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The other victim of intensive poaching

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Rhinos protection

Rhinos protection

Its scales are composed like our nails, that is to say without active ingredient, these powders are once again without medical effects.

This smallmammalof about 5kgand about 60cm is the most unusual animal on the planet and certainly the most endearing as it seems fragile despite its apparent armor of scales.


Itwalks(quitequickly) onitstwohind legs, its long tail serving as a stabilizer.

Its front legs with large claws are used to enlarge the holes of anthills or termite mounds.

It feeds on insects, ants and termites. It detects the presence of insects, then uses its front legs to enlarge the galleries. Its long tongue plunges into the galleries, the ants and termites are brought back into its mouth which ends in the end of a snout.

In case of danger he curls up. Poachers can pick it up without any difficulty.

In addition to being the cause of poaching, China has wrongly accused this harmless animal of being the source of the Covid19 virus!

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