Question # 1 What is resilience?
Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress - such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.
Collective resilience has to do with how people perceive each other in life-threatening situations: They no longer act as an individual, but as part of a group - a group made up of victims of the disaster. According to this theory, it is still a form of selfishness if you help each other, only that this selfishness is based on an
expanded definition of the self. It is the thought that this situation affects us all. Page 163.
Question # 2 Is the event NOT your fault?
If you can change your explanatory style from internal to
external (“Bad events aren’t my fault”), you can become more resilient.
Question # 3 Do you eat well, get enough sleep and do regular exercise?
Eating well, getting enough sleep, and doing regular exercise can strengthen your body to adapt to stress and reduce the toll of emotions like anxiety or depression.
Question # 4 Do you focus on things you can change?
Focus on the things you can change. Accept the things you cannot change. Minute 8.
If you can change your explanatory style from permanent to
impermanent (“I can change this situation. It is not fixed.�), you can become more resilient.
Resilient children meet the world on their own terms. They are autonomous and independent. They see themselves as the orchestrators of their
own fates.
Question # 5 Are you kind to yourself?
5 minute self-compassion break 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Think of a situation in your life that is difficult and is causing you stress. Feel the stress that you had in the situation. Say to yourself “This is stress.” Say to yourself “Feeling stress is part of life. Other people also feel stress.” Put your hands over your heart and say “May I be kind to myself.”
Focus on what is good in your world. Minute 12.
Ask yourself if what you are doing and/or how
you are thinking is helping you. This gives you control of your decision-making. Minute 14.
Question # 6 Do you accept help from people who care about you?
Accept help and support from people who care about you.
A resilient child has a strong bond with a supportive caregiver, parent, teacher, or other mentor-like figure.