Question # 1 What are reasons to trust each other?
People, who work for high-trust organizations are more productive, have more energy at work, collaborate better with people, stay with companies, they work with / for, longer, suffer less chronic stress, are happier with their lives, perform better.
Trust facilitates the exchange and acceptance of ideas. When people trust each other, they share information more.
In the West, the function of trust is to explore and establish possible fertile ground for future opportunities.
In China, the function of trust is to protect and establish feelings of safety initially.
Guanxi is a Chinese concept referring to the tight social networks that shape Chinese society. Almost automatic trust exists between people in the same guanxi, but trust is never assumed outside of it. So distrust becomes a default. Only if one is certain that a new relationship will not threaten, but rather preserve, the interest of one’s closest relationships, will trust then be given.
In the sharing economy / access economy, we want to share access to, for example, vehicles and buildings. Complexities will emerge around risk, discrimination and accountability that will require not just new regulatory and legal frameworks but a different organizational mindset to find a way through.
Inspired from
Question # 2 How competent are you?
A person is trustworthy, if she / he is competent in the relevant matter,
To strengthen trust, be well-informed and knowledgeable about what you do.
Children as young as 4 are more apt to seek and believe information from instructors whom they perceive to be more competent.
The key to good communications is not quantity but quality.
Question # 3 How honest are you?
A person is trustworthy, if she / he is honest.
To instill trust, give honest feedback in a helpful way.
Question # 4 How reliable are you?
A person is trustworthy, if she / he is reliable.
To strengthen trust, keep promises and go beyond what needs to be done.
Question # 5 How openly do you communicate?
Being transparent signals that you trust employees with the truth, even in difficult circumstances.
Speaking up increases trust. 4 things you can do: 1. Congratulate people. 2. Ask for permission to share information. 3. Share information. 4. Offer to help.
To increase trust at, Doug Conant removed the razor wire at the company facilities in Camden, New Jersey, USA. He also re-painted the walls.
When people on a team have begun to interact, trust is maintained by a highly active, proactive, enthusiastic, generative style of action.
Recognition has the largest effect on trust, when it occurs immediately after a goal has been met, when it comes from peers, and when it’s tangible, unexpected, personal, and public.
Question # 6 How much time do you spend on controlling?
Trust and control are indeed opposite. Trust is the expectation of a future behaviour by another party without the ability to directly control their actions, while controls are the establishment of rules to ensure behavioural compliance.
Andrew Maxwell.
Question # 7
To what extent do you share?
The less income inequality, the more people agree that most people can be trusted. Minute 6. minute 6.
Money is the only trust system created by humans that can bridge almost any cultural gap, and that does not discriminate on the basis of religion, gender, race, age or sexual orientation. Thanks to money, even people who don't know each other and don't trust each other can nevertheless cooperate effectively. Although money builds universal trust between strangers, this trust is invested not in humans, communities or sacred values, but in money itself and in the impersonal systems that back it. We do not trust others - we trust the money they have. If they run out of money, we run out of trust. Pages 186-187.
We tend to trust others who we perceive to be similar to us. Why? Because we believe that those individuals will react to various situations in ways that we can understand.
Study shows that on teams that had a high degree of trust, power had been shifted among the members depending on the stage of the project.
Question # 8 To what extent do you show vulnerability?
Trust arises when I dare something beyond security, for example when I - as a manager - ask for feedback or admit that I don't know something.
Antoinette Weibel.
In deciding whether to trust someone, we focus on 2 basic questions. 1. Do they have the values to do the right thing?
2. Do they have the skills to do the right thing?
In stable times, trust was backward looking. It was clear what was required to solve a problem in a specific domain, and one could assess skills a person had to solve the problem by analyzing performance in the past.
As we move into more unstable times, trust becomes less about skills and more about values. Why? 2 reasons 1. In environments, which are changing, skills that a person had to solve a problem in the past become less relevant. 2. What increasingly matters is finding answers to new questions, i.e. finding innovative solutions to unexpected situations. In this process, it
is about continuously learning and finding knowledge that often from distant and unexpected domains. 3. Expressing vulnerability becomes increasingly important. People, who pursue a passion, have this ability.