A table combined with a lamp
Questions to ask
What technologies can be combined?
What parts / materials can be combined?
What people can be connected?
Question # 3
What can we add / adapt?
Questions to ask
What ideas outside my field can I use / add?
What products / services can I learn from?
What people can I learn from?
What different contexts can I put my concept in?
Which extra function can be added?
What photo or sound can be added?
What color or form can be added?
Question # 4
What can we modify, maximize, and/or minimize?
Questions to ask
What can be made larger / taller / bigger?
What can be exaggerated / overstated?
What can be made smaller / lighter?
What can be duplicated / repeated?
What can be increased in frequency?
Question # 5
What can we put to other use?
Questions to ask
What else can the product / service be used for?
Who else can the product / service be used by?
How would a child use it? An elderly person?
How would people with diabilities use it?
What new ways are there to use it in its current form?
What other possible uses are there if it’s modified?
Can I use it in other industries?
Can I use it in other markets / places?
Question # 6
What can eliminate / subtract?
Questions to ask
What is unnecessary?
What would happen if it was made smaller?
What would happen if which rules are eliminated?
How can it be made more simple?
How can it me made smaller / lower / shorter / lighter?
What parts can be removed without changing its function?
In which different parts could it be split?
Question # 7
What can we rearrange / reverse?
Questions to ask
What can be moved?
What can be arranged in a different way?
What can be turned / twisted?
What can be reversed / turned up side down?
Further sources of inspiration