What is your strategy?

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What is your strategy?

Question # 1 What is your purpose? What is not your purpose?

Further inspiration

https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/What-is-your-purpose-1438787 https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Examples-of-purpose-2350843

Question # 2 What values do you have? What values do you not have?

http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/archives/2011/01/50_awesome_quot_1.shtml http://www.spu.edu/depts/uc/response/winter2k4/goodbusiness.html

Leadership is a function of questions. And the first question for a leader always is:

Who do we intend to be? Max DePree

A question to ask yourself and people you work with:

Why do we do it this way?


Further inspiration

https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Questions-to-discover-your-values-1329394 https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Human-values-1633047

Question # 3 What do you do? What do you not do?

Strategy is about 1. choosing what not to do. 2. combining what you do in a unique way.


When you think about all the activities you have moved into, to what extent do they make sense together?


Examples of what IKEA chooses to do

Examples of what IKEA chooses not to do

 Clear displays in the stores Having many sales associates which help people serve in the stores. themselves.  Child care services.  Food services at the exit that serve, for example, Swedish meatballs. https://hbr.org/1996/11/what-is-strategy

Joan Magretta: Understanding Michael Porter: The essential guide to competition and strategy.

Strategic positioning means performing different activities from rivals’ or performing activities in different ways. https://hbr.org/1996/11/what-is-strategy


What Southwest Airlines chooses to do and not to do

Seeking out the new and unusual should be the strategist’s aim.



Let’s say you were starting over from scratch. Are the tasks, you do today, the tasks you would you? If yes, why?


Industry attractiveness

Competitive strength


The nature of the product is changing, with many products transcending their roles as material possessions that people own to become services to which they buy access. http://dupress.com/articles/future-of-manufacturing-industry/

Sources http://www.mobility.ch http://stadtrad.hamburg.de

Market growth

Question marks  Select ideas with the largest potential.  Invest in ideas with the largest potential.

Stars  Growth strategy.  Invest to stay innovative and efficient.

Poor dogs  Move out of business area.  Move out of market.

Cash cows Invest money in ”question marks” / new promising ideas. Market share

Adapted from the bcg matrix.

1. What will you do? 2. What will your users and/or suppliers do?


Further inspiration https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Stop-and-start-doing-exercise-1594003

Question # 4 What needs do users and potential users have?

Southwest Airlines defined its target market to include regular bus travelers - people who wanted to get

from point A to point B in the lowest-cost, most convenient way. http://www.strategy-business.com/article/cs00002?pg=all

Broad target

Low cost


Low cost strategy

Differentiation strategy

Narrow target For example certain people and/or countries

Low cost focus strategy Example: How can we make education materials available to young people in Kenya?

Differentiation focus strategy


Further inspiration https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Needs-that-people-have-1530997

Question # 5 Which distribution channels do you use? Which do you not use?



Blogs and other social media / Other digital platforms / Homes of people / Stairs in apartment buildings / Streets / Event locations / Supermarkets and other shops / Office buildings / Production facilities / Schools and universities / hospitals / Sports centers / Train stations / Airports / Buses / Trains / Trams

Users / students / patients

Digital technologies are narrowing the distance between manufacturer and consumer, allowing manufacturers to bypass traditional intermediaries. http://dupress.com/articles/future-of-manufacturing-industry/

Instead of building large stocks of furniture, as its competitors do, MyFab provides a catalog of potential designs.

Customers vote on them, and the most popular ones are put into production and shipped to buyers directly from the manufacturing sites - with no retail outlets, inventories, complicated distribution, or logistics networks. http://hbr.org/2011/05/how-to-build-risk-into-your-business-model

To reduce the time it takes to distribute products to customers, Zara, Dell, and Timbuk2 work with production facilities that are close to end customers. http://hbr.org/2011/05/how-to-build-risk-into-your-business-model

Number of suppliers

Easily substitutable ideas / inputs / materials / products.

Strategic ideas / inputs / materials / products

Non-critical ideas / inputs / materials / products

Bottle-neck ideas / knowledge / materials / products


Value that purchase has for the buyer

Buyer power resources

Buyer dominance

Alliance situation. Collaboration possibility.

Market situation. Independent power position.

Dependency of supplier.


Supplier power resources

Further inspiration

http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/11-advantages-of-using-a-blog-for-teaching http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/channels-to-deliver-health-services

Question # 6 In which markets do you work? In which markets do you not work?

Examples of questions Question Where are users?

Examples In which countries? In which cities? In which parts of a city?

When do users need services?

In the evening? On weekends?


80% of growth is explained by decisions about where to work.


Management’s overriding goal is to position a company and its products where the market opportunity is highest. http://ww2.cfo.com/strategy/2004/02/best-practice-doesnt-equal-best-strategy/

Make choices about where you will play, and where you won’t.


When you go to a foreign market, remember that you are not trying to serve the whole market. You are looking for people who value what you do.

Joan Magretta: Understanding Michael Porter: The essential guide to competition and strategy�, location 2550.

Question # 7 Which types of capital / assets / resources / competencies do you have / need? Which do you not need?

Further inspiration https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/What-types-of-capital-are-you-developing-2244992

Question # 8 How are you rewarded / paid / compensated / praised / financed / funded? How are you not rewarded?

Further inspiration https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/How-can-people-pay-2384341 https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/How-should-people-be-paid-1374105

Question # 9 What external changes are happening that you need to adapt to?

2 questions for you 1. What changes are lasting? 2. What changes are not lasting?


Further inspiration http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/pestel

Question # 10 How will you learn and adapt to changes?

In a world of accelerating change, one of our greatest imperatives is to unlearn - to challenge and ultimately abandon some of our most basic beliefs about how the world works and what is required for success. http://edgeperspectives.typepad.com/edge_perspectives/2015/01/the-big-shift-in-strategy-part-2.html

In a time of accelerating change, learning is essential to success. Whatever we know today is depreciating in value at an increasing rate. http://edgeperspectives.typepad.com/edge_perspectives/2015/01/the-big-shift-in-strategy-part-2.html

Kaiser Permanente is testing new ways of curing people at a fake hospital.


Further inspiration https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Learning-strategies-1487708


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