Suggestions from a consultant Source:
Part A. 1 minute
Person A, the client, presents a challenge / problem, he / she needs advice on, to person B, the consultant.
Part B. 4-6 minutes Person B, the consultant, asks questions to better understand the challenge / problem, that A has – including the reasons for the problem.
Examples of questions What exactly happened? Which events led to the problem? Who did what? How old is that person? What is his/her role? Where did it happened? When did it happen? Why did it happen? How is…. done at the company? Could it be that it happened because..?
Part C. 3-5 minutes
Person B, the consultant, suggests to person A what he/she could do differently.
Examples of questions What if…? What would happen if…? Have you thought of the following possibility:…? How about doing…? Why don’t you….?