Contents 1. To what extent are you ready to be helped by a coach?
3 2. How can a coach / advisor help you?........................................................................... 4 3. What is on your mind?
8 4. What challenge / problem would you like to talk about?........................................... 11 4.1. What is the real challenge for you?
11 4.2. How important is this challenge for you?................................................................... 13 4.3. What else is the real challenge for you?
14 4.4. Why do you have this challenge / problem?
15 5. What are ideas you have to solve the problem?
16 6. What are your strengths?
18 6.1. What is your talent?.................................................................................................... 18 6.2. What are your values? ................................................................................................ 20 7. What do you need to flourish?
24 8. What will you do? Why? How fast?
28 9. What do you want to learn?
31 10. How do you like to learn?........................................................................................ 33 11. How important is it for you to solve the problem?................................................... 35 11.1. What priority does solving this problem have for you? ........................................... 35 11.2. How active will you be in solving the problem?
36 12. What progress are you making?
37 13. Further sources of inspiration.................................................................................. 38
Questions Answers
To what extent do you trust the coach? 1
To what extent will you respect feedback that the coach gives you?2
To what extent can you invest time in improving yourself?3 great success can bring out the worst parts of our personalities great success can bring out the worst parts of our personalities signs an executive isnt ready for coaching
1. To what extent are you ready to be helped by a coach?
2. How can a coach / advisor help you?
Extent of information given by coach
Coaching style 2
Giving information. Instructing. Teaching.
Coaching style 3 Needs based. Mix of coaching styles 1 and 2.
Coaching style 4
Staying passive. Coaching style 1 Asking questions and listening.
Degree of energy that coachee feels
Advice for coaching style 1
When you have asked a question, be quiet and listen.4
Ask the person what he or she is looking at on the Internet.5
Help the person to create greater awareness about beliefs that over time have frozen into his or her truths.6
Help the person to learn. Unlock the person’s potential to maximize his or her performance.7
Facilitate the exploration of values, needs, talents and competencies.8
The best way that a mentor can create a strong relationship with a young person is through chat.9 page 33 and 155. 5 OMF7e5CVc&
6 think theyre good at coaching theyre not 8 portal/what are coaching and mentoring/ 9 OMF7e5CVc&
Advice for coaching style 3
Adjust your coaching style to the person’s needs. Watch the person do things and find out what the best methods are to help the person.10
Advice for coaching style 4
Let the person decide himself / herself when he / she wants to chat.11
Without someone looking at them, people feel freer to express themselves and less concerned about criticism.”12
10 to coach according to 5 great sports coaches
11 OMF7e5CVc&
12 i learned about coaching after losing the ability to speak
3. What is on your mind?
Questions Answers
What is on your mind?
What else is on your mind?
What do you think a lot about?
When you ask the question “What’s on your mind?” you trust the person, with whom you communicate, to decide what she or he wants to talk about, i.e. what matters to her or him.
As the first answer to the question “What’s on your mind?” may not be the only answer or the best answer, it can be meaningful to follow up by asking the question “What else is on your mind?”
When you stay curious a bit longer to find out what is really going on in the mind of the person, with whom you communicate, you help the person dig a little deeper and get to what is really important for her or him.
Questions Answers
What is the problem?
When and where did this problem start?
For whom is this problem a problem?
4. What challenge / problem would you like to talk about?
4.1. What is the real challenge for you?
Questions Answers
For whom is this problem not a problem?
Is there anything that is positive about this problem? If yes, what?
4.2. How important is this challenge for you?
Questions Answers
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important is this challenge / problem for you?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how sure are you that this is the most important challenge / problem you have?
Why is this challenge / problem important for you?
4.3. What else is the real challenge for you?
Following up by asking a person, with whom you communicate, to elaborate on what else is the real challenge, she / he has, can help the person find out what she or he really wants to put her or his attention to.
Also, it can help the person to prioritize the importance of challenges and define what is particularly important for her or him. Thereby, the question opens up for growth and development.
4.4. Why do you have this challenge / problem?
Questions Answers
What is the reason for problem?
Ask why more times to find out.
Questions Answers
If you had a magic stick, what would you do?
Imagine that a miracle happened during which the situation improved 10 times. Can you please describe the new, improved situation?
What will happen when this problem is solved? What does success look like?
5. What are ideas you have to solve the problem?
A store manager at the supermarket will every day go to every store department such as "fruits and vegetables" and talk to the owners / specialists of the department about performance the day before. They will talk about the following questions:
can we do to increase our sales?
What did we sell?
How many kilos of which products were wasted yesterday? Why?
What can we do to reduce waste?13 13 minute 2.
Questions Answers
What do you think you do really well?
What do people, with whom you work, think you do really well?
What do people, with whom you live, think do you really well?
6. What are your strengths?
6.1. What is your talent?
Questions Answers
What do your friends think you do really well?
6.2. What are your values?
Questions Answers
As a child, what did you love to do? Why?
What was your last moment of true happiness? Why?
Who is the person you care most about? Why?
What have you been most proud of doing in your life? Why?
Questions Answers
What makes you really angry? Why?
Which 1 word says the most about you? Why?
What would you miss the most, if it was taken away from you? Why?
Besides costs for food and rent / mortgage, what do you spend most of your money on? Why?
Questions Answers
Which person do you spend most time with? Why?
What do you love to do the most? Why? Whom do you admire the most? Why?
What part of your personality do you have in common with your father?
Questions Answers
What part of your personality do you have in common with your mother?
When you don’t live anymore, which words would people use to describe who you were? Why?
What in your life is on hold? Why?
When were you at your best?
7. What do you need to flourish?
Questions Answers
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent do you know what is expected of you?
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent do you have inputs you need to do your work?
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
In the last 7 days, how many times have you received praise for doing good work?
Questions Answers
How many people, you work with, seem to care about you as a human being?
How many people, you work with, encourage your development?
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent do your opinions seem to count?
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent does the purpose of the organization, you work for, make you feel that your work is important?
Questions Answers
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent are people, with whom you work, committed to doing quality work?
Do you have a best friend at work?
In the last 6 months, how often has someone, you work with, talked to you about your progress?
How many opportunities to learn and grow did you have at work last year?
Source: free silhouette joy 3566550/
8. What will you do? Why? How fast?
Questions Answers
Which of these problems / challenges matters most? Which challenge will you focus on?
Where do other members of the community, you are a part of, want to go?
Where do you want to go? Why? What do you want to start doing?
What small, visible, easily achievable goal can you set that will help you succeed and get into the habit of winning?
Questions Answers
What will you do now?
What do you want to stop doing?
What exactly has improved about your work / your life, when you reach the goal you set for yourself?
How fast do you want to reach your goal?
9. What do you want to learn?
Questions Answers
Improvement of what skill will have the greatest impact on your professional development?
What do you want to get better at?
If you were the coach for yourself, what would you do to help yourself grow?
What was most useful for you? What did you learn?
Questions Answers
What do you think you can do to become an even better community member?
10. How do you like to learn?
Questions Answers
To what extent do you like to watch?
What do you like to observe / watch?
Whom do you like to observe / watch?
To what extent do you like to listen?
What do you like to listen to? Whom do you like to listen to?
To what extent do you like to read?
What do you like to read?
When do you like to read?
Using which media do you like to read?
Questions Answers
To what extent do you like to write?
What do you like to write?
Using which media do you like to write?
To what extent do you like to try out new things?
What do you like to try out?
To what extent do you like to talk?
With whom do you like to talk?
When do you like to think about what you have learned?
Questions Answers
On a scale from 1 to 100, how important is it for you to solve this problem?
On a scale from 1 to 100, how convinced are you that you can solve this problem?
What makes you convinced?
On a scale from 1 to 100, to what extent can you make this challenge the major focus of your life?
How can you make this challenge the major focus of your life?
11. How important is it for you to solve the problem?
11.1. What priority does solving this problem have for you?
Questions Answers
On a scale from 1 to 100, how high is the probability that you will do what you say you will do to solve the problem?
On a scale from 1 to 100, how open will you be about what you do, how you do things, and why you do things?
What in your life prevents you from learning?
11.2. How active will you be in solving the problem?
12. What progress are you making?
Questions Answers
What is your own view about progress you are making? How is it going?
What is working? What else?
What is not working? What else?
What do friends, you have, say about your progress?
13. Further sources of inspiration weick on renewal.html art of giving and receiving advice great coaches ask listen and empathize kind of homework that helps coaching stick in outside experts to mentor your team leader as coach minute 77. PyL6E