Instructions Please send your application package consisting of:
Franco Pérez Diaz NCB Chair – AIESEC Perú Dear Applicant, You have taken the first step in the process of being part of the National Control Board of AIESEC in Perú. Our entity is evolving and growing year per year, and that make us be more involved and care about our customers: That is the main reason we exist as an independent body to give solutions to any quality case that can happen in out exchange and membership programs; also we have to educate our network to be prepare to be part of this customer centricity movement and serve in a better way. Being part of the National Control Board of AIESEC Perú is going to be one of the most intense and challenging experiences you are going to live, but also will be a big opportunity for development and growth in your carrier.
1. Q uestionnaire (General and specific): No more than 6 pages and text size no less than 10. 2. CV: Including your most relevant AIESEC experiences and positions, results, conferences attended, etc. 3. Endorsement Letters: From a recent leader (1), and someone you have led (1). Your application package must be sent on time until Wednesday 26.01.2016 , 23:59 (GMT -5) to with copy to If you have any doubts, feel free to contact me at Application Process App Launch 22.01
DDL 26.01
Interviews 27.01|28.01
Results 29.01
Structure For the 2016.1 term, the structure of the NCB will have some changes:
The customer solutions team will be in charge of the education of each network and solve the quality cases that can be presented at level 1 & 2; also the team will be in charge of the network education, track and report of NPS and LEAD assessment of our customers. Finally, they are responsible for the constant contact with the MCVPs of each function in topics related to quality.
Responsible of the implementation of the local CS structures while having constant communication and track with them. Create and execute internal communication campaigns to bring more awareness of the NCB role.
General Questionnaire (All Positions)
Board Development (Functional Questions)
Why are you applying to be member of the NCB of AIESEC in Perú? What makes you the right candidate?
What is AIESEC for you? What role does the NCB plays in this picture?
How would you ensure the correct implementation of CS responsibles in local entities? Please make a detailed plan and timeline for implementation.
What are your personal and professional plans from January to July from the current year? What obstacles you foresee that may hinder your performance as a NCB member?
According to our customer flow, how are we engaged in every step of it as NCB?
How do you think we can become more practical rather than just an educational body?
Prepare a SWOT analysis of the NCB from 2014 until now.
Information Management & Comm. (Functional Questions)
Please provide your opinion in how XPPs are known, respected and fulfilled within the network. What are the main reasons behind the current state?
Please develop a communication plan including channels, frequency and tools which can be used to promote internal communication campaigns (NPS, LEAD Assessment, NCB Role, XPPs), consultancy spaces and educational cycles.
Customer Solutions (Functional Questions) 1.
How can we improve our case solving processes to have a better and fast response? Please take into account firefighting procedures.
Based on previous answer, please identify concrete ways and metrics to evaluate success of campaign during it’s run and once it’s finished.
State the 3 main reasons why your program is having detractors and provide solutions for the three of them.
Create an educational plan for LCs to improve on CEM.
Please name 2 bottlenecks in you opinion which NCB faces in term of communication with the network in order to be more relevant for out entity.