Minnippi Quarter Design Guidelines

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Home Design Guidelines D E SIG N GUIDE LINE PRINCI PLES This document is to be used as a guide for the design and construction of houses as part of the Minnippi Quarter development. Design innovation over and above the requirements outlined within this document is encouraged, and we welcome the opportunity to discuss how thoughtful design innovation can correlate to quality housing and living outcomes, enhancing the lives of the home owner. These guidelines should be considered in conjunction with Brisbane City Council building requirements. These guidelines have been developed to promote:

A consistent, contemporary architectural design aesthetic and high standards of quality

Landscaping which is complementary to the overall appeal of the Minnippi Quarter development

Climate and site responsive design

AP P R OVA L PR OCE SS In order to construct your home, a house design information package must be provided including the completed key considerations checklist and the following documentation: House plans and elevations including material and colour tags E xternal material and colour schedule (applicants must provide details of all exterior materials, colours and textures for assessment) Landscape plan This package must be submitted to mq-drp@frasersproperty.com.au Please ensure your subject line contains “Minnippi Quarter - Lot XX, Street Name”. This approval does not constitute a building approval or compliance with building regulations. Upon obtaining Design Approval from Frasers Property, a building permit must be obtained from Brisbane City Council or a private Building Certifier before construction can commence. Frasers Property will endeavour to assess proposals in the shortest possible time, generally within ten business days of receiving all required information for the application. Approved plans will be signed off and returned to the applicant or their nominated agent.

D E SIG N S UBMI SSIO N REQ U IREMENTS We have read, understand and agree to comply with the Minnippi Quarter Design Guidelines. Buyers name/s Lot # Signed


Email Dated

1. G ENERAL ARCHITECTURAL AT TRIBUTES It is expected that proposed dwellings built as part of the Minnippi Quarter development will incorporate architectural attributes consistent with a contemporary design aesthetic to maintain quality streetscape presentation. KE Y CONS IDERAT IO NS CH ECKLI ST VARYING FAÇ A DE S Duplication of façades will not be permitted side by side. Variations in roof line, entry design, colour scheme and materials are necessary. Primary and secondary façades (where applicable) must include elements that provide interest including: • • • •

Recessed or projecting balconies, porches or verandahs Stepped rooflines Eaves/overhangs Well-proportioned windows I N C LUS ION OF E AVE S

Eaves are required to be a minimum of 600mm. H A BITA B LE ROO MS Dwellings must provide at least one habitable room facing the street, for example a bedroom or living room. COVERED ENTRY Dwellings must have a clearly defined entry point visible from the street. Dwellings must incorporate at least a porch, verandah or covered entry with a minimum depth of 1.5m from the front door. PA S S IVE S URVE I LL ANCE The façade area facing the street or public area is to include sufficient glazing to allow for passive surveillance. A minimum of 10% is required (excluding front and garage doors). ROOF F ORM Roofing must be of a scale and form representing contemporary Queensland architecture and design. Roof materials are to consist of either metal sheeting or low profile roof tiles. Roof designs will be assessed on architectural merit. Hip and gable rooves are to be a minimum of 25 degrees. Skillion rooves are to be a minimum of 5 degrees and a maximum of 15 degrees.

2. EXTERNAL MATERIALS AND FINISHES All homes must reflect a contemporary design aesthetic. Natural earthy tones to reflect the natural surroundings mixed with crisp base colours are encouraged. Unfinished and highly reflective materials and vibrant colours are discouraged.

C HOIC E OF MATER IAL S A suitable mix of contemporary and natural materials is encouraged. Source materials with third-party certifications to ensure the environmental and social impact is considered (e.g. FSC certified timber ONLY – the use of Merbau timber is not permitted as it is not a sustainable timber). B R IC KWOR K (WHER E AP P L IC AB L E) Single height feature brick to the front and secondary street façades is to be applied with coloured mortar and raked joints (plain and grey mortar not permitted to this area). Unfinished ‘commons’ bricks are not permitted.

3. GARAGE DOORS AND DRIVEWAYS In general, garage doors must be tilt up, panel lift or roller doors finished in a complementary or contrasting colour lighter than the adjacent wall colour. Garage doors cannot constitute more than 60% of the building façade. KEY CON SID ER ATION S C HEC KL IST D ESIG N CON SISTEN C Y Garages and carports must include roof design features consistent with the form and materials of the main dwelling. ASP HALT Asphalt is not a permissible material. D R IVEWAY STAN DAR D Crossovers are to be designed and constructed in accordance with Brisbane City Council requirements. D R IVEWAY COMP L ETION Driveways and crossovers are to be completed prior to occupation of the dwelling.

4. STREET BOUNDARY FENCING AND GATES Transparent front boundary fencing including gates used in conjunction with front boundary ‘soft’ landscaping is an effective way to enhance streetscape and appeal. Low, visually permeable front fences are encouraged and increase the opportunity for: • Dwellings to be visible from the street • Front boundary landscape to ‘soften’ the streetscape • Surveillance of the street to improve security and increase pedestrian comfort

Colour schemes and material choices will be assessed on architectural merit and if deemed appropriate may be approved.



Fence height must not exceed 1.5m.

ROOF F INIS HES AND CO LO URS Light coloured roof materials are recommended to keep your home cooler during summer months. We recommend selecting roof materials with a Solar Reflective Index (SRI) above 50.


F EN C IN G TR AN SPAR EN C Y Front boundary fencing greater than 1.2m in height is to apply at least a minimum of 50% transparency to the complete length of front fence. Transparent metal gates may constitute part of the 50% transparency. F EN C IN G MATER IAL S The fence must be constructed of materials, and use colours, that are complementary to those of the associated dwelling’s façade (i.e no Colorbond®).


SALES & DISPL AY CENTRE 193 Fursden Road, Carina Qld 4152

• 13 38 38 mquarter.com.au

• @minnippiquarter @minnippiquarter

An approval issued under these design guidelines is not an approval under the requirements of the building act, or any other act or regulation. The documents provided have not been checked for compliance with any structural, health, or planning requirements, or for the suitability of the building for the use to which it may be put. Accordingly Frasers Property Australia, it’s architects, and/or its employees or representatives do not accept any responsibility for the suitability or soundness of construction of the completed buildings or the associated site development works. MINNIPPI QUARTER

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