Ideas for hospitals
Question # 1 How often do you take equipment to the patient?
A respiratory therapist, who works for the University of Colorado Hospital, pointed out that, under certain circumstances, patients would be better served if a portable X-ray machine was brought to them rather than moving them to the machine - even if patients were not critically ill. This idea was implemented in less than a week.
Take testing equipment to the patient - not the other way around.
More than 90% of China’s population relies on poorly funded, low-tech hospitals or basic clinics in rural villages. These facilities has no sophisticated imaging centers, and transportation to urban hospitals is difficult, especially for the sick. When patients can’t come to the ultrasound machines, the ultrasound machines has to go to the patients.
In the emergency department, make sure that every process, movement, and piece of equipment benefits patients.
If that is not so, eliminate it.
Question # 2 Where are sanitizers placed around the hospital?
Sanitizer in door handle
Sanitizer on the wall at patient room
Zollikerberg hospital. Z端rich, Switzerland.
When hospital nurses get tired at the end of their shifts, they wash their hands less often.
Each year in the USA, patients get more than 1 million infections in hospitals while they are being treated for something else.
Survey findings show that health and safety messages should focus on the people who are perceived as most vulnerable. Example of what a sign in a hospital could say: Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases. Source Pink, Daniel: To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others, location 2750.
Question # 3 What things can robots help move from a to b?
At Southmead Hospital in Bristol, automatic guided vehicles deliver meals to patients.
Nurses spend up to 20% of their time wheeling equipment and carts from one location to another or waiting for a cart to arrive.
Self-guided, motorized carts can take on these tasks.
Question # 4 How private are patient rooms?
Private patient rooms are now a standard, accepted design for reducing the transmission of infectious organisms in hospitals.
Top 4 needs of patients at The Johns Hopkins Hospital # 1. Let me sleep. Do not take vitals throughout the night or draw blood between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., unless it is critical. # 2. Keep the noise levels down at the nurses' station. # 3. Don't lose my personal belongings.
# 4. Knock on the door before entering. This shows respect for me as an individual and my privacy.
Question # 5 What kind of lights do you install to heal people better?
Question # 6 To what extent to you use LED lights and light sensors to save energy?
Question # 7 To reduce walking time, where do you place rooms of doctors and nurses?
Patient room
Patient room
Patient room
Patient room
Rooms of doctors and nurses
Patient room
Patient room
Patient room
Patient room
Patient room
Patient room
Question # 8 How often do you use ”quiet rooms” to work?
When they are not serving patients, what if nurses and doctors can also work in �quiet rooms�, for example in patient rooms that are not used / used little.
Further inspiration
Question # 9 How do people, who work for hospitals, communicate?
Further inspiration
Question # 10 To what extent do different types of medicine look different?
Question # 11 How healthy is the food?
Vending machines at hospitals Vending machines today Soda. Chips. Candy.
Vending machines tomorrow Water. Fresh fruit. Healthy snacks.
Hundreds of hospitals in the United States and Europe are replacing the fast-food in their lobbies with farmers’ markets.
Michigan hospital’s organic greenhouse includes healthy fruits and vegetables
Question # 12 What is done with left over food that patients, for whatever reason, do not eat?
Question # 13 What do you think about outsourcing hospital cafes to professional coffee houses?
Further inspiration
Question # 14 Where is the fitness infrastructure?
Sport in a park. Beijing, China.
Contact with nature not only speeds patient healing, it also helps family members and hospital staff more effectively deal with the stress of providing care.
Question # 15 What makes the outdoor experience healing for patients?
Examples of what makes a garden healing # 1: Easy entry to the garden.
# 2: 70% green and 30% walkways and plazas. # 4: Infrastructure that encourage interaction. Example: Games so people can play. Adapted from
A survey by Roger Ulrich of patients recovering from gallbladder surgery showed the following:
Patients with bedside windows looking out on leafy trees healed, on average, a day faster, needed significantly less pain medication and had fewer postsurgical complications than patients who instead saw a brick wall.
Question # 16 To what extent do you use mobile hospitals?
Question # 17 How often do you do homecare?
A report on "recovery-at-home" scheme in England found it could free hospital beds and improve care for patients.
Patient care is moving from the hospital to the outpatient setting and ultimately to wherever the patient happens to be located.
Further inspiration
Question # 18 What about building a fake hospital to test new ideas? is testing new ways of curing people at a fake hospital.
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