1 minute read

Tea and coffee break in the bush

Tea and coffee breaks in the middle of the bush are part of the ritual of any day spent in the bush. A break is planned in the middle of the morning, another in the middle or end of the afternoon depending on the time scheduled for the return to base camp.

This is an opportunity to get out of the vehicle,tochat withtheLEOguideand with our fellow volunteers, it's a moment of convivial relaxation. The places chosen by the guide are always open spaces all around us, safety always takes precedence.


Tea and coffee break at the end of the afternoon before a nocturnal observation.

Each day, a volunteer is responsible for the morning tea and coffee break, another is responsible for the afternoon one. This involves preparing thermos bottles of hot water, tea bags, instant coffee, sugar, milk, cups and spoons. He is also in charge of placing theboxcontainingall thisinthevehicle before leaving, then serving the drinks during the break.

When you return to base life, all that remains is to clean the cups and cutlery.

There is an air of Tea Time or Five O'clock in English, all that's missing are the cupcakes.

More than a tradition, it is a real ceremonial which has a name specific to LEO, this name is “Phusa”, its meaning is still unknown to me…

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