7 tips to help a person through a change
Tip # 1 Listen to how the person feels
Make it possible for people to share their feelings with others.
Hayes, John: The Theory and Practice of Change Management, p. 155.
High energy Angry
Stressed Happy
Upset Sad
Contented Depressed
Relaxed Fatigued
Low energy http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/verslagen/capita-selecta/CS-Zimmerman-Jurrit.pdf
Listening tips http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/listening-tips
Tip # 2 Find out where in the change cycle the person is
7 Reflection and learning 2 Denial
1 Shock
6 Consolidation
3 Depression 5 Testing 4 Letting go Acceptance of reality
Hayes, John: The Theory and Practice of Change Management, p. 151.
Tip # 3 Help the person analyze arguments for and against the change
Encourage the person to do a careful, thoughtful analysis, for and against the change.
Example Arguments for investing in a smartphone
Arguments against investing in a smartphone
Tip # 4 If the person resists change, find out why
Problem analysis methods http://www.scribd.com/doc/34918427/Problem-analysis-methods
Reasons why people resist change http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/5-reasons-why-people-resist-change
Tip # 5 Help the person discover his/her values
Questions to discover values http://www.scribd.com/doc/36200010/questions-to-discover-your-values
Tip # 6 Help the person make a strategy to change
Help the person make a strategy that focuses on realistic goals. Example Setting a goal of changing a few specific behaviors such as less shouting is more effective than focusing on personality aspects such as interpersonal sensitivity, empathy, and sociability.
Tip # 7 Help the person repeat new behaviour
Deliberate practice requires steady, consistent repetition over time, until new behaviors take root in the body as new habit. As Aristotle put it: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.�