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Question # 1

What does holacracy mean?

The word holacracy comes from "holon."

 A “holon” is an autonomous unit that is also an interdependent part of a larger whole.  ”Cracy” means “ruled by.” https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/holacracy


There is no value system in the Holacracy constitution. Holacracy is value neutral.

Holacracy is a rule-based method.

Those rules are documented in the holacracy constitution.




Holacracy is not focused on people. It is focused on internal processes, guidelines and structures.

The word “customer” or a reference to any feedback mechanism from the customer does not appear once in the Holacracy Constitution.

Holacracy arrangements are purely inward-looking and vertical.


Question # 2

What is a role?

Each person has one or more roles.



A role definition includes a purpose / a goal that the person will pursue.

A role is a set of responsibilities for a certain outcome or process. Each role includes authority to make specific decisions. A role can be created, revised or destroyed.



The person with a ”Rep Link“ link in a circle communicates requests from the circle to other circles.

Question # 3

What is a circle?

Each person works in one or more teams called circles.

A circle is a container for organizing roles and policies around a common purpose.

After Zappos implemented holacracy, 150 departmental units evolved into 500 circles.


A circle is a group of “roles” working toward the same purpose.

Each circle operates within the hierarchy.

Each higher circle tells its lower circle or circles what its purpose is and what is expected of it.

A higher circle can do anything to a lower circle, for example change it, re-staff it or abolish it if it doesn’t perform according to the higher circle’s expectations.


Question # 4

What does a circle lead do?

A circle lead may define priorities and strategies for the circle.
A circle lead may  assign any role within the circle to anyone willing to fill it.
cancel an assignment to any role within the circle.

A circle lead may reassign people to other roles.



Question # 5

How must meetings be done in holacracy?

A facilitator of a meeting must use a specific process.


Check-in round: Each participant in turn shares their current state or offers another opening comment. Responses are not allowed.

 Closing round: Each participant in turn shares a closing reflection on the meeting. Responses are not allowed.


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