark. Large Conserve Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian - Posy Rose Bowl £12.00 (ins value value x2) Australian - Wild Rose Jug - Art Deco £12.00 (ins value value x2) Australian - Wild Rose Salad Bowl & Servers - Art Deco £26.00 (ins value value x2) Australian - Wild Rose Salad Bowl & Servers - Art Deco £41.00 (ins value value x2) Australian - Wild Rose Small Pot - Art Deco £17.00 (ins value value x2) Australian £8.00 (ins value value x2) Australian £8.00 (ins value value x2) Australian 1914 Yellow Dish With Handle C1926 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian 1930s Primula Cup And Saucer In Yellow 2038 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Australian 20 Piece Tea Set In Vgc £49.00 (ins value value x2) Australian 3 Section Yellow Buttercup Dish £17.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Anemone Sauce Boat £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Anemone Sauce Boat £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Apple Blossom Mug 1330 £20.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Apple Blossom Theme Yellow Cheese Dish -£44.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Butter Dish Buttercup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Butter Dish Yellow Buttercup £14.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Buttercup £32.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Buttercup Butter Dish £13.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Buttercup Crescent Half Moon Shaped Dish £14.00

(ins value value x2) Australian Buttercup Cup And Saucer £11.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Buttercup Dish Set £14.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Coffee Set £40.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Cup And Saucer Unusual Shape Hand Painted Flower £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Dish 8 £13.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Floral Sugar Bowl £12.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Fox Glove Jug 1330 £35.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Fox Glove Jug 1330 £35.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Foxglove Teapot Milk Jug Sugar Bowl Tea Cups Toast Rack £125.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Foxglove Toast Rack £17.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Jug 1330 £35.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Leaf Dish Apple Blossom £14.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Leaf Platebowl And Knife £15.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Lidded Sugar Bowl £19.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Lidded Sugar Bowl Mould Flower Lid (ins value value x2) Australian Mug Flower Basket 1939-1950-, Embossed £10.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Pedestal Salad Bowl & Servers- Wild Rose £30.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Primrose Small Sauceboat And Stand £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Primula Preserve Dish And Spoon £15.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Redcurrant Spoon And Preserve Pot Lid £10.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Registration 3 Graduated Buttercup Jugs 1930s £94.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Salad Servers £10.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Ware Large Jug £60.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Yellow Buttercup Plate 6-12 Diam £9.00 (ins value value x2) Australian Yellow Buttercup Plate 6-12 Diam £9.00 (ins value value x2) Awesome Large Australian Apple Blossom Ewer Jug £355.00 (ins value value x2) Bank Money Box 1960s 70s Retro Mid Century Blue Horse £37.00 (ins value value x2) Barcombe - W&R Crested China Yokel Beer Drinker - Local Interest £9.00 (ins value value x2) Barge Pattern Vase. £33.00 (ins value value x2) Basket Of Flowers Vase £46.00 (ins value value x2) Basketweaved Texture Floral Bowl No.00222 £12.00 (ins value value x2)

Battleship. £12.00 (ins value value x2) Bean Bag Cruet Set £43.00 (ins value value x2) Bean Bag Productions Honey Beehive Pot Sugar Basin Retro 1980s £34.00 (ins value value x2) Bear & Ragged Staff - Brixham Prince Of Orange ( ) £24.00 (ins value value x2) Bear & Ragged Staff - Palling ( ) £39.00 (ins value value x2) Beautfiul Rouge Royale Dish -Spider Web & Butterfly Pattern £35.00 (ins value value x2) Bee Honeycomb Box & Lid - Mid-1930s £125.00 (ins value value x2) Bee Pattern Cheese Dish And Lid - Early 1930s £125.00 (ins value value x2) Beefeater Money Box £27.00 (ins value value x2) Best Ware Bleu Royale Oval Dish. Storks Pattern.Gold Back Stamp. £13.00 (ins value value x2) Beswick And £12.00 (ins value value x2) Bigear - Mug Engagement Prince Charles To Lady Diana £14.00 (ins value value x2) Bird Napkin Ring £62.00 (ins value value x2) Bird Of Paradise Chinese Bird & Cloud Bowl And Cover Blue Lustre £26.00 (ins value value x2) Bird Of Paradise Handpainted Vase. £66.00 (ins value value x2) Birds Great Condsion £16.00 (ins value value x2) Birds Great Condsion £39.00 (ins value value x2) Biscuit Barrel £10.00 (ins value value x2) Biscuit Barrel £39.00 (ins value value x2) Biscuit Barrel £40.00 (ins value value x2) Biscuit Barrel With Crown And All The Round Backstamps £45.00 (ins value value x2) Black & White Walking Cow Milk Jug £46.00 (ins value value x2) Black Bird Of Paradise Ashtray 6 X 6 Gilded Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Black Bird Of Paradise Ashtray 6 X 6 Gilded Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Black Cat On Armschair - Ramsgate £34.00 (ins value value x2) Black Cat Teapot £15.00 (ins value value x2) Black Mark Crocodile Teapot Milk Jug Sugar Bowl Part Teaset £38.00 (ins value value x2) Black Mephisto - Colmans Mustard £65.00 (ins value value x2) Black Noire Royale Mikado Dish £19.00 (ins value value x2) Blackberry £10.00 (ins value value x2) Blackberry Jam Dish & Spoon £30.00 (ins value value x2) Blackberry Lustre Preserve Pot And Dish £16.00 (ins value value x2) Blackberry Pattern Preserve Pot. £19.00 (ins value value x2) Blackberry Preserve Pot £14.00 (ins value value x2) Blackberry Shaped Preserve Pot £10.00 (ins value value x2)

Blackpool Crested Ware Fire Range W& R China £39.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale 15 Piece Coffee Set Inc Pot, Cups & Saucers, Jug & Bowl £99.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale A Symetric Rim Large Bowl Circa 1925 - 70 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale Covered Jar Iris Pattern £16.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale Covered Jar Iris Pattern £33.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale Hors Doevres Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale Serving Dish England (6 X 11) £21.00 (ins value value x2) Bleu Royale Spider Web Shallow Dish Insects And Foliage £49.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Cat Moneybox, 1960s (ins value value x2) Blue Decorative Dish England Trademark #1208 5.00x4.0x2.00 £15.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Flowered Flower Vase £15.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Ginger Jar £15.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Jewellerytrinket Box £44.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Leaf Cruet Breakfast Set £19.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustre Bowl - Pagoda Pattern - Oriental £24.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustre Coffee Pot £28.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustre Mikado Vase £19.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustre Paradise Bird And Tree Preserve Honey Pot 1927 £33.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustre Server Or Fruit Platter. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustred Jewelled Gilded Mikado Bowl - £10.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustred Mikado Jewelled Vase - £25.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Lustred Stork Jewelled Decorative Vase - £29.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Max Teapot £25.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Mikado Enamelled Inkwell £19.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl £9.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Royale Vase £30.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Spider Web £40.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Square Ginger Jar , Bird & Fruits. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Blue Temple Vase With Lid. £29.00 (ins value value x2) Blue. Gold & Enamel Oriental Scene Vase 29.00 (ins value value x2) Bluebird And Cloud Plate £84.00 (ins value value x2) Blushware Biscuit Barrel Dessert Stand W Bud Vase Brass £158.00 (ins value value x2) Blushware Bowl C1900 £20.00 (ins value value x2) Blushware Ewer ( Early , ) £200.00 (ins value value x2) Book Ends Featuring Shoes And The Good Lollipop

Guidegrown Ups £30.00 (ins value value x2) Book On Wiltshaw & Robinsons By B & E Girling £40.00 (ins value value x2) Book On Wiltshaw & Robinsons By Barry Girling £40.00 (ins value value x2) Bootham Bar & Cathedral West Front ( Matching ) £11.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl - Crocus Pattern £18.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl Early Pink Blossom £9.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl Kang Hsi Pattern Circa 1915 (W&R) £65.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl Kingfisher Pattern 3890 Script Backstamp £67.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl Pastoral Pattern £10.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl With Spoon Server Lobster 1269 £46.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl, Blue Mikado, Early 20th C. £24.00 (ins value value x2) Bowl. Chinoisere Floating Bowl. Mikado 2729. Early 20th C. (303) £79.00 (ins value value x2) Boxed Breakfast Set,Pink Buttercup £45.00 (ins value value x2) Boxed Butter Dish & Knife V.G.C Nr £16.00 (ins value value x2) Boxed Jam Bowl & Spoon. C. 1925. £8.00 (ins value value x2) Boxed Jam Bowl & Spoon. C. 1925. £8.00 (ins value value x2) Breweriana Advertising Large Red Water Jug Haig Scotch Whisky £19.00 (ins value value x2) Brewmaster Pick Flowers Bar 2513 By Found In A London Pub £14.00 (ins value value x2) Bride & Groom Kids Collection £29.00 (ins value value x2) Bright Red Mikado Pattern Supersize Ginger Jar - Art Deco £215.00 (ins value value x2) British Bull Dog With Union Flag £30.00 (ins value value x2) Brown & Polson Custard Gravy Milk Jug And Boat Walking Ware £20.00 (ins value value x2) Brown And Polson Sauce Boat Walking Feet - £15.00 (ins value value x2) Bubbles Boy Dunoon Crest £26.00 (ins value value x2) Bull Nose Morris British Leyland Model Car £9.00 (ins value value x2) Bull Nose Morris Car £49.00 (ins value value x2) Bull Nose Morris Car Colour No Chips £35.00 (ins value value x2) Bull Nose Morris. £42.00 (ins value value x2) Bullnose First Morris Handpainted China Pottery Ornament £49.00 (ins value value x2) Bulmers Cider Advertising Woodpecker £42.00 (ins value value x2) Bulmers Cider Woodpecker By Handpainted £20.00 (ins value value x2) Busts Of Court Jester & Clown Put Me Amongst The Girls (ins value value x2)

Butter Dish & Knife £9.00 (ins value value x2) Butter Dish & Knife £9.00 (ins value value x2) Butter Dish And Knife Wild Rose £12.00 (ins value value x2) Butter Dish Daisy Pattern # 1472 £13.00 (ins value value x2) Butter Dish In Cream With Gold Decoration - Leaf Shape 2371 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup £10.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup £15.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Butter Dish (No Knife) Australian £13.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Butter Dish With Knife #1395 And Cheese Tray #1531 £25.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Comport Dish - C1938 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Comport Dish - C1938 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Cruet Set - Vgc £42.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Cup And Saucer £24.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Dish £17.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Dish 19.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Dish And Matching Knife £15.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Duo Australian 31 £33.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Garland Comport In Good £9.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Jam Pot With Cover. £23.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Milk Jug 7 Cm High £9.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Napkin Ring Holder - Vgc £27.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup One Piece Grapefruit Sorbet Dish Bowl With Stand £16.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Oval Bowl C.0037 Striking £13.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Pattern - Large Sugar Bowl & Lid £14.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Pattern - Tea Pot Teapot £14.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Pepper Pot £11.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Serving Bowl Vgc £10.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Small Footed Bon Bon Dish Ex Cond £14.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Sugar Bowl Basin 7 Cm High £16.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Sugar Bowl. Australian Art Deco. £11.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Tea Pot - Tea For 2 Australian £25.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Tea Pot For Two £38.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Tea Set £140.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Yellow Butter Dish-Boxed With Spreader £23.00 (ins value value x2) Buttercup Yellow Sugar & Creamer £27.00 (ins value value x2) Butterfly Lady - Deco Style £11.00 (ins value value x2) Butterfly Lady Immaculate £17.00 (ins value value x2)

C. 1930s Fantasia Vase, 6 Inches Tall £275.00 (ins value value x2) C. 1930s Fish And Seaweed Vase, Blue Ground, 5 Inches Tall £190.00 (ins value value x2) C.0050s Bright Orange Teacoffee Duo Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) C.W. Fantasia Pattern Jug £125.00 (ins value value x2) C1894-1926 Blush Ware Vase Vgc £43.00 (ins value value x2) C1900 Early W&R Hand Painted Biscuit Barrel Cookie Jar Vgc £46.00 (ins value value x2) C1910 Crested Aldwych China Mr Punch Theatre- Westminster £136.00 (ins value value x2) C1920 Crested China Child On Plinth - Diddleums -Minehead £52.00 (ins value value x2) C1920 Gloucester Crested China Ware Arm & Hand Holding A Pint Of Beer £10.00 (ins value value x2) C1930 Model Of Clown By John Hassall £104.00 (ins value value x2) C1930s Australian Boxed Dish And Spoon £16.00 (ins value value x2) C1930s Wiltshaw & Robinson Lustre Temple Vase 15cm 2481 £79.00 (ins value value x2) C1931 Crocus 3518 Napkin Holder Letter Rack £37.00 (ins value value x2) C1940s-1950s Large Lobster Bowl With Servers Near Vgc (ins value value x2) C1958 Retro Stylistic Serving Dish Hand Painted Scratch Dsn £9.00 (ins value value x2) C19th Wiltshaw And Robinson Vase In The Worcester Birds Pattern £26.00 (ins value value x2) Cabbage Leaf & Cherry Tomatoes Bowldish 23cm Rn:721179 £23.00 (ins value value x2) Cabbage Serving Dish £23.00 (ins value value x2) Cadburys Creme Egg - How Do You Eat Yours - Teacoffee Mug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cadburys Creme Egg - How Do You Eat Yours - Teacoffee Mug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Calrton Ware - Novelty Milkshake - Preserve Pot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Calton Ware Foxglove Jambutter Dish & Original Box Unusual Beigecream Colour. £15.00 (ins value value x2) Calton Ware Gallant Preserve Pot & Lid 2867, Matt Blue. Ex Cond £79.00 (ins value value x2) Cambridge University Arms Ceramic Match Striker Colin Lunn £10.00 (ins value value x2) Candle Holder £10.00 (ins value value x2) Captain Cooks Monument ( Matching ) £51.00 (ins value value x2) Carlltonware Handprinted Toaster In The Australian £10.00 (ins value value x2) Carltons Fantasia Fairyfairies Biscuit Barrel £50.00 (ins value

value x2) Carltons Fantasia Ware, Biscuit Jar, Flower Fairy Motifs, Vgc Condt. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Carltons Fantasia Ware, Large Square Bowl, Flower Fairy Motifs, Vgc Condt. £31.00 (ins value value x2) Carltons Fantasia Ware, Water Jug, Flower Fairy Motifs, Vgc Condt. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Carltonware, Lustre, Walking Feet Teapot £36.00 (ins value value x2) Carnival Ware Vases £20.00 (ins value value x2) Carrot And Pea Salt And Pepper Pots On A Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Cartlon Ware Two Tone Preserve + Butter Dishes - Spreader + Spoon £17.00 (ins value value x2) Carton Ware Reading Girl Limited Millennium Edition Boxed £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cash Register £ National Inscribed Version £13.00 (ins value value x2) Cat & Mouse Tall Novelty Teapot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Cat Money Box In Bright Yellow & Lime Green – Late 1960s Retro £49.00 (ins value value x2) Cat Moneybox £46.00 (ins value value x2) Cat Teapot £12.00 (ins value value x2) Cat Teapot £13.00 (ins value value x2) Ceramic Golly In Car - 1980 - With Certificate Of Authenticity £35.00 (ins value value x2) Ceramic Rasberry Jam Pot By Vgc Item £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ceramic Rasberry Jam Pot By Vgc Item £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ceramic Salad Servers Lettuce Servers Tomato Finials £15.00 (ins value value x2) Ceramic The Original Hundred Pipers Scotch Whisky Jug £20.00 (ins value value x2) Cerlton Ware Revo Bowl Gum Tree Pattern 3790 £79.00 (ins value value x2) Cerlton Ware Revo Bowl Patternr 3803 Modern Crocus £59.00 (ins value value x2) Character Toby Jug Harrods Doorman Model 4497 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Charlton Ware £26.00 (ins value value x2) Charming Anemone Pattern Honey Pot - Vgc £47.00 (ins value value x2) Cheese Dish Blush Ivory With Heather Bells Pattern £16.00 (ins value value x2) Cheese Storage Jar And Lid With Guinness Interest Ex Con £14.00 (ins value value x2) Cherry Blossom Preserve Pot In Green £24.00 (ins value value x2) Chess - Large Mug Tankard £12.00 (ins value value x2) Chester Tower - Matching £11.00 (ins value value x2) Chevron Matching Pair Of Vases £320.00 (ins value value x2)

China - Ww1 Bi-Plane - Perth £119.00 (ins value value x2) China () Garden Pattern Coffee Set For 6 74 £136.00 (ins value value x2) China Black Lucky Cat Swastika Emblem City Of London £13.00 (ins value value x2) China Buttercup Sugar Sifter Shaker Vgc £47.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Black Cat Armchair Westcliffe-On-Sea Retailers Mark 11 £16.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Cat British Empire Exhibition Wembley £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Cat British Empire Exhibition Wembley £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Steam Ship £10.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Ware Bird - Trimingham £98.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Ware Golf Ball - Avonmouth £9.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Ware Golf Ball - Avonmouth £9.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Ware Pig Feltwell £18.00 (ins value value x2) China Crested Ware Ww1 Armistice Of The Great War Keep The Fires Burning £16.00 (ins value value x2) China Dog Folkestone £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Dog Folkestone £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Foxglove Toast Rack Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) China Foxglove Toast Rack Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) China Grandmother Clock With Diss Crest £27.00 (ins value value x2) China Kirriemuir War Memorial 1914 - 18 Crested China 6.0 Ins Damaged £15.00 (ins value value x2) China Lady £51.00 (ins value value x2) China Lighthouse Sailor Beware Penarth Crest 5.0 High £29.00 (ins value value x2) China Milk Jug Creamer, Daisy Pattern #2045, C1920 £12.00 (ins value value x2) China Miniature Crested Slough - In The Form Of A Billiken Charm Doll. £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Miniature Crested Slough - In The Form Of A Billiken Charm Doll. £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Model Of Douglas Jubilee Clock, Isle Of Man, Crested £9.00 (ins value value x2) China Model Of Douglas Jubilee Clock, Isle Of Man, Crested £9.00 (ins value value x2) China Model Of Hop Kiln With Rye Crest £24.00 (ins value value x2) China Model Of Miners Lamp With Fulham Crest £12.00 (ins value value x2) China Pig W & R From Denby Dale £15.00 (ins value value x2) China Sauce Knife & Spoon £10.00 (ins value value x2) China Sewing Machine With Thornham Crest £36.00 (ins value value x2)

China Stoke On Trent Hms Queen Elizabeth Ship City Of London Crest £24.00 (ins value value x2) China Stoke On Trent Tank Hmls Crest Progress Blackpool £11.00 (ins value value x2) China Sunshine 18pc Handpainted Tea Set Floralsgold £85.00 (ins value value x2) China Tea Cup Trio.China.England. £8.00 (ins value value x2) China Tea Cup Trio.China.England. £8.00 (ins value value x2) China The Old Arm Chair With Stacksteads Crest £16.00 (ins value value x2) China Toby Jug With Thame Crest - 3 High With Rhyme On Reverse £39.00 (ins value value x2) China Tommies Dugout £32.00 (ins value value x2) China Tree £12.00 (ins value value x2) China Ww1 E9 Submarine City Of London Crest. £11.00 (ins value value x2) China Ww1 Mono Plane £49.00 (ins value value x2) China Ww1 Navy Hat £14.00 (ins value value x2) China. Yacht In Full Sail. Inscribed Saucy Sue St. Ives Crest £16.00 (ins value value x2) Chinaland Large Bowl £139.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Bird - Small Blue Lustre Vase - 1920s £75.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Bird & Cloud Six-Sided Bulbous Temple Jar - 1929 £245.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Bird & Cloud Vase £148.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Bird & Tree Cobalt Blue Jug 1930s £23.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Bird £103.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Bird Vase On 4 Tiny Feet & Truly £58.00 (ins value value x2) Chinese Lantern Vase. £25.00 (ins value value x2) Chineses Figures Vase £90.00 (ins value value x2) Chinoisere Mikado Floating Bowl, 1923-27 £95.00 (ins value value x2) Christies Catalogue Doulton Poole Pottery Rhead 23 August 1995 10.00 (ins value value x2) Cigarette Holder Devils Copse 3787 £174.00 (ins value value x2) Classic Buttercup Bowl Pottery £19.00 (ins value value x2) Classic Teapot, Original C.0080 Walking Teapot Not Late Example £31.00 (ins value value x2) Classic Trio Of Toucan Figurines Advertising Guinness £52.00 (ins value value x2) Clematis Pattern Handcraft Dish £39.00 (ins value value x2) Cloisonne Ware Stork 723 Pattern Large Bowl £42.00 (ins value value x2) Cloisonne Ware Stork 723 Vase, 10, W & R Mark, Enamelled £51.00 (ins value value x2) Clown China Napkin Ring £33.00 (ins value value x2) Clown Napkin Holder. £60.00 (ins value value x2) Cobalt Blue Demitasse Cup And Saucer Popular Stork Pattern

£27.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Can & Saucer Exotic Sketching Bird Pattern (1) £103.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Can & Saucer Exotic Sketching Bird Pattern (2) £75.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Can & Saucer Exotic Sketching Bird Pattern (3) £75.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Can & Saucer Exotic Sketching Bird Pattern (4) £77.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Can Set. £32.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Cup And Saucer - Sunrise - Pattern No. 2922 £38.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Cup And Saucer - Sunrise - Pattern No. 2922 £65.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Cup And Saucer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Cup And Saucer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Cup And Saucer 1930s £14.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Pot Magnolia Cream Background Green Flower Large Pot £30.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set (Blackgold) £78.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set £12.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set £18.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set £295.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set £36.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set Black & Orange £39.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set For Two £91.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set Tea Set Navy Blue Royal Blue 1960s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Coffee Set, Spiders Web, Noir Ground £227.00 (ins value value x2) Coffeetea Pot - Sugar Bowl And Cream Jug Lustre Orange Tree £143.00 (ins value value x2) Colclough Royale Tea Pot £25.00 (ins value value x2) Collect It Aeroplane Teapot. . £10.00 (ins value value x2) Collection Of Charming Penguins - China Avon Ware £27.00 (ins value value x2) Collection Of Crested China 30 Pieces Goss, Arcadian, & Others. £25.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors - Chessboard Table Lighter - 1960 70s - £16.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Handbook. Unread Book £9.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Handbook. Unread Book £9.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Handbook. Unread Book £9.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Handbook. Unread Book £9.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Item £32.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Tea Pot Red Baron £15.00 (ins value value x2) Collectors Tea Pot Red Baron £29.00 (ins value value x2) Colourful Hand Painted Fruit Cruet Set £25.00 (ins value value x2) Commemorative Ware Golf Club For Ramsgate By China £11.00 (ins value value x2)

Copeland Blue & White Plaqueplate12inc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cornish Ware Biscuit Barrel £82.00 (ins value value x2) Cottage £19.00 (ins value value x2) Cottage Cruet Set. Salt, Pepper And Mustard. £35.00 (ins value value x2) Cottage Ware 1930s Cruet Set - Salt Pepper And Mustard £45.00 (ins value value x2) Cottage Ware Preserve Pot - Early 1930s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cottage Ware Preserve Pot - Early 1930s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cottage Ware Toast Rack - Early 1930s £95.00 (ins value value x2) Crab & Lettuce Deco Pot In Vgc £45.00 (ins value value x2) Crab, Lettuce & Celery Embossed Plate C1925-45 In Ex Cond. £18.00 (ins value value x2) Cream Gold Royale Footed Pedestal Bon Bon Dish -Y81 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Cream Jug - Pale Green - Embossed Flowered Pattern £12.00 (ins value value x2) Cream Jug : Apple Blossom £18.00 (ins value value x2) Creamer & Plate Yellow Buttercup Australian £15.00 (ins value value x2) Crest Ware Cannon Carlton- Dorchester-Versailles Peace Signing 1919 V.G.C £19.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Bird And Water Lilly Vase. Pattern 3529. £225.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Bird And Water Lily Candle Stick Holder £46.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Bird And Water Lily Vase - Circa 1933 £185.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - China - Horse & Rider - Derby Winner Newmarket Crest £34.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - China - Horse & Rider - Newmarket Crest £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - Coal Truck. Black Diamonds From Cardiff £11.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - Gramaphone Record Player - Fakenham Lancaster £38.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - Gramaphone Record Player - Fakenham Lancaster £49.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - Ww1 Monoplane - Barrow In Furness Crest £14.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China - Ww1 Tank - Matching Fear Naught Tank Regiment Crest £69.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ale Drinker With Pipe Aylesford Ww1 Great (Con £25.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Basket - Mexborough Crest South Yorkshire – China £17.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Beer Beer Glorious Beer Lucky Heather From Bognor £9.00 (ins value value x2)

Crested China Billiken - Portsmouth £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Briefcase - Stowmarket £15.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Clock Tower - Downham Market £112.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Clown Bust - Hereford Crest – China £19.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Dog + Kennel The Black Watch – Southend Crest £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Dutch Boy For Sutton On Sea £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Dutch Boy For Sutton On Sea £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Field Gun With Borough Of Lowestoft Crest £16.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Gramophone £12.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Grandfather Clock - Somerleyton £31.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Leicester Crest £14.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Listening In Norwich £60.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Lustre Model Of Jenny Jones - Swansea Crest China £49.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Miniature Boat Arms Of Dumfries £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Miniature Boat Arms Of Dumfries £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of A Cricket Bag: King Edward Vii £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of A Cricket Bag: King Edward Vii £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of A Radio Operator: Guildford (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of A Saloon Car: Hastings £15.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of British Naval Gun: Inverkeithing 1st. World War Item £261.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of British Searchlight: Hull (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of Douglas Isle Of Man Lighthouse £97.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of Gramophone In Cabinet: Birkenhead £44.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of The Forth Bridge: South Queensferry £17.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of The Son Of The Sea Fisherman-Battle Abbey, Sussex £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of Yacht: Northampton (ins value value x2) Crested China Model Of Yacht: Northampton (ins value value x2) Crested China Monument 1915 Edith Cavell £10.00 (ins value

value x2) Crested China Motorcycle & Sidecar - Briton Ferry Crest – China £75.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Normanton Grandfather Clock £18.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Old Stove Range City Of Durham Crest £12.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ornamental Dog Aberdeen £23.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Perth Shetland Pony Ornament £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Racehorse And Jockey Southend On Sea £40.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Round The Wrekin £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Round The Wrekin £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ship Hms Iron Duke ( Ayr ) £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ship, Hms Queen Elizabeth, Ealing Crest £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Sitting Monkey - Weymouth & Melcombe Regis £19.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Steam Locomotive Train Brighton Crest Af £11.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Steam Locomotive Train Brighton Crest By £107.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Stork. Herne Bay £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Sundial What-O-Clock Rotherham=1912-Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Sundial What-O-Clock Rotherham=1912-Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Tank, Folkestone Crest £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Thistle Flower Vase - H.M.S.Queen Elizabeth £24.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Truck Of Coal Barry Black Diamonds From South Wales £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Valise - Servia £11.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Vase - Crest For City Of Winchester £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Victory Of Justice Memorial £80.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Warming Pan £12.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China World War 1 Ambulance Red Cross With Barry Crest £49.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Ambulance £13.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Australian Hat Great War Armistice City Of London £11.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 British Tan Thirsk £31.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 British Tank Bank- Eastbourne- £75.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 H.M. Whippet Tank Birmingham £66.00

(ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Old Bill Bairnsfather - Porthcawl Crest – China £190.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Searchlight Zeppelin Finder Darlington China £63.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Soldier Are We Downhearted Worthing £26.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Soldier Are We Downhearted Worthing £82.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Tank Money Box Birmingham £41.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Ww1 Tank Money Box.Eastbourne £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China Wwi Soldier Are We Downhearted No - Arms Of Aberdare £34.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China, Windmill With Rotating Sails. Crest Of Hastings £49.00 (ins value value x2) Crested China. Keep The Home Fires Burning. City Of London Crest. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Chine Ww Motor Bike And Side Car £43.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Coloured Owl On Ashtray With Transfer Of Round Tower Edge Hill £32.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Felix Film Cat On Armchair Present From Wembley £91.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Iron .Baptist Church Shirley £19.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Jug By Chinawith The Crest Of Waterfoot E.Rens See Photo £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Jug By Chinawith The Crest Of Waterfoot E.Rens See Photo £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Lady .Cork £46.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Match Striker £14.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Ware China Battleship Hms War Spite Sheffield £49.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Ware Gillingham Car £16.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Ware Tunbridge Wells Kent Hop Farm £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crested Ware Ww1 Munitions Worker (Doing Her Bit) £102.00 (ins value value x2) Creuts (Circa 1906-1927) £8.00 (ins value value x2) Creuts (Circa 1906-1927) £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Bell Figure £27.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Cruet Set Blue Green 1930s £93.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Cruet Set Blue Pink 1930s £93.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Holder - - Pink £18.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Holder - - Yellow £16.00 (ins value value x2)

Crinoline Lady Napkin Holder - Lilac Dress - 1930s £85.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Holder - Yellow Dress - 1930s £85.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Ring £15.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Ring £18.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Ring And Matching Table Bell - Pink £32.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Napkin Ring In Pink & Mauve Vgc £34.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Pepper Pot Shaker £31.00 (ins value value x2) Crinoline Lady Table Bell - Blue £19.00 (ins value value x2) Crocodile Or Aligator Milk Jug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crocodile Or Aligator Milk Jug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crocodile Sugar Pot Jar Bowl Great Alligator Tea Green £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crocodile Sugar Pot Jar Bowl Great Alligator Tea Green £8.00 (ins value value x2) Crocodile Teapot £19.00 (ins value value x2) Crocus Or Springtime Mug Lid £25.00 (ins value value x2) Crocus Pattern Decorative Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Crocus Pattern Decorative Dish £13.00 (ins value value x2) Crown Court Judge - Old Bailey Inscription - Pembroke £26.00 (ins value value x2) Crown Devon & Tomato Lettuce Dish Bowl & Other £9.00 (ins value value x2) Crown Devon Geometric Zig Zag Lightning Pattern Cup Saucer £63.00 (ins value value x2) Crown Devon Large Fantasia Hand Painted Vase £221.00 (ins value value x2) Crown Devon Matita Vase £260.00 (ins value value x2) Crown Devon Mattajade- Shape Fairy Castle Bowl 6 Castles £410.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Fruit Set Apple Lemon Apple Banana £18.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Mushroom Set In Good No Chips Cracks £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Mushroom Set In Good No Chips Cracks £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Mushroom Shaped £13.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Pea, Carrot & Fig On Tray With Stoppers £14.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set - Pea, Carrot And Fig On Tray £13.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £15.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £15.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £37.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £42.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £73.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set And Stand Tomato £25.00 (ins value value x2)

Cruet Set Australian 1940s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Banana Dish Lemon Apple Onion Australian £10.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Farmyard £99.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set On Stand Salt Pepper And Mustard Pots Foxglove £19.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Pearlised Clam And Orange £10.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Salt Pepper Mustard Vegetables Peas Carrot Onion £25.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Sea Shells So Pretty And In Great , £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Sea Shells So Pretty And In Great , £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Serving Maidsgirls-Waitresses-Salt & Pepper £13.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Tomatoes On A Lettuce Leaf £19.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set Vegetables Retro £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet Set. In The Form Of Welks And Shells £10.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet. Salt And Pepper From Crinoline Lady £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cruet. Salt And Pepper From Crinoline Lady £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cubist Butterfly Large Round Bowl - 1927 £295.00 (ins value value x2) Cubist Poker Playing Card Table Ashtray No 2256 C1954 £29.00 (ins value value x2) Cup And Saucer Pink Colourway Stork Pattern £49.00 (ins value value x2) Cup And Saucer Vert Royale Stork Pattern £34.00 (ins value value x2) Cup And Saucer Vert Royale Stork Pattern £34.00 (ins value value x2) Cup And Saucer Vert Royale Stork Pattern £9.00 (ins value value x2) Cup And Topper 1787 £73.00 (ins value value x2) Cup Lustre Walking Ware Big Feet Black Spots Ex Con £0.00 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cup Lustre Walking Ware Big Feet Black Spots Ex Con £0.00 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Cups And Saucers - Moderne Shape £12.00 (ins value value x2) Curling Stone Inkwell £14.00 (ins value value x2) D492 China W&R Milk Jug - Souvenir Ramsey With Crest & (Wak £13.00 (ins value value x2) Daisy And Basket Weave + Rope Handle Hot Chocolate Mug 4 14tall £26.00 (ins value value x2) Daisy Butter Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Daisy Embossed Cream Jug. Blue Ground. £17.00 (ins value value x2)

Daisy Embossed Oval Bowl. Blue Ground. £19.00 (ins value value x2) Daisy+Basket Weave Chocolate Mug With Lid £42.00 (ins value value x2) Dancing Nymphs 1890 == 1900 £45.00 (ins value value x2) Dark Blue & White Jasper Ware Large Egg Trinket Box £15.00 (ins value value x2) Darlington Stephenson Train , Crested China £51.00 (ins value value x2) Daytime Oak Biscuit Barrel In Vgc £46.00 (ins value value x2) Deco Butter Cheese Dish & Lid Apple Blossom Af Shabby Chic £19.00 (ins value value x2) Deco Coffee Set Cups Jug Sugar Bowl - Pink Lustre £24.00 (ins value value x2) Deco Handpainted Anemone Sugar Shaker Sifter - 1930s £45.00 (ins value value x2) Decorative Plate - Water Lilies & Dragonfly £29.00 (ins value value x2) Deep Green Dish X 2 With Flowers , £15.00 (ins value value x2) Demi-Tasse Blue Bird And Cloud Pattern £90.00 (ins value value x2) Devils Copse Enamel & Gilt Vase. Pattern No 3787 £73.00 (ins value value x2) Devils Copse Flower Posy Centrepiece Vase Elmer £278.00 (ins value value x2) Devils Copse Vase , Squat Waised Form £57.00 (ins value value x2) Dish - Magnolia £10.00 (ins value value x2) Dish - Poppy £18.00 (ins value value x2) Dish & Spoon Foxglove Conserve Jam Green Pink Leaf £14.00 (ins value value x2) Dish £19.00 (ins value value x2) Dish £25.00 (ins value value x2) Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Dish And Spoon £16.00 (ins value value x2) Dish And Spoon In Original Box £8.00 (ins value value x2) Dish And Spoon In Original Box £8.00 (ins value value x2) Dish With Oriental Scene And Wavy Rim. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Dish With Spoon £16.00 (ins value value x2) Dish With Spoon Boxed £9.00 (ins value value x2) Dish With Spoon Boxed £9.00 (ins value value x2) Dish, Honey Bee On Coiled Straw Rope £16.00 (ins value value x2) Dish, Shamrock Clover, Hand-Painted, £15.00 (ins value value x2) Divided Serving Dish Orbit £9.00 (ins value value x2) Double Bass Musicians Salt & Pepper Cruet Condiment Set £19.00 (ins value value x2) Double Egg Holder Original Box £10.00 (ins value value x2) Double Egg Holder Original Box £16.00 (ins value value x2)

Dovecote Coffee Set £15.00 (ins value value x2) Dragon And Cloud Vase £194.00 (ins value value x2) Dragonfly And Waterlilydish Hand Painted. £31.00 (ins value value x2) Draught Guinness Blue China Mug £9.00 (ins value value x2) Earl Of Orford Manor Weybourne Vase Crested China £9.00 (ins value value x2) Early Blue Lustre Pewter Rimmed 9 Bowl Early Mark Circa 1894-1927 £46.00 (ins value value x2) Early Blush Gilt & Hand Painted Dish - Dated 1892 [5167] £16.00 (ins value value x2) Early Blush Ivory Christmas Cactus Teapot Wiltshaw & Robinson £29.00 (ins value value x2) Early Bowl £15.00 (ins value value x2) Early China Bowl £10.00 (ins value value x2) Early Dish, Pre 1934. Anemone Pattern £25.00 (ins value value x2) Early Handpainted Dressing Table Set C1900 Blue Backstamp £11.00 (ins value value x2) Early Lustre Powder Bowl & Caddy £25.00 (ins value value x2) Early Match Striker. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Early Pair Of Vases Sprig Decorated Classical Figures 1920s £70.00 (ins value value x2) Early Pale Pink & Green Lily Posy Vase C1935 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Early Pale Pink & Green Lily Posy Vase C1935 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Early Pre Lustre Pottery Walking Cup Bowl 1974 £66.00 (ins value value x2) Early Retro Style Carleton Ware Coffee Set In White & Olive Green. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Early Teapot With Relief Pattern 1896 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Early Three Compartment Handled Nut Dish C1894-C1926 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Early Tobacco Jar - Arms Of Selwyn College Cambridge £11.00 (ins value value x2) Early Tobacco Jar – Trinity College Arms £16.00 (ins value value x2) Early Vase Circa 192030s £29.00 (ins value value x2) Early W & R Jug With Pewter Swing Lid £9.00 (ins value value x2) Early Ware, Oriental Pattern 2886 Cream Jugsaucer, C. 1900. £16.00 (ins value value x2) Easter Egg Cup & Cover £45.00 (ins value value x2) Eden Tree Bowl £57.00 (ins value value x2) Eden` Pattern Dish, 10 By 8, Shape Pattern Number 4241 £75.00 (ins value value x2) Edwardian Crested China City Of Exeter - Devon Lucky Black Cat £9.00 (ins value value x2) Edwardian Crested China York Minster West Front C.00061927 Ex £19.00 (ins value value x2)

Edwardian Wiltshaw & Robinson W & R Fruit Bowl Reg 566829 1910 £15.00 (ins value value x2) Egg Cup And Cruet Set. Crown Devon Ware1940s50s. Little Chick. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Egg Cup And Cruet Set. Crown Devon Ware1940s50s. Little Chick. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Egg Cups & Plate Set :Australian £20.00 (ins value value x2) Eggs On Legs Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Eggs On Legs Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Egyptian Fan Dish £122.00 (ins value value x2) Eight Piece Golly Instrumental Band £28.00 (ins value value x2) Elegance Lidded Box Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Elegance Lidded Box Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Elvis Aeroplane Teapot £13.00 (ins value value x2) Embosed Anemone Medium Oval Tray With Handle - 1930s £75.00 (ins value value x2) Embossed Anemone Medium Sized Oval Tray With Carry Handle - 1930s £75.00 (ins value value x2) Embossed Green Poppy Jug-Pitcher-Australian Design-England £24.00 (ins value value x2) Embossed Lobster Serving Dish Platter Plate £18.00 (ins value value x2) Embossed Magnolia Creamer Jug, Green And Gold On Cream £27.00 (ins value value x2) Embossed Strawberry Jam Preserve Pot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Embossed Ware Mayonnaise Bowl & Stand Apple Blossom £33.00 (ins value value x2) Empire Exhibition Vase, 1938 £32.00 (ins value value x2) Enamel & Gilt Coffee Can & Saucer £25.00 (ins value value x2) Enamel And Gilt Vase £17.00 (ins value value x2) Enamel And Gilt Vase £24.00 (ins value value x2) Enamel Lustreware Lustre Dish With Flying Stork Bird Nr 53.00 (ins value value x2) Enameled Vase With The Fantasia Pattern On Powder Blue £150.00 (ins value value x2) Enamelled & Gilded Orange Lustre Demitasse Cup & Saucer £53.00 (ins value value x2) Enamelled Jar With Oriental Temples & Birds £26.00 (ins value value x2) Engand Flying Duck Mallard Ashtray Rouge Royale Art Deco 42.00 (ins value value x2) England Fruit Bowl Dish Hand Painted 24cms £10.00 (ins value value x2) England Fruit Bowl Dish Hand Painted 24cms £10.00 (ins value value x2) England Coffee Tea Set £8.00 (ins value value x2) England Coffee Tea Set £8.00 (ins value value x2) England Decorative Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) England Lustre Pottery 1973 - Frog Mug - No 3210 £24.00

(ins value value x2) England Lustre Pottery 1976 - Rabbit Mug £24.00 (ins value value x2) England Small Toast Rack 1938 Empire Exhibition Glasgow Scot £13.00 (ins value value x2) English China Pot With Lid Lustre Pottery 1978 £9.00 (ins value value x2) English China Pot With Lid Lustre Pottery 1978 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Exc. Mottled Blue Mikado Bowl, Enamelled & Pearl Inner C. 1940 £18.00 (ins value value x2) Exotic Asian Decoration, Raised Enamels, Jeweled £32.00 (ins value value x2) Explosion & Butterfly Vase £347.00 (ins value value x2) Explosions Ginger Jar £490.00 (ins value value x2) Extra Large Rouge Royale Spiders Web Pattern Vase £84.00 (ins value value x2) Extremeley Bird Of Paradise Vase £250.00 (ins value value x2) Extremely Walking Ware Tarzan Mug £132.00 (ins value value x2) Fabulous C1935 Anemone Sugar Shaker Caster China £26.00 (ins value value x2) Fabulous Fluted Large Bowl Kensinton Potteries Burlsem 1920s £25.00 (ins value value x2) Fabulous Retro Guinness Tucan Birds 40s - 50s £51.00 (ins value value x2) Fabulous Two Handled Grape Pattern Sandwith Plate £25.00 (ins value value x2) Fabulous White British Bulldog By £60.00 (ins value value x2) Fairy 1 Of 2 Ltd Sets Anita Harris £325.00 (ins value value x2) Fantasia £162.00 (ins value value x2) Fantasia Bowl £104.00 (ins value value x2) Fantasia Burslam 3 Jugs Vgc £15.00 (ins value value x2) Fantasia Vase £295.00 (ins value value x2) Fantasia Vase- & Vgc £241.00 (ins value value x2) Fantastic Lobster Salad Bowl & Servers £65.00 (ins value value x2) Fantastic Springtime Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl - Vgc £13.00 (ins value value x2) Fantastic W & R Worcester Birds Pattern Bowl (2175) £39.00 (ins value value x2) Father Christmas Teapot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Feathertailed Bird And Flower Goblet, In Matt Green, £78.00 (ins value value x2) Feathertailed Bird And Flower Goblet, So £75.00 (ins value value x2) Felix The Cat Ashtray Keep On Walking £135.00 (ins value value x2) Field Gun Crested China Ww1 Leigh-On-Sea Crest £51.00 (ins value value x2) Fieldings Decades Of Auction Kosniowski & Clarice Cliff 11.00

(ins value value x2) Fighting Cocks Lustre Jug (No 4161), 1930s, £30.00 (ins value value x2) Figure, Jester - Colourway £58.00 (ins value value x2) Fine Chinese Figures 6 Vase 3199, Raised Enamel, Blue, 1920s £63.00 (ins value value x2) Finely Painted 1930s Rouge Royale Shaped Dish £19.00 (ins value value x2) Five Pieces Vgc £15.00 (ins value value x2) Flat Back Horse Money Box Moneybox - 1970s £36.00 (ins value value x2) Flies Lustre Onion Vase C1920 £95.00 (ins value value x2) Flo Blue Early Decorative Jug £29.00 (ins value value x2) Floral Decorated Dish £25.00 (ins value value x2) Floral Dish £12.00 (ins value value x2) Floral Mug £18.00 (ins value value x2) Florence Upton Golly And Dolls Sugar Shaker £9.00 (ins value value x2) Florence Upton Golly And Dolls Sugar Shaker £9.00 (ins value value x2) Flow Blue & Sweet Pea Flowers Large Cheese Dish £26.00 (ins value value x2) Flow Blue Floral Biscuit Barrelcookie Jar C1894. £24.00 (ins value value x2) Flower & Fallen Leaf Pattern Bowl Dish £171.00 (ins value value x2) Flower Bowlvase £80.00 (ins value value x2) Flower Shaped Cup And Saucer £17.00 (ins value value x2) Flowers Brewmaster Advertising £35.00 (ins value value x2) Flowers Brewmaster Advertising Figurinestatue Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Flowers Brewmaster Advertising Figurinestatue Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Flowers Brewmaster Advertising Sign Ex £14.00 (ins value value x2) Flowers Keg Bitter Bust Of Shakespeare Advertising Statue £117.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Ceramic Egg Cups - Charles And Diana £35.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Egg Cup Of Prince Charles 1982 Retro Good £13.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Prince Andrew Egg Cup Spitting Image £34.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Prince Charles Egg Cup Marked L&F 1982 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Princess Eugenie Egg Cup Spitting Image £39.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Spitting Image Large Prince Charles Mug, Tankard £50.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck & Law Spitting Image Prince Charles Vase £39.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law - Tea Pot £67.00 (ins value value x2)

Fluck And Law Spitting Image Maragret Thatcher Egg Cup By £31.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law Spitting Image Margaret Thatcher Jug Dated 1983 £30.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law Spitting Image Neil Kinnock Egg Cup By £35.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law Spitting Image Prince Andrew Egg Cup £30.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law Spitting Image Pure White Lady Diana Egg Cup By £10.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law Spitting Image Ronald Regan Jug -. £27.00 (ins value value x2) Fluck And Law. Spitting Image £200.00 (ins value value x2) Flying Mallard Duck Bowl £28.00 (ins value value x2) Flying Mallard Duck Coffee Duo & Truly £60.00 (ins value value x2) Flying Mallard Duck Coffee Duo & Truly £71.00 (ins value value x2) Flying Mallard Duck Coffee Duo & Truly £76.00 (ins value value x2) Flying Mallard Duck Coffee Pot & Truly £93.00 (ins value value x2) Foley Ww1 Blown Drum & Windmill St Leonards-On-Sea £36.00 (ins value value x2) Footed Bowl £35.00 (ins value value x2) Footed Bowl Cabbage Or Lettuce Depth 4 Diameter 8 £18.00 (ins value value x2) Footed Pin Dish - £27.00 (ins value value x2) For Hong Kong Included £32.00 (ins value value x2) Forest Tree Hexagonel Vase Truly £70.00 (ins value value x2) Forest Tree Humming Birds Flying Fairlyland 3280 217 27936 Ar £145.00 (ins value value x2) Forest Trees Bowl Pattern 3240 22 £30.00 (ins value value x2) Four Items Of Yellow With The Magnolia Pattern £19.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove & Leaf - Green Cup & Saucer X2 + Extra Cup £15.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Basket- & Vgc & £29.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Chocolate Mug Wlid Green 1938 £174.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Cruit Set, Cream Jug & Saucer, Bon Bon Dish £35.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Footed Salad Bowl - Circa 1940 - Yellow Ground £75.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Graby Boat Jug + Base Plate - C1935 £13.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Green Chocolate Mug And Lid £67.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Green Milk Cream Jug £9.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Jam Preserve Pot Jar & Lid In Green No 1881 £16.00 (ins value value x2)

Foxglove Large 10 12 Ewer Green 1938 £186.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Large Footed Bowl – Ultra Blue Pink Colourway - Vgc £127.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Large Footed Salad Bowl In Green £11.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Milkcreamvgc Sauce Jug & Saucer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Milkcreamvgc Sauce Jug & Saucer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Moulded Preserve Jar + Lid - C1938 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Moulded Preserve Jar + Lid - C1938 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Preserve Jar £15.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Preserve Pot : Australian £20.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Preserve Pot & Spoon Apricot 1938 £81.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Small Cruet £25.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Small Spoon. Good . £10.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Tea Cup And Saucer In Green (A) £25.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Tea Cup And Saucer In Green (B) £25.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Teapot Good £115.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Teapot In Green £78.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Teapot In Yellow £98.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Teapottea Pot Yellow 1938 £116.00 (ins value value x2) Foxglove Tray And Knife In Original Box £15.00 (ins value value x2) Foxgloves Salt And Pepperpots £16.00 (ins value value x2) Framlingham Crested China - Sewing Machine £10.00 (ins value value x2) From Switzerland £33.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Basket (Salad Ware) Yellow Small Bowl Vgc £19.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Basket Embossed Sugar Shakersifter - 1930s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Basket Lemon Squiser. £17.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Cruet Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Cruet Set £13.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Range Pear Coffee Pot £14.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Salt & Pepper Mustard Cruet Condiment Set £16.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Shaped Cruet Set £8.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Shaped Cruet Set £8.00 (ins value value x2) Fruit Squeezer £12.00 (ins value value x2) Funky Retro 196070s Wellington Bright Orange Footed Mug £10.00 (ins value value x2) G Cooke & Co.High St.,Oxford-Golden Flake Ashtray By Ware.

£9.00 (ins value value x2) Garden Lustre Vase £110.00 (ins value value x2) Garden Vase £67.00 (ins value value x2) Geometric Rouge Royale Lustre Jug Spiders Web Square Handle Vase £33.00 (ins value value x2) Geometric Rouge Royale Lustre Jug Spiders Web Square Handle Vase £50.00 (ins value value x2) Giant Ships Ww1 Capstan, Coloured & Homes Fires Burning Til The Boys £32.00 (ins value value x2) Gilded Vase Featuring Iris Pattern, 1940s50s £12.00 (ins value value x2) Gilt & Enamel Coffee Cups & Saucers.Vgc £103.00 (ins value value x2) Gilt Scallops Pattern No3795 Coffee Pot £56.00 (ins value value x2) Gilt Scallops Pattern No3795 Cream Jug £36.00 (ins value value x2) Gilt Scallops Pattern No3795 Cup&Saucer Duo £66.00 (ins value value x2) Ginger Jar Barge Pattern £165.00 (ins value value x2) Ginger Jar Rouge Lustre Pheasentflowers Example £19.00 (ins value value x2) Giunness £10.00 (ins value value x2) Glacielle Model Of Two Seagulls - Mid 1930s £225.00 (ins value value x2) Gold Oriental Dragon Pattern Blue Large Bowl 3251 £107.00 (ins value value x2) Golliwog Aeroplane Teapot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Golly - Novelty Teapot - Limited Edition £65.00 (ins value value x2) Golly ( Lollipop Man ) £13.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Band £40.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Cricket Player 22cm Tall - Vgc £60.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Disco Dancer L.E. 500 From Series Three. Boxed. Certificate. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Flute Player From The Golly Band Trial Edition Firgurine £41.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Football Player Trial Edition £14.00 (ins value value x2) Golly George Best £14.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Golf Player 22cm Tall - Vgc £60.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Golfer Green Exceptional Item Ltd Ed No 94 Of 100 £54.00 (ins value value x2) Golly In His Car Limited Edition Only 25 Made £46.00 (ins value value x2) Golly In His Plane Vgc Only 0.00 Start Price £10.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Keyboard Player From The Golly Band Trial 45 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Large Egg Cup Ltd Edition Only 100 Made Colourway £26.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Milk Jug Great Marked Sample £9.00 (ins value value

x2) Golly Miniature Tea Set And Tray,Vgc £35.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Novelty Airplane Teapot - Limited Edition - 165 Of 350 £29.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Santa Tea Pot Trial £32.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Space Hopper Show Special £14.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Space Hopper Show Special Green 10cm Tall - Vgc £15.00 (ins value value x2) Golly Tribute To The Titanic Ltd Edition Only100 Made £23.00 (ins value value x2) Golly With Wartime Winston Churchill Slogan Sandwich Board £18.00 (ins value value x2) Golly With Wartime Winston Churchill Slogan Sandwich Board £19.00 (ins value value x2) Gollys Set 1 £120.00 (ins value value x2) Gollys Set 2 £70.00 (ins value value x2) Gollys Set 3 £70.00 (ins value value x2) Gollys Set 4 £70.00 (ins value value x2) Gollywog - Wrights Gingernut Biscuit Golly £40.00 (ins value value x2) Gollywogg On Spacehopper 4 Tall Vgc Cond £16.00 (ins value value x2) Good Pair Of Candlesticks,Unusual Colourful Pattern & Vgc £73.00 (ins value value x2) Goodbye Golly Last Golly Made Money Box £33.00 (ins value value x2) Goodbye Golly Last Golly Made The Pottery Trial £34.00 (ins value value x2) Graduated Set Of Four Carltons Fantasia Ware Burslem Jugs Faerie Fairy £10.00 (ins value value x2) Grafton Ww1 Tank - Hour Glass & Gemma Flat Iron Models Worthing £18.00 (ins value value x2) Grammaphone His Masters Voice Inscription £11.00 (ins value value x2) Grape Toast Rack - Vgc £14.00 (ins value value x2) Gravy Jug & Saucerfoxgloves £16.00 (ins value value x2) Green & Gold Hand Painted Coffee Set 13pc £93.00 (ins value value x2) Green And Gold Coloured Gilt Dish C1926 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green And Gold Coloured Gilt Dish C1926 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Chocolate Mug Lid Cover - (A) £45.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Chocolate Mug Lid Cover - (B) £45.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Hot Chocolate Mug £17.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Leaf Dish And Spoon In Original Box £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Leaf Dish And Spoon In Original Box

£8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Sugarjam Bowl 15.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Tea Pot £16.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Toast Rack Attractive Later Repro Edition £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Toast Rack Attractive Later Repro Edition £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Vase (2) £33.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Blossom Vase £10.00 (ins value value x2) Green Apple Teapot £29.00 (ins value value x2) Green Blackberry Jam Dish £12.00 (ins value value x2) Green China Drinks Cup With Straw £19.00 (ins value value x2) Green Crocodile Teapot Or Alligator Teapot £24.00 (ins value value x2) Green Eyed Cat With Mouse Teapot -Grt Cond £12.00 (ins value value x2) Green Floral Foxglove Pattern Leaf Pin Tray Size 5 X 4 £12.00 (ins value value x2) Green Foxglove Jam Pot & Spoon In Box £35.00 (ins value value x2) Green Foxglove Jug £137.00 (ins value value x2) Green Foxglove Oval 8 Bowl #19044 C.0040s Af £9.00 (ins value value x2) Green Foxglove Preserve Pot £18.00 (ins value value x2) Green Hazelnut Boomerang £18.00 (ins value value x2) Green Lobster Plate Sushi Seafood Dish Tray Platter Style £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Lobster Plate Sushi Seafood Dish Tray Platter Style £8.00 (ins value value x2) Green Lustre Bowl £16.00 (ins value value x2) Green Lustre Vert Royale Shaped Pedestal Footed Dish Bowl £19.00 (ins value value x2) Green Primula Trio Tea Cup Saucer & Plate Ref Km2741 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Green Red Baron Teapot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Green Spring Time Crocus Mug. £55.00 (ins value value x2) Green Tea Set £50.00 (ins value value x2) Green Vert Royale Bowl £12.00 (ins value value x2) Green Vert Royale Pearlised Cigarettetrinket Lidded Box £16.00 (ins value value x2) Green Water Lily Pad Compote £12.00 (ins value value x2) Green Wild Rose Salt & Pepper £20.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Advertising London Transport Bus Bank £36.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Advertising Plate £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Advertising Plate £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Guiness For Strength .0057.Man With Horse.Totally Original. £26.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Penguin - £16.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Tortoise . £24.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness Toucan - My Goodness My Guiness £10.00 (ins value

value x2) Guiness Toucan £10.00 (ins value value x2) Guiness, Ware,Kangaroo £18.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness - Storage Jar £15.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness £212.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness £24.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Advertising - Penguin £35.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Advertising - Tortoise £29.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Advertising Figures - Ostrich & Tortoise Guinness Bottles. £155.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Advertising Kangaroo £95.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Advertising Ostrich Ga2197e £110.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Ashtray £44.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Bottle £10.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Bus £17.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Cruet Set £37.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Egg Cup By James Blackmore Ltd £28.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Extra Stout Money Bank £23.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Flying Toucan 10 Long Ga2259a Essex Ss6 £80.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Flying Toucans - £35.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Flying Toucans - £56.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness For Strength - Kangaroo £27.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness For Strength - Tortoise £40.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness For Strength Horse, Cart & Drayman Advertising £51.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness For You Large 3 Piece Cruet 18 £16.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Kangaroo & Seal (1957) Original £50.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Kangaroo 1950s £56.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Kangaroo Ceramic £60.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Lamp By £310.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness London Transport Bus Money Box £35.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Memorabilia Condiment Set 1970s Vgc In Box £48.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Milk Jug For James Blackmoore Vgc £65.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness My Goodness My Guinness £32.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness My Goodness My Guinness Tortoise In Ex Cond £27.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness My Goodness Zookeeper £29.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Ostrich £8.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Ostrich £8.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Penguin And Good £11.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Penguin Guiness £13.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Penguin Lamp Base £12.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Penguin My Goodness My Guinness £18.00 (ins

value value x2) Guinness Penguin My Goodness My Guinness £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Plaque. £12.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Pottery TankardWare.0060s.Immaculate. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Pudding Basin £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Seal £133.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Seal £16.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Seal £16.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Seal Lamp Base & Globe Shade £255.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tankard £14.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tankard £36.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tankard By James Blackmore Ltd £16.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tankard By James Blackmore Ltd £30.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tortoise My Goodness My Guinness £31.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tortoise Vgc £60.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan (The Toucan Band Collection - Drummer) £75.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan £27.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan £39.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan £97.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Advertising £27.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Advertising Lamp £43.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Advertising Ornament 1950s £14.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Lamp Base Ga2178 9½ Inches (23cm) Tall £62.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Lamp. Attractive With Vibrant Colours Ga2178 £215.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Lidded Dish Bowl £19.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan My Goodness My Guiness £11.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Original Not A Copy Small Size £28.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Storage Jar - - 5 Inches High - Vgc £31.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Table Lamp From The 19501960s £133.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Wall Plaque Good £49.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan Wall Plaque Good £49.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan, , 6, Handpainted, Good £40.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucan£30.00 (ins value value x2)

Guinness Toucans £268.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucans £72.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucans Original 1970s £105.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Toucans Set Of 3 Graduated Flying Toucans 100% £94.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Tucan Cruet Set £17.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Turtle Merchandise Collector Ware. £50.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Water Jug Breweriana £15.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Zoo Keeper 1950s Af £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Zoo Keeper 1950s Af £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Zoo Keeper Ceramic £60.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Zookeeper £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness Zookeeper £9.00 (ins value value x2) Guinness, Ware, Blue And Cream Water Jug £11.00 (ins value value x2) Gum Nut Preserve Pot £45.00 (ins value value x2) Gum Tree Huge Vase £261.00 (ins value value x2) Haig Advertising Scotch Whisky Ceramic Ashtray £9.00 (ins value value x2) Haig Scotch Whisky Rectangular Water Jug £24.00 (ins value value x2) Haig Scotch Whisky Water Jug - - 15 Cms Tall - Vgc £13.00 (ins value value x2) Hammered Pewter Incised Squat Jug - Mid 1930s £95.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Cake Plate With Flowers £9.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Cat Meat Dish Highland Stone Ware £75.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Coloured Bands Medley Large Vase 1930s £69.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Enamel Serving Tray - Sketching Bird £225.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Fruit Condiment Set On Tray Good £9.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Guiness £29.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Lemon Flower Cruet Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Night Oak Tree Acorns Twin Handled Bowl 1930s £59.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Rouge Royale 12long Dish Tray Gd Used Cond £29.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Rouge Royale 8.0 L Dish Tray Gd Used Cond £19.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Trio With Flowers £12.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Vase Australian £18.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted Vegetable Cruet Set. £18.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted W&R Lustre Fairyland Vase-1920s-Parott-10.0 £57.00 (ins value value x2)

Hand Painted Wild Rose Two Slice Toast Rack - Vgc £35.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted, Cruet Set, Onion, Carrot & Pea. Vgc. £20.00 (ins value value x2) Hand Painted, Rouge Royale Kingfisher Water Lily, Shape 1232, 1950s £72.00 (ins value value x2) Hand-Painted Cottage Candle Holder 2636, 1950s, £9.00 (ins value value x2) Hand-Painted Square Fruit Bowl C.0030s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft 3255 Lidded Preserve Pot & Underplate. C.0030. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Clematis Pattern Book End 1930s £19.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Farrago Geometric Pattern Bowl £77.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Floribunda Pattern Vase Wow £110.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft French Cockerel Plate Good Morn £14.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Hiawatha Globe Vase £350.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Orange Lustre Anemone 3964 Bowl Dish £257.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Pedestal Powder Bowl Lightning Wow £346.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Pedestal Powder Bowl With Hand Painted £35.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Rectangular Lidded Trinket Box 1930s £11.00 (ins value value x2) Handcraft Vase C1930 Colour £124.00 (ins value value x2) Handled Dish Mikado Matt Black Ground £29.00 (ins value value x2) Handled Pedestal Dish Kang Hsi Chinoiserie C.0016 £194.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainded Guinness Is Good For You Toucan Wall Plaque £39.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainded Guinness Set Of 3 Flying Toucan Wall Plaques £48.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Anemone Chamberstick Candlestick £48.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Australian Cruet Set. Pattern No. 2117. £34.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Bird Decorated Lidded Box Pot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Candle Holder Rouge £13.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Candle Holder Rouge £13.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Cruet On Traysalt-Pepper-Sauce Potpink&Brown £8.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Cruet On Traysalt-Pepper-Sauce Potpink&Brown £8.00 (ins value value x2)

Handpainted Cruet Set £11.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Dish & Spoon With Floral Relief Detail Boxed £15.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Floral Dish. £11.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Flowers & Basket Handled Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Foxglove Pattern Chocolate Mug £19.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Guinness For Strength Toucan Figure £29.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Polka Dot Jewelled Bowl - C1938 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Rouge Royale Dish With Chinoiserie £14.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Sylvan Trio ::1930s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Sylvan Trio ::1930s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Sylvan Trio ::1930s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Toast Rack £14.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Wild Rose In Relief Stylized Leaf Dish C1935 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Handpainted Wild Rose In Relief Stylized Leaf Dish C1935 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Hangman Hand Painted Coffee Tea Cup Mug £11.00 (ins value value x2) Happy Birthday Mug With Feet £14.00 (ins value value x2) Hard To Find 3 Bar Toastrack Crab £19.00 (ins value value x2) Harrods Doorman Character Jug Mug £13.00 (ins value value x2) Hastings Castle Ruins - Hastings ( Matching )Agents M Holman Tobacconist £11.00 (ins value value x2) Hazelnut Leaf Cruet With 4 Egg Cups&Salt & Pepper Shaker £14.00 (ins value value x2) Henry Viii Limited Edition Lustre Punch Bowl No: 55 £182.00 (ins value value x2) Heraldic Crest Match Striker £26.00 (ins value value x2) Heraldic Crested Match Holder & Striker £9.00 (ins value value x2) Heron & Magical Tree Vase - Vgc & £47.00 (ins value value x2) Highly 1930s Oak Tree Pattern Decorative Bon Bon Dish £14.00 (ins value value x2) His Master Voice Grammaphone & Listening Dog ( Advertising , ) £66.00 (ins value value x2) Hollyhocks Box. C1934. £17.00 (ins value value x2) Honey Bee Jam Pot Bee On Flower Lidded Jar Vgc £10.00 (ins value value x2) Honey Pot With Lid & Saucer & Small Spreader Vgc £19.00 (ins value value x2) Honeypot With Foxglove Detail £10.00 (ins value value x2) Honeypreservejam Pot £11.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Branded Egg Cups X3 70s 80s £15.00 (ins value value

x2) Hovis Breakfast Set For 4 £59.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Brown Bread Loaf Butter Dish Kitchenalia £10.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Lidded Butter Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Lidded Butter Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Loaf Advertising Tea Pot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Loaf Advertising Tea Pot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Novelty Teapot £34.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Tea Pot - V. G. C. (Large) £11.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Tea Pot - V. G. C. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Tea Pot & Toast Rack £16.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Toast Rack £10.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Toast Rack £15.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Toast Rack Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Hovis Toast Rack Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Hrh Queen Elizabeth Egg Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Hrh Queen Elizabeth Egg Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Huge 14 Australian Anemone Jug Pitcher 955 C.0034 £77.00 (ins value value x2) Huge Crown Devon Vase Rouge Royale Fieldings Vgc £80.00 (ins value value x2) Humpty Dumpty Large Musical Character Jug - 1930s £145.00 (ins value value x2) Hydrangea Candy Dish 24.00 (ins value value x2) Hydrangea Wall Pocket- & & £29.00 (ins value value x2) Iceland Poppy Large Ribbed Yellow Ground 4194 Vase 1930s £49.00 (ins value value x2) Iconic Apple Shaped Condiment Salt & Pepper Shaker Set £18.00 (ins value value x2) Imari Large Lidded Jar £26.00 (ins value value x2) Individual Sundae Dish Yellow Buttercup £14.00 (ins value value x2) Individual Sundae Dish Yellow Buttercup £14.00 (ins value value x2) Individual Sundae Dish Yellow Buttercup £16.00 (ins value value x2) Ink Well Inkwell Blue Mikado £19.00 (ins value value x2) Iris 21 Piece Tea Set £32.00 (ins value value x2) Iris 21 Piece Tea Set £34.00 (ins value value x2) Iris Ginger Jar £18.00 (ins value value x2) Italian Studio Pottery Cat Money Box Fantoni Gambone Style £43.00 (ins value value x2) Items - Some With Original Gift Boxes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ivory Coloured Vase,Mikado. W & R. Art Deco. £46.00 (ins value value x2) Jam Dish & Plate £93.00 (ins value value x2) Jam Dish With Spoon & Original Box £10.00 (ins value value x2) Jar + Lid - Bird + Fruit Basket - £10.00 (ins value value x2) Jester Awake Jester Asleep - Kenilworth Priory £12.00 (ins

value value x2) Jewelled Gilded Pot Pourri Jar - Footed - £46.00 (ins value value x2) Jewelled Mikado Ginger Jar Vase + Lid - £67.00 (ins value value x2) Jo Lester[Isle Of Wight]-Seaview Pottery- Dish With Fish DesignCoombe £14.00 (ins value value x2) Job Lot Blue - Cups Saucers Teapot Cake Plate Bowls & More £24.00 (ins value value x2) Job Lot China Royal Doulton Sylvac Crown Devon Etc £19.00 (ins value value x2) Job Lot Crested China Including Willow Art China £24.00 (ins value value x2) Jug £15.00 (ins value value x2) Jug Bell Pattern No. 3786 Circa 1933 £40.00 (ins value value x2) Jug In The Pink Buttercup Design. £63.00 (ins value value x2) Jug In The Two Storks Pattern. £29.00 (ins value value x2) Jug Water Lily Australian Apple Greenbeen On Display £12.00 (ins value value x2) Jug Yellow And Black £15.00 (ins value value x2) Jugwild Rose £17.00 (ins value value x2) Jugwild Rose £17.00 (ins value value x2) Juicer Buttercup Pattern Gc. £32.00 (ins value value x2) Keble College Oxford Celebrated By Way Of Its Coat Of Arms On This Tray C1890 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Kid Police Man £25.00 (ins value value x2) Kidney Shaped Dish Plate Australian Green No. 2425 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Kids - The Bride & Groom - Limited Edition - Each Is No 87 £95.00 (ins value value x2) Kids £12.00 (ins value value x2) Kids Black Mephisto Devil £19.00 (ins value value x2) Kids Figurines - The Ballet Dancer - 921000 Limited Edition £65.00 (ins value value x2) Kiklands Teapot Stylized Flower C1938 £75.00 (ins value value x2) L And F Spitting Image Prince Andrew Egg Cup £15.00 (ins value value x2) Lace Cap Hydrangea 3969 Lustre Vase C1935 £148.00 (ins value value x2) Lacecap Hydranger Pattern Vase £86.00 (ins value value x2) Lady Napkin Ring Holder (Lilac Dress) £19.00 (ins value value x2) Lamp Base £8.00 (ins value value x2) Large 10 Inch Across Rouge Royale Fruit Bowl England. Gd Used Cond £14.00 (ins value value x2) Large 10 Inch Persian Vase £104.00 (ins value value x2) Large 1920s Barge Chinoiserie Ginger Jar & Cover £175.00 (ins value value x2) Large Anemone Dish £11.00 (ins value value x2) Large Anemone Dish Pattern 4231 £29.00 (ins value value

x2) Large Apple Blossom Pattern Yellow Cheese Dish & Cover £25.00 (ins value value x2) Large Bell Dish £156.00 (ins value value x2) Large Bowl - Pink Buttercup - £39.00 (ins value value x2) Large Bowl Basket Of Flowers Pattern £135.00 (ins value value x2) Large British Explorer Golly Ltd Edition 2125 £18.00 (ins value value x2) Large Butterfly Girl - Red Admiral Butterfly £125.00 (ins value value x2) Large Charger 1512 Diagonaly I Think Its Called Cherries. £36.00 (ins value value x2) Large Collection Of Apple Blossom Bowlsdishes £12.00 (ins value value x2) Large Collection Plates Including Conway Majolica, £10.00 (ins value value x2) Large Collection. £400.00 (ins value value x2) Large Crested Bird & Waterlily Vase £260.00 (ins value value x2) Large Crested Bird & Waterlily Vase £337.00 (ins value value x2) Large Dragon Lustre Bowl £49.00 (ins value value x2) Large Edwardian China Clock Tower - Chesterfield £30.00 (ins value value x2) Large Enamel & Gilt Vase, Cream Ground £49.00 (ins value value x2) Large Foxglove Vase Australian £43.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly Band Member - The Pianist - Musical Notes -Show Special £55.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly Bandsman Banjo Player Ltd Edition No 222250 £27.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly Bandsman Saxaphone Player Ltd Edition 255350 £30.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly Drummer From The Golly Band England £32.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly Egg Cup £20.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly Egg Cup £20.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Banjo Player Special Colourway £45.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Drummer Special Colourway £29.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Golfer Limited Edition £28.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Keyboard Player Special Colourway £29.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Newsvendor (Winston Churchill) £36.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Piano Player Limited Edition £35.00 (ins value value x2) Large Golly The Tennis Player Special Edition £27.00 (ins value value x2)

Large Gollyposting His Letter Limited Edition Only 75 Made £35.00 (ins value value x2) Large Green Jug Tanqueray Gin £15.00 (ins value value x2) Large Green Primula Water Milk Jug 6 Inches High £15.00 (ins value value x2) Large Guiness Toucan £12.00 (ins value value x2) Large Handcraft Papyrus Pattern Vase Wow £150.00 (ins value value x2) Large Harebells Dish £42.00 (ins value value x2) Large Heavy Ribbed 10 Inch Vase £9.00 (ins value value x2) Large Hovis Bread Advertising Teapot And Two Mugs £9.00 (ins value value x2) Large Icelandic Poppy Wall Plaque Charger Vgc £170.00 (ins value value x2) Large Leaf £8.00 (ins value value x2) Large Leaf £8.00 (ins value value x2) Large Lidded Butter Dish Pot In Yellow & Green C.0060 £16.00 (ins value value x2) Large Lidded Jug W & R Sillhouette Glazed Orange £9.00 (ins value value x2) Large Lizard Vase £317.00 (ins value value x2) Large Lustre Jug In Hollyhocks Pattern £36.00 (ins value value x2) Large Lustred Kigfisher, Footed Bowl £45.00 (ins value value x2) Large Model Of Ship Ss Rnli Immaculate £19.00 (ins value value x2) Large Mug With Model Of Man Inside £14.00 (ins value value x2) Large Novelty Teapot Red Baron In Ww1 Biplane £36.00 (ins value value x2) Large Oak Leaf Bowl £13.00 (ins value value x2) Large Oak Tree Pattern Jug £13.00 (ins value value x2) Large Pair 26cm Chintz Vases £75.00 (ins value value x2) Large Pastoral Gilded Jug £101.00 (ins value value x2) Large Ribbed Vase 9 High X 6 Width Pink Base To Cream £25.00 (ins value value x2) Large Rouge Royal Leaves & Berries Footed Bowl £46.00 (ins value value x2) Large Rouge Royale Vase In Chinoiserie Pattern £187.00 (ins value value x2) Large Size Character Jug - Winston Churchill - Royal Navy Officer £32.00 (ins value value x2) Large Staffordshire Charactertoby Jug £27.00 (ins value value x2) Large Three Part Flower Dish Yellow Buttercup £24.00 (ins value value x2) Large Trumpet Vase In Honesty Pattern (Handcraft), 1930s £26.00 (ins value value x2) Large Tulip Jug £45.00 (ins value value x2) Large Tutankharmen Bowl £108.00 (ins value value x2) Large Unusual Yellow Apple Blossom Vase Shaped Jug Ewer

£207.00 (ins value value x2) Large Vase - Decorated With Birds £78.00 (ins value value x2) Large Vase In The Barge Pattern. £95.00 (ins value value x2) Large Vase Temple Pattern . £89.00 (ins value value x2) Large W&R Early Blush Vase £37.00 (ins value value x2) Large W&R Flapper Lady Powderdresser Bowlpot £26.00 (ins value value x2) Large Wild Rose Dish Plate 2119 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Larger Hovis Dish With Lid Made By £8.00 (ins value value x2) Larger Hovis Dish With Lid Made By £8.00 (ins value value x2) Late 19thearly 20th Cent Jardiniere - 207 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Lavenham Suffolk Vase - Crested China £9.00 (ins value value x2) Law & Fluckfluck & Law Ronald Reagan Character Mug £39.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf & Blossom Cruet Set - Art Deco £51.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf And Tomato Cruet Set Green Ground Salt + Pepper Pots 3.0 Tall £8.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf And Tomato Cruet Set Green Ground Salt + Pepper Pots 3.0 Tall £8.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dish £12.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dish Painted With A Tree. £24.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dish With Raised Tomato Motif £10.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dish With Tomatoes £11.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dish With Tomatosalad Decor, 11.0 Long £13.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dishhandpainted £8.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Dishhandpainted £8.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Enamel & Gilt Vase £110.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Lobster Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Pattern Cruet Set - No.0069 £16.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Pattern Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Shaped Dish Bowl With Walnut And Brazil Nut Ca1927 £12.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Shaped Set Of 2 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Snack Dish £11.00 (ins value value x2) Leaf Toast Rack & Truly £14.00 (ins value value x2) Lemon & Pear Cruet Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lemon Ceramic Spoon & Knife £8.00 (ins value value x2) Lemon Ceramic Spoon & Knife £8.00 (ins value value x2) Lemon Squeezer £18.00 (ins value value x2) Lettuce And Tomato Dishes - Set Of 4 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lettuce And Tomato Dishes Set Of 5 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lettuce Leaf & Tomato Salad Bowl & Serving Spoons - G13 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Lettuce Leaf & Tomato Salad Bowl & Serving Spoons - G13

£8.00 (ins value value x2) Lettuce Leaf Dish With 2 Tomatoes. £12.00 (ins value value x2) Lettuce Leaf With Lobster Dish £18.00 (ins value value x2) Lidded Box. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lidded Mug Basket Pattern Circa 193040s £50.00 (ins value value x2) Lidded Pottery Box. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lidded Trinket Box £32.00 (ins value value x2) Lilac Fantasia Coffee Pot Pattern 3389 £137.00 (ins value value x2) Lily Dark Blue Ginger Jar Vgc Cond Possibly Lustreware £32.00 (ins value value x2) Limited Edition Banjo Player Golly Model £39.00 (ins value value x2) Limited Edition Golly Teapot £25.00 (ins value value x2) Limited Edition Of Nude Lady With Poppies £99.00 (ins value value x2) Little Walking Ware Standing Egg Cup With Blue Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) Little Walking Ware Standing Egg Cup With Blue Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster & Crab Salad Dish £28.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster & Lettuce Embossed Oval Dish C1925-45 Good £20.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster & Lettuce Embossed Tri Dish C1925-45 Good £39.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster And Celery Round Plate No 1278 7 Application No.00794 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Bowl & Servers & Cream Jug & Dish £40.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Bowl £18.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Bowl £26.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Claw Salad Utensil Server £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Claw Salad Utensil Server £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Deviled Egg Serving Dish £15.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Embossed Large Platter Serving Plate £29.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Large Salad Bowl With 2 Servers - 1940s - 1950s Vgc £75.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Large Salad Bowl With 2 Servers - 1950s £100.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Lettuce Salad Bowl And Servers - R27 £57.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Lidded Sauce Pot £24.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Plate 1960s £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Salad Bowl £19.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Salad Bowl £24.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Salad Bowl 1930-1940 £67.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Salad Bowl Vgc £46.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Salad Plates X 2 £9.00 (ins value value x2)

Lobster Salad Ware Deviled Egg Serving Dish Plate C1950s £34.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Salt+Pepper Pots £15.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster Serving Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster, Saucemayonnaise Pot - £31.00 (ins value value x2) Lobster, Saucemayonnaise Pot With Saucer And Matching Spoon - £27.00 (ins value value x2) Long Legged Walking Cup Tartan Socks Brown Boots 10.0cm Tall £8.00 (ins value value x2) Long Legged Walking Cup Tartan Socks Brown Boots 10.0cm Tall £8.00 (ins value value x2) Long Legged Walking Cup Tartan Socks Burgundy Boots 10.0cm Tall £9.00 (ins value value x2) Long Legged Walking Cup Tartan Socks Burgundy Boots 10.0cm Tall £9.00 (ins value value x2) Long Legged Walking Egg Cup Yellow Shoes £14.00 (ins value value x2) Long Narrow Boat Shaped Dishplate 13.0 Green Purple Magnolia 1950 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Long Narrow Boat Shaped Dishplate 13.0 Green Purple Magnolia 1950 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lorna Bailey Thunderbolt Sugar Sifter Exclusive Collectors Club Limited Edition £25.00 (ins value value x2) Love,Hope,Peace & Joy Ltd Ed. Boxed Set Of Four China Thimbles B70 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ltd Ed. Florence Upton Gollies Boxed Set Of China Thimbles B21 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ltd Edition Nurse 855000 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ltd Edition Sailor 855000 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ltd Edition The Jester 131500 £37.00 (ins value value x2) Luck & Flaw Egg Cup - Prince Charles - Spitting Image Eggcup - £19.00 (ins value value x2) Luck & Flaw Spitting Image Maggie Thatcher Teapot £40.00 (ins value value x2) Luck & Flaw Spitting Image Prince Charles Vase Large Mug £42.00 (ins value value x2) Luck & Flaw, Spitting Image Egg Cup (Prince Charles) £41.00 (ins value value x2) Lucy May Ww1 Bi-Plane Novelty Teapot £65.00 (ins value value x2) Lusterware Bleu Royale Pattern#1980 4h Sugar Bowl £37.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Anemone Bowl £29.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Bowl £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Bowl 1920s Early Mark 6 Inch £19.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Cockerel Vase £33.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Dish , Rabbits At Dusk £37.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Father Christmas Walking Pottery Mug Marked 1980 £90.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Footed Bowl Dish £12.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Ginger Jar Lidded Pot Chinese Scenes Rouge Royale

£25.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Green Wild Duck Vase - £155.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Leaves Pattern Jug £39.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Novelty Collectors Camel Teapot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery 1973 Walking Legs Egg Cup £10.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery 1976 Rabbit Mug £11.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery 1978 Coffee Pot Dovecote £39.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Duck Spout Tea Pot £19.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Pantomime Clown On Duck - Cream Jug Striped Suit £95.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Roger Michell Novelty Pyramid Dovecote Teapot £95.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Roger Michell Novelty Pyramid Dovecote Teapot £95.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Big Foot Red Spot Book Ends 1980 £75.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Eggcup With Gold Shoes, Blue Striped Socks £45.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Walking Ware French Set Long Legged Milk Jug £65.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Int Year Of The Child Cup - 1977 £55.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Int Year Of The Child Cup 1979 £15.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Large Teapot With Green Shoes £29.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Revo Dish £156.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Ruskin Like C1900 Large Candlestick £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Two Lovebirds Baluster Vase Pre 1927 Mark Luster £110.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Vase & Cover £47.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Vase £213.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Vase In Lace Cap Hydrangea Pattern £330.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Vase Lids £14.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Vase Lids £14.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Vase Wiltshaw & Robinson Barge 2519, Vgc Cond £41.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Sugar Bowl. 33.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Egg Cup Eggcup Brown Shoes England £24.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Egg Cup Walking Tartan Socks £13.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Pattern Black Shoe Cup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Pattern Blue Shoe Biscuit Or Cookie Jar £93.00 (ins value value x2)

Lustre Walking Ware Pattern Brown Shoe Cup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Pattern Green Shoe Cup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Pattern Yellow Shoe Cup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Pattern Yellow Shoe Plate £40.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Pink Shoe Blue Sock Egg Cup -Y94 £20.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Plate £16.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Sugar Bowl With Lid £25.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Walking Ware Sugar Bowl With Lid £29.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Ware Fairy Jug And Biscuit Barrel. £20.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Ware Walking Feet Cup - Black Shoes Socks With Red Circles £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lustre Ware Walking Feet Cup - Black Shoes Socks With Red Circles £9.00 (ins value value x2) Lustred Decorative Vase - Butterflies - C1920 - Black Backstamp £52.00 (ins value value x2) Lustred Gilded Jewelled Saucers X 4 - C1938 £18.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Collectors Golliwog Cup £55.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Decorative Bottle Trial £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Fido The Dog Flatback £52.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Limited Edition Mini Teapot £27.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Mackintoshs Toffee Freestanding Plaque Trial £25.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Set Of 4 China Thimbles Set.0 Ltd Ed £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Set Of 4 China Thimbles Set.0 Ltd Ed £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Attwell Sugar Shaker Trial £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucie Atwell Dog Limited Edition Trial £23.00 (ins value value x2) Mabel Lucy Attwell Flambe Style Flatback £15.00 (ins value value x2) Mable Lucie Attwell Point Of Saleletter Rack Number 1 £46.00 (ins value value x2) Magnolia Dish 13.00 (ins value value x2) Magnolia Double Candle Holder Dish £14.00 (ins value value x2) Magnolia Green & Purple Long Tray Plate 2564 13.0 1950s £14.00 (ins value value x2)

Magnolia On Yellow Long Divine Dish £16.00 (ins value value x2) Magnolia Patterned Leaf Dish, 5.0 Long. £12.00 (ins value value x2) Magnolia Salad Bowl & Servers # 2595 £30.00 (ins value value x2) Malcolm Gooding Sheep Caricature Figurines - The Colonel £95.00 (ins value value x2) Malcom Gooding Sheep Caricature -Prince Philip 1984 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Malton Crested Ware Fire Range W&R China Vince Malum Bond Malton £9.00 (ins value value x2) Marked 1980. Clown The Short Lived Circus Series £45.00 (ins value value x2) Martell Bar £26.00 (ins value value x2) Martell Brandy Advertising Ceramic By 195060s £19.00 (ins value value x2) Marx Brothers Fluck And Law Part Cruet £39.00 (ins value value x2) Masquerade In Bleu Royale - Limited Edition £125.00 (ins value value x2) Match Holder £33.00 (ins value value x2) Match Striker & Ashtray Fribourg Treyer Oxford Uni Crest £38.00 (ins value value x2) Matched Pair Of Old Matchstrikers - Wiltshaw & Robinson Mark £14.00 (ins value value x2) Matching Floral Panel Trinket Dish & 5 Inch Vase, Vgc £11.00 (ins value value x2) Matching Pair Of Blue Square Ginger Jars - Bird & Fruits Vgc £26.00 (ins value value x2) Matt Grey Version Of John Ruskin Memorial ( ) £16.00 (ins value value x2) Medley 3587 Lidded Preserve Pot & Underplate. C.0030. £38.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Coffee Can & Saucer In Vgc £25.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Jampreserve Pot #3591 £16.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Large Vase In £110.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Large Vase In £50.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Vase In £40.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Vase In £45.00 (ins value value x2) Medley Vase In £81.00 (ins value value x2) Mephisto Advertising Limited Edition 1920 £59.00 (ins value value x2) Mephistopheles Bass Musical Drinking Rhyme Mug Tankard £24.00 (ins value value x2) Metal Rimmed Bowl Chrysanthemums 1906-1927 Pattern 1433 £57.00 (ins value value x2) Mice Mouse Egg Cups Pair £9.00 (ins value value x2) Mice Mouse Egg Cups Pair £9.00 (ins value value x2) Mid 20c Staffordshire Polka Dot Mushroom Red Cruet Set £30.00 (ins value value x2)

Mid 20thc Rouge Royale Lustre Stork Ginger Jar And Cover £34.00 (ins value value x2) Mid Century Modernist Medallion Range Toast Rack Breakfast Dish Set £20.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Chinoiserie Vase - 8 Inch £65.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Chinoiserie Vase - Vgc 21cm £65.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Chinoiserie Vase (8 Inches21 Cms) High £65.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Ginger Jar £26.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Lidded Pot Pourri On 4 Legs Truly £86.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Pagoda Bleu Royale Chinoiserie Blue Bowl Gold Trim England £49.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Pagoda Green & Gilt Coffee Set. C.0030s £95.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Pattern Jampot - Art Deco £62.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Pattern Pen Holder £335.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Pot £11.00 (ins value value x2) Mikado Vase £17.00 (ins value value x2) Military Ww1 Red Cross Ambulance £32.00 (ins value value x2) Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl - Wild Rose Pattern - Cream - £29.00 (ins value value x2) Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl £15.00 (ins value value x2) Milk Jug With Feet £8.00 (ins value value x2) Milk Jug With Feet £8.00 (ins value value x2) Milkshake Mug £24.00 (ins value value x2) Millennium Small Girl Figurine. £15.00 (ins value value x2) Milton Regis Sittingbourne Kent Crest - Boot Shoe - Crested China £19.00 (ins value value x2) Mini Car Teapot - Flower Power £42.00 (ins value value x2) Mini Car Teapot - Flower Power £62.00 (ins value value x2) Mini Car Teapot £16.00 (ins value value x2) Mini Sketching Bird Vase- & Vgc & Fab- Size £220.00 (ins value value x2) Mini Tea Pot Whiteblack £45.00 (ins value value x2) Mini Walking Ware Tea Pot £13.00 (ins value value x2) Model Mg £77.00 (ins value value x2) Model Of Grace Darlings Boat. W & R Crested China £11.00 (ins value value x2) Model Of Steam Locomotive & Gemma Ww1 Dispatch Riders Cap - Reading £46.00 (ins value value x2) Model Of The Forth Bridge Edinburgh Scotland,Crested China. £13.00 (ins value value x2) Model Of Wallace Sword, Coloured & Inscribed ( ) £26.00 (ins value value x2) Modernist Mushroom Shaped Cruet Condiment Set £45.00 (ins value value x2) Money Box - Pig £23.00 (ins value value x2) Money Box - Pirate £60.00 (ins value value x2) Money Box £26.00 (ins value value x2)

Money Box £35.00 (ins value value x2) Money Box 1970s London Guard £24.00 (ins value value x2) Money Box Beefeater £46.00 (ins value value x2) Money Box, Blue Owl, Retro 1970s £53.00 (ins value value x2) Moneybox Cat Psychedelic Lime Green & Yellow 1960`S £72.00 (ins value value x2) Moneybox Pig Red Yellow & White 1960`S £13.00 (ins value value x2) Monk Salt Pepper & Mustard Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Monocled Gentleman Money Box - Vgc £55.00 (ins value value x2) Moonlight Cameo Pattern Vase L@@K £38.00 (ins value value x2) Morris Minor Car Teapot - Old Split Windscreen Model £24.00 (ins value value x2) Motor Cycle&Sidecar Blackburn Crest. £70.00 (ins value value x2) Moulded Handpainted Foxglove Toast Rack - C1935 £15.00 (ins value value x2) Mug 1972 Vgc £12.00 (ins value value x2) Mug Apple Blossom Pattern Circa 193040s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Mug The Mustard Shop Norwich - Small Mug 3.0 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mugs X 4 Orange 1970s Never Used Great £17.00 (ins value value x2) Multi Colour Cottage Garden Flower Wall Dish -Y84 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set #2441 Browncream C.0030s Af £14.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set £31.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set 2441 - Hand Painted. Ex . £18.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set 2441 - Missing Mustard Lid £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set In Exln Cond 2441 £15.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set Salt, Pepper & Mustard Good £16.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet Set. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Cruet, Condiment Set. Salt Pepper Mustard. C.0070s £22.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroom Three Piece Cruet Set With Base (Impressed 2441) £20.00 (ins value value x2) Mushrooms Cruet Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Mushrooms Cruet Set Salt Pepper Mustard Pot Holder 6 Photos £12.00 (ins value value x2) Mushroon Cruet Set Polka Dot £16.00 (ins value value x2) Musical Mug John Peel Song And Hunting Scene Allied To Song £36.00 (ins value value x2)

Musical Tankard £24.00 (ins value value x2) My Goodness – My Guinness Kangaroo £145.00 (ins value value x2) My Goodness – My Guinness Toucan 1950s Original And £112.00 (ins value value x2) My Goodness My Guinness Seal Lion Seal - Hand Painted £64.00 (ins value value x2) My Goodness- My Guinness Handpainted England Kangaroo £49.00 (ins value value x2) My Goodness- My Guinness Handpainted England Turtle Turtoise £49.00 (ins value value x2) My Goodness- My Guinness. Hand Painted Novelty Figure. £13.00 (ins value value x2) Neil Kinnock Egg Cup £15.00 (ins value value x2) Neil Kinnock Fluck And Law Egg Cup A1 £40.00 (ins value value x2) Nice China Telephone Sheffield Crest £16.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Large Double Handled Yellow Buttercup Bowl £16.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Lemon Blossom Cheese Dome £10.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Lemon Blossom Cheese Dome £10.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Pair Crinolene Lady Napkin Holders £17.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Rouge Royale China Dish With Gold Handle £8.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Rouge Royale China Dish With Gold Handle £8.00 (ins value value x2) Nice Vase In Medley Pattern (No 3599), 1930s, £24.00 (ins value value x2) Night Oak Dish (Small) C1930 £30.00 (ins value value x2) Nightingale Green Gloss Vase No.0062 C.0031 Att.Violet Elmer N.R. £596.00 (ins value value x2) Noahs Ark Green Money Box Piggy Bank Retro 1960s 1970s £34.00 (ins value value x2) Noire Royale Polka Dot Vase -White Spots On Black Background £11.00 (ins value value x2) Noire Royale Polka Dot Vase -White Spots On Black Background £9.00 (ins value value x2) Noire Royale Stork Single Handled Dish £49.00 (ins value value x2) Norfolk China Ww1 Kit Bag & Tankard Felixstowe £8.00 (ins value value x2) Norfolk China Ww1 Kit Bag & Tankard Felixstowe £8.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Bean Bag Breakfast Set - Cruet Set £75.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Farming Cow In Bath Butter Dish £26.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Musice Men Series - Tuba Players Eggcups X 2

£75.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Pig Bookends £10.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Tea Pot Teapot Tug Boat Sailor Man £29.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Teapot - Blue Max £17.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Teapot - Wwi Raf Bi-Plane Lucy May 1 12 Pint £35.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Teapot Austin A35 Car £19.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Teapot Policeman £25.00 (ins value value x2) Novelty Teapot The Policeman 1970s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Nude - Red Sunflower Girl £84.00 (ins value value x2) Nude Nymp Girl Hollyhocks #445 - Colorway £83.00 (ins value value x2) Nympy Bowl Elf Orange Black £56.00 (ins value value x2) Oak (Daytime Version) Large Pin Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Oak By Day Bowl £15.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Embossed Large Charger - Mid 1930s £125.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree In Daylight 3 Trio Triple Section Leaf Dish £24.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Jug Pattern 3810 Year 1934 £45.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Jug Shape 1191 £16.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Jugvase £16.00 (ins value value x2) Oak Tree Pattern Biscuit Barrel 1930s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Oblong Bowl -Daisy Floral () £16.00 (ins value value x2) Oblong Jamspoon Tray.Buttercup Pattern. £12.00 (ins value value x2) Oil Pourer & Sauce Boat On Tray £10.00 (ins value value x2) Old Boxed Australian Preserve Dish & Spoon £10.00 (ins value value x2) Old China W&R Coaster Silver Rim Barnsley Crest £8.00 (ins value value x2) Old China W&R Coaster Silver Rim Barnsley Crest £8.00 (ins value value x2) Old Guinness Seal Lamp £67.00 (ins value value x2) Old Model Wolseley Car Teapot - Painted Dark Green £12.00 (ins value value x2) Old Mother Hubbards Shoe - Collectible Money Box £33.00 (ins value value x2) Old Mother Hubbards Shoe,1970 £24.00 (ins value value x2) One Pint Jug Foxglove £19.00 (ins value value x2) One Pint Jug Yellow Buttercup £24.00 (ins value value x2) Orange & White Train Moneybox Abstract Numbers 1960`S £14.00 (ins value value x2) Orange Armand Lustre Butterfly & Moths Vase 1920 £75.00 (ins value value x2)

Orange Jug & Juicer & Tray £11.00 (ins value value x2) Orange Lustre Floral Dish - Slight Damage But Unusual £31.00 (ins value value x2) Orange Lustre Floral Vase - Slight Damage But Unusual £26.00 (ins value value x2) Orange Lustre Twin Handled Pedestal Bowl 3 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Orange Marmalade Preserve Pot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Orange Milk Cream Jug Creamer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Orbit Sugar Bowl And Milk Jug £30.00 (ins value value x2) Orchard Lustred Footed Large Fruit Bowl - C1930 £43.00 (ins value value x2) Orchard Pattern Plate 9 18 - Vgc £27.00 (ins value value x2) Original 1950s 60s Novelty Guinness Penguin Advertising Lamp Original Shade £373.00 (ins value value x2) Original 1950s Guinness Sea Lion Lamp Base £38.00 (ins value value x2) Original 1950s My Goodness My Guinness Zoo Keeper £44.00 (ins value value x2) Original Face Pot Fish Parsley Sauce 3488 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Original Face Pot Horse Radish # 3030 £23.00 (ins value value x2) Original Foxglove Jampot & Spoon In Original Box £37.00 (ins value value x2) Original Foxglove Salad Servers & Small Foxglove Dish £38.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guiness Graduated Toucan Wall Plate Set £85.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guiness Toucan £185.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guinness Is Good For You Sealion Lamp Base 45 £40.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guinness Kangaroo Made By £24.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guinness Ostrich Ga2197e £52.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guinness Seal Table Light With Revolving Shade £280.00 (ins value value x2) Original Guinness Toucan Novelty By £26.00 (ins value value x2) Original My Guinness Flying Toucan Wall Plaque 76 £218.00 (ins value value x2) Original Set Of 3 Guinness Toucan Wall Plaques - Boxed £165.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Cruet £17.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Cruet Set Salt & Pepper Pots £15.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Money Box - 1970s - Retro £39.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Money Box £47.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Money Box Retro 60s70s £11.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Moneybox £32.00 (ins value value x2) Owl Moneybox £55.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Crown Devon Lustre Ware Table Lamps £307.00 (ins

value value x2) Pair Hovis Egg Cups 1970s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Hovis Egg Cups 1970s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Bud Vases £25.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Chinese Pagoda Scene Enamel Vases Temple Jars £175.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Crinoline Lady Napkin Rings £27.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Deco Napkin Rings £18.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Hand Painted Preserve Dishes With Hand Painted Tulip £16.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Handpainted Rouge Royale Pheasant Bud Vases. £26.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Hovis Sliced Bread Four Section Toast Racks £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Lilac With Purpleblue Detail Posy Vases £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Lilac With Purpleblue Detail Posy Vases £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Pink Buttercup Butter Pats Australian £29.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Retro 1960s70s Miniature Vases £11.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Rouge Royale Ashtrays Spiders Web And Stork £28.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Rouge Royale Candlesticks £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Royal Crown Derby Plates Gold £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Royal Crown Derby Plates Gold £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Trays £15.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Vases Mikado 13 Tall 1927 £170.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of W&R Oriental Style Vases £29.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Wiltshaw & Robinson Vases £19.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Of Yellow Buttercup Pattern Salad Servers £33.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Orbit Candle Holders £44.00 (ins value value x2) Pair Wilton Ware Vases River Fishes Pattern Circa 1920s. £37.00 (ins value value x2) Pale Blue Falling Leaf Vase - Vgc £165.00 (ins value value x2) Pale Green Stork Cup & Saucer 1930s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Pale Green Toast Rack-Foxglove Decoration £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pale Green Toast Rack-Foxglove Decoration £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pale Pink Gilt Edged Vase 2 Leaf Trays And A Lidded Round Pot £35.00 (ins value value x2) Pale Yellow Preservejamhoney Pot-Foxglove £8.00 (ins value value x2)

Pale Yellow Preservejamhoney Pot-Foxglove £8.00 (ins value value x2) Paradise Bird Ginger Jar £25.00 (ins value value x2) Paradise Bird Jug £33.00 (ins value value x2) Paradise Bird Vase £50.00 (ins value value x2) Parisienne Coffeechocolate Set #4077 Coffee Pot, Sugar & Creamer+ £46.00 (ins value value x2) Peach Melba Pattern No3448 Handcraft Dish £125.00 (ins value value x2) Peacock Money Box - 1970s - Retro £39.00 (ins value value x2) Pear Cruet Salt Pepper Fruit £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pear Ware Cup & Saucer £40.00 (ins value value x2) Pearlesent Sugar Shaker With Oranges Detail £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pearlesent Sugar Shaker With Oranges Detail £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pedestal Dish Decorated With Fish £73.00 (ins value value x2) Peg Leg Egg Cup Wooden Leg £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pen And Ink Stand £51.00 (ins value value x2) Pendelfin Commemorative Mother Rabbit Green Dungarees £18.00 (ins value value x2) Pendelfin Father Rabbit - Blue Dungarees £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pendelfin Mother Rabbit - Green Dungarees £35.00 (ins value value x2) Pendelfin Set 1,Boxed+Cert.Vgc £50.00 (ins value value x2) Period Rouge Royale Vase Etc. Nr £10.00 (ins value value x2) Persian Large Comport Centrepiece Dish 10, W & R Mark C1920 £88.00 (ins value value x2) Petunia Pattern £121.00 (ins value value x2) Pheasant Bird Desktop Pen Holder Unusual Vibrant Colours £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pheasant Coffee Service £185.00 (ins value value x2) Pheasant Cruet Set £27.00 (ins value value x2) Pheasant Salt & Pepper Cruet Set £18.00 (ins value value x2) Pheasant Salt & Pepper Cruet Set Example £41.00 (ins value value x2) Pheasant Salt And Pepper Cruet Set £14.00 (ins value value x2) Pick Flowers Brewmaster £15.00 (ins value value x2) Pig Moneybox £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pig Moneybox £11.00 (ins value value x2) Piggy Book Ends - Great £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pin Dish Butter Plate Australian In Box With Knife £29.00 (ins value value x2) Pink & Gold Twin Handle Vase £12.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Butter Dish With Lid Retro Shabby Chic Kitchenalia £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Cress Dish And Stand £37.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Cruet Plus Spare Base – Great Cond £95.00

(ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Cup And Saucer £90.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Cup And Saucer £95.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Dish 1395 Australian Reg £11.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Jug £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Oval Bowl £18.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Pattern Dish No 2 £17.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Pattern Pin Dish £14.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Salad Drainer Plate Dish Pristine £19.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Sauce Boat & Stand £127.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Small Dish In Vgc . C. 1935. £18.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Small Jug £75.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Sugar Bowl £87.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Sugar Sifter In £155.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Toast Rack £95.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Buttercup Wild Rose Toast Rack Australian Shabby Chic £14.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Crocus Lily Posy Vase # 1068 C1935 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Flower Toastrack £48.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Hydrangea 29cm Plate Dish Charger £62.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Lustre Small Jug £14.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Poppy Plate. Damaged £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Poppy Plate. Damaged £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pink Water Lily Vase £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pinstripe Salt And Pepper Pots With Free Uk P&P £12.00 (ins value value x2) Pipers Finest Scotch Whisky Water Jug By In A Good £11.00 (ins value value x2) Plain Rita Blackgold 4-Piece Coffee Set - Mid-1930s £125.00 (ins value value x2) Plate - Blue Bird And Cloud £46.00 (ins value value x2) Platecharger - - Vibrant Colours - Measures 12 Inche £266.00 (ins value value x2) Pocklington School Crested Ware (China) £10.00 (ins value value x2) Point Of Sale Vgc £14.00 (ins value value x2) Point Of Sale Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) Point Of Sale Vgc £18.00 (ins value value x2) Police Car Teapot Wolseley £9.00 (ins value value x2) Policeman Large Novelty Teapot - 2 12 Pint - 1970s £40.00 (ins value value x2) Poppies Fruit Large Footed Bowl Truly £14.00 (ins value value x2) Poppies Fruit Large Footed Bowl Truly £19.00 (ins value value x2) Poppy And Daisy Australian Registered Floral Bowl £84.00

(ins value value x2) Poppy Australian Jug And Saucer £8.00 (ins value value x2) Poppy Australian Jug And Saucer £8.00 (ins value value x2) Poppy Serving Plate (Green) In Vgc. £25.00 (ins value value x2) Poppy Teapot £39.00 (ins value value x2) Portmeirion Dinner Ware , No Pattern , No Markings 34 Items £15.00 (ins value value x2) Posy Dish Or Candle Holder £11.00 (ins value value x2) Pot 3587 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Apple Butter Dish And Knife Set In Original Box £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Green Foxglove Pattern Oval Dish £14.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Guinness Jug £16.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Guinness Mug £16.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Long Decorative Leaf Shaped Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Racing Car Teapot 660g £14.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Vase Powder Blue Mikado Sprigs Of The Barge Pattern £17.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Walking Plate £19.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Walking Ware French Maid Waitress Red Heeled Shoes Cup £72.00 (ins value value x2) Pottery Walking Ware Long Legs Running Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pre 1975 Walking Ware Pepper Pot By Lustre Pottery £50.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Jam Pot £29.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Jar + Lid - Foxglove - C1935 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Jar + Lid - Foxglove - C1935 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot & Plate Fruit Lid Basket Effect £16.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot £27.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot And Stand £65.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot In Form Of Apple Has Spoon On Leaf Tray £12.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot Lustre Lemon & Daisy With Lid Vgc Jam Marmalade £14.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot Squirell Motif £12.00 (ins value value x2) Preserve Pot.Foxglove Pattern. £13.00 (ins value value x2) Preservebutter Dishes & Spoon & Knife £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Apple Blossom Cheese Dish With Lid £29.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Apple Blossom Vase Reg #654181 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Dish In The Harebells Pattern (No 4136), 1930s £25.00 (ins value value x2)

Pretty Pink Blush Raspberry Bon Bon Dish Australian £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Pink Blush Raspberry Bon Bon Dish Australian £9.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Pink Buttercup Grapefruit Dish £19.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Sweet Dish On Stand, Dish 11cm Square £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Sweet Dish On Stand, Dish 11cm Square £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty Trumpet Shaped Blue And Gold Vase £40.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty W&R Hand Painted Jug £16.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty, Buttercup Dish With Matching Knife, V.Good £8.00 (ins value value x2) Pretty, Buttercup Dish With Matching Knife, V.Good £8.00 (ins value value x2) Price Kensington Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Small Teapot Deep Pink Shoes £95.00 (ins value value x2) Price Kensington Lustre Pottery Walking Ware Small Teapot Green Shoes 8 £29.00 (ins value value x2) Primrose Pattern Teapot Clean Apparently Unused £49.00 (ins value value x2) Primula & Leaf Jug Lemon Ground Gilt Trim Pattern 4120 11 £36.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Cream Jug, Australian Design, 193 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Pattern Preserve Pot £8.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Pattern Preserve Pot £8.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Pattern Preserve Pot Reg No 2041 With Free Uk P&P £15.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Pattern Teapot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Pin Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Pin Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Primula Spoon - Pale Yellowcream Colour £10.00 (ins value value x2) Prince Charles Eared Mug £16.00 (ins value value x2) Prototype Busty Traffic Warden Teapot £11.00 (ins value value x2) Purse Vase - Olympic Games London 1946 - 11 £20.00 (ins value value x2) Queens Ware Teapot Sugar & Cream Milk Jug £19.00 (ins value value x2) Quirky Blackberry Shaped Preserve Pot Great £10.00 (ins value value x2) Quirky Stylised Black Cat And Mouse Novelty Teapot £45.00 (ins value value x2) Quirky Teapot With Legs, Wearing Socks&Shoes Possibly £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rabbits At Duck Jug, Pattern No 4247 Handle Restored Professionally £50.00 (ins value value x2) Rabbits At Dusk Lustre Vase £113.00 (ins value value x2)

Rabbits At Dusk Lustre Vase £124.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Cream Jug £35.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Cup & Saucer 1930s £19.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Dish And Spoon - Boxed And £17.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Jug £26.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Jug Large 5 12 1936 £101.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Pattern Dish £12.00 (ins value value x2) Raspberry Teapot £110.00 (ins value value x2) Rectangular Cheese Tray Dish Yellow Buttercup £16.00 (ins value value x2) Rectangular Lidded Box Enamelled Pheasant 6.0 Cm Sq X 11.0 Cm Tall £9.00 (ins value value x2) Red Atomic Orbit Sugarpreservejam Pot-Eames-1950s £26.00 (ins value value x2) Red Baron Tea Pot Teapot Vgc No Chips Cracks Or Repairs £55.00 (ins value value x2) Red Baron Teapot £11.00 (ins value value x2) Red Cabbage Storage Jar Fully Marked £14.00 (ins value value x2) Red Currant Preserve Pot £8.00 (ins value value x2) Red Currant Preserve Pot £8.00 (ins value value x2) Red Lustre Ginger Jar With Chinese Decorations £26.00 (ins value value x2) Red Lustre Rouge Royale Storks Birds Pattern Dish Bowl £29.00 (ins value value x2) Retro 196070s Pottery Funky Numbers Train Money Boxbank £24.00 (ins value value x2) Retro 1960s70s Owl Salt & Pepper Set Black White Vgc £33.00 (ins value value x2) Retro 6 Coffee Cups & Saucers £8.00 (ins value value x2) Retro 6 Coffee Cups & Saucers £8.00 (ins value value x2) Retro 70s Bright Red Coffee Pot Creamer & Sugar Bowl £41.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Beefeater Cruet Set 1960s £14.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Bisto Gravy Kids Memorabilia Sauce Boat & Saucer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Black And Gold Lidded Jar £12.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Blue & White Bird Shape Trinket Dish £25.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Bug Eyed Owl Bird Money Box White Feathers 13 Cms High £25.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Cheese Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Retro China Coffee Pot Chocolate And Vgc Green £14.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Coffee Pot, Milk Jug & Sugar Bowl Brown With Orange Detail £8.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Coffee Pot, Milk Jug & Sugar Bowl Brown With Orange Detail £8.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Cruet Lion Pepper Pot And Fish Salt Cellar £9.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Cruet Lion Pepper Pot And Fish Salt Cellar £9.00 (ins

value value x2) Retro Cruet Set In Orange £8.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Cruet Set In Orange £8.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Double Sided Pepper Pot 1960s 1970s £43.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Elephant Cruet Salt Pepper Shakers £14.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Huge Coffee Potcupssaucersmilk Jugsugar Bowl £9.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Kitchen Maidcook Cruet Set 1960s. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Long Orange Yellow Dish Hors Doeuvre Nibbles Serving Plate £14.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Mauve & White Bird Shape Trinket Dish £25.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Money Box £40.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Mustard Colour Fish Cruets Salt & Pepper Pots Vgc £14.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Noahs Ark Money Box Moneybox 70s £28.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Novelty Blue Owl Money Box Model 2922 £41.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Novelty Tomato Salad Cruet 1950s 2635 £38.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Orange Horse Shape Piggy Money Bank - Y03 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Orchid Egg Shape Lidded Trinketsauce 3 Leg Dish Bowl £26.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Owl Salt & Pepper Cruet Set Condiment Set £25.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Pale Green With Purple Magnolia Serving Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Peppercruet Pot £23.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Pink Ceramic Piggy Bank £29.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Pottery Bug Eyed Owl Money Box Good £29.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Preserve Pot With Saucer, Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Raspberry Jam Pot No Damage £29.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Two Tone Cruet Set No Damage £9.00 (ins value value x2) Retro Walking Ware Long Legged Lidded Sugar Bowl £29.00 (ins value value x2) Retro,60s,70s,Princess,Flat Back Money Box £34.00 (ins value value x2) Reutter Porzellan Paddington Bear Display Plaque £12.00 (ins value value x2) Revo Dish In Daisy Pattern 3691 £120.00 (ins value value x2) Rising Hawk (Pre Ware) Walking Long John Silver Sugar Bowl With Lid Af £13.00 (ins value value x2) Rising Hawk (Pre Ware) Walking Long John Silver Teapot With

Parrot Af £41.00 (ins value value x2) Rising Hawk (Pre-Ware) Walking Ware Lustre Long John Silver Cup 1974 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Robertson & Golly Bride Statue Approx 3.00 £17.00 (ins value value x2) Robertson & Limited Edit Golly Muskateer Statue Approx 5 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Robertson Golly Musician Figures With Bandstand £90.00 (ins value value x2) Robertsons Golly Guitarist For Bandstand Cd I 5 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Robertsons Jumping Golly In Yellow Box With Red Rims Teapot £25.00 (ins value value x2) Rocking Horse Money Box In Orange (Hospiscare) £34.00 (ins value value x2) Rocking Horse Money Box Orange Retro Style £45.00 (ins value value x2) Ronald Reagan Spitting Image Coffee Pot £65.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Lustre Miniature Oriental Dragon Comport. £35.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal () £19.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal 9 Dish £29.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Aladdin Table Lamp Lighter Ex Cond £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Bowl In Chinoiserie Mikado Pattern £50.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Coffee Cup And Saucer £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Dish - Chinnoisserie Pattern £45.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Ginger Jar In Mikado £27.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Ginger Jar In Mikado Pattern £33.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Ginger Jar Stork Pattern Example. £72.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Jug And Vase. £33.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Large Leaf £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Set Of Six Coffe Cups £35.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Spiders Web Butterfly Lustreware Trinket Pot Box Deco £31.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Spiders Web Butterfly Lustreware Trinket Pot Box Deco £26.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Spiders Web Dish £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Temple Jar & Cover 30 £11.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Temple Jar With Mallard Ducks £83.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Vase £27.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Vase £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royal Vase £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale - Bird Of Paradise - Ginger Jar £19.00 (ins

value value x2) Rouge Royale £11.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale £12.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale £46.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale 13 Piece Coffee Set Inc Pot, Cups & Saucers Jug & Bowl £69.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale 3 Various Items Incl Temple Jar, Lidded Box, Long Leaf £29.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale 9 Inch Dish Heron Stork Pattern £13.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Aladdins Lamp Table Lighter Gwo C.00s Ex £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Bird Pattern Dish Nr £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Bird Pattern Dish Nr £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Bowl (Kingfisher & Water Lily) £26.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Box With Lid - Jewelled + Gilded - £46.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Butter Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Chinese Pagoda Dish £13.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Chinoiserie Pattern Large Decorative Dish £36.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Cigarette Pipe Ash Tray Stand Spiders Web £36.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Coffee Pot Deco Style £29.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Coffee Pot-Grapevine Pattern C1950s £31.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Coffee Set. 15pcs. £93.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Covered Jar Mikado Pattern £25.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Covered Jar Peacock Pattern £30.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Covered Jar Pheasant Pattern £46.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Creamer-Grapevine 1950s £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Demitasse Coffee Cup & Saucer-Grapevine 1950s £11.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Demitasse Coffee Cup & Saucer-Grapevine 1950s £18.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Demitasse Coffee Cup & Saucer-Grapevine 1950s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Demitasse Coffee Cup & Saucer-Grapevine 1950s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dish Rouge Royal Leaf Shape Dish By £19.00

(ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dish With Gold Edging & On Handles £12.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dish With Oriental £18.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dish With Star Burst Flowers £25.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dish. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Dragonfly & Flowers Pattern Ashtray £26.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Duo £11.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Flambe Vase C.0030 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Flying Duck Mallard Lustre Coffee Demi Cup & Saucer £57.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Flying Duck Mallard Lustre Lidded Sugar Bowl £27.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Flying Mallard Ducks Large Bowl C1925-56 £34.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Ginger Jar (2), 5.0 Tall £31.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Ginger Jar £10.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Ginger Jar Mikado Pattern Circa 1925 - 70 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Gondola - Water Lily Pattern £129.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Gourd Vase - Vgc £49.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Hand Painted Vase 7 (18cm) High £10.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Hexagon Ashtray Pheasant Ptrn #2143 C1925 - 70 £12.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Jug - Gilded - - Moulded £13.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Jug - Spiders Web - Vgc £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Jug With Polka Dot Pattern & Gilt Handle 6 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Kissing Doves Mikado Gondola Dish 1930s £140.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lidded Box - Vgc £37.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lidded Box Spiders Web £43.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lidded Pot - Vgc £32.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lidded Sugar And Jug £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lidded Sugar Bowl-Grapevine 1950s £16.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustre Bird Of Paradise Large Bowldish 923 Cms £18.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustre Dish In Unusual Shape, 1940s50s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustre Dish In Unusual Shape, 1940s50s £8.00 (ins value value x2)

Rouge Royale Lustre Vase £19.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Comport Dish - - Moulded £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Comport Dish - - Moulded £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Comport Dish - Stork - Jewelled £30.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Decorative Dish - - Jewelled £11.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Dish - Moulded + Gilded £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Dish - Moulded + Gilded £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Jar + Lid - Jewelled Flowers - £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Jar + Lid - Jewelled Flowers - £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Jewelled Chinoiserie Trinket Box + Ashtray Lid £35.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Jewelled Mikado Dish - £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Lustred Spiders Web Comport Dish - £25.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mallard Duck Large Gondola Vase £218.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Jewelled Comport Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Jewelled Comport Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Lidded Ginger Jar – Gold Best Ware Mark £29.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Lidded Ginger Jar Great £49.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Nut Dish £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Pattern #4433 4 Pin Dish + Label £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Pattern #4433 4 Pin Dish + Label £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Single Handled Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Vase Temple Jar & Cover Chinoiserie Vgc £42.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Mikado Vase Temple Jar & Cover Lustre Ware Chinoiserie £38.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Oriental Trumpet Vase £65.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Oval Dish - C.0030s £18.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Oval Tray Chinese Shape 1634 £30.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Ovoid Ginger Jar £19.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Pitcher Creamer & Open Sugar Shell Original Tag £24.00 (ins value value x2)

Rouge Royale Plate With Mallard Ducks Fine £32.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Posie Vase £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Posie Vase £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Rectangular Ashtray Mikado Pt #2143 C1925 70 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Rectangular Ashtray Mikado Pt #2143 C1925 70 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Shell Sugar + Lidded + Jug £31.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Shell Sugar + Lidded + Jug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Shell Sugar + Lidded + Jug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Small Ginger Jar Butterfly, Blue Bird, 8.0cm Tall £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Small Ginger Jar Pheasant 8.0cm Tall £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spider Web Dish £27.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spider Web Jar £25.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spiders Web & Dragon Fly Dish £31.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spiders Web Bowl - £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spiders Web Dish £50.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spiders Web Ovoid Ginger Jar With Lid 193040s £125.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Spiderweb Coffee Set £97.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stem Vase £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Bowl Dish £15.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Decorative Plate 9 £105.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Dish £15.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Handpainted Cabinet Plate £29.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Handpainted Trinket Box £34.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Sugar Bowl & Lid, 1940s, Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Stork Vase £15.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Table Lighter Bird Of Paradise Pattern £28.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Teapot Tea Pot £46.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Temple Jar Spiders Web £31.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Temple Jar. Kingfisher. £39.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Tray £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Tri-Rest Triangular Ashtray Duck Pattern 4455 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Trinket Box £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Trinket Box £9.00 (ins value value x2)

Rouge Royale Trinket Box Stork Pattern 4340 £28.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Two Handled Vase, Shape #1693, £10.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Vase £17.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Vase, 5.0 Tall. (2) £20.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Vase, 7 Tall. (1) £20.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Yellow Rose Bud Vase (Unusual Design) £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Yellow Rose Oval Shaped Dish (Unusual Design) £9.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale Yellow Rose Trinket Box (Unusual Design) £14.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Royale, Spiders Web, Red Lustre Trinket Box £111.00 (ins value value x2) Rouge Small Bulldog £24.00 (ins value value x2) Roughe Royal Vase £12.00 (ins value value x2) Royal Doulton Henley 15 Piece Full Coffee Set 1930s £68.00 (ins value value x2) Royal Horse Guards 1805 11 Statue 2824 {Af} £32.00 (ins value value x2) Royal Winton Florence (Chintz) - 239999 £125.00 (ins value value x2) Royale Coffee Pot Stork 1940s Vgc £39.00 (ins value value x2) S.S Pacific Cruise Liner Ornament £12.00 (ins value value x2) Sadlers Grand Tourer Motor Car Teapot - Pale Green Edition £75.00 (ins value value x2) Sadlers Racing Teapots Airplane Teapot - Pink Edition £150.00 (ins value value x2) Sadlers Racing Teapots Airship Teapot £75.00 (ins value value x2) Sadlers Racing Teapots Airship Teapot £75.00 (ins value value x2) Salad Bowl On Three Feet Tomato £14.00 (ins value value x2) Salad Dish & Servers With Raised Tomato £15.00 (ins value value x2) Saloon Car ( ) £49.00 (ins value value x2) Salt & Pepper - Walking Ware Big Feet £24.00 (ins value value x2) Salt & Pepper Cruet Set, Retro, Kitchen Ware, A1 £25.00 (ins value value x2) Salt & Pepper In Form Of Carrot & Pea Pod Ref148 £12.00 (ins value value x2) Salt And Pepper £12.00 (ins value value x2) Salt And Pepper On Dish C196070 In Vibrant Orange - 7 Inches Long £10.00 (ins value value x2) Salt Or Container Unusual Plus Mustard Crinaline Ladies Vgc £44.00 (ins value value x2) Salt Papre And Pickle Set With Banana Leaf Try Set £15.00 (ins value value x2) Santa Golly Teapot Limited Edition 70120 Golliwog Collection

£31.00 (ins value value x2) Sauce Boat & Saucer £10.00 (ins value value x2) Sauce Boat Green Leaf With Underplate, Dish Gravy £10.00 (ins value value x2) Sauceboat & Dish (Made In Australia) In Good £14.00 (ins value value x2) Saucy Sue £8.00 (ins value value x2) Saucy Sue £8.00 (ins value value x2) Sea Green Orchid & Fern Dish £26.00 (ins value value x2) Secratary Bird Ginger Jar And Cover £320.00 (ins value value x2) Selection Of Oddments £8.00 (ins value value x2) Selection Of Oddments £8.00 (ins value value x2) Serving Bowl & Servers Lobster & Crab Australian £37.00 (ins value value x2) Serving Plate £19.00 (ins value value x2) Set 4 Banana Sundaedessert Dishes - Vgc £14.00 (ins value value x2) Set 6 Rouge Royale Stork Coffee Cups & Saucers, Vgc £36.00 (ins value value x2) Set C1950s Wallmount Flying Guiness Toucans £84.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 2 Retro 70s Bright Red Coffee Can & Saucers £29.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 3 Guinness Flying Toucan Wall Plaques £83.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 3 Walking Wear Luster Egg Cup Egg Cups 1973 England Estate £17.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 4 Blue Bleu Royale 6.0 Plates £24.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 4 Golly Thimbles In Presentation Box All Vgc Ltd Edit China £10.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 4 Queens Ware Noodle Soup Sundae Bowls £14.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of 4 Snowman Thimbles In Presentation Box Ltd Editioall Vgc £12.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of Four Boxed Napkin Holders - £207.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of Four Cups With Saucers - Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of Four Cups With Saucers - Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Set Of Vert Royale Coffee Cups & Saucers £33.00 (ins value value x2) Sexy Legs Toast Rack £16.00 (ins value value x2) Shakespeare Ceramic Bust Flowers Brewery Stratford Upon Avon £42.00 (ins value value x2) Shakespeare Ceramic Bust Flowers Brewery Stratford Upon Avon Ashtray £10.00 (ins value value x2) Sheep Theme Toast Rack £9.00 (ins value value x2) Sheep Theme Toast Rack £9.00 (ins value value x2) Sheep Toast Rack £14.00 (ins value value x2)

Sheep Toast Rack £17.00 (ins value value x2) Sheep Vgc Sauce Boat And Plate £15.00 (ins value value x2) Sheep Vgc Saucegravy Boat £18.00 (ins value value x2) Shell Cruet Set Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Shell Cruet Set Vgc £8.00 (ins value value x2) Shell Green & Black Cruet Set - S52 £12.00 (ins value value x2) Shelley Butterfly Lustre Ware Preservejam Pot Or Ware. £13.00 (ins value value x2) Shelley Ww1 Red Cross Van £30.00 (ins value value x2) Shells Shells And More Shells £97.00 (ins value value x2) Siamese Cat Coffee Pot Mouse Finial 3 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Sitting Bear Wearing Ww1 Grengarry - Cardiff £36.00 (ins value value x2) Six China Zig Zag Trees Side Plates £31.00 (ins value value x2) Six Sided Dish With The Spangled Tree Pattern. £25.00 (ins value value x2) Size Mikado Pattern Gilded Bowl - Vgc £20.00 (ins value value x2) Sketching Bird Bowl £92.00 (ins value value x2) Sketching Bird Vase £114.00 (ins value value x2) Sketching Bird Vase £146.00 (ins value value x2) Sketching Bird Vase £220.00 (ins value value x2) Sketching Bird Vase- & Vgc & £299.00 (ins value value x2) Skittle Vase In Black & Gold Spiders Web By Marie Graves £125.00 (ins value value x2) Skyfall Theme Cd From Adele + Ms Legacy Union Flag Bulldog £55.00 (ins value value x2) Small Blackberry Jam Dish Boxed With Spoon £11.00 (ins value value x2) Small Bleu Royale Footed Jar Chinoiserie Pattern 3199 £33.00 (ins value value x2) Small Bulldog With A Rouge Coat £45.00 (ins value value x2) Small Cup Saucer .Cup Has Lustre Tree Gilt Inner & Handle £133.00 (ins value value x2) Small Embossed Basket Hand Painted Circa 193561 Primula £9.00 (ins value value x2) Small Embossed Basket Hand Painted Circa 193561 Primula £9.00 (ins value value x2) Small Golly Sandwich Board - Bovril + Metal Plaque Included £35.00 (ins value value x2) Small Guiness Toucan £9.00 (ins value value x2) Small Guiness Toucan £9.00 (ins value value x2) Small Leaf Condiments Dish With Spoon £13.00 (ins value value x2) Snail Moneybox Money Box In Good £26.00 (ins value value x2) Snowman Skating On Thin Ice 8 Of 100, £20.00 (ins value value x2) Soldier Salt And Pepper Set Cruet In Original Box Gold

Backstamp £25.00 (ins value value x2) Soldier Salt Pot £9.00 (ins value value x2) Somersetbuttercup Pattern 3 Piece Coffee Set £24.00 (ins value value x2) Somersetbuttercup Pattern Cruet Salt& Pepper £9.00 (ins value value x2) Somersetbuttercup Pattern Saucegravy Boat & Drip Tray £9.00 (ins value value x2) Southampton - Motor Car Dn 999 - China £14.00 (ins value value x2) Spangle Tree Diamond Fin Dish £76.00 (ins value value x2) Spangle Tree Jug C. 1937 Af £14.00 (ins value value x2) Spangled Tree Lustre Jug £18.00 (ins value value x2) Spangled Tree Vase - Vgc & £131.00 (ins value value x2) Spangled Tree Vase - Vgc & £226.00 (ins value value x2) Spangled Tree Vase Vgc 99p Nr £88.00 (ins value value x2) Spherical Saltpepper Pots. Orange Cats .L@@K £12.00 (ins value value x2) Spherical Saltpepper Pots. Orange Fish .L@@K £9.00 (ins value value x2) Spherical Saltpepper Pots. Orange Lions .L@@K £19.00 (ins value value x2) Spherical Saltpepper Pots.Elephants.L@@K £19.00 (ins value value x2) Spherical Saltpepper Pots.Fish .L@@K £19.00 (ins value value x2) Spherical Saltpepper Pots.Owls .L@@K £36.00 (ins value value x2) Spider Web Decorative Plate With Original Label £30.00 (ins value value x2) Spiders Web Ginger Jar Vert Royale Lustre. Berries & Butterflies £99.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Fergie Egg Cup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Neil Kinnock Egg Cup £28.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Prince Phillip Egg Cup £29.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Princess Diana Egg Cup £10.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Princess Eugene Egg Cup £11.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Queen Elizabeth Egg Cup £18.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Queen Elizabeth Egg Cup £26.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image - Ronald Reagan Coffee Pot £52.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image 1986 Sara Ferguson Royal Egg Cup By Fluck & Law £19.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Fluck & Law Ceramic Egg Cup - Princess Eugenie £30.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Fluck & Law Neil Kinnock Eggcup - 1980s

£85.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Fluck & Law Prince Charles Eggcup - 1980s £75.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Lady Diana Spencer Princess Diana £17.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Margaret Thatcher Fluck & Law Teapot Maggie £34.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Novelty Egg Cup - Queen Elizabeth Ii £26.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Novelty Egg Cup - Sarah Ferguson Fergie £26.00 (ins value value x2) Spitting Image Prince William Egg Cup Luck & Flaw 1982 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Splendid Handpainted Blush Mounted Salad Bowl & Servers C1900 £59.00 (ins value value x2) Spoon - Fruit Range £8.00 (ins value value x2) Spoon - Fruit Range £8.00 (ins value value x2) Spreader + Preserve Spoon - - Handpainted £11.00 (ins value value x2) Spreaders X 3 + Preserve Spoon - C1935 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Spring Pattern Vase - Vgc £32.00 (ins value value x2) Square Strawberry Dish £13.00 (ins value value x2) Square White Honey Pot With Bees £24.00 (ins value value x2) Ss Novelty Tea Pot £18.00 (ins value value x2) Ss Pacific Model China Ship £9.00 (ins value value x2) St. Albans 1907 Pageant - Miniature Commemorative Dish. £8.00 (ins value value x2) St. Albans 1907 Pageant - Miniature Commemorative Dish. £8.00 (ins value value x2) Stanhope Crested Ware Bulldog W & R Slow To Start But What A Hold £18.00 (ins value value x2) Stick Telephone Sunderland Crest £12.00 (ins value value x2) Stmpd Crested China Gladstone Bag Hethersett No Damage 4l 134h £14.00 (ins value value x2) Stork & Willow Pattern Rouge Royale Coffee Pot £60.00 (ins value value x2) Stork Pattern Dish £25.00 (ins value value x2) Storks Pattern Two Handled Posy Vase - Vgc £39.00 (ins value value x2) Storks Vert Royale Large Gondola Salad Bowl - 1940s £295.00 (ins value value x2) Strawberry Preserve Pot £16.00 (ins value value x2) Striking Large Flow Blue And Gold Vase Wiltshaw & Robinson C1895 £29.00 (ins value value x2) Style Apple Salt And Pepper Pots £12.00 (ins value value x2) Style Hollyhocks Limited Edition 1250 £75.00 (ins value value x2) Style Leaf Shape Hors Doeuvre Or Tapas Serving Dish A 1960s Eye-Catcher £19.00 (ins value value x2) Style Unmarked Walking Ware Long John Silver Sugar Bowl

£10.00 (ins value value x2) Style Walking Ware Salt & Pepper Pots, Green Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Stylish 1960s 1970s Lion Ball Shaped Cruet Salt Pepper £36.00 (ins value value x2) Stylish Cream Jug - £11.00 (ins value value x2) Stylish Handcraft Bowl £128.00 (ins value value x2) Stylish Mini Apple Sauce Condiment Pot On Leaf Saucer 1960s £12.00 (ins value value x2) Stylish Pair Of Nude Lady Bookends White China Style £40.00 (ins value value x2) Stylized Leaf Comport Dishes X 2 - Foxglove - C1938 £12.00 (ins value value x2) Sugar Bowl And Milk Jug Buttercup Art Deco. £26.00 (ins value value x2) Sugar Bowl And Milk Jug In The Oak Tree £27.00 (ins value value x2) Sugar Bowl Circa 1930s With Free Uk P&P £17.00 (ins value value x2) Sugar Sifter £12.00 (ins value value x2) Summer Flower Pattern No 3926 - 1935 £185.00 (ins value value x2) Summer Flowers Pattern Vase Pattern 3926. 16cm Tall. Af £41.00 (ins value value x2) Sunderland Lustre Ware Guinness Rhyming Plate £12.00 (ins value value x2) Swallow & Cloud Vase - Circa 1926 £85.00 (ins value value x2) Swallow And Cloud Deskpen Stand - Circa 1930 Complete With Its Original Onona Fountain Pen £617.00 (ins value value x2) Swansea Crestred China Tank. Cond. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Sweet Dish Green And Gilt Dish By £9.00 (ins value value x2) Sweet Dish Green And Gilt Dish By £9.00 (ins value value x2) Sweetmeat Jar £12.00 (ins value value x2) Tableware Job Lot 19 Pieces Mugs Banana Plates Cruet Set Apple Pot £20.00 (ins value value x2) Taj Mahal Pattern Luster Pot Pourri - Vgc £54.00 (ins value value x2) Tea Caddy In Mikado Pattern (No 2728), 1920s £12.00 (ins value value x2) Tea For 2 Service Marriage Paris Pattern Black Gold £350.00 (ins value value x2) Tea For Two Set In Gallant Pattern £85.00 (ins value value x2) Tea Pot (1 Pt), Sugar Bowl, Milk Jug Australian £142.00 (ins value value x2) Tea Pot £30.00 (ins value value x2) Tea Pot, Milk Jug And 4 Cups Buttercup Art Deco. £58.00 (ins value value x2) Tea Pot(For Two).Waterlilly Pattern.(Sd). £19.00 (ins value value x2) Tea Set £32.00 (ins value value x2)

Tea Set, Duck Egg Blue, Circa 1920 - 1926 £34.00 (ins value value x2) Teal Coffee Service 4 Cups £10.00 (ins value value x2) Teapot Damaged Good Restoration Project £26.00 (ins value value x2) Teapot In The Shape Of A Policeman, Mainly In Black £19.00 (ins value value x2) Teapot, Milk Jug & Sugar Bowl, (Australian Pattern, Foxglove). £29.00 (ins value value x2) Temple Jar Sketching Bird Pattern £123.00 (ins value value x2) The Boss Eggcup - Vgc - £24.00 (ins value value x2) The Clarice Cliff Colour Price Guide 1995 Christies 128 Pagesù Post Free Eu £12.00 (ins value value x2) The Collectors Handbook-Prices Patterns Etc £16.00 (ins value value x2) The Complete Guide: Including A Price Guide Czes Kosniowski £68.00 (ins value value x2) The Crested Bird And Water Lily Gondola. £395.00 (ins value value x2) The Garden Fairy Large Blue Butterfly - 350 £125.00 (ins value value x2) The Golly Hunt Trinket Box £14.00 (ins value value x2) The Jester £49.00 (ins value value x2) The Jester Colourway Limited Edition 500 £57.00 (ins value value x2) The Leonardo Collection Out Of Asia Cat (Lp15301) £19.00 (ins value value x2) The Old Jameson Distillary Dublin Advertising Pub Jug £9.00 (ins value value x2) The Red Baron Flying Ace Teapot £12.00 (ins value value x2) The Sunflower Girl Bright - 402 Of 600 £100.00 (ins value value x2) The Sunshine Girl - Limited Edition - 261250 £125.00 (ins value value x2) The Victory Of Justice Nov.00th 1918 Kingstown £28.00 (ins value value x2) Three Coloured Retro 1960-70s Spice Jars With Original Corks £11.00 (ins value value x2) Three Daisy Dishes Saucers - Vgc & £17.00 (ins value value x2) Three Gollies On Spacehoppers £25.00 (ins value value x2) Three Interesting Pieces Of Crested China Willow Arcadian £33.00 (ins value value x2) Three Piece Cruet Set Vgc £56.00 (ins value value x2) Three Pieces Of Hand Painted Retro Pottery: Australian £10.00 (ins value value x2) Three Rouge Royale Candle Holders £9.00 (ins value value x2) Three Walking Egg Cups £10.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack - Foxglove - C1935 £13.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack - Lilac. Australian Design. £10.00 (ins value value

x2) Toast Rack + Dish + Knife £31.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack 16cm Free P+P In The Uk £13.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack Mn1801 Vgc £28.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack With Jam Sections - Apple, Pear, Lemon £38.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack With Pink Water Liliesaustralian £11.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Toast Rack.Wild Rose Pattern £17.00 (ins value value x2) Toastrack £16.00 (ins value value x2) Tobacco Jar Coat Of Arms Jesus College Cambridge £26.00 (ins value value x2) Tobacco Jar With Metal Clamp - Marked Emmanuel £18.00 (ins value value x2) Toby Jug Set Cruet £35.00 (ins value value x2) Toby Jug Style Salt And Pepper Pots Cruet Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Toby Jugs Cruet Set So So & Truly £35.00 (ins value value x2) Toff - Top Hat Man - Cruet Set - Salt And Pepper Set - 60s £51.00 (ins value value x2) Tomato Cruet Set £10.00 (ins value value x2) Tomato Cruet Set Salt Pepper Mustard Tray 1930s-50s £9.00 (ins value value x2) Tomato Dish Set Good £12.00 (ins value value x2) Tomato Serving Dish Bowl & Two Small Sauce Dishes Lettuce Vtg Set 3 £16.00 (ins value value x2) Tony Cartlidge Snowmen & Gollys Ltd Ed Set Of 4 Boxed Thimbles B12 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan Aeroplane Teapot £19.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan Band - The Drummer - Blue Jacket £45.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan Band - The Toucan Drummer - Limited Edition - 110 £50.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan Band - The Trumpet Player - Blue Jacket £35.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan Band - Toucan Banjo Player - Limited Edition - 610 £65.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan In His Car - Flying The Winners Flag - £55.00 (ins value value x2) Toucan Trumpet Player - Blue Jacket £45.00 (ins value value x2) Tourer. Llangollen Crest. £17.00 (ins value value x2) Train Money Box Teal Blue Retro Late 1960s £31.00 (ins value value x2) Train Moneybox Blue Turquoise White Abstract Numbers 1960`S £23.00 (ins value value x2) Trays (Playing Card Design) £15.00 (ins value value x2) Trial Golly Series £9.00 (ins value value x2) Trial Golly Series £9.00 (ins value value x2) Triangular Lobster Bowl £25.00 (ins value value x2)

Trinket Dish.Thistle £9.00 (ins value value x2) Trinket Dish.Thistle £9.00 (ins value value x2) Tube Lined Bowl, Tulip £54.00 (ins value value x2) Tube-Lined Marigold Ovoid Vase - Mid 1930s £195.00 (ins value value x2) Tulip Bowl £30.00 (ins value value x2) Tulip Pattern Bowl £16.00 (ins value value x2) Tulip Pattern Pin Dish £24.00 (ins value value x2) Tulip Sugar Shaker £40.00 (ins value value x2) Tumbling Skier - Skiing Teapot - £9.00 (ins value value x2) Tumbling Skier Teapot £14.00 (ins value value x2) Tureen Dish On Raised Base Green With Lettuce Leaf & Tomato £13.00 (ins value value x2) Turquoise Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Turquoise Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Tutankhamun Floating Bowl £150.00 (ins value value x2) Tutankhamun Vase £121.00 (ins value value x2) Two Guiness Flying Toucan Wall Plaques As Shown Scarce. See Details £52.00 (ins value value x2) Two Items In Plain Green With Gold Trim. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Two Tone Dish - - Abstract Pattern £12.00 (ins value value x2) Two Triangular Leaf Dishes Tomato £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ultra Preserve Pot Pear Fruit Jam Sugar £8.00 (ins value value x2) Ultra Preserve Pot Pear Fruit Jam Sugar £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Blue Polka Dot Vase. £10.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Crested House Ye Olde Market House Charlbury - Red Glaze £49.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Crested Ware (Not Goss) Im Forever Blowing Bubbles (ins value value x2) Unusual Cup & Saucer Good Morn From Fowey £9.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Dish Lemon Slice With Pips £11.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Drip Painted Squat Vase £10.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly And His Friends Small Pot And Lid (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly At The Circus Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly At The Circus Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly Skating Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly Skating Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Golly Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2)

Unusual Gollywith His Friends The Dollies Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Gollywith His Friends The Dollies Small Pot And Lid £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Guinness Advertising Beer Pub Jug Grandfather Clock £97.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Jar & Lid Circa 1925-1957 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Large British Bulldog £33.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Parrots Pattern Tazza Footed Bowl £30.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Pattern Rouge Royale Dish.Tree And Clouds.Aztec. £14.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Posy Vase (Serial No 3878) In Shape 1930s £12.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Retro Style Tractor Mug In Red Or Green. Novelty Giftsecret Santa £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Retro Style Tractor Mug In Red Or Green. Novelty Giftsecret Santa £8.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Rouge Royale Dish. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Rouge Royale Double Vase. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Rouge Royale Double Vase. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Small British Bulldog £24.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Small British Bulldog £24.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Style Fiesta Ware Circular Yellow Jug Vase Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Sugar Shaker £9.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Sugar Sifter In The Form Of A Fruit Tower £12.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Vert Royale Plate With Variation On Mikado Theme £29.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual W & R Crested China - Beer Glass In Hand - Ilfracombe £13.00 (ins value value x2) Unusual Winston Churchill Character Jug £49.00 (ins value value x2) V Attractive Wiltshaw & Robinston Blush Ivory Teapot C18941926 £78.00 (ins value value x2) V.Nice Old Golfers Desk Vestamatch Holder C.0000. £44.00 (ins value value x2) Vase ,In Yellow With Floral ,V,G,C £33.00 (ins value value x2) Vase £15.00 (ins value value x2) Vase £15.00 (ins value value x2) Vase £9.00 (ins value value x2) Vase 1920s Japanese Style Lustre Green Pink Lilies Pattern £83.00 (ins value value x2) Vase And Cover - Dragon £84.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Bird Of Paradise, Lustre Interior, 1930s, Pattern 4117, Small £64.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Blue - Night Oak - Circa1935 - £52.00 (ins value value x2)

Vase By Anita Harris Blackberry And Cobwebs £19.00 (ins value value x2) Vase C1927 Barge Pattern 2519 £74.00 (ins value value x2) Vase In The Rouge Royale Pattern Ref 10121 £33.00 (ins value value x2) Vase In The Spiders Web Pattern. £37.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Kang Hsi Pattern Circa 1915 (W&R) £85.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Rain Man At The Eiffel Tower £75.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Rain Man At The Sydney Opera House £75.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Showy Jeweled Nr £44.00 (ins value value x2) Vase Showy Nr (ins value value x2) Vase Sketching Bird £92.00 (ins value value x2) Vase With The Bird Of Paradice Pattern £17.00 (ins value value x2) Vase, About 5 High, Feather Tailed Bird And Flower, 3355 £75.00 (ins value value x2) Vasejug.Marked Carltonkensington Ware Burslem.Capacity 2 Pints.0050s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Vasejug.Marked Carltonkensington Ware Burslem.Capacity 2 Pints.0050s £8.00 (ins value value x2) Vases £81.00 (ins value value x2) Vegetable Cruet Set On Recessed Stand Hand Paint £12.00 (ins value value x2) Vegetable Cruet Set Pea, Carrot, Onion (With Spoon)And Leek £17.00 (ins value value x2) Version Of Blackpol Tower & Willow Art British Tank Ww1 Blackpool £12.00 (ins value value x2) Version Of Ww1 British Tank Hmls - Trailing Wheels - Hastings £16.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royal Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royal Gondola Bowl £50.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale 13.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Coffee Cups & Saucers (Set Of 6) - 2 Sets £45.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Coffee Pot. £65.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Coverd Sugar Bowl £16.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Green Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Green Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Green Gilt Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Trinket Box Cigarette Box Vgc £20.00 (ins value value x2) Vert Royale Vase £44.00 (ins value value x2) Verte Royale Stylish Dish £13.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Shell Cruet Set £9.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Kang Hsi Chinoisere Vase C 1906 £145.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Pair Of Australian Dishes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Pottery Green Primula Pattern Spoon £9.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Pottery Green Primula Pattern Spoon £9.00 (ins value

value x2) Vgc Sauce Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Sauce Dish £8.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Saucesugar Pot Dish And Lid Model No 2372 £18.00 (ins value value x2) Vgc Ww1 Crested Ware Large Tank China Richmond Surrey £30.00 (ins value value x2) Vgcon Cake Plate £18.00 (ins value value x2) Vgcon Moir Smith Aesops Fables Tile - The Fox And The StorkVint&Vgc&No Reser £29.00 (ins value value x2) Victorian Coffee Cup & Saucer Wiltshaw & Robinson C 18941906 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Victorian Pottery Duplex Dish - Date 1892 [4778] £8.00 (ins value value x2) Victorian Pottery Duplex Dish - Date 1892 [4778] £8.00 (ins value value x2) Village Range Farm Cottage In £25.00 (ins value value x2) Village Range Mansion House In £32.00 (ins value value x2) Vine Pattern Mottled Blue Lustre Scalloped Plate, Enamelled Grapes £15.00 (ins value value x2) Vintagte Rouge Royale Spiders Web Vase. £40.00 (ins value value x2) Volkswagen Beetle Lustre Finish Gilt Back Stamp Trial Item £20.00 (ins value value x2) Vtg Boxed Salt & Pepper Cruet Set Original Box Australian £29.00 (ins value value x2) Vtg London Tower Beefeater 4 Tall Salt & Pepper Set Htf 60s 70s £10.00 (ins value value x2) Vtg Retro Green Peacock Bird Dish 2865 60s 70s £19.00 (ins value value x2) Vtg Rouge Royale Trinket Dish Cigarette Box £18.00 (ins value value x2) Vtg Signed Red & Gold Lidded Jar (Rouge Royale) £18.00 (ins value value x2) Vw Beetle Car Teapot £14.00 (ins value value x2) W & R - Black & Terracotta Mikado Kissing Birds Vase - 1920s £145.00 (ins value value x2) W & R - Pair Of Mikado Blue Lustre Cylindrical Vases - 1920s £195.00 (ins value value x2) W & R 1920s Large Footed Bowl Turkish £82.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Coffee Pot 192030s £10.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Cornucopia Blushware Teapot £54.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Crested Ware Car - Marlborough - £8.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Crested Ware Car - Marlborough - £8.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Early Pair Of Temple Vases £175.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Hand Decorated Coffee Can And Saucer £13.00 (ins value value x2)

W & R Handpainted Cock & Peony Tall Vase - 1900s £195.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Lustre Stork Mikado Honey Jam Pot And Plate C.0025 £30.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Match Holder Striker £9.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Mikado Trumpet Vase - 1920s £49.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Orange Lustre Pedestal Bowl - Prunus Spray Pattern 2722 £34.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Persian Lustre Vase £19.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Petunia Jardiniere Blush Ivory Finish Registered 1895 #6057 £65.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Stoke On Trent Poppy Dish Bonbon Snacks Victorian £9.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Stoke On Trent, Ware, Pat. No. 488460, Flowers Vase Brass Top Used £20.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Stork 723 Cloisonne Medium Urn Vase £295.00 (ins value value x2) W & R Vase 2428 4955 Shape 139 Chinese Scenes Patrn.C1925 N.R. £120.00 (ins value value x2) W &R Handled Dishbowl Exotic Bird & Floral £35.00 (ins value value x2) W H Goss Ww1 British Tank Torquay & Torquay Memorial Matching £38.00 (ins value value x2) W R Crested China Heron Hinckley Crest £8.00 (ins value value x2) W R Crested China Heron Hinckley Crest £8.00 (ins value value x2) W.W.0 Crested China Monoplane With Revolving Propellor Scarborough. £67.00 (ins value value x2) W&R (Flies) Lustre Rosebowl 1906-1927 £49.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Blush Biscuit Barrel £23.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Blush Vase £33.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Bowl £16.00 (ins value value x2) W&R China Mg Model Of British Machine Gun Ripon Crested Military £34.00 (ins value value x2) W&R China Model Of British Machine High Wycombe Crested Military £24.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Lustre Hand Enamelled Japonica Jam Pot £29.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Mikado Pattern Bowl 1284 £85.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Stoke On Trent Hand Painted Floral Biscuit Barrel C 1890 (ins value value x2) W&R Stoke On Trent Orange Lustre Coffee Can And Saucer £12.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Turkish Pattern 3050 £77.00 (ins value value x2) W&R Ware,Barge Design,Pattern No 2519 £67.00 (ins value value x2) W&S £28.00 (ins value value x2) W+R Early Lidded Biscuit Barrel £40.00 (ins value value x2) Walk Ware Cup £9.00 (ins value value x2)

Walking 4 Egg Cups Cup Lime Green Blue Red Black Eggcup Eggcups £34.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Brown And Polson Gravy Jug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Brown And Polson Gravy Jug £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Cup 1978 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Cup 1978 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Cup With Brown Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Cup Yellow Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Eapot £13.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cup - Black Shoes Pink Circles On Sock Part £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cup - Black Wellington Boots - £25.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cup - Pink Shoes Blue Socks - Vgc £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cup £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cup Brown Shoes Brown Herringbone Socks £12.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cup, Brown Shoes - Unused £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Egg Cups £25.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Eggcup - £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Feet Standing Cup Yellow Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Feet Standing Cup Yellow Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Jug £16.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Legs Feet Lustre Lilac Star Socks Blue Shoes Plate £75.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Lustre Ware £77.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Plate £38.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Silver Jubilee Elizabeth 11 Mug £15.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Teapot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Teapot Black Shoes £24.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware - I Am 18 - Vgc £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware - Valentines Cup 1980 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware £15.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware £35.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware 4 Cups And Jug £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware A Collectors Guide By Julia Michell (ins value value x2) Walking Ware A Collectors Guide By Julia Michell (ins value value x2) Walking Ware A Collectors Guide By Julia Michell (ins value value x2)

Walking Ware Art Pottery Sugar Bowl & Lid Retro 80s £35.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Bigfoot Mug £17.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Biscuit Barrel £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Breakfast Set £42.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Brown & Polson Gravy Jug - £13.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Brown And Polson Gravy Boat £13.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Carribean Crossed Leg Sugar Bowl £19.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Coffee Bowl And Lid £31.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Coffee Bowl And Lid £36.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Coffee Pot Teapot Set- Items £62.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Coffee Pot With Lid Green Shoes £36.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Covered Sugar Bowl Brown Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Covered Sugar Bowl Crossed Legs Brown Shoes £27.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cow Jug £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Creammilk Jug Mauve Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup - Green Shoes Yellow Polka Dot Socks £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup & Egg Cup Green Shoes Yellow Polka Dots £34.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup & Two Egg Cup Green Shoes Lillac Stars £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup & Two Egg Cup Green Shoes Lillac Stars £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup Green Shoes & Yellow Dot Socks £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup Green Shoes & Yellow Dot Socks £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup Mug Yellow Socks & Black Stripe Socks (A) £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup Mug Yellow Socks & Black Stripe Socks (B) £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup With Brown Shoes Brown Herringbone Socks £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup Yellow Shoes With Black Striped Socks £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup-Striped Socksmary Jane Sandals-Great £19.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup, Blue Shoes With Striped Socks Standing £16.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Cup. Blue Shoes With Striped Socks. £9.00 (ins

value value x2) Walking Ware Dark Pink Egg Cup £15.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Dark Pink Egg Cup Lustre Pottery 1973 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup & Two Walking Ware Cups, Grey Shoes & Striped Socks £27.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup £12.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Black Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Black Shoes £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Black Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Black Shoes Blue Stripe Socks £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Brown Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Brown Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Brown Shoes With Brown Herringbone Socks £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Green Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Light Blue Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Milk Jug And Pepperpot Fuscia & Lilac Shoes £16.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Pink Shoes £13.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Pink Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup Pink Shoes Blue White Stripe And Dots Socks £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Egg Cup With Socks And Pale Blue Shoes £12.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Eggcup No Marks Blue Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Eggcup No Marks Blue Shoes £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Father Christmas Cup £51.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Father Christmas Cup Great £89.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware I Am 9 Birthday Mug Yellow Shoes Red Heart Socks £53.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Jug £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Jug £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Jug Blue Shoes & Brown & Mustard Chevron Socks £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Jug Lustre Pottery Pink Shoes Boots £40.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Kneeling Cup Queens Silver Jubilee £16.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Large Coffee Pot Bluegrey Shoes £34.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Large Coffee Pot Bluegrey Shoes £41.00 (ins

value value x2) Walking Ware Large Feet Soap Dish Extremely £30.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Large Teapot With Green Shoes £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Large Teapot With Green Shoes £34.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lidded Crossed Legs Sugar Bowl £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lidded Sugar Bowl £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lidded Sugar Bowl Brown Shoes & Multicolour Sock £17.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Long Legs Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Long Legs Cup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Coffee Pot With Green Shoes & Blue Stripe Socks £52.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Coffee Pot With Green Shoes & Blue Stripe Socks £32.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Egg Cup With Yellow Shoes No.0 £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Egg Cup With Yellow Shoes No.0 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Er,11 Silver Jubilee Kneeling Cup £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Milk Jug With Blue Shoes £19.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Plate Yellow Shoes Blue Polka Dot Socks £36.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Plate Yellow Shoes Blue Polka Dot Socks £76.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Pottery Caribbean Teapot £95.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Pottery Cup Rabbithare Vgc £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Running Egg Cup With Yellow Shoes £24.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Seated Sugar Pot & Lid With Black Shoes £45.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Tall Milk Jug Black Shoes & Red Stripe Socks £18.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Lustre Tropical Standing Mug - Cup Has Yellow Boots £30.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Medium Tea Pot Black Shoes Blue Stripe Stockings £31.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Medium Tea Pot Black Shoes Blue Stripe Stockings £41.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Milk Jug £12.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Milk Jug With Green Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Milk Jug With Pink Shoes £31.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Miniature Teapot £28.00 (ins value value x2)

Walking Ware No Marks - Teapot Tea Pot Red Shoes £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Novelty Teapot £16.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Pair Of Cups Yellow Shoes Black Stripe Socks £48.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Plate - Yellow Shoes Blue Spots £18.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Plate Blue Shoes Lillac Star Stockings £72.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Pot 3229 Blue Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Salt & Pepper Shaker £19.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Salt And Pepper Pots £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Salt And Pepper Pots £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Shelf Sitting Sugar Bowl By R Michell Stripe Stockings £32.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Sitting Open Sugar Bowl Crossed Legs Black Shoes £23.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Soup Bowl Dish £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Standing Cup Green Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Standing Cup Green Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Standing Egg Cup With Blue Shoes & Striped Socks £16.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Sugar Bowl £18.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Sugar Bowl Pattern £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tarzan And Jane Mugs Vgc £400.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cup £14.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cup Blue Shoes Long Legs £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cup Blue Shoes Long Legs £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cup Collectableusabledisplayfun £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cup Collectableusabledisplayfun £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cup With Brown Shoes & Orange Herring Sock £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Cups £40.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tea Pot £33.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teacup Black Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teacup Yellow Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot - Wareprice Kensington £19.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot £17.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot £55.00 (ins value value x2)

Walking Ware Teapot £55.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot Pink Shoes £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot Pink Shoes £27.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot Tea Pot Yellow Shoes Crossed Legs £30.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot With Blue Shoes £10.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot With Blue Shoes £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot Yellow Shoes £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot Yellow Shoes Black & Blue Stripe Socks £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Milk Jug & One Egg Cup £11.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Tropical Egg Cup £26.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Two Cup & Egg Cupblack Shoes Blue Stripe Socks £31.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware Year Of The Child Cup - Legs - Foot - Feet £18.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware, Lustre, Red Wellington Boots, . £34.00 (ins value value x2) Walking Ware: Rising Hawk Sticker: Long John Silver Egg Cup £19.00 (ins value value x2) Walkingware 2 Mugs + 1 Eggcup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walkingware 2 Mugs + 1 Eggcup £8.00 (ins value value x2) Walkingware Sitting Bowl Black Blue Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Walkingware Sitting Bowl Black Blue Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Wallace & Gromit Breakfast Set £12.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Fox Glove, Cup And Saucer £29.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Fox Glove, Teapot £49.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Lustre Pottery & Rising Hawk Walking Ware £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Lustre Pottery & Rising Hawk Walking Ware £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Lustre Pottery & Rising Hawk Walking Ware £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Rouge Royal, Coffee Pot 12.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, W & R Tobacco Jar, Floral With Brass Spider. £35.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Walking Ware Egg Cup, Red Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Walking Ware Egg Cup, Red Shoes £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ware, Wiltshaw & Robinson, Cloisonne Bowl £19.00 (ins value value x2) Ware: Mephisto - 68500 (1998) £46.00 (ins value value x2) Ware. Cheese Dish £46.00 (ins value value x2) Ware. Prince Charles Engagement To Diana Novelty Mug, Ear Handle £12.00 (ins value value x2) Warew & R Vase, Japanese Gardenpagoda Design, Blue, Exc

£24.00 (ins value value x2) Water Lily Biscuit Barrel Green 1937 £162.00 (ins value value x2) Water Lily Dish And Butter Knife In Original Box C. 1930s £35.00 (ins value value x2) Water Lily Salt Cellar Ref Km2745 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Watercress Drainer And Stand Yellow Buttercup £49.00 (ins value value x2) Waterlily Tea-4-Two & Truly £130.00 (ins value value x2) Waved Shape Dish £9.00 (ins value value x2) Wear Bonbon Dish £13.00 (ins value value x2) Wear Dish Rouge Royal £10.00 (ins value value x2) Wear Preserve Blackberry Pot 735594 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Wear Soap Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) West Ham Football Club £32.00 (ins value value x2) Westcliff On Sea A Yorkshireman.S Advice To His Son. By China. £15.00 (ins value value x2) Westcliff-On-Sea Crested China Ambulance £13.00 (ins value value x2) White Rolls Royce Radiator Teapot 1978 £39.00 (ins value value x2) White Star Line Titanic Crested Memorial Pottery 1912 V £350.00 (ins value value x2) White Star Line Titanic Crested Memorial Vase £161.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Duck Jug - Vgc & £123.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Dish & Ladle £13.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Embossed Cruet Set - 1940s 15.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Floral Embossed Large Jug £26.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Jug & Saucer Circa 1950s Handpainted Australian £20.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Leaf-Shaped Butterpreserve Dish No. 2114 + Spoon £8.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Leaf-Shaped Butterpreserve Dish No. 2114 + Spoon £8.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Salad Servers £14.00 (ins value value x2) Wild Rose Toast Rack 1930`S £26.00 (ins value value x2) Willow Art Crested China Hull Boer War Memorial, Carlton,Goss, Arcadian £16.00 (ins value value x2) Willow Crested China Model Of A Kit Bag: Kirkwall (ins value value x2) Willow Crested China Model Of A Kit Bag: Kirkwall (ins value value x2) Willow Crested China Model Of A Kit Bag: Swansea (ins value value x2) Wilton Ware Hand Painted Vase £10.00 (ins value value x2) Wilton Ware Orange Lustre Jardiniere Planter C.0020s £30.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robertson Blush Ware Decorative Bowl 1880s

Swallow Backstamp £14.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson (Ware) Blush Ware Biscuit Barrel Cheap Shipping £55.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Armand Lustre Flies Vase Rose Bowl £101.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Barge Pattern Red Vase 29 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Biscuit Barrel Circa 1920 £26.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Blush Scallop Shell Dish Bowl 10 Heather Bells £29.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Blush Ware Dish #639 C1892 £9.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson China Ware Charlie Chaplin £66.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Crested China Ware Zeppelin Airship Searchlight £19.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Early Carleton Ware Blush Jug £29.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Early Jasper Ware Coffee Pot C1897 £19.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Egg Cup With Salt & Pepper - 1890 £14.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Flow Blue Transfer Ware Teapot 74 £42.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Footed Rose Bowl Pink Lustre £9.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Kang He Rockery & Pheasant Temple Jar Af £34.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Peony Milk Jug & Sugar Bowl. C. 1894 £25.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson Persian Blue Lustre Vase Horace Wain £25.00 (ins value value x2) Wiltshaw & Robinson-- Large Bowl With Servers - Epns Rim £31.00 (ins value value x2) Windmill Crest Of Guildford £11.00 (ins value value x2) Windrush Coffee Pot £35.00 (ins value value x2) Windrush Set 4 Coffee Espresso Cups £35.00 (ins value value x2) Winged Mephisto Special Colourway Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) Winged Mephisto Special Colourway Vgc £16.00 (ins value value x2) With The Lobster Inside Bowl Australian £38.00 (ins value value x2) Wonderful Fruit Banana Lemon Apple Pear Cruet Set - T06 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Wonderful Fruit Banana Lemon Apple Pear Cruet Set - T06 £8.00 (ins value value x2) Wonderful Ribbed Vase £9.00 (ins value value x2) Wonderful Ribbed Vase £9.00 (ins value value x2) World War One Commemorative Inkwell Lord Roberts & Lord

Kitchener £30.00 (ins value value x2) World War One W&R Commemorative Dish Lord Roberts & Lord Kitchener £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 - China - Keep The Home Fires Burning - Sheffield Crest (Wo) £18.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Armistace Not Goss China Souvenir (ins value value x2) Ww1 Battleship H.M.S Australia ( ) £127.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Bi Plane Lucy May Teapot £49.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Bill Sykes Bulldog T . T .S .S Royal Edward Troopship Transfer £51.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 British Tank 130 Hmls Mansfield £26.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 British Tank Tank Corps Fearnaught Matching £37.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Bruce Bairnsfather Old Bill Yours To A Cinder £78.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Cannon Shell - Verdun ( Battle Of , ) £32.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China Battleship Hms Tiger -German Fleet Surrenders £88.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China British 15 Inch Shell - Isle Of Grain £15.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China Cooking Range -Leeds £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China Floating Mine £49.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China Ludgeshall Crested Blighty British Isles Map £44.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China Shrapnel Villa - Tommys Dugout £39.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 China Soldier - Balham - Tipperary Verse £125.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Cina - Map Of Blighty - Darlington & Retailer £109.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Cina - Old Bill - Scarborough & Retailer £189.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested China - Barrow In Furness - Aeroplane Monoplane £8.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested China - Barrow In Furness - Aeroplane Monoplane £8.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested China - Rolls Royce Style Armoured Car - Fear Naught -Tank Regiment Matching Crest £228.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested China Mono Plane Barrow-In-Furness £24.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Ambulance. In . Thorpe Bay. £35.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware China Battleship. Southend-On-Sea. . £30.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware China Lusitania Ship Thorpe Bay £103.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Hmls Tank. In . Southend-On-Sea. £10.00 (ins value value x2)

Ww1 Crested Ware Lusitania Battle Ship £95.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Model British Armoured Car China Southend On Sea £113.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Model British Armoured Car Diamond China Jersey £113.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Model British Armoured Car Shelley China Upper Norwood £45.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Model British Motor Searchlight Caledonia China Leven Scotland £343.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Model British Trench Mortar Savoy China Brighton £60.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Model Field Gun Cannon Howitzer Savoy China Hastings £77.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Savoy China Tank Donner Blitzen. Southend-On-Sea. Cond. £33.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Tank Willow Art China Brighton £12.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Tank. In . Southend-On-Sea. £9.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Tudor Arms China Lusitania Ship Abergavenny £58.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Crested Ware Zeppelin Searchlight. In Cond. SouthendOn-Sea. £40.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 E9 Submarine - City Of London £16.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Era Crested China Battleship - Fulham £13.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 German Incendiary Bomb £29.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Its A Nap Hand Jug £10.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Map Of British Isles Take Me Back To Dear Old Blighty £70.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Minesweeper H.M.M.S Gowan Lea £79.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Minesweeper Sh Version £33.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Minesweeper Sh Version Coloured Bands £35.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Model Of British Machine Gun - Bi-Pod Base- Wadebridge £63.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Model Of Bruce Bairnsfather Old Bill Yours To A Cinder £94.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Model Of Ocean Liner Lusitania - Torpedoed And Sunk May 7, 1915 £92.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Monitor - Inscribed - Romney £56.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Munitions Worker Doing Her Bit East Harling (ins value value x2) Ww1 Parian Bust Lord Kitchener - Went Down With H.M.S Hampshire £32.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Parian Bust Of Earl Kitchener The Allies Transfer ( Version) £42.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Royal Burgh Of Elgin Hms Princess Royal Ship £13.00 (ins value value x2)

Ww1 Submarine E.0 Doncaster £11.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Swan Crested Zeppelin Bomb, Which Killed A Chicken. Southend-On-Sea. £40.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 The British Tank Crested China Arms Of Dundee 1916 £25.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Tommies Dugout - Bournemouth £68.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Tommies Dugout In France - Inscribed £30.00 (ins value value x2) Ww1 Unmarked & Undecorated ( )150mm British Tank £40.00 (ins value value x2) Wwi Crested China Peaked Cap - Withernsea £19.00 (ins value value x2) X. Rouge Royale Lustred Jar With Lid Jewelled Bird Of Paradise £36.00 (ins value value x2) Year Of The Child Walking Mug And Two Unmarked Walking Egg Cups £18.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow & Green Gilt Elongated Leaf-Shaped Large Gravy Sauce Boat £9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow And Black Mini Car Teapot C1969 Vgc Cond £25.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Mug £15.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Mug £17.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Salt & Pepper £35.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Teapot £65.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Toast Rack 9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Toast Rack 9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Apple Blossom Vase £45.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Arum Lily Posy Vase Holder £9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Banana Shaped Dish £10.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Bull Nose Morris Bw 711 £24.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Bowl £8.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Bowl £8.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Cheese Dish Rectangular Tray £14.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Cheese Tray £55.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Cruet. Pepper Mustard And Tray £9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Lemon Squeezer Juicerreamer £11.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Milk Jug & Sugar Bowl - Vgc £35.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Platedish £17.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Preserve Pot & Base £50.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Tea Pot £34.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Toast Rack - Kitchenalia £18.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercup Toastrack - Immaculate - 1930s £125.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Buttercupsalad Bowl And Servers, £49.00 (ins value

value x2) Yellow Foxglove Chocolate Cup & Cover £35.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Cup And Saucer.(A) £9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Cup And Saucer.(A) £9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Registered Australian Preserve Pot £45.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Sugar Basin £11.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Sugar Bowl & Creamer 9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Sugar Bowl & Creamer 9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Foxglove Toast Rack Australian No Damage £16.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Hand-Painted Dish £11.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Large 3 Footed Insect Bowl £80.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Leaf And Pink Floral Cream Jug £9.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Lily Teapot - Art Deco £25.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Primula Sugar Bowl And Creamer 15.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Primula Teapot £47.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Springtime Flowers Embossed Basketbowl £34.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Volkswagen Beetle Teapot £19.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Water Lily Cheese Dish & Knife Set Boxed £25.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Water Lily Dishaustralian £25.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Water Lily Toast Rack £20.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Wild Rose Salt & Pepper Cruet Set Boxed £10.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Wild Rose Salt And Pepper Set £24.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Wild Rose Tea Pot £75.00 (ins value value x2) Yellow Wild Rose Teapot, Jug, Sugar Bowl & Plate Set £63.00 (ins value value x2) Yellowgreenpink Floral Toast Rack £10.00 (ins value value x2)

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