Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was born in 1746 in Zürich, Switzerland and died in 1827 in Brugg, Switzerland.
Part # 1 Education is a human right
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi believed in the ability of every individual human being to learn and in the right of every
individual to education. He believed that it was the duty of society to put this right into practice. His beliefs led to education becoming democratic. In Europe, education became available for everyone.
Pestalozzi was influenced by the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose writings on social justice and education had a significant impact.
Part # 2 Focus on needs children have
Due to the contributions of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, more importance was put in education on the interests and
needs of children.
Pestalozzi envisioned schools that were homelike institutions. He believed children need an emotionally secure
environment as the setting for successful learning.
Kindness ruled in Pestalozzi’s schools.
Part # 2 Self-activity
Pestalozzi placed a special emphasis on spontaneity and self-activity. Children should not be given ready-made answers but should arrive at answers themselves. To do this their own powers of seeing, judging and reasoning should be cultivated, their self-activity encouraged.
Pestalozzi perceived education as a form of action which allows
each person to recognize his own individuality and made a creative work of himself.
Pestalozzi designed lessons, by which children examined minerals, plants, and animals and human-made artifacts found in their environment. On guided field trips, children explored the surrounding countryside -
observing the local natural environment, topography and economy.
Pestalozzi wanted the school to combine education with work. The school was to be a production unit so that children could finance their own learning. In doing so, they would be under no obligation to anyone. Furthermore, the school could be free from state interference.
The energy, persistence and courage of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi - sometimes during periods of political upheaval and war - provided a foundation and inspiration for later educationalists such as Maria Montessori.
Part # 4 Education of the head, the heart and the hands
Pestalozzi believed in the importance of an all-round education, an education of the head, the heart and the hands but which is led by the heart.
Since the goal of education is to educate the whole child by balancing between hands, heart, and head, Pestalozzi argued that the knowledge and skills that are most important to learn are: Arithmetic, geography, science, music, drawing, language, and physical education.
Pestalozzi saw arithmetic as the most important skill to learn because it is based on sensory experience. For example, he encouraged mothers to let their children count objects found in the home.
Pestalozzi believed that music would be the key to a moral education because in his words “music speaks to the heart”.
Pestalozzi saw physical education as important. He believed that physical capacity was extremely important in making children flexible and strong.