April 2015
William Chapel AMEZ Faithnews Monthly Newsletter
Mark Your Calendar 4.3 Good Friday
Repairing Lives God’s Way… Come Let God Do It For You!
Good Friday is the day when we commemorate Jesus Christ's crucifixion, which plays an important part in the Christian faith. 4.5 Easter Sunday The celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He Lives! Make Your PledgeToday! Supernatural Debt Cancellation But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God; for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth… Lay Council Dues & Information Please See Lester Peck Jr.
From the Pastor’s Desk Words of Encouragement Trouble will come, but you will win. Jesus said “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”. So in this Christian life, don’t press the freak out button when you feel like the bible is not working. Remember, if Christian means being Christ-like then just as Jesus overcame, you will overcome! Yours in Christ,
Pastor Bobby McKenzie JOIN US FOR Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am & Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm Continued on back...
April Birthday Greetings Thinking of you on your special day, wishing you much happiness and may many blessings come your way.
Prayer and Scripture for the Sick and Shut-In
Welcome New Members We are so happy that God called you to our church. Our goal is to make a lasting, positive impression on you and to assist you in becoming planted in the mainstream of our church body. The William Chapel AME Zion ministry is founded on biblical principles. Led by Pastor B.D. McKenzie, our mission is to serve God in the spirit of excellence, and to help meet the needs of humankind through community service initiatives. Thank you for joining us, we’re glad you’re here!
Reminder: We’re Online! Visit Us at www.WilliamChapelAMEZ.org Follow Us on Twitter @William_Chapel @B_D_McKenzie Like Us on Facebook
May God heal your body and soul. May your pain cease, May your strength increase, May your fears be released, May blessings, love, and joy surround you. Amen Psalm 103:1-4 NKJV Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness
Ministry of the Month Children’s Church The William Chapel Youth Ministry, AKA The CIA (Christians in Action), encourages youth to discover and develop a passion for God through unique, fun and creative ways. The Youth Ministry is led by Sis. Theresa Harris and meets 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10am during worship service.
www.facebook.com/williamchapelamez 637 Clinton Street | Montgomery, Alabama 36108 | 334-263-1401 | info@williamchapelamez.org