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TEAL has 3 pillars: 1. Wholeness

2. Evolutionary purpose

3. Self-management

Question # 1

What is wholeness?

In TEAL people ask questions to each other and share personal stories with each other. Thereby, we get to know each other better.

To help people show who they are - including the shy inner voicewe need to create a safe and caring work environment.

In TEAL people take time to quiet their minds.


 Being alone in quiet spaces.

 Breathing.

 Doing stretching exercises.

 Walking in nature.

In TEAL people recognize that every time our fears get triggered, there is an opportunity to learn and growreclaiming aspects of ourselves that we have neglected.

As a person transforms herself or himself, she or he helps to enable a transformation of the external environment.

Question # 2

What is evolutionary purpose?

The evolutionary purpose of a Teal organization reflects the deeper reason the organization exists.
Since the Teal organization truly lives for its purpose, anyone that can help to achieve that purpose is viewed as an ally.

Question # 3

What is self management?

The TEAL way of thinking is based on the foundation that people want to do good work.
As a natural consequence of this, few rules and control mechanisms are needed.
Everybody has access to all information.

In TEAL there are no bosses.

The TEAL way of working is unbossed.

Anyone can make any decision after seeking advice from

1. everyone who will be meaningfully affected, and

2. people with expertise in the matter.

2 people, who have a conflict, solve the conflict like this:

1. In phase 1, the two people sit together and try to find a solution themselves.

2. If the two people can’t find a solution, they nominate a colleague they both trust to act as a mediator. He or she supports the participants in coming to their own solution.

3. If mediation fails, a panel of topic-relevant colleagues is convened.

4. If resolution is not found, the founder or president might be called into the panel.

Sources of inspiration




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