Ewere 1 Frank E. COM 3500 4/24/15 Instructions on how to create envelopes in Word 1. Create a set of data in Microsoft Excel. Include several placeholders like “First_Name,” Middle_Initial,” “Address01,” etc… These placeholders should be included in the top row of the excel spreadsheet. 2. Open up Microsoft Word and go to tools and click envelopes. Then click ok so an envelope appears. 3. In the return address box the return address. 4. In the delivery address box, drag the placeholder field you previously create (first name, address, etc..) and put them in the order that fits the style of an envelope. To do this open up the mail merge manager (under tools). 5. Open up the mail merge manager again and go to complete merge. Select the first printer option under complete merge and save the file as a pdf and a word file. 6. You may also add a logo if you deem it necessary.