Daoism has shaped Chinese life for more than 2,000 years.
Behind all forms of Daoism stands the figure of Laozi, the author of the Daodejing. The Daodejing was meant as a handbook for the ruler.
Question # 1 How can you avoid pushing?
Active leading by “pushing things forward” is seen as forcing things and therefore considered as violent and conflicting with the way of nature.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 570.
Can you go with the movement of life, for example by not getting involved in useless discussions?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 38.
The Daoist corporate culture is about a non-coercive,
flexible style, which would not work in a hierarchical organization.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 580.
Daoism advocates a laissez-faire approach
to leadership in order for people to flourish and realize their creative potential.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 580.
Can you love people and lead them
without imposing your will?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 37.
Question # 2 How can you learn to see everything as temporary?
The fundamental concept of of Daoism is putting nature at its center. The natural way of things, the dao, is linked with balance and harmony, while its underlying foundation is that of transformation. Transformation is based on the natural cycle of life, where
things come and go. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 562.
The natural and human life is about alternation, reversion and cycles, where things come and go. Hence, one should neither cling too much to the positive, nor be too concerned about the negative aspects, as everything is only temporary.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 568.
Question # 3 How often are you mindful of the present moment?
Can you allow this moment to be as it is?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 37.
Can you – like Forrest Gump – live in a sense of oneness
with the present moment, i.e. accept the moment as it is, help people and not impose anything on the present moment with your ego?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 65.
To what extent are you aware of the sounds
of the birds in the morning?
Question # 4 What do you do to value the small things in life?
The ideal daoist person values the small things.
And by one small step after another, something big is accomplished eventually.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 568.
Question # 5 To what extent is what you do every day selfless?
Nature pursues no personal objective when creating. Accordingly, Daoism is about selfless action without pursuing personal ends.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 571.
Question # 6 How gentle and kind are you?
According to Daoism, one can overcome the hard by being soft, flexible and gentle - just like water overcomes stone by erosion.
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6894545131601506304/ Page 571.
Can you empty your mind of all thoughts
and let your heart be at peace?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 44.
Can you cleanse your inner vision until
you see nothing but the light?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 35.
Question # 7 How can you make more time for stillness?
The first suggestion of Daoism is to make more time for stillness.
When you find the stillness within yourself, you are returning to the source of all life. Stillness is the moment when you are not thinking but are still conscious.
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 54.
Question # 8 How can you feel that your body is alive?
Can you feel that your body is alive?
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 33.
Imagine that you breathe in from your feet.
https://youtu.be/XqvOunmCnOg Minute 33.
Question # 9 How can you discover who you are?
We need to be in touch with our real / true selves. We need to spend time discovering who we are.