Crown Devon Price and Identificaton Guide

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© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

The Crown Devon Collectors Handbook R a y B a r k e r FAIE IABC

^rancisj/oseph ISBN 1-870703-22-7

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Fr a n c i s Jo s e p h Pu b l i c a t i o n s These2014Fr anci sJosephGui des havebeent hebenchmar kof 20t hcent ur yEngl i shCol l ect abl es si nce1986. Thebooksar enowi nt hei ror i gi nal f or matwi t hpr i cesaddedf or2014. Theycannowbevi ewedover t hei nt er netat : www. franci sjoseph. org I ncl udi ng: Car l t onWar e•Ar tDeco Beswi ck•Davi dWi nt er•Bunnyki ns &Beat r i xPot t er•Car ni valGl ass Char act erJugs•Char l ot t eRhead Gol l yCol l ect abl es•Moor cr of t PocketDr agons•TobyJugs RoyalWi nt on•Pool ePot t er y Shel l ey•Susi eCooper•Syl vac WadeWhi msi es•Chi nt z•Cl ar i ce Cl i f f•Cor giToys•Cr ownDer by Paper wei ght s•Cr ownDev on Di nkyToys•Doul t onFi gur i nes Lal i queGl ass•Pendel f i n Thesear et hedef i ni t vegui dest o20t h Cent ur ycol l ect abl es. Al lwi t hor gi nalr esear chbyt op speci al i st s. .

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

To Irene, the girl in ATS uniform, who waved goodbye as my troopship sailed down the Clyde just a few hours after our wedding in 1943.

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Contents Introduction A Century of Ceramics Backstamps The Mystery of Majolica Nineteenth Century Products Colour Gallery Art Deco 1890-1900 Vellum Leads the Way Musicals Galore Ivrine Figures of the Twenties Dogs . . . dogs . . . and Felix Plates and their Prices Crown Devon Figures Royal Worcester? No, Crown Devon Chamber Pots and Music, too Tea and Coffee Pots Silver Plated Ware Commemoratives Three Heros of Yesteryear Holiday Memories Into the Fifties Jugs in all Shapes and Sizes Jardinieres Rose and Fruit Bowls They Take the Biscuit Golfing Memorabilia Striking Clocks Collectors' Corner Gold Award Winner Devon Pottery Patterns

Market Price Guide 2014

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

6 7 11 12 13 17 49 54 63 69 73 75 78 83 89 91 94 96 97 98 101 104 107 109 111 113 114 115 122 123


Introduction My first book The Crown Devon Story was published in November 1991 and sold out within two years. Requests for the book continued to pour in not only from collectors in this country but from South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and North America and one even came from East Berlin! With a second book in mind, I continued to collect information on Crown Devon helped by scores of collectors - and dealers, too. And Crown Devon, or CD as most of us know it - is full of surprises. I have been collecting Fieldings and Crown Devon for 15 years and I am still finding pieces that I didn't know existed owing to the lack of company records for the first 50 years. My second book The Crown Devon Collectors Handbook tells the story of Simon Fielding and Company in a nutshell but majors on the vast range of products which came from the Devon Pottery. The Crown Devon name was synonymous with quality for around 100 years and the products of the factory in Sutherland Street, Stoke-on-Trent, are sought after more than they have ever been. And as more and more people have joined the hunt for Crown Devon over the years, so the price has continued to rise. What IS the right price? There will always be bargains. They make collecting so enjoyable and there will always be people prepared to pay that little bit extra for a piece they really want. This book has tried to strike a happy medium. Good luck - and good hunting. Ray Barker NB: This was the advice given to me by a veteran collector: "If you see something you like, examine it for damage or restoration. If its right then haggle a bit... and a bit more ... and if then you can afford the price ... buy it. You won't go far wrong." That is as good advice today as it was 15 years ago.

Abbreviations used in this book RN PN PG BS R VR

Registered number Pattern Name or number Price Guide Backstamp Rare Very rare

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Fine examples of the vellum range for which Crown Dei'on is famous. Back: Wild Roses ewer, large Elm pattern vase, one of a pair at £300-£350/$550-$675, hors d'oeuvre dish in Spring, £80-£100/$150-$195. Front: candlestick in Etna, £25/$50, vase in Don, £75/$140, teapot in Royal Essex, £150-£200/$290-$395 with stand, Erin tankard, one of a pair, £150/$290.


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More vellum. Back: Vase in Spring, rare shape, £75/$160, Crown Devon pattern jug, £100/$200, with a bowl, £225, Don pattern plate, £35-£45/$70-$90. Front: Unusual three-legged bowl in May, £80-£90/$150-$195, Royal Lome jug, £25/$50, two-handled tankard in Teck, £90/$175, small Wick dish, $£25/45.

Two nineteenth century plates, £35-£45/$65-$90 each, a biscuit jar in Royal Sussex, quite rare, £125/$250, pair of Windsor vases, £70l$140.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Back: Royal Devon is the most expensive vellum and back left is an unusual vase, one of a pair worth £300/$475 followed by an earlier Royal Devon vase and one of a pair worth £150-£200/$295-$400. On the right a Thames hors d'hoevre dish, £80-£100/$150-$195. Front: early tea kettle in Cam, £75-£95/$140-$190, powder bowl, £30/$55, jug in Royal Stuart, £75-£85/$140-$170.

Nineteenth century teapot and stand in jersey pattern, £70-£80/$135-$155.

Rare Royal Devon teapot, £100-£120/$190-$230.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Here are four examples of Crown Devon ware which are not easy to find. Good hunting!



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An epergne in Salop pattern with silver-plated stand, £200/$395. '

One of a pair of Royal Chelsea vases worth between £500-£600/$975-$1200.

Thames pattern condiment set to grace any table, £75-£85l$140-$170.

Rare Royal Devon, an egg server, £65/$125 and match striker £701 $135.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

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Part of a nineteenth century tea service in Wem. A perfect half service would command over £300/$600.

Part of a nineteenth century china tea service in Jersey pattern. Full 12-setting service with teapot £400/$800.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

A pair of Indian vases often seen with a diamond registration mark, worth about £250/$500. The biscuit jar is in Derby pattern and is quite rare - must be worth around £100l$225.

One of the rarest pieces I have seen, a glazed Toby jug incised Another rare piece, a Royal Guelph vase which is impressed Fieldings on the base. Hard to value - probably around 'Royal Guelph' on the base. Worth £70-£80/$140-$160? £150/$290. Could be twice that!


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014


Four examples of Crown Devon commemorative ware which sell for between £30/$55 and £90/$175. The biscuit-ground pieces fetch 50 per cent more than the ivory-ground.


Another selection of comtnemoratives. The George and Mary coronation paperweight is quite rare. So is the small plate.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

This handsome jug in Mattajade is nearly 14 inches high and carries the Golden Dragon pattern. Several of the best Crown Devon art deco vases have topped £400/$795 in recent months and this would be no exception.

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More Art Deco ware - and more and more Crown Devon collectors are seeking specimens such as the seat prices between £250/$495 and £300/$600.

More ofthe fascinating patterns in Crown Devon Art Deco ware at prices between £100/$190 and £150/$300.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Fifteen inch high vase in pattern M 391 and signed with the initial A.C. Price range £250-£300/$495-$600.

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The ruby lustrine Temple jar is worth around £300-£350/$595-$700. The Pegasus piece around £50l$95 and the blue lustrine cigarette lighter the same amount.

The Mattajade candlestick and the pot pourri in design M162 are much more collectable than the two blue bird vases.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

This Temple jar, was made by Fieldings in the 1920s. The pattern name is Chintz (number L 54B). Price: £350£400/$700-$800.

Two rare handpainted vases on a black ground with pattern name 'Tokio' and number 0984. The price: £150/$295 the pair.

Here is a small lustrine dish with a Mavis bird pattern on a black ground. It is worth about £30/$55.

Here is one of a pair of Royal Klmki vases, believed to be Boer War mementoes, and worth about £100l$220.


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More lvrine figures. From left to right: Retriever £200-£250/$375-$500; Madame Pompadour, Gainsboro Girl £250/$475; Girl in semi nude post £350-£400/$675-$800; and Tiger which is extremely rare

The cockerel vase on the left £200l$375, can be collected as a pair - that's if you can find one looking right and one looking left! The Elephant is worth about £300-£350/$575-$700.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Here is the coloured version of the Ivrine Madam Pompadour. She is ravishing and rare.

The Fruit Gatherer doesn't come cheap either. She'll grace any sideboard for between £350l$690 and £400l$820.

This pheasant is a much rarer bird than the live variety! You won't find many under £300/$600.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Here is a coloured version of Vanity. Very rare and quite expensive at around £375l$750.


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Rio Rita, the best-knoion figure by Kathleen Parsons. One or two of Kathleen's figures are now nearing four figures.


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Another outstanding figure by Kathleen Parsons and one which would fetch £400/$800 plus.

Figures by Kathleen Parsons with delightful names such as 'Dancing Waves'and 'Sea Treasures'. Prices start at £250/$500.


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Kathleen Fisher models in the Sutherland cellulose range. In good condition they fetch more than £100/$190.

More Sutherland figures from the left: Marina, Patricia, Priscilla and Denise.


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if "J Fit>e young ladies in the Sutherland underglaze. They are worth more than twice as much as their cellulose counterparts.

This picture shows how the celluose figures might have looked if they had been better painted!! They have the initials LB. on the base and they are not for sale!


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Here is Sutherland girl Patricia on a lamp whicih would have cost 26s 6d ($2.60). Today it would cost 200 times that

A small Rio Rita on a mirrored piece called Maytime. It cost 13s 6d/$1.25 in the Thirties. Around £200/$400 or more

Here are two young ladies produced in the early Twenties. They have backstamps of Fieldings 45 and 46 and in auction would probably fetch around £300/$580 each.


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The Tyrolean peasant girl by Austrian Olga (Clare) Hartzeg. Princess Margaret was so impressed she bought one.


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Another Hartzeg creation, the Russian Lady and Borzoi which has doubled in price in three years. The last one I saw for sale had an asking price of'£770I$1550H

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Golden Poppy pattern circa 1884. BS: None. RN: 145015. Height: 9 inches. PG: £150-£175/$275-$350 the pair.

Etna pattern urn with cover circa 1910. BS: Small crown. PN: 0623. RN: 578617. Height: 26 inches. PG: £600/$U50.

Spring pattern vase. One of a pair circa 1912. BS: Small crown. PN: 1000. RN:653216. Height: 12 inches. PG: £300/$625 the pair.

Royal Sussex vases circa 1895. BS: Lion on crown. PN: A18. SN: 27. Height: 10'incites. PG: £175-£200/$330-$400.

Thames pattern vase circa 1912. BS: Small crown. PN: 1025. RN: 658051. Height: Chinches. PG: £100/$190.

Pair of chimney vases in Royal Devon. BS: Large crown. PN: X543. SN: 16. Height: ll'k inches. PG: £175-£200/$350-$400.

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Many were named after rivers such as Avon, Clyde, Esk, Lune, Trent, Thames and Wye. Place names were popular, too. There were Aden, Banff, Bonn, Chester, Ely, Erin, Filey, Leeds, Nankin, Oxon, Pekin, Perth, Riga, Ripon, Rye, Salop, Wem, Wick and many, many more. Other favourites were Festoon, Gem, Pendant, Ribbon, Teck and we must not forget Spring which is the second most desirable pattern in the vellum range after Royal Devon. Vellum range in v a s e s The Vellum range has proved to be the most collectable during the past decade and good examples are getting harder to find. The most popular pattern is Royal Devon (pattern number X543) although pattern X712 isn't far behind. Other popular royals are Royal Sussex and Royal Stuart but patterns such as Spring, Wick, Teck, Banff, Salop and Perth are as popular now as they were 80 or more years ago.


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f ' 1 Pair unusual shape vases in Spring. BS: Small crown. PN: 1000. RN: 653216. Height: 10 inches. PG: £150£175/$300-$350.

Pair Don pattern vases circa 1910. BS: Small crown. RN: 602047. PN: 1076. Height: 11 inches. PG: £150£175/$275-$325.

Eva pattern vases with covers. BS: Small crown. PN: 0941. RN: 651328. Height: (including covers) 10 inches. PG: £250-£275/$475-$350.

Pair of Royal Essex vases. BS: Lion on crown. PN: 998. SN: 84. Height: 8'k inches. PG: £80-£90/$150-$180.


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Left: Esk pattern. BS: Small crown. PN:1021. RN: 607585. SN: 64. Height: 10 inches. PG: £60/$115. Right: Royal Clarence cl893. BS: Lion on crown. PN: 823. SN: 9. Height: 9 inches. PG: £60/$115.

Two vases in Wick pattern circa 1912. BS: Small crown. PN: 0992. SN: 39. RN: 548631. Height: 9'k inches with covers. PG: £250£275/$475-$550.


Unusual vase in Royal Devon - one of a pair. BS: Large crown. PN: X543. SN: 16. Height: ll'h inches. PG: £250-£300/$475-$590 the pair.

Vase and cover in Dora. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon, Fieldings. RN: 629323. Height: 10 inches ivith cover. PN: 0871 circa 1911. PG: £125£150/$225-$300.

Left: Crown Devon serpent vase circa 1890s. BS: Lion on crown. PN: 0112. SN: 40. Height: 11 inches. PG: £75£100/$140-$200. Right: Royal York vase 1890s. BS: Crown on shield. SN: 66. Height: 13 inches. PG: £50£60/$90-$175.

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Pair of small Windsor vases. BS: Small crown. PN: 0804. SN: 43. Height: 6lli inches. PG: £55-£65/$100-$120.

Spring vases - the second most popular pattern. BS: Small crown. PN: 1000 circa 1912. RN: 653216. Height: 10 inches. PG: £150-£175/$275-$350.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Pair of Royal Chelsea vases. BS: Crown on shield S F and Co. PN: 14/3. Height: 11 inches. PG: £250-£275/$475$550. Rare.

Left: Royal Scotia vase. BS: Lion in crown SFandCo. PN: 985. Height: 8 inches. PG: £100-£125/$190-$250. Rare. Right: Royal Essex vase. BS: Lion on crown S F and Co. PN: 998. Height: 8 inches. PG: £60-£75/$110-$150.


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Two miniature vases in Banff. BS: Small crown Crown Devon S F and Co. RN: 517393. SN: 8. PN: 0596. Height: 6 inches. PG: £150-£175/$290-$350.




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Pair of Royal Windsor vases. BS: Crown on shield S F and Co. PN: 851. Height: 9'h inches. PG: £100-£125/$195$250. Note.Tliispattern isalsoknown as Chrysanthemum.

fit One of a pair of Elm vases. BS: Crown on shield S F and Co. PN: X69. SN: 57. Height: 14 inches. PG: £200£250/$375-$500. Rare.

Chimney vase in Rye. BS: Crown on shield S F and Co. SN: 16. Height: 11 inches. PG: £70-£100/$130-$195.

Early Royal Lome vase. BS: Lion on crown. PN: A24. Height: 10'liinches. PG: £100-£125l$190-$250. Rare.

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Tioo handpainted vases with pattern name 'Tokio' and number 0984. The Japanese lady dominates a mythical scene. Price: £150/$275.

Adenpatternvases.BS:Largecrowncircal904.PN:X786. Height: 9 inches. PG: £125-£150/$230-$290.


Eva pattern with covers - one of a pair. BS: Small crown. PN: 0941. RN: 651328. Height: 16V: inches including covers. PG: £300-£350/$575-$650 the pair.

Left: Metz pattern in ivory. BS: Crown on shield. PN: 134. SN: 54. Height: 8'h inches. PG: £30/$50. Note. Some of the vases of this period were finished in ivory. These are not as popular with collectors hence the reflection in the price. Right: Royal Sussex vase. BS: Lion on crown. PN: A18. SN: 89. PG: £75£90/$140-$175.

Unusual shape vase in Crown Devon Miniature vase or posy bowl. BS: pattern. BS: Lion on crown. PN: Large crown, S F and Co., England. Crown Devon. SN: 101. Height: PN: X543 Royal Devon. Height: 10V2 inches. PG: £75-£ 1 001$ 135-$200.3 inches. PG:£40-£50/$75-$95. Rare.

Art Nouveau ewer in Royal Chelsea. BS: Croion on shield S F and Co. PN: 14/2. Height: 13 inches. PG: £125£150/$240-$450. Rare.

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Here for the record are more of the places so far identified in the souvenir series: North Front, Blenheim Palace. Widdicombe, Dartmoor. Lindisfarne Priory, Holy Island. Lulworth Cove. Balmoral Castle. The Esplanade, Minehead. Salisbury Cathedral. East Cliff, Folkestone. Bath Abbey. Windsor Castle. Cockington Forge, Torquay. Hexham Abbey. The Malvern Hills. Jersey. Guernsey. Cheddar. Bourton on the Water. The Pump Room, Harrogate. Happy memories of Knaresborough. Glastonbury Abbey. The Ship Inn, Porlock. Thoresby Hall. Weymouth Harbour. St. Ives, Cornwall. Castle Gardens, Dunoon. Hunters Inn, Exmoor. Happy Memories of Morecambe. Colwyn Bay. Lucky Cornish Pixies, St. Ives. Flora McDonald's Statue, Inverness. Kinross. Castle Gateway, Skipton. Loch Lomond and Ben Lomond. Abbey Sands, Torquay. Arundel Castle. The three reaches of Ullswater. Windsor Castle from the Thames. Kingussie. The Esplanade, Weymouth. Valley of the Rocks, Linton. Quayside, Cornwall. Cross Castle, Inverary. Symonds Yat, Wye Valley. Llangollen Bridge. Lincoln Cathedral. The Island, Newquay. The Esplanade, Troon. The Bay, Douglas, Isle of Man. The Green, Silloth.

A dish 10 by 6 inches showing Cross Castle, Inverary. In front: Preserve jar Walton-on-the-Naze, salt cellar Robin Hood and Major Oak and small jug 'n bottle Royal Pavilion, Brighton. PG: Dish £15-£20/$25-$35. The rest: £10£15/$19-$30 each.

Left to right: Sugar dish The Esplanade, Minehead, teapot Paighton, and coffee can The Esplanade, Minehead. PG: Dish £15/$25, teapot £20-£25/$35-$45 and coffee can £15£20/$25-$35. The coffee can with a saucer would cost another £5/$10.

Left: cup and tray set showing Weymouth Harbour. Right: Cheese dish showing John O'Groats. PG: £20-£25/$35445 each.

Richmond, North Yorkshire. Blacksmith's shop, Gretna Green. Kendal Nether Bridge. Walter Scott's Monument. Derwent Water from Ashness Bridge. Old Bridge of Dee. My Lady of the Lake on Ullswater. Happy Memories of Ripon. Luss village, Loch Lomond. 99

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John O'Groats overlooking Stroma. Seaside, Combe Martin. The Harbour, Looe. York Minster, West Front. Bakewell Bridge, Derbyshire. The Norfolk Broads. Knaresborough from Castle Hill. The Monastery, Fort Augustus. The Parade, Walton-on-the-Naze. Robin Hood and the Major Oak. Polperro, Cornwall. Portmadoc Harbour. Westminster Abbey. Royal Stuart.

The Royal Pavilion, Brighton. Old Houses, Taunton. Barmouth Viaduct and Cader Idris. Huntley Castle. The Tower, Christ Church, Oxford. Fragrant memories of Penmaenmawr. A souvenir of Widdicombe. Gloucester Cathedral. And there will be many more. The two from abroad: South Africa - Mostert's Mill. America - Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois.

Believe it or not, both these sets of graduated jugs are Royal Devon. The top three are Riga Royal Devon, pattern number X877, large blue crown and gilding on royal blue ground. Below: three jugs with pattern number X543, large crown with flowers on cream ground. PG Both sets worth around £250/$500.


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Into the Fifties Crown Devon produced an interesting range of stylised contemporary wares during the 1950s. These relied on the use of the curved line to achieve their effect, a stark contrast to and reaction against the angular and geometric shapes of pre-war years. Three of the patterns which have become very collectable are Stockholm, Greenland and Pegasus. Here are a few examples:

Three examples of Stockholm fancy ware illustrating the factory's skill in design and decoration. BS: Crown Devon, Fieldings. PG: £35-£45/$65485 each piece.

A fine collection of Stockholm ware. BS: Crown Devon, Fieldings. PG: A tea service c£150/$300. A dinner service £200/$400.

Pegasus in gold.This striking Pegasus design cup is flanked by two decorative jugs. BS: Fifties Crown Devon stamp. PG: Cup: £15-£25/$30-$50. Jugs: £15-£20/$30-$40.


Stockholm coffee pot and cup and saucer, part of a set. BS: Crown Devon, Fieldings. PG: £60-£80/$115-$160 the set.

Table ware in Stockholm (red) and Greenland (green). BS: Crown Devon, Fieldings. PG: Cup and saucer £10/$18. Teaplate £5/$10. Milk jug £10/$18. Salt cellar £10/$18.

Two small jugs and gilded ornament. BS: Fifties Crown Devon. PG: £10/$18 each.

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Pegasus vase in black. BS: Crown Devon, Fieldings. Height: 5 inches. PG: £25-£35/$45470. Note. Pegasus was named by Mary Fielding, widow of Reginald Fielding, the last managing director of the company. The most popular colour was red but the top quality wares were in black with white and brown horses and decorated in gold. A 10 inch top quality vase was seen at Newark in 1993 at £125/$250.

Part of a collection of Stockholm by a lady in Norwich who started collecting for her bottom drawer in the early Fifties and hasn't stopped since. PG: You can't put a price on a collection of memories!


Left: Chelsea Pensioner. Right: Scottie. PG: £55-£60/$100$120 each.

Attractive gold ornamcnt.BS: 1950s or later in gold with small crown. SN: 1486. Height: 6 inches. PG: £10/$18.

Teapot, sugar and cream in gold. BS: Fifties mark. PG: £45/$90 the set.

Coaching Days series: Manor House, Oxford. Sugar and milk set and dish. BS: Fifties Crown Devon. PG: Dish £15/$25, the set £20-£30/$35460. Note. The Coaching Days plates which have pictures of different coaching day halts are quite collectable and are priced at around £25/$50.

Left: Dick Turpin. Right: Novelty teapot. PG: £45-£55/$85$110 each.


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The late Fifties saw the introduction of a series of biscuit jars which are becoming increasingly popular in kitchens of the 1990s. They are Perky Pup (No. 1045), Humpty Dumpty (No. 1049), The Clown (No. 1050), The Teddy Bear (No. 1051), Peter Pieman (No. 1061) and Scottie (No. 1062). These are all between 10 inches and 13 inches tall and today are worth between £40/$80 and £50/$100 each. But like so much of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies products, they can be found much cheaper. I heard recently of a Welsh collector who strolled into an auction and bought Peter Pieman and six other novelty pieces for £14/$30. That made his day!

Here's someone to cheer you up on a Monday morning when the housework is getting on your nerves. It's The Clown, No.1050, one of a series of biscuit jars. Ideal for the kitchen and not too expensive at around £50-£60/$95-$120.


The Squirrel. BS: Fifties stamp. PG: £70-£90/$130-$180.

This photo showing tioo large jugs from the Cries of London series came from New Zealand, courtesy Jill and Roger Hill, of Tauranga. They, and many others tehre, are avid collectors of musicals and other Crown Devon ware. I believe prices there are cheaper, too.


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Jugs in all shapes and sizes Here is a selection of jugs in all shapes and sizes from the late 19th century to the Thirties:

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lug in Wells, bowl in Elm blue. Jug BS: Large crown. PN: 662. SN: Tweed. Height: 11 inches. PG: £50-£60/$95-$120. Bowl BS: Crown on shield. PN: X73 Elm with blue border. PG: £40-£50/$75-$95.

Water jug and cream jug in Silverine. BS: Large crown Devon ware circa 1900. PN: 0690 Silverine. PG: £15£20/$25450. With teapot and sugar basin £55-£65/$100$130.

Three graduated jugs in Etna. BS: Small crown circa 1910. Three Pearline graduated jugs. BS: Largecrown circa 1900. RN: 578617. SN: Queen Anne. PG:£140-£160/$260-$350. Sizes: 7 inches, 7'k inches and 9 inches. PG: £100£120/$190-$250.

Large jug in Clyde. BS: Large crown S F and Co., England. PN: X248 Clyde. PG: £50-£60/$90-$120.

Exotic birds jug. BS: Large crown S F and Co. PN: 0325 Crown Devon. RN: 334424. SN: Impressed Albion. PG: £100-£120/$1904240.

Grecian jug in blue. BS: Large crown hi blue. S F and Co. PN: 0156. SN: Feel. Height: 13 inches. PG: £70£30/$140-$160.


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/«g flurf bow/ in Esfc. BS: Smfl// crown, Oowm Devon. RN: Jug and bowl in Pendant. BS: Large crown Devon ware. 617593 circa 1910. PN: 0724. SN: Wells. PG: £200PN: 0474. SN: lona. RN: 555509. PG: £200-£250/$390£250/$390-$500. $500.

Jug and bowl in Spring. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon. PN: 1000. PG: £250-£300/$4704600.

Jug and bowl in white. BS: Large crown. PN: Oban. PG: £150-£200l$290-$400.

Small jug and pepper pot. BS: Large crown S F and Co., Crown Devon. RN: 554725. PN: 0465. Height: 4 inches. Pepper pot 3 inches. PG:£20-£30/$35460. Pepper pot £10£15/$18-$25.

Three graduated jugs in Indian. BS: Ribbon mark circa 1890s. PN: 625. PG: £120-£140/$230-$280.


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Small jug in Royal Lome. BS: Lion on crown S F and Co. PN: A24. Height: ih inches. PG: £30-£35/$55$70.

Jug in Perth in white. BS: Small crown Devon ware Fieldings. PN: 0870. SN: Ritz. RN: 622805. PG: £60-£65/$U5-$130.

Art Deco jug. BS: Thirties in blue. PN: Mattita. Height: 7'k inches. PG: £120-£150/$230-$300.

Slop pail circa 1898. BS: Large crown S F and Co. PN: 018 Royal Devon. This pattern was later called Ribbon. Height: 11'/, inches. PG: £100£120/$190-$240.

Dressing table set in Tech BS: Small crown, Crown Devon Fieldings. RN: 644367. PN: 0965 Teck. PG: Hat pin holder £35/$70. Soap dish £30/$60. Heartshaped dish £40/$80. Tray £40/$80. Three small dishes £30-£40/$60-$80. Candlesticks (not shown) £40-£50/$80-$100. Total for set £200/$400.

• Pearline coffee jug and cream and sugar. BS: Large crown on coffee pot. Crown on shield on cream and sugar circa 1898. PN: X194. PG: £80-£100/$150-$190.

Royal Devon jugs circa 1890. BS: Circular stamp. Royal Devon. SN: 334. No pattern number and unusual floral design. PG: £75-£95/$150-$200.


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Jardinieres Here are a few jardinieres which are very popular with Crown Devon collectors:

Two plant holders. Left: Nankin. BS: Large crown. S F and Co. PN: X883 Nankin. 1905. Right: Crown on shield. S F and Co. PN: 957. Crown Chelsea. Late 1890s. PG: £60-£80/$115-$160 each.

Jardiniere in Pendant in cream vellum. BS: Large crown S F and Co. RN: 555509. PN: 0472. SN: York 9 inches. PG: £110-£130/$210-$275.

^>' A • <£L. Royal Devon jardiniere. BS: Circular mark circa 1886. PN: Royal Devon. PG: £75-£85/$140-$175.

Jardiniere in Pendant in ivory. BS: Large crown, Devon ware. RN: 555509. PN: 0469. SN: Ebor 9 inches. PG: £75-£95/$140-$200.

Royal Tudor jardiniere. BS: Lion on crown late 1890s. SN: Oban 9 inches. PN: X62. PG: £80-£100/$150-$190.


Jardiniere in Thames in white. BS: Crown on shield circa 1896. PN: 167 Thames. SN: Thistle. PG: £50-£60/$95$120.

Jardiniere in Saloppattern. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon, Fieldings. PN: 1169. Height: 8 inches, diameter 8'k inches. PG: £100-£120/$190-$240.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Royal Devon jardiniere. BS: Large crown S F and Co. PN: X543 PG: Jardiniere £60041200, with stand £1000-£1250. Note. This jardiniere carries an inscription: Souvenir of 21 years continuous service with S Fielding and Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. It is one of 19 jardinieres and stands presented to employees by Abraham Fielding in 1911. One has been bought by a Japanese visitor and taken home to Tokyo.

Royal Devon jardiniere and collar. BS: Large crown. S F and Co. PN: X543. 1902. Height: with collar 19 inches, diameter (including handles 17 inches), height with stand 42 inches. PG: With collar and stand £1250-£1500/$2500-$3000.

Jardiniere in Erin pattern. BS: Small crown Crown Devon S F and Co. RN: 611251. Height: 6 inches. PN: 0737. PG: £100£12041904250.

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IK^ Two mugs in Erin. BS: Small crown Crown Devon S F and Co. RN: 611251. PN: 0737. PG: £120-£140/$240-$280 the pair.



Jardiniere stand in Festoon Jardiniere and stand in Royal Devon 1899. BS: Pearline. BS: Large crown Large crown. S F and Co. Devon ware circa 1900. PN: Also impressed Fieldings. X194. Height: 11 inches. PG: PN: X96. Height: 23 inches. £70-£90/$135-$190. PG: £250-£300/$500-$600.

Two miniature jardinieres. Both late 1890s. Far left: Royal Oxford. Lion on crown S F and Co. PN: 94. Height: 4llz inches. Near left: Royal Tudor. BS: Lion on crown. PN: X62. Height: 4 inches. PG: £70-£80/$140-$160.

Three-handled mug. BS: Large crown S F and Co. RN: 414507. PN: 0313 Crown Devon. PG: £75-£95/$140-$200. Rare.

Two-handled mug in Teck. BS: Small crown Crown Devon Fieldings. RN: 644307. PN: 0965. PG: £75-£85/$150-$l 75.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Rose and fruit bowls Rose and fruit bowls come in various shapes and sizes and prices vary between £50/$95 and £150/$300 for pieces in good condition. Here are a few examples:

Fruit bowl in Wick. BS: Small crown Crown Devon. RN: 648631. PN: 0992 Wick 1915. PG: £90-£110/$1754220.

Rose bowl in Perth. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon. RN: 622805. PN: 0853. Perth 1913. PG: £110-£1304220-$275.

Rose bowl early 1900s. BS: Large crown Devon ware, S F Royal Devon fruit bowl. BS: Large crown S F and Co. PN: and Co. PN: 0192. SN: 67. PG: £40-£50/$75-$95. X543. Diameter 8 inches. PG: £100-£120/$95-$250.

Two-handled bowl in Aden. BS: Large crown S F and Co. PN: X997. 1906. PG: £100-£120/$190/$240.


This superb Royal Devon bowl with large gilt handles is most unusual. BS: Large crown early 1900s. PN: X543. PG: £120-£150/$240-$300 (could be more). This is one for the connoisseur.

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Per(/i bow)/ loi/n handles. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon, Fieldings.RN:622803.PN:0853.PG:£70-£85/$140-$175.

10 inch diameter bowl in Erin. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon, Fieldings. PN: 0737. 1912. PG: £65-£85/$130$170.

Fluted dish in Etna. BS: Small crown, Crown Devon S F and Co. RN: 578617. Diameter: 9 inches. SN: 257. PG: £60-£70/$U5-$150.

Baby plate in Royal Devon. BS: Large crown S F and Co. PN: X712 Crown Devon. PG: £S0-£70I$190-$140. Rare.

Fruit comports in Wick and Banff. Left: Wick pattern. BS: Small croion Rose bowl in Wick. BS: Small crown, Crown (1915). RN: 648631. PN: 0992. SN: Bath 10 inches. PG: £85Devon Fieldings. RN: 648631. PN: 0992. PG: £10041604200. Right: Banff pattern. BS: Small crown (1910). RN: £140-£160l$2754325. 577373. PN: 0598. SN: Bath 10 inches. PG: £85-£100/$1604200.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

They take the biscuit Biscuit barrels (all about 6 inches high).

Left: Royal Oxford circa 1900. BS: Lion on crown. SN: 11. PN: X164. PG: £754140. Right: Royal Lome late 1890s. BS: Lion on crown. PN: A24 PG: £754150

Left: Daisy pattern circal912. BS: Small crown. PN: Devon ware Daisy. SN: 42. PG: £70-£80/$1354175. Right: Royal Kewlatel890s. BS:Lion on crown. PN:A33. PG:£654135.

Royal Sussex barrel late 1890s. BS: Lion on crown. PN: A18. Height: 8'k inches. PG: £100-£120/$195-$250.

Early Royal Devon barrel. BS: Lion on crown. PN: X872 Royal Devon. SN: 42. PG: £70-£90/$140-$190.

Unusual three-handled biscuit barrel. BS: Lion on crown. SN: 37. PN: Royal Devon X722 (green and orange design). PG: £80-£100l$1504200. Rare.

Left: Exotic birds barrel. BS: Lion on crown. PN: 0325. SN: 49. PG: £75-£85/$1504175. Rare. Right: Exotic birds ewer circa 1900. BS: Largecrown. PN: 0325. SN: Albion. Height: 25 inches. PG: £100-£140l$190-$275. Rare.


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John Peel biscuit barrel. BS: Thirties. Crown Devon printed. PG: £80-£90/$150-$190. Rare.

Left: Crown Chelsea plant holder. BS: Crown on shield. PN: 857. Height: 5'k inches. PG:£50-£60/$95-$120. Right: Crown Chelsea circa 1890s. BS: Crown on shield. PN: 857. PG: £60-£75/$120-$175.

Clyde dish 10'k inches by 8'k inches. BS: Large crown. PN: X248 circa 1900. PG: £40-£50/$75-$100.

Saxon dish 11 inches by 9'k inches. BS: Large crown. PN: X722. 1904. PG: £75-£85l$150-$175.

Peek Frean biscuit barrel. This piece carries no identification RoVa' Clarence dish 11 by 8 inches. BS: Lion on crown late marks but is believed to have been one of two biscuit barrels 1890s. 1 N: 23. PG: £35-£45/$70-$90. made for Peek Frean. PG: £40-£50/$75-$95.


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Golfing memorabilia And a lady from the good old days . . .

This Thirties golfer ashtray in Mattita ware was seen at an auction with a golfing condiment set pictured below. Both had the Thirties stamp and the condiment set was a golfing figure on a green base with the word 'Fore'. The three golf balls were salt, pepper and mustard. The hammer price for the pair was over £2004400. Another gem to look for in the series is a footballer about three inches high in Stoke City colours (red and white stripes).

Here is Fieldings 47 from the Ivrine range - she arrived just too late to be included in the Ivrine section. Her white dress is trimmed with green and she has a large pale blue hat. BS.Small crown Crown Devon Ivrine and impressed Fieldings 47. PG: £250£300/$500-$600.


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Striking clocks The best clocks by Simon Fielding and Co were made between 1896 and 1901 with movements by the British United Clock Company whose name is engraved on the backplate. They were mostly 8-day clocks and struck on the hour and the half-hour. Bedroom clocks with a 30-hour movement were made in the years just before and just after the turn of the century but very few of these movements have survived. Here are a few examples of Fieldings clocks which are both very rare and very expensive:

Left: Blue and white clock with original 30-hour movement circa 1898. BS: Crown on shield. Height: 8'k inches. PG: £300£35046004700. Right: Bedroom clock in white in Fifepattem circa 1898. BS: Crown on shield. PN: 04. Height: 8 inches. PG: £125-£150/$250-$300. This eight-day clock carries a crown on shield backstamp and has a Japy Frere movement. The pattern is 'Rustic'. The owner says "It's a real gem and very expensive".

Vellum clockinCrownDevonpattern with new German 30-hour movement. BS: Large crown circa 1909. RN: 554725. PN: 0465. Height: ll'k inches. PG: £200-£250/$400-$500.


© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Collectors' Corner Here are a few items that you won't find every day but they help to make Crown Devon collecting such an enjoyable - and at times - rewarding hobby. They vary in price from a few pounds to a few hundred. Most of these pictures were sent in by collectors which accounts for the variable quality of the photos.

A cruel set from the Fieldings stable. It bears the post war The Berry Inn, one of the Old Inn series. BS: Thirties in stamp. Value unknown. blue. PN:Mattita. Height:4 inches. PG:£45-£50/$904100.

The Cockerel and Duckling cruet set. BS: Thirties black stamp. PG: £40-£45480490.

The Pixie jam pot. BS: Tltirties mark but these items were produced into the Fifties. SN: 622. PG: £30-£40/$50-$80.

Miniature plant pot in Shield pattern. BS: Small crown, Devon ware. Height: 4 inches. PN: 1090. RN: 662837. SN: Beaded. PG: £40-£50475-$100.


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The Cockerel and Family vase. BS: Large crown early 1900s. PN: X477 with words 'Trentham art ware'. SN: 49. Height: 9 inches. This vase, handpainted and signed C. Hindley, is the only one I have seen in 25 years. It is an example of Ye Olde English ware. PG: It cost £854175, butcould be worth much more to a keen collector.

Royal Devon china tea service. BS: Large crown early 1900s. PN: X543. PG: You won't find many of these about, either. If you do, expect to pay well over £100041900. Royal Devon china trios are fetching more than £1004190.


Mir v \^f The Guardsman. One of a wide range of character jugs produced in the Sixties by Shorter and Sons following the takeover by Fieldings. The size and model name is impressed on the base and some carry the Shorter mark and some Crown Devon. The models include: Beefeater, Cavalier, Dick Turpin, Guardsman, Hayseed, Long John Silver, Neptune, Pensioner, Scottie, Sheik and Pedro. PG: Prices vary a great deal but the average appears to be £40-£55/$75-$110.

Plaque by Hinton. Here is a 9'k inch plaque with a painting by R. Hinton of retrievers. Signed on the picture and with a wide gold border, the plaque carries the small crown backstamp. The photo was sent in by a collector from Scunthorpe. His valuation: £3504700. Note: The handpainted plaqueswere half an inch wider thanhandpainted plates andare favoured by most collectors. I'd settle for either!!!


Pint mug for a Tyke. This pint mug carries the Thirties backstamp but was probably made in a novelty series both before and after the '39-45 war. It carries the Yorkshireman's anthem 'See all, hear all, say nowt. Eat all, drink all, pay nowt. And if ever Ilia does out for nowt, do it for thissen'. PG: For a Yorkshireman £20435 or more. For a Lancastrian: He wouldn't have it given.

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Cruet set in Wye pattern. Quite a rare set with a registration number of 635583 and a pattern number of0560. Introduced around 1914 and very collectable. PG: £65-£854125-$175.

Commemorative tobacco jar. This handsome piece commemorating the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary was found in Bermuda in 1991. The cost £1004190. Itwould fetch nearly double that at auction in the UK today.

Little Pigs baby plate. BS: Large croion (early 1900s) and probably one of a series of farm animals. PG: It cost £244 at an outside stall at Peterborough. Wouldyou pay more!!!

Gift for the gentleman? This unusual piece with the Elm pattern decoration and carrying a large crown backstamp was produced at the turn of the century. It is 5 inches high and has a tight-fitting silver-plated cover. Wliat is it? One suggestion is that it is a gent's Cologne bottle. It was bought for £28/$55 at a Buxton pavilion gardens fair in 1989. It's value today? About £40/$75.

Royal York coffee pot. Rare floral design on a Royal York coffee pot of the last century. Contributed by Don of Chester. BS: Lion on crown. RN: 203239. PG: £50-£70495-$150.

Left: The Quince honey pot. BS: Printed stamp 'Quince Aviaries, South Molton, Devon, Made by Fieldings, Devon Pottery'. SN: 509. PG: £30-£35/$55-$75.

Victorian elegance. Two large jardinieres and stands, the one on the left in Royal Devon pattern (X543) and the other in Crown Devon pattern (RN 554725). PG: Royal Devon £12501 $2500, Crown Devon £100042000.

Right: Royal Devon three-handled loving cup. BS: Large crown. PN: X543. PG: £1004190.


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Royal Devon dessert service. There are six plates, two comports and two dishes. BS: Large crown. PN: X543. PG: Between £500-£600/$975-$1200.

Inkwell in Thames pattern. BS: Small crown. RN: 658051. PN: 2025. PG: £80-£100/$150-$200. Very rare. Nice one, Marie.

Alton Towersplaque. Here is the third plaque in the series. Haddon Hall and Trentham Hall are the other two. PG: £500-£550497541100.

Royal Devon cheese dish. BS: Large crown. PN: X543. SN: Rex 10 by 7 inches. PG: £150-£170/$300-$350.


The Cheddar Cheese. One of the 'Old Inn' range of cheese dishes, biscuit barrels and jam pots. This cheese dish is quite rare as are 'The Berry Inn', the jampot, and 'The Baker's Inn', the biscuit barrel. BS: Thirties printed stamp in black. PN: 664. PG: £50-£60/$904120. The Berry Inn would be between £40-£50475-$95 and the Baker's Inn just a little more.

An ashtray with a painting by Tom Wilcox of Simon of Trentham.


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A child's nursery musical mug. One of a series of nursery novelties produced in the Thirties, this Little Red Riding Hood mug is quite rare. It plays "Wlio's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?' PG: £45-£55/$90-$110.

Deco dish and candle holder. Marked Crown Devon, Fieldings, and carrying the Thirties mark, here are two piecesof'Springtime'with pattern numberM460.PG:£50£554954110 each.

An Easter egg? This small pot egg with the Devon Ware stamp and a pattern number of 0505 was introduced around 1911 with a forget-me-not decoration and is believed to have been given to ladies as a keepsake. There were many different designs. PG: £30-£35l$55475.

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No collection is really complete without Felix the cat who comes in various colours and sizes. He can be bought for between £45490 and £1004200 depending on size, the top model being black and white and about nine inches tall. The blue Felix here is worth about £50-£60/$100-$120 and his doggy friend about £30-£35/$55-$75.

1950s coffee set. Springivood is the name of this attractive coffee pot and cup and saucer from a set of six. With milk jug and sugar basin it is valued at around £854175.

Tea for two. BS Small croion, Crown Devon, Fieldings. PN: Etna 0623 1916. PG: £100-£120/$190-$250 with one cup missing. £150/$300 if complete.

A novelty egg cup set with cockerel handle produced in the Fifties and Sixties. Sold for a few shillings. Now worth a feio pounds.


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Coleman coffee set. There are two coffee cans and saucers missing but this lovely set signed on each piece by artist J. Coleman was produced just before the First World War. It is valued at between £50041000 and £60041200 by the collector who sent in the photo.

Bathing Girl. This Thirties figure 'Bathing Girl' appears in the Crown Devon booklet published in the Thirties entitled 'Figures and lamps and gift suggestions'. Under the heading "Modern decorative figures" she is one of six figures, is 10'k inches high and No. 124. The price then: 19s 6d. The price now: £600-£650/$1150$1300. She belongs to a lady in Cardiff. The other figures are: No. 60 Beach Girl, No. 62 Kiki, No. 121 Windy Day, No. 225 Yachting Twins and No. 127 Rosemary. The Bathing Girl is probably the most expensive but the Yachting Twins won't be far behind.

Here's Dawn, a favourite figure in the Thirties from the Kathleen Parsons selection. Numbered 171 she was often the attraction in Art Deco tamps which sold for just over £142. The lamps are not often seen today but the figures are still around in off white, green and old gold. These figures start at £2504500 but others such as Dancing Waves and Sea Treasures go beyond the £3004600 mark. I saw Summertime at Stratford Antiques Centre some 18 months ago and she was on her way to the US A for around $4504900.

Windy Day is No. 121 in the 'Modem decorative figures' produced at the Devon Pottery in the Thirties. She was also made as a cellulose figure but is far more attractive in underglaze in her pale pink dress and black shoes with her auburn hair flowing in the breeze. I value her at around £300£350/$700 but her owner would probably add £1004200 to that!


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Here's Carnival, No.156 in the Sutherland series shown in the Thirties brochure. 9" high, the figure in the book is cellulose and painted in decoration No. F154. I'd value that one at close on £200/$400 but this one goes a step further. It's underglaze, it's out of this world and, it's expenswe £50041000+.

This rare painted piece depicts a woman feeding her geese. It is 6" tall, small crown backstamp, shape number 8. It is probably one of a pair and the first I have seen. Other 'unknown' pieces are paintings of sheep by F. Hancock and paintings of wild ducks by Lamonby. PG: £2004400.

Here is Sutherland figurine Pamela in underglaze pale blue and pink. BS: Thirties printed in black, height: 7". Sent in by Maureen from Cambridge. PG: £250-£27545004550.

Sandy Powell tankard. This very rare piece turned up at auction in February 1996 and came on the open market with an asking price of£500/$1000. The small football in the handle commemorates his association with Accrington Stanley football club. The tune, a seaside song, was the comedian's signature tune. Sandy Powell jugs were made around 1939 but I have never seen one. The only reference 1 have of a Sandy Powell tankard is a magazine cutting which reports that one was sold at a Chester auction in October 1989 for £175/$350. That's about the time that Grade Fields jugs were fetching a little over £1004190!

Ivrine 1914-18 war officer. This Ivrine figure of an officer ready to lead his men 'over the top'was produced shortly after the end of the war and was embossed on the base 'Fieldings 9'. The owner bought it at the Three Counties showground fair in 1995 for £1204240. Its value today: around £3004600.


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Gold Award Winner Simon Fielding and Company won many awards at British Industries Fairs between the two world wars and they also picked up trophies at events throughout the world. The Crown Devon success at the Panama Exhibition of 1915 is commemorated on cigarette card No 16 in a series of 50 called 'Modern British Pottery' which was issued by Ogden's, a branch of the Imperial Tobacco Company in the Thirties. It was a Highland cattle-painted urn and cover some 23 inches high which took the gold medal and it is described on the back of the card 'as a translation into earthenware of the rich ornamentation of one of the best periods of fine china. The vellum-tinted body which forms the base of a large number of pieces makes a delightful medium for decoration. It has a very pleasing effect and well deserves its great popularity'. Crown Devon had a second card - No. 18 - in the series, the only manufacturer to gain two entries. No. 18 is 'Devon Sylvan Lustrine ware' and the caption says 'This ware has a wonderfully lustrous ruby ground with butterflies painted by hand in brilliant colour and gold'. The caption ends 'The Sylvan Lustrine ware is most suitable for the decoration of the modern home'. It was true then and it is still true today. Lustrine ware appears regularly at antique fairs and prices have not escalated as much as some products in the Crown Devon range. The Twenties saw the heyday of lustrine and two of the most popular patterns then - and now - are Sylvan butterflies on both powder blue and ruby grounds and Royal George by D. Cole showing a galleon on both powder blue and deep blue grounds. A fine example of a Royal George vase appeared at the 1996 new year Three Counties show at Malvern. It was on offer for between £70/$140 and £80/$160. Crown Devon lustrine was decorated in more than 100 patterns and two firm favourites were the Mavis bird on a black ground and the Kingfisher bird on a ruby ground. I saw a Kingfisher vase, seven inches high and with a small gold backstamp and pearline interior at an antique fair in Cheshire in 1995. It was bought for £35/$70, about half its value. Prices vary considerably although the rarer patterns with the less common grounds of orange and green tend to fetch higher prices. There are always exceptions, of course, as a couple of years ago I paid £25/$50 for a ten-inch vase, pattern No. L63 - birds and mountains printed in black, shaded in black, orange lustre ground, black edge. At that price, lustrine has got to be a good investment. Footnote. A diploma and silver medal were awarded to S. Fielding and Co., for their display of lustrine ware at a New Zealand exhibition at Dunedin in 1926. 122

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Cigarette card No. 16 in a series of 50 of modern British pottery by Ogden 's in the Thirties.

The 23-inch Crown Devon urn in Etna pattern similar to the one which wonagold medal in Panama in 1915. The face in the mirror? That of Graham Taylor who had just restored the vase to perfection.

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Devon Pottery Patterns Here is an alphabetical list of known patterns by Simon Fielding and Co., Devon Pottery, Stoke-on-Trent: Pattern Reg. No. Pattern No. Reg. No. Pattern No. Pattern 785495 2442 Cranesbill 0781 Adams X744 & 0232 Daisy Aden 524189 0373 Dee 658751 1035 Albion Delhi Alton Derby 287848 453 Arden Ascot Dresden Athens Derwent Autumn Don 662047 1076 Avon Dolphin Ayr Doric Azalea Dora 629323 0871 Balmoral A245 Dove (black) Banff 577373 0598 & X31 Deva 541962 0376 Green stamp Bath Bay Durbarry Beta Durham Elm Pattern nos. Birch Blenheim include A54, Blossom X67, X69, Bon(n) 03 X89, X112, Bray X113 & C215. Briar 0532 Elsa Cam X39 Ely 1721 Carlton Ena 629324 0971 863 & X163 Erin 611251 Carnation Cedric Esk 607585 0731 & 0726 Etna 578617 0623 Cecil Celtic Eton 594089 0675 Chelsea Crown 857 & 0762 Eva 631528 0941 Chelsea Royal Exotic birds 0325 Chelsea Black 0762 Fern Chester X564 & X646 Festoon 919 Chintz X35 Fife 04 Chrysanthemum Filey (Royal Windsor) 229 Flora Clifton C50 Florentine Clyde X380 & X248 Frome Game 0671 Clio Cowes X32 Garland Commemoratives 563731 0584, 0578 & Gem 524189 0909 X189 Glenn 516771 0150 Creeper Greba Cretian Grecian (solid blue) Crown Devon 554725 Various Greenland & 414507 Haddon X133 123

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Pattern Heather Indian

Reg. No. Pattern No. 376443 625 & 628 (Jan 26 1882)

Iona Ivrine (figures)


Jersey Kent

186839 (1893) 15--63 (1890)

X822 C5, C44 & C47 843

Kew Royal A33 Lady Hamilton Lantern Leeds Leo Lynn 983 Lune 600413 0710 Lyons Lustrine. Numerous patterns inc. Rustic, Aquatic, Fairy Castle, Fantasia Sylvan and Royal George Magpie Mandarin Marigold Marshmallow Mavis (black) 1603 May (19th century) CI May (vellum) 689672 1186 Metz 124 Nankin X883 Nasturtium Nevis Nile Oban C113 Old Bow W612 Orchid 205288 327 (1894) Orient C227 Oxon X533, X511 Paisley Pearline Peel 708762 1202 & 2026 Pegasus 1251 Peking Pendant 555509 0464 Perth 622805 0876 & 0853 Ramona Regatta Rex 6861260

Pattern Rhodes Rhyl Ribbon Riga Rio Ripon Roses Rugby Ryde Rye Salop Saxon Savoy Sevres

Reg. No. Pattern No.

X877 831 745 RN202758 290 1119 X722 & X728 204438 240, 241 & & 209757 242

Shield (black) Silverine Sligc. Soleilian Spring 653216 Stella Stockholm Suez Sydney Tay Tees 644307 Teck Tenby Thames (19th cer itury) Thames (vellum) 658051 Togo Tulip Turin Usk Victor Victorian Wells Wem Wick 648631 Wisteria Wren Wye (vellum) 635583 Wye (black)

124 © Francis Joseph Publications 2014

0693 1000 135

0965 & 6025 167 1025/6 X752 C57 XI & X66 X662 X15 0992 1371 0431 0560 0991

The Royals

Abbreviations: LoC - Lion on crown backstamp CoS - Crown on shield LC - Large crown. Name Clarence Clarence Chelsea Devon Devon Devon Blue Essex

Backstamp LoC LoC CoS LC LoC and LC LC LoC

Eton Kent Kew Khaki Lome Oxford Pearl Persian Scotia Stuart


Registration Number 205238 (1892) 211861 (1893)

Pattern Number 996 A23

Pink and blue Orange and green Blue tint Blue border Green border Beige border

X482 and X543 X712 X876 998 998 867

White background Vellum background

A33 X184 A24 X94 and X164 0193 X76 985 A28 A29

Suffolk LoC Sussex LoC A18 Tudor LoC X62 Windsor CoS 851 York CoS Footnote. Royal Stuart pieces have been seen with the followingnumbers: pattern Vase A27, smaller vase A29, pair of cake stands X376 and a teapot stand X368. Known figures by Kathleen Parsons 157 - Maytime 179 - Chaquita 165 - From Paris 180 - Christine 166 - Gina 181 - June 167 - Angela 185 - Sea Treasures 168 - Rio Rita 186 - Fairy Secrets 172 - Caroline 187 - Ninon 173 - Grace 196 - Waltz Time 175 - Little Butterfly 197 - Dancing Wave; 176 - Sea Breeze 198 - Summertime 178 - Autumn Leaves


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Sutherland and other figures

60 - Beach Girl 12 inches 62 - Kiki 12 inches 121 - Windy Day 11 inches 124 - Bathing Girl 11 inches 125 - Yachting Twins 12 inches 127 - Rosemary 10 inches 128 - Betty 6 inches 129 - Lady Anne 7 inches 130 - Priscilla 6 inches 134 - Julie 7 inches 136 - Patricia 7 inches 137 - Gloria 9 inches 138 - Sheila 6 inches 139 - Marina 7 inches 140 - Juanita 7 inches 142 - Teresa 6 inches

143 - Greta 6 inches 144 - Wendy 6 inches 145 - Juliet 7 inches 146 - Sonia 4 inches 147 - Sleepy Boy 148 - Pauline 4 inches 149 - David 3 inches 150 - Tony 4 inches 154 - Spring 9 inches 155 - Yvonne 10 inches 156 - Carnival 9 inches 157 - Nina 4 inches 158 - Denise 7 and 4 inches 159 - Pamela 7 inches 160 - Natalie 8 inches Marcelle 8 inches

126 © Francis Joseph Publications 2014

Crown Devon Price List 2014 Butterflies & Dragonfly Decorated Lustre Bowl -­‐ Art Deco £24.00 Dark Red Pegasus Large Breakfast Cup & Saucer -­‐ In Vgc £18.00 Fieldings -­‐ John Peel -­‐ Hunting Scenefox -­‐ Jug -­‐ £26.00 Fieldings -­‐ John Peel -­‐ Hunting Scenefox -­‐ Tankard -­‐ £19.00 Hand Painted Bulldog Dog -­‐ Art Deco £67.00 Large Prunus Narrow Base Vase -­‐ 1930s £125.00 S Fieldings & Co -­‐ Oyster Ground Sugar Sifter -­‐ Unusual £25.00 Stockholm -­‐ Leaping Deer -­‐ Two 25 Cm Plates £33.00 (French) Girl Wall Plaque ( Countries Of The World ) £31.00 (S.F & Co) Royal Devon Tri Handled Biscuit Barrel £41.00 (Stockholm Pattern Vase) £40.00 Large Crown Devon Wall Vase. Immaculate . £33.00 10 Crown Devon Stockholm Dinner & Luncheon Plates Leaping Stag Deer Christmas £95.00 15 Piece English Tea Set -­‐ Sweet Chestnut By Crown Devon £19.00 1688 James Ii Silver Crown. The Year William Of Orange Landed At Brixham, Devon. £925.00 1830s Clews Warranted Stone China Blue Transferware Bowl Staffordshire England £18.00 1900c Crown Devon Fieldings Royal Devon Blush Fruit Bowl With Stand £29.00 1910 Crown Devon Fielding Blush Vase £15.00 1916 Crown Devon Thames Pattern Blush Ivory Planter Jardiniere £22.00 1917c Biscuit Barrel S F & Co Crown Devon Compliments Of Peek Frean & Co £49.00 1920-­‐39 Crown Devon Slipper Vase £15.00 1920s Fieldings Crown Devon Wick Pattern Cheese Dish Rd No 648631 £19.00 1920s Floral Chamber Pot S. W. Dean Burslem Planter England £19.00

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014

1930s Bonzo Dog £14.00 1930s Cottage And Trees With Lake Pin Dish By Dorothy Ann (Crown Devon) £21.00

1930s Crown Devon Box £51.00 1930s Crown Devon Cheese Butter Dish. £15.00 1930s Crown Devon Cup Saucer Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl Diamond Pattern £19.00 1930s Crown Devon Fielding Three Handled Loving Cup -­‐ John Peel Hunting £42.00 1930s Crown Devon Fieldings Coffee Set Pot, 4x Cups Jug And Bowl 2810 £51.00 1930s Crown Devon Geometric Paris Jug £34.00 1930s Crown Devon Hand Painted Pixie Elf Gnome Preserve Pot Jam Honey £65.00 1930s Crown Devon Lustrine Fieldings Ornate Small Bowl -­‐ S23 £24.00 1930s Crown Devon Musical John Peel Hunting Tankard £18.00 1930s Crown Devon Parker Pen Pagoda Gilded & Enamel Desk Pen Base -­‐ £120.00 1930s Crown Devon Vase -­‐ Blossom Tree Decoration £39.00 1930s Dennifords Plymouth Devon Crown Cap Stone Ginger Beer Bottle £18.00 1930s Fieldings Crown Devon Small Round Lustre Vase £31.00 1930s Pattern 2708 Breakfast Set Rd 781956 £25.00 1930s Royal Winton Grimwades Biscuit Barrel Patt.0042 £15.00 1930s Royal Winton Grimwades Fo0ted Bowl Fruit Bowl Patt.0042 £30.00 1930s Royal Winton Grimwades Sugar Basin Patt.0042 £18.00 1930s Tubelined Crown Devon Hunting Tea Caddy Rhead £95.00 1937 Edward Viii Coronation Musical Superjug By Crown Devon Fieldings £199.00 1950s Crown Devon Fieldings Gaiety Characters 2 Tier Cake Stand £49.00 1950s Crown Devon Stockholm Milk Jug Fieldings. £17.00 1950s Crown Devon Stockholm Red Leaping Deer 3 Piece Cruet 40 £30.00 1950s Crown Devon Vase Mayfield Pattern £18.00 1950s Fifi Poodle Vase £33.00 1950s Pegasus Two Handled Vase £16.00

©And Francis Joseph 1960s1970s Tea, Sugar Coffee Jars £15.00 Publications 2014 2 Crown Devon Stockholm Leaping Deer 9 Inch Plates Christmas £23.00

2 Tier Cake Stand -­‐ Crown Devon -­‐ Stockholm £75.00 2 X Crown Devon Stockholm -­‐-­‐ 9 Breakfast Salad Plate £20.00 2 X Crown Ducal Fieldings Stockholm Leaping Deer 9 Plates £33.00 20s Crown Devon Horn Of Plenty Cornucopia Gilded Vase 8 Inches £65.00 3 Piece Cruet Stand Haystack House & Sundial & Haystack 66 £16.00 3 S F Co Crown Devon Fieldings Pink Lustre Chinese Comports C1889 £75.00 3 Tier Cake Stand -­‐ Crown Devon -­‐ Stockholm £125.00 3 X Crown Devon Stockholm -­‐-­‐ 9 34 Dinner Plates £21.00 3 X Crown Ducal Fieldings Stockholm Leaping Deer 10 Plates £45.00 4 Crown Devon Stockholm Leaping Deer Small Pottery Coaster Pin Trays Christmas £46.00 4 Four Crown Devon Fieldings Stockholm 25cms Plates £15.00 4 X Crown Devon Stockholm 10 Dinner Plates £68.00 4 X Crown Devon Stockholm 10 Dinner Plates £82.00 4 X Crown Devon Stockholm 9 Breakfast Lunch Plates £41.00 5 Crown Devon Baniff China Fruit Dishes With Flower Pattern C1900 7.00d Each £79.00 6 X British Fishing Dinner Plates £30.00 6 X Crown Devon Stockholm 8 Plates -­‐ Red Trim £90.00 6 X Crown Devon Stockholm Demi Tasse Coffee Cups & Saucers -­‐ Red Trim £100.00 6 X Crown Devon Stockholm Tea Cups & Saucers Red Trim £79.00 6-­‐ Piece Devonware Plates By Fieldings.Circa 1917-­‐1930. £15.00 60 Piece Dinner Service £85.00 8 High Crown Devon Fieldings Musical Jug Widdicombe Fair -­‐ Vgc £34.00 8” High Crown Devon Fieldings Musical Jug Killarney -­‐ Vgc £36.00 A 193040s Crown Devon John Peel Musical Box £29.00 A 1930s Crown Devon Lustre Aladdin Kerosene Oil Lamp 26 £105.00

Francis Joseph Publications A Bright Large Pair Of © Crown Devon Fieldings 1930s Plates £40.00 2014 A Crown Devon 1930s Style Vase £25.00

A Crown Devon Fieldings Rouge Royale Red Lustre Vase Fine £37.00 A Crown Devon Stockholm Trio £22.00 A Fine Handpainted Crown Devon Pottery Dish C1930. £44.00 A Good Crown Devon Fieldings Royal Commemorative George Iv Musical Jug £130.00 A Good Original Green Cat With Glass Eye Reg.No:811394103 £124.00 A Large 1930 Rd No.005789 Crown Devon Fieldings John Peel Musical Jug £49.00 A Large Crown Devon Musical Commemorative Jug K.G. Vi £56.00 A Nine Piece Fieldings Crown Devon Bedroom Set £195.00 A Original Crown Devon Fieldings Large Bowl Etna No: 578617 £29.00 A Original Crown Devon Wind Up Musical Large Jug Pitcher -­‐ I Love A Lassie £151.00 A Original S.F&Co. Crown Devon Hand Painted Biscuit Barrel Caddy £42.00 A Pair Of Crown Devon Fieldings Vase Fortnum And Mason Ltd £21.00 A S F & Co. Crown Devon Fieldings Blush Teapot Well Decorated £26.00 A Stylish Crown Devon Pottery Hilltop Vase Hand Painted By Dorothy Ann £28.00 Adderley Apple Blossom & Crown Devon Bread Dishes With Cheese Dish & Cover £99.00 An Crown Devon Fieldings Lustre Vase With Blue Pagoda Pattern. 1930s. £46.00 An Unusual Crown Devon Rouge Royale Pedestal Vase Comport £32.00 And Unusual Crown Devon Oceania 9 Plate £30.00 Art Deco Crown Devon Vase And Bowl £15.00 Auld Lang Syne Musical Tankard -­‐ Unusual Bavarian Boy Wall Plaque ( Countries Of The World ) £24.00 Bee Hive Honey Box Pot £20.00 Beswick Pottery Jam 42 Caravan Preserve Jam Pot Like Sadler Car £59.00 Birds Style Vase By Dorothy Ann Crown Devon £36.00 Black Crown Devon 1950s Pegasus Fieldings Vase 1784 -­‐ £16.00

© Francis Publications 2014 Black Lustre Gilded Galleon Jug -­‐ Vgc £Joseph 34.00 Black Memphis Vase Colin Melbourne Retro Ceramics Pottery £22.00

Black Memphis Vase Colin Melbourne Retro Ceramics Pottery £24.00 Blue & White Hen By Crown Devon. Egg Holder £29.00 Blue Lustre Vase Chinese Dragon Pattern. £57.00 Blue Marshmallow Deco Vase £15.00 Blush Gilt Cheese Dish In Crown Devon Style C.0015 [4035] £16.00 Blush Ivory Bowl Spring Pattern £24.00 Blush Ivory Trinket Boxes On Tray £16.00 Blush Ivory Vase Etna Pattern £38.00 Bonzo Dog £19.00 Bowl -­‐ 12 Inches Long In Shape £20.00 Bowl -­‐ A486 -­‐ 12 Inches Long In Shape £17.00 Boxed Coffee Set Of 6 J. Coleman Hand Painted Cups Saucers Spoons £1,148.00 Breakfast Set £20.00 Burleigh Bull Rushes Complete Coffee Set & So £56.00 Burleigh Leaping Deer Wall Charger & So So £70.00 Butter Dish With Lid 1260 £62.00 Butterflies Lustre Vase & So So £79.00 Butterfly Decorated Lustre Bowl -­‐ Art Deco £40.00 Butterfly Lustre Lidded Powder Bowl Pot -­‐ £25.00 C. 1910 S. F & Co Crown Devon Large Ornate Cheese Dish -­‐ K02 £46.00 C.1910 Large Crown Devon Game Twin Handled Vase -­‐ Signed Coleman £86.00 C.1930 Crown Devon John Peel Musical Jug £130.00 C.1930s Crown Devon Honey Honeycombe Pot And Cover, Bee Finial. £40.00 C.1930s Orient Line S.S.Orford Crown Devon Souvenir China Pin Dish £65.00 C1950s Crown Devon Fieldings Fififrench Poodle Pottery Vase £35.00

Francis Joseph Publications C1950s Crown Devon © Fieldings Stockholm Leaping Stag Deer Butter C2014 heese Dish £24.00 Carlton Ware Crown Devon Mattajade-­‐ Shape Fairy Castle Bowl 6 Castles £410.00

Carlton Ware Honey Pot With Lid & Saucer & Small Spreader Vgc £19.00 Cat £33.00 Chamber Pot £21.00 Character Toby Jug Sheikh England £80.00 Charming S. Fielding & Co. ( Crown Devon ) Biscuit Barrel -­‐Chester Pattern £26.00 Cheeky Cat 18cm £22.00 Cheese Dish In The Form Of A Straw Hat £20.00 Chelsea Hand Painted Biscuit Barrel £16.00 Cherry Tree Pattern £48.00 Chicken Hen Egg Holder Brown £27.00 China Dish & Lid With Gilded Flower Pattern C1900 10l 8.0w £79.00 China Mug Crown Devon Ww2 On To Victory £45.00 Chinese Pagoda Pattern Enamelled Blue Vase £65.00 Coffee Can Coffee Cup Demi Tasse 1930c £24.00 Coffee Duo £79.00 Colin Melbourne Memphis Sputnik Shape Black Gilded Vase 1960s £45.00 Collection Of Three Herb Pots & Lids With Salt & Pepper Pots 4.0h £69.00 Comport Cake Stand -­‐ Crown Devon -­‐ Greenland Green Stockholm £35.00 Crown Derby Stockholm Dish £24.00 Crown Devon Dora 13.0 Hand Painted Handled Bowl C.0014 Ex £29.00 Crown Devon Fieldings Mikado Pattern Mantle Piece Vase -­‐ Vgc £16.00 Crown Devon, Sylvania Deco Sugar Sifter, Hand Painted By Dorothy Ann, £19.00 Crown Devon. Stockholm Pattern. Sandwich Plate And 6 Side Plates. £62.00 Crown Devon.Ceramic Whiskey Barrel With Brass Tap. Item £65.00 Crown Devonfielding:: Mikado Rouge Royale Vase £19.00

©BFrancis Joseph Publications 2014 Crown Ducal Ware Avis lush Ivory Jug With Pewter Lid £14.00 Cup And Sandwhich Set X2 £20.00

Daisy Bell Musical Jug £25.00 Dalmatian Wall Plaque £100.00 Deco Crown Devon Modane Cobalt & Gilt 15-­‐Piece Coffee Set £125.00 Decorative Bowl £44.00 Red Crown Devon Fieldings Pegasus Pot Vase C1930 £30.00 Demitasse Set Of 5 Dubarry £15.00 Devon Blue&Whitelate Mayersgravy Boat & Oval Base Platereg.N423639 £19.00 Devon China Posy 10l With Chalons China Posy On 4 Feet 9.00l £89.00 Devon Lustrine Crown Devon Fieldings Fairy Lustre Bowl C1917-­‐30 £24.00 Devon Torquay Scent Bottle, With Crown Screw Top. £38.00 Devon Torquay Ware (Crown Dorset) A 5 Inch Motto Ware Pinch Vase. £25.00 Devon Torquay Ware (Crown Dorset) A Small 3 Inch Vase In The Windmill Design. £15.00 Devon Ware Fieldings Biscuit Barrel Tableware £24.00 Devon Ware Fieldings Pearline Bowl Dish England Early 1900s £19.00 Devon Ware, Fielding & Co. Ltd., S -­‐ Blush Ivory Vase -­‐ Wye £15.00 Dog Wall Mask & So So £21.00 Dog Wall Mask & So So £35.00 Dorothy Ann Crocus Sugar Sifter Shaker Caster. £29.00 Dorothy Ann Hand Painted -­‐ Set Of 3 Wall Masks £65.00 Dorothy Ann Hand Painted -­‐ Wall Mask £19.00 Dorothy Ann Handpainted Large Vase Shadows £24.00 Dorothy Ann Lady Face Mask Vgc £39.00 Dorothy Ann Lady Face Mask Vgc £59.00 Drop-­‐Dead Crown Devon Fieldings Lusterine Horse Humidor-­‐Pegasus £90.00 Early Crown Devon C1880 Cress Bowl & Vase Af Decoration Roman Gods £38.00

Francis Publications 2014 Early Crown Devon M© usical Jug Auld LJoseph ang Syne £29.00 Edward 8th Abdicated Mug By Crown Devon [ Duke Of Windsor ] £25.00

Edward Viii Abdication Musical Mug £180.00 Edward Viii Coronation Musical Tankard Crown Devon Thorens Swiss Mechanism £85.00 Edwardian Devon Ware Fieldings Sugar Shaker Sifter £21.00 Edwardian Sugar Shaker Sifter With Ep Top £34.00 Egg Cups And Stand -­‐ Stockholm £29.00 Elegant Crown Devon Fieldings Blush Gilded Coffee Pot £32.00 Enamel & Gilt Vase £139.00 England Fieldings Bowl £93.00 English Plate Crown Devon Sf&Co 19th C Victorian England 1891 £83.00 English Setters Gun Hunting Dog Wall Plate R Hinton £395.00 English Setters Gun Hunting Dog Wall Plate R Hinton £395.00 European Collection French Lady Wall Plaque Clarice Cliffe £120.00 Exceptional Crown Devon Memphis Gilded Vase By Colin Melbourne C1950s Vgc £19.00 Fabulous Crown Devon Wall Pocket, Colours £31.00 Fabulous Fieldings Crown Devon Jewelled Lustre Vase Blood Red Style £34.00 Face Mask By Dorothy Ann (Absolute Stunner) Checkered Hat Patt. £17.00 Face Mask By Dorothy Ann (Absolute Stunner) Polka Dot Hat. £15.00 Fairy Castle Dish By Fieldings Crown Devon £15.00 Fairy Castle Vase Original Label 42 £114.00 Fairyland Lustre Vase 9 Tall. Good . £74.00 Fantastic Crown Devon Fieldings 10ins Bowl £62.00 Fantastic Crown Devon Gnome Cruet Set -­‐ Vgc £31.00 Feildings Blush Splatter Pattern Vase M467 £74.00 Feildings Crown Devon Fairy Lustre Bowl £15.00 Feildings Jug Mattita Foxglove Pattern £139.00

Francis Joseph Publications Feildings Lustre Small © Bowl And Matching Vase ,Sea Gallions. £28.00 2014 Feildings Stockholm -­‐ Buttercheese Dish £17.00

Feildings Stockholm -­‐ Milkcream Jug £18.00 Feildings Stockholm -­‐ Tureen With Lid £22.00 Female With Flowers £45.00 Fieldinds Crown Devon Cakestand + Johnson & Son Blushware Biscuit Barrel £25.00 Fielding Blush Teapot And Stand-­‐ Eva Pattern £20.00 Fielding Carnival Balloon Girls 20s 30s £399.00 Fielding Crown Devon China Staffordshire Peony Table Vase £77.00 Fielding Crown Devon Jam Honey Pot £16.00 Fielding Part Smkers Set £37.00 Fielding Sardine Dish, Lid + Tray Ryde Pattern Pre Crown Devon £22.00 Fielding Stockholm -­‐ 3 Sectioned Dish With Serving Handle £51.00 Fielding Stockholm -­‐ Milk Jug Creamer 3 12 Tall £15.00 Fielding Stockholm = Covered Serving Dish Tureen £31.00 Fielding Stockholm = Covered Serving Dish Tureen £33.00 Fielding Stockholm Hand Painted 10 Plate £23.00 Fielding Stockholm Hand Painted Cup & Plate Party Set £17.00 Fielding Stockholm Hand Painted Cup & Plate Party Set £32.00 Fielding Teck Pattern Oval Dish. £29.00 Fielding Windsor £24.00 Fielding Windsor Teapot Georgian 1 Stoke-­‐On-­‐Trent England C1880-­‐1917 £19.00 Fielding Windsor Water Milk Jug Stoke-­‐On-­‐Trent England C1880-­‐1917 £24.00 Fielding`S Spanish Senorita, Countries Of The World £349.00 Fieldings -­‐ Eva -­‐ Large Jug £24.00 Fieldings -­‐ John Peel -­‐ Hunting Scene Cigarette Trinket Box £39.00 Fieldings -­‐ Musical Tankard, Jaunting Car -­‐ Killarney £44.00

© -­‐Francis Joseph Publications 2014 Fieldings -­‐ Olde England Ann Hathaways Cottage Large Breakfast Cup £65.00 Fieldings £17.00

Fieldings £60.00 Fieldings 12 Inch Large Wall Plaque M308 £79.00 Fieldings 1920s Sylvan Lustrine Lustre Italian Garden Path Vase £49.00 Fieldings 1930s Red Rouge Lustrine Lustre Tropical Bird Dish Bowl £24.00 Fieldings Biscuit Barrel (250) £19.00 Fieldings Black Gilded Tropical Flower Vase -­‐ Vgc £121.00 Fieldings Blush Ivory Covered Cheese Dish £28.00 Fieldings Blush Ivory Lidded Vase C.0018 £20.00 Fieldings Blush Ware Cheese Dish Windsor £14.00 Fieldings Bowl £20.00 Fieldings Bulldog Champion Basford Revival Wall Mask Vgc £39.00 Fieldings Butterfly Blue Lustre Vase Vgc £80.00 Fieldings Cheese Dish £15.00 Fieldings Chelsea Pattern 0672 Wall Plaque £19.00 Fieldings Chelsea Vase £29.00 Fieldings Colbalt Blue & Gold Coffee Set C1930s+ £32.00 Fieldings Crown Devon -­‐ Large Blue Lustre Mikado Charger -­‐ 1930s £99.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Aquatic Lustrrine Vase -­‐ 1930s £145.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Cheese Dish – Etna Pattern , 1911 £24.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Complete Flowered Coffee Set -­‐ 1960s £55.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Cries Of London Old Chairs To Mend Wine Barrel £16.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Daisy Bell Musical Tankard £45.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Dismal Dog Size 4 Circa 1930s £34.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Harlequinn Coffee Set £30.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Lustre Bowl Shipping Scenes £74.00

©Lustre Francis Joseph Publications 2014 Fieldings Crown Devon Jug. £26.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Lustrine Vase With Salamanderfishbutterfly C1930s £75.00

Fieldings Crown Devon Posy Vase £31.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Pottery Irish Killarney Musical Jug £69.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Ruby Lustre Jug With Gilded & Enamelled Pagoda Decoration £30.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Silver Plate Rim Victorian Teapot Stand £20.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Teapot Stockholm (1) £25.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Victorian Blush Ware Cake Plate Tazza £25.00 Fieldings Crown Devon Wartime Nazi Chamber Pot Ash Tray Gest-­‐ A-­‐ Po Homefront £49.00 Fieldings Crown Devon, Large Pair Of Highland Cattle Vases Decorated By G Cox. £755.00 Fieldings Daisy Bell Musical Tankard £17.00 Fieldings Daisy Bell Musical Tankard In Vgc £49.00 Fieldings Devon Ware Flower Vase £32.00 Fieldings Dressing Table Set -­‐ 7 Pieces £15.00 Fieldings Enamelled Lustre Bowl £23.00 Fieldings Enamelled Vase Exotic Birds £99.00 Fieldings Flour, Salt & Rice Barrel Storage Jar £15.00 Fieldings Footed Blush Cake Stand -­‐ Spring Pattern £20.00 Fieldings Georgian Teapot £20.00 Fieldings Glenwood Pattern 8 Piece Tea Set £44.00 Fieldings Hand Painted Bowl Set £20.00 Fieldings Hand Painted Wall Charger £33.00 Fieldings Harlequin Coffee Set Pot Sugar Milk 6 Duos 1930s Deco £54.00 Fieldings Heart Shape Stockholm Dish £49.00 Fieldings Heart Shape Stockholm Dish One £39.00 Fieldings Honesty Gilded Lustre Vase -­‐ Vgc £21.00 Fieldings John Peel Hunting Jug C1930 £37.00

© Francis Joseph Publications 2014 Fieldings John Peel Hunting Jug C1930, With A Poem On One Side £71.00 Fieldings John Peel Lamp Base £27.00

Fieldings John Peel Musical Tankard 796688.0t Gd.Used Cond £33.00 Fieldings Large John Peel Hunting Scenes Flask With Fox Handle £89.00 Fieldings Large Mattita Charger 1930s M308 Bumble Bee £49.00 Fieldings Large Wall Pocket Clarice Cliffesque £67.00 Fieldings Leaping Deer Trio -­‐ £17.00 Fieldings Lustre Vase £26.00 Fieldings Mattita Bowl 1930s Three Footed £99.00 Fieldings Miniature Chamber Pot Violation Of Poland £16.00 Fieldings Miniature Ww11 Chamber Pot £39.00 Fieldings Miniature Ww11 Chamber Pot Ashtay £22.00 Fieldings Miniature Ww11 Chamber Pot Ashtay £25.00 Fieldings Modane Shape 1930s Pattern No 2708 £135.00 Fieldings Mug Tankard Yorkshire Mans Motto See All Hear All Say Nowt £19.00 Fieldings Musical Daisy Bell Jug £39.00 Fieldings Musical Jug -­‐ Auld Lang Syne -­‐ Robert Burns -­‐ Works Well £38.00 Fieldings Musical Jug -­‐ Gracie Fields Jug With Music Sally £70.00 Fieldings Musical Jug -­‐ John Peel £50.00 Fieldings Musical Jug £40.00 Fieldings Musical Jug On Ilkla Moor Bahtat 8 1930s Yorkshire £85.00 Fieldings Musical Jug: Um Die Kampvuur, (Round The Camp Fire) £600.00 Fieldings Musical Tankard – Daisy Bell £66.00 Fieldings Musical Toby Jug £17.00 Fieldings On Ilkey Moor Bahtat Musical Pottery Tankard £19.00 Fieldings Pagoda Lustre Ware Jug Vase £34.00 Fieldings Pegasus Horse Vase Jug £27.00

© Francis Joseph Fieldings Pheasant Pattern Jug 5½ -­‐ Vgc £39.00 Publications 2014 Fieldings Poppy Teapot 1688 £24.00

Fieldings Pottery Bon Bon Dish £22.00 Fieldings Queen Anne Hand Painted Teapot In Good £24.00 Fieldings Queen Anne Tea Pot £20.00 Fieldings Rouge Lustre Mikado Oval Dish Plate 10.0 £16.00 Fieldings Rouge Royale Mikado Jug Model No E109 Ss N 5199 Circa 1930 £26.00 Fieldings Selection Plates Pattern 2547 £15.00 Fieldings Set Of 4 £60.00 Fieldings Silver Plate Rim Blushware Bowl £14.00 Fieldings Squirrel Bowl C 1935 £18.00 Fieldings Stockholm -­‐ Bon Bon Dish £23.00 Fieldings Stockholm -­‐ Bon Bon Sauce Dish -­‐ £20.00 Fieldings Stockholm Breakfastfishsalad Plates X 6 £85.00 Fieldings Stockholm Breakfastfishsalad Plates X 6 £85.00 Fieldings Stockholm Breakfastfishsalad Plates X 6 £85.00 Fieldings Stockholm Breakfastfishsalad Plates X 6 £90.00 Fieldings Stockholm Breakfastlunchsupper Plates X 6 £72.00 Fieldings Stockholm Butter Dish £15.00 Fieldings Stockholm Cake Stand Plate £30.00 Fieldings Stockholm Coffee Cup & Saucer Duo £15.00 Fieldings Stockholm Coffee Pot, Cups, Saucers & Cream Jug £225.00 Fieldings Stockholm Coffee Pot, Cups, Saucers, Sugar Basin, Jug £225.00 Fieldings Stockholm Coffee Pot, Cups, Saucers, Sugar Basin, Jug £225.00 Fieldings Stockholm Cruet Set £25.00 Fieldings Stockholm Cruet Set £25.00 Fieldings Stockholm Cruet Set Vgc £24.00

Francis Joseph Publications 2014 Fieldings Stockholm C© ruet Set Vgc £35.00 Fieldings Stockholm Cups And Saucers X 2 £16.00

Fieldings Stockholm Cups X 3 £20.00 Fieldings Stockholm Dinner Plates X 2 £64.00 Fieldings Stockholm Dinner Plates X 4 £46.00 Fieldings Stockholm Dinner Plates X 6 £150.00 Fieldings Stockholm Dinner Plates X 6 £160.00 Fieldings Stockholm Dinner Plates X 6 Vgc £180.00 Fieldings Stockholm Egg Cup Tray And 4 Egg Cups £26.00 Fieldings Stockholm Fruitdessert Bowl & 6 Fruitdessert Bowls £150.00 Fieldings Stockholm Fruitdessert Bowl & 6 Fruitdessert Bowls £180.00 Fieldings Stockholm Gravy Boatsauce Jug £30.00 Fieldings Stockholm Gravysauce Boat £30.00 Fieldings Stockholm Jug £26.00 Fieldings Stockholm Jug £30.00 Fieldings Stockholm Jug A5449 £35.00 Fieldings Stockholm Jugvase £21.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Display Vasebowlcentre Piece £85.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Fruitdessert Bowl £25.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Fruitdessert Bowl £35.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Fruitdessert Bowl Leaping Stage £29.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Meat Plateplatter £55.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Size Platter £24.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Sugar Bowlbasin £17.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Tea Pot £33.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Tea Pot £65.00 Fieldings Stockholm Large Teapottea Pot -­‐ Nigella Lawson £99.00

Francis Joseph Publications 2014 Fieldings Stockholm L© eaping Deer Cup And Saucer Plate £19.00 Fieldings Stockholm Leaping Deer Twin Handled Vase £56.00

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