Question # 1 What does the word “talent” mean?
Talent is the rate at which you get better with effort. For example, a your math talent is the rate at which you get better at math. This definition of talent allows us to see improvement as a product of both innateness and effort.
Talent is any package of personal characteristics that accelerates the acquisition of expertise or enhances performance given a certain amount of expertise.
Question # 2 How do you know if you have a talent?
A person with a talent is the “go to person� for whatever the person is talented at.
A talent reveals its potential when it moves people.
A talent creates relationships.
Question # 3 How does talent develop?
Talent develops through the interaction of
genes and the environment.
One characteristic, such as extraversion, can develop early, while another characteristic, such as speech production, may lag.
The uneven development of personal characteristics can delay the onset of a talent making it eventually appear to come out of nowhere.
The talent a child displays may transform into
another talent as he or she develops and different genes become active.
Question # 4 What can you do to develop your talent?
Try as many things as possible.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/everybody-is-stupid-except-you/201906/heres-how-talent-actually-works https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/jul/07/can-science-spot-talent-kaufman
Identify things you can be 10 times better at.
Look for things that activate a flow state.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/everybody-is-stupid-except-you/201906/heres-how-talent-actually-works https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/jul/07/can-science-spot-talent-kaufman
Do things that have an extraordinarily positive impact on people.
Do what is unique about you.
Get people around you who can help you get better.
What else can you do to develop your talent?