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28. Student Complaint Policy and Procedures
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28. Student Complaint Policy and Procedures
The college has an obligation to provide an avenue for students to share concerns, to identify problems, and to appropriately address areas of concern. Federal regulations and accreditation agencies require policies specific to a variety of concerns. Additionally, the College must track significant concerns and monitor the quality of our services.
Franklin College strives to address student concerns in a prompt and responsive manner. The purpose of this policy is to outline the processes by which Franklin College students can register concerns and complaints and seek redress. Students have multiple ways to express concerns either informally or formally as indicated below. This document also provides a process for reporting and tracking concerns that are not addressed by or remain unresolved after exhausting other existing procedures.
Initial Steps to Resolve Concerns
(1) Members of the Franklin College community are first encouraged to address difficulties and resolve conflicts that arise directly with the parties involved. (2) The next step for resolving a concern is generally to approach the supervisor responsible for the area related to the concern. (3) Should this prove unsatisfactory or inappropriate for resolving a specific concern, a student may file a formal complaint as outlined later in this document. Most student concerns are governed by one of the college’s established procedures. Before filing a formal complaint, a student is expected to seek resolution through the channels as explained in the following section.
Established Policies and Procedures for Addressing Student Concerns
Information can be found in several different locations regarding the policies and procedures in each of the following areas:
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• Academic Records and Privacy
See the academic policies section of the college catalog for the full FERPA policy which can be accessed at: http://franklincollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/20172018AcademicCatalog.pdf
• Academic Integrity
There are specific procedures for students who wish to dispute an academic decision which can be found in the academic policies section of the college catalog at: https://franklincollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/PDF-2018-2019-Academic-
• Admissions
Every student has the right to one appeal of an admission decision. You may do so through your admissions counselor or by contacting the Office of Admission at 1-888852-6471; admissions@franklincollege.edu.
• Athletics
See the Student-Athlete Handbook for more information on the grievance policy in
Athletics at Franklin College. http://static.psbin.com/5/i/yo7o91fymuoxwj/201718_Franklin_College_Student_Athlete_Handbook_Final.pdf).
• Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct
Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct are addressed through the procedures found on the Franklin College website at: https://franklincollege.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/08/2020-8-14-final-procedures.pdf
• Disability Services
A student with disability should first contact the Assistant Dean for Academic Services when accommodation-related concerns arise. More information on the formal complaint process is also available on the Disability Services web page, or by calling or emailing the Academic Resource Center at (317) 738-8288; arc@franklincollege.edu.
• Residence Life
Concerns related to various aspects of Residence Life can be submitted by email (Resdidencelife@franklincollege.edu) or by phone at (317) 738-8080. The concern will be routed to the appropriate parties for response.
• Financial Aid
Prospective and current students have a right to request a review of a financial aid decision. To request such a review, contact the Financial Aid Office at (317) 738-8075 or by email at finaid@franklincollege.edu.
• Student Conduct and Campus Life
Concerns related to student conduct may be referred to the Dean of Students Office by calling (317) 738-8080.
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• Tuition, Fees, and Student Accounts
Complaints and concerns regarding handling of and decisions about tuition, fees, and student accounts should be communicated to the Business Office (317) 738-8031.
Student Formal Complaint Process
The formal complaint process governs concerns that are either 1) not addressed by or (2) not resolved through any of the established policies described in the previous section. A student who feels that he or she has been treated unfairly or unjustly by any employee has the right to file a formal complaint. Complaints may be submitted by a student currently enrolled, a person enrolled in the previous academic year, an alumnus who earned a degree from the institution in the past 12 months. Complaints may be filed up to 120 days from the date of the incident.
Complaints may not be filed anonymously and may not be submitted by a parent, relative, employer or the public, etc. (even if related to astudent).
For a complaint to be considered it must: • Be signed by the student submitting the complaint • Be submitted in writing • Include nature of the complaint and college department/employeeinvolved • Outline the steps taken previously to resolve thecomplaint • Express the desired resolution • Be delivered via email to studentcomplaints@franklincollege.edu
Complaints received at this email address will be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Development who will assess whether the reported concern conforms to the criteria for a formal complaint outlined above. If it is determined to constitute a complaint, the complainant will be informed of that. The complaint will then be forwarded to the college official(s) best positioned to handle the concern. The official(s) will consider the complaint and respond in writing to the student generally within 30 calendar days of the submission of the complaint with recommended appropriate resolution. The Vice President for Student Development will keep a record of student complaints.
Institutional Record of Student Complaints
Complaint information that is tracked: • Date complaint received • Student(s) identified in complaint • Nature of the complaint • Steps taken to resolve the complaint • Final decision or action taken by college • Any external contact initiated by the student
Franklin College will maintain and annually review this record of student complaints. Giving attention to patterns of complaints will allow for improvement in college operations. This review will consider: • Total number of complaints received • Types of complaints received by generic category • Total number of complaints referred to external agency for finalresolution • Summary of complaints, actions taken, external referrals make
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