Life and work Luis Amigó. No. 08

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January 2015

Life and work Apostle of Youth

C a u s e o f B e a t i f i c a t i o n N e w s l e t t e r

Luis Amig贸 the man who trusted God Pilgrimage to the shrine of Puig

Fray Luis organized a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Puig, patroness of the province of Valencia on May 22, 1884, the day of Our Lady of the Assumption. It was attended by about five thousand pilgrims from different congregations led by their respective brother minister. The pilgrimage ended with the celebration of Holy Mass and the imposition of a flag to the Blessed Virgin as a souvenir of the celebration. Luis Amig贸, conciliator between the mayor and the parish priest of Alboraya Fray Luis fondly recalls how he managed to reconcile the mayor and the pastor of Alboraya with the sermon of forgiveness enemies. The event allowed to join again the population who was divided by discord between the two authorities.

The activity ended with a tour of the town where they unveiled the miraculous gesture made by Fray Luis Amigo. A great achievement in Punta Ruzafa Fray Luis also remembered as milestone preaching at the closing of the feast of the Immaculate Conception. On that occasion he heard the demoralization that caused the inhabitants called "dance torrent" and immediately took action to prevent the continuation of the show in town. Through a sermon he managed to dissuade the organizers of the show to carry on achieving the conversion of their hearts.

No. 8

Cause of Beatification Newsletter

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1. Fr. Luis Amigo was the founder of agricultural unions solsona. 2. The novitiate house St. Joseph, of Godella Valencia, was occupied on July 25, 1936 by militants. 3. On the 1st of September 1922 the P Luis Amigo takes possession of the church of Santa Maria in order to rebuild it. And on the November 29, 1925 he celebrated the first mass after being rebuilt. 4. On June 15 and November 2, 1878 P Luis Amigo wrote with his own blood the vote of souls for which he dedicated to complete all works and merits to the souls in purgatory.

News in briefs: High-level delegation visits the Vatican

The Amigonian family organizing in function of the Beatification

During the past days Sister Yolanda Arriaga, Superior General; Sister Arelys Martinez; Sister Cecilia Pasquini; and Father JosĂŠ Oltra, Vicar General of the Brothers met with Cardinal Angelo Amato, responsible for the Causes of Saints.

The purpose was to remind the Cause of our Father Luis Amigo is alive, also took the opportunity to inform the campaign about the collection of signatures and delivered a letter requesting the Beatification of our beloved founder Father. He was very pleased attending us with a true love of the Father and pastor.

With a great success we close the global campaign to collect signatures arriving from more than 25 countries documents in which ecclesiastical authorities, female and male religious congregations, Laity, cooperators, Zagales and other friends and collaborators demonstrated the prompt Beatification of Father Luis Amigo. More than 90,000 signatures delivered to the general postulator Father Carlo Caloni, Capuchino on Saturday, 20 December, to be subsequently delivered to the Vatican to make part of the process that is being developed at the Holy See. 2

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