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Live to the rhythm of the bush LEO Africa

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At LEO, we live to the rhythm of the bush and the bush lives to the rhythm of the seasons.


The bush is a forest of leafy shrubs including many thorny ones.

October is the second and last month of spring, it is soon the end of the dry season and the end of the very hot weather. During our stay at LEO in early October 2022, the afternoon temperatures were 35°C, reaching 41°C for 3 days.

The vegetation is very dry, the trees do not yet have their foliage, the rivers and natural water holes are mostly dry.

This season is conducive to the observation of animals that concentrate aroundthefewwater points that arestill supplied. The manymigratorybirds will only arrive with the return of the rains in early November.

The life of volunteers is organized according to the sun and adapts to the rhythms of the seasons and weather conditions.

Afirst"drive" leaves afterbreakfast,alittlebeforesunrise,thereturntobase is around 11:30 am. The alarm clock is very early, around 4:45 am…

Everyone meets for lunch which is taken quite quickly.

The second “drive” starts around 3 p.m. and often continues beyond sunset for nighttime observations.

Everyone meets for dinner.

The volunteers take turns helping out with some household chores.

Friday afternoon is devoted to the supply of food in a supermarket in Phalaborwa, the volunteers take the opportunity to buy what they cannot find at LEO.

Sunday is a rest day.

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