Royal Winton Chintz Price and Identification Guide

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Royal Winton

CHINTZ Muriel M. Miller Š Francis Joseph Publications 2014 and 2002


Francis Joseph ISBN


ISBN 1-870703-12-

All information and valuations have been compiled from reliable sources and every effort has been made to eliminate errors and questionable data. Nevertheless the possibility of error always exists. The publisher will not be held responsible for losses which may occur in the purchase, sale or other transaction of items because of information contained herein. Readers who feel they have discovered errors are invited to write and inform us so that these may be corrected in subsequent editions. Royal Winton and Grimwade Ltd.are in no way associated with this publication.

Fr a n c i s Jo s e p h Pu b l i c a t i o n s These2014Fr anci sJosephGui des havebeent hebenchmar kof 20t hcent ur yEngl i shCol l ect abl es si nce1986. Thebooksar enowi nt hei ror i gi nal f or matwi t hpr i cesaddedf or2014. Theycannowbevi ewedover t hei nt er netat : www. franci sjoseph. org I ncl udi ng: Car l t onWar e•Ar tDeco Beswi ck•Davi dWi nt er•Bunnyki ns &Beat r i xPot t er•Car ni valGl ass Char act erJugs•Char l ot t eRhead Gol l yCol l ect abl es•Moor cr of t PocketDr agons•TobyJugs RoyalWi nt on•Pool ePot t er y Shel l ey•Susi eCooper•Syl vac WadeWhi msi es•Chi nt z•Cl ar i ce Cl i f f•Cor giToys•Cr ownDer by Paper wei ght s•Cr ownDevon Di nkyToys•Doul t onFi gur i nes Lal i queGl ass•Pendel f i n Thesear et hedef i ni t vegui dest o20t h Cent ur ycol l ect abl es. Al lwi t hor gi nalr esear chbyt op speci al i st s. .

Acknowledgements Very few books c a n be written without the aid of other people, and I would like to thank the following for all the help they have given me. The first on the list has to be my husband, Dave Barker, without whose support during the long, and sometimes tedious years of research, the project would have foundered. I am greatly indebted to Stella Colter, Leonard Grimwade's granddaughter a n d daughter of Charles Donovan Grimwade for the loan of personal papers and memorabilia. I also owe thanks to Mr A G (Geoffrey) Grimwade for his research into the family tree and to his wife, Ruth, for her hospitality. Lily Bell, Florence Dennis, Dolly Draycott, Albert and Sybil Stevenson, all worked at Royal Winton during the 1930s and gave me a d d e d colour for the Grimwades' story, while Mrs Beth Davis, whose husband was on the Board of Directors, offered invaluable assistance with early catalogues. Mr Philip Plant, son and grandson of James Plant and James Plant Senior, was also more than helpful. All the above have been generous with their time, and made me welcome in their homes. Many people have lent me pieces of chintz ware from their own collections and I would like to thank Joy Humphreys of the Angel Arcade in Camden Passage, London, Beverley of Church Street, London, Diana and Ken Glibbery of the Royal Winton International Collectors' Club, a n d Sheila and Roy Selby. I am also grateful to Fritz Mueller of Vancouver in C a n a d a for sharing with me valuable information on Royal Winton shapes.

View of the Finishing Warehouse taken In 1906

Contents Introduction


The Company


Leonard L. Grimwade




Chintz Ware


What Comes Next?






Price Guide




C hairman aj ///<• .ijoard.

Introduction About twenty years ago, I bought a cottage-shaped teapot. The name stamped on the bottom was that of Royal Winton. Soon afterwards I began collecting pretty chintz plates and again, the backstamp was Royal Winton. As my collection grew, I became intrigued. Who was Royal Winton? Where was the factory based? How old were my plates? And where could I find the answers to my questions? A few years later I entered the world of antiques. As I learned more about ceramics, I bought reference books. These helped me to date the chintz ware I'd bought and informed me that the factory using the Royal Winton backstamp was known as Grimwades and was based in Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, but I found out little more than that. Books were available on other pottery manufacturers, but none on Grimwades. Finally, in desperation, I decided to write the book myself. I was a freelance writer and used to researching facts. And so began the odyssey that was to take me six years. It was a slow process, frequently interrupted by other writing projects. I was also hampered by the fact that, after the take-over of the Winton Potteries by Howard Potteries in 1964, all catalogues and pattern books appeared to have been destroyed. Indeed, one Royal Winton worker who had been employed at the time told me that the main pattern book had gone "walk-about' during the move, and that all catalogues had been burned. The museum at Stoke-on-Trent, although helpful, could find no documentary information and neither could the present day Royal Winton Company. I was lucky enough to be put in touch with Stella Colter, the granddaughter of Leonard Grimwade who was the founder, chairman and managing director of the firm until his death in 1931, and she opened a great many doors to me. Also at this time I m a n a g e d to locate the whereabouts of several Grimwades catalogues which were to be of immense research value. The latest of these catalogues is dated 1930, when the Royal Winton chintz ware was in its infancy and no other documentary evidence, apart from short reports in The Pottery Gazette, have been uncovered. This means that there are several gaps in information about chintz. There are shapes I have been unable to identify, and shape names found in catalogues which I have been unable to match to manufactured items. Also there are patterns mentioned in The Pottery Gazette which do not appear to exist, neither here in the UK nor in America, Canada or Australia. Some patterns have been found which have no identifying names; these have been given names set within quotes, such as "Violets', for

ease of reference. There are also patterns which appear only outside the UK. I have to apologise for and correct previously published errors. In an article written by me which appeared in Antique Collecting in June 1992, Bramah was listed as a Royal Winton pattern. In fact, Bramah was made by W R Midwinter Ltd. In addition, the Clevedon pattern was wrongly printed as Cleveland. Also now in doubt, and open to further investigation, is the Japan pattern which cannot definitely be ascribed to Grimwades. In addition, it has been established that the pattern christened 'Blue Anemone' is, in fact, Chintz, and the pattern called Rose Violet is Rose du Barry.

Perhaps the publication of this book will bring further facts to light regarding Royal Winton chintz ware and I would be happy to hear from readers having fresh information. In the meantime, happy collecting! Muriel M. Miller

The Company The firm of Grimwade Brothers was founded in 1885 at the Winton Pottery, Stoke-on-Trent, by Leonard Lumsden Grimwade and his elder brother, Sidney Richard. The factory originally consisted of a shed sited between two rows of cottages but business was brisk and it was not long before the firm expanded. In 1887, the Winton Hotel was built featuring new showrooms. It was sited close by Stoke Station and was convenient for visiting buyers who travelled by rail. The company's turnover doubled e a c h year and by 1890, a flourishing export department was established with the company taking a London showroom at Ely Place, Holborn. To c o p e with this development of trade, a new Winton Pottery was built in 1892. This was a large building set on the main road and had the a d d e d advantage of being only a three minute walk from Stoke Station. The building had a frontage of 180 feet and a four storey elevation. It contained some of the most up to date equipment to be found in the potteries at that time and, over subsequent years, the area at the rear was built up with a network of kilns, ovens a n d workshops. The total area covered was almost two acres. The showrooms were sited in London at 3-5 Charterhouse Street, Holborn Circus and by 1889, had moved to Ely Place, Holborn. In March 1900, the Stoke Pottery, owned by James Plant, was acquired with Plant being given a place on the Grimwades Board as a director. The Stoke factory was adjacent to the Trent and Mersey Canal a n d , apart from the large range of ovens and kilns, also included complete equipment for milling the raw materials, including flint a n d Cornish stone. The three potteries (Grimwade Bros, Winton Pottery and Stoke Pottery) were then amalgamated under the title of Grimwades Limited with Leonard Grimwade as chairman. In that same year, the Grimwade brothers left Ely Place a n d purchased the lease on 13 St Andrew Street, a corner site at the conjunction of St Andrew Street and Shoe Lane in Holborn Circus, London. Winton House, as it was known, then b e c a m e their main showroom. Back in Stoke, Leonard Grimwade experimented with new methods of kiln-firing and developed enamel firing of high quality with the use of Climax Rotary Kilns. New showrooms were erected at the Winton Pottery in Hanley in 1906. To achieve these, three cottages in Newland Street were pulled down and a three-storey building was erected. It was opened by the Mayor of Hanley on the 25th of October. Expansion continued at a great pace. Brownfield's Works, carried on by The Upper Hanley Pottery in Woodall Street, Cobridge, were acquired in 1906, the factory being 'particularly a d a p t e d for trade with

C a n a d a , the United States of America and other important foreign markets'. Later in the same year, Atlas China (formerly David C h a p m a n & Sons) in Wolfe Street was purchased, enabling the company 'to cater for their many customers who required high-class China Tea Sets at moderate prices especially suited to a cultured taste'. The Heron Cross Pottery at Fenton, owned by Messrs Hines Bros, was an extensive earthenware pottery with extra large ovens and several enamel kilns and this was bought the following year, adding considerably to the company's facilities. (It was later sold to Cartwright 8c Edwards in 1916.) Grimwades also acquired the Rubian Art Pottery Ltd in 1913. Export trade was also on the up with the company having agents in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, South Africa, South America, United States of America, Sweden, Norway and Germany. By 1920, Egypt had been a d d e d to the list. In 1908, Leonard Grimwade bought shares in the Chromo Transfer and Potters' Supply Co Ltd. This company, which was situated at one end of the Winton Pottery factory, provided 'chromo and lithographic transfers, ceramic colours, potters' materials, glazes and the like'. They were also responsible for the development of 'Duplex' paper, a thin printing tissue which made the lithograph process easier. Leonard Grimwade also purchased the p a t e n t rights of t h e Grimwade Rotary Display stands around 1913. These were ' M a d e of finest steel, double-plated metal parts, stained w o o d shelves' a n d could a c c o m m o d a t e ' 1 2 half tea sets, 12 cover dishes and plates, or 12 ewers a n d basins'. The stands were used for shop display a n d economised on space. Also,'ware can be displayed so effectively that assistants are able to increase sales and serve customers far more expeditiously.' Patent ' I d e a l ' Display Blocks & Wires were also a c q u i r e d by Grimwades, and these were used to show tea cups and saucers to advantage, or sets of jugs, blancmange moulds, teapots and butter dishes. Smaller blocks were used for trios (cup, saucer and tea plate) or samples of dinner ware. Wall mounted hardwood strips were available for displaying wash stand sets. In 1920, a laboratory was set up at the Victory Works at the Stoke Pottery. This was run under the supervision of Leonard Grimwade's son, Charles Donovan, who had for some years been in charge of a large tile a n d brick works at Tongshan, North China. Grimwades anticipated cheaper production improved quality and they tested new methods and new materials 'so that we may be in a strong position for future business'. Also that year, gas fired tunnel ovens were pioneered by Grimwades. These had been laid just after the Armistice a n d were opened in September 1920. The huge tunnels (298 feet in length) were c a p a b l e of turning out as much ware as six full-sized ovens. The railway strike in 1920 affected delivery of goods to customers, so Leonard Grimwade purchased a new 'Karrier' motor lorry for a cost of ÂŁ1300.This proved so successful - ' N o breakage - no delay - no incivility on the part of carters and a lessening of serious inconveniences' - that 10

the company aimed to build up a complete system of motor transport during 1921. In 1929, a new showroom was set up at Winton House in Stoke-onTrent. It was named the Victoria Showroom and was to be used for tableware of all kinds, especially bowls, vases and jardinieres. 'It will be used exclusively for representative selections of the latest and most artistic productions', ran the advertisement. It was to be the third showroom at Winton House. The Royal Showroom catered for the dinner ware, toilet ware, teapots and coffee sets and so on, while the Excelsior Showroom was devoted to clearance lines suitable for sales. Leonard Grimwade died in 1931 with James Plant (Senior) dying in the same year. Plant's son, another James, took over as Managing director in 1933 and he died in 1962. In January 1964, the company was taken over by the Howard Pottery Co Ltd of Shelton. Part of Grimwades production (50% of which was exported mainly to Australia, Canada and New Zealand) was moved from Stoke to Norfolk Street, Shelton, with the remainder being transferred some weeks later. The name Royal Winton was kept. The ware was highly ornamental and much of it was hand painted. There was also a great proportion of gold fancies m a d e , with a specially air conditioned room being set aside for the application of the gold. Orders went out all over the world. C a n a d a formed the largest overseas market, with Australia and New Zealand close behind. A new 'Royal Winton' tie-on label had been designed and this was printed in the Howard colours of chocolate brown, white a n d grey. Between 1964 and the present day there have been several successive owners of Royal Winton. Pentagon Holdings acquired Howard Pottery in late 1960, and supplied Taunton Vale Industries with ware. Pentagon itself went on the market in 1973 and was bought by its erstwhile customer,Taunton Vale Industries Ltd. In 1979 the Staffordshire Potteries purchased Taunton Vale Industries a n d in 1986 were themselves taken over by Coloroll (Ceramics Division). Despite all the various takeovers,the name Royal Winton was kept alive. When Coloroll was declared bankrupt in 1990/91, there was a management buy-out for Royal Winton. In 1993, the company was purchased by Spencer Hammer Associates and a new company formed: Burnan International Limited. They are still trading as Royal Winton.


Products Early Grimwades catalogues, dating from 1888,show a range of useful domestic items. The company concentrated mainly on toilet sets, comprising wash stand jugs, wash bowls, toothbrush vases, soap and sponge dishes, and chamber pots. They also made matching trinket sets (composed of trays, chamber or candlesticks) trinket pots, pin trays and ring stands. As well as this they manufactured an extensive range of table ware with dinner and tea ware being produced in a variety of patterns and shapes, together with additional items such as cheese dishes/bacon dishes, biscuit boxes and sardine dishes. More mundane products were also made, such as the Hygienic Hospital and Nurseryware. This ware consisted of bedpans (including one with an airtight lid for the use of typhoid patients), and urinals (sic) for both male and female use, children's chamber pots, slop pails, sickfeeders and ceramic hot water bottles. For the housewife, they produced jelly and blancmange moulds, fluted pudding bowls for turning out ribbed sponge puddings, lemon squeezers, pie funnels and square pie dishes (known as bakers) of various sizes which fitted neatly into one another. The range of patented products was both wide and ingenious. The Paragon coffee pot had a removable strainer, while the Patent Tea Machine had a valve operated infuser. The Safety Milk Bowl had an incurving rim to prevent spillage when carried and the contents of the bowl were guaranteed safe from flies. 'Those who study the habits of flies', wrote The Pottery Gazette/say they would not enter the bowl by means of the curved rim - but that the slope of the spout forms a ready convenient passage of which they make g o o d use.' Leonard Grimwade solved the problem by the addition of a patented spout cover which fitted over the spout, thus preventing any contamination. This design was awarded a Gold Medal in 1911. The Patent Pie Dish was practically fireproof and a guarantee was given that the contents of the dish would not burn, due to a series of ring grooves at the bottom of the dish. In 1909, the Patent Quick-Cooker Bowl was introduced and this had the virtue of doing away with un-hygienic pudding cloths tied over a bowl by having a grooved ceramic lid which could be fastened down with string. The Quick-Cooker was available in no less than five sizes. But perhaps the most ingenious and attractive of all was the patent hygienic Toilet 'Holdall'. This was a large shell shaped dish which would have stood between a set of two toilet jugs and basins. The 'Holdall' was divided into five sections and held two cakes of soap, two nail brushes, and a sponge. There were also four ringed holders for toothbrushes. 17

In 1902, the two Climax kilns were working overtime, turning out 1500C commemorative mugs a n d beakers every 24 hours in preparation fo the coronation of Edward VII. Grimwades claimed that at least five million mugs and beakers would be needed for the British Isles a n d judging by their advertising, it would appear that the c o m p a n y were quite prepared to make every one of them. Some of the prettiest toilet ware was made by Grimwades in the early 1900s, with the Nautilus toilet set being relief moulded in ar attractive shell shape. The jug had a handle at the t o p instead of at the side, as was customary. 'Oh, how easily it pours!' proclaimed the advertisement. Many chintz patterns were being p r o d u c e d , a n d J a c o b e a n Hampton, and Spode Chintz were all greatly admired by Her Majest\ Queen Mary when, with King George Vshe visited the Potteries in 1913 Matching trinket sets were available with the toilet sets, but what tool' the Queen's fancy was the new Mecca Foot Warmer or hot w a t e bottle a n d , according to contemporary accounts, she was delightec to be presented with one in the Jacobean pattern. The foot warmei had a patent screw t o p , designed by Charles Donovan Grimwade, anc a tasselled silk cord was tied into holes on either side of the neck foi ease of carrying. The Pottery Gazette eulogised over the toilet ware produced b\ Grimwades and much comment was made about the skilful modelling the fine selection of shapes and delicate colours used. It is sometimes thought that it was at around this period that Roya Winton a d o p t e d the prefix Royal to the Winton trade name. A press release issued some years ago by a development and promotior group wrongly asserts that the prefix was a d d e d in 1930 when the Royal couple visited the potteries. This is obviously incorrect, as the vish was in 1913, but such inaccuracies are often passed on and assumec to be true. In actual fact, the Home Office, whose records go back to 1897, c a n find no trace of Grimwades applying for or receiving permission to use the word 'royal' as a prefix. And, far from the use of the title dating from 1913, a catalogue for 1896 (when the firm was still trading as Grimwade Brothers) shows a full colour illustration for Royal Winton Ware. This shows t e a and coffee pots, cocoa jugs, beer or milk sets, cruets, egg sets, cups and saucers and pillar candlesticks made in plain colours of celadon, terracotta, ivory and beige, banded with contrasting colours of sage green, brown and turquoise blue. However, the name Royal Winton does not appear on ware until a b o u t 1917/18 when Royal Winton Ware was p r o d u c e d (See Backstamp No. 2). It did not appear a g a i n , however, either in advertising or in catalogues, until about 1929, when Grimwades took out a full p a g e advertisement in The Pottery Gazette introducing their new Octron vegetable dish made in Royal Winton Ivory. However, examples of Marguerite chintz, made in 1928, show the Royal Winton backstamp used in the familiar Art Deco style. 18

Leonard Grimwade ensured maximum publicity for his company. He advertised widely in the trade papers, invited journalists to inspect the new showrooms as they were opened, and exhibited at trade fairs. His strategy worked and The North Staffordshire Echo commented that Mr Grimwade h a d ' s u c c e e d e d in establishing o n e of the largest businesses in the Potteries' with 'agencies or branches all over the world and is a marvel of organisation and energy' The first 'novelty' ware appeared around 1907 with the introduction of nursery ware decorated with illustrated quotations from nursery rhymes, while Brownies 'quaint and amusing figures' adorned heraldic china. World War I saw the introduction of Patriotic Ware, with e a c h article stamped 'Made by the girls of Staffordshire during the Great War, when the Boys were in the trenches fighting for Liberty and Civilization'. The Baimsfather Souvenir Ware was also made at this time and carried 'photographic reproductions of Captain Bairnsfather's inimitable Cartoons of the Great War'. In 1922, another range of nursery ware, this time featuring Black Cats a p p e a r e d , together with Imps and an updated version of Brownies. These were followed in 1925 by Aesop's Fables, Robinson Crusoe, Old Country Nursery Rhymes, Bubbles and Piggies. Art and novelty wares were not neglected, either, and these ranged from t o b a c c o jars, in scenic designs or old chintz patterns, to jardinieres, similarly decorated. Floating bowls (large shallow bowls, sometimes on a pedestal, having an in-curving rim) were made in 1925, using the new Byzanta lustre in rich colours of tangerine, powder blue, maroon (wine red), cyclamen, yellow and turquoise. Pierced flower blocks supported smaller flowers, while 'Floweraids', either in the shape of perching birds on trees or of tree trunks with stumpy branches, were available to support larger blooms. Purchasers could also buy 'rim birds' to perch on the side of the bowl. The Byzanta lustre ware proved popular a n d the range was expanded to take in vases of every shape and size, fruit bowls, jardinieres, toilet ware and some table ware. It was reintroduced in 1937. The Pottery Gazette reported in October of that year: 'A new series of ornamental ware has been produced, inspired by the old and thoroughly successful 'Byzanta' ware. The colours, which are underglaze, are rich and intensive, such as ruby and mazarine blue, and the patternings are strongly traced in gold by hand.' Grimwades introduced their new chintz ware in 1928, and this was manufactured on a large scale between the late 1920s and early 1950s. The company also offered new designs and shapes in basic tea and dinner ware. They pioneered several new ranges of relief-modelled ware in 1933. Primula based on the flower and Regina, based on the water lily, were made by Rubian Art, with Gera (geranium) being made by Royal Winton in 1935. Lakeland, Chanticleer and Rooster (both cockerel designs), Pixie, Beehive, and others - all fashioned in the shapes of teapots, jugs, 19

biscuit boxes, cheese dishes, cruets, sugar sifters a n d wall plates followed from 1936 onwards. Cottages were featured in Old Cottage Ware with Ye Olde Inne, Anne Hathaway's Cottage and Old Mill being introduced in 1934 and 1935, and items similar to those previously listed were manufactured. During World War II, an effort was made by the potteries to increase export sales and this drive was spearheaded by Gordon Forsyth, the former principal of the Burslem School of Art, and a designer of considerable ability. He recruited successful designers such as Mabel Leigh, Eric Tunstall, Norma Smallwood and Billy Grindy and the Winton Potteries set up two studios for their use. Mabel Leigh, who had done such excellent work for Shorter, worked there between 1939 and 1945, and produced many strikingly lovely lustred patterns in strong, yet subtle colours. Much of her work was never fully exploited, the right market seemingly never being found. Gordon Forsyth, known affectionately as 'Fuzzy', also worked with lustres at Grimwades, using silver and copper lustres to achieve dramatic abstract patterns and designs reminiscent of those produced for Pilkington's Royal Lancastrian ware with rampant dragons and leaping deer. He also experimented with scraffito patterns. Norma Smallwood was best known for her tapestry designs, while Billy Grindy modelled the Royal Winton character jugs. These were based on wartime personalities, such as George VI, Winston Churchill, Uncle Sam, General McArthur and others. He was later to model similar items for Sylvac, eventually moving to Thomas C. Wild's factory where he designed the Montreaux shape for the Royal Albert 'Country Roses' pattern. In April 1940 The Pottery Gazette praised the new range of Rosebud ware. This was made in plain underglaze colours of pink, green, cream and yellow. Interest was a d d e d by the roses, modelled in relief a n d hand painted, which were used to adorn the handles a n d knobs on tea ware, or which were strategically incorporated on dishes and plates, etc. Other flowers were a d d e d to the range, such as petunias, honey lilies, pansies, briar (roses), fuchsias and tea roses. After the War, Polish refugees were employed by Grimwades at the Elgin factory. The hand painted ware they produced was in the style of paintings by the famous still-life painter, William Hunt, and pieces c a n be found with anemones superbly depicted. In the 1950s, in an effort to c o m b a t the recession that h a d succeeded the post-war boom, and which had destroyed the chintz market, Royal Winton produced a range of items in gold and silver lustre. Only the best quality materials were used, the silver lustres closely resembled silver plate (the silver effect being achieved by the use of platinum), while the gold lustres had a d e e p , rich colour. Coloured lustre ware was again produced in the 1950s/1960s, but this was a pale imitation of the rich lustres that had been made in former years. Unfortunately, the take-over by Howard Potteries in 1964 proved to be the death-knell of the exciting, innovative designs that had been a feature for over 70 years. 20

Chintz Ware The term 'chintz' applies to the tightly grouped, small floral patterns which are reminiscent of chintz fabrics, for example, Marguerite and Balmoral. Sheet transfer printed patterns are not necessarily floral but cover the whole piece with an 'allover' design, such as Queen Anne or Paisley. Both chintz a n d sheet pattern wares are popular with collectors today. Grimwades first introduced chintz patterns in 1913, with ware decorated in Hampton Chintz, Spode Chintz, Ribbon Chintz and the Jacobean pattern. These were sheet transfer printed patterns, the flowers being large or widely spaced. The first closely packed sheet pattern was used in 1923 when Paisley was made. In 1928, the chintz ware that is collected today made its first appearance with the Marguerite pattern. This was based on the design of a cushion cover that Minnie Grimwade (Leonard Grimwade's second wife) was embroidering at the time. In 1931, Delphinium chintz was produced, and that was followed in 1932 by Summertime. It would appear, from regular reports in The Pottety Gazette, that Royal Winton was the leader in the field of chintz ware, easily outstripping manufacturers such as James Kent, Crown Ducal, W.R. Midwinter, and Elijah Cotton who made Nelson Ware. Leonard Grimwade had bought a large number of shares in the Chromo Transfer and Potters' Supply Co Ltd in 1908 and he was able to translate his ideas for patterns quickly into the reality of transfer printed sheets. He was enthusiastic about the new chintz a n d , according to Lily Bell who worked at Winton Potteries at the time, he 'would rush out of his office if he saw a girl with a nice overall (a type of wrap-around pinafore) on, like a chintzy pattern,and get her on one side and ask her to leave her overall behind (when she went home) and get someone to take a drawing of it. It'd be a pattern in no time.' As Leonard Grimwade died in 1931, a great many patterns must already have been in the production pipeline at the time of his death. The two men who actually put the new patterns down on paper were Mr E.E. Parry, Art Director, and Gilbert Sergeant, Decorating Manager. Between them, they produced innumerable patterns. Florence Dennis, who was also employed by Grimwades during that period recalled, 'There were umpteen patterns in chintz - and Bert Sergeant did quite a lot of designing.' Chintz patterns were applied by means of a lithographic process. First of all, the biscuit (unglazed) ware was dipped into a transparent liquid glaze and then allowed to dry for 24 hours before being fired. The backstamp was rubber stamped on to the ware before glazing, the 21

glaze being transparent, Once dry the ware was fired in a kiln, allowed to cool a n d then collected by the girls who were to do the decorating. The transfer sheets were supplied by the Chromo-Transfer and Potters' Supply Co Ltd who were based at the Winton Potteries. Albert Stevenson, who worked at Winton Potteries for over 30 years said, "The sheets of transfers were hung on a line to dry, rather like washing. The girls, called transferrers or lithographers would cut off the required amount needed and take it back to their bench." Lithographing was hard work. Glue, (called size) was brushed on to the ware by means of a camel hair brush and left to b e c o m e tacky. Glazed ware, rather than biscuit, was used for chintz as this gave the finished article brighter colours. Unfortunately, this brightness was sometimes at the cost of the durability of the pattern. The lithographer would then cut the sheet of transfer to fit the object as nearly as possible, using a pair of long pointed scissors. Florence Dennis c o m m e n t e d , "It was very intricate. We didn't have knives like we had later, where you could nick around the spout of the t e a p o t , for example. But it was very interesting, and I loved it. The harder the pattern, the better I liked it, because I've done nothing else all my life, only lithograph." The cut pieces of transfer were pressed onto the sized ware. Mrs Dennis explained, "Then I fetched a pot of boiling water from the geyser and took it to the bench. You rubbed with a hard sponge, then a soft one, to take the paper off (leaving the transfer printed pattern adhering to the sized surface). Then you went over it with a clean rag." To avoid an obvious join, the flowers were often cut into one another, although some badly mis-matched work can be found. Seams a n d creases were frowned upon and mistakes were not tolerated. The pattern name was also put on at this stage a n d the girls often marked their work with a small gilded or painted mark. These marks were put on to the base of the p i e c e , so that any poor or unacceptable work could be traced to the culprit. Sybil Stevenson, for example, used three small dots set in a triangle, rather like two eyes and a nose, to mark her work. If the work was so b a d that even touching up by a skilled paintress was impossible, then the lithographer responsible had to remove the transfer. This was done by soaking the piece in a bucket of soda water, then laboriously scraping off the transfer. As the girls were paid on a piece work basis for finished work, their mistakes could cost them dearly. Girls were trained initially to decorate a cup (both inside and out) and a saucer, and the completed article had to be passed by an inspector to prove the girl's worth as a lithographer. After adding any gilding necessary to the piece, it was again fired in the kiln in order to fuse the colours into the glaze a n d so make them almost permanent. The colours of prefired pieces were 'dull but, after firing, they c a m e up nice and bright.' Some of the chintz designs were reserved exclusively for the Winton 22

Potteries, but a few were sold to other pottery manufacturers, especially during the 1950s. Rose Violet (Rose du Barry) for example, has been seen on ware produced by several other companies; however, the piece illustrated on page 68 bears the Royal Winton backstamp. Paisley, too, was used by others and has been seen in both the rust and blue colourway. During World War II, the decorating of white ware was forbidden by the government and only practical ware was manufactured. Some unscrupulous dealers would buy up the seconds, then approach factory girls, paying them good money to decorate a teaset or other items in chintz. One worker admitted,"! did the black market work.This bloke c a m e to the door and asked me to do him 10 china tea sets - he had a couple of sheets of litho, maybe two or three sheets. And I said 'Yes, I'll get you something out of these'.' She was paid half a crown (12^ pence) per teaset which she thought was marvellous. "We had b a d times in the potteries then," she said. "So I did these tea sets and it got a bit more, a bit too much. I realised something was going on. It was in the War, you see." After the post-war b o o m , the pottery trade went into recession a n d , by the early to mid-1950s, chintz ware was no longer being produced. The company was left with a stock of lithographed sheets which were sold on to other manufacturers, and consequently, collectors may find pieces with Royal Winton transfers on products from other potteries.


What Comes Next? Once collectors have discovered a factory and read its history, they are often quite keen to collect further products. There is already growing interest in the Royal Winton relief moulded ware,such as Gera, Lakeland, Beehive, Pixie and the cockerel series Chanticleer. The c o t t a g e ware, made by both Royal Winton a n d Rubian Art (a subsidiary of Royal Winton) offers a wide range of collectable pieces, also. All the above ranges were made in 'fancies' and items c a n be found such as teapots, hot water jugs, cream and sugar sets, marmalade and jam pots with covers, sugar sifters, cheese dishes, cruets, toast racks, covered butter dishes, mint boats and stands and dessert plates (some with musical stands). Some ranges include biscuit boxes, vases (all sizes), baskets (various sizes) and wall clocks. Rubian Art also produced tea ware in relief moulded flower patterns, such as Primula and Regina and these, too, are collectable. Apart from the tea ware, collectors can find cake comports, salad bowls, sugar sifters, triple dishes,4-place egg sets, dessert and sandwich sets. The Rosebud range with its plain colours and rose decoration was m a d e in complete contrast to the relief moulded ware a n d is extremely popular. Using underglaze air-blown ground colours of pink, yellow, green and cream, items had moulded handles a n d knobs brush-painted in natural colours. The new design was made as table ware, and further patterns, apart from Rosebud, include Petunia, Honey Lily, Pansy, Briar, Fuchsia and Rose. Apart from table ware, some of the patterns c a n be found as bedside sets, tennis sets, butter trays and knifes (often boxed), jam dishes and spoons (again, boxed) watercress dishes, salad bowls and servers, triple trays, chocolate comports, wall pockets and vases, trinket sets and chamber sticks. The range of Byzanta ware, first introduced in 1925 and reintroduced in 1937, proved popular with buyers at the time and is just as popular today. Made in rich lustred colours of both pale and d e e p blue, orange, pale green, wine red and cream, the ware was mainly ornamental. Large and small bowls, vases in all sizes, wall pockets and so o n , c a n be found, with the occasional teapot or sandwich set also being available. The later lustred ware, produced after the company was taken over by Howards, was made in paler colours a n d is less dramatic in appearance. The wartime character jugs are less frequently seen than the ware mentioned above but are, nevertheless,eagerly sought after. Modelled by Billy Grinder, and made in various sizes, they include personalities such as George VI,Winston Churchill,Field Marshal Wavell, Field Marshal Smuts, General McArthur and an archetypal Uncle Sam, who rather 24

resembles Abraham Lincoln. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was portrayed as a head only, the jug having a scroll handle. A particularly striking character jug was modelled after an Indian Chief and is shown wearing a large feathered head dress. Musical jugs were first made for the coronation of George VI in 1937. Intended for use as beer or cider tankards, they could be supplied with or without musical fittings. Tunes played were 'God Save the King' or 'Here's A Health Unto His Majesty'. Other musical jugs followed and were portrayed in scenic fashion with detailed handles, such as 'Balmoral Castle' with its Stuart tartan. Musical chromed stands for cake comports were also made. Hopefully, this book will enlighten collectors to the wider range of collectable pottery made by Grimwades - it was certainly a far bigger concern than many people realise.


Patterns When referring to chintz ware, it is generally the tightly p a c k e d floral designs that is meant by the term. However, it c a n sometimes be difficult to draw a distinct line between chintz, sheet transfer patterns and all-over patterns. Therefore for ease of reference, all patterns, whether chintz, sheet transferer all-over design, have been included in the following list. Some sheet patterns,such as Fernese and 'Paisley', pre-date the first real chintz pattern. Marguerite, but these have been included as they, too, are collectable. Another difficulty that faces the collector is the fact that some of the patterns are un-named. For ease of reference, these patterns have been given identifying names which can be seen written in quotes, such as 'Blue Tulip','Exotic Bird' and 'Rose Spray'. An attempt has been made to describe and identify the flowers that make up the patterns, although botanical accuracy cannot be guaranteed as many of the flowers have been vaguely drawn a n d are unidentifiable. However, some are surprisingly accurately drawn a n d botanically correct, such as the Eryngium Maritlmum, commonly known as Sea Holly, which c a n be seen on Fireglow (Black). It would appear that the pattern names fall into three categories: girls' names, flowers or floral subjects, a n d p l a c e names. Where applicable, place names and locations have been identified. Dates and shapes are mentioned only if they c a n be verified. The information has been taken from various Grimwades catalogues a n d advertising fly sheets, and from the pages of the The Pottery Gazette. No date is given unless it can established with an exact reference. Nevertheless, it is clear that the majority of the better chintz patterns were created and produced between the years 1932 and 1939. This was a period of explosive output and gained the company a reputation for excellence. The Pottery Gazette reports in 1937, 'Grimwades Ltd have a reputation, of course, for chintz patterns. In this connection we have heard them referred to as an acknowledged preeminent house. Dealers in search of an allover pattern c a n , therefore, a p p r o a c h the Winton Potteries with confidence that they will find w h a t they are requiring.' Anemone (picture page 50) Backstamp 4 with the words 'Hand Painted' in script, transfer printed in dark blue, a greeny blue, and mid-blue. The flowers in this design represent the spring flowering anemone, also known as the Windflower and which is related to the Wood Anemone. This is a transfer-printed pattern with a hand painted infill on the 26

flowers. It c a n be found in two colourways. The first has hand-painted creamy anemones which have pale to deep orange centres. These are set against well defined green leaves and are a c c o m p a n i e d by pale lavender Michaelmas daisies, with small flower heads enamelled in turquoise blue. The ground colour is a dark almost navy blue. The second colourway has vivid yellow hand-painted anemones with red enamelled centres. The Michaelmas daisies are a muted pink, and are set against pale green leaves on a mid-blue ground. There is no enamelling on the small flower heads apart from a spot of red in the centres. Balmoral (picture page 50) Backstamp 4,8 Densely packed flowers and leaves are shown against a black ground. Some of the flowers are unidentifiable, but there are pink roses, shaded pink anemones, pale pink irises, white daisies with yellow centres, several meadow flowers, sprays of blue flower heads, and sprays of orange and yellow budding flower heads. The name refers to the castle in Scotland. Bedale (picture page 50) Backstamp 4 This is an alternative colourway to Summertime, the second pattern issued by Royal Winton. The roses on Bedale are yellow instead of pink, and the smaller briar roses are shown as pink and not yellow. However, the white daisies and bluebells remain the same in both patterns. The name refers to a town in Yorkshire. Beeston (picture page 50) Backstamp 4 A dramatic rendering of pink and yellow roses a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves set against a black ground. The quality of transfer printing is extremely high and pieces have an attractive glossy finish. The pattern was used on angular Art Deco shapes as well as those of a more traditional nature. The name refers to towns in Cheshire, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, Nottingham a n d West Yorkshire. 'Birds and Tulips' (picture page 51) Backstamp GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON IVORY ENGLAND transfer printed in green. A very stylised Art Deco pattern showing birds printed in pink, red a n d blue perched on branches amongst sprays of pink a n d yellow tulips, bunches of yellow and red seeds and grey and green leaves. The other 27

flowers in red, pink, yellow and dark blue are extremely stylised and botanically unrecognisable. The white ground is stippled with blue dots. 'Blue Anemone' - now known to be Chintz (picture page 51) Backstamp 4 The flowers in this pattern are autumn flowering anemones, unlike those in the Anemone pattern which are spring flowering Windflowers. The blooms are in shades of red and blue and there are splashes of green leaves. The remaining foliage is blue and there is no ground colour to be seen. 'Blue Jade' (picture page 51) Backstamp 4 The name refers to the sprays of turquoise blue flowers which appear to be a dwarf variety of the delphinium known as Blue Jade. The other blossoms in the pattern are possibly briar or rambling roses a n d are in shades of pink and blue. A few leaves are additionally hand-painted in gold. The background colour is a smudgy blue on white. 'Blue Tulip' (picture page 51) Backstamp GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON IVORY ENGLAND transfer printed in green. Deep blue tulips with paler shading and outlined in yellow are set against yellow leaves. Smaller flowers are also in yellow, a c c e n t u a t e d by grey leaves and occasional branches of d e e p blue leaves. The ground colour is black. Cheadle (picture page 52) Backstamp 4,8 Registration numbers for Canada 1951 and USA 166273. Summer flowers defy recognition in this pattern. There are, what appear to b e , white and yellow briar roses set against green rose leaves, with additional blue harebells, and small yellow and cerise flower heads. These are all set against a creamy white ground. The name refers to towns in Staffordshire and Greater Manchester in Lancashire, Chelsea (picture page 52) Backstamp 4 Registration numbers for Canada 1952. A striking pattern predominantly featuring large pink roses a n d white briar roses with blue centres. These are a c c o m p a n i e d by sprays of 28

orange flowers, pale blue buds and green leaves, set against a black ground. The pattern is easily confused with Esther on smaller pieces. Name refers to an area in London. Chintz - see 'Blue Anemone' Clevedon 1934 (picture page 53) Backstamp 4 Branching sprays of pink and yellow roses a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves dominate this pattern, with smaller daisy-like flowers in yellow, white and blue giving a d d e d colour.The background is cream,stippled with tiny yellow dots, giving the appearance of a pale yellow ground. There is a d e e p pink or cerise edging to the ware. On some examples of Clevedon, the white flowers are replaced by those of a d e e p blue. Clevedon offers an alternative colourway to the Cranstone pattern. The colours of the flowers are the same, except that the white flowers on Clevedon are blue in Cranstone and the stippling is of a vivid green. The pattern was recommended to the trade by The Pottery Gazette in January 1934. Name refers to a town at the mouth of the Severn near Bristol, Avon. Clyde (picture page 53) Pattern number possibly 5637 Backstamp 4 This pattern was made in two colourways,both on a white ground. Pale apricot and yellow primroses are dotted singly, a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves. Alternatively, the flowers are pink and yellow set against brown leaves. Name refers to the river and area near Glasgow in Scotland. Cotswold (picture page 53) Backstamp 8,9 Registration numbers for Canada 1952 and Australia 29774. Apple blossom buds a n d harebells trim a central b o u q u e t of unidentified flowers in pink, yellow and blue. A spray of pink roses is matched with smaller flowers in a paie rust. The ground colour is a very clear white. Name refers to a range of English hills. Cranstone 1934 (picture page 54) Backstamp 4 Branching sprays of pink roses a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves dominate this pattern, with blue and yellow daisy-like flowers giving 29

a d d e d colour. The ground colour is white, a c c e n t u a t e d by vivid green dots. Cranstone is an alternative colourway to Clevedon. The flowers are of identical colouring but the stippled background dots are green in Cranstone, yellow in Clevedon. Again, like Clevedon,this pattern was recommended to the trade by the The Pottery Gazette in January 1934, when it was mis-spelled as Cranston. It was again mentioned, this time correctly spelled, in April 1935, in a report on the exhibition at Olympia.'Good business was d o n e with the new relief-modelled tablewares, a n d the 'Pelham' a n d 'Cranstone' chintz patterns were also very well received - more particularly so, perhaps, because the Queen (Her Majesty, Queen Mary) purchased both of these patterns.' Origin of name unknown Crocus (Black) 1939 (picture page 54) Backstamp 4. Also marked GRIMWADES MADE IN ENGLAND transfer printed in green. Bunches of yellow and blue crocuses, together with sprays of pink a n d blue flowers, are set against a black ground. The pattern is identical to White Crocus apart from the ground colour. Items in Crocus were exhibited at Olympia in 1939 a n d the Royal Winton stand was visited by Her Majesty Queen Mary, the Duke of Kent and the Princess Royal, The Royal party bought many pieces of ware including Crocus. Crocus (White) 1939 (picture page 54) Backstamp 8 Bunches of yellow and blue crocuses, a c c o m p a n i e d by sprays of pink and blue flowers, are set against a white ground. The pattern is identical to Black Crocus (above) apart from the ground colour. Items in Crocus were exhibited at Olympia in 1939 and the Royal Winton stand was visited by Her Majesty Queen Mary, the Duke of Kent a n d the Princess Royal. The Royal party bought many pieces of ware including Crocus. Cromer (picture page 54) Backstamp 4 Registration numbers for Australia 15540 A slightly more unusual pattern with widely spaced bouquets of pink roses a n d yellow, pink and blue flower heads, small daffodils a n d pendulous pink blooms (Dicentra) set against a barred black ground. The n a m e refers to a town in Norfolk.


Daffodil 1939 The Daffodil pattern was mentioned in The Pottery Gazette in April 1939. However, examples recently seen bear only sprays of flowers, therefore not a chintz pattern. Delphinium Chintz 1931 (picture page 55) Pattern number 9889. Backstamp GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON IVORY The Delphinium flower was first used in 1930 on Savoy shaped table ware made in Royal Winton Ivory, where sprays of the flower were widely set against a cream/white ground. The pattern was also used on toilet ware of the Savoy shape. It appeared as a densely packed chintz pattern in 1931 and it is likely that it was the third chintz pattern issued by Grimwades. The full page advertisement in The Pottery Gazette in September 1932 details it as, A n attractive Royal Winton adaptation of a popular Summer Flower.' Although it featured in advertising before Summertime, it is clear from the written copy in The Pottery Gazette that Summertime was the second pattern issued. According to the advertisement, articles supplied were tea and coffee sets, sandwich and fruit sets, cheeses, cake plates, egg sets, cruet sets, salad bowls, marmalade jars, sugars and creams, sweet dishes,footed sweets (also known as bon bon dishes), celery trays, jugs (all sizes and various shapes), teapots (all sizes and various shapes), and t e a p o t stands. The arching sprays of delphiniums are seen in cerise, mid-blue and dark blue and are a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves. The ground colour is white. Shapes made in this pattern include a Duval jug, a Globe jug, a Fife sandwich tray,an octagonal tea plate,a footed sweet dish, a King c u p and saucer and a Countess tea pot. Dorset (picture page 55) Backstamp 9 This is a sheet transfer pattern showing yellow petunias, shading from pale to darker hues, with pink centres and set against a white ground almost hidden by swirling pink flowers and tiny pink leaves, Name refers to a county in Southern England. Eleanor (picture page 55) Backstamp 8 The light and pretty design consists of a sprigged pattern of roses, together with various accompanying flowers in pink, yellow, blue and 31

white. The gaps between the sprigs of flowers are interspersed with tiny stylised flower heads. The ground colour is white. English Rose (picture page 55) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1951 One of the more delicate chintz patterns. The pale pink roses are accompanied by even paler blue flowers, with green and yellow leaves set against a creamy yellow ground. At first glance, this pattern might be confused with that of June Roses, but close examination will reveal the differences between the two. In addition, English Rose has gilding on the rim, whereas the edging of June Roses is silvered. Estelle (picture page 56) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1952. Australia 29775 Sprays of flat pink, yellow and pale lavender flowers are a c c o m p a n i e d by apple blossom buds and green leaves set against a cream ground. The pattern is light and airy. Esther (picture page 56) Backstamp 4 Registration numbers for Canada 1952 A dramatic and vivid pattern. Deep pink roses. Crane's Bill (Geranium) flowers, yellow daisies and buttercups and small blue flower heads are seen against a glossy black ground. It c a n easily be confused with Chelsea on smaller pieces. Evesham (picture page 56) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1951, Australia 29099, New Zealand 6484, USA 166274. An aptly named pattern, referring as it does to the rich and bountiful orchards of the Vale of Evesham. The pattern depicts various groups of fruit: apples, pears oranges, plums, cherries, grapes, strawberries, pomegranates a n d figs, all set against a cream ground. The effect is one of warm autumn colours a n d is very pleasing. Name refers to the Vale of Evesham situated in Glocuestershire a n d Worcestershire.


'Exotic Bird' (picture page 56) Pattern number 301262 Backstamp GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON IVORY transfer printed in green. Brightly coloured pheasant-like birds perch on flowering branches. The birds are in colours of yellow, turquoise a n d warm red. The chrysanthemum-style flowers are in the same colours with leaves in turquoise and pale brown. The ground colour is cream. Fernese 1925 (picture page 57) Pattern number 8786 Backstamp 4 This sheet transfer printed design was advertised by Grimwades in 1925 a n d was originally called Fernese Diaper ware, having a triangular motif edging the wares. The ferns and butterflies were shown in white against a blue ground and the edging was in black and gold. Later Fernese ware c a n be seen without the diaper border a n d with the butterflies coloured in shades of yellow, pink and blue, apricot, with a large butterfly having red, turquoise and yellow wings. The ground colour has d e e p e n e d to a mid-blue. Fireglow (Black) (picture page 57) Backstamp 8 This is a pattern of dramatic orange pod-like flowers (identified as Montbretia) c o m b i n e d with a blue flower with holly-like leaves (Eryngium Maritimum - common name Sea Holly). In addition, starry white flowers with green leaves curling in tendrils are set against a black ground. It is totally unlike the white Fireglow pattern listed below. However, several pieces of both patterns - all bearing backstamps with the pattern name of 'Fireglow' - have confirmed the existence of two Fireglow patterns, each one entirely different to the other. Fireglow (White) (picture page 57) Backstamp 4 In complete contrast to the Fireglow (Black) above, this pattern has a very spring-like air to it. It features bunches of pink roses a n d flat yellow flowers, together with sprays of daffodils, blue bell-like flowers (possibly Scilla) and pink pendulous flowers (Dicentra). These bouquets are set against a white background outlined with grey pebbles or bubbles. Floral Feast (picture page 57) Backstamp 4 Widely spaced bunches of primula-like flowers feature in a rich blue, 33

pale pink, yellow and orange. There are additional twiggy sprays of blossom, small daisies and green leaves all set against a creamy ground. Despite the brightness of individual colouring, the whole presents a rather pale and delicate appearance. Florence (picture page 58) Backstamp 4,8 Registration numbers for Canada 1953 The vivid pink of carnations draws the eye to this pattern. Also featured are cream carnations and Amaryllis belladonna flowers (sometimes known as the Belladonna Lily) in a creamy yellow, plus a myriad of small blue a n d pink flowers which almost conceal the black ground. The colours are vivid and the transfer printing is excellent. Florette 1930 (picture page 59) Pattern number 9594 This was advertised in a Grimwades catalogue for 1930 and is a sheet transfer pattern rather than a tight chintz. The stylised roses c a n be seen in pink and yellow with a 'halo' of mid-blue. The leaves are a reddish brown a n d are set against a white ground. According to the Grimwades catalogue, the ware was m a d e in the following shapes: Greek coffee pot, Duval jug (3 sizes), Octron sweet, Globe jug (4 sizes), Rex cheese dish (3 sizes), Elite a n d Countess teapots, Dane bowl, Lotus honey jar, Stafford fruit, Crown bowl, Fife sandwich tray, 5" octagonal plate, King tea cup and saucer, and an Imperial coffee cup and saucer. 'Gold Leaves' (picture page 58) Backstamp 8 (in gold) A highly gilded all-over pattern of tiny gold leaves interspersed with small flat flower heads enamelled in turquoise and yellow. Ground colours were of either cream or green. Hazel (picture page 58) Backstamp 4 The clear crisp colours of this pattern are enhanced by the mottled black ground. A large bouquet of flowers, consisting of pink and yellow roses, yellow daffodils and white narcissi, is e d g e d by lilac tulips a n d purple wisteria. The pattern is interspersed with delicate green leaves. The same pattern, on different ground colours, features in both Spring and Welbeck but, in Hazel, the tulips are less well defined a n d the wisteria almost indistinguishable, so giving roses priority as a motif.


'Jacobinia' (picture page 60) Pattern number possibly 4547 Backstamp 4 This has been named after the drooping, pendulous flower identified as Jacobinia pauciflora, sometimes also known as Justicia, and the ware c a n be seen in three colourways. Items having a white ground have the Jacobinia in pink, shading to yellow at the tips. The pattern also includes large yellow roses, pink tulip-like blossoms, pink bell flowers, yellow and pink convolvulus and several starry flowers in white, outlined with purple a n d yellow. The leaves are green a n d the background is composed of grey leaves. In the blue ground colourway, the Jacobinia is pale yellow, the roses are pale lavender and the chrysanthemum-like flower is in shades of pink. The background leaves are entirely blue, Jacobinia is also available in a green colourway. The roses are shaded yellow and pink, the convolvulus is blue, with the Jacobinia flower in pink shading to cream. The leaves are tan against a background of mid-green leaves. 'Japan' (picture page 60) Backstamp: None This may or may not be Royal Winton. The transfer printed pattern is identical to that of Hazel, Spring and Welbeck, except that it is printed on a deep blue ground, and the shape illustrated is Ascot, which is a known Royal Winton shape. However,there is no backstamp apart from the word JAPAN (without quotes) in upper case letters a n d transfer printed in red. This type of mark often appears on ceramics made in Japan. Royal Winton frequently sold white undecorated ware to other factories, and some of their transfer printed patterns have been seen on ware issued by other manufacturers. However, the ceramic body of the jug illustrated has a different 'feel' to it compared with a Royal Winton jug of the same shape. The pattern has also been badly applied, with several crease marks. No other examples of 'Japan', bearing the Grimwades Royal Winton backstamp, have yet c o m e to light. Joyce-Lynn (picture page 60) Backstamp 8 Cerise anemones and bright blue convolvulus, together with yellow daisies having ragged petals, are set against a lush background of green leaves. There is no ground colour visible.


Julia (picture page 60) Backstamp 4,8 The apparently green background to this pattern is formed from tiny white flowers outlined in green. The flowers that feature predominantly are cerise, yellow and pale pink tea roses decorated with green leaves. There are additional sprays of small blue flower heads a n d d e e p pink briar roses. June Festival (picture page 61) Backstamp 8 (plain version) and Backstamp 9 (coloured version). This pattern appears identical to Peony but is transfer printed in a different colourway. The ground colour is wine or maroon a n d the white peony flowers are shaded in the same colour. The example showing coloured flowers would appear to be hand painted. The flowers are shaded in colours of yellow, blue and lavender, e n h a n c e d by green leaves. June Roses (picture page 61) Backstamp 4. Also found with only the words MADE IN with the word ENGLAND curved below, transfer printed in green (See Backstamp 5). It can be quite easy to confuse this pattern with that of English Rose, although, when compared side by side, the two are quite easily distinguishable from each other. The colour in June Roses is a touch more definite a n d , in addition to the sprays of pink roses, June Roses also has sprays of un-opened rosebuds and sprigs of wisteria. Both backgrounds are of a creamy yellow colour. The rim decoration on June Roses is silvered. Kew (picture page 61) Backstamp 4,8 A rather confusing mixture of summer flowers combine to create a very pretty pattern. Pink roses nudge pink, yellow a n d blue daises, a n d overlook pink and d e e p blue cornflowers. There are also some rather strange-looking dahlia-like flowers which have alternating petals of orange and white. All are set on a cream ground. There is also possibly a blue colourway of Kew; the flowers are the same colours as above, but the ground colour is pale blue. There could be several reasons for this. It could be that the unglazed biscuit was blue rather than white, or maybe the transfer printing process b e c a m e discoloured in the kiln; it may even have been a trial piece. It is possible that the mystery will never be solved as no other blue pieces have yet been reported. The name refers to an area in London.


Kinver 1934 (picture page 61) Backstamp 4 The pattern consists basically of two sprays or bouquets of flowers. One features roses in pink and a d e e p improbable blue, yellow tulips with cerise tips, pink chrysanthemums and dark blue convolvulus. The other spray also has pink roses and dark blue convolvulus plus pink daisies, bright blue flower heads and a large pink daffodil with a yellow trumpet. All these flourish against a stippled yellow ground. Kinver was recommended to trade buyers by The Pottery Gazette in January 1934. The name refers to a town near Stourbridge. Majestic (picture page 62) Backstamp 4 A striking pattern of pale cerise anemones and vivid blue carnations, accompanied by green and ochre leaves and set against a black ground. This is an alternative colourway of the pattern Royalty which appeared in 1936. The flowers in Royalty are deeper in colour and are set against a pale yellow ground. Marguerite 1928 (picture page 62 and 63) Pattern number 9467. Backstamp 4, 11 Registration numbers for Canada 1951. The first time this name was used by Grimwades for a pattern was in 1892 when the company was still trading as Grimwade Bros. The pattern was described as having widely spaced flowers picked out in red and pale blue,and finished with gold 'clouds'. However, the chintz pattern Marguerite, with its pattern of white daisies, yellow and cerise flowers and sprays of bluebells set against a beige ground, made its appearance in 1928. It was used in two ways on toilet ware of the Octron shape. Pattern number 9609 had wide panels of Marguerite chintz alternating with sections of plain colour and the toilet sets were available in colours of blue, pink or old gold. Pattern number 9467 was also used on toilet sets which were available in an all-over chintz design with the rim of the ware e d g e d in dark blue. Leonard Grimwade's youngest daughter, Janet, was told that the design was taken from a cushion cover being embroidered by her mother. The new chintz design - the forerunner of so many - was to prove an instant success for the company and was subsequently used on table ware. The Pottery Gazette maintained, in their issue for November 1929, that 'the theme (of the design) is reminiscent of the charm of the countryside, the shapes being new and unquestioningly appealing'. 37

They also recommended the ware as being 'eminently suitable for the Christmas trade.'. Early shapes in Marguerite include Elite teapots, Duval a n d Globe jugs (both in 3 sizes), Greek coffee pots, King tea cups, Hurstmere sugar bowls, Winton cream jugs (in 5 sizes), Vera cream jugs, Stafford fruit bowls and long trays, Rex cheese dishes, large Crown bowls, a n d Orleans sandwich trays and plates. Some Marguerite tableware was also made by Atlas China while under the Grimwades' ownership. Marion (picture page 62) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1951 A delicate pattern in pastel colours. The flowers appear to be white Amaryllis belladonna (sometimes known as the Belladonna lily) with yellow throats, pink carnations and unidentifiable daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, blue and yellow. These are set against a white ground decorated with green circles of irregular outline. Mayfair (picture page 64) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1951. A rather widely spaced pattern having bouquets of chrysanthemums in cerise and pale rust and flat, blue anemone-like flowers, a few small cerise buds and trailing green leaves. The pattern is crisply depicted and the ground colour is an unusual pale greeny-yellow. The name refers to an area in London. May Festival (picture page 64) Backstamp 9 At first sight this pattern could be mistaken for Peony. The flowers a n d leaves are identical, but the arrangement is slightly different. May Festival has a dark blue ground with the peony flowers a n d leaves in white, tinged here and there with pale to mid-blue. It c a n also be found with hand painting on the flowers, similar to June Festival. Meaford 1938 This pattern is,so far,unknown in the United Kingdom. However, Meaford was mentioned in The Pottery Gazette in February 1938. 'Chintz patterns have always been a speciality in the 'Winton Ware', a n d we are able to announce that three new subjects - all of them handenamelled - are in course of preparation. These will be known respectively as Sandon, Meaford and Offley' It is, of course, possible that the advent of World War II prevented the 38

issuing of these designs, as potteries were then confined to making only undecorated ware. However, some decorated ware was permitted to be made for export, so it might be that these patterns were made for export only. Morning Glory (picture page 64) Backstamp 9 A very bold pattern of the convolvulus flower c a n be seen twining its way across the sheet transfer printed pattern. Both flowers and leaves are in white with pale pink detailing. The ground colour is a d e e p wine, almost maroon colour. Nantwich (picture page 64) Backstamp 4 This features bunches of pink roses, some with yellow tones to the petals. The carnations are also in the same pink, again some having yellow toned petals. Large yellow daisy-like flowers are interspersed with small blue speedwells and the ground colour is black. The name refers to a town near Crewe in Cheshire. Offley 1938 This pattern is, so far, unknown in the United Kingdom. However, Offley was mentioned in The Pottery Gazette in February 1938. 'Chintz patterns have always been a speciality in the 'Winton Ware', a n d we are able to announce that three new subjects - all of them handenamelled - are in course of preparation. These will be known respectively as Sandon, Meaford and Offley' It is, of course, possible that the advent of World War II prevented the issuing of these designs, as potteries were then confined to making only undecorated ware. However, some decorated ware was permitted to be made for export, so it might be that these patterns were made for export only. Old Cottage Chinz (picture p a g e 65) Backstamp 4 Cerise pink roses are enhanced by small flat blue flowers and green and yellow leaves. The other flower shown, a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves, closely resembles Allium, being of a globular shape formed by a myriad of tiny pink star shaped florets. The background is formed of tiny grey circular outlines on a white ground.


Orient (picture page 65) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1953 A striking design which is more of a sheet transfer pattern rather than chintz. A white and green water lily floats on a black ground which is broken up by tiny yellow wavelets. The pattern is enhanced by sprays of pink blossom, possibly Prunus (Cherry) with green leaves. Green a n d yellow butterflies separate the flower clusters. Oriental Fantasy (picture page 65) Backstamp 9 A lively scene featuring oriental fishermen set against a black background. The men c a n be seen fishing and carrying their c a t c h from moored boats to the harbour jetty, Other boats are dotted a b o u t and the scene also includes an island volcano surrounded by cherry trees. Blue waves enliven the picture, while grey a n d orange clouds seem to foretell a storm. Scattered cherry blossoms and leaves can also be seen. 'Paisley' 1923 (picture page 65) Backstamp 4 A busy all-over pattern, the paisley design c a n also be seen on items by manufacturers other than Royal Winton. Grimwades issued it in colourways of green and rust. The colours are vivid in the green colourway, with additional hues of turquoise, orange and yellow. The paisley swirls are accompanied by stylised flowers a n d leaves and are set against a white ground. The rust colourway uses shades varying from pale apricot through pale orange to d e e p rust. There is some minimal additional decoration in yellow. The ground colour is white. There is also a blue colourway where colours of d e e p blue, tan a n d green are seen on a white ground, but this seems to appear mainly on ware by other manufacturers. The design was illustrated in a Grimwades catalogue for 1923 when it was shown in an Elite shape jug. Pebbles (picture page 66) Backstamp 4 A sheet transfer printed pattern of simple style, Pebbles c a n be found in two colourways of green or a pale creamy yellow. The pattern consists of irregular pebble shapes, outlined in brown. The green alternates from a pale to a slightly darker hue. Pieces do not seem to bear the pattern name and this was identified by a Royal Winton employee.


Pekin (picture page 66) Backstamp 9. Also found with; GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON IVORY ENGLAND, and J-W. Co. STAFFORDSHIRE ENGLAND ROYAL WINTON (Backstamp 10). Some pieces are marked Hand Painted. Registration numbers for Canada 1951. This willow-pattern design was made with four different ground colours. The black colourway has subtle shadings of yellow, ochre and tan, with the highlights on the p a g o d a , bridge and boat picked out in a raspberry pink. Accompanying flowers and leaves are in shades of pink, white and yellow. The pattern on the cream colourway is a little more well defined. Pink is used, as in the black version, but the trees and the foreground to the p a g o d a are picked out in delicate shades of green. The blue colourway is again similar to the black Pekin but like the cream version, uses shades of green for the trees.The foreground of the p a g o d a is in shades of yellow and green. The red colourway is quite striking and is possibly the first version to have been introduced, having the ROYAL WINTON IVORY backstamp. The p a g o d a roof, bridge and boat are in blue, the trees in green a n d lilac, while the foreground is green.There is additional hand enamelling which adds to the richness of the colouring. Pelham 1935 (picture page 67) Backstamp 4 This would appear to be the first in the range of needlepoint or sampler designs. Pelham shows a pretty design of pink, blue and yellow flowers set in an ornamental urn of pale blue having darker blue crossing lines. Small bouquets of flowers intersperse the urns and the background is composed of a graph paper design on a white ground. On close examination, Pelham c a n be seen to be a reduced version of the Sampler pattern. The pattern was mentioned in The Pottery Gazette in April 1935 when reporting on the exhibition at Olympia. 'Good business was done with the new relief-modelled tablewares, and the 'Pelham' and 'Cranstone' chintz patterns were also very well received - more particularly so, perhaps, seeing that the Queen (Her Majesty, Queen Mary) purchased both of these patterns.' Peony (picture page 67) Backstamp 9 This is a very similar design to May Festival, but having the flowers differently arranged. The ground colour is black and the peony flowers are shown in shades of white and grey.


Queen Anne 1936 (picture page 67) Backstamp 4,8 Registration numbers for Canada (impressed) 1951; Australia Reg No 15541 This is another of the needlepoint or sampler patterns issued by Royal Winton, the first of which appears to be Pelham. The pattern consists of bouquets of flowers in pink, blue and yellow, a c c o m p a n i e d by green leaves and executed in a cross-stitch style. The background is of grey graph paper on an ivory ground. The Pottery Gazette previewing the British Industries Fair, c o m m e n t e d in February 1936,'Several fresh patterns in old English chintzes will also be on view, including a very pleasing 'sampler' design which has been named Queen Anne.' Queen Mary, too, must have approved of the pattern, as an invoice from Grimwades, d a t e d 15th July 1936, shows that Her Majesty ordered a Bowl No 1 in the Fife shape at a cost of 2/6d (12% pence). Quilt C1938 (picture page 67) Backstamp 6 Gt Britain Rd No 824107 (c 1938) Registration numbers for Canada 10.1.38 (which appears to be a date); Australia 17469. Quilt is a pattern which lives up to its name, a n d consists of various sections representing a patchwork of floral fabrics. They are arranged haphazardly and are in colours of pink, blue and black, with touches of yellow here and there. There is no ground colour to be seen. Richmond (picture page 68) Backstamp 4 The pattern on Richmond consists of an abundant design of bright yellow daffodils and white narcissi, with sprays of green leaves, bluebells and pink and blue hyacinths set against a pale green ground. The name refers to towns in North Yorkshire and Greater London. Rose du Barry - see 'Rose Violet' 'Rose Spray' (picture page 68) Backstamp 9 A light a n d airy design of pink roses, smaller blue flowers a n d orange and yellow daffodils, all widely set against a white ground.


'Rose Sprig" (picture page 68) Backstamp 4 This is a widely spaced pattern showing sprigs of flowers comprising a pink rose, a yellow starry flower, and several small violets, set against a vivid yellow ground. In April 1940, The Pottery Gazette reported: A m o n g other new styles there is a series of treatments with underglaze blown backgrounds relieved by scattered sprays of chintz. There are three different backgrounds - pink, green and yellow...The series has only been on the market a few weeks, but we learn that it has already secured g o o d business.' Close examination of 'Rose Sprig' would indicate that is possibly to this pattern that The Pottery Gazette was referring. 'Rose Violet' - now known to be Rose du Barry (picture page 68) Backstamp 4 The pattern is one that has been used by several manufacturers other than Royal Winton. However, the piece illustrated is marked (See Backstamp 4). The design has a delicate appearance a n d consists of pale pink roses and violets accompanied by curving leaves in green and pale purple. The white ground enhances the pastel colours. Royalty 1937 (picture page 69X Backstamp 4,8 This consists of a striking pattern of pale cerise anemones a n d vivid blue carnations a c c o m p a n i e d by green and ochre leaves set against a pale yellow ground. Royalty is an alternative colourway to Majestic which features flowers in the same colour but on a black ground. An invoice sent by Grimwades to Her Majesty Queen Mary on the 20th February 1937 shows that she ordered a Stafford twin tray, a covered muffin, a Chrysta powder box and a Burke powder box in the Royalty pattern. It is interesting to note that the twin tray cost 1/3d, the covered muffin cost l / 6 d , while the powder boxes cost lOd e a c h . In post-decimal money (new pence), that is respectively 6% p e n c e , 714 pence, 4 pence. Rutland 1933/34 (picture page 69) Registered number 768965. Backstamp: words ROYAL WINTON (curved) with WINTON (below) transfer printed in green (See Backstamp 5). Also GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON IVORY ENGLAND transfer printed in green. A showy pattern of white, pink, ochre and blue daisies arranged in a bouquet, with smaller daisies in rust and blue, and accompanied by sprays of what appears to be yellow lilac. The ground colour is white. Name refers to a now extinct English county. 43

Sampler (picture page 69) Identical to Pelham, but printed as an enlarged version. Sampler is a pretty design of pink, blue and yellow flowers set in an ornamental urn of pale blue having darker blue crossing lines. Small bouquets of flowers intersperse the urns and the background is composed of a graph paper design on a white ground. Sandon 1938 This pattern is,so far, unknown in the United Kingdom. However, Sandon was mentioned in The Pottery Gazette in February 1938. 'Chintz patterns have always been a speciality in the 'Winton Ware', and we are able to announce that three new subjects - all of them handenamelled - are in course of preparation. These will be known respectively as Sandon, Meaford and Offley' It is, of course, possible that the advent of World War II prevented the issuing of these designs, as potteries were then confined to making only undecorated ware. However, some decorated ware was permitted to be made for export, so it might be that these patterns were made for export only. Name refers to towns in Staffordshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. Shrewsbury (picture page 69) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1952, Australia 29776. Although the pattern consists of daisies, like Rutland, this has been given a far more serene treatment. The flowers are mainly of a soft pink, some petals tinged with yellow, with the occasional white daisy. The leaves are almost fern-like, the ground colour a creamy yellow/white. Name refers to a town in Shropshire Somerset (picture page 70) Backstamp 4 The flower featured appears to closely resemble the lilac but, as the leaves are those of a delphinium, one c a n safely assume that it is the delphinium which is portrayed. Sprays of the blossom are closely p a c k e d together and are in colours of pink, blue and yellow, giving an effect totally unlike that of the Delphinium Chintz pattern, where the sprays are slightly more widely set. There is an accompaniment of green leaves, and the ground colour is a creamy yellow. Name refers to a county in Southern England.

Spring (picture page 70) Backstamp 4 This shows a large bouquet of flowers consisting of pink a n d yellow 44

roses, yellow daffodils and white narcissi. Pale lilac tulips and purple wisteria edge the bouquet which is interspersed with delicate green leaves. The same pattern features in both Hazel and Welbeck but against differently coloured backgrounds. The ground colour on Spring is white irregularly partitioned by small pebble shapes in grey. Spring Glory (picture page 71) Backstamp 9 A riotous display of yellow cowslips and pink, blue and white wild w o o d anemones forms this pattern. The green leaves are those of the cowslip and the black ground emphasises the delicate pastel colours. Springtime 1932 (picture page71) Backstamp MADE IN with ENGLAND curved below, transfer printed in green (See Backstamp 5). A vigorous treatment of tulips features a bunch of the flowers in a bold cerise colour, shading to yellow at the base of each tulip. The tulips are accompanied by flat yellow and blue flowers and foliage set on a white ground. The pattern was advertised in The Pottery Gazette in April 1932 when it was declared that the pattern was much in demand. Stratford (picture page 71) Backstamp 8 Registration numbers for Canada 1953. Cerise and yellow tulips accompanied by green leaves decorate this attractive pattern. The flowers are complemented by small sprays of lilac plus their leaves, although, at first sight, the lilac c a n be mistaken for bunches of blackberries. The ground colour is in subtle shades of a delicate blue. Name refers to an area in London. Summertime 1930/31 (picture page 71) Backstamp 4,7,8. Also seen marked with the words MADE IN ENGLAND in black transfer printed capitals. Some items were marked with the words Summertime COPYRIGHT Wright Tyndale & van Roden Inc ENGLAND transfer printed in blue in both script and capitals (Backstamp 7). This was presumably an American retailer. Although not advertised until 1932, with Delphinium Chintz being advertised in The Pottery Gazette in 1931, Summertime was the second chintz pattern to be issued by Grimwades. The trade press was almost lyrical in its praise and a report in The Pottery Gazette in July 1932 reads,'The trade will recall the old 'Marguerite Chintz',which,not many years ago, was a tremendous success. This has now been succeeded by a pattern which has been christened 'Summertime'. It is a sort of fantasia, compounded of roses, daisies, violets, harebells, and similar 45

summer-time flowers. This is said to have been taken up freely by many of the leading buyers, some of whom have not hesitated to pronounce it even an improvement upon the old 'Marguerite'; and to say that is to say a g o o d deal.' The pattern features all the flowers mentioned above, but the violets are rather indistinguishable. It was also issued in a different colourway as Bedale, with the pattern featuring the roses in yellow and not pink. Sunshine (picture page72) Backstamp 4 A warmly coloured pattern evocative of its name, Sunshine has large anemone-like flowers in blue and in pink, with the petals shading to yellow, a c c o m p a n i e d by smaller dark blue and white flowers a n d forget-me-nots. The green leaves and flowers have yellow shading merging with the minimal white ground. Sweet Nancy (picture page72) Backstamp 4 Bouquets of white narcissi and what appear to be wallflowers are the theme of this design. Background flowers resembling lilacs are a c c o m p a n i e d by tiny yellow flowers set against a cream ground Sweet Pea 1936 (picture page 72) Backstamp 4 Registration numbers for Australia 15538 Vivid blossoms of the sweet pea in colours of pink, d e e p blue, d e e p yellow and white are arranged against a background of leaves a n d coiling tendrils. The ground colour varies from a pale cream to a d e e p yellow/ochre. An invoice from Grimwades to H.M. Queen Mary, d a t e d the 15th July 1936, shows that Her Majesty ordered tea pot number 12, Athena shape, in this pattern, priced at 2/- (10 pence) and a salad bowl a n d servers No 2 and No 2A in King shape at a cost of 3/6d (17% pence). Tartans cl937 (picture page 73) Backstamp 6 Gt Britain Rd No 824091 c 1937. Registration numbers for Canada 23.12.37 (which appears to be a date); Australia 17468. Various overlapping scraps of plaids in bright colours form the basis of this pattern. Combined colours of blue, green, scarlet, orange a n d beige are crossed and bisected with lines of yellow, black, blue, green and white, giving an attractive but jumbled effect. 46

Victorian (picture page 73) Backstamp 4 Another needlepoint or sampler pattern, Victorian is an alternative colourway to Queen Anne. The pattern consists of bouquets of flowers in pink, blue and yellow, accompanied by green leaves and executed in a cross-stitch effect. The graph paper effect is of white squares on a black ground. Her Majesty Queen Mary ordered a Bowl No 3 in the Victorian pattern at a cost of 2/6d (12% pence) and the invoice is d a t e d the 15th July 1936. Victorian Rose (picture page 73) Backstamp 4,8 Registration numbers for C a n a d a 1953 The pattern shows dark pink roses arranged in a bouquet with smaller flat blue flowers interspersed. An occasional half-opened yellow rosebud is also seen. The flowers are fairly widely spaced against the white ground. 'Violets' (picture page 74) Backstamp 4 An extremely pretty design of purple violets and vivid yellow primroses, delicately enhanced by green and pale purple leaves. The ground colour is ivory. Welbeck (picture page 74) Backstamp 4 This shows a large bouquet of flowers consisting of pink and yellow roses, yellow daffodils and white narcissi. Pale lilac tulips and purple wisteria, rather indistinctly coloured, e d g e the bouquet which is interspersed with delicate green leaves. The same pattern features in both Hazel and Spring but against differently coloured backgrounds. The ground colour of Welbeck is yellow, irregularly partitioned by small pebble shapes in ochre. 'White Roses' (picture page 75) Pattern number possibly 1575 Backstamp 8 Roses, shaded in white a n d grey, are seen scattered across a lemon yellow ground. Small grey and even smaller black leaves highlight the ground colour.


Wild Flowers (picture page 75) Backstamp 4,5 Wild flowers are scattered across what seems to be a background of yellow mimosa balls. The white flowers are unidentifiable but the blue spray is probably Wood Vetch, while the flat pink flower closely resembles the Dianthus armeria known as Deptford pink.



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GRIMWADES, Ltd., STOKE-ON-TRENT, Staffordshire, I inland.



An artist's impression of the Winton, Heron Cross, Upper Hanley and Stoke Potteries as shown in a Grimwades catalogue for 1913. (Courtesy Peter GreenhalO 49

Anemone: A large bread and butter plate with dark blue ground and an Art Deco diamond-shaped dish on a mid-blue ground.

Balmoral: An Ascot shape bread and butter plate, a small Countess teapot, and a shaped, rectangular sweet dish,

Bedale: An un-footed fruit bowl in Stafford shape.

Beeston: An Art Deco trio of cup, saucer and plate in the Hastings shape.



Birds and Tulips: A wide, angular cup and saucer in the Art Deco style, edged with gilding.

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Blue Anemone (Chintz): An teapot In the Norman shape.



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Blue Tulip: A cream jug in the Ascot shape and a coffee can and saucer.

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Clevedon: A fluted oval dish, a small basket in the Hampton shape and a footed bon bon dish. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Clyde: An Ascot bread and butter plate, an oblong sweet dish in the Athena shape and a tennis set.


Cotswold: A round tea plate.

Crocus (Black): A large round bread and butter plate, a small cream jug in the Globe shape and a small oval dish.

Cranstone: A cup and saucer.

Cromer: A covered 2-handled sugar bowl in the Countess shape and an angular Hastings shape cup & saucer. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Crocus (White): A small oblong sandwich plate in the Ascot shape.


Delphinium Chintz: An up-ended footed comport. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Dorset: A large round plate and a coffee pot.

Eleanor: A 2-handled lamp base.

English Rose: A tea plate. (Courtesy of Beverley)


Estelle: A tea plate

Esther: An oblong sandwich tray with shaped ends and an Ascot cream jug.

Evesham: A large round teapot, a tennis set and a handled beaker or mug. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Exotic Bird: A large jug in the Dutch shape and a Winton shape cream jug.


Fernese: An oblong sweet dish in the Art Deco style.

Fireglow (Black): A small square sweet dish, a large oval dish and a Countess jug.

Fireglow (White): A ten-sided cheese plate in the Octron shape.

Floral Feast: A long, deep dished roll tray with open work handles in the Fife shape.


Florence: A cheese dish in the Dane shape with a plain handle, a footed comport and a mint boat and stand in the Era shape. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Gold Leaves: Cream ground tennis set of a size which is larger than usual.

Hazel: A jug/flower vase in the Remus shape, a jardiniere, an Athena teapot and a smaller Ascot teapot. (Courtesy of Beverley)


Florette: Page from the Grimwades catalogue for 1930. (Courtesy Peter Greenhalf)


Jacobina: A square sweet dish with shaped 'handles' in the green colourway, an oval 3-sectioned hors d'oeuvre dish in white and a small butter dish in the Trefoil shape in the blue colourway

Japan: An Ascot shape cream jug.

Joyce-Lynn: A large breakfast comprising a cup, saucer and plate.

Julia: A 2-handled sweet dish, a 3-piece cruet with chromed tops, a handled beaker or mug, a tennis set and a covered butter dish. (Courtesy of Beverley)



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June Festival: A large round plate; a hand painted mint boat stand.

June Roses: An Ascot cake plate on a chromed stand.

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Kinver: A large jug in the Dutch shape and a small hexagonal sugar in the Hector shape.

Kew: A mint boat stand in blue and a tea plate.


Majestic: A small deep sweetmeat dish with shaped ends and a Globe sugar bowl,

Marion: A musical box; a tennis set; one of a pair of salad servers.

Marguerite: Left: A Mecca foot warmer, first introduced in 1913. and (right) A muffin dish with blue edging and a strawberry shaped knob In white outlined in blue, a cream jug of Vera shape and an Atlas China cup and saucer edged with gliding and transfer printed with the pattern on both the inside and the outside of the cup.


Marguerite: A page from the

1928 Grimwades catalogue. (Courtesy Peter GreenhalD


May fair: An oblong dish with Art Deco May Festival: A round tea plate; a covered styled stepped 'handles'. (Courtesy of butterdish. Beverley)

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Morning Glory: A large bread and butter plate in the Ascot shape.

Nantwich: An Ascot bread and butter plate, a coffee pot, an open sugar bowl, a cream jug and a coffee cup and saucer. (Courtesy of Beverley)


Old Cottage Chintz: A round tea plate and a double egg cup, used for both duck and hen's eggs.

Old Cottage Chintz: A round tea plate and a double egg cup, used for both duck and hen's eggs.

Oriental Fantasy: A sandwich tray in the Ascot shape.

Paisley: A coffee pot in the Greek shape, and a green colourway sandwich tray in the Ascot shape.


Paisley: The coffee pot in the blue colourway shows an identical pattern, but was not made by Royal Winton.

Pebbles: A footed bon-bon dish.

Pekin: A small, red hand painted plate, a blue pin tray (Backstamp 10), a black Countess teapot and a cream coffee cup and saucer.


Pelham: A small sweet dish in the Ascot shape.

Peony: An up-ended Globe sugar bowl and a small Globe jug.

Queen Anne: A tea plate in the Ascot shape and a candy box (impressed CANDY BOX).

Quilt: A small oval dish; a sugar sifter,


Richmond: Cheese dish in the Dane shape Rose Spray: Cheese dish in the Dane with an ornate handle. The cheese dish shape, available in 3 sizes. The example was available in 3 sizes. shown has a plain handle.

Rose Sprig: A canoe-shaped long dish.

Rose Violet (Rose du Barry): A three-piece cruet on a trefoil-shaped stand.


Royalty: A chamberstick and a jam or preserve pot with matching lid and base in the Ascot shape.

Rutland: An angular Art Deco cup and saucer in the Hastings shape.

Sampler: A beaker.

Shrewsbury: An Ascot cake plate and a round ted plate.


Somerset: A large cake plate in the Orleans shape, a salad bowl with a silver plated rim in the Rheims shape and a bedside set comprising a Countess teapot, a cup, a cream jug, an open sugar bowl and a toast rack. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Spring: An Ascot cream jug and sugar bowl, a cream jug in the Grecian shape (shown standing on a wooden block) and an Ascot teapot.


Spring Glory: Tray from a bedside set.

Springtime: Preserve silver plated lid.

Stratford: A small rimmed soup or dessert dish and a 2 piece cruet set on a matching base.

or honey pot with

Summertime: A wall clock and a small Countess teapot.


Sunshine: A footed bon bon dish; a stacking set of teapot, cream and sugar in the Delamere shape. (Courtesy of Beverley)

Sweet Nancy: sweetmeat dish.



Sweei Pea: A bedside set comprising a Countess teapot, a cup, a cream jug, an open sugar bowl and a toast rack, a biscuit barrel, an Athena shape teapot, a 3-bar toast rack and a pair of salad servers. (Courtesy of Beverley)


Tartans: An Ascot tea plate and a 3-bar toast rack.

Victorian: Small tea plate in the Ascot shape.

Victorian Rose: An Ascot sandwich plate and a 3-bar toast rack.


Violets: An oval sweetmeat dish with curving Art Deco style 'handles'.

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Welbeck: An Art Deco shaped fruit bowl; a King shape cup and saucer.



White Roses: A biscuit barrel in the Rheims shape.

Wild Flowers: An egg cup stand (minus the egg cups) and a small butter pat dish in the Trefoil shape.

Sheet of lithograph in the Joyce-Lynn pattern, and two pieces of ware which show the additional brightness of colour achieved after firing. (Courtesy Peter Greenhalf)


Pattern No. 4461 (c!922) and Pattern No. 4325 (c!920).

Jacobean patterned Chamber pot. Pattern No. 3000 (cl9l3) plus vase CI9I7-18 and triple dish Pattern No. 4252 (c 1917/18).


R1MWADES, LTD., Stoke-on-Trent.

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Toilet sets in all-over floral patterns as shown in a Grimwades catalogue for 1922. (Courtesy Peter Greenhalf)


Grimwades "Spode" Chintz illustrated in a 1913 catalogue. (Courtesy Peter Greenhalf)






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CRIMWADES LTD., WINTON POTTERY, STOKE-ON-TRENT. Ferenese Diaper ware as shown in the Grimwades catalogue for 1925. (Courtesy Peter Greenhalf)


/C Grimwades Ltd.



A page from the 1913 catalogue showing Grimwades' famous Quick-Cooker and the Mecca Footwarmer. (Courtesy Peter Greenhalf)


Shapes The name of the shape was often impressed in the base of the piece and this has proved helpful to collectors, but as post 1930 catalogues for Royal Winton wares seem to be non-existent, it has not been possible to identify all the shapes. Often, the shape name applied only to single items in the following list, although it is almost certain that other items were also made in the same shape. However, for accuracy, only known items are identified. Sources and references are given wherever possible. If a shape is illustrated in the book, then an example of the pattern in that shape will be given. If no illustration for a shape exists, then as full a description as possible will be given. This is not always practical, however, as some shapes are mentioned in catalogues and The Pottery Gazette but without illustration. Shape Names


Pattern illustrated

Ajax Tea ware No illustration This shape was illustrated in a 1930s Grimwades catalogue, and was shown as a fluted 8 or 10-sided cup and 10-sided saucer in both a 'tall' shape (with straight-sided body and a high pointed handle) and a 'low' shape which had straight-sided body tapering sharply to the foot and having an uplifted, squared- off handle, rather like Hastings. The teapot appears to be octagonal, having a squared-off handle and an open rectangular handle to the teapot lid. >, Ascot (Shape No. 970)

Cream jug Esther,"Blue Tulip" Plate: large Balmoral : sandwich Victorian Rose, : tea Queen Anne Preserve pot Cheadle, Royalty Sugar bowl Pekin, Spring Sweet dish Pelham Teapot Hazel The tea ware was advertised with a full page illustration in 7"he Pottery Gazette in November 1932. The pattern shown was Cherry Blossom, a non-chintz design. Note: Ascot c a n easily be confused with Athena. For an example^ compare the base of the teapots in the Hazel illustration. The base o f ' the Ascot teapot is flat and straight while the base of the Athena teapot is indented, giving the impression of small feet.


Bowl, 6 sizes No illustration Sweet dish Clyde Teapot Sweet Pea, Hazel The bowl was mentioned in a Grimwades catalogue in 1930. No description was given. The tea ware was advertised with a full p a g e illustration in The Pottery Gazette in September 1934. Note: Athena c a n easily be confused with Ascot. For an example, compare the base of the teapots in the Hazel illustration. The base of the Athena t e a p o t is indented,giving the impression of small feet, while the base of the Ascot teapot is flat and straight. Burke Powder Box No illustration Queen Mary purchased a powder box in this shape in the Royalty pattern in February 1937. The Grimwades catalogue for 1923 shows this to be of round, squat, bulbous appearance, widening towards the base. The overlapping lid had no finial or handle with which to lift it. Cambridge

Jug, squarish

No illustration

Candy Box Rectangular box Queen Anne The words CANDY BOX are impressed on the base of this piece. A catalogue for 1930 shows this listed as an "Oblong" Box. Chelsea Preserve pot No illustration The preserve pot is of globular form and has a round lid with a squarish knob. The separate stand is also round. Chrysta Powder Box No illustration A Grimwades invoice shows that Queen Mary purchased a powder box in this shape in the Royalty pattern in February 1937. No description was given. Cintra

Flower vase



Covered sugar bowl Cromer Jug, various sizes Fireglow (Black) Teapot Pekin Note: The shape of the jug can easily be confused with that of Globe. However, careful comparison will show that the pouring lip of Countess is narrower and slightly more upward pointing than that of Globe. Crown

Bowl in sizes 614",8* and 9"

Marguerite catalogue illustration


Biscuit barrel with wicker handle

No illustration


Bowl 5"

Florette catalogue illustration Cheese dish "Rose Spray" and Richmond A cheese dish in the Dane shape used was first produced in 1913. The open rectangular handle was ornately moulded but in the 1930s and onwards, a plain, simple handle was also available. Richmond has an ornate handle; "Rose Spray" is plain. A Grimwades catalogue for 1922 shows the biscuit barrel to be of rounded form tapering to a footed base. The t o p is indented at the handles, flaring out to the rim. There is a round knob on the lid. Delamere

Stacking set of teapot, cream and sugar


Delius Jug/ewer No illustration A tall handled jug or ewer having a bulbous base and going in at the % waist' before widening briefly and narrowing again. The jug then flares widely at the top. Duchess Teapot No illustration A t e a p o t in the Duchess shape was purchased by Queen Mary in February 1937. No pattern name was shown on the Grimwades invoice, only the pattern number 3030. Duchess dinner ware was illustrated in a Grimwades catalogue for 1925/28. However, no illustration was shown for tea ware. Dutch Jug, various sizes Kinver This shape was first mentioned in a catalogue d a t e d 1923. Duval

Jug, 3 sizes


Jug stand

Florette and Marguerite catalogue illustrations

Marguerite catalogue illustration Teapot Florette and Marguerite (3 sizes) catalogue illustrations This shape was first illustrated in a Grimwades catalogue dated 1923 when it featured an Elite cream jug in the Paisley pattern. The shape is round and globular - a rounder and flatter version of the Globe jug. The teapot is also round and globular, with a strawberry finial to the lid.



Mint boat/stand


Etona Vase No illustration Of tubular form, the vase is wider at the base than the top. It curves gently inward to about half its height, then curves outward slightly. Fife

Bowl Roll tray

No illustration Florette catalogue illustration Sandwich tray Floral Feast A Fife Bowl No. 1 in the Queen Anne pattern was purchased by Queen Mary on the 15th July 1937. The bowls were made in various sizes. Fife supper sets, consisting of a slightly dished tray with six small tea plates, were illustrated in a Grimwades catalogue for 1930. Gem Rose bowl No illustration A round globular bowl with a short stem and wide foot. It was fitted with a brass grid-like top to hold the roses in place. Globe

Jug, 4 sizes Crocus, Peony Sugar bowl Majestic, Peony Teapot, 3 sizes No illustration Teapot stand No illustration The t e a p o t first went into production in 1896 and is known to have been made,still in the same shape, until at least 1925/28. The t e a p o t is round and globular with a slight foot rim. The lid sits snugly inside the collar of the pot and has a mushroom shaped knob or finial. It is not known whether or not it was made in chintz patterns. Note: The shape of the jug can easily be confused with that of Countess. Careful examination will show that the pouring lip of Globe is wider and more shallow than that of Countess. Gordon Candy dish No illustration No description is available, other than the lid or cover has a pointed top. Grecian

Cream jug



Coffee pot 1V* pint "Paisley" Jug stand No illustration The Greek shape, introduced in 1918 was used on various items of tableware, including salad bowls, biscuit jars, honey pots (with fast stands) a n d lids etc. The coffee pot shape of this period more resembled a hot water jug, its spout more of a large pouring lip; it was later modified to the shape shown in "Paisley".


Grosvenor Posy bowl No illustration A hexagonal globular bowl, the top being of a slightly larger diameter than the base. Hampton Basket Clevedon First shown in a Grimwades catalogue dated 1930. Hastings

Cup and saucer

Beeston, Rutland


Sugar bowl



Sugar bowl, 31/4"

Marguerite catalogue illustration


Coffee cup/saucer

Florette catalogue illustration

Jacobean Tea ware No illustration A cream and sugar set (private collection) show the jug has a sharply angular handle, similar to Hastings. The piece narrows towards the base in three "steps'. King

Cup and saucer Cheadle, Welbeck Salad bowl No illustration A salad bowl and servers No 2 and No 2A, in the Sweet Pea pattern, was sold to Queen Mary on the 15th July 1936. Lotus

Honey jar with lid

Marguerite catalogue (no stand) illustration Lotus tea ware is illustrated in a 1930 catalogue. The cup is slightly flared with a sharp indentation to the base. The handle is upwardly pointed. A sweet dish described as Lotus shape is shown in the Marguerite catalogue illustration. This was a mis-print, corrected in the price list in the same catalogue. The correct name for the shape is Octron. Mecca

Foot warmer



Covered muffin


Musical Box

Rectangular box


Nita Wall pocket No illustration This is of an in-curving, elongated tulip shape, narrowing at the base to a small knob. There are two scrolling "handles' halfway down each side of the pocket. The open top is formed by three arcs, the centre curve being wider than the two flanking arcs. Could possibly be described as 85

a fleur-de-lys shape. Norman


"Blue Anemone" (Chintz) Tea ware in this shape was illustrated in the Buyers' Notes section of The Pottery Gazette in July 1932, with a full p a g e advertisement for Beverley patterned dinner ware (a non-chintz pattern) shown in the same publication in December 1932. Octavius

Bowl Florette catalogue (8-sided) illustration Bon bon or No illustration chocolate comport The comport was mentioned in a 1930s catalogue price list, when it was sold for 19/6 (971/2 pence) per dozen. Octron

Plate Fireglow (White) Sweet dish Florette catalogue (8-sided) illustration The plate has ten sides despite the shape name which would indicate an 8-sided shape, but reference to a Grimwade catalogue for 1930 confirms this rather o d d anomaly. There appears to be no dictionary definition of the word Octron. The same sweet dish is shown in the Marguerite catalogue illustration under the name of Lotus. This was a misprint and was corrected in the price list in the same catalogue. Orleans Plate, large Somerset The catalogue for 1925/28 shows that a rectangular Orleans sandwich plate, together with six square tea plates, was sold as a sandwich or supper set. Remus

Large vase/jug



Triple tray

Illustration of Pattern Number 4252 Marguerite catalogue illustration

Cheese dish

3 sizes: No. 1,2 and 2a The Rex cheese dish was introduced in 1913 when it h a d a slightly fluted body. Later cheese dishes from the 1930s period kept the same general shape but had a more squared-off body. Rheims

Salad bowl with Somerset chromed rim Biscuit barrel White Rose The biscuit barrel is also shown in the Marguerite catalogue illustration 86

(at the bottom left hand corner of the picture) with a slightly different knob to the lid. Rosa Wall pocket No illustration A double wall pocket of elongated triangular shape ending in a curved point. The pockets appear to overlap each other in a stepped manner and are enhanced by the addition of 3 semicircular "ears' on one side of the pocket. Rowsley Basket No illustration The handled basket has a wavy rim and flares from the footed base in a high sided gondola shape. Ryde Ashtray No illustration A rectangular ashtray of Art Deco form with an irregular, stepped interior. Shell Butter/jam dish No illustration This small dish is shaped and fluted rather like a cockle shell. Stafford

Fruit bowl Long tray

Marguerite catalogue illustration Marguerite catalogue illustration

Watercress dish and stand No illustration A Stafford tea cup, illustrated in a Grimwades catalogue for 1930,shows a wide cup tapering to the base with a sharp inward indentation to the foot. The squarish handle is slightly upward pointing. The water cress dish and stand was first mentioned in a price list for 1925/28 and then cost 3/6d (171/2 pence). Dinner ware also a p p e a r e d in the same catalogue. Stella

Fruit set with a 9" bowl

Tennis Set

Cup with matching saucer/plate Queen Mary purchased 6 tennis sets in pattern (5 pence) each in February 1939. The tennis set pattern is larger than usual.


Marguerite catalogue illustration Mayfair,"Gold Leaves" 4808 at a cost of 1/in the "Gold Leaves"


Fruit bowl

Marguerite catalogue square 9" illustration (lower half of the page) Tea ware in the Troy shape was also made C1925/28 for Atlas China, a factory which was part of the Grimwades group. Trefoil

Butter pat dish

Wild Flowers

Tudor Vase No illustration A vase of tubular tapering form, narrowing from the t o p to a wide base. Vera

Cream jug


Cream jug 2oz, 4oz, 8oz, 1 Ooz.


"Exotic Bird" a n d Marguerite catalogue illustration The Winton shape first went into production in 1922.


Price Guide The prices given below are, of necessity, for guidance only. Royal Winton chintz ware is extremely collectable, and prices c a n , and d o , fluctuate. Several factors govern this fluctuation. For instance, a plate in a certain pattern might cost three or four times the price of a plate in another, different pattern as some patterns are far more collectable than others. However, the desirability of these patterns c a n vary depending on which part of the country - or even in which country one might be buying. Shapes contribute to the price, too. For example, a cream jug in the Grecian shape will c o m m a n d a far higher price than a cream jug of an identical pattern in the more common Globe shape. The rarity of the item also has to be considered. Wall clocks and musical boxes are not commonly found, while wall pockets are sought after, especially those of an angular Art Deco shape. Bedside sets (or breakfast sets, as they are also known) are collectors' items, too. There is also quite a d e m a n d for small, unusual pieces, such as a stand with egg cups a n d tiny matching salt and pepper pots. The price guide refers to items in perfect condition, having no chips, cracks, or restoration. The transfer printing should be of the highest quality, with no unsightly over-lapping or creases. Collectors should take the above facts into consideration when debating whether or not to go ahead with a purchase. They will also have to bear in mind that, as the chintz market fluctuates, prices c a n , and will, vary, depending on what is fashionable and desirable at the time. The price guide below has been classified as follows: A: refers to items of common and/or readily available patterns in routine shapes. B: covers pieces which are less readily seen and/or are of more interesting shapes C: takes into account the rarity and/or collectability of the pattern, or shapes that are different, unusual, or seldom seen. Although an upper limit has been given, there is no real ceiling for items that are extra special. Note: Prices in America, Canada and Australia will often be much higher than the estimates quoted below.


Group A Baskets: small medium large Beakers and mugs Bedside sets Biscuit barrels Candy boxes Canoes Cheese dishes Coffee pots Cruets:

£30-£40/$50-$7O £50-£70/$85-$120 £80-£10u7$135-$170 £20-£30/$35-$50 £70-£100/$120-$170 £40-£80/$70-$135 £30-£60/$5u-$100 £20-£40/$35-$70 £40-£60/$70-$100 £30-£60/$50-$100

2-piece + stand 3-piece + stand Cups and saucers:

£25-£35/$40-$60 £30-£40/$50-$100

breakfast coffee tea trios Delamere stacking sets Egg cups

£25-£35/$40-$60 £15-£25/$25-$40 £25-£35/$40-$60 £30-£40/$50-$70 £60-£100/$100-$170 £10-£15/$15-$25 £25-£40/$40-$70 £40-£60/$70-$100 £30-£60/$50-$100 £15-£25/$25-$40 £20-£30/$35-$50 £20-£30/$35-$50

Footed bon-bon dishes Footed comports Fruit bowls Fruit dishes Jam/Honey pots Jugs, cream Jugs, milk: small medium large Mecca Foot Warmers

£25-£40/$40-$70 £30-£45/$50-$75 £50-£65/$85-$n0 £150-£250/£255-$400 90

Group B

Group C

£40-£80/$70-$135 £70-£100/$120-$170 £100-£160/$170-$275 £30-£60/$50-$100 £150-£250/$255-$425 £80-£120/$135-$205 £60-£100/$100-$170 £40-£80/$70-$135 £60-£80/$100-$135 £60-£90/$100-$155

£80-£120/$135-$205 £lu0-£200/$170-$340 £160-£250/$275-$425 £60-£90/$100-$155 £250-£450/$425-$765 £120-£250/$205-$425 £100-£150/$170-$255 £80-£150/$135-$255 £80-£150/$135-$255 £90-£200/$155-$340

£35-£70/$60-$120 £40-£80/$70-$135

£70-£100/$120-$170 £80-£120/$135-$205

£35-£50/$60-$85 £25-£40/$40-$70 £35-£55/$60-$95 £40-£60/$70-$100 £100-£200/$170-$340 £15-£25/$25-$40 £40-£70/$70-$120 £60-£9u/$100-$155 £60-£90/$100-$155 £25-£40/$40-$70 £30-£60/$50-$100 £30-£60/$50-$100

£50-£70/$85-$12u £40-£65/$70-$110 £55-£75/$95-$135 £60-£90/$100-$155 £200-£300/$340-$510 £25-£50/$40-$85 £70-£100/$120-$170 £90-£150/$155-$255 £90-£150/$155-$255

£40-£70/$70-$120 £45-£80/$75-$135 £65-£100/$n0-$170 £250-£350/$425-$595

£70-£100/$120-$170 £80-£120/$135-$205 £100-£200/$170-$340 £350-£600/$425-$1020

£40-£70/$70-$120 £60-£90/$100-$155 £60-£90/$100-$155


£20-£35/$35-$60 £40-£60/$70-$100 £6u-£80/$100-$135

Mint boats + stands Muffin dishes Musical boxes Plates: small medium large Salad bowls Salad servers (pairs) Sandwich trays: small medium large Sugar bowls: open covered Sugar sifters Teapots: small medium large Tennis sets Toast racks: 3-bar 5-bar Wall clocks Wall pockets Vases: small medium large

£10-£15/$15-$25 £15-£20/$25-$30 £25-£35/$40-$60 £40-£6u/$70-$100 £30-£50/$50-$85 £15-£25/$25-$40 £20-£35/$35-$60 £30-£45/$50-$80 £15-£20/$25-$35 £25-£40/$40-$70 £25-£40/$40-$70 £25-£40/$40-$70 £50-£80/$85-$135 £60-£80/$100-$135 £25-£40/$40-$70 £20-£40/$35-$70 £30-£50/$50-$85 £40-£60/$70-$100 £50-£80/$85-$135 £15-£25/$25-$40 £30-£50/$50-$85 £50-£80/$65-$135


£35-£60/$60-$100 £60-£90/$100-$155 £80-£120/$135-$205

£60-£90/$100-$155 £90-£150/$155-$255 £120-£250/$205-$425

£15-£20/$25-$35 £20-£30/$35-$50 £35-£50/$60-$85 £60-£85/$100-$145 £50-£90/$85-$155

£20-£30/$35-$50 £30-£40/$50-$70 £50-£75/$85-$130 £85-£120/$145-$205 £90-£150/$155-$255

£25-£50/$40-$85 £35-£60/$60-$100 £45-£70/$75-$120

£50-£80/$85-$135 £60-£90/$100-$105 £70-£120/$120-$205

£20-£35/$35-$60 £40-£65/$70-$110 £40-£70/$70-$120


£40-£80/$70-$135 £30-£150/$135-$255 £80-£180/$135-$305 £40-£65/$70-$110

£80-£120/$135-$205 £150-£280/$255-$475 £180-£350/$305-$580 £65-£80/$110-$135

£40-£60/$70-$100 £50-£70/$85-$120 £60-£9Q/$100-$155 £80-£170/$135-$290

£60-£90/$100-$155 £70-£100/$120-$170 £90-£120/$125-$205 £170-£280/$290-$475

£25-£50/$40-$85 £50-£100/$85-$170 £80-£150/$135-$255

£50-£100/$85-$170 £100-£200/$170-$340 £150-£300/$255-$510

£65-£90/$110-$155 £70-£100/$120-$170


Backstamps The manufacturer's trademark stamped on the base of ware is a useful guide to dating.These marks were changed periodically and new ones introduced. However, some overlapping of dates occurs and precise dating cannot be guaranteed. It was thought that the prefix Royal was a d d e d to the Winton trade name in the 1930s. However, research has shown that Royal Winton ware was being made in 1896 (See chapter on Products). The name was used again in 1917/18 (See Backstamp 2). It then disappeared, being revived in about 1929, when Grimwades introduced their new Royal Winton Ivory. However, examples of Marguerite chintz,-made in 1928, show the Royal Winton backstamp used in the familiar Art Deco style. It is interesting to note that the Home Office have no record of the company contacting them regarding the prefix. In 1945, as a result of World War II, potteries were divided into six groups and obliged to mark their wares with a letter or letters of the alphabet, according to which group they belonged. They were also restricted to making tea and dinner ware, cooking ware including pie dishes, washstand sets, chamber pots, hot water bottles a n d stoppers and rolling pins. The 1948 Year Book, issued by The Pottery Gazette shows that Grimwades were designated category A'. The letter had to be stamped indelibly under the glaze and the ruling was in force for some years after the war. For an example, see Backstamp 8. This would indicate that ware showing the A' as part of the backstamp was made after the war years. Explanation of Backstamps Backstamp 1: WINTON WARE GRIMWADES STOKE ON TRENT ENGLAND. Grimwades backstamp cl906+. Also found without the words WINTON WARE. The mark shows the globe which is sometimes found surmounted by a crown and a c c o m p a n i e d by the letters GB for Grimwade Brothers cl885+.


Backstamp 2: GRIMWADES ROYAL WINTON WAREcl917-19+.


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Backstamp 3: GRIMWADES S.R STAFFS MADE IN ENGLAND C1922+. The letters S.R stand for Semi-Porcelain.

Backstamp 4: ROYAL WINTON GRIMWADES ENGLAND. Art Deco style mark cl928+ found on items including Marguerite chintz. This mark was previously thought to date from the mid-1930s. Backstamp 5: ROYAL WINTON GRIMWADES MADE IN ENGLAND. Art d e c o style mark C1934+, Note the semi-circular MADE IN ENGLAND mark also present. This c a n sometimes be found alone, transfer printed in either green and black, and with no other Royal Winton backstamp. Backstamp 6: ROYAL WINTON GRIMWADES ENGLAND. Art Deco style mark C1937+. This backstamp seems to have been used only on Quilt and Tartans. Note the registration numbers for Canada which appear to be a date. Backstamp 7: Summertime COPYRIGHT Wright Tyndale & van Roden Inc ENGLAND. Blue transfer printed copyright mark in script and capitals, found only on some Summertime pieces.

Backstamp 8: Royal Winton MADE IN ENGLAND A. The script mark cl951+. Note the A' mark used from 1945. The illustration also shows the registration numbers for Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the USA transfer printed in gold. EVESH4M CAri. lib. i»- '

AoS.«C7Su9» NZ.A0.6d|&«j

USA 166274


2014 Chintz Market Report Chintz became much sought a1er in the 1990s as a result of a surge of popularity in the U SA. R oyal Winton C hintz was certainly pre-­‐eminent in this and this book provides a suitable guide to paEerns and shapes etc. This prices given reflect the height of the market, which has since fallen off somewhat. H owever, this means that prices are aEracKve to new collectors who o1en start with eBay and then develop more sophisKcated ways of collecKng. Included here are other C hintz manufacturers and so comparisons can be made across the board. When lisKng items on eBay, please bear in mind that the beEer the lisKng, the beEer the price you will get. U se this book to make sure your lisKng is as good as possible. 1930.S R oyal Winton L arge, Sweet P ea C hintz P eppereEe £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton B edale C hintz Egg C ruet -­‐ Salt P epper 2 Egg C ups And Stand £41.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G old L eaves C hintz C anoe Shaped D ish £60.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades C hintz L arge P osy R ose Flower B owl £50.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades England P aisley C hintz Footed C ompote Stand £43.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades Sweet P ea C hintz L idded B uEer D ish £102.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades Sweet P ea C hintz M ilk J ug £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Sugar B owl £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Trio #1 £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Trio #2 £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1930s Royal Winton G rimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Trio #5 £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 194050s Tulip & M imosa C hintz 21 P iece Tea Set 22 K t G old £75.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1940s Royal Winton Old C oEage C hintz B uEer D ish £40.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1940s Royal Winton Old C oEage C hintz H andled Oval Tray £30.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1950s Chintz Sweet P ea Saucers X 2 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1950s Le1on C hina C hintz P aEern Teapot Wmusic B ox P lays Tea For Two £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1950s Royal Winton Old C oEage C hintz L idded Water P otjug £90.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1950s Royal Winton Old C oEage C hintz M edium Sandwich Tray £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1951 Royal Winton G rimwades C hintz C headle G reen C up & Saucer Set N r 22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1951 Royal Winton G rimwades C hintz C headle R ed C up & Saucer Set N r 32.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1992 Alpine C hintz B y R oy K irkham English C ollecKble C offee M ug I 07 £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1995 Royal Winton C hristmas C hintz D essert P late, G rimwades, England £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1999 Royal Albert Old C ountry R oses C hintz Salad P late 7 34 Exlnt N r £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1999 Royal Albert Old C ountry R oses C hintz Tea C up & Saucer £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 1999 Royal Albert Old C ountry R oses C hintz Tea C up & Saucer Exlnt N r £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 B oxed R ingtons B lue C hintz Fine Tea P lates £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 C hintz C ollecKon B y R oyale G arden Staffordshire H orse P lates £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 FormaliKes D ecorator Eggs B y B aum B ros. B lack & White C hintz Floral £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 R oyal Winton Queen Anne C hintz D ishes £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 R oyal Winton SummerKme C hintz Scalloped B read P lates £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 X M ugs C hristmas P oinseia C hintz C lassic In B oxes £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 2 X R oyal Winton C hintz D essert D ishes -­‐ SummerKme £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

3 C olclough Trios C rinoline L ady G old Floral C hintz £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 3 C olclough Trios C rinoline L ady G old Floral C hintz £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 3 J ohnson Bros C hina R ound Enamelware M ixing B owls Summer C hintz £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 3 P iece Tea Set English Art P oEery R oyal Winton G rimwades N antwich C hintz N ores £156.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 30s Chintz C ake Stand M arguerite P at. R oyal Winton £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 4 C hintz M ini C hina B owls – H otel R itz –Barcelona £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 4 J ohnson Bros C hina 16 Oz G lassware Tumblers Summer C hintz £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 4 Of C hintz Sunshine 17cm B owls G ood £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 4 P ickard Floral C hintz C hina Footed C ups And Saucers P aEern 3004 U sa £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 5 R oyal Winton SummerKme C hintz Salad P lates Athena Shape £93.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 C ake P late C hintz Sweetpea P aEern R oyal Winton G rimwades Square Single 10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 Fine M ugs C ups Gi1 Set -­‐ B lack Flower C hintz C hina M ug £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 Fine M ugs C ups Gi1 Set -­‐ B lack Flower C hintz C hina M ug £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 Fine M ugs C ups Gi1 Set -­‐ B lue C hintz C hina M ugs £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 Fine M ugs C ups Gi1 Set -­‐ P oppy C hintz C hina M ugs £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 Fine M ugs C ups Gi1 Set -­‐ P oppy C hintz C hina M ugs £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 Fine M ugs C ups Gi1 Set -­‐ White Flower C hintz C hina M ug £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 6 X Side-­‐Plates R oyal Winton G rimwades M arguerite Floral C hintz 1930s £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 7 R oyal Winton, M arguerite C hintz, Sandwich P lates £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) 7 Side P late C hintz Sweetpea P aEern R oyal Winton G rimwades Square Single 12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A G rimwades R oyal Winton C hintz P oEery Teapot SummerKme P aEern £49.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A P reEy Shelley Fine P rimrose C hintz P late -­‐ 20.0cm In D iameter £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A R oyal Winton C hintz Sandwhich Set £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A R oyal Winton G rimwades C hintz P late -­‐ N antwich P aEern £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A R oyal Winton G rimwades C hintz Small Teapot Tea P ot -­‐ J une R oses P aEern £102.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A R oyal Winton N antwich C hintz Square Sugar B owl £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A Set Of 4 L aura R ed C astle Shape Fine C hintz M ug C up B eakers £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A Set Of 6 B ird B lue B ackground C hintz M ugs C ups Beakers £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A Set Of 6 B ird B lue B ackground C hintz M ugs C ups Beakers £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A Set Of 6 P ink L owesto1 C hintz M ugs C ups Beakers £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A Set Of 6 R osebasket C ream B ackground C hintz M ugs C ups Beakers £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) A Set Of 6 Strawberrys & C ream C hintz M ugs C ups Beakers £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Adderley Fine England C hintz Floral Open Sugar B owl £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Adorable R oyal Winton G rimwades Teapot C hintz Old C oEage P aEern £42.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Art D eco N antwich C hintz Open Sugar B owl £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ashley Fine C hintz 22 C t G ilt P ink R ose Tea C up Trio £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ashley Fine Trio -­‐ C hintz & P ansies £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ashley Fine Trio -­‐ C hintz & P ansies £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ashley Fine Trio -­‐ C hintz & P ansies £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ashley Teapot Fine 22kt G old C hintz £38.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

AEracKve R oyal Winton G rimwades Anemone C hintz P oEery Toast R ack £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley C oEage G arden C hintz L idded Elephant Trinket B ox £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley C oEage G arden C hintz L idded Frog Trinket B ox, U nusual £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley C up And Saucer D ark Yellow And C hintz G ilding £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley C up And Saucer R uby R ed And C hintz G ilding £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley C up G reen With C hintz G ilding £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley England G ilded Floral C hintz White C hina Footed C up & Saucer Set £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley English P ink R ose C hintz 8 Salad P late Scalloped G old Trim £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley G old & Floral C hintz Tea C up & Saucer £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Aynsley P icture Frame Tudor R ose Fine England Shabby C hic C hintz £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Bell C hina Tea B read D isplay P late -­‐ C hintz Floral On G reen -­‐ C 1935 £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Bell C hina Tea Trio -­‐ C hintz Floral On G reen -­‐ C 1935 £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Bell C hina Tea Trio -­‐ C hintz Floral On G reen -­‐ C 1935 £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Bell C hina Tea Trio -­‐ C hintz Floral On G reen -­‐ C 1935 £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Biscuit B arrel Old C oEage C hintz 1930s £80.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Black P eking C hintz Oblong D ish £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Blue P ekin C hintz Sugar Shaker -­‐ Sadly Af B ut G ood For D isplay £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Blue P ersia C hintz, Set Of Four IdenKcal, Fine M ugs £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Blue Tulip C hintz Sandwich P late £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Boxed R ingtons B lue C hintz Fine M ilk J ug & Sugar B owl Set £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Boxed R ingtons B lue C hintz Fine Tea C up & Saucer £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C.W.S. Windsor C hina C hintz P aEern Tea For Two P art Tea Set £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1910 Tuscan C hina M iniature C hintz Vase (2) £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1910 Tuscan C hina M iniature C hintz Vase (3) £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1910 Tuscan C hina M iniature C hintz Vase £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1931 Royal Winton G rimwades D elphinium C hintz M ilk P itcher 4 £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1933 Jackson & G osling Ye Olde English G old C hintz C hina Tea Trio. £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1934 Royal Winton L idded J ar H azel P aEern C hintz B lack B ackground 2208 £53.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) C1940s Fine Teaset 21pc M ayfair 22kt G old C hintz Shabby C hic £102.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Carlton Ware R oyal Winton Florence (Chintz) -­‐ 239999 £125.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Caverswall B lue C hintz C hina Thimble B 117 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Caverswall P ink C hintz C hina Thimble B 117 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Caverswall Yellow C hintz C hina Thimble B 117 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ceramic C hintz Trinket P ot D resser B ox J ulia 1995 £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ceramic L arge R oyal Winton J ardiniere P lanter P lant P ot Floral C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ceramic L arge R oyal Winton J ug Floral C hintz 18cms £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Charming R oyal Winton G rimwades J ulia P aEern C hintz C ruet Set C 1930s £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cheadle C hintz B achelors B reakfast Set -­‐ P oEery 1950s Tea £149.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cheadle C hintz C up And Saucer £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cheadle C hintz D ish £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cheadle C hintz P lates Saucers £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cheadle C hintz Teapot £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

China C rinoline L ady English C ake P late C hintz Shabby C hic R etro Wedding £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China C ups And Saucers Or C hina M ug Fully G i1 B oxed B nib C hintz Or R ose £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China P ink R oses Fine English C hintz 6 C up Teapot, £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China P ink R oses Fine English C hintz 6 C up Teapot, £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China Sadler Olde C hintz Tea P ot £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz D inner P late £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz D inner P late £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz Egg C up £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz Egg C up £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz L uncheon P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz L uncheon P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz L uncheon P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz L uncheon P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz L uncheon P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz L uncheon P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz Salad P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz Salad P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz Salad P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China SummerKme C hintz Salad P late £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China Tea Trio -­‐ P rimrose And G old C hintz B order £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China Tea Trios (4) P rimrose And G old C hintz B order £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China Trio, C up And Saucer And P late G old C hintz With Flowers £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) China White & G old C hintz Tea Set Trio R oyal Vale, C up Saucer P late. £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz -­‐ M arguerite Sauce B oat & Saucer -­‐ Art D eco £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz -­‐ P elham Or Sampler -­‐ C ake Stand £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Anemone B iscuit B arrel H and P ainted Tranfer Ware 79 £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Anemone H and P ainted J am P ot With L id £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Avoca Salisbury Fine Sugar B owl £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz B achelor Tray Set -­‐ Estelle £175.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz B asket Estelle P aEern £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz B lack P ekin P aEern L amp B ase. £99.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz B owl -­‐ M arguerite £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz B rocade P ink L ustre Iridescent R osebud Teapot £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz B uEer D ish £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C headle J ampreserve P ot C an.Rd.0051, U .S.A.006273 £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C hina P rice L ist (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C hladle D esige ,4 Slice Toast R ack £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C offee P ot ( Without L id) SummerKme £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C omport D ish -­‐ C 1935 -­‐ £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C omport D ish -­‐ C 1935 -­‐ £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C omporEazza -­‐ M arion £45.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C ream J ug -­‐ M arguerite P aEern -­‐ £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Chintz C ream J ug -­‐ SummerKme -­‐ £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C rinoline L ady English C hina Tea C ups Plates Tea Set Tableware £72.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz C rinoline L ady English C hina Tea C ups Plates Tea Set Tableware £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz D ish -­‐ C irca 1950s £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Eleanor H ot Water J ug 28 £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz English R ose Tea Trio £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Fireglow J ug £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Floral C hina C ake Sandwich P late £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Floral Saucer -­‐ £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz G lobe J ug Estelle P aEern 4.00 H igh C 1950s £44.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz G rimwades D ishes 3 B read P lates 1 Salad P late £124.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz H azel B reakfast Set Teapot. G ood . £48.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz H azel P aEern L arge D ish £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz H azel P aEern Sandwich Set 73 £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz H azel P aEern Teapot -­‐ C 1938 -­‐ £123.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz H azel Tea P late P eriod -­‐ 9 Square -­‐ AEracKve £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz J ug G lobe Shape Tropical B ird P aEern £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz J ulia M ilk J ug B reakfast Set £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz J ulia Sugar B owl B reakfast Set £30.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz L amp B ase Queen Anne £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz L idded Sugar B owl Sweet N ancy C hintz P aEern £51.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz M arguerite Egg C ups And Stand £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz M arguerite Footed D emitasse C up & Saucer £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz M arguerite R ectangular C andy B ox £58.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz M ilk J ug & Sugar B owl (Ascot Shape) B y R oyal Winton, England -­‐ J une R oses £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz M ilk J ug And Sugar B owl -­‐ Sweet P ea £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Offley B rown L arge L idded P owder B owl £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P ale B lue Anemone Small Sugar B owl £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P art C offee Set. £99.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P aEerns M arks Incl. Winton K ent Shelley N elson Etc. B ook £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P ekin Teapot & J ug G rimwades 1951 C anada R egd. R etro £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P in D ish Titled C headle £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P in Tray B y R oyal Winton -­‐ £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P in Tray Esther C hintz P aEern 1953 £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late -­‐ K ew £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late -­‐ M arguerite £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late -­‐ M arion -­‐ 9 Square P late -­‐ Original -­‐ £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late -­‐ M arion £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late # 2 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late #1 Ideal For C up C ake Tea P arKes £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late 7 34 -­‐ Sweet P ea Af £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late Queen Anne 10 Inch Vgc 14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Chintz P late R oyal Winton Stamped 1953 Florence £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P late. English R ose. () £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz P oEery B asket £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz R oyal Winton G rimwades M arion C up & Tray Saucer Set C .0051 £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz R oyal Winton, England -­‐ K ew -­‐ Trinket J ewellry C andy B ox And L id.0050 £41.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz R oyalty P aEern Sauce B oat AEracKve C olours £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz R oyalty Sugar And M ilk J ug £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz R oyalty Teapot £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz R oyalty Teapot £49.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Salisbury Fine Serving P late 10 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Salisbury Fine Tea Set Trio 9335a £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Salisbury Fine Tea Set Trio 9335a £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Salt And P epper Set Sweet P ea £72.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sandwich P late -­‐ J ulia £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sandwich P late B y R oyal Winton, England £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Set Of Six Teaplates P ink R oses £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Shelley Fine C up & Saucer P ale G reen £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Side P late Estelle P aEern 6.00 D iam C 1950s £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Small C omport -­‐ Sweet P ea £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Small P late B y R oyal Winton, England -­‐ J une R oses £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Small P late B y R oyal Winton, England -­‐ J une R oses £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Small Toast R ack SummerKme £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Somerset Small D ish £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Striped M ary Ebgelbreit C eramic C hina C up Saucer B e K ind To Your Sister £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sugar B owl B lue Anemone P aEern C ountess Shape M ade England £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme -­‐ C omport D ish -­‐ C 1935 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme -­‐ C ream J ug -­‐ C 1935 £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme -­‐ P late -­‐ D ining D isplay -­‐ C 1935 £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme -­‐ Sugar B owl -­‐ C 1935 £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme -­‐ Sugar B owl -­‐ C 1935 £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme ,4 SecKoned D ish And 6 Small P lates £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme C offee P ot £139.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme M uffin D ish C over & B owl 44 £54.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz SummerKme Tea Trio -­‐ C 1935 £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea 6.00ins C ircular Side P late £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea 6.00ins C ircular Side P late £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea 6.00ins C ircular Side P late £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea 6.00ins C ircular Side P late £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea C ake P late And 6 Small P lates £30.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea C offee P ot £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea C up And Saucer £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Chintz Sweet P ea C up And Saucer £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea C up And Saucer £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea Oblong D ish £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea Sugar B owl And M ilk J ug £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea Tall J ug £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P ea Teapot £62.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Sweet P eas Small H andled B owl £107.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Tea Set P ink R oses G old H andled 12 P iece £36.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Teapot M argeurite P aEern £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Tennis Set C up And P late C headle P aEern £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Toast R ack £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Tray D ish -­‐ R oyalty -­‐ £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Tray Victorian R ose P aEern Shell Shaped £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Trio C upsaucer Tea P late £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz Ware Sweet P ea Transfer P rinted 2 H andle D ish £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz, Oval Twin H andled Sandwich Tray, G ilded R im £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Chintz18 Piece Tea Set In G reen, White And G old G ilt £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Circa 1890-­‐1920 Shelley England C hintz D ish-­‐1 £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Clare English 21 P iece G ilt & Floral C hintz Tea Service #1043 £55.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Clyde C hintz Teapot Tea P ot 2 C up Albans G rimwades England £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Colclough Floral C hintz Fine Trio £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Colclough G old C hintz & P ink C hina Tea Setcups & 2 Tier C ake Stand, 4 X Trios £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Colclough Tea P late C rinoline L ady G old Floral C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) CollecKon Of H atpins (10) & C hintz C hina H atpin Stand H older £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cotswold C hintz 4 Slice Toast R ack C 1952 £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cotswold C hintz M usic B ox -­‐ . £38.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Creamer SummerKme C hintz P aEern Old Original Small M ilk P itcher £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Crinoline L ady C hina C ake P late C hintz D ainty D inah 22kt G old Wedding £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Crown D ucal C hina C hintz D emitasse C up Saucer Floral P eonies 1920s England £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Crown D ucal English C hina P urple C hintz H andled Tray £53.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Crownford Queens C hina P ink Floral C hintz D uo -­‐ Footed Tea C up & Saucer Staffs £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cruet Set C hintz Floral P aEern C . 1950s. £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cup & Saucer, C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cup C ake D ish,Plate Vgc, C hintz Flower £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cup C akes C olourful C hintz Fine L idded B uEer D ish £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cup C akes C olourful C hintz Fine L idded B uEer D ish £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Cups And Saucers In R oyal Winton SummerKme P aEern C hintz P oEery £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Demi C upsaucer R oyal Winton C hintz J ulia £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Divided D ish Old C oEage C hintz 1930s £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Eleanor C hintz Shaped L idded P reserve P ot £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Elizabethan Fine English Teacup And Saucer Floral Teal G old C hintz £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Empire Ware M aroon And C hintz Two P erson P art Tea Set. C hina. £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) England J ulia C hintz C anoe Serving B owl L y C olourful £32.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) England J une R oses C hintz Small C reamer With G old Trim £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) England Sunshine C hintz Small G ravy B oat J ug £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English 6 C up Teapot -­‐ Empire Shape -­‐ P ansy C hintz £39.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English B reakfast Teacup B lue R ose C hintz £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina C hintz And G old 3 Tier C ake Stand £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina C hintz And G old 3 Tier C ake Stand £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina C hintz And G old 3 Tier C ake Stand £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Five Tea Trio -­‐ G old C hintz £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio Aynsley Floral C hintz P ink £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio G old C hintz H unKng Theme £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio G old C hintz With P ink R oses £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio G old C hintz With P ink R oses £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio G old C hintz With P ink R oses £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio P ink R oses And G old C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hintz B lue J umbo M ug P air, B y R oy K irkham, Fine C hina £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hintz B lue J umbo M ug P air, B y R oy K irkham, Fine C hina £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hintz B lue J umbo M ug P air, B y R oy K irkham, Fine C hina £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hintz B reakfast C up Saucer, Fine M ade R oy K irkham England £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C hintz Four Fine M ugs, R oy K irkham 10oz £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English C ream & Sugar Set -­‐ M onet P oppy C hintz -­‐ R oy K irkham, England £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English Fine L arge Serving B owl R ose C hintz £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English Floral C hina C herry B lossom L arge C offee P ot Tableware C hintz £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English H ammersley All Over Floral C hintz #3257 Tea C up & Saucer Set £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English Tea P late C rinoline L ady G old Floral C hintz G old R im £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English Teacup And Saucer -­‐ Wild Violet C hintz -­‐ £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English Teacup R aspberry C hintz C up England £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) English Teacup Strawberry C hintz Tea C up £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Estelle C hintz Oblong L idded B ox -­‐ G reat Shape £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Estelle M iniature C hintz Vase £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fashionable Set Of 6 Fine L adybird C hintz M ugs C ups Gi1 Set £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fashionable Set Of 6 Fine L adybird C hintz M ugs C ups Gi1 Set £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine C ake P late -­‐ C hintz P ink Flowers 22kt G old 245 £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine C hina C overed B uEer C heese D ish P late -­‐ Victorian Open R ose C hintz £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine C hina Infuser Teapot G arden C hintz C harles Sadek £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine C up And Saucer White R ose Violet C hintz £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine English B reakfast C up And Saucer -­‐ P eKte R ose B lue C hintz £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine English Salad P late -­‐ B lue R ose English C hintz -­‐ R oy K irkham £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine R oyal Winton Sunshine C hintz D inner P late £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Fine Set Of 6 R ed H earts SpoEy C hintz B eakers M ugs C up G i1 Set £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Florence C hintz Slipper Vgc £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Florence C hintz Tray £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Foley C hina Avon Shape C hintz Trio -­‐-­‐ 1st -­‐-­‐ England C 1950s £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Foley C hina C hintz C ream J ug & Sugar B owl -­‐-­‐ 1st -­‐-­‐ England C 1950s £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Foley English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio P ale G reen C hintz Art D eco £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Foley English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio P ale G reen C hintz Art D eco £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Foley English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio P ale G reen C hintz H and P aint £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) FormaliKes B aum B ros P oinseia C hintz R ed Floral Trumpet Vase Flower £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Gilt C hintz & Floral M oKf C hina C up, Saucer & Side P late Trio £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Gladstone H and P ainted English G old C hintz Trio. £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Gladstone H and P ainted English G old C hintz Trio. £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Gold C hintz 22k Imperial C hina Tea Set. Shabby C hic £72.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Gold C hintz And P ansies Ashley Tea Set 5 Trios M ilk & Sugar £53.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Gold C hintz R oyal Vale M ilk J ug M ismatch C hina P arKes £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Green P ekin P aEern C hintz P late £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades (Royal Winton) 1930s Rosebud C hintz Shaving M ug -­‐ Extremely £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades 1930s C hintz H azel B uEer D ish £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades 1951 B lack P ekin C hintz C harger C ake P late 12 £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades 1995 Trinket Saccharin L idded B ox Strapord C hintz £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Ashtray Floral C hintz Vgc Order £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades B almoral C hintz P aEern -­‐ Sandwich P late £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades B eauvais P aEern C hintz Vase £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades B edale C hintz J ug And Sugar B owl £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades B lack P ekin C hintz L arge P late 10 (26 C ms) C .0051 £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades B lack P eking C hintz 10 P late £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades B lue C hintz Ware Sugar B owl M ilk J ug £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz B uEer D ish And C over P ekin P aEern -­‐ £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz C hintware Sweet P ea Teapot B owl Toastrack Original £125.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz C omport P reEy £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz C ream J ug J ulia Vgc £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz C upsaucer Welbeck £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz H azel Salad P late 8 34 -­‐ Flawless £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz H azel Scalloped P late £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz J am P ot -­‐ Vgc £30.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz J ulia D ish £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz J ulia P aEern J ug £50.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz J ulia P aEern Table Salt P ot D ispenser 1995 £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Victorian R ose Open H andled C ake P late £62.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Welbeck B owl Floral Flowers Yellow P ink B lue 6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Welbeck B reakfast C up And Saucer £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Welbeck C up & Saucer 1995 C ollectors £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Welbeck Footed B asket £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Welbeck Footed C omport D ish £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Grimwades C hintz Welbeck P aEern Table Salt P ot D ispenser £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C hintz Winifred P aEern D ish £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C olourful C hintz Flower D ish £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades C olourful C hintz P late J oyce L ynn 1950s £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades D ark C hintz J ug And Sugar B owl £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades D elphinium C hintz J ug £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades England M ayfair C hintz C up & Saucer M ulK-­‐Color £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades England Old C oEage C hintz D ivided D ish L ook £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades England Square C hintz P late R oses On Trellis Teal G old £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades England Welbeck C hintz 10 34 Square D inner P late Excell £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades English P ink Floral C hintz 10 P late £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades ExoKc B ird C hintz P late -­‐ D ifferent And £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Florence L imited EdiKon C hintz Vase 4292000 Ships Free £58.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades H azel C hintz L arge G lobe J ug C 1930s40s £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades H azel C hintz M edium G lobe J ug C 1930s40s £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades H azel C hintz P aEern -­‐Canoe Shaped B owl £50.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades H azel C hintz U nusual Shape £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Ivory C hintz B oat Shaped D ish M arguerite £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades J ulia C hintz L arge J ug £66.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arguerite C hintz B iscuit B arrel With H andle £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arguerite C hintz H ot Water J ug £145.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arguerite C hintz L arge 7 J ug £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arguerite C hintz Teapot Tea P ot And Stand £73.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arguerite C hintz Ware C ruet Set. Tray D amaged. £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arguerite G old Trim C hintz L idded Vase U rn £40.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M arion C hintz D ish 4.0 X 3.0 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades M odel J ulia In A C hintz Square P aEern P late £33.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Old C oEage C hintz P ot With L id £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Old C oEage C hintz Teapot England Teapot £108.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades P aisley C hintz C up, Saucer & P late Set.#1 C 1931. £47.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades P aisley C hintz C up, Saucer & P late Set.#2 C 1931. £51.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades P aisley C hintz C up, Saucer & P late Set.#3 C 1931. £53.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades P aisley C hintz C up, Saucer & P late Set.#4 C 1931. £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades P ekin B lack C hintz L amp B ase. Oriental Exc. C ond £63.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades P eony C hintz L idded C andy B ox £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades R ichmond Floral C hintz Vase 1995 Free Shipping In The U sa £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades R oyal Winton Fibre Floral C hintz Water C ress D rainer B owl And P late £32.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades R oyal Winton Ivory C hintz H ot Water P ot 1930s £32.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades R oyal Winton J ulia C hintz P late Square 1940s £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades R oyal Winton Sweet P ea P aEern C hintz D ish On R aised B ase. £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Small Sugar B owl & C reamer J ug Floral C hintz £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Somerset C hintz D ish £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Grimwades SummerKme C hintz R aleigh Shape C ups & Saucers £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Sweet P ea C hintz P lates P air Vint B lue P ink R ound £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Sandwich Set £41.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Sauce B oat J ug Saucer Stand £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Sweet P ea C hintz Sugar B owl £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Tulia Teapot C hintz £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Victorian N eedlepoint C hintz B reakfast 4 One Set £73.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Welbeck C hintz P air Of Table Salts £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Grimwades Winton Ware C hintz L idded Tobacco J ar £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Hammersley L arge B owl -­‐ C 1910 -­‐ Chintz Floral £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Harry & D avid B lue R ose C hintz P edestal C offee C up Tea M ug Final 1 D ay Sale £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Hazel C hintz 4 Slice Toast Server £178.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Hazel C hintz M ilk Or C ream J ug £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Hazel C hintz Oval D ish £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Hazel C hintz Toast R ack £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Hazel P aEern C hintz 3 P c Saltpepper Set England £124.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Heron C ross B ird C lear B g C hintz Extra L arge One P int P ot M ug £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Heron C ross C ountry D iary C ream C hintz Extra L arge One P int P ot M ug £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Heron C ross H arebell C hintz Extra L arge One P int P ot M ug £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Imperial Fine C hintz 22 C t G ilt R ed R ose Tea C up Trio £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ivory G rimwades England Old C oEage C hintz Teapot Tea P ot Trivet £62.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Jackson G osling G rosvenor C hina P ink R osebuds Floral C hintz Side P late £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent C hina R osalynde C hintz C reamer £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent C hintz Style English B uEer D ish £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent D u B arry C hintz C ups Saucers And Silver P late Spoons X2 R oyal Winton £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent D u B arry C hintz C ups Saucers And Silver P late Spoons X2 R oyal Winton £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent D u B arry Floral C hintz Twin H andled C overed B owl -­‐ £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent H ydrangea Floral C hintz L arge B owls X 3 -­‐ £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent H ydrangea Floral C hintz L arge Tall M ilk J ug -­‐ £51.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent H ydrangea Floral C hintz Squat M ilk J ug -­‐ £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent H ydrangea Floral C hintz Twin H andled C overed B owl -­‐ £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James K ent Old Foley D u B arry C hintz English C hina Teapot, D iamond Shape £37.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James Sadler For R ingtons B lue C hintz L arge Fine M ilk J ug £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James Sadler Sophie C hintz C hina Teapot & M ini Teapot Set £40.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) James Sadler Sophie C hintz, English Teapot £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Job L ot 24 X Floral C hintz Soup B owls, Ideal For Wedding £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina R ose C hintz C overed Sugar B owl £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina R ose C hintz Fruit B owl 5-­‐18 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina R ose C hintz Fruit B owls 5-­‐14 -­‐ Set Of 4 £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina R ound Enamelware Footed C olander B owl Summer C hintz £52.00 (x2 for replacement value

2014) Johnson Bros C hina R ound G lassware Veggie B owl Summer C hintz £58.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina Summer C hintz B read & B uEer P lates 5 -­‐ 6 14 Vgc £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina Summer C hintz L arge D inner P late(S) 10 12 Vgc £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina Summer C hintz L arge Oval Serving P laEer 13 58 Vgc £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina Summer C hintz Oval Serving B owl 9 X 7 Vgc £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Bros C hina Summer C hintz Square C erealsoup B owls 2 Vgc £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers C hina 1-­‐Pc G ravy B oat R ose C hintz England M ark As Is £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers C hina England-­‐Summer C hintz 5 P c P lace Seing-­‐Plate B owl C up £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers C hina R ose C hintz C overed Vegetable B owl England £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers C hina R ose C hintz P aEern D inner P lates App. 10 £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers C hina Summer C hintz 39pcs Plates B owls P laEers Serving P ieces £62.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers R ose C hintz P ink (Made In C hina) C offee P ot 6545227 £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers R ose C hintz P ink (Made In C hina) C offee P ot 6545227 £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers R ose C hintz P ink (Made In C hina) J umbo C up & Saucer 6504340 £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers R ose C hintz P ink (Made In C hina) M ug (Imvgc) 7661129 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers R ose C hintz P ink (Made In C hina) M ug (Imvgc) 7661129 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers R ose C hintz P ink (Made In C hina) Tea P ot ( Imvgc) 7661153 £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz ( Made In C hina) C ereal B owl 5477490 £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz ( Made In C hina) D inner P late 6319664 £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz ( Made In C hina) M ug (Imvgc) 7660312 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz ( Made In C hina) M ug 4740440 £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz ( Made In C hina) Salt & P epper 4586738 £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz ( Made In C hina) Spoon R est H older 7041237 £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers Summer C hintz C hina £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Johnson Brothers, C hina, D innerware,Summer C hintz England B k Stamp 4 B read P late £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Julia 1995 C hintz Open Salt.Hallmarked Silver R im.London 1961-­‐62. £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Julia C hintz 5 14 Tea P late U nused £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Julia C hintz Athena B iscuit B arrel 1951-­‐52 £186.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Kew C hintz P late £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Kirsty J ayne C hina Set Of 6 C hintz B eakers M ugs £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Large B owl D ish R oyal Winton G rimwades M arguerite Floral C hintz 1930s £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Large C hintz B lue D rip G laze C at C eramic C hina 13 Tall £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Large R oyal Winton Spring C hintz P aEern J ug £42.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina C hintz Violet 4 Snack Tray 4 Tea C up L uncheon Set J apan £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina C hintz Violet C overed B uEer Tray G old Trim J apan £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina C hintz Violet Tea P ot G old Trim J apan 811v £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina Floral Sugar And C reamer Set R ose C hintz G old Trim WsKckers £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Le1on C hina M ini Sugar B owl With C over R ose C hintz P aEern £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina P ink R ose C hintz C enter H andled Tidbit Tray £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina R ose C hintz 2-­‐Tiered C enter H andle Tidbit Server £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina R ose C hintz C offee P ot & C reamer & Sugar B owl With L id £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hina Violet C hintz C up And Saucer #2119 £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on C hintz H and P ainted C hina Teapot L ilacs & D affodils £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on Fine C hina B lue P aisley C hintz H andled 6-­‐Inch L emon D ish, N e2141 £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on Fine C hina M ini C reamer R ose C hintz P aEern £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Le1on Violet C hintz P urple Flower G old Trim M ini C reamer Tea Set C hina £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Lily Of The Valley Fine English C hintz 6 C up Teapot, £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Lily Of The Valley Fine English C hintz 6 C up Teapot, £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) LiEle R oyal Winton C headle C hintz Sauce J ug B oat £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) MajesKc C hintz Square D inner P late £116.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Maling C hina C hintz L amp B ase #6527 £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Maling R ingtons 2 X C hintz Fine C hina Tea P lates £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C ereal B owl C hintz G rimwades £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz B onbon Or P in D ish, £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz B owl £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz C andy D ish 1920s £84.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz C omport D ish -­‐ £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz D ish G rimwades £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz Era Sauce B oat G rimwades £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz Footed B on B on D ish G rimwades £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz K ew Shape B asket G rimwades £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz Small B asket G rimwades £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marguerite C hintz Sugar Shaker -­‐ G reat Shape £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marion C hintz B iscuit B arrel -­‐ G ood Shape £73.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marion C up & Saucer C hintz Ware -­‐ R ef. N umber 1 £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marion C up & Saucer C hintz Ware -­‐ R ef. N umber 2 £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marion C up & Saucer C hintz Ware -­‐ R ef. N umber 3 £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Marion P aEern C up & Saucer D uo C hintz Ware £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Maxwell & Williams Floral C hintz R oyal R oseberry Teapot R rp £25 £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Maxwell & Williams P ink C hintz Floral C up, Saucer & P late Set R rp £15 £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Maxwell & Williams P ink Floral C hintz C up, Saucer & P late Set R rp £15 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) May FesKval 2 58 Floral C hintz C ompote 1950 £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mayfair C hintz Open Sugar B owl -­‐ G ood Shape £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mayfair C hintz Teapot, ExcepKonal , N o C razing £40.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mayfair Floral C hintz P reserve J am H oney P ot £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mayfair P aEern C hintz Elegant Small Vase £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Midwinter English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio P ink R oses And G old C hintz £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Midwinter English C hina Tea Set Tea C up Trio P ink R oses And G old C hintz £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mini C hintz Teapot 4 Inch H igh C hina D isplay K itchen £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mini C hintz Teapot 4 Inch H igh C hina D isplay K itchen £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Miniature C hina C hintz Tea Set £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Miniature R osina C hintz 1 Teacup C up And Saucer Set England £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Miniature R osina C hintz Teacup C up And Saucer £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mismatch C hina Tea Set 21 P eice P ink C hintz L ook £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Mix And M atch 12 P iece P ink R ose And G old C hintz C hina Tea Set £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Napco C hina 4 C up Violet C hintz Teapot G old H andle,Chintz Spout N o G razing £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Nice R oyal Winton SummerKme P aEern C hintz Octogonal Serving B owl £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Nouveau G rimwades Winton C hintz P ot P ourri L g P omander P ink Yellow R oses £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz Ascot Teapot £154.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz G rimwades D ivided D ish £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz G rimwades R oyal Winton Ivory England Square P late £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz H andled C andy D ish R oyal Winton G rimwades £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz Open Sugar & U nderplate £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Old C oEage C hintz Tea Saucers X 3 £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Original R oyal Winton H andpainted B lack P eking C hintz B asket £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Original R oyal Winton SummerKme C hintz L arge D ouble Egg C up £36.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair 6 C ake P lates C hintz Sweetpea P aEern R oyal Winton G rimwades Square 2x 20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair 7 Side P lates C hintz Sweetpea P aEern R oyal Winton G rimwades Square 2x 22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair English M ugs -­‐ D affodil C hintz -­‐ C rown Victorian -­‐ Staffordshire £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Fine English M ug -­‐ B lue R ose C hintz -­‐ £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Fine English M ug H eraldic P oEery Victorian C hintz M ugs £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Fine English M ugs -­‐ P oppy C hintz -­‐ H eritage C hina, England £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Fine English M ugs B luebell C hintz £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Fine M ugs -­‐ R osebud C hintz B y R oyal Victorian -­‐ £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Fine M ugs P ear C hintz G racie Fine B one £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) P air Of 6 Square R oyal Winton P aisley C hintz P lates. C 1931. £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) P air Of 8 Square R oyal Winton P aisley C hintz P lates. C 1931. £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair Of R oyal Winton C hintz P lates -­‐ M arguerite £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pair R oyal Winton G rimwades C hintz P lates G reen 20cm P aisley £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Pansy White Fine English C hintz 6 C up Teapot, £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon C hina Ivory C hintz C omtesse Trio Tea C up Saucer Side P late 5352 £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late Autumn Fruit C hintz £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late Autumn Fruit C hintz £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late Autumn Fruit C hintz £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon C omport D ish -­‐ Floral C hintz -­‐ M oulded -­‐ G ilded £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon P astel Floral C hintz On B lack H p L avender Tea C up And Saucer Teacup £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon Victoriana R ose C hintz 21 P iece Tea Set £75.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Paragon Windsor C hina P ansy C hintz 20 P iece Tea Set £85.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Phoenix C hina M ilk J ug & Sugar B owl G reen G ilded C hintz 183 £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Phoenix C hina Small C ake Or Sandwich P late. G reen G ilded C hintz 183 £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Phoenix C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late G reen G ilded C hintz 183 £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Phoenix C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late G reen G ilded C hintz 183 £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Phoenix C hintz C hina Tea Set P ink R ose T.F&S L td 16 P iece £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Poppy C hintz C ruet Set Salt & P epper Set £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Preserve P ot With M ay FesKval C hintz L id £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy (Gold C hintz) P art Tea Set (4 Trios) £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy (Gold C hintz) P art Tea Set (6 Trios) £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy C hina Floral C hintz Tea C up & Saucer Vgc £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy C hina Tea C ups & Saucers SelecKon M is M atched £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy Foley C hina 2 H andled Sandwich P late Flowered C hintz D ecoraKon £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy R oyal Winton C hintz P oEery C romer P aEern Sugar B owlbasin £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy R oyal Winton C hintz-­‐Fireglow G lobe J ug £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy R oyal Winton H azel C hintz C up £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) PreEy R oyal Winton P in D ishtray In Old C oEage C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queen Anne C hintz B reakfast Tea For One Set £68.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queen Anne C hintz C heese D ish G rimwades £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queen Anne C hintz M ilkcream J ug & Sugar B owl. £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queen Anne C hintz R oyal Winton D inner P late 9 U nusual Australian B ackstamp £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queen Anne C hintz Toast R ack £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queens (Rosina C hina) -­‐ English C hintz -­‐ D inner P late £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queens (Rosina C hina) -­‐ English C hintz -­‐ Tea P late £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queens C hina C oEage R ose C hintz Trio £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queens C hina England C alico R ed P ink C hintz D inner P late(S) £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Queens C hinarose C hintz B owl & P late -­‐ Floral £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Radfords C rown C hina C hintz Sugar B owl P aEern 7820 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Radfords C rown C hina C hintz Trio C up Saucer & Side P late P aEern 7820 £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Radfords Fenton Floral C hintz Footed Tea C up & Saucer £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Radfords Fenton The G aKneau C up & Saucer Set Fine England C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ralph L auren Imperial G arden D inner P late C hintz Floral £49.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Regency C hina R e14 -­‐ R ose C hintz H andled C ake P late -­‐ 9 58 -­‐ Vgc £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Regency C hina Tea Set -­‐ G oldpink C hintz £30.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons B lue C hintz Fine C hina M ilk J ug C reamer B y Sadler £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons B lue C hintz L arge H exagonal Fine Teapot £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons B lue C hintz L arge H exagonal Fine Teapot £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons C hina -­‐ C hintz -­‐ B lue With Flowers -­‐ 6 P ieces -­‐ £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons Fine C hina C hintz M ugs And Teapot £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons Fine C hina Full C hintz 1.0 P int H exagonal Teapot Tea P ot B lue Floral £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Ringtons Fine C hina Full C hintz 1.0 P int H exagonal Teapot Tea P ot B lue Floral £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Ringtons J ames Sadler B lue C hintz C hina M ugs X 2 Shabby C hic £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Roayl Winton Sweet P ea C hintz Fruit B owl £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Rosina England G old L ime C hintz & R ed R oses Tea C up And Saucer £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Rosina P astel C hintz Teacup & Saucer Set Vgc 1948-­‐52 £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Roslyn C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late Floral C hintz 6873 £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Roslyn C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late Floral C hintz 6873 £11.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Roslyn C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late Floral C hintz 6873 £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert 100 Years 1940s English C hintz Floral Trinket B ox G i1 £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina M ilk J ug £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Sugar B owl £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert C hintz English C hina Tea Set Trio £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert England P ink R ose Floral C hintz & G old Tea C up And Saucer Set £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert English Trio, G reen C hintz -­‐ Vgc C ond £47.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert English Trio, P ink C hintz -­‐ Vgc C ond £36.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert R oseKme C hintz M ini C reamer And Open Sugar B owl England £37.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Albert Tea C up And Saucer C rown C hina C hintz P aEern Teacup £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Ardalt Floral C hintz Salad P late #20951 £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Stafford England B uEerflies & Floral C hintz D eco Tea C up And Saucer £42.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Stafford England G old C hintz & P ink B lossom H p Tea C up And Saucer Set £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Stafford Sweet Violets P urple C hintz England Tea C up And Saucer £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Stafford Sweet Violets P urple C hintz England Tea C up And Saucer £29.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Standard C hina P late M ay M edley C hintz P aEern £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Tudor Ware B arker B rothers L orna D oone C hintz C hina C ake P late & Server £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina C ake Or Sandwich P late G ilded C hintz £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina M ilk J ug & Sugar B owl G ilded C hintz £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina Tea Set In G old C hintz Shabby C hic Style £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer Side P late G ilded C hintz £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer Side P late G ilded C hintz £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer Side P late G ilded C hintz £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer Side P late G ilded C hintz £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale C up Saucer P late Trio Tea Set G ilded C hintz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Vale G old C hintz C hina Tea Set 5 Trios £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) R oyal Winton G rimwades P aisley C hintz C entre P late. C 1931. £56.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) R oyal Winton G rimwades P aisley C hintz Tea P ot. C 1931. £155.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

R oyal Winton G rimwades SummerKme C hintz Wall P ocket £59.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Winton H azel C hintz Elite Teapot Tea P ot 1934-­‐34 £186.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel Ajax Teapot £104.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel C offee C up And Saucer £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel C offee C up And Saucer £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel C upsaucer P late Ascot £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel C upsaucer P late Ascot £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel C upsaucer P late Ascot £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz H azel Small J ug Ascot Shape £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz P lates Set Of 8 £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades C hintz Trinket B ox Florence 1995 £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades J une FesKval C hintz B uEer P at -­‐ 1930s £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royal Wintongrimwades SummerKme Sq B uEercheese C hintz C overed D ish & L id £88.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Royalty C hintz Small Teapot From A B reakfast Set £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sampson Smith 4 Tea C ups & Saucers Floral C hintz C hina Shabby C hic Af £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sandwich Set Fruit & G old C hintz Shabby C hic Style £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sango Yellow C hintz C hina C reamer C ream P itcher R oses C oEage C hic £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sango Yellow C hintz C hina Sugar B owl W L id R oses C oEage C hic Tags £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Set Of 6 Assorted C hintz Thimbles £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shabby C hic 15 P iece Tea Set Staffordshire C hintz 24k G old £36.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shabby C hic C hintz 12 P iece R ed R ose Tea Set 22k G old £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shabby C hic C hintz G old L eaf P aEern Tea Set 18 P ieces £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shabby C hic P aragon C hintz R ed R ose P aEern Tea Set 15pieces £22.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina C hintz M elody Saucer,Orphan £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina C hintz Tea 4 One Set B lue G round White D aisies P . B lue Trim28 £104.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina C ollector G uide C hintz C hina Incl Wileman, Foley -­‐ 1,000 P cs Shown £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina C up & Saucer -­‐ C hintz R ock G arden £37.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina M ayKme C hintz C overed P reserve Original Foil L abel 64 £55.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina M ayKme C hintz L arge C offee P ot 46 £53.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina M elody C hintzware Egg C up C hintz 1930s £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina P rimrose C hintz P aEern 8 L uncheon P late £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley C hina Summer G lory C hintz Trio G ilt Trim 45 £34.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley D aisy C hintz G reen Fine Trio, Teacup, Saucer & Teaplate £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley D aisy C hintz G reen Fine Trio, Teacup, Saucer & Teaplate £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Fine B lue P ansy C hintz C reamer £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Fine B ubble Floral C hintz R ipon Shape C up & Saucer Set #14274 £93.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Fine P rimrose C hintz -­‐ Tea P ot £117.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Fine Summer G lory Trio C up Saucer Side P late C hintz £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley M elody C hintz English Scalloped ServingDish £33.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Shelley R ose C hintz Tea Trio -­‐ C 1905 -­‐ Edwardian £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley R ose C hintz Tea Trio -­‐ C 1905 -­‐ Edwardian £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley R ose C hintz Tea Trio -­‐ C 1905 -­‐ Edwardian £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley R ose C hintz Tea Trio -­‐ C 1905 -­‐ Edwardian £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Sheraton C hintz Fine English Trio C up Saucer P late £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Sheraton C hintz Fine English Trio C up Saucer P late £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Sheraton C hintz Fine English Trio C up Saucer P late £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Sheraton C hintz Fine English Trio C up Saucer P late £19.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Summer G lory C hintz C hina 3 C ups & 3 Saucers N r £77.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Summer G lory C hintz C hina 6 Salad Or Sandwich P lates 8 N r £201.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shelley Summer G lory C hintz C hina Tea P ot Teapot N r £307.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Shrewsbury C hintz Toast R ack £44.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Small English C hintz Tea P late 5-­‐12 Square -­‐ R oyal Winton -­‐ G rimwades England £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Somerset C hintz C akestand On Ecstasy B ase 1930s £39.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Somerset C hintz C andy B owl N ut D ish Floral P aEern N o. 1420 £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Somerset P aEern C hintz C up & Saucer Set £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Spode C hina B lue C hintz M ug Or C up £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Spode C hina M ug B lue R oom C hintz C ollecKon B ouquet P aEern N ib £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Spode R osebud C hintz B lue And White C hina B owl 11 Inches Across £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Spode R osebud C hintz B lue And White C hina P late 13 Inches Across £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz 2 P c C ream B owl And U nder P late 1930s £40.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz 3pc C reamer Sugar U nderplate Tray R oyal Winton England £43.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz C offee C ans £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz C reamer M ilk J ug R oyal Winton England G rimwades £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz L e M antle C lock 24 C m £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz L g Square C ake P late R oyal Winton England G rimwades £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz N ut B owl Open H eart H andle 6.00 1930s £40.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz N ut D ish £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz N ut Scoop £31.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz Open Sugarsalt B owl £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz P ierced D ish £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz P reserve P ot R heims Shape £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme C hintz Teapot Stand 40 £9.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme P aEern C hintz C offee P ot Ascot Shape £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme Salad P late. Floral, C hintz, Shabby C hic £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) SummerKme Salad P late. Floral, C hintz, Shabby C hic £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sunshine C hintz C hina C up & Saucer Set Of 4 England £68.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sunshine C hintz C hina C up & Saucer Set Of 4 England £68.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sweet L iEle C hintz P in Or C ard D ish B y R oyal Winton £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sweet P ea C hintz C omport D ish -­‐ -­‐ Floral £23.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Sweet P ea C hintz D inner P late 642233 £89.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

Sweet P ea C hintz L idded J am P reserve P ot & Stand £46.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tartan C hintz C up And Saucer £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tartans C hintz B arrel-­‐Shaped M ug £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea C ups And Soucers Trio G old Flower Filigree C hintz 22kt £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea C ups And Soucers Trio G old Flower Filigree C hintz 22kt £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea C ups And Soucers Trio G old Flower Filigree C hintz 22kt £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea C ups And Soucers Trio G old Flower Filigree C hintz 22kt £7.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea Set 4 C ups And 4 Saucers B lue C hina Floral C hintz £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea Set C hintz Style P aEern Ideal For Wedding £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea Set Flowers & G old C hintz Shabby C hic Style £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tea Trio L arge P ink R oses C hintz G ilding Tuscan £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tennis Set -­‐ Sweet P ea D esign-­‐Chintz £51.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Thomas Forrester & Son P heonix C hina G old C hintz P urple Flowers 21 P iece Tea Set £25.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) To £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Toast R ack C hintz Floral P aEern C . 1950s. £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Trimont C hina Occupied J apan B lack C hintz D emitasse Teacup,Saucer C hina Set £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Trio Set B y R oyal Standard P ink C hintz P reEy £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Triumph Or B lack C rocus C hintz H andled N ut D ish £26.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tuscan -­‐ P ink C hintz D u B arry R ose -­‐ 3 P iece L uncheon Set £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tuscan C hina -­‐ P ale P ink C hintz -­‐ Wedding -­‐ P arty -­‐ Tea Set -­‐ 21 P iece £50.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tuscan C hina C up & Saucer B aby P ink R ose C hintz Sunshine P aEern Vgc £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tuscan Fine Tea Trio -­‐ P ink -­‐ G ilded C hintz -­‐ £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tuscan Fine Tea Trio -­‐ P ink -­‐ G ilded C hintz -­‐ £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Tuscan P ink R ose C hintz Tea C up & Saucer G old Trim £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Unused Franklin & C ook H and D ecorated C hintz 17 P iece C hina Tea Set £59.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Unusual J oyce-­‐Lynn C hintz C ake P late With A B lack B order £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Unusual R oyal Winton G rimwades Ivory C hintz M arguerite B owl £10.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vgc G rimwades R oyal Winton Ivory B lue C hintz C andlesKcks H olders £155.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vgcon H addon H all D inner P late C hintz Floral £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vgcon Tea B read D isplay P late -­‐ H addon H all -­‐ C hintz -­‐ £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vgcon Tea Trio -­‐ H addon H all -­‐ C hintz -­‐ £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vgcon Tea Trio -­‐ H addon H all C hintz P aEern -­‐ £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Victorian R ose C hintz Tea P late £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Victorian R ose C hintz Tea P late £20.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Victorias G arden C lock, Free Standing, Floral C hintz English C oEage Quartz £6.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vint. R oyal Winton C hintz C ollect Old C oEage 6 P lates 8, 5 P lates 3 14,2x4 £93.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vtg 40s 50s Shelley C hina Trio Tea C up & Saucer P late Floral Set C hintz £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vtg B lue G old Floral 21 P iece H igh Tea Set C ups Royal Vale C hintz £5.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vtg G rimwades R oyal Winton Old C oEage C hintz Elite R ound Teapot & J am J elly J ar £62.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vtg R adfords Fenton Floral C hintz The G aKneau Tea C up & Saucer £14.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Vtg R oyal Albert England P eKt P oint C hintz C hina Trinketnutcandy D ish-­‐Plate £9.00 (x2 for replacement value

2014) Vtg R oyal Winton G rimwades R oyalty P aEern, C hintz Interior C up & Saucer £43.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Was: £41.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Welbeck C hintz M ug £15.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) White R ose C hintz Fine Teapot, 40oz 6 C ups From H eritage Of England £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) White R ose C hintz Fine Teapot, 40oz 6 C ups From H eritage Of England £18.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) WhiEard Fine C hintz Tea P ot , M ilk J ug Sugar B owl And Tea B ag Tidy £30.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) WhiEard Fine C hintz Tea Set 4 X Trios And C ake P late £35.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wild Flowers C hintz Side P late £12.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz Alexandra C ream J ug £28.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz Alexandra Sugar B owl £21.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz Alexandra Trio £37.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz Alexandra Trio £32.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz Alexandra Trio, C up Af £17.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz Alexandra Trio, C up Af £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz C akeplate £16.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Wileman Foley C hina Turquoise Old B ramble C hintz C akeplate £27.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) William M orris M useum C ollecKon Thimble -­‐ R ose C hintz £4.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) William M orris M useum C ollecKon Thimblerose C hintz £8.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Windsor C hina Trio Tea C up Saucer P late B lue Floral C hintz 528 £13.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Winton M arion Floral C hintz C hina Tea C up And C ake P late Tennis Set £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014) Winton M arion Floral C hintz C hina Tea C up And C ake P late Tennis Set £24.00 (x2 for replacement value 2014)

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