Building Management. Our experience matters.
Our experience matters.
At Frasers Property Building Management, we believe that experience matters, and we pride ourselves on delivering high quality products and services that meet the ever-evolving needs of businesses and communities everywhere. We strive to ensure that our products and services are guided by insights into the needs of our customers and create environments that our customers can thrive in. An unwavering respect for people, partnerships and collaboration has always been the foundation for how we conduct ourselves. Our legacy of strong leadership and expertise, commitment to progress, and belief that experience matters at every moment is key to our continued success.
13 10 25 I Cover Image: Discovery Point, NSW
Who we are.
Our specialist staff are experts in their field, and will work in partnership with you to deliver an extensive range of personalised services that meet your precise requirements, for maximum value, efficiency and client satisfaction.
Gavin Lawless Manager, Frasers Property Building Management
At Frasers Property Building Management, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver a comprehensive range of services that will exceed your expectations. As part of the world leading Frasers Property group, Frasers Property Building Management’s portfolio currently comprises over 4, apartments and over 60 retail and commercial premises. We have a reputation for a proactive professional approach and personalised customer service earned over the past 15 years. We understand the need to protect and grow the value of your assets by anticipating all your maintenance and management needs and preparing accordingly to ensure a hassle-free environment and real peace of mind for all stakeholders. This, plus our many years of experience in building and asset management in Australia, along with our specialist knowledge and a collaborative, partnership approach, means that you can have confidence that your assets are in good hands, always.
Our portfolio.
Frasers Property Building Management currently comprises ƉIWHHQ KLJKO\ H[SHULHQFHG 6HQLRU %XLOGLQJ 0DQDJHUV $VVLVWDQW %XLOGLQJ 0DQDJHUV DQG VXSSRUW VWDƄ GHOLYHULQJ DQ H[WHQVLYH range of services for both residential, retail and commercial SURSHUWLHV LQ D UDQJH RI OHDGLQJ FRPPXQLWLHV ULJKW DFURVV 16:
Discovery Point, Wolli Creek NSW
Clemton Park Village, Campsie NSW
Central Park, Chippendale NSW
Residential: 1918 apartments Retail: 32 retail lots Only 10km from Sydney’s CBD, Discovery Point is chic apartment living within an exclusive parkside, cityside and waterside location with an on-site train station.
Residential: 746 apartments Retail: 11 retail lots A vibrant residential village in the heart of Sydney’s Inner West, only 13km from the CBD. The perfect place to live, shop and play.
Residential: 787 apartments Retail: 14 retail lots Sydney’s new downtown destination where a global collaboration of architects and artists have created an exciting urban village.
Putney Hill, Ryde NSW
Centrale, North Ryde NSW
Tailor’s Walk, Botany NSW
Residential: 305 apartments A newly established community offering luxury homes, terraces and apartments in a peaceful neighbourhood with Lardelli Park at its heart.
Residential: 380 apartments Retail: 3 retail lotT Designer apartments combined with a vibrant urban lifestyle all just one stop from Chatswood and 13km from Sydney’s CBD.
Residential: 436 apartments Retail: 1 retail lot Only 10km from Sydney’s CBD, Tailor’s Walk is a vibrant community tailor made for the Eastern Suburbs lifestyle.
Our portfolio is always expanding with new residential, retail and commercial SURSHUWLHV DFURVV 16: Ed.Square, Edmondson Park NSW
0LGWRZQ, Macquarie Park NSW
3FTJEFOUJBM BQBSUNFOUT Stylish apartments, terraces and townhomes in a diverse urban neighbood with a brand new town centre adjoining the Edmondson Park train station.
An integrated community that blends best practice urban design, iconic architecture and world leading sustainability into a world-class residential neighbourhood.
10 reasons why you should choose Frasers Property Building Management.
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Experience matters Frasers Property has been developing and managing property in Australia since 1924. Our Building Management division has been operating as a dedicated, specialist entity for over 15 years and currently manages over 4, 0 apartments and over 60 retail and commercial premises.
Track record of success We have successfully maintained and renegotiated contracts across a number of sites for over 15 years now.
Advanced technology and systems
Communications experts
Access to resources and networks $V D FOLHQW RI )UDVHUV 3URSHUW\ \RX EHQHƉW from gaining insider access to Frasers’ extensive worldwide resources, expertise and networks.
Understanding and personalised service
A dedicated approach
As part of one of Australia’s leading GLYHUVLƉHG SURSHUW\ JURXSV ZH XQGHUVWDQG all aspects of the business, including your VSHFLƉF UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG FDQ WDLORU D service agreement that precisely suits your needs and your budget.
2XU VWDƄ DUH KLJKO\ H[SHULHQFHG DQG committed individuals who undergo extensive training to enable them to work proactively to exceed client expectations. Honesty, transparency and understanding the client’s needs is an important part of our culture at Frasers Property, and we expect our Building Managers to treat their work place as they would their own home.
As a client of Frasers Property you can be assured that we are continuously following the latest trends in technology advancement and constantly seeking new opportunities to improve service and cost savings.
Our extensive property industry experience means we understand the critical importance of timely and clear communications with all stakeholders and the broader community on all issues RI VLJQLƉFDQFH VXFK DV VHUYLFH GLVUXSWLRQV maintenance and general building or development notices.
Commitment and client focus Our entire team is customer focused and works hard to ensure that your assets are managed and maintained to the highest possible standard. This commitment FRPPHQFHV GXULQJ WKH ƉQDO FRQVWUXFWLRQ phase when our Building Managers are inducted to ensure they fully understand how the building is constructed and to familiarise themselves with all service contractors prior to the building being occupied.
Budgets and cost control As building management professionals we realise the importance of budgets and cost FRQWUROV DQG SURIHVVLRQDO DQG HƇFLHQW DFFRXQWLQJ DQG ƉQDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQW LV DQ LQWHJUDO SDUW RI RXU RƄHULQJ :H DUH DOZD\V VWULYLQJ WR LPSURYH HƇFLHQFLHV DQG UHGXFH costs.
Ability to adapt We live in a fast changing world and that’s why we place great importance on our ability to look ahead, innovate and adapt to meet the ever-evolving needs of your operation.
For more information: Call Frasers Property Building Management on 13 10 25 or visit