Accepting emotions

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Accepting emotions

Question # 1 What happens when we accept emotions?

When you stop fighting an emotion, you feel, you meet the emotion more fully and listen to what the emotion is telling you.

Welcoming emotions, which come to you, and letting them flow naturally through you is the foundation of handling emotions skillfully. page 43.

Acceptance means giving permission for the world to be as it is. Only when you stop trying to control the universe can you make peace with it.

Accept your personality and accept where you come from and how you grew up. Show yourself warmth, kindness, and forgiveness. Location 900.

Two people can be in the same situation but feel different emotions. This is because emotions are often caused by our thoughts. Noone else can make you feel an emotion. You have the freedom

to choose what you will feel in a certain situation. pages 10 and 74. minute 13.

Question # 2 What happens when we do NOT accept emotions?

When we ignore or suppress an emotion we feel,

the emotion will become even stronger. Page 13.

When you repress an emotion, the emotion will  the emotion will come back later even stronger,

 the emotion will develop into something else, for example illness. page 30.

Suppressing emotions leads to burnout, lower job satisfaction as well as increased anxiety and depression. Page 130.

When we do not give ourselves permission to feel emotions, we are unable to name the emotion we feel. Page 2.

When we do not give ourselves permission to feel emotions, we are

unable to understand why we feel the emotion we feel. Page 2.

When we do not give ourselves permission to feel emotions we are

unable to explain to others what emotion we feel and why. Page 2.

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