Who wants to participate in the meeting?
Consider making meetings open / voluntary. Share information about the meeting on a website. Let anyone be able to participate.
Example: http://www.meetup.com/ http://www.mixhackathon.org/hackathon/contribution/all-meetings-default-open http://www.strategy-business.com/article/00278?pg=all
Invite expert contributors to come and present a point of view without attending the entire meeting. Pittampalli, Al: Read this before our next meeting, location 595. http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/strategy/taking_the_bias_out_of_meetings
Once you've got 7 people in a decision-making group, each additional member reduces decision effectiveness by 10%. https://hbr.org/2014/06/yes-you-can-make-meetings-more-productive http://web.hbr.org/email/archive/dailystat.php?date=092810
In decision-making meetings, invite only the people who are necessary for resolving the decision that has been presented. Sources http://www.businessinsider.com/this-is-how-larry-page-changed-meetings-at-google-after-taking-over-last-spring-2012-1 https://hbr.org/2013/12/the-seven-imperatives-to-keeping-meetings-on-track/ http://newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/podcasts/ciscocast_morten_hansen_110909.html
Should you attend the meeting?
The law of 2 feet If you choose to attend a meeting, you must be 1. contributing. 2. learning. http://www.inc.com/chuck-blakeman/great-companies-are-making-all-meetings-optional.html
Using the word “money” instead of “time” when you schedule your week, you’ll be more careful about whether to spend your time in meetings or not.
Every time someone called a meeting, designer Will Wright charged the person a dollar. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204642604577215013504567548.html https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Governance/Leadership/Why_good_bosses_tune_in_to_their_people_2656
Hi Ben, I reviewed the meeting agenda you published. Thank you for involving me. For the following 3 reasons, I do not feel qualified to participate: Adapted from Pittampalli, Al: Read this before our next meeting, location 612.
Based on the information in the invitation, it looks like this meeting is for informational purposes. Would it be possible to get a summary sent out rather than convening a meeting? https://hbr.org/2016/05/polite-ways-to-decline-a-meeting-invitation