Introvert and extrovert

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Introvert and extrovert

Part 1 Questions to ask to find out if a person is more introverted or more extroverted.

Part 2 Personalities who are very introverted. Part 3 Personalities who are very introverted.

Part # 1 Questions to ask to find out if a person is more introverted or more extroverted

Questions In your ideal workday, how many meetings do you attend?


How do you like to get your work done? How do you recharge?

Part # 2 Personalities who are very introverted

Studies show that between 33% and 50% of us are more introvert than extrovert. page 255.

Introverts have a strong inner life, imagination, and a strong creative streak.

It is common for creative people to be introverted.

Creative people tend to be reflective and inner-directed. Rather than depending upon interaction with others to inform their attitudes and responses, they look to their own intuition.

Introverts work slower than extroverts. They prefer to concentrate on a single task at a given time.

Research shows that introverts tend to have larger, thicker gray matter in their prefrontal cortex — a region of the brain that is linked to abstract thought and decision-making. This may be accountable for introverts’ tendencies to sit in a corner and ponder things thoroughly before making a decision.

In general, introverts get their energy from being alone. They feel drained by a lot of social interaction or a crowd.

To get work done, everyone – especially an introverted person – needs private space.

Introverts typically dislike noise, interruptions, and big group settings. They tend to prefer quiet solitude, time to think before speaking or acting, and building relationships and trust one-on-one.

At an event, introverts often speak to fewer people but have longer, more detailed and richer conversations. Those conversations, which often go beyond the superficial, can lead to relationships lasting after the event.

If an introvert, at an event, feels he / she has met somebody, whose company he / she truly enjoys, and has managed to land on a topic of mutual interest, he / she will be very happy to chat. Carl Jung described introverts as “relaxing into extroversion” when they’re in those moments.

Both introverts and extroverts can be adept at public speaking. Whereas an extrovert might afterward want to interact with others in a large group, introverts might feel the need for selfreflection and time alone, such as by taking a walk.

Sharing a meeting agenda a few days before the meeting is helpful for an introverted person because it gives him or her the possibility to think about how he / she wants to communicate his or her ideas rather than having to improvise in the moment.

If you’re an introvert, you’re more prone to being

overstimulated by intense or prolonged social interaction. At that point, reflecting on your thoughts and feelings can help you recharge.

Some of the best public speakers are introverts.

What makes them so great is their ability to focus, their attention to detail, and their ability to speak on a subject that interests them at length.

Speaking has nothing to do with extroversion. It’s a performance, and many performers are hugely introverted.

Who needs an introverted leader?  People who are proactive.  People who take initiatives to introduce changes.  People who champion new visions.  People who promote better strategies.

Introverts make great leaders because of their need to understand, and then respond to, employees.

Leaders, who stay longest at the top of their industries, tend to be quiet and self-effacing types. They are people who put their companies

above their egos and frequently blend into the background.

An introverted leader might be comfortable

listening and carefully considering suggestions from people.

Development tips for people with a very introverted personality  Create time-outs to recharge.  Find an object that reminds you to relax your face.

Many introverts are very curious and love to learn. For every person the introvert meets, he or she can develop this strength of learning by asking himself / herself questions like these:  What can I learn from this conversation?  What makes this person tick?  What can I give?

Compared to extroverts, introverts are much better at listening and thinking before jumping in with their thoughts.

To listen very well to an extrovert, an introvert needs to also respond. Why? Because an extrovert needs an active listener. When an introvert does not respond to an extrovert, the extrovert feels frustrated and assume that the introvert is rejecting the ideas of the extrovert and rejecting the extrovert as a human being.

Part # 3 Personalities who are very extroverted

Extroverts generally get their energy from being around other people.

Extroverts recharge by being social. Extroverts find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone.

Extraversion relates to qualities of self confidence in social settings, assertiveness, and social involvement. &source=bl&ots=lppSqReGKy&sig=JtFPbGY0N9QQRRi-YfvGPh31cBI&hl=en&ei=FgfXTMO2G4zvsgbG2GPCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=social%20competence%20%22five%20f actor%20model%22&f=false

People who are very extrovert tend to smile and wave., minute 5.

Extroverted people don’t mind being the center of attention.

There is no correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.

Extroverts are often at their most creative when talking out our ideas with others. Excellent ideas can come out of such a conversation process.

There is strong correlation between extraversion and individualism.

Sources Hofstede, Geert: Cultures and Organizations, p. 114., p. 68-69, 73.

Extroverts bring the vision, assertiveness, energy, and networks necessary to give them direction.

Sales revenue and degree of extraversion

Pink, Daniel: To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others, location 1108.

Extroverts are quick decision makers. They’re comfortable with risk-taking and multitasking.

Who needs an extroverted leader?  People who are dutiful, passive followers.  People who look for guidance from above.

Extroverts generally tend to more actively participate in larger groups than introverts. This does not mean that they “love people.�

Extroverted leaders are more likely to feel threatened. When employees champion, for example, new ways of doing things, an extroverted leader may feel that her / his dominance / status is being challenged. As a result, the extroverted leader may shoot down suggestions.

An extrovert may be incredibly difficult to know because their “public face” is different from their “intimate face.”

A firm handshake is positively related to being extrovert.

Development tips for people with a highly extroverted personality

 Listen and show you have listened.  When talking, limit yourself to 4 sentences.

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